Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 21, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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"UW3 of HJsiANDfW
MatUr John T. .Tones, Barton, Phillips. Ark.
OvertterJ.J, Woodman, l'aw Paw, Van Karen,
iMturtrk. n. Bmedley, Crcsco, Howard, la.
SlticftrtlA. .1, Vaughn, Memphis. Teun.
Ait't Sttwanl Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlcbusb,
Bomervet, N. J.
VnaplatnS. II. Ellin, SpMngboronRh, Warren, O.
TruuurtrY. M. McDowell, Wayne, Steuben, N. Y.
Secretary U. It, Keller, Louisville, Kr.
Oale-h'e'iMr O. Dlnwfildle, Orchard Cirovo, Iud.
Om-Mrt. John T. Joiicr, llnrton, I'MIIId. Ark.
Flora tit. Hamiiol IC. Adam, Montlcelln, Minn.
Ihtmoiui-hlit llurvojr Gortdard, North (iranby, C(.
Ludy AnMant XUtcarUiUtt C'arollno A. Hall,
Louisville, Kr. '
I). Wyntt Alkon, (Chairman,) Cokeabary, B. C,
K. It. Uhankland, I)ubniuc Inwa.
Dudley T. Cliase, Claremont.N. II.
Alonao (I jlder, Hock Fall. Whlteildo, III.
W. II. Cbambcrt, Oswccclicc, llurecll. Ala,
OOIcern of Oregon State Grange.
Matttr Wm. Cyrus," Bclo.
OverietrA. . Shtploy, Oswcro.
Secretary ti. W. Randall. Oregon Cfl
Lecturer Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity.
8crttarvU. W. Kandall. Oregon City.
Sktvard-Vf. B. Thoma, Walla Walla, W. T
uwwuiu hiUi I uuiuft"! nana f, bum, ,t i.
AmMant SUwardQ. W. Itlddlo, C'anyonvlUe.
unajumn w, ii.tiray, A'lnria,
TrtuurtrH, P. Lou, Portland,
Qalt-Kttpr Daniel Clark, Halcm.
Cfcr-Mr. I), A. Miller, Jacksonville.
Vmow Mrs. H. D. Durham, McMinnrlile.
Torn -Mrs. K. A. Kelly. Katt Portland.
Lady Au't MeieardilTt. Georgia Smith, Hood
Hirer, wasco cnun y.
gueutirt OmunllttVm. Cyrns, Bclo; It. Clow,
Dallas; K. I,. Hmlth, Hnod Hirer.
BUxlt Uiulimn Aqtnl. P. Lee. Portland.
Stato Grange DeputieB for 1877
roil OJUct. Erprtti.
A IIMdc Corvallla Corvallls
Enoch Hklrvlne IlntlnCreuk
MW Kandall Oregon ully
J Willi) in Myrtle Creek
CM (laidnor Drain's Station
Plyinntmi Kelly Kurt Portland. ...Katt Portland
P FCastloman Ilntluvltto
O W Hunt Sublimity Halcm
JN TMIIIer" lackssnvlllo Jacksonville
P A Patterson Illckroal Halcm
J J Cli.irlton (loota Lake fackfonvillo
Daniel Flivtiir Kerbyvllto Jacksonvlllo
James W Matlock . ...Onrlicn,,,. ,, .
KAIrvIno Lebanon Albany
John End Tjgh Tho Dalles
DC Durham MrMlnnvllb
J Halngton (lustiiu ,
Dll Itltmhurt CauronClty Canyon City
IS W Out yarn... Columbia City
U F lloldi'i Tillamook North Yamhill
JB Whltu Weston Weston
J Henry Hhroeiler.... Ott
n-AsittNuTON Ttiinironr.
B W Itrmvn Vuucnuver
ItPHteln Dnyton
LB Hlnitrr Colfax
M Z (loodilo Klma
OB Mvkhan Chehalls Point
I, O Abbott Olyinpla Olympla
U Lougmlru Yulin
Julius Horlon Seatl'.o Hcattlo
L M Plrrsiii Claiuato
0 P Cook Kllcnihurx
Grange Celebration.
