Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 04, 1881, Image 1

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    VOL. -XII.
Territory of Great TorUllty, aa
Large aa Mew England open
to Immigration.
Lutein Oregon in a much more cxtt-iialve
legion than Fouttm Washington, but has at
tracted lc attention of latu than the latttr
because It lloa more uinotu from transporta
tion facilities. 'I Im steamers which reach thu
tinner Columbia anil Snake rilel liml thu
if product of thu Walla Walla niid l'nlnuu
'I'.-ll -!.!.... ... f. :..!. Il I....I ..1,11..
aui')s wnitiii tuinivni. nivm ini,i ,,,,,.
the agricultural area of Lutirn On gun, cx
etpt In Northi ru Wnco ami Umatilla cntiti.
tin aro no distant a liaully to Justify extend,
rd iroiluction. Immigration also, sc-tk a
country nc treat to tranaportition, no the set.
tlemtnt or r.uurti iv nsiiingion nw oimo
j,onu on nioru inpidly than in the couiitic of
Oregon to tlm hniithwaiii. .Mine nit necu
written nbout Washington than Oregon be
came the Northern Paeillo ban an imincnsu
lincl grant thatlicNin that toiiiitiyi coveting
it but agricultural lands, ami ban Ixeii mix
ion and Milling to make it iidvnutai.'i
known, when a tho Kiplu of Oregon hae
duno nothing to iniiuiragu Inunwration, ami
the Oregon anil California railroad, whine
grant lien in Wiatuii Oregon, wan nnlv inter
ested in attracting attention to thu Veitern
valley. So e enter upon tho work of tics
cribing lantern Oregon with no published
statement prepiretl, to consult, anil hive to
work the inatttrup from cm runt fact and
material anil from our own perxonal experi
ence, but foi tun itely, iluring pant )cnr, wu
have traversed nearly all thi country, ami
aru moderately familiar with it contour, it
ri-auurce of all klud, and so speak with a
measure of cotitlilencit of whit we h.tvtt si-en
i and uxnnc-ncml in person.
Ouly a levy year ago thu Willamette valley
was Oregon, but heiu i one single county
Kat of tho Cascade w hich hi nu an-n eiU il
to that of tho nine counties of tho Willamette
valley and must contain l.inda.iilablu for tit-
Kiiti-qual to half thu fanning land of the
Willamette. A Touch estimate of tho domain
of Waco county aliow tlut it contain at
Ua.it eight millions ol acre, it n iiaiuraiiy
divided into dlitrict. a follow! Tlm stream
that havu their rnu near Mount Hood and
(tour into tho Columbia or Do Chute river,
reaching from the Ciwcadu mountain to tho
' 0m Chute, and from the Columbia on the
North to thu Wann Spring Indian n-acrva-on
the .Smith, with Dalla City for it ceiitirt
wo call thi the Dalle ilnttrict. Another lo
cality, bordering the Columbia and reaching
from thu Dei Chute river to Umitilhi count),
we will call tho John J).vy litnct. The .Mid
dle dUtrict include Antelope deck, Trout
creek. Hay creek and Willow creek, that
pour into the Deachutt, and other stream
that head with tin m and pour their water
e&atwnad to .1 ohn D ly river, "South of thin
lie thu Ochoco ilUtru-t.w ith Printwv ille for it
center; containing a good deal of excellent
land now utilized for tock range, with limited
farming operation to supply thuhouiudfui.ind
and gold mini that are worked to tho Kat
ward among the spur of thu llluo mountain.
The Dallui district coiiimence nt Dalli
City and contain alrt idy considerable popu
lation and livenilhd intort-Hta. DillnClty
list under and upon n Idull an 1 ia u pi tie of
gnat iuipjrtauce, a it ban an uxteulie tr.idu
with Klickitat and Yakima to thu North, anil
with the lent of Waaco and (inut coiiutit to
thu South Itcontaiu t-eiiral thoii'nud in
lutbitant, In nuny chsnmug lestdencc anil
it luck street iiru bc-iiitiful with loliigr,
while the huainot ortioii of the touii I
building up hi a nuhxUutial form Hick of it
are hich hill, and from tin erv highest of
thcau hill thero look down upon th- town a
i splendid faun of .VX) ncru. owned bi Mr
lllinl, who hi tliut ilemon.tiatcil tint thu
I lull limit of dr, Kutirn Oregon lau 1 nude
tery valuiblu f ir protliiktion of (rraln, hay,
fruit and e"eUble He lt humour cut
Jit wlu.it jrr&u and mile ln of it Ihviuo it
w,i inuit pretittblu to do ao, Settler at all
c.uly iU) miilu tlit ir home upon all thu
irrek to utilirv the iiiteuunn lull fur pas
turage, but the lull haw prnied to Iwaiail
ahlefurprai.tu.il agiuulturi ILu.k to the
Tjgli rim "all the imtuiuw wire iltimeil
tinity j tin ago, lint u! li'i we Imirthit
tcttlera are miklii.' ho ni- on thr hl.'h plat
cm. l.it .''pnn we hid a letter, and pull
lihtl it, houiug tint thu Oik drovo coun
try, and the Tiniiiciiui aettleiuent, Niutb of
rign valley, oueroii mucli g i lin-l to
mirzr.int. ami people l lit re wtui.r mix-
i )ii to feat im coui-M well Wu inaUiiCH
thu to how tlut l"'ii" can be f lumLoug kA
Uml, within caiy itiU of u nuportiut a
place a Italbu Citi Tin re aru many wealthy
.atock men aud farmer in thi part ot Waacu
ciiuiijr. ifuiur jinjuitr iwip iiirir antep
riutb on Fifteen Mi! creek aud their Summer
and Fall paature la an exteuaire awjmp laud
uU'iui, on U'Qch of the mountiiu, at the
UiMiof Mount Hood. ZM
The Johu Dty Diatiivt couaut olupluida,
horvlenng the Columbia an I extending .v.iili
tifty mile between the waten of Dea Chute
and John Day over, and Kit to the Uiund
ary of Umatill i county. Col. T S Iiug,
ho ba iutereaU in thia atvtion, repreti-nU
the .oil as excellent, a very good gnu coun
try over all that diat-vu-e. The bunch era.
