Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 07, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    V ,
Slaving determined tn maintain tho position liorotoforo occupied by me for tho
Largest Retail House in Oregon,
I have taken this monns of announcing to tho public that I am now displaying
tho LARGEST and .tf EST STOCK of Generul Merchandise north
of Sun Francisco, consisting of a fino stock of
'CSt-eaats' ctiaci Boys' Olo.tHing,
OETtitM, Cups, Vxrn-nlxm, VallaoHr,eto.,
vrltioh is surpassed by none in tho city, and will bo sold at prices to
auit tho times. It shull continue to be my aim to give
And to place before my-patrons.u, variety of ar.ticlcs nort.to bo found
iu any,othcr house. It is not my intention to mislead the public by
advertising goods which I cannot produce upon inquiry, bnt to give
value received in every instance. Soliciting a call from every pur
chaser, (at my stand, Griswold's corner, respectfully, sM: MEYER.
Plows! Plows!
Iron and Wood
mia amr
v a n i TTrifiiirnMi,?wi mm araamsr'
Dax Gmsnplaf
$ jucaiii 011510
Buford Gang
"Black Ilawk Single
rrna'kiMK. 'i a.-1! r. ' a'." K.ainH
KxBnmt&z&U !PR S-inch lo lG-inch.
Champion ' Browno " Sulky,
(Norcr blcn beaten la tho Co'd.)
Champion. Fan Mill, Pacific Cider Mill, and
Tho MoShorry Grain Drill and Broadcast ticodor.
Otlier Agricultural Implements in the Market.
101 and 106 Front Stroot. - - - PORTLAND, OB.
Mwwunijioiii iiww
1? W n' J
Jnn 1 Ri tart
SlldQj'H BBD
oiteiw to Tin:
Tho JJnttt over Mndo.
an'extha quality op
Ladies' Calf Shoes,
Jolt tho thlnj for oar Oregon winter weather.
'Fine Kip and Calf Boots,
'Vrkteh are expretalj made for our trade, of different
quallllef, to null cuetoma n.
All goods Hold by mo nro GUAIl
ANTUUD to bo wkut I recom
mend tlicui, or I will nt any
Mmc malio It good to tho pnr-
c ha Her.
J. vr. oilueut.s
Snleni, Oct. IS, 1877. tl.
Dealer la
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
'Tobacco and Cigars,
.Hitem, April W, 13. wti
Mlarr- Rt)nwikiiu4UinHr
lfl hipbltoll ul.lll. KUx
r.J,,t tWMMtnCiii'lmil.Bb
Good Farms
UOl Orustvi, tun mile north uf f alein. on tliu
DnyiDii 4ud Whvtllanit rnit I; tit hoimUul locitloa.
huh W Uo vuy bun land In ilio Ktalu Can N olrlded
Irto hrioi.'oMiJr.n. Wo havn an c ffjr fr apart il
IliU mIcbhL ill nr ncro. which would ttAYi. luitbal
anco of tin lied In a uinaru body of b'li cro euu of
iucinunjcr cuiiiuitiou; i"w cre MUfaui.juininj;
tliu cullltJtod Held', that cnnkl ba ellygot r acly fji
the plow, having Im-n tllttiol rum rlvo 'o tenyi-ara.
All i ho ImlldiBvii nrn on Iho COO acru tract, and Tor
which vr only nk f SO per new. Thou Mho are In
e ei ith of uotxl land houM go and eo thU place For
partlcuUra.cali and teo tho proprietor".
aoo actum o? lano is maiiion county.
linvou, toand a half mile tram nerval, ami about
tun ram dlrtanco from Woxilhnm, lylnicon tho llalto
vlllc nsd. In a derlrahlo location; la Iho ury bet
qtnlltr of Un'l. ar knc.wlnUcd t bioooof thobwt
Umnonl'rtnchl'ralrlo by ail who are a-cqnalrtul
with the cmntrr. 3U aere or tbta tract la under cul
tlvatlon; tha balinca of tho tract. Ul acre. U timber.
Tliero l a tolerablo cood dvtelllnR boao on tbW
nUco; two cood birrn, with plenty of thud room for
lock. For full paitlcular. po and ..
8. 1) S. T. NOTHCOTT..