Tho Patrons of Umbandry of Sltisolaw
Qrango, No. 61, celebrated tbo lth of Decern
bor la tho following manner: Tho bouse
was called to order by Worthy Mastor W. I.
Coleman, who delivered tbo oponing ad
dress. Thoro bolng a nnmborof outsiders
present an invitation was eztendod to them
to ma roll In tho procession with tho Patrons,
and was accepted by some whllo others pro
forrod to look on. Tho march was enlivened
with otno vocal tntislo by Mr, W. N. Crow,
MIsj Kmtna Ilussell, Mr. A. fllelober, and
MIssMary Mlsner. Aftor tho timrc'i wo
had nomo moro good music, then tho differ
ent committees were called upon to assume
their du les. Mrj, Simpson and Mrs. While,
asslstod by others, tookchargooftho numor
ous boxes of oatablos, and Mrs. Cartrlght,
asslstod by Mrs. Itussoll, soon had thooyster
soup roady for tho tablo, whloh was fairly
loadod down with good things of oyory de
scription. Dinner was announcod, tho com
pany gathored around tho table with a koen
rollsh. lllosslng by Kev. WalUco, Knoy
mint by tho crowd. Immediately after din
ner a Iroat of oindy and nuts was distribut
ed arrorjg tbo llttlo ones. Then tho readlog
of the Declaration of l'rlnclplos by F. M.
Nlghswandor. Noxt a speech by Win. Ilus
sell. Thon tho Itov. Wallaco was called
npoa to addross ths audlonco, whloh ho did
In very ablo manner. A song from the
oholr wound up tho affair in a vory pleasant
manner. Tho number of persons prosont
wasestlmatod at 120, which is u very fair
turnout for tilun-Iaw precinct.
MlW. A, J. NimiflWANDKR.
"There nro six things that tbo Lord
hates," King Solomon informs us; "yea,
sevon nro nn nbomlnatlon unto him,"
and two of these abominations area "ly
ing tongue'' nnd "a falso witness that
spealtoth lies."
All men ought to havo found out by
this tlmo that It Is never safe, cither
for a public functionary or a private in
dividual, to do wrong. It Is neversafo (o
Indulge in swindling, cheating, or bribe
taking. It Is never safo to prnetico cor
ruption, any kind or degree of it. It is
never rafo to I ml ul go in falsehood,
nnv sort of It. It Is never tare to do any
thing which would bring shame to the
doer by being rovcalcd. Ono may fancy
his misdeeds can't be found out, or have
been covered up, or can be so covered; or
that they can't be dented or explained
away bo that peoplo will be deceived
about them: but yet it remains true that
thero can bo no safety for tho wrong
doer, and no security against its expos
ure Though this looks hard to some
people, it is nevertheless In accordance
with the fixed and irreversible moral
law of thlntrs and of being. Tho only
safety for a man, or for p, womnii) Is In re
fraining from wrong and In doing right.
Lven In old times, at tho very beginning
of human history, it was said, ''Bo suro
your sins will find you out."
A New Game for Boys.
Deo. 1st, 1877.
Mt. Vernon Grnngo, No. 131, met at Silver
ton, Doo. 1st. nnd hold an election ofolllcers
as follows: M.,T. W. Davenport? O., J. 11.
Iladloy; I,., L.C. Wolohj S Joseph Moserj
A.H..W. Hlcksj Chan.. N. Scott! T.. M.
Hicks; Sec, D. Ij. itomlngton; G. K John
Mosor. Lady olllcers hs follows: (J., 8.
llloks; P., N. K. Davenport; F., II. C. llom-
Ington; L. A. S., Jennlo Hcott.
1). L. ItKMiNdTON, Soo'y.
Alfalfa Clover Potatoes.
Innny countv uhero tbo Deputy a pointed Is not
tbu most sullnble, nr.d the (lr.ini;i of ihu locality will
jiropurly Imllcatu In inn n cholre. I will bo pbn'id, ror
In many luslunnm I bavo Idvii olillurd to maku up.
uolntmuuts nllliout knowleduu as to tltio-s'.