griwa-vigoroualy almoit Iroin the lunk of
. tlie uoiumout nver ami u i iiiauy ffn ior
E !.. IvVuavu ur.l., u ff.,,,,tl IhitrM ll ,..
oJtoiu land. Water comnt ntar the nurfatv
in many place ami can lie eiiiiy nm i tug
fiii. 8onn; are more abundant than ww
tappoMil la be the caae at aa early day. Well
have Ik-u dug ten mile from lue CulumMa.
ipinJtn Hollow l he n'ie ion will nxin
tl aa to the produatireneaa of thr a il
' cu tb" nnlaoda a tho IUVk ranch, wbii r
ha been d 'ccrilifd in our column, i iu thi
diatrict. Thia ranch i located nt the junction
of tho Columbia and John Day river and
contains over t0,000 aeri, and i taken up by
a comtiany of enterprising men with a icw to
co-opcratlio farming on a large ncale. If thl
octinn prole a availab u a i hoped, it will
allotd hoiiu for thoilundaof families. Thirty
Miluittek, whi 'hi nrjirthe Umatilla line,
la Hettbd it whole length and i ngool farm
Ingioiintrv, llock creik, which emptii into
the John Day mer, ha a rich vallej, tettled
thiiklj for thirty mile, extending tonnrds
the lllue mountain in Umatilla county. Col.
Ling, w ho i it homo iu this region, infonni
u that puoplu ruisj only what they need for
home Hiippl), but hale not grown fnrni pin
dint to ncml abroad owiui'to thu ilillicnlty
of te idling market aud lici.uiHe xtotk miking
haaatwaiN In'iu more piiilltible than farm
rop. They will grow grain oxtt nan ely when
ttaunportatiim i perfect! d to intouragcit
l'lio Bchnitu; of the Oregon ltailu ay and N'jv
igution I'oinpmy include branch lint to
bring a I the rich, farming country along the
limn urn inuun lor two inimiriii milts, into
connection with the mer and their main
trunk lino i f road,
Thu Mlddlu District of Waaco county
rcicluHfrniu tho lbs Chute river to the lllue
uiouii'iiiii and la more than large u-ioiigli to
constitute u gnat u unty of itself, A glance
at the nnp will show that it i will watered
by streams miming into lioth thu IKaChuti
and John Di) Ultra. It haa thriling Mi
lage; Willooghh), Antelope, Bridge ctcck
aru trailing point ami tlm country I well
adapted to agriculture, through its whole ex-t-nt,
but tnrmi'i operation are ehiclly re
atilcted to supply nig the local demand. The
country ia devoted toatock racing, nnd there
fore spaisdy wttltd upon, Wheiieier lull
iimiIs can leach Miibllti Wasco, and eucoiiragu
tarniiugnml ibuser settlenicnt in thia will
watered region, the ivitilt will lie a magical
ehiugii Horn i.iatiiiiil to aitiiu farm life. Col.
I.tug Iu Msiteil tin region and r'retnt it
ua Mieaiug mini desirable ipialltle th.it
will ileveloH v.lieii tiiinsportntioii I hsi
ble. One of the moat promising portion of J'.ut
el u Oregon la the OchiMti district, located on
the bniln.hr of Crooked nier, the Southcnat
cm folk of tho De I'huti. Till iviou lias
I'lincoille for it trade center, n tnriiii
plicu wub Henrnl hiindied inh.ibit.inti, a
ucwMperuml a brik tnulo with thu coiiutiy
nnd inining district in the- Southwestern
spur of the llluu inouutalua.
One gru.it ndvantagu dallied fur nil tho
country ninth of thu Columbia i tint thu
Winter aru inilib r aud stock do much bettcr
in auieru siawm thin Ninth of the Coluuibi i.