On Uo premlnea, or addretathem at Wheatland, Or.
Noy.SU.lj7T. Jmp'd.
L.tttlo Olnnt
We wUh to Infqrm the people of OreRon
thai we have purchased the patent or "The
Little Giant Grabbing Maotilne," and that
wo are now prepared to supply any number
of them at a vary reasonable prloe. Tbe aub
olned teatlmonialit or the auperlorqualltlea
or these machines and their comparative
cheapness should reoomended them to all
those detlrous or clearlnu oiflandat buttrl
ninK expense. For further particulars apply
to Prank Cooper or Wat. Delaney, Salem, or
Albett Brlggs, Sclo.
tJoio, March 10th, 1877,
This !h certify that we have used "The Lit
tlo Giant Grubbing Mitchlne" and found It
superior to anything of the kind overused
In this part or iImi country:
I'reHion Munkera, Wm Ireland,
Henry Iley, J H Morris,
A Divls, J 11 Irvine
KUatdwIn, 11 F Brlggs,
Uenry T Hare.
We the undersigned have eoen "tbe Little
Giant Grubblnu Maoblne" work and can
Hure the pnbllothnt III tho be-it machlue
or me kiuii wo nave overfonn wurKin.
M Alexandor, G W Hamilton,
J 0 JoIiiikoi), 1'oterHnilth.
J M Ilrown, Win II MelCnlght,
P Itllyeii, Ia-1' ilasou.
fc'oio. May 23th 1677.
r. o. stTXiZiXVAir.
8. R. corner, at Jiead of atalra. follr
Farmers, Take Notice.
aa rood a. ow at JOHNNY KMOIIT'H Black
mtth hhou, oa Commercial at. below Wade' bard
war etore. for a mall oauay of tola. Brine la yoox
old Ilowa. and eee If I Coa't do a I aajr
New York, Nor. 30. The Herald's London
correspondent la -Paris telegraphs that, a
grana dinner was given ,iu rn yesioraay
evening by Dr. Evan,Iln honor.of GoEoral
Grant, at which many distinguished gueata
were present. Alter ainner recepuon was
8S?M JfTSir SwmeteHh. $& is.wss:
evening with Harjea, of thewe 1 known i",. iii1,"ii: ,."3. ".hT..K -
banklmr firm Drexel. Harles A Co.
St. Louis, Nov. SO. The funeral of Ulsbop
Marvin took place today, attended by
large concourse or people, Including mini
borxofnll denominations and oltlZHns gen
erally. There wannlso a number of proml-
ueni memuers oi ine aitimuuui uuuruii iroiu
rennossoe and other states.
Washington, Nor. 29. Republicans are
to nlnht entirely confident that they will bo
able to seat Kellogg beroro tbe oloso of to
morrow's session, although It may vory
probably rnn ovor Into next day. Conover's
voto for Kellogg Is no longer doubtful.
Chrlsllanoy Is also promised for him, nod
thoro is almost positive authority for stating
that Stanley Maitbewn will likewise be fjucd
among the faithful on this question, thus
apparently insuring Keltogg's admission by
means or the casting vote ot the vice pres'
dont without taking into account tho possi
bility that Patterson may give tbe Republi
cans one majority regardless or Wheeler.
Alter a long debatr, Kellogg, or Louisiana,
and Butler, or South Carollua, were aworn
in aa u.u.Henators.
The nominal! m of John H. Harlan, to be
ataoolate luetics or the supreme court waa
confirmed, but a motion to reconsider was
entered, and this motion was leu pending at
adjournment. There Is good authority for
stating that the number ofaoaators opposed
to the appointment U small, and that Cnal
favorable action will ehortlbe voted by a
large raaorlty.
