Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 05, 1877, Image 1

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$2,50 por Year.
Wo congratulate our friends and patrons
ontbo prosperity that rewards tho labors or
tho farmers of Oiogon ami Washington, mid
wo solicit their continued good will nnd
patronago lor our paper, promising thorn
that wo will make tho Wir.t.AMirrTU Fahmku
all that tholr support will warrant.
Wo havo purchtwed a largo press, capable
of doing much more rapid work, with tho
Intention or oularglug and improving tho
Fahmku whouovor our circulation bIihII In-
croaso to Justify it.
Wo havo many frlondB who roall.o tho
groat necessity nud advantage in having un
Independent nnd foariess journal dovotod to
tho IntorestH of agrloalturc, nnd wo solicit
tho friendly services of nil farmers to In-
creaso our btiklufs and i.o cnnblo us to work
moro BUCceiMully for their Interests.
There Is it largo Immigration coming Into
tho State, and wo hopo to recelvo lncreasod
hupport from nil fcueh new comorn. If our
oldirionds will help us to mnko now ones,
wo will reward tholr services bynliboral
commlosion, nnd tlinnk them besides.
Thoro nro many who nro In nrrosrs,somo
orthom for a long timo, nnd wo respectfully
urgo all such to remember us now that proa
porlty is ro general. Wo tllttlllcu to sond out
duns, and hopo that nil thoso will rospoud
without further reminder.
Tho proaponiy of this pnpor should bo an
Indication of tho prosperity of thoroglon it
roprosonts. Now, that our patronu Imvonn
abundant yield nml Hrst-rnto prices for
coroals nnd all other products, wo hopo to
rocelvo tho gonoral ptitror.ngo and good will
wo havo always tried to doorvo.
The r.olllo North West Is nblo to support a
good newspaper In the Interest of ngrlcul-
turo,nnd It Is our ambition to provoiuanaei
boyoud n quoutlon.
Onoo more: Wo r.e.n al, the holp our
frlouds can give to secure an inereaso of cir
culation, nnd wo mod all tho money that is
duo us on old uruuunt. Tho.o who nno us
for moro than ono year nro Informed that wo
do not whs'li to bo forgotten, or to havo to
uond thorn particular reminders.
A Critical Oiipintlon.
Mr. James F. Ga.tey fmnlihad uh with an
Item Inst week which was mlsplacod, and
for which wo own him im npolojry. It was
with reference to n Mimic it operation per
formed by lie. 0. II. Divi-, of Salem, upon
tuo iiaugiiier 01 ai.j.r uuinure. ninuiri
bos been iflHetod for n tnt iltno with whlto
swelling on her leg, causlnelntenso pain and
continued running sores from whlnh hIio bus
nought but louucl no roller, ur. imvi' prop
osition to treat tho inntttr surgically was
Anally accepted and tlio operation wan per
formed In tliu preaonco or riultu n number of
tho citizens uf CauyonvHle, on tho loth,
among whom wasour Informant. Tnochlo
roform was ndmlnUtercd by Dr. Merrick,
after which Dr. DjvIs split tho ax for n
abort distance and removed rovoral pieces of
detached bone; tho wound was then properly
dressed and at this wrltmg tho young lady
Is fast recovering tho umi of her limb, Mr.
Gazoly says that all present wero fully satls
tied that Mr. Davis nossojsts stllKlral skill
,i far above mnny representing themselves as
" surgeons, and bo fools no hesitancy Inrecoin
mending mm m an much, ur. i'via n
certainly attained a reputation In tho sur
gical Held not obtatnod by many. Un la n
good fallow and asldo from tho roller he I
bringing tho allllc'.od wo wish him continued
aueosss. Rosohurg Plaindealor.
Now Ronto Arjent.
Mr. Aust. Mlros has boon appointod route
agent on the O. A 0. It. It. botwoen Portland
and Rosoburg. Ho entered upon tho duties
of tho position Thursday morning last. Mr.
Mires Is well iiualltlod for tlio position, and
will, wo doubt not, glvo good satisfaction.
It Is staled' that on account oftho Insubor
dination manifested bv tho llmnaoks who
wore accompanying Gon. Howard's com
mand, It becamo necessary to disarm them.
