The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 04, 1958, Page 10, Image 10

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    Polk County Planners to
Hear Wallace Parle Plan
A rtport m t proposed txtetulon
of Paul B. Wallace Memorial Park,
which hat been requested by peti
tion, will be presented at the Polk
County Plaaalif Commiiilon
monthly meatlnf Wednesday at
7:39 p.m. at the county eourthouM
at Dallas.
Tht report, to be presented by
Former Area
Resident Dies
In California
IUImwi Ntwi Sanrtta
Graveside services (or Mra. Hattit
Weill, about M, and former long
time resident of hen who died
Sunday la San rraodaco, Calif.,
will bo ia tht Hill Top Cemetery
hero at t p.m. Wednesday.
Tht Rtr. Robert C. Duncaa will
efticiate with bnltb-Kraufer Mor
tuary la chart of arrant omenta.
She waa married to Richard F.
Weill and the couple farmed bar
for many yean prior to moving to
San Frandace, Ha died a number
of yeara ago.
Mn. Wella wai a member of the
Presbyterian Church. t
Surviving are several nephews,
Including Onrillo Weill of Indepen
dence, and a number of nieces. In
cluding Mrs. Etta Bettering of
Greenwood, a community near In
dependence. Patrolling Dogs
Allow Boys to
Escape Arrest
HAMDEN, Conn., March S ll
Two vdogs, patrolling a . poultry
auction ground, allowed two teen
age car thieves to escape and bit
a cop last alght
The boyiv who had escaped
from the lteidea School for Boys!
Jumped from a stolen vehicle near
the grounds win a policeman In
Other officers arrived and one
of them waa cornered by the dogs.
The policeman fired a shot to
scars them. The gunfire caused
a second officer, about to grab
the boys, to duck. The boys es
caped. The dogs took out after a third
patrolman who was later treated
for bites.
enenr court
Bertha L. Howard vs Laurence
R. Howard: Complaint seeks mar
riage annulment on grounds that
defendant s' previous marriage an
dissolved; asks restoration of for
mer name. Bertha U Whisanhunt
Married Aug. 13. 1357, at Reno,
Edyth M. Franklin vs Thomas I.
Franklin: Divorce complaint
charges cruelty asks return of for
mer name, Edyth M. Farmer. Mar
ried Feb. M MM, at Salem.
Wiley Smith and Del Bruckman
vs Sig Unander, Boyd Overbids,
and Julius Jensen: Case continued
to March 17 for hearing on am
mended complaint concerning at
location of state funds for private
survey of state tax structure.
State vs Clair D. Woods: Pre
liminary examination act for March
3 at bjb. on charge of