Master Oreiroii Htatu (Iranuo, P. of ll.
Mooting of Subordinato Qrangos
Ilnpn, No. "I, ninotslu Alhiiny, on the M
nnd HH'itiiriliiVH of nuih mouth, ut I0i. tn.
Oik IMhIii, No. 0, In llitUoy, Hud nnd lilt
Hiturdnyn Ht 1 1 u. lit .
Humor. No, HI'), hi Cnvwfordsvlllo, lnt
nnd licA H.ttiirditvs. at '- I), m.
SyntotiMO No. U'l, ut Millors Htutlon, 4th
Saturday i nt I p. m.
Lohimou No, -l, at Lolmuon, -l and lth
Saturday, t It) iv. til.
(Imnd I'mlrlo No. 10, lth Haturdaj'.
Knox lltitto No. '-"-'. Ut nnd Urd Hatiir-
ml und lth SaturdayH,
1st mid ud Katnr-
No. 37,
Ut 10 H. III.
Ilrownsvlllu No.
Taugoiit, No. 7, 1st und ,'lrd Frldnys, ut 10
Harrlsburg, No. 11, 1st nnd 3rd Satur
days, at 10 u, m,
Hhodd, No. tl, Ut and 3d Saturdays, at 10
n, in.
Happy llr nut No. It), Ut and 3d SaturdayH
lu ohiiIi moiitli from October to Juno, and ou
thn Ut Halurtlny tliu balaitoo of Ihu yuar.
Harmony No. ', 3rd Satunlay, regularly,
oxcupt In Nov, DtH) , Jan., Feb,, and Match,
whuu thoy meet tho Ut Friday.
Soap Crook No U, Ut Saturday at 10 a. in.
WlllMiintttt No, 5'J, UtTtiuraday, at 10 a.m
.l'hllouiath, No 1'.!, -till Saturday, at lOa.m,
'OwihwoII, No. (II, till Saturday, 1 p, tn.
15iigoni, No. M, tti Kugunu City, 3rd Sat
'day, Ht 10 a. in.
Uimrity, no. 711, 'i nvuniay.
Oothon, No. 101, UtSaturday. at 10 o'clock
Jutiotloti l.'lty, No. -13, 'Jnd Saturday, tit 1
p. in.
HIiHoUrr. N). .M, llrH Saturday hi each
iuoulti,at 10 a, m,
MoKotulo, No, 107, Camp Croek, '.M Satur
Oak Point, No. 3, Ut and 3rd Saturdays.
Hilmu Oraitgi, No. 17, Ut and 3J Sour
dy In ocli iimntli, oxcopi In August, Sop
t unbar, uud Ootobor, whuu It moots only on
tho Ut Saturday at llutlr hall In Salem,
Alibpia, No 13't, lth Sstnnlay.
Hook Point, N IS ,'l,l Saturday, ut I p, m
ilutto Croak, No. S, 3rd Saturday, Ht 10
.i. m.
lltMVoitoii No, 100, imntu Ut, SatunUy, ut
10 o'clock.
At tho rumilar incotlng of tlm Oawhro
Qraugu, No 175, tho aiuilHlttlto ton of otll
ois was h'ld, whloli nailtot tw folhiwo;
a, K.ShlpUy, M; J. H. myt", O: J. M
IJbhuyS. Y.j O W, llryant, Lj. F. Font
N.j J. C. lUimor, A. H.j o, Kriiw, T.: J,
llnMitwtdl. t. K.J W. Carman, j .Mrn
H. L. IIye, tvrcs: Mm. O, K Shlplov, F.(
Mw.H. Fold, r.j Ml.a Ktta Caruian L. A,
ailKK.NVII.I.K, On., Doc. 0, 1S77.
