Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 13, 1877, Image 3

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One Kind tor the Human Family.
Tlio otlicr for Horses and Animate.
Tbeeo Liniments ato simply tho wonder of tho
world. Their sflccts aro llttlo Ics? than marvellous.
The While Liniment la for tho human fatnl
ly. It will drive Ithcumatlfm, Sciatica and Ncnraljria
from tho (ytem; cures Lumbago. Chlllblaln. Lock
jaw, Palsy, Itch and most Cutaucous Eruption; It
extracts froet from frozen hands or feet, and tho poi
son of bites and stlnge of venomous reptiles; It sub
dues swellings, and alleviates pain of every kind.
When sprains or bruises occur, It Ii! tho most potent
remedy ever discovered te heal tho Injured parts.
Tho Centaur Liniment Is mod with great ofilcacy for
Soro Throat, Tootlincc, Cnlicd llrent, Ear
ache, and Weak Back. Tho following Is but a sam
ple of numerous testimonials;
"Indiana Home, JBrr. Co., Iml.,Mayas, , 1673.
"I think It my duty to Inform you that havo suf
fcrrcd much with swollen feet and chords. A few
bottles or Centaur Liniment has done- tho work for
mo. I havo not been free from theso swellings In
eight years. Now I am perfectly well, Tho Lini
ment ousht to bo applied wjggj, UR0WN
The proof Is In tho trial. It Is reliable, It Is handy,
It Is cheap, and every family should havo tho Whlto
Centaur Liniment.
Tlio Yellow Centaur Liniment Is adapt
ed to tho tough mnsclcs, cords and llcsh of horses
and animals. It has performed moro wonderful cures,
la thrco jcars, of Bpavln, Btraln, Wind-galls, Scratch
es, Sweeny, and general Lameness, than all other
remedies In existence. Read what the great Express
men say of It:
"New Yont;, January, 1671.
Every owner of horses should glvo tho CrNTAun
Liniment a trial, Wo consider It tho best article oy
er ttscil In our stables. .. .. .. ,.
"It. MAItSH, Sunt. Adams Ex. Stables, N. .
K. l'ULTZ.Snpt. U.S. Bx. Stables. N.Y.
"ALIJEllT S. OLIN, Supt. Nat. Ex. Stables, N. ."
Tho best patrons of this Llnlmintaro Farriers and
Vctrlnary Surgeons, who aro continually using somo
Liniment. It heals Galls, Wounds and l'oll-ovll,
removes Swellings, and Is worth millions of dollars
annually to Farmers, Llvcry-mcn, Stock-growcrs,
tihccpralscrs, and thoso having horses or cattle.
What a Farrier cannot do for $50 tho Centaur Lin
Imcnt will do at a trilling cost.
Thcio Liniments aro sold by all dealers throughout
tho country. They aro warranted by tho proprietors,
and abottlo will bo glcn to any Fariicr orl'hyelclttu
who desire latest them.
Laboratory of J. B. Host: & Co.,
10 Dcv St.i New Yonu.
lltclier'H Caatortn Is a complcto snbstltuto
Tor Castor Oil, and Is as pleasant to tako as lloncy.
It is particularly adapted to Teething and Irritable
children, It destroy worms, assimilates tho food,
regulates tho Stomach, and cures Wind Colic. Few
remedies aro as cmcaclous for Fcvcrlshncss, Croup,
Worms and Whooping Cough. Castorlals a scienti
fic snd puraly vcgetablo preparation, moro cAVrtlvn
than Castor Oil and neither gags nor gripes. I'repar
lliv Messrs. J. II. Rose & Co., IrtDcy Street, Now
York, from tho reclpo of Samuel l'ltchcr, M. D., of
Dunstable, Mass.
Sncccssor to J. M. Keelzii .Ss Co.,
05 Liberty M., - - NKW YOICK,
Commission Ajont
Now York via Isthmus, I'acluc Itallroid, and
Capo Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, and for tho sale
or Product from tho I'acluc coast, for tho collection
of money. Ac. octstr
Attorney at Law:
Offlco en Stato Stroct, opposlto tho llcnnctt House.
Final Settlement.