Rev. T. IT. Pearno la now a member ot tho
Cincinnati Oonforeuce of the M. h. Church.
and has Just boon assigned for Use coining
soar to pastoral duty at UlUsuoro, ouio.
A voung nun named Cal. Hoffman, who
waa hauling rails nt Indian vIioy, ays tho
I.iQrandH Gazette, was killed a few daya
since by the wagon running oil' tho grade of
a nut.
Sixty murderers and 20 other crimlnalsaro
at largo in Teuiiesn". tor whom, nrr-t re-
wards ogsr,gtlug s:o,ovu uavo oecu oiwreu
Thn Woman's Rights Soolety ofParis has
boon dUooIvwl hyorderof Mau.Mahoi) gov
ernment, aud ordered lo cease holding meet
ings. The go veruiEout considered It a nest
Tho ploasantost tlilnsrs that Presi
dent Hayes can remember about tho
strike, Is tho way everybody kept
wishing for Grant.
Many ti man who drives his bayn or
Ids grays la himself driven by duns.
London, Sept. 20. Tho wounded from
Plevna overcrowd tho Russian hospitals,
and tho wounded snll'jr much In transit to
Tho Times says tho ond of tho campaign
mustbononr, nud It promises to present I
something llko a drawu battlo. Tho powors
will thon attempt to avert another campaign
by diplomacy.
Tho Times, htrongly pro-Russian, prints
the following, prominently: "It is said tho
Turkish soldiers havo rocblved strict order
ors not to tiro at tho Russian general lest
ho should bo killed or disabled nnd roplao
Tho design of tho Turkish sympathizers
In Traniylvanla wos the formatlouof n Hun
garian liglou uumberiug 60,000 mon, who,
aoilng In conjunction with u Turkbih oo-rn,
wero to dostroy Raumaniau railways. U is
rumored tlio Hungarian gonorat, Tlrr.i,was
ono oftho loadors.
Onow lmscoMoil In tho HilkauH, but heavy
rnlus havo Hooded tho Sophia Orhanlo.
London, Out. 1. A correspondent with tho
Turkish army telegraphs from Plovna that
Oaman P.islmM loses from tho RucslaiiH'
cannonade, wero o.xooodlngly light, buton
tho day when ho rotood tho redoubts on tho
Loltcba road ho lost 3,000 men. Thcronro
now, SeptomLor23d, only 1,000 wounded at
Acorraspoudontlwlth Gen. KrlllofT, who
commands tho forco which Is endeavoring to
provonttho revictualmont of Plovna. nays
tho Hrst Turkish convoy which entered
Plovna consisted of 2.000 wagons. Krliltlf
attempted lo hold tho road at n point o near
Plovua that 0mau P.slm was ablo to send a
forco whluh nttnckod him In tho roar nnd
obllgod him lo withdraw and leave the road
open. Upon returning, Krlltotflnn two regi
ment of Cossacks at KUopel to watch tho
So Hi road. Another convoy, coming from a
road unknown to tho Russians, running
alongside tlio b'othi road, flipped through tho
HngeiHoftho detachmont on Monday and
was under tho guns of Plovna beforo tho
RusMaus could attnek It.
A.llspatoh from Sohlpka KaysSulolmen
Pasha Is fortifying Ids camp and apparoully
Intends to winter hero.
Vienna, Oot. I. Tho mlntslorl.il organ do-
clares Servla's ontorlng on tho war not cer
tain aud slio would not If sho decided ou tho
Intlucnco ot Auttria'a neutral attitude
Shumln, Sopt. 20. Tho Rintlan outposts
have advanced from Cookona to Popkol, und
thoro began to hklrmlsh with tho Turks.
Uucharest, 8ept. 30. Tho report current
hero lo-day that tho ulllod armies had again
been repulsod hi an assault on Plovna is un
founded. Gen. Todlobou's opinion oftho situation at
Plovna has been laid beforo the Grand Duko
Nicholas. It Is uudorstood ho will declare
tbatslego operations on a most extended
scalo aro requUlto for tho oipturo of tho
placo. Tho czarowltch vIMtodGoruoyStudoti
on Saturday to relinquish ;tho command on
tho left Hank and resume command of the
Imperial uard.