Your corrcsmndontnsked for Information
In regard to raising Alfalfa In Oregon, miiuo
iliuo ago, nnd prosumo I havo born answer
ed by almost ovory roador of tho Fakmi:ii
who has had any exporlonco with it, for
which I liopo thoy will sccopt my thanks
Itsooms that tholr trlsU with II, lu this
valley (Wlllainotto) for most part, does not
nugiirlts RticcfliH in Oregon. Some tmoful
hints with regnrd to Hh culturo liuvo been
obtained by thn corrcajwndenco, nnd I pro
poso to oxporlmont omo with it during tho
coming noiKon,
As for lted Olovor, wo havo had somo ex
porlouco with It hero, In itinerant Kinds of
soil with tho following result: Firs', wo sow
od small patch or clover In March, 1872, n
pirtnl which was i-owod with oats. amis
jwrt was sowed on rloh pulvorlod noil byf
lUself, and tho ground rolled. Tho soil vn4
alike In both pieces. Tho oats choked the
clover out In that ploco, but tho othor took
woll nnd N now us good ns tho hocond your.
! which Is as good ns any I over mw In uuv
ootmlry. Thin was on bottom lands. In
March, 1S73, I sowed small pluca ofclover,
urter plowing a plcco of t,od tiplnnd twice,
it this tlmo pulvtrUIng thoroughly with
harrow, and "brushod" It In. That ulrodld
splendhlly nnd Is "A No. t to-day. AUo
lu Maruh, 18,5. I sowed Knottier pilch on
upland fern laud whloh cams up 11I01 but
was killed by n free.a In a few days. I ro
sowed It again lu April and ll then camo up
and did well, nnd la ns good iiHiinyoflt
now. Again, last April, 1 wowod number
plut'o which I paslnred with eat ch and shiop
all thn summer and which Is now gcod
pasture. This last was 011 rloh bottom Intnl.
I regard red olovor ns ono of tho best bmshii.
fiir pasture for this climate, nnd Intend sow
lug Kimiral ucros this coming soason.
My potatoes are rotting badly, and with,
nut mtioh regard for tho condition In which
thoy wore dug, wo had upwards of'JCO bush
els oftlio tubers, nnd porhups less than CO
bushels aro unatlootod with tho rot, It Is n
kind of dry rot, many In this county (Wash
ington) aro having tho namo experience
with potatoes. Yours,
J. H. M.
They had been engaged for a long time,
and one evening they wore reading the
paper together. "Look, love," ho ex
claimed, "only twenty dollars for a suit
of clothes!" "Js It a wedding suit?"
she asked, looking naively at her lover.
"un, no," 110 answered, "it's a business
suit." Well, I meant business," she
"Civilization," snld a father to his In
quiring son, the other clay, "diners from
barbarism in this: tho one kills Its cnc
mies oil' at six thousand paces with a
cannon ball; the other cuts oil' their
heads with a sabre at closo quarter."
An old lady with 11 large family, living
near a river, was uskotl It sho'dld not
live In constant fear that somo of her
children would he drowned. "Oh, no,"
she replied; "wo have only lost three or
1011 r in mat way."
Llfo Is shortened by Indulgence In
iingor, iii-wiu, nnxicty, envy, grlor, sor
row nnd excessive care. The vital pow
ers nro wasted by excesslvo bodily exer
cise lu Homo rases, anil want of a duo
portion In other.
Ono of tho neW'r-lninpH for beer kegs Is
n vlgnotto of Ueorgo Washington. This
Is an insult to the memory of 11 good
man. Jieor never "nut a head" on
U'uhIi Ington, nnd Washington's hcud
should never be puton beer.
When Sir Waller Scott was urged not
to prop thu fallen credit of onu 01' tits no.
qualntauces, ho replied: "The man was
my friend when my frlcuiN were few,
and I will Lo his now that his enemies
tiro many."