TVTOTICK U hereby given that J. M. Drown, Admin
Ji lstrator of tho Kstato of Jotcph A. Wright, ha
stilt day llled hi final account, and Saturday, tlio 1 lib
.lay of April, at 11 o'clock a. m. of raid day ha been
llxcd for hearing tho same. Therefore all person in
tcrcitedlnsaldestatoarc required to ippcar In tho
County Court of Marlon County on or Itef iro tho said
day and thowcauso.lfany there be, why said account
,houdnotheallocd. Q Q
March HI, 1677w4. County Judge.
Screw Worm.
Foot Rot,
Farasitos that infest Shoop.
Improves the Health
t3T Ono gallon Is enough for one hundred to two
kunlred Sheep, according to their ago, fctrcngtb,nnd
It Is put np in FIVE-GALLON CANS-Prlcc, f 13
per can.
Send for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
Wboleaale Aceut for the Stale.
Or to your ncart RmU Drejsfct. &TG
if rrii rtiimftpsiii inn iiih-
Oregon Weather.
Tho rain comos dropping, dropping down,
All o'er our fortllo meadows,
All o'ortho woodland pastures brown,
And 'mid tho mountain shadows.
Tho rain comos driving slowly on
In from tho bound loss ocean,
At evening tido and early dawn,
With an unchanging motion.
Somotlmoa it patters and it pours,
It Alls tbo streams and hollows,
And down tho riven hill-sides roars,
And oVr tbo sttnkon fallows.
Sometimos tbo folds of murky mist
Above tho hill-tops lower,
Or fields by doublo raluboWB ktssod
Seem grateful for tho showor.
In many forms tho blessed rain
Brings comfort or brings leisure,
Which, earned by hard lnlr-weatkor work,
Wo tako with doublo pleasure
No wish havo wo to growl or fret
At this tbo woalth-bostowlng.
Tbo means by which returns wo got
For reaping and for mowing.
lis truo somo Joys of North or South
Aro for this causo doniod us,
But cold or drought will shut tho moutb
Of him who would derido ua.
For health and poaco and suro roturu
For well-directed labors
Mako us content, nor will wo burn
With onvy of our nolghbora.
Thon hip! hurrah! for hornoa and hoarts,
Nor would wo from thorn eovor;
Our sunny Sutcmor's long enough
Our wobfoot land foroverl
Of tho stars which havo boon studied, wo
know tho dlstonco of 20. Among thoso wo
may signallzo Sirlus, a sun 2,GSStlmos largor
than our own, surroundod by a system of
heavonly bodios, sovornl of which aroal
roady known, and distauco from us 82,000,
000,000,000 miles; tho Folar star, which is ft
doublo star, distanco 2(12,000,000,000,000 miles,
and Capolla, distanco -125,000,000,000,0008
spaco which is travorsod by light in 71 years
nnd eight months, so that tho luminous ray
which roaches us from this lino star In 1S70,
must havo startod out In 1605, Capolla
might havo bcou extinguished In 1800, but
wo should soo it still. It might go out, to
day, and tho Inhabitants of tho earth would
continuo to admiro it in tholr heiwons' until
1018. Conversely, If thoro oxlstod on tho
planots gravitating round Capolla, minds
whoso transcoudcut vision could tlionco
dohorv our llttlo earth, lost ns It is amid tho
sun's rays, thoy would now uco tlio earth of
thoyoarlS03, ami Wmim iw7i vmrs. mirnt
mouths behindhand n its history. Thoso
aro tbo stars that nro ncaroat to us. Tho otn
orsaro incomparably moro rotnoto. Thoro
aro stars whoso light cannot reach us in less
than 100, 1,000, or 10,000 years, though light
travola at tho rato of 1S5,000 ratios porsocond.
I.voi:iwor,i. on IIaiiI) Monky. Thoro is
another question, and that isthoromonotlzu
tion of sliver. I do not know how you feel
about it In Now York, and Icaro just as llttlo
as I know, oxcont for tbo conoral cood. Wo
aro a silver producing nation. For what
oarthlv reason will wo sliuidor our own
wasos? Hllvor In cood enough for mo: It is
good enough for you. It will buy broad; It
will ouy lauor; ana nnyiuing on oanu moi
will buy broad aud labor Is good enough to
Eay a dobt. I want to soo good tlmos coining
aolttothU oounlry, I Uo not want to HUO
everything given up to tho porsons thoy itro
ploasod to call tbo creditors of this Govern
ment. I want them to havo ovory dollar
that Is coming to thorn. If wo havo agrood
to pay thorn In coin, lot us pay Just as soon
as wo nan, ovory dollar, In coin; but I want
It to bo understood that tho debtor is as good
as tho creditor, and that tho man who tukos
ids coupon down to tho bank ovory morn
ing at 10 o'clock is no hotter than tbo man
who has dug in tho snow and tho cold for
his dollar.