For thi re.iMou Middbi Wasco I desimhlu a
a stock country and miniu of thu moat rucceaa
fill stock men we hale aru to lo found in
('rant and Waaco coiiutlc. Ntn ember '.'ilth
we published n letter from Dr. I Vaudcr
pool, an old renb nt of Crookisl ltiier alby,
which will bo upioduccsl III thu extra edition
woe mpilo from thulilesof tho I'lUMHi for
Rvtcrn ciivul.ition, nnd th lixly nceoiiut
of that legion, and tock raising tlnre.ilwjuta,
auswcia the jmiii-o so fully that wt refer tho
rtiubr to It tor a complete idea of tin Ochoco
district. Di, Viiinh rpool look to tho future,
wlu u railroads shill couiu to thnr nlnf. and
vxnlaiu tin- wonderful resources of that val
ley for prixlmtinn of firm crops The time
ia coming wluii inilroad will nach eitu
there. 'Ihu piin'iit indication i that thu
narrow g tuo w ill c ros the Cascade to i lbs t
a (unction with thu Nevada Noithiniioad,
and that ro.ul, when loiuplctcd, will gnu thu
Crooked liivii couutrv an nutlet towaiiKlsitli
the Kat and tlm West. Whin tht time
eomt for ntociiuntj to nettle up, the laud
table fin unhid lla fi HI the I'llllid Utut
Uml Ollice ut Iho Dalle show tint .l.tKKI,
IKMI .icr of uniirieed laud aru vacant A
cnrioijKiuili ut wrott lis not long since that
W.tfcti count) nlhn ci I a gleat luduti'mciit
foi m tth nt n ntliii tlie I'aloiiMi or Ynkiini
touutriis, mid suet stvut to be the case.
Tin. it II. M Kiblt hhoa tlie poplil ttioli of
WiKctt couut to be lU.'.i lilliuber of f tun.
!T'i; land m cu.iilv fitriiiod, tmli 0,(K- acre-,
value of liicatotk. i,77I.:Imi wlucbrauk
all other tinnitus iu that itapcett farm put
tlut ti, in value, SJS7,tJ00. W.uco I tli-xt In
lioth shttpiuul horses and nevt to Itakn and
(rant nt c.ittl- -o far a clitutte and halth
aiw it in limed, there ia pi obihl no jiltoaiutcr
iliunte imr nu,v umre imilthi region in tt.
win Id. Moil thlivt better litre than in an)
other n tloli nf thu Cnllliulil.l rtvion
l.lhl IWMI.
T i 'ii. i ty i in uiith Middle On gin, uml
tiki. t name ti no the fl.i-tth.-ltltnilgiv.it
like iij,io:i. A indiial iliudc Kparate It
fnnii draut ti.untl, ami mot hoi Like, u well
as the portion of timut wjutli of the Indian
reservation, I of '"tlit chane r of soil, eon
ittiugofa muss of vil.aniu athta, ,ut l.ike,
thoui'h a high ami fnt) coiintr), haa iu.ui)
chinning valley and good land pi-igne
riverhas a Is-autiful valle), thm Wet into
KLtm tth lake, and theme through thu Caa
side range tho KLimath mtrsetkithe ocean.
Other atrtams in Like mint) tin inlohkis
and the wuter sink. 'litis regiou will !
traversetl by the projectul railwayfromlttuo,
Neiatla, north, to connect with tin rood pro-
iectl ly the Oregonuu Kailwa) ( 'nnipaiiy.
-ike count) lia about .'t.lMlO i(-uLitluM, ami
there are any uumt-er of cliaucCK lor lunur
nada, Stock raising la the chief sourcu if
income; Lakcview, the i-ouutv wit, ru the
horvi of (tooiHi I-ilt, is a thriving town and
ha two newapapcr. Ijnkville, at tuc Wtat,
ia also a gotsl point for trade. This otiiuty
hut no direct connection witlithe O.liutibi
river and can hanlly ilcserve to U destnhul
at a part of the Columbian regnui.
Thia connty ia very eite naive and has the
Weatcm dope of the Blue mountain! for it
boundary. It ued to have rich placer mint
that supported an active population and
brisk trade, but the pUcen are tnoatly work
ed out, Quirtz mining ut offering Inducement
for enterprise- aud may be expected to form a
peruiament source of prosperity for all futuro
time, even though not )et making return for
outlay. The farming operation on Upper
dohn'Day valley aro for supply of tho nunc
and stock ranches, for this county ha the
gnat tattle herds of thu northwest iu its lim
it. We publish elacwhcro an account of
cattle rant fiing in thi county by Mr. Miller,
now of Douglas county, who fin been success
ful in Harney valley a a cattle man and also
with horses. Ills letter givtaagiaphiusketch
of life on tho pliin of Mlddlu Oregon. There
is an iuunciifu nnanf vacant laud in (trout
county, stKiu to be added to by the throwing
open of the Malhutr lest nation, which is no
louuer muled for the uso of Indian. (Iraut
i count) miy iu tlinu Ihi tcachtd by mllroul,
hut It will not It) soon, unless some uuiooheii
for enterprise conn upon the world, nnd the
advance so rapidly making for the tlevt I p
liieut of thu country Ihit of the Cacndis
liiive it ver posiliilu that (ir.mt couu
trwill be brought within letch nf market.
This county is tlmisilltd bv inimnt.iln and
valle) and plains. It iiltitiidum t) inturfcru
withifiKsl lesultsfrum nromlscuou tarmliig,
but tli re I so gn.ic nu art a of viitnnt laud
awnttiiig lettlemtiit that It is lint necessary
to foies'all time tos.iv what tilery section of
the eoiiiiti) can prninise for thu future
I'll ITIMA llll'.STV.