The second Turkish convoy for Plovna has
roturnod to Orkanl, tho Roumanian cavalry
having captured eight wagons of grain.
Naplei, Out. 1, Cardinal Sextorlaro Sforza
Isdoad.aged 07 yoars: oroated Cardinal in
New York, Oot. 1. Tho ngont who wont lo
Australia threo years ago to eoarch for Arthur
Orton In order to dlsprnvo Ids Identity with
tho Tlchborno claimant, writes to tho I.on
'on Standard that tho undoubted Arthur
Orion bus been dlscoyored under tho name
of Geo. Cicit-Hwell.
The Tribune says the teamhlp W'seon
sin, which arrived Saturday from Liverpool
brought among her steerage passongers 459
Moruian Immigrants, who nro pilucipslly
from Great Uri'aln and Scandinavia. About
1,500 now converts to tho Mormon faith had
previously arrived In tlio United States tola
t-oann, and about 6C0 moro will loavo Liver
pool October 7ch. These people rpresont
tho poorer classes of mechanics aud laborers
of all ages.
Chicago, Oot. 1. Groat preparations aro
making for the inter Htato and international
rltle match here commencing Thursday. Al
ready a number of thoso whofontetod in
the 'Oreedmoor aro on tho ground. The
shooting lahtsthnwdayH.
Ilnstnn,Oct. 1. Tho WnrklnBinen's parly
convention met to-day, Rluhanl Silday pr
siding. Iho committer on nomination of
state nlilcers rapirted the following, nnd will
doubtless bo accepted: For Governor, Wen
doll l'lillll; Lieut. Govflmor, Wm. Rrl;
Socrelary of State, W. II. Gosi.; 'freisurer
aud IlecHlvtr, Gen. Dyer L I.mnj Attorney
Genhral. W, Andrews; Auditor, N, U Chase.
VVHshliigtou, Oot. L Tho stalemeut of tho
publiodebt shows a deereao during tho
month of Septemlfr of gtjb'jQ B'JOi decrease
since Juno, I8.&70.0C8. Tola! dtbt, les cash
loihe treasury, $2,0.1 1,687.254.
Fort Clark, Texas, Oct. 1. Col.Sbafter
crossed the Rio Uraude yesterday with COO
raon and two Oatllng guns toextrlca?ollullla
from his position. A thousand Mexlraus
left Flodrol Nogras, Ssragosa, and Viola
Nuova, today; destination unknown.
Galveston, Oot. 1. No collision la rororU d
from tho Kio 0 ramie, but It is thought llullls
and Shatter havo fouirht with tho Indiana on
I Moxlcan noil. Sartor has boon reinforced,
nnd eight companies nro now In Mexico.
Gen. Fnlson, commanding tho Mexicans at
I)liwfrr( VuriMH lnn tilnrnrl ll I d ttl rrt vai In
a, ivutii iirinoi linn uiuuivu unavin v
koepon tho trail oftho Americans until they
rocrnss tho rlvor,
Galvcslon, Oot. 2. Thoro la no truth In tlo
ropnrts that Shaffer's nnd Hullln' commands
had met with disaster In Mnxluo. ltithcoui
mands havo returned to tho Amoilcan sldx
of tho slvos without lee'. Tho expedition
has been uiiHuccoxsful owing to tho Hot lint
tlio Indians bad buon warned of Rtillli' pur
sul' and escaped, Twelve horses and two
mules, which had boon stolon from tho Amer
ican side of tho river, wero recaptured. A
small body of Mexican cavalry kept upon
thn trnll nml In hli-lit of the coiumnud dllltmt
their maroh from ihoSan Diego rlvor to tho
lllo Graudo1 but mado no ollunslvo uouion-
Wiifdilnntnii. Cot.l. To-morrow (bo Sioux
chiefs will visit tho tomb of Washington, and
beforo leaving hero will bo nrssntru wttti
overcoats and other warm raimout and a
kuiall auiouut of monoy.