San Franolaoo, Nor. 29. All bnslnesi wan
suspended to-day, the streets are thronged
with people and the city wears a holiday ap
pearance. Tbe worklngmen's parade passed
off In tho qulotest possible manner and
not an Innldent ocoatral during tho psasiRe
of tho procession worthy or note. The pro
oosslon was Just one hour In paselng tho
office or tho Western Union Telegroph Com
pany, and number.ng tn toind numbers
about 7,000, inolndlng band, roarsl a a and
upwards or 600 worklngtutu Iu lino, and
were, with few exceptions, sohor orderly,
vio'ldrossodend reipectablo In nppenranco,
and tho domomtrntlon was n credit to tho
workingmen, being 'only a comporlllve
falltiao In point of numbsrs. Several lunde
enlivened the march with music, and tbe
procoKslon made a good showlug of biunerx
and tracspArenclos bearing mntloos nppio
prlrtlo to tho occasion, The Chlnexo, Instead
of, aswBH nxptoted, keeping well within
dooiH. nwarniHt a'ong the etroot In the
iit-luliboriiood oftlinlrnunrtors. iimnlft'stlnti
no tear whatbvor. Tho ontlro r-olioo forot
WHHonduty mid tho inlhla voro in tondl
ueMiattbo arinorlei, but tint tho r-lljititimt
ocriinlon arose for UioscrvlotH of either v
I loo or troopH, the mi rubor of arrosts thus lar
bolng fuwor lbn uiual.
Sprliioflfrltl. Hull., Deo. t. S'rti'I Bowie,
odltor or tho Kepnbllcan, Biiiied Uiixmnrn
lug from paralyaU or tho brain, und phyiil
cIhusnav ho cannot rtenvor.
New York Do. 1 mldnluht. A dUrutcb
from Sprlnufleld, MaH,r-nst NtMihnngo
Inlhnurltlonl condition. Ilu Is oonclmu
and frwi from pln nud may live i day, but
Is lieblo to puki iiwiiy any hour.
Clevelitnd, Deo. i. Chariot U Mflijlll. k
I'nliluet ninkor,27 ynar old, killed bin nii
trc'H, Mary Kelly, In tilicumol III fniim this
Mfiornoon.. Jealouay um tlmcatiatt of lli
murder. Tho murderer gvo hluitulf up nud
whh tnlton to tho central fWh n.
Monigouie ry, Alu , Do. 2 Thli tmrnlr
tho bod ich of Anlolno Nlorosl and Miai Auro
Iht Tharp were found tn iho cucuterv, h
nlstol bnll liololu ojoU licad. A ttnio from
NIcroHi Indicator they wero willing lodlo fur
hmoIi otliiT. It Is Aiip)ONcd Nloruai bhotber
ami thou kllkd hlinsMf.
Norfolk, Va., Den. 2 Bnnjjinln Ooilfroy,
icod III. Hlint nud Insuniiv k lll..il MIhh
Mollln IJ. WlnlngdBr.auoil 17. (lodrrey thtn
xhot hluiHoir. Iluyll probibly did. JohI
ouay vHibocnn.
Dot roll Urn. 1, Tiso vfars ngo Lyman
ltlHokinnti,nfiriiirr living imnr Itlruilng
Imiii, Mlulilgun, deeded his fitrni In hlx h in
Henry, on condlllon Hint ho mpport hU
psrentn and xlster. Ho fnllln lo do llila hlh
iiillier Mutual for Pnutlau to day to got out
(ho necessary ppuri revoking tint doml.
In his alMonoa Henry quarreled llh hU
mollier and (.Uier, which resulted In bin
MliootlngHnd klllingthem both, nnd nulling
llrti toOio houoo and barn. Ho id now lu
Jail at Pontlao.
vnsuingtoii wot. au i no nennto onnarm
od Deo. Conn to be recelvor of publlunoneys
Ht Lnkn View, Oregon, and L. T. llarln to
bo register at Orogon City, Oregon.
On the question of tbo pangn of Iho bill
fur unlvemal amnosty, which railed In tho
lioui-oto day for want or n two third vote,
the Paolflo coast members weto recorded ns
follows: For pataage Pachecoand Lutlrell;
against passage Page and Da via, Williams
would have voted for it and Wren against It,
but were paired.
The Herald, in aa editorial article, avowod
ly written upon koowledge, intimates that
tho great reason for Senator Sumner'a dis
placement from the chairmanship or tho
foreign relations committee, was nls position
on the Alabama olaitns negotiation.
Cincinnati, Deo. I. At the session or the
National Orange to-day tboGraogo Bulletin,
published by the national executive oommlw
lea, waa ordered discontinued. The grange
adjourned, to meet next year In Klohmond.