Quito n number of persons havo availed
thomsolves of our offer to allow n yours sub
scription to any ono who will send us threo
now names, of subscribers who will pay
tholr subscriptions In advance or within tho
year, so wo ropoat tho proposition for tho
bouotlt of our renders.
Any porsou procuring throo now subscrib
ers who will pay lu advauco or will pay
within tho yoar, cm havo tholr own copy
froo for tho presont year.
It Is of courso adyisablo to Bond tho money
with tho names whoro practicable, but whoro
it Is doslrod wo can wait until noxt Fall.
Any ono not a subscriber can huvo-tho
Faiimiiu ono yoar on tlio satno tonus,
Thoso of our frlonds who aro In arrears
can havo n yoar'a crodit on aocount for ovory
throo subscribers procured for HioFarmkr.
All will of courso understand that wo can
not crodit thorn until tho subscriptions thoy
bond aro paid up.
As wo cannot afford to pay travollng
agents, wo mako this liberal proposal to any
and all persons, whotbor thoy aro subscrib
ers of tho Faiimiui or not.
Times bolng a llttlo hard, just kcop this
mattor in mind and savo something for your
selves as woll as holp us.
Do all mombers of your Grange or Lodgo,
and all your responsiblolnoighbors tako tho
FAUMim? If not, why not? If thoy will
tako it, you can mako n commission by
sending in tholr names,
Beaver Glen Nursery.
Proprietor, Sl'ULIMITY, Plarlou Co. Or
For Old and Young.
Far-Siglitcd and Near-Sighted,
KliootliiK-f;iuake for SporUuicn,
I AM prepared to tunplv Spectacle, to lit all eye, at
price to nlt. W. W. .1IAUTIN,
Jeweler & Optician, Uank Block, btato St.
Sijea, May 19, 1670. tin
Tho George S, Wright.
Victoria. B. 0., April -1. Tho gunboat
Rocket arrived to night from tbo north,
where sho wontsovontoen days ago to inquire
into tho alleged massacro of 10 pooplo bo
lonclncr to tho wrecked American stonuisbln
GeorgoS. Wright, in 1874. From Sorgoaut
IMooinflold, of tho Victoria pollco, wo loarn
that two Klnlsgut and two Wakonai wero
arrested at ivlnlsgut on suspicion of bolug
implicated in tho massacro of tho passengers
of tho Georgo S. Wright, aud brought down
on tho war vessel. At Kiulsgut viUago, at
tho head of Do.iu'a canal, tho oftlcers wero
tired at by tho Indians. Tho next morning
tho Itockotshellod and burnt tbo village to
tbo ground. Sergeant Bloomllold, from In
quiries made and facts rovcalod. feels confi
dent that somo of tho crow and passoupers
reaohod tho shoro ollvo, and woro afterward
tnurdorod in cold blood.
ViCToniA, I). O , April C Tho most Ror
rowful pago lu tho story or tho wrock of tbo
VX. a. If AIM", '. A.l w.-'.. v ww . a.w.uu.
Tlio Colotist has a lew additional particulars
of tho massacro of a portlou ol hor passen
gers and crow uy tno inuians ana tuo no
structlon ot tbo Indian vitiligo. Tho officers
loarnod onough to couvlnco thotu that seve
ral of tho shipwrookod persons got aahoro
ond woro murdorod by tho natives. Tho
story is to tho purport that a numbor of
whlto mon canto ashoro in a boat; that thoy
had with tbom a box In which woro many
papers and a largo sum of monoy in gold
andsllyor. Thoy bargained with a party
of Klnisgut Indians, who wero bound to
Victoria to tako them to Port Ituport for
sevon dollars oaoh. Tho whlto mon woro
without arms, and whon night camo and all
woro osloop, tho Indians murdorod and
throw tho bodios into tho seaaftor stripping
thorn of ovorythlng of vnluo. Tbo monoy
In tho box was dlvldod by tho savagos, who
thon camo on to Victoria and spent tho coin.