Norwich, Conn., Sopt. 30. Tho vlllagoof
Puturm, Kistorn Conurctlout, was nenrly do
stroyed by Hro thlH morning. The huslnoss
portion Isgono except tho National baukand
uow hotel. Lota, about $200,000.
Loulsvlllo, Sept. 30. It Is reported from
Whitehall, MadUon county, that Hon. Cas-
sins M Clny to-dny killed a negro nauiod
Henry Whlto. Particulars aro not known.
Clay surrendered,
Fernaudlna, Florida, fop. 23. Four deaths
ft-nni yellow fuvor In tho past 21 hours, and
thrco now cm son. or 1,032 Inlmbltauls, 203
are sick, sud 6.i3 havo beon Hick.
Two dutths since last report. CupL vf. K
G.iiMiiiau, colkolor of tho portdied loht
night. Thrco new cases to-day. Among
tho Kick Is Mayor Rlddlo.
New Orleans, Sept. 20. A Galveston epo
einl s:ivh: Llout. llullis with 100 men has
ctoisod Into Mexico near Santgossa hi piu
suit of hoiotluovcs.
Clnclunall, Sei)t. 2!). Adyices from Son
nlor Morton this noon nro to tlioiUVotthero
has beon no changn since lust night. Tho
visit of Secretary Thompson anil Senator
McDonald vohtorday did him good rathor
than harm.
St, Louis, fept. 20. Col. David II. Arm
utrong, nn old citizen o; St. Louis, and wheel
horaoof tlio Democrats of this Stato for tho
IWtt 25 or 30 yoars, was nppolutod U. Spoli
ator this evening by Gov. Phelps lo fill tho
vacancy caused by tho death of Louis V.
Now Yoik,Sopt.20-VoryRoyerendJamos
Rosovelt Ilayley, Archbishop of Halllmoro.
and Primate of tho Roman Cathollo Church
of America, was slowly dying nt tho enlico
ptl roaldenr'. In tho ehadow of St. Patrick's
Cathedral, New York.
London, Out. L A dlscrodllod dUpatoh
rmm Solla Sunday nTonlnir, says Osman
Pasha repulsed the Rufso-lloumanlin at
tack on bis front and loft wllli hrnvy losses.
AUothatho attacked the Russians on tho
Lovalji road and recovorod sovoral posi
tions. Paris, Oct. 1. Gen. Khapka writes if ho
had known of the inovoment to forma Hun
garian legion In Transylvania to act In con
junction with tho Turkish corns to dostroy
Roumanian railways, h? would havo dis
suaded tho country from sucn a projoct.
London, Oot, L Tho Roumanians mean
to push their tronohos wlihln twenty yards
oftho second (Irevlca redoubt boloro assault.
Tho mud In tho tranches Is fearful, aud the
weather very cold. A corrokpondont wrltos
that tho Roumanians nro suro to carry the
redoubt, and says wero tho Russians ad
vanning us rapidly nil tholr sldo Plevna
would fall before u fortnight.
(Jen. Toddlobeu suoeeods Oan. .iifTas
chief of statrto tho Prineo of Roumani bo
f.iro Plovna. ,
Huelyirest, Oo'. 1. A dhpatoh declares
that mediation la Impossible. The battle
Hold mustulvoa bolutlon. Diplomacy may
iuierveno later.
IliMharott, Oot. I Thoczirowitoh vlsltod
Gorny Htuileu U) nltend n councilor warns
to whether tho b'dlc or thn Ruislannrmy
should whiter In Uulariaor UitiuunU.
St. Petersburg, 0t. 1. Tho report that
patltlonu are being hlgued refpiesllug tho em
peror to ret urn homo Is uuirnn. Uninvited
ollorHof medlatiim would bo roaidedul
most as a national Insult.
It is not tho palmer Ver H'chngln hut hla
brother who was killed ot Plevna.
llulvrado. Ojt. 1. Slneo the arrival nriho
now Russian coiihiil grueralHiid It umula'
envoy txtraordlnary, fc'ervsii liiurveutlou Is
regarded as qulto wrulu, It Is said tout this
que.llon has hwui doubled In ciMimtcoun
lit. Troops havo egalu Imnn ordered to Iho
frontier, and olRcers and sur'tonshavolMon
ordered to rejolu tholr regiments within
threo days.