Constantinople, Nor. 30. The British fleet
whloh waa to have left Ueslka Bay to winter
at Smyrna and Mulia has been ordered to re
main In tho bay.
Vleunn, Nov. 30. A oorreHpondenlPtatrti
that the rumors of negotiation (or the sur
render of Plevna are coniradlctd from the
ItubMan oamp lUelf. TurkNh prlwmrH
moreover aMert that Osman I'ahIih hsH cup
piH for many weeks and that he litsad
dreaoed his ofnoera aonounulug hU Intun
Hon to hold out to tbe lant man. Ultber
owing to thoe reports r other In format Ion
Knee in the expnUilon of Kim-ilanH of h
spaoily surrender are onieHhsttllmlnlhho(t.
Buoharbst, Nov. 80. In nlllritt ItuatUn
clrcltHun empbtttk) denial Wi given to tho
rumors or tbo intention to conclude an ar
mlxtlce after tho fall of I'levntt.
London, No'. 20. Ihb Times und Dilly
News unqualllledly approvo Drliy's dicU
rations regarding 'norland's IM1II07 In the
Kant. Thnsa Jouriialn uhlch utuullyarip
mirt tho guveiutnout llnd Ibiin very uuwUh
factory. The Tlnws says: Lord Ddrby Un at lat,
we pry proauino, leturned a final annwer
for tho o'ktuorx of war with Uul Iu defenvo
ol Turkity,and bfa Monis v ill ive n-rfect
satUfaclbJU to tho great wtjorlly of hU coun
trymen. Paris, Nov. 30. The Monlteursaya; ProN
dent MaiMahon holds that thocliMiibproan,
by voting tbe budget, easily provothatlt
did not intend that Saturday's voto ahuuld
be considered aa a declarajlon ol war sgalnut
blm . If the chamber Ihuhahows a onucilla-
tory disposition, the president will frankly
fulall his promuvaa to spfolnt a thoroughly
pejruaMMBhuy mlaiatry.l If tha chamber
does not show anch a dlspoelilon, the presi
dent must stand to his resolution to ohoose
between his resignation or a fresh dissolu
tion. London, Nor. 30. A special dttpatoh from
Vienna Friday says telegrams received hero
to-night from Rome report that the Pope Is
almost in his last ajrony.
uome, ifov. 30. rne 1'ope passed a sleep
heart. Uls Holinoss is nasslnn throuuh n
daugernui crisis.
Cardinal Himeonl, In onnsequencenr the
opposition of n strong pirly at tho Vatican,
U Inclined to resign tbo oecrotnryHhlp of
stnto Tho Popo hosltato-i to uoecpt hit
Vienna, Nov. 30. It Is announced Irom
liuclmrent Hint tbo uenernl bombnrdinent or
Plevna recommenced on Thursday after
noon. Thlsseetnelo point to tho abandon
mentoftho hope of starving out Oa nihil
CiMiHtanlinople, Nov. 30. Tho Turku hav
Ing eelzed two Italian vessels In tho Bosphn-
rus although tiny had passed the blcoknde
in Iho Black So. Count Cortl. Italian ambas
sador, has formally doclared that If they aro
not released he will proclaim the blockade
ineneetuai and invite Italian vessels into mo
Black Sea. He has also declared that If tbo
Porte Insists on maintaining an Ineffectual
blockade Italy will resort to extreme mess-
urna. UnlfMa Ihn Porto vlnlilH. Iharn .will rw
a rupiure with Italy; nevertheless It seems
prooaoie ine vessels mignt do aeciarea law
ful prices.
Too potto has offered full satisfaction for
thoselzareor tbe Italian merchantmen la
tho Bosporus.
Bogart, Deo. 1. Details of thelotaesat
Mltcbkaontbe20th nit. show the Russians
collected 2500 Turklih dead.
There Is a great panto in Sofia and tbo In
habitants are fleeing, being afraid tbe Rus
sians may cut the road between Sofia and
Berlin, Deo, 1. There seems no doubt the
German government haa endeavored to ob
tain acquiescence In the Russian plan of
dlreot tirgotlattona with Turkoy by promises
of her friendly support If any or Austria's
vital Interests are luipsrlled.