A Kentucky editor remarks that
nluety-nliiu out of a hundred people
make a great mlntaku In cutting oil" a
imgHiuiioy uirowiug away tuo wronv
eiiu. mai'i
Tho best authorities among scientific
persons havo long conceded tho fact
thnf If U ImruMslbln to kill a bo.V O.V
any of tho recognized processes of de
molition. He tumbles off cheslnut
trees nnd falls down wells with Impu
nity; ho is perfectly happy In the midst
of narrowing railroad accidents: and
prematurely enthusiastic lth of July
exp!o?Ions iifford him intense delight;
the most persistant book agents havo
done Utile more than dlscourago him,
and able-bodied streaks of summer
llirhtiiinir havo m&sed him by with
Yesterday afternoon thoro was a per
sistant recurrence of ominous slleuco
nnd hilarious laughter among tho two
dozen or moro carriers of tho Easton
Free Frets, that bocamo so monotonous
that wo felt called unon to Investigate.
Wo looked, and behold! tho hoys had
Invented a now game, having all tho
olemsnts of dangerous fun necessary to
perfect enjoyment.
Ono boy stood with his back against
the wall: tho noxt bov stooped down
his head in tho flrat boy's stQuwchj the
third boy stooped with' his head on tho
second boy's back, nnd in this w'ny the
lino was continued back ns far as de
sirable. Then all tho eparo boys took a
running leap in succession, putting
their hands on tho hindmost bov. and
jumped over ns many as possible, to
corao down nt tho end of tho Jump on
a boy's neck with tho force of an infan
tile pile-driver, and tho next boy
comes down on him In tho same way;
tho efforts of tho Jumpers being direct
ed to breaking the line of tho stoopers
or their neckd, cither object nppoarlng
to bo equally desirable and attainable.
Tho position of tho hoy against tho
wall is ono of grent honor and respons
ibility. It requires 11 boy of strong
stomach to onjoy tho process of having
tho bond of another hoy driven into his
waistband by tho continued efforts of
lfi of his fellows. Sometimes tho
jumpers become unbearably enthusias
tic, aim mo uoy agninst tno wan iiuds
It necessary to stop aside to reswallow
his dinner. This gives tho stooping
hoy a chanco to distinguish himself as
his head is Jammed against tho wall so
hard that ho feels his ears stlckitiL' out
under his arms. Sometimes it happens
that a small, consumptive boy gets into
thu lino of stoopcrs, and when a big boy
comes down on hM hack ho breaks in
two, and this causes 11 hiatus that is
immediately filled by tho stoopers in
uioreiir, wno sprawl uu tneir noses and
elbows, while tho retnalalng Jumpers
cavort over thorn like a cavalry charge.
The Mississippi planters havo formed a
combination against tho merchants who
furnish them supplies In advance of their
crops. Tho merchants charge fifty per
cent, profit, and glvo credit for a year.
They claim that their expenses and
losses rcduco tho profit to fifteen per cent
The other day a mean man out in
Western Iowa went off Into a quiet
country piaco and died so quick that his
wife got Ills insuranco money before tho
company had tlmo to fall. The president
says he never felt so swindled and out up
since ho has been In business.
The loss of human life during the great
flood in Ilengal, following the great
cyclone of 1800, has lately been ascert
ained to have amounted to 105,000. It
was estimated nt tho time at near 300,000.
The f-'cioutlflc expedition around tho
world mny, perhaps, be ablo to (ell us
when It returns why a man always takes
offhis boots first when undressing, whllo
a woman begins at her hair-pins.
JTahhowino: Whkat. Secretary
Slratton, of tho Colorado Hoard of
Agniciiituro, in his report to (Jovernor
uouti, among other interesting Inform
ation has tho following in relation
to harrowlugwheat:
Tho practice of harrowing winter
wheat in tho spring of tho year has
obtained to some oxtont in tho West
orn states: and reasoning from itualoirv.
Mr. 1'. M. llluman, ot Iloulilcr countv
a memhor of tho hoard having a
Hold of wheat which failed to havo a
good stand, and whoso general out
look was ovory way Inferior to the
balance of his wheat, decided to
harrow the Hold nruljnoto tho results.