An Indian women says sho picked up tho
hoad of a whito man on tlio boach at Capo
Caution a fow inontbs after tho wreck aud
was told to put it down again, and say noth
ing about having found it. Tho olllcors
found no property belonging to tho Wright,
oxcopt portions of tho wreck which proba
bly drilled ashoro.
with rospect to tlio destruction of tho vll
lago, wo loarn that Sorgoaut llloomtlold laud
ed with throo othors from tho ltockot, and
domandod four mon who aro suspoctod of
complicity In tho murdors. Tho Indians
enmo out and rofusod to glvo up tho mon.
Tho party thon securod two of tho suspected
savagos and mado for tho boat. Thoy wero
(trod on but got back to tho ship safely.
Captain Harris thon gavotho trlbo six hours
in which to Httrrondor tho mon, After tho
lapso of six hours, ho oxtendod tho tiiuo
thrco hours longor. Ho thon fired blank
cartrldgo and tho Indians ran away. Tho
Ylllngo was thon nliollcd and afterwards
burned, and tbo two mon secured. No ono
was killed.
An. JmivuvTAnt Bi:ct.sfos Jtulgo Slmt
tuck rocontly rondored a decision involving
tbo constitutionally of tho Lock Hill passod
by tho last legislature, and tho Stato powor
in rogard thoroto. Tho quostlon aroso on a
writ of mandamus sued out by tho board of
canal commlsslonors to compol tho Wlllam
otto Transportation and Locks Co. to furnish
corllllod lists of tons of frolght and numbor
or paisongors passing through tlio locks in
accordanco.wltu tho provisions of tho lock
bill. Judgo Shatluck hold that It was a roa
sonablo requirement aud within tho genoral
powor or tho Stato to provido for tho public
Interest and wolfaro of tho saino. In closo
conuoctlon with tho prlnolplolnvolvod In tho
above caso Li tho rocontly nunouncod decis
ion of tho Supremo Court or tbo Unltod
Htetos, Inthocasoof MunnvsThol'ooplo or
Illinois, which roaouod horn slucn tho above
decision by Judgo Shattuck. It swims that
a numbor or prlvato firms had built olova-
tors at Chicago for tbo purposo or storing
grain, and transferring it botwoon cars and
oats, etc, Afior tlio erection of thoso olova
tors tho loglslaturo or Illinois passod an act
liiMitiug tho ohargos lor htorago of grain
thoreln, Tho Snprotno Court nftor consider
ing tho quostlon for fully a year nftor argu
ment unanimously decided tlio Illinois law
to bo valid. Tho principle Is enunciated
that when nrlvato nronorty Is dovotod to a
usn in which tho public has nn iutorost, tho
otl'oct Is to grant to tho public an Iutorost lu
that iiso, and It must submit to bo controll
ed by tho public for tho common good to
tlio oxtent of tlio interest thus created.
Thus Invoking tho homo prlnciplo upon
which Statos rogulato tlio motiiods of busi
ness and compensation of hackmou. Inn
keopors, lorry men, eta. Tlio last Albauy
Lute Jouruul prououncos it a loading decis
ion, uud that it will tako rank in tholtoportH
with tho woll known D.utuionlh Col logo caso.
Xoti:. Tho Orcgoniun Is mistaken In tho
dato of tho Supremo Court decision roforred
to, as It was received hero boforo Judgo
Shattuck rondored his decision.
Chico Assassins Indicted.