Vleutn, Deo. 1. A Belgrade spools! denies
there his been any conflict between tho
Turka and Servians at Vratarnitza.
Genoral IitnatletT and Prince Gortsohakcff
go in geueral headquarters Tuesday.
A Rusdan ofllulal dUpator. atatos that after
tho oapture or Pravote the Turk ubandonod
Nnvatuhon Skrlvcnn hihI Orohanlo, retreat
ing to a Balkan defllo near Uretchrvd.
Tho country between tho rivers Uke nnd
Otiht Inqnltn f.ei from Turks. Wo havo
occupied BelobtoV ruid Lltohoro on tbe
London, Pi'o. 2 A dlspatoh from Kara
dH llltblllgouco Ims been received hero thnt
tho TtukK abandoiind llatr.bnnl liulrfhtM
uor Bdionm und tho Uiisslnnu occupied
A dlspnlch from llnuh.iro't repnrln recent
deserter 1 from Plevna ustoit that Oiiinn Pa
Mm lim dM'litml h luieniioti of initklngn
flortlo If not rolkirod within n forlnlght.
Loudon, l)i'i. 1 A dlnpntoh from Bogot
retiurts Cupt. Greene, United Ktatis nillitHry
iittnobo, Iihh rvcolvid tho ltiihslan order of
Ht, Andrew Tor rouluusa In battles at&'chlpka
hkh and Plnvna.
Itoiiio, Nov. 30. H Is dnublrd nl the Vati
can whether tint popo will ever ngaln move
from iho lxd. Ho hokn well when rrouni
bent, but when the atlempt waa iiihiIu In
drun lilm, It waa discovered ho cuu'.d not Hit
Dau.l. Tho popo U worss. Tho vatloan
havo Hioepied Iho ICtigllbh gnveruminl'M
ti'iiidlltniiHN) as to hn nlilo to pro. lilm Hie
Si'otdi hiorRrchy ltuiuixlla ely.
London, IJou.2 Tho pope linn written nn
iltilorrtpli lifer to CJn. en Vlotorla. thank
Inir her lor permlitliiK Ihorti-tblabllsbiuunt
of the Hcotnh hierarchy. -
lJomn, I);o. 2 Thn prpo wm Inscnsllls
fir ihrno hoitn thli niornlng. Tain Hyun
lOm iHimtnuw, but the fit was unusually
on 1 1 ii 11. tl 1 1 ill 1 nut
P. P. T. Company Moatisr;.
Atu mriiillng of Dim Hto(ikliolditri of tho P.
P. T. Cinipiuv held lit MoMliinvllle, No
uinber21ili, 1S77, Iho lolloping rtKolutlol.
wuh tt'Joiiied, und all ptpora friendly to the
lutoicitlH of Hi u people n;o ttqnnHti'd toiopy:
Resolved, Hint n mostlng of Iho storlthold
erN of tho P. P. '1'. CoiniMtiy bo held t-t
Suloiii, Matlnneouiily, on Ihurttlay, Decem
ber (J:h, unit at DiIIhh, Polk cMtinty, on 1'xl
day, Deeembur 7ih, 1H77, nnd that puhlio
notlto bo ImiiKillulcly given nquemlug H10
ptple lo mPt ritlhohO HiueHund placta for
thu purpcHti or Inking Into conslderatloii the
Intenxils or tho Compxny,
On His Way to Luolry Quoou.
Mining Kiigluuer Tlornitu went on tn
Root burg Tuenday, and will nt nnco pioceod
to the Luoky Queen inlno. Thn brick fur
thn revorberatory furnaeo Is 011 the ground
and ho will at nncn oommenco tho building
of theName. Tho mlnun in the winze report
thn discovery of some Uuo looking ore, (ho
best proppecu et found, They are running
down as fart as possible and are within about
thirty feet of tbo level of the bed of tbo
A Wisa Conclusion.
Tbo Board of Directors of tho State Agri
cultural Hodoty have voted to have the noxt
eosMlon ot the Htalo FUlr opon on Thursday
and cIoko on Frldav of the next week. This
arrangement will give nine days for the Fair
Instead of six as hertofore. This Is aa It
should be, and theoxblbltors should not be
allowed lo remove any artlcloa placed on ex
hibition until Friday afternoon of the last
day, glvitiK vlHitnrstotho Fair ampin time to
examine the articles placed on exhibition.