Ctimiii,; luck to tho Columbia rnci, we
liml, on thu Hast of Vnico county, a gtaud
agiieultural region, joining on thu Southwest
Walla Wall.i county of Washington Territory,
including n fair part of Walla Walla valley,
which ia dividtd by tho Aft tlcgice of latitude
so that a good slice of that beautiful vallc-V i
Oregon soil, Hock cuek, which cmptitM fnto
the.lolin Day liver iu Wasco county, Iu it
licit Uml in L'mitilla mid I thickly scttltd
for twenty miles. Along the Columbii lau
griefs region of upland that promise lea than
similar land in Wnscn county. I.iaiing out
the river shore region, Uimtilla is a splendid
county. The llluo mountain extend through
it, parallel with tho river, distant ft) tu W)
miles, running Wtst with a trend toward thu
South, a tint map shown, rollowlug tnu
mountain for l'J.'i milts, through Umitilla
count), i nu nrablu stretch of countryth.it
ui e rage 'J.') to. '10 mile iu width, and alsnu
Umaiilli it extend to the lery shore of tho
Columbia. Not long ago it was I align for
cattle, but today settlement I coming in to
claim and cultiiatu over) plain and every
hillside It ia truu that from tho Umatilla
riur, West, thi county I clue-fly devoted to
stock raising, uml iu valuu of liio stock it la
second ouly to Waaco. Transportation fav or
tho Northeaat ind of thu coiiu-y more aud
thtru wheat farming I tamed on very exten
sive I) Before long branch railroad will
favor thu whole arable belt of Umatilla coun
ty and then tho i-i,i of nroluctioii will com
incneti iu t-urmst, and Umatilii county will
ham an immense- w lit at surplus. A clancu nt
thu iimi show that thu stream branch out
and water well all the country mar thu mouii
t una nnd afterward do-into thu larger riv
er The Umatilla Indian reservation occu
rut a a tino n portion of country a can lie
found Lit of thu mountain, much to the
.inuo) amtidf will to settler adjacent, and of
m my who would like to cltini thc-au Inula for
scttlinnnt. A glancti at the l..ud table w u
publish will show tho amount of land In thi
count) subject to entry. We consider Umi
till county in many respect thu cream of
Ki'tt-i n Oregon. It arable bind lauuot !
excelled; it climate I tine; it utariic to the
C dumbia liier, and thu certaiut) tint rail
nnd fu-ibtiu will nach cier) part of it,
ni.ikt it at pit-sent t'm mot attiactiit' rtgion
now opai tor sttth-iiitiit. Wlnlu ithitiul)
about IU.UuN) iuh.lbit.iuts, It can t.isily mconi
mislatii ti ii tunes that muni r It ut'ters such
exctlleut liml away finni tho mountain aa
the Cold Sprnm country, which lua been
fully tlcseriltcd in mil t-olumna, and n Inch i
jtt'iu n great mt.isiire i.u.mt. It ha a
apltndid rtgiinof valby aud lisit-lull landa
foi I'J.'i iiiih-i. iu length aut i' to ISO mile
bitiad, ami the llluo uioiinUin thinisclve wu
exnet tostuotcujiel ill ourse nf time by in
dustrioii laiim-r ami tnck men, for thu soil
is evullriit and maul sloping rttttht of
mountain lau Is, mwnxl with scattering pint
fort at .Hid no li'iderbni.h, call tlll, be tram
fercd to tithUot (.'oldin gnuu .tlul on haul of
luci mi fruit 'I In-legion to tho l-i-twaid H
aouiiiicicluiu-tlth.it wuianuot guioiU fu
ture hi thu ucci-M trie of the pieseut. Deiel
opcini'ut once be 'nu wide utlliue ut a npid
rate, nnd with railiovd roiiiuciioii enuijileted
to tho Lu-t thu re im of t migrant to come
will till up thu land with mis) iiidu.'r).
'Hit- ill no Mount nil legion now alloid a
ge-xit tuiiiiuir range for thu tits k and hinla
of tho Umatilla and Waao i plaina, .U-k men
build rnhiui and corral aud so establish
final tlut mo rtp etcd a right of pui-o-dt
lieu. Vearafttrcar they dnie their stock
tit tli.t-u uiounwiii range aud th.y iatU.li un
tlm nit lit gru-aes mid s.n the bunch griha
oi tlm lowliud for Winter p.wtur. K)e
graa grow iu swniia and aloiigwattr course;
i bmg gre gro through tie oimi pine fin
est that have nn underbru-h, and there is a
abort slii-tp-gra,, much liked by thxtstotk,
found iu the foot lull and which takt the
plate of hunch giu w at nit i fed down in
the foot hill'. There la nn rciaou why thia
uioiinUin land, containing many rloping
reaches of tlienchi.t soil, well watered and
timberetl, and not so elevated, by any means,
a the Cascade rtnge, shall not, in due time,
be appreciated for agricultural purca and
made u of for ktttleinent.
There aru mm) thriving tow na all through
Umatilla ot'iinty; Hippner, IVmlleon, 1'ilut
itf-k, Umatilla, Weston, Mlltou aud Center
ville, are all growing plicea, surrounded by
an excellent farming country. The immi
grant can find at prtaent, room for hi home
stead in the C ld ftpring Ctvintry, or along
;.e tcope of valley ta the rtrd there i
abundant room ti locate th. domain thu I'm
tel 8t.tr govern tnt t td . aly
L'MOS" rorhTV.