San Fiianci&co, April 0. A pross dispatch
from Orovlllo savs tho crand lurv to-day
presontod a roport aftor a brlof sosslon of
thrco daya and u half, They find Indict
monts against 1 11. ltoborts, John and Chus,
Slaughter, F. W. Stalnbrook and F. K. Con
way , for nuirdor of each or tho four China
men killed at l.omm's ranch noar Chlcoj for
arson, against Wright, Jono.s aud Fay, tho
threo Slaughtor boys, Roberts and Conway;
for attompt to commit arson against HobortH,
John and Clms. Slaughter anil lloldorbaum,
Thoso charged with arson will probably bo
arraigned on Saturday, aud tho trials will
commciico on tho 10th Inst, Tho roport of
tho grand Jury closes as follows: "wo llnd
thoro has been Inexlstonco In our midst an
organised baud of lncondlarles and assassins,
whoso crimes may bo compared to thoso of
tho worst criminals ovor brouuht to Justlco,
aud wo bellovo that some of thorn aro still at
largo. Wo urgo uuon tho whoso duty it is
to jiursuo with relentloss vigor ovory cluo to
tholr Idontlty and punishment." A great
deal of dissatisfaction Is exprefesod at what is
considered tho hasty and superficial man
nor in which tbo jury lias conducted Its in
quiry, vory llttlo ell'ort having beon mado to
secure tho Indictment of a number of prinon
ors, including soveral niuinborn of tho coun
cil of nine, who havo been Hot at llborty und
havo returned to Chloo. A ronositondont
hints that by vlrtuo of their pof.nco thoro
additional items or IntoroH .iy kooii bo
Cleopatra's noedlo is to bo rennvod from
Alexandria to Kngland. Clixjfutia having
llnished hor towing, und having, therefore
no further uso for It. An Iron cyllndor is to
be built around It, nlnety.il vo lU-llong by
lliteon In diameter, and when tho obelisk
has boon wedged In, and tho cylinder mado
water tight, tho wbolo sllalr will be rolled
In tho sea. It will then bo provided with
two bilgo keels, a rudder, light spar deck,
mast and lug sail, an anchor and good chain
cables, and, if neccessary, a pump, Incuo
of leakage Tho cylinder ship will then bo
tit to go to any part of tlio world with 1U
frolght, and in any weather. Tho cost of
tho operation is estimated at ? 15, COO which
will bo Increased to ?50,000, by tho tlmo tho
obelisk is placed in position on tbo pedestal
already prepared lor; It,
Iu n small villago on ono of tho moat
bnrrcn districts of tho West of Ireland
thoro lived n vory poor widow, whoso
solo Inheritance from her husband woro
two healthy children, girls, of tho re
spective ngos of threo and llvo. Painful
ly and by tho utmost effort sho had con
trived to pass two years of her sorrowful
wldowliood. Bad nnd scanty food, ob
tnincil only by labor too grcnt for her
delicate frame, hntl nt Inst thrown her
upon her sick-bed, nnd death, in pity,
removed her In n few days nnd without
grcnt suffering, from hor rnrthly troub
les. Tile poverty of tho wholo pnrlsh
wns so crent thnt nothing could bo done
for tho poor orplinus.
"If tlio children could only bo got to
Kilburn" a vlllngo somo miles distant
said one of tho nelghbory, after tho poor
mother had been buried, "a brother of
their father lives there, nnd ho could not
possibly refuso to tnko care of them."
So n cmrlcr, who wns going near to
Kilburn, us an net of charity, took tlio
two girls Lizzie wns seven now, and
Mary was five in his cart with him.
Toward noou they readied tho spot
whero tho enrt would (urn oil. Tho man
lifted them out, showed them the road,
nnd bid them go straight forward. . .
"I am so hungry," sobbed Mary, "Wo
havo had nothing to eat all day." Aud
ncaiu they both began to cry; for Llzzio
was equally hungry.
Tlio children wero vory weak, ami
could only drag themselves slowly along.
Hand In hand they tottered on. At last
Lizzlo saw n house. With hesitating
steps thoy entered tlio yard, for tltoy had
never begged before, iu splto of tholr
former misery. Kut at tills moment they
could not think of nothing else than
thoir tcrriblo hunger. Tlio children, ter
rified, stood still nt tho door until an
nngry voico censed. Then Lizzie opened
tho door and both children entered. Tlio
farmer sat iu an nrm-chalrby tho lire.
"Well, what do you want'.'" ho harsh
ly ashed tho children, who wero too
frightened io utter a word and to toll
their errand. "Can't you speak?" ho
asked, moro roughly,
Lizzlo at Inst took courage, and snld,
gently: "Q if you would bo so good as
to give us tl.j least bit to eat a small
plcco of bread a few potatoes."
"1 thought so," shouted tho farmer; "I
was suro you wero nothing but beggars,
although you do not seem to belong to
this neighborhood. Wo havo plenty of
thoso here, aud wo do not want them to
como from other partH. Wo havo not
bread for ourselves In the.so hard times.