Narrow Escape.
Yeelerday evening, over on First atreet,
Mr. Clay Curw-y, while riding a colt In a
keen gallop, and Juat a little nbiyo Marlon
rqunrn, tho colt fctamhlod and foil, and bo
foroMr. (J. could live himself irom the
ImrtM and wtdille, thu horse Juinrnxl up and
ktarled to run while Mr. O, wai banning by
0110 foot In Iho ftrrup, with his head ami
shoulder upon thn k round, but as good luck
would have It IiIh foot oame out Alter the
horMi had dragged hint In I hat potlilon
aeroiH tbefetreet. It wus indeed a narrow
To Leoture.
Wouro Informed that the Rev. Thomaii
Ouril,ofC.llfiirril.i, will shortly nuko IiIm
Mnpearanm Iu thU olty for tho purpose cf
giving a series oflc!urnon the vnrloiiM top.
k'Kolthoday. JIm h nlalinod to lo onoof
lha llntut leclnrerw on tbi Pad tlo Cout. Due
notion of hU nrilval will bu m I veil.
Sbootlm: Mateb.
Thn nhno'.lrju match ovei In Mouth Salem
u-h elIalt(i:dedr4terday,HndM)i0Hpreiiy
Hue hliooiiug was doue. botuejof Ijio boyx
wuh vory luoky, while nthim could have had
mom nhlckenH than they got by going to the
inatkot dud paying a dollar op'ece for them.
If you nro Raining a llttlo every dayjbe
your tnconie, bo tlmt, though It bo a lit
tle, you are constantly accumulating and
growing richer overy dayf Be content,
.... no I'vimvriia iiHiucy, you are 001 ng
Well. Am vmt rrnlnlnr. lrMnt..lniliAMWAw
(lay? Though It ih little by little, tho
aggregate 01 thencctimiihitlon, where no
day In permitted to aa without adding
Dniiml 1 !...- 11 t ...111 1 ,....5
a...v..iiiiK hi hii;kuh;u, win uetHirpriairag
to .vouieelf. HoJoinoti did not become tho
wisest nmn In thu world tn 11 nilniito.
Llttlo by HttK iiov;r omitting to learn
.something, ovn for 11 slnglo day tl
wnyn, lending, nhrnyB attidyliign living
lotweon tho tlino of rlHlng ud In tho
inoriiliigtuid lying down nt nlght-thla
s tho wuy lo ncmitiiti'nto n full aloro-
llOIIHO (if l:rinu.linl.r l.'l.,nli.. -. ....
dally pilningliu'linraukTl Bo not dla
oouraged hceatiie It bo llttlo hy little.
Tho heel men fall far abort of what they
wuuiii wish 10 no. it ih somotiilug,
It Is much If you keep good resolutions
better lo-dny than you dltl yesterday,
bettor this year than you did last year.
Btrlvo to he perleot, hut do not becomo
downhearted ho long as you nronpproaoh
jng nearer and nearer to tho high ataud- ,
a.'d at whloh you aim. Llttlo by little, '
fortunes aro accumulated; llttlo by little,
knowledgo is gained! Utile by little,
character and reputation are achieved.
'A widow lmth alwaya been a mark for
mookery, n standing butt for wit to level
nt. Jest after Jest hath becu huddled
upon licr close cap, nnd stuck like burrs
upon her weeds. Her sables arc a perpet
ual black Joke. Satirists, prose and verso,
havo made merry with her bereave
ments. Flio is a stock oharautcr oil tho
stage: farcy bottleth up her crookodlle
ICAra. or llllx.llntll Imp omilLv Intilipvntn-
torlos; comedy mookcth tier precocious
flirtation; tragedy even glnloth nt hor
frailty, antl twltoth hor with "the funer
al hakcil-metttH" coldly furnishing forth
the murrhige-tahli's.