Tho harrow was faithfully applied
when tho young wheat win four to
six Inches high. Many of Mr. llln
man's neighbors who witnessed the
opiMtitiou, wcro very free to express
their opinion that tho wheat would lie
ruined. Such, however, was not the
case, as- Mr. llluman informed me
that immediately after tho harrowing
tho wheat took a better look, and
commenced growing rapidly; anil at
harvest time tho Holds treated gave
tho largest yield.
A mini who olultns to ho one of the Mx
huudrcd who made the historical eh urge
at Hnlaklavn, Is lujull at Cleveland on
another charge assault and battery. Ho
was employed as n waiter in a restaurant.
and not receiving his pay promptly ho
drew a revolver und Into the valley of
death rode this remnant of the six huu
it's Jiut what's tho mutter.
.,. . .... .. .. . .
1 1 no worm is nigger man you think Iti
Is, and you aro smaller than you think
you are. 'J hose nro two awful facts. j
Mining r3tiglnoor, Tinman, oimo In yester
day Irntii Iho Lucky Queen Mine. Within
tlm pas: ihri'odayh tho miners ..t work in
iiiowiiim, imvo coino upon well (IHlneil
bunging h1I on either sldo of tlo ltnlun
l'he-o walls nro four foot mid threo Inchis
asunder, Hint tho quart, vein Hvtrtiuos
twenty savwi Inulios In ihlolcnrs. T'je
minors ImvnMrunlc peruuiient rock sooner
I llllll Was eXIH'Oteil lV Iho .'tiil.rlnlnrl..nl
Tho rock Is getting llruier nnd hotter ho that
Hie inliirniiin,iuii to niak-.i throe nnd four
Inst dally, wiinyas nt tlrt thoy could go
ono and a had foot. Ttio wln.o Is now H7
t-t deep, mid 31 fjot further down will
bring then to iho lovel or tho crook. Tho
oliiinictHrof tho roi'k Is lmprovhnr. Work
on the, furuiiooN irog.osliigfavorablv. Tho
ground in graded lor ll nud iho foundation,
which Is of stone, benun. Tho brick Is on
Iho ground for tho Hue, but Ills lotind that
ror tun body of tho furnaco other brick must
ho obtulued. In iIhiho trom Jacksonville
thero Is too much graultu s.ind. Mr. Tier
nan examined tho brick ut tho l'enltentlnrv
yimtenlay, ncd llmls them well suited for
tho purpose. lie also tlnds clay nt the mlno
from wnlch a good article of brick can bo
made. Mr. Tieriian went to l'oilland to
day lor tho purpose of consulting tho direc
tors lu regard to brick. It will then bo de
cided whether brink will bo taken from
Salem or whether they shall bn madonttho
mlno. 'J,000 brick must couio from some
noutee. States man.
Rnv. Thos. Guard's Loo'.rf.
Tho Hecord of Friday last says;
This distinguished Minister and Orator, of
tho Howard street, Sao Francisco, Method M
Church, Ijcltiros to morrow (ruoidny) own
ing, In tho Methodist ohuroii of this city.
Subject: "Tho Motital Acllvltlosof tho Ago
and tho Hlblo." In spoaklng or Mr. Uuxrd,
nud this lecture, tho Oregon Ian or tho Itkh
lust hays:
Tho lectiiro by thn Kav. Thos. Ouard laxt
evonlng, ut tho Tnylor htroot M. K. otiuroh,
was largely attended byunupproclatlvenudl
mice. Tho speaker appears to bn nbout -1.1 or
60 years of ago, a llttlo above tho medium
height, nud evidently nt homo on tho lecture
nliitlbrm. Ills doll vory la rapid, with a slight
Irish uccuut, and requires tlio closo attention
of ttio lu'.uor to odtoh his pronunciation.
Tho NtiliJ'tot lihoseii lor ibis ocosslon, "I'lm
Mound AotlvlilcH of tho Age, und tho Jllblc,"
though nppirentiy h heavy uuo.Judgiui; bv
tho title, In tho hands of this uontlnmnu
piovtd lilgblv entertaining ns well as roplolo
with tho choicest thoughts, forcibly nnd beau,
llluliy 'XtrtiSM.l. clo-liiir with u boiutihil
siid snmuwhiit dramatlu iianegyrlo of tho ill
bio. In fict, during n piiriloii uflhn tlmo ttio
slloneoand lutonHM interoit of thoaudloucu
wus uluiot p-illll'lll.
lOa-4. 1877.