It la estimated that 7M.100 porsons havo
died from famine In India.
Calcutta, Oot. I. The famlno report for
Madras Is still highly favorable. Tho num.
berou the relief works has docrfasel 01,000
In the week ending September 22 J, bu: the
5, 1877.
nnmbor Booking gratultoim rollof incroasod
120,000. Reports from Ilombay aro also
favornhlo, but bad from central India.
Constantinople, Oot. 2. Mukhtar Pasha
telegraphs that e'ght Rutslan battnllona with
cavalrv nnd nrtlllory attaokod his rear guard
at Nrcklolnln Monday. Tho Russians niter
Hvo hours' Hunting, woro ropulsod with n
loss oNOO killed. Four battalions of Rus
sian Infantry nnd thrco regluiontsofctvalry,
who at tho samn timo attempted to croato n
dlvorslou by attacking tho Turkish right
were nlo rodulsed.
Tho Sultan ban conferred thn title of Ohnxl
thn Conquoror on Osmau Pasha nnd Mukh
tar Pasha.
ISuchnrest, Oot. 2. --Ammunition nnd pro
visions nro being sent to thn border. Tho
Krngnlevau aiotu;l la working day nnd
Vlonnn, Oct. 2. Tho resolution como to nt
tho Servian cabinet councils la to ask tho
porloto withdraw tho troops conroulrntod
near tho frontier. As the rotund of this do
maud Is nlmust Inevitable, It Is bolloved In
Ilelgradn that Sorvla will bo ready to take
tho Hold by the date announced nt tho Rus
sian lieadqiiartoiu, Monday, tlio loth Inst.
Chicago. Oct. 2 Tho Times London po
olal says tlio aollon of tho Porto In sanding
rtanhl lUzoukslo I'hessaly Is having an In
lUmatnry etloct, nnd Greece Is certain, soon
er or later, to bo drlvon Into tho war. Servian
Intervention Is only a question of timo. Tho
meanness nud ngltatlnn In Hungary Is ut
most euro to result In notion which will em
broil tho Austro-IItingirlnu goyerninont
with Russia. (Inrmanv In nuieli nxeltrdnver
Turkish atrocities, and tho ontlro futility of
representations mauo in tlio past, too opin
ion Is gaining ground that If diplomacy can
not ond tho war this fall, It will bo almost
sum to Inoludn nil Kuropo. Tho Impression
Is gaining ground that diplomacy Is power
less and that England Is doomed to a Unal
participation In thocouHlct
jiucnaresi, oot. a. two nunureu nirKs
have crossod by pontoon bridges to Mara
Uch from SUM rln.
Russian reinforcements coutlnuo crossing
thn Serath Into WaltaohU.
Tho Russians luwn ordered contranlors to
construct one hundred ond eighty elx miles
of railway In Ilulgnrla, nnd to build huts for
ino.OQO-mcn, nnd honultel for in 000.
vlonnn. Oct. 2 It Is anununcod from
varlmiH nuarters with tho nnnnnrance of
probability that tho Prineo of Montenegro
williuitpiih nporntlous any further In the
uirrction nt iior."gnvinii, ns 110 una gumeu
ns muoh Horzouiivlnlnn torrllorv os ho can
bono to retain when neaco Is concluded. It
Is thoiitflit ho will now uttemnt tlio nniulsl
Hon oftho Albanian frontier of the plain of
Xora'Min down to Podogorll.r. wlilch letri
tory bus long bioti coveted by tho Monten
Paris, Oct. 2 Thn i-aeied congregation of
tho Vatican has prnnouncod Hguinst 1110 can
onl7atlon ofColumhitH.
Parle, Oct. 2 It was rumnrjd last night
that Duko do Itmdlo and M. P.orthol had re
signed from thn French cabinet. This report
for thn present Is at loaM unfounded, but tho
alarm which Itcroited was very remarkaDlo.