Tho Langhorn, Pa., Deacon jHilutedly
iy&: "Were a man to go to 11 bank and
get n little itt'CominudiiHoti for Instance,
a eouplu of litintlrctl dollnni for thirty
days ho would havo to pay 11 dollar or
two for It. Wore ho to object to paying
011 the plea thnt It cost the haul; nothing
to lend hint money, nail that thu currency
would probably bo Idle tiny way If ho
didn't talio It, ho would lionet down us 11
fool, wlhoiit ceremony. Yet, Hltnllnr ob
jections mo inatlo by scnslblo people
when n neiflpnper auks pay for Utile ter
vlcca iciuleied " A
At tbe target throtlng thu other dsy, Geo.
Cutting was tho flr.t man to draw blood it
oame from h!s note. An army mutket Is
half brother to au army mule when It come
to kloklng,; 1
A lover ot good cnllocotitored 11 grocery
recently, and holding tip n handful of
ground cofleo from n big nan, he Inquired:
"Arothrco iny beans lu this collce?"
"No, Mi proniply repllel tho grocer.
"How (In ynti kiiuw?" tmkod the man.
"llucniiso l waa nut of heniittuid hud to
put 1 can In It!" nm thu answer.
"I'uddy, my hoy," mid a gentleman lo
an Iilshmmi, whom ho observed UMiJng
nway at nfiworlto pool, "that miianuTa
line )Miol for limit." "Kallh, and euro It
mum be that 11 line, for I linvubuen'Htntid
ing hero Hieac- threo liotirn, ami not. '0110
of 'cm will btirotitor It."
JjoUom rucclvctl In Valpintlso, f3oulh
Anierlrn, naya thoro has heon 11 grand
dlnc'overy mudii at a yluuun fow lengucH
from Areqiilpa. Tho discovery constats
of iv rloh vein of gold nud silver orca. It
issald the toln Is hoiiio 70 metrcH
length nud hiomlui limn any vein
metal yet discovered iu tho world.
A war between CI1I1111 and Hlam
looming up, tho former country having
revived 11 olalm to thonnverelgiity whloh
lias been dormnnt for twenty years.
A woman'ri-rlglilH orator frankly de
olarod that tho llrst tlmo a coat-sdeuvo
enulruieil hor wnlrtMiuseomedlto he In 11
pavilion hulltof r.tlubowa, tho window
allls of wiiloh aro oomposcd of Julian
"(htptalii,"r.ild a sou of Krln, iih a Milp
was Hearing tho onaut in iuolemeiit
weather, "liavoyo aalmlnlkoii hoard?"
"No, I linrtu'." "Then be labors, wo
hhall have to take thu weather us it
"I say, hoy, la (hero anythlng-to shoot
around here?'' Inquired asportsmiin of a
boy liu met. "No. nothing Just about
here," inplied tholioy; "but our hoIiooI
mastcr Ih justoVur thoro cutting birch
rods, You might walk up and pup him
A rough towel or a pleco of flannel Is
butter to wuxh U10 face with than a
hpongo. Thu loughucrH eleuuses tho
pores of the skin, nud If a llttlo soap bo
applied, will remove thoso life black
speults, which trouble many people.
A prim Dostoii editor nak: "Is It
proper for young married ladles to bo
houii upon thu rttvgu?" Yert, jirovlded
they slioloio to thodilvcr and don't let
their feet danglo too much over tho shies.
Tho Doston Advcrtlsnr says: "A gen
tleman named Moore proiioicil to a I itly
hy letter, nud hIiu asked time fur eonsldi
oration, uloilngliei' letter with thcuordu:
"No More at present."
Wo overheaid a geiitleiunii miv this
mornliig that lio hoped that "model
husband," nboiit whom his wife talks m
iiiuuIi, had been btiniid tip with tliuotlier
models in the Patent Olllce.
Trlukett, the champion of Australia,
u ho challenged any ncrnoii lu tho world
to lowuguiiihthini, has been tukeiitipby
Courtney, the Amei lean cliamploii, and
a uuitcli will prnhahly bu made.
TlieHau Fmiiclsoo Worklngiiieii havo
sent a telegram lo President lluyesiotlio
elloet that ihey had handed togither for
the extermination of tluiC.'liliieu', peace
ably if they could, forcibly if they must.
A North Carolina girl pierced her enrs
iu order to get a pilr of earrings, and got
instead a four and a half pound tumor,
which a Mirgeou has removed. t
!. 1
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