Tho Only Strictly Wholesale Drug.House
in Oregon,
T. A, DAVIS & OO.,
71 Front Stre$ 1
cbsndleo trade a complcto assortment of
Patent Medicines,
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, and
Druggists' Sundries.
Of all sizes nail qualities.
Of tl tlio leading brand, in tins and kegs,
Putty, Lampblaok,
Rod Lead, Gluo.
tncludtnc tho finest brnmls for Ooach Pallors nee.
1'alnt, Whitewash, nnd Varnish IJrusliM,
I.INNKKD OIL, In barrels nnd cans.
Turpeiitliip, Conl Oils, CnslorOII, Larfl Oil.
Xeal'sToot Oil, Fish Oil.
In barrels and rasos.,
Bltio Tllrlol, Siilplmr, C:in(IIo
Moai, Concern rat cl &,y,
23ittoi-S o.ll iTlTXCJHI.
Quicksilver and Strychnin.
In Quart, Half-Oallon, Onu-'.allon, ad I'lvo-Gnlloa
Cant and Ilarrols, etc . etc
Wo are Agents for Orcijon and Wushlncton Terri
tory for
Malllnrhrsdt's rnrbs'le Mcrp rip. Wnkclrc's Mire
l!3tb and qnl rcl P. Nun, nnd tier's aid
Jajnes lriprleiry Jlnlltlne.
rpr Webnyonrcoodsfrom first hand, than cn
ablnc ns Hi rnmprtu with any market on tbu Uoit.
asaronipnrltonof onr pttces will provo. m)D
South Ostein la thn stopping piaeo of rather
a pretty yonn lndy ''from tho oountrv,"
who Is In the city for the purpoto of obu'ln.
liiK the tlnUhhiK touches to a ireiiteel eduoa.
lion. Iu tho kauie house also resides a half
cracked Ignoramus, who, althouch ho has
arrived at tho nito of maturity, being some
where In tho tl ft It's, has not yet arrived at
tho years or discretion. This unsophisti
cated "iialoot" has constituted himself thn
mmrdUii of tho iriresid younu lady, nnd
not only has all wirtn of deroatory remarks
tn mako about tho gentlemen who call upon
thn yoiiQK lady, after thev leave, but makes
hliiiMiir iteuerally obnoxious whenever any
if tho uiuH'ulIno sox nro making their calls.
Ills litest etfuri "caps the climax." When
ever tho yotitiK lady reeolves a call, and Is
dolus her treittcnt to entertain her visitor,
tills "terror" strides Into thn narlnr armwl
with u brush ami comb, places liiuimlf be
toro tho parlor mirror nnd couunenoes
uiutilpulatlui; his looks in n manner that
Is xctillarly diHgiutlnK to the en.
tleiiiau oilier. Of coursn, tho visitor
li)U lu as'.ouUhmeut, Immediately goes Into
thn "lleut uiuml," tho lad's power of en
tertalulm; is psralyxd and both tn them.
selves llkoneouplo or "Stotnjhten liottloi.,"
wtttchlngtho "siunrt aleoU" nt his tollot.
Seconds glldo Into minutes, anil minute
ohsMte-ioh other into doubln flurus, mil
thero ha ktauds, perreotly, nud npnarou'lv
blissfully iKiiorani that ho Is "do trop," anlt
that tho gentleman caller is wishing to hlm
solt iiioxt hturtlly that he could have his an
tlqur.ttd .tto "In chancery" about tlvo mill.
lilts where he could put it In a condition that
he couM'nt iwo a brush oroomb on it till the
"mouth of Sundays," Tho "idlit" how
ovtT, generally accomplishes his object, for
nine out of ten caller after watching his tor-
msutorafew mlnuie, pulls out his watch,
ays Iim tlmo to Iss going, and gracefully, as
the oirxuinutancaa will admit of, illdea out
ou his left aurlole.