Cpproheuslou ofa forcible cot;ifiVtol by Iho
governtueui is ho ureal neroiiiattnoresiKiia
Hon of Duko do Ilrogllo nud verlnin of bis
colloncues who nro known to bo opposid to
such measures would bo endsidored as a pro
feet to a violation of law, Ihouuh It Is hard lo
toll In whose Interests such a violation wnum
bo. ThaemproMdlsanprivesol the govern
mont'H rouro since the Iflth of May last.
Tlio nj sneo imnerlal Is ali-o said lo havo late
ly oxpresfxl similar disapproval to nn Inter
viewer, j in declared no would nniiurnw 1111
pedlmonts in tho way or tho regular govern
The Indian War.
Olilcaco.8ent.20. A telegram from Fort
Denton, Montana, says tho Ner. Forces nt
lackod tho rlflo pita at Cow Island at sun
down on tho 23d Inst., making sovon charges
and lighting until 10 tho next morning,
whon they loft probably for Milk rlvor. Sun
day night (hoy burned a freight pllo contain
ing 30 tons government and 20 tons prlvnto
freight. Citizens Woliner nnd Walker wore
wounded sorlously In tho light. It Is ba
lloved Ihehostlles nro making their way to
tho ISrltlsh Possessions,
That Nortiiorn Pacific Railroad Branch to
Thooltlzina of Astoria are notnatldlnd
with any seoret nskur.iucoH from the North
eru Paolllu Railroad comraiiy that they will
build iiuy branch to Astoria. Wo do not
belief ethoy Intend to do It, without tho
iieonloof Oregon oompel them to. Wo want
publlu assuraouo, not private if-mirauuus.
We want to see it In thn ucis of Congress ex
tend 11a aid the comliiic Mixtion: and If tho
pooiilo of Astoria aud Oregon tal;o hold of
thn uuKer right it will Im there; wo know
wodo not mlsUUo tho publlo opinion ofull
Oregon when wo say that 0110 of the termini
of tho road must bo at Astoria. It is Or
egou'a Interest to have n lermlnus in Or
ogoii, not n station. Wiiiatr: ni.sn has a
TintMi.NUMiK j:xci:it at AhtoiiiaY Gentle
men I nt e.i-leru Oregon, Villsmello valley,
It tinier, Columbia city, St. Hekus, Cllflcn,
Wetpori und Anuria, got up our petition
Hiii fitnd lo us; wo will koo lh.it they go to
WhHhlngtou nml aro heard, i'lie word Is we
do not wauta N'wtlioui Paeltlu railroad rx
oHpiliiK It be nqulreil to build a branch lo
deep water on ihn Miuth kMeof thoColumnla
in threo years. II sides this, wo mum have
Iho Interi sis ol lUkttrn Oregon settlers pro
tected, Antoriau,
The nubile library of Ronton now coutalns
3H.205 volumtii,
Volume IX Numbor 34.
Tho Mnrtlni-IIenry HIio, with which
tlio Turks aro armeii, is tho well-known
llonry rillo of America, with somo im
provemonls by Martini. It is bolloved
to bo tho best weapon in uso by tmy nr
my. It will carry accurately u to 1,
800 yards over 11 mllo, whllo tho accu
rate rungo of tho J'rttssian iieetllo-gini
Is not over 700 yards. As many ns slx
tv shots n minute havo been flretl from
tho Martini-Henry gun without taking
aim, ami th'.rty shots it mlnuto havo
been 11 rod at it turgot with 11 reasonable
dt'trreo of success In hitting it. Trials
of fast llrlng, without aim, from n num
bor or rules nave roMtiteu in nn average
for tho lioporof lUty sliots a minute;
iMiirllnl-lIonry. forty: Westly-HIch-
nrds, tlilriy-elglit; lleury, thirty-eight;
ilcmiuglou, tnirty; eroncn untissupot,
tilnotcuit: Uordan (Utissian). eighteen;
and tlio needle-gun, nine. The cocking
arrangements of tho (Jhassepot and
needle.gun.s aro very slow In action.
Tills is tho kind of 11 weapon tho Uus
slus are driving tholr heavy uihssoh in
front of. It Is evident that thoy havo
not a shadow of success by direct attack.