You will get nothing here. Ho oil', tills
Tho children, both dreadfully frighten
ed, began to cry bitterly.
"Wo havo not enton a morsel tho wholo
day," pleaded Lizzie. "Wo nro ho tired
that wo cannot movo u step. If you
would but glvo us tiio least bit to eat,
wo aro no hungry."
"I havo told you I would not. Ueggars
get nothing here."
Tlio farmer got up with a threatening
look. Lizzlo quickly opened tho door
nnd drew her sister with her. Tho chil
dren again stood In tho barnyard, but
know not what to do. Suddenly llttlo
Mary drew her hand from her sister's
elasp aud went to tho other sido of tho
yard; there was n llerco dog chained,
his dinner stood beloru him In a wooden
basin. Mary put her hand lu the basin
nnd began to eat with tho dog. Lizzlo
went nearer aud saw that lu tho basin
there was some liquor lu which u fow
pieces of bread uud somo boiled potatoes
wero Moating. She, likewise, could not
resist; she had but one feeling thnt of
tlio most gnawing Hunger; ulio took
Bomo of tho bread and potatoes, and eat
them greedily.
Tho dog, not nocustonied to such
guests, looked nt tho children; ho drew
back, then sat down and left them his
dinner, of which ho had enton hut very
little. At this moment, thofariuerstep
ped Into tho yard; ho wished ro sco
whether tho children had really loft, and
when ho saw this singular scene ho was
amazed. The dog was noted for his
ilerceiicss, mid feared nliko by old and
young. J Io was oblidged to bo constant
ly chained, and no ono dared to come
near him except his master. Kven tho
sorvant put his food before him In u most
cautious manner. In tho llrst moment
tho man thought of nothing but the
fearful danger in which the children
were, nnd walking quickly toward them
oxcluliued :
"Dontyotisco tho dog? Ho will tear
you to pieces !"
But suddenly ho stopped as If rooted to
tlie ground; the dog had got up again
and gone near tho children; then ho
looKod nt his nmsterand wnggcdhla tall,
it scorned us if ho wished to say:
"Dont drive my guests away!"
At thnt Bight n great chnugocamo over
tho man; tlio spectaclo boforo him acted
like an electric shook, and feelings sneh
ns ho novor had before, seemed to stir
within him.
Tlio children bad risen, terrified at tho
call of tho man, und, fearful of punish
ment for having eaten, camo with down
cast eyes. At lust, aster aeyerrl minutes'
silence, tlio farmer said:
"Aro you really so fearfully hungry
thnt you do not oven despise tho dog's
food? Como in, then, you shall havo
somothing to eat, anil as much as you
like." And then taking tltm by the
hand ho led them into tho house, culling
out to tho servant, "Biddy, get somo hot
bread und milk, und bo quick, for these
Thy dog had shamed his master the
bruto had shamed tlio tuau. Ho seated
tho children nt tho table, sat down by
them, and kindly asked them their
names, which thny cave him.
"Do you know my nnmo, chllilron?"
"No," replied Lizzie.
'How happened It, then, that you havo
como to mor" ho asked. "Has nny ono
sent you io mo, "
"Nobodyjlias sent us," ropllcd Llzaie.
Wo Woro to iro tn Iv II fill i-ii. wlmrn n.
biothcr of our father lives, nnd they said
ho would gladly recolvo us. 33utl do
not believe It, for our mothornl ways said
ho Is a hard-hearted man, who docs uot
care for his relations."
"Your mother wni qulto right whon
sho said so," 8ald tho farmor. "But
what will you tlo if this hard-hearted
man ooes not reeeivo you?"
"Then wo will hnvo to 8
swered Lizzie.
starve," an-
"No, not" oxclnimsd tho man, quick
ly. "It shall novor como to that novor!
pry your toars. Tho merciful Uod ha9
hnd pity on your helplesncss, nnd has
mado uso of a flerco bruto to soften tho
heart of your unole, and therefore ho will
novor forsake you nover."
Tho Mhlldren looked at tho man In bo
wlldermout; they did not qulto under
stand what ho said his words nnd his
behavior wero nliko strango to them.
This lie soon perceived, for ho ndded:
"You aro going to Kilburn to Patrick
Sullivan; you nro already thoro! I am
your unolo, and now thnt I know thnt
you nro tho children of my brother Mnr
tln. t mrko you welcome."