KangcN of inountainsextciid from the Neva
da line, north anl, through locstcrn Oregon,
known aa Stem' mountain on the South, and
del eloping into the broadly sprind lllue
mountain to the northward. The Interior
country, along theCiacado range, on the Kast,
is much higher land than is found in thu
vVillamitto valley, on the West; therefore
there i much less drainage from thu Casca'le
Summit to the l'jist than to the West! the
diitanco from the t astern pi lins to the summit
I mi rywheru es than on tho Wct, nml thu
luniiitiiin arc Irs rugged to climb, While
the unit inouiitalna aru not no uiiccessihiu a
thu Caaivules, tiity nrustill a grandly outlined
mountain rtgioii.spieiutlugtromthulyiiHimlii.i,
South, iu irregular form, over a wide district,
containing many plcaamt grassy rtachts,
woisled with open nine foiest. that will cer
tainly be at nn iliaUut day npiuvciatcd for
set'.lt iiic-nt ami cultivation. I hi range of
mountiiu supplies, from it fountains, thu
varlnii streams that miko tnu im nuilliil val
ley of Columbii uml Walla Walla cuuntiu
in W. 'I'., tlm Umatilla linr and all the
sirenni tint empty below- it into theColuinhW
nun .ionu iti) rntriii imscu couui) is itti
entirt ly from th jiii. Not only ao, but Crooked
river, the main fork nf the Dt Chute,
head far around to thu Southeast, so that
these mountain are thu source of fruitful
stream which crcttu thu arable biudi of mar
ly half of Oregon and the richest nortion of
Washington Territory. On the- List, also,
they supply tho How of thu st reams which
reach Snake rivrr. Some of thu mmt fertile
and beautiful country Ilaat of thu Cast mini is
found hemmed Iu by thu wall of surround
ing mug!, for Snake river i for unite a dis
tance, in Idaho, Isiuudtd by lliaeccsaihlu
mountain. Tim enurso of thu early i-iunil-gnitions
followed ilownSuako riicr, hundred
of tin .try iiiiUm, tut r sage brush jihiin that
were pircbcil al.d tlescrt in appcuance, and
through uiuyon and our burnt hill that
saw many n w.iikJi ltuvu that buritd family
hojit1, sin! wtt atruwetl with circais of
animal th. ."w. ploiij,- the road. , Coming at
but to tiu tliMt!'VVA-irnt.-s tlm waters of
thu OrandB Htsi4)( .urn PmntrrTnti u ti-tl
found spread uiiM-vlow them n U-autrTul-a
nicturua uvu hr I vitr looked uium. It lay in
naiiiu wildinit-s untouched by thu hand of
civiliJtiout u few Indian camp may halo
lK'tu setn tliero, mil perhip lurtl ul imtian
horse ftsl on the- rich piairie grasww, hut
othirwisu it was untouched by mill Hue
was u valby, trwlled among tho mountain,
watt red troni i;iui(inirablu stream and
spring, averaging ten milt In widthby thiity
mile iu length, rpitad out broadly but l)ing
ill n winding aha)-, with co u uml iultt of
prairie re idling into the hill where stream
IH-rmitted and with abundant feed for stock
to compensate for tho burnt plain they had
left behind. The trait lltr felt lit ro that hi
trouble wt ru oier. Acrtts the range, only a
two tlav m"-"1'. wcro thu valleys of Uiuv.illa
and Walla Walla,
Thim are suveral lively town in Union
count), chit f of wbiih aru Lt liramle aud
Union, each of which support a uewsiuiMr
uml din n good huiness WliiIuTnioii I tint
county seat, 11 tiramlc lias tnu i.inn ouut
Isith of the- Statu and United States,
llcforu thi valley luul a stttltr, in IMi'J, bd
by the discuv ery of gold on I'owdu Hiver,
tliouMitd of proiK-c-tor found tin ir way iu
early Spnng over the llluu mountains to hunt
for tliu lien gold tielda. Thu snow of the
prect ding w inter hail In t n heiiv icr th in ei t r
wtrti known; iathx but to he made through
them, and the road to the g dd tit-Id was a
haul one to traiel. It wa af'ir week of
such toila and hardshiM a cannot ud) Im
ttild, that tie stcssl upon tho brow of the ran
ees tint oierlook (irandt Itnnde Valle) on the
vvtat uud s.iw with dt-lia'ht the mit Is autiful
valle) t)e titr looked down on, nb bright
nml venlant in trin. ioinuriou with tho
mows th it "iinouiiilid us. I hu iniuusiliil not
prove neli enough Ij rc-iiaid all who went
there, and mail) piefurn! to liK-.ito hoin a in
tin laud ' p ti iitthtr tlitu to tlig for
gold Itwistlt -'il aftcrlhooutlirtciko. the
ciul war and thu same full thou-amls id
famillea croatl the plains and made home
along the atrtum and on tht prairnw of
l'uwdcr Itiver auddrimle Koude, or t-iiMst!
to the .iltlm-tllo field nf I'lliltllla I rillll
that time Ltottill Oregon lue bad pioiiiiucncu.
At nt tail) date finiiiit found n gissl
and reiuuiicratliuimikit at thu mints, i'ack
ti.uns. ind vagina of unmtn-c stMi-.'th
drum bi tu oi uud" l am, in ulc pith and
ro.il fniui tbuColuuibiarivtrinalldiii tiuu.