Mrs. Martha J. Hoon, wlfo of Hon, J. D.
rtoou, ono of tho plonours of Oregon, nud
Iho tlrst Tronnurer of Iho Slate, died sud
denly Thtirr.day morning, tho 13 h lnst.,ht
thu rosldutiuo of her youngest sou Byron
Uoon.noir Sllvortnn, of oougesttvo ohllls.
Mrs, Dion was tho mothor or ll. 1). Hoon,
K.q.,of this city, W. It. Hoon, of Portland,
nyrtin itjou, 01 aitveiiuti, nun joun liooti, ot
San l'Vauulsoo. Shu ulo lotvos several mar
ried daughters. Up to within twenty-four
hours of tier dooeav), Mrs, Hoon was appa
rently In good health, ami bade fair to live
many year, but In tho "midst of lilo wo nro
lu death," and In a fow hours tho grim do
strover may reaoh forth his hand unci taWn
tho Htrouiroit and thn be-U. Due uotlco Is
giVHti of tho riinsral Hrvloss which will
tnko place from the Mothndiat ohuroh,of
which UMnnniioauoii Airs, lJ)oo lias boon
many years a steadfast msuibar,
Aoouuil of Laroeny.
Mr. Thomas Iteyuolds, Deputy Sheriff of
the county, arrived hero last Saturday from
t'ortiaim, with a uiiiuamati named Uho Ha.
acousod of larceny In a dwelling of ono of
his countrymen lu thta oliy. Too trial was
going on before Judgo II. A. Johnson thlsi.
M. and as there were soveral China wituossos
on both sides, to ho examined, tbo result or
tho trial wai not ktiowu whoa wo went to
Another Rnorutt.
Capt. A. V. Waters, U.S. Marshal, or this
Htote, arrived hero yesterday morning hav
ing lu charge ono Jako Cooper, sontnnced at
tho lust term or tho U.S. District Court. to the
penitentiary lor tho crime or turnUhim:
liquor to Indians, Cooper was Irom Yamhill
county, ami was sentenced to one year.
Christmas Troe
Wo undorstntid that tho members or the
South S.ilein Sunday Sohnoi, lait Sunday,
voted to have Its minimi Chrhtmas tree in
the church over thero. This Is tho first tree
we Imvo heard spoken or to bo erected for tho
coming visit or old Santa Cuius in this city
Tho tlmbor of tho North Silom bridge
that was washed down lst Saunly night,
havo all been removeil rrom tlio but of the
creek, 111 mwul condition, and work on the
bridge will ba ro-comnieneed Immediately.
Mf sars. Waldo A Welle r ha 1 a force of
men this tunrnini: shovel'ng gravel mid
otherwise reptlrlng the mill din that re
ceived ainie blight damages during th re
cent high wktoriu Mill creek.
The Raotlst Deacon, for December, mvb
that "the Dallas church haa recently revoked
the Iloenan of H, A. Hill, being satUtled tLat
he la unworthy of tie same.
ITAIIIblMlti'.If IU60.
Willainetta Narserv,
Oswego, Olaokamaa oo., Oregon.
aaaahll Afc (lft
Xiao Italian Prune,
And tbe best rarletlcs ot
Nut and Shade Trees.
Send for Descriptive Catalogue.
Salem Flouring Mills.
CoiiNtnutly ou Hund.
HlfiTliOHt lrico lu CA.SJO.
Paid for Wheat
Kept U'.f
Astal 8. P. M.
Saccestor to J. If. Kuub Co.,
95 Liberty .,- NKW TtRK,
CommlMdoH Aeat
r Now York Tla latbau, PaeUe RaUrotdTaaS
OaMlIom. aUblada of MerckaadUe, andtft SS
of Products from th PacUe coast, for tbcoueeScai
01 Dtootr. Ac, octatT
L-. ,