Tlio children's tenrs quickly changed
into smiles, nnd tlio meal which Biddv
Just put on tho tnblo for them mado them
torget tnoir grior. A kind Provldonco
had directed tho children's steps, but If
tno dog hnd not taught tho man a lesson
of kindness, who knows what might af
tor all become of tlio poor orphans. AVt
Icm Arytis).
A man was landed at tlio ferry dock
yesterday, dripping wet, and shivering
till the rattle ot his teeth could be heard
forty foot away. Whon taken Into a sa
loon to thaw out somo ono passed around
the lint, remnrking that tho victim was
n poor man. Tho man two whom tho
hat came llrst called out: "Whero was
it that you fell Into tho river?" "On tho
Canadian side," was tho reply. "Then
uot ono cent from me." continued tho
man, "Its every truo patriot's duty to
succor thoso who full into American wa
ters, but I'll bo htuigod If I'm going to
help run two countries!" And the col
lection amounted to only four cents.
An Intemperate printer Isn typographi
cal crr-er.
Retiring early at night will surely
shorten a man's days.
As you cannot avoid your own compa
ny mako It ns good as possible.
"Sir you hayo broken your promise."
"Oh, nevermind! I can mako another."
The motto of tho Chlneso race iu "No
chin chin." It Is a good motto for any
Knvomoro than thou alio west, Hpenk
loss than thou knowost, loiul Io-jm than
thou owest.
Thero is a general falling oil' of llttlo
boys who try to rhlo on tho behind end
ot tv street car.
A burning barn In Germany so warm
ed up nu orchard that the trees boro new
leaves aud blossoms.
Tlio mnn who sang "Cub, oh, cub wld
me," is supposed to have been In tho
habit of going nut bear-headed.
Uccauto n man who attends a flock of
sheep Is a shepherd, makes it no reason
that a man who keeps cows should bo a
"Doctor, pleaso cut along tho .enm,"
said an ellectlouatu wife to a physician,
who was cutting open her apoplectic
husband's shirt.
A man out West, who nd'orod ball for
a friend, was asktd by fhu Judgo if ho
had any Incumbrance nu his lurm, "Oil,
yes," raid lie, "my wife."
Sot ytrtirnmrk high in tlio world, mul
then movo toward It. Do not wait for
homohoily to lilt you up to tho phtco
you iispiro to lilt youiyelf.
Avoid nil hoa.stlng.s und o.vnggora
tions, ithtiho und ovll speaking, slung
phrases and oaths In uoiivorantion; do
preciuto no mini's qualities, uud uccopt
hospitalities iu it hearty and npprocia
tluu iiiauuor; If you givo oM'enco, imvo
tho niiinllims.4 to upologiso; lufiiso its
much olognnco ns possible iutoyotiructs
nnd thoughts; avoid vtilgarltioH, uud
you will grow in tho rospuct of othors.
mid says, "Karly to ryes, and lato to
bod, inoltua fortune nnd bustn your hoad."
ItuliatiH prefer siialiH to oysters. I'orhapu
bocaiiHo tlio Jazy-roul pooplo cm catch them
Farmers novor wait idly lor Koniothlng to
turn up. Thoy Just tako a plow uud forco
A nation has no lodgment till It can Judgo
Itsoli. And this grout udvautueo is of Into
Vanity is as 111 at oano undor Itidlfl'oronco
as teudernotH Is undor u lovo which It can
not return.
Wo cannot bo too thankful oven for small
tnoruies, but wo may bo troublod about
small miseries.
IiKiulsltlvo noonlo aro tho fannols or con-
vernation; tuey uo not tauo
. ..-r ... . ...
in anvthlnu for
tholr own
but merely, pass it to an-
"Bablos aftor having takon ono bottlo of
my soothing syrup will novor cry any
moro," says u celebrated compounder of
soothing syrups,
Tho man who wears gum shoes has no
muslu in his solo.
Tho infant bridgo at Brooklyn Is bolug put
up on crudlo wires,
When dlplitliorla is about, nil bubloH
should kick against being kissed.
HhopkeoporH who soil goods on Sunday
put up tholr shutters for a blind.
liven a falso hot of tooth may havo a sllyor
Two of a trado soldom agroo.
Health and tulrtU ccato Louty,
i -
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