(old wai diacoiert! in many district aud
falmloua rieht. weregathtrtl from tho won
derful plctr of Salmon rntr in Northern
Iihho, and lloise lU-nii amid the high mouii
tun rsn '- of ri iuti ini Idalu). Through the
Jlluu iiiouiiutu weru fo ind many richplactr;
on thu water of Johu Di)' nver, iu (Jrant
county, millivui of gold weru dug, and Canyon
City w a a mining Ct ut r; on Oraud IU ud
nvtr thero were pi.uir worKin; wniio in
llakir county, on I'owiin uivir, ami mo
water of Hurnt river, there wtro e-xteuive
and pritiuhlo digging. This milling di-
MleriM gave thu lirai liupc-iui vi sememem
and cultivation in all Listeni Oregon ami
WAahini-ton. Hut. whllu uitiuug is tarried
on yet, with some degree-of aiicc, thu day
ol tho propctor ami placer luiiiiinr i imnriy
over. Kllbrt are itnductcal on a greater
cale, by largo companies, and tht ro are stime
diacoreni- of ouarU Iwlge that aru paying
well. .10 tlouht the niisiuuisi ti unuiiiu win
be. carried on through tho future and will
prnvo inoreextonaiiea new dicovirie are
uvule and a tho science of ipjartu mining In
come perfect d aud gold can 1) saved at lesa
cot't We have alightly allude.! at dllfcretit
time to mining operation!, but time ha come
tu explain t.iu snltleiiient ami iloc-t. piuent
alrraily attainetl in Fatern Oregon, so wa
digrtn stimewhit t piuent th f-t Nn
doubt many who ilialloonie here will l at-
tracttil by thu fascination of gold and silver
mining, hut thu tl nth set m to bo that gold
and silver ha often cost moio tliau it wa
worth. Mint "materially niiUgrieultiirr when
they oiler n nurkot for fin in liroducts. They
gso uiu unit iiiiH.-iu hi an inu upper coun
try. For many year Dalle City and Walla
v alia w eru thu scene of much not and gam
bling and thu hardly earned c-old wa snuaii.
dried with laiii.li hand. Portland w a tlllnl.
in winter, by the miueiit who came dnwu here
to spemi tho month when water existed only
iu the form of snow or ice, ami the tlccadriuu
of thu mine made a very heavy deduction
from thu incomi of hottl kteiitrs". Wu wcro
in thu mine of California at a uij nirl) tin),
also had ollicial connection with the mining
region of Kastern Oregon nt thu lt pa)ing
peniHi, inn wiiiic im in uru exit putiuiil install
to w hern prospector nml minim ncnniri
Health, our i-xpciieneit show that the best
Nile-iess lollowsngiicultilial ileulupuicnt. Ill
it train comts school, churches, curd so, fell-
and happy home, and the farmer, w hilo hu
can only claim a ivisoiiablu sham nf Is-ntlita,
onlo) tin m most and ia incut ludepemb nt in
n0)ing tin in,
llMtltllTKIV til I'MIIN w?v
Union lounty i a veiy nttractiie region,
ha inricd character of soil it wu go from thu
rich valby liml to thu foot hills, m climb to
thu higher valle) s, such a Wallowa, betwteu
thu (lianibt Itomle Valley and Snake liver.
(Itand Itondu liier seeks nu outlet through it
mountain ennvou and thu valley i fairly
heinmeil iu by mountain wall. The climate,
i limlthy nml winter stem ttinpuid by thu
shtltereti nature of thu situation. Wallow a
ia bight r location with morn scum winters,
but is a f.iinritu iigiui fur stock nun. Iji
(traud and Unioiitow ii aru thu thief towns,
but other thriving villages are scatttiid
through the tniinty. Union ha lt,70.'l inhab
itant iiy the- it-halts of IhsO. It is duiotitl to
farming and Hlnck-niikingi value of livtt stock
i nearly a million dollaist Union has a ureal
many hors( aud tho iiiiiuIm-i uf milch tow
ami ipl.iutity of butter liimle shows It to Im
favoiablu for dairviiig. Swinu tin well then-
mid iioik product coustitutn an ImiKUtant
mi c iii itiiiieis iiiciniiei i ma liming si.tiuia
" 'i' lli.l nimllli tinii nl lit ut tialM. h-tl-nlnl
orchard pi is! iu CC1VTiTMvthe-.. JuuL j u.
Union county aru un tlouht tnkiiiup, the luul
tablu show tlmt thcru ii vacant bind tint has
betiisurveveil to thu vxtiut of HOOdKHJ nt-its.
It iaulso truu that improietl laud can Im
isiughl here, a iHewheru at-a rcasouahlu
tiguru The great objection to this region ha
liee'ii it reinotent sa fiom market and the
great cot of truiiaptirtation, 'I hi ilillicnlty
will soon Im lemoved Ahtinl) the track for
a rnittn.nl i In ing t haled, ati-o thnVllliit
mountain, from Umatilla, and the scheme of
tint 0 It, e. N. Co,, include antarly building
nf a railroad fiom the Columbia I iv t r, thlough
Union nml lliktr counties, tocniuiict with the
Utah Not tin ni road, nml form it through lino
to the Hist, so that it is n rtnin, a human
en nt tan Im, that I'nioii count) will shortly
haiu railroad coum-ttmu with Portland in
nuu direction, and the Atlantic Statu in thu
Tin county ha an aria nearly two bun
dled miles long and from tno mountain sum.