A single line of Turks can slay all tho
Russians that can bo put in front ut
them. The Russians must develop 11
now system of tactics. Ono of our vet
eran Infantrymen could show thorn
moro tricks in tho way of encountering
a deadly rillo Hro than thoy nro likely
to lo.irn for 11 quarter of tt century.
AnouT Kkntuokv. -Tho uso of pis
tols In the Hottlemoiit of wrongs, real
or imaginary, Is once moro becoming
too common in Komucity. a tinned
etfort by tho press of tho Htule, nnd lov
ers 01 law ami orcior, similar to mac
made threo years ago, is now needed to
suppress this form of lawlessness.
Within it fow days an affray below
Frankfort resulted in tho death of both
purtk'ji. Atioihor iiluilr near Cyhlhlatuv
resulted in a wanton murder. This
hut-barons method of adjusting griev
ances does not. stop with the injury
done tho pintles; It goes beyond and
injures tho community that tolorale.s
such lawless violence. A reputation
for iiweeurlty to II to In Iho dtato of
Kentucky has in tho past been an In
surmountable barrier that has turned
tho tide of emigration away from our
idlate, leaving our vast resources unde
veloped, whllo our sister Ktutos havo
rapidly advanced In population, inter
nal IniiiroveiiientH, wealth and prosper
ity. There is 110 110 asking emigrants
to como to Kentucky, or in lulling
them of our viiht agricultural und min
eral wealth, until wo have put a stop to
thcco brutal murders that urn making
tho name of our .Stato a byword and 11
Uebotix states Hint at the Koceno ep
och tho bed of the Jlaltlc sea was occu
pied by an liiimunso forest, which
spread over nearly the whole of tho
northern continent. Dredging carried
011 at 11 depth of (1.1 feet below tho sea
bottom has brought to light thereby
two spociosof conifers, u poplar, it chest
nut, and various other trees. From
tho conifers, (ho author thinks, ran tho
resin which, through being buried In
tho earth, has become changed into
umber. Tho largest quantity of tho
gum appears to havo heuu derived from
tho plnus Hticclnus. Moro than 1200 spe--cliiions
of objects have been found im
bedded in the gum, Including Insects,
reptiles, plants, leaves, grains, shells,
fruits, etc. Tlio density of natural um
ber varies from LOU to 1.11. Its utility
sis according to Hchrotter, If: carbon,
78.8:2; hydrogen, lO.'JiJ; oxygon, 10.00.
In llrelaguo Iiiims aro ted no parsnips In
stead of oaiH, and no complaints en) rtglster
od as to falling nil in condition. Mr. LcllUui
Iced. Ills earrlagu horses ixolosivoly 011
parsnips, and the auiuml that ho now ex
hibits In Pariii aro superb, lie (.Ives ouch
horse -ID pounds ol I lie root dally distributed
111 ;i IkkU; Hid expemo or cultivating ICO
weight ot parsnips is 1 Irani'! nn Ihiit tlio
dally ration ot etch horMi is ntoiit 7 "Ouhi
now 11 pounds oloals a iliy cott 10 sous, or
1 times dearer.
Tho follow Inc I the futility or Iho Siato
University at Lugeno Oily: Piedileiu nml
professor uf laiiguaueSi'l- W. Ji'limou; pio
lesnorol iiiHtbeiuaiiiiH, .Mark IldU : prnkiMir
of Iho uatuial tuleiierN, Tliiis. Condon; pro
leptroHs, Mn. Nplllcr, und iifthMuni hi pin-p-irutory
ilepar.iuenl, Ml L'rv.le liiiUu,
I'hti students enroll! d 11 1 the piielit Itllio
nuiiibtr h(jiiijililu; our 01.0 humliod nud
On FrliUy last, at half nast 1 p, tn., John
Thump-on was hsligiit at Sualllil fur tlio
iiiurdorof Solomon ltitnr 011 the 11th or
l''ebrusry last, near that pUi'ii. Tils is Iho
Hrst cMcutluu era white man lu tho tetrllo
ry. It Is marvelous that tho lapse of noarly a
century and a hall has proved suHluleut lo
make tho practice or drilling universal, tor
it IsRHlongeincoas I732that Jethroi'iill Hrst
advocated the advautsge of drill husbandry