nut to Snako liier nml tho Idaho linn. It
contain on thu North, thu vallty of l'uwdcr
rntr which pn nut tpiitti n surface foi culti
vation and ha scier.il thriving town and
villiges. The mine ot thu lllue mountain
rojfinii olb r a liiarkt t for what U protliited,
and nuarli it in of rich ore nut found ami
wuikedat thovir) tdgitof tho allu) 'I hi
t alley i nil hoi told, but pioduic all the
ti it.il and must of thevtgetibbsiu piofiisimi
and of Kxctllcut oiiiliti I'uwtbr run In
good gritiu Liluls hit snmu distance Into tho
uiouiitaiu, uiu-ie stock i angts, though agn
cultiiie ha not Ihcii sirioutl) nttimjilod
'I Im rHiiy eoiistnittl'iii of the rnilitmd loin
tlie V liiiubil llltr gnes n hope lor futuie
growth ami prosMiity that induct hi tth mint
drtad); we notlie that the Ikikir lit) luwa
paH-rs (the jiliite has two) ssuk of the but
that iplltt u tu tllniient ha lien inailc the
pist simiou on lanil South of I'owdcr riur
ami llurut liitr illt)s, on the watti of tlm
Malheur Wu uul to tram so marl) tlm
wlinln length of II tit r count), sixtn-u )t-ir
ago, win u going to the mints ol Nouthiru
Idaho, aril loiind, along the wit) much good
l..ud. rich with grata. Simo thin. Ilikir
loiintv lu.a I tajiiie thu grr.it giaiug yrouml
for catt't. of which the itiisua ictuiiia over
l.'.ISH) The pnpulatmii nf It iki r county, I ut
spung, wu l,i,:il, a tnlling pulatiou for
such an t xtnaitt.rt'L'iiiii Tin re aru nut mini
sheep in this count) hut lu.th ntUutlou l'
paid to hnrsiM in whuh connection Ilikir
cnuiity stinds foiirtb in the htato. I'imilir
rm-r valle) i Ihu imwt populou portion of
Ilakii county, nml in tht Northiru part nru
.- oral mining di-tricU. In tho ttntral r
Hon i thu Malheui couutri', tontaiuiiig exu u.
siie cattle iiiugi. and time will probably tie.
inouirnn i aiuiiaoiiuy ior rtguiar lanning.
In the Southern part ia tho Ow)hte nvtr and
tributaries, and some farming i carrud on in
the vicinity of the mining diatrict in Idaho,
litarthuIuiH, LchIoI tin m iatheSUluV mouii
ton couutrv, a famoua stick i.mgi The
Malhucr Imlhii leseriution la paitly in lirant
county and part in Iktker, but we hue infor
mattcn tliat a it la no longer rtuind for
oct-iipitlou by Indiana, it is stain to lie
thrown open lor the aettluuiint hy the wtuti.
lUkerand Onut oountie wmatitutuig neatly
ene-tliird of the totd surface of the grout
Statr of Oregon, lemaiii to tin da) in a great
measure- vacant bind, mimed oier by gitut
Hern hi suxk, iiiinii oni) Mrtiuy iu tin
way. with their resource only slightly uu-
tleratooil and waiting the ilevelopmtjit of the
future. In tow tier river valley the capacity
lor proamnion n wen eataiiliahtil ami we have
no doubt that in tune a great part of the val
ley land of Ilaktrr county will 1 cultivated
to ffood ad.antage. 1 here I more or loan of
itagr bruan pUina in this county, especially
aloui,' the upsjr iait of Snake nrer. Thu
JKTO. 51
sage brush land ia in many InaUncet the ileh
et nf soil. Wo remember rootling yean age
how farmer in Powder river valley braaghs
an irrigating ditch to bear upon a piece of
heavy sagu brush land, strong with alkali, (ar
oil sago land ha this characteristic, and alter
grubbing tho sago, plowed and sowed to wheat.
nun reniircil forty liuahcli to the acre. Tlie
lack of water prevent successful agriculture
over much of this interior region, but tho
remedy of artesian well may Ui trice! there
with a much lucct-a aa in Liwer California.
The gov eminent ha made an appropriation
to test this matter and it i proluible that the
iUestiou of water supply will Ikj somo way
solved so that the great vtt-nlth of soil that
sum wasted tivern wide stivtih of country
between the Sicras of tho Pacltlo and tint
Ib-cky inouiitalna, will Is- mmlu available ior
habitation and cultivation.
Within two venr n rallmrd will hu In upo
lation tlinu tho Columbia river to llakir tit),
nml will l-riug all thu region along that ill--tamo
within n rtaoli of market. ItlrHi
ble that within that tlinu tho Utah Nortl . ni
railiimd w ill push North to mako a bine um
and establish through comiictlon with tint
laist via tho Union Pacific railroad, 'Mie
thuo rapidly appiiiachcs whin tho hitherto
wustu laud of Origon will have nil tho v.due
that tninsnortatioii facilities can civo tlieia
nnd thi great section of valby nnd mountain
land that ha ru long been utilised only mi
stook range and mining vinturcrs, will it--sumo
the grcatir iinHirt,iuco that attaches to
k riuaneut home and steady cultnatioi. nf
thu Kill.
Thu people, of thi country halo looked foi
many venr luiat to the comnlctlon of tin
Hind for thu realirjitiou of tin ir hojieM of tail
mad toiincctinu with thu List. The tliih
ciiltie the louipany havu eiu-tiuiitirid 'shiii
nt lat to be fully ovemninu and the wori. of
uoustiuctiiig thu road I now being rapidly
liiinui irnui ihiiii enus in tlm line, it la tine
that w e hai ti now a prospet t for railroad i on
iK'ction In other directions, but tho comple
tion of the Northern Pacitia is u vt ry inipni
taut fait Iu deieluplng thia country ami will
bring into connection with tht Columbia nut
n great eokt of Northcru'taiVitoiy tjiat v. ill
"paJli' ji UK up nml must iubl V) the c ui
mi'ivial fliinorLaicolirIVyal.ijuMl.l'.
Thu coinpaiiy I at priseut i-iigngvtl iu Pink
ing thorough nine) a of thu several mountain
paso. It adiug mer thu Cascade ranee boin
rugi t Sound to Yakima county, Wasiiineton
Territory, with a view to locating their I mid
niuliommihciiu operations it soon a Hwi.
uiu on uni sifiion. uu- iiiitniion la, su lar
a madu public, to maku itmiirctlon nt an
inrlytla), with thunsuliioii Ih ing made binn
Ainswoith, at tho eoiillucnco of thu Colum
bia and Snake intra, nlri.idy graded neirly
to tho Mont ma lino, and track la) ing com
pletid for alsjut fin ty miles. It wa ileomod
necisssry to toiiiinouie hinhling road at n-nno
jMimt iu the inttiior, as the location of th.
phi tii over thu fasiaih- could not lie rtuulilv
decided upon. It I pcrhap a ipicstion If the
eonslructlou nf ii road rntr tho mountiina
from thu .Sound wn inruuimntl) settled un
til iiilto latt I), but thtru seem now nu doulit
that it it ill I' pushed with all ihlu rapidi
ty. Our map show the piojt-etid road lioui
Ainsworth Vei-t, to thu mountain, which has
not vet been tit tlliitely sunt vcd. but must b.
locatid marly a wit halo statiil.
I he inatinnl lot lonstrui tiou, usetl from
Ainsworth loiat, In bet n tr.iusp irttd up th
Columbia at ht.ivv exH.no uud it ia prnluhbi
the fouipauy will piib work from Taconui
Daat fni iho puiino of Ining nblu to trail
poit tht ii imn matt i ml and supplies for tho
iniitliniaiico of thu work thlough Montiui.
The original t heme cniilt mpUteiliiiiiaddown
thu Cnlunil in nvtr to Poithntl, hut tho I In-
f;ou Itailuui ami Ti.iuaMrtatiiiu Cumpiny
i.tv it tin road iilitady made to 'Ihu Ik Jm
and will loiitiiiue it to Portland iihotln ry. ar,
mid no iloiibt some miiuigi unlit nil) bo ru uiu
for on h ingu of tralhn ami unit mil uo of tin
set tiou, wlutli will Is our tit ii hu idled iiiiht
III It ugtli
Whin tiiiiipltttil, the .Northiru I'acilio nil)
halt- a lcilnil.il it 'I in nun on tin Sound. i.nd
ilthil thlough it own trains m tliosuof 1 1.
Oiegoii Itailwnv ami .Nnvigitiou Cmupr iv,
win it it ii ami it.iiu roiiiann t.tn. .1. n.
Siiraguii ha l-eii but foi mini curs in i ,
met ion with this t utirpiise uml siitrinU- el
the hllini-iil the oti in division II I
III lib Ilppltilltnl III fill I ill Its nml I'lulltBlhe
woik as fast us m-ihlo. In our ilu'eriiit-oii
of N, iiklma nml Menu eoiiiilli wu h.i
shown that . i liiiuagiiiultuml iiuiouwill lc
tii inl up inn! made n inhibit whin this n ul ,
shall be inuipbtetl 'Hit- llitt lists of til.
coiniiuiy will ft liter oil the Soiliul ami no
doubt tlie) will build up u gnat nt) then in
the future, with nu ixttnaiiu tomuiiree, but
it will bo rtaddy seen that the Columbia riur
olfiran natural highwai'for toinimrco, ind
me priHiuii oi tno inn i ior null naturally
tributarv to tin riur will alw)s atek Pn-.-land,
which tan Ui imtdo nvailablu for tit en
stu (iiiniiiirtu by suih iiiiproviiiuut of th.
is-cjiu b.tr mid along thtiiourstiof thu river Iki
low It, as the govt mount I stow a on btl rr
important livir and ia iirtain to hetUiW in
the Columbia.
(inat llitertst attathca to tin iiupleti n
of thu Northiru Pocihc railwav mid it wilt I
of thu griatest imptirtauci: "to thu I'aciiie
Noithwtat. Wu lotik for thl work to hodtit.e
aud through tratlie istablisht! within tlu.it
year, ami anticipate a rupul m tthuueiit id
.1 ....... .n . ...:... .
inu cuumrjr ll win iiuvt pie in aiiimpaiiiHl t.
that eient. So much tlilhciilt) attt ml trai
portatiou of it material ft u "int hundrenv
uf mile iu the interior that ua pnry pi.i
grc cannot U- made on the Wit it rs end
thu line a at the J-aab ru. All iron aiul
manufa;turil matt rial is brou,'iit aioiiud ti u
Horn, in vcjiw-la, involving delay and unct .
tainty. Hut thu vi ork ia to 1st pushtal tliroiu.-'i .
Montana a rapidly a tuible and tlm pre -purity
of the comiiany iudiiatia that tht) ootw
plttion of t r rjatt i. .11 lieteitkiu liltlu threat
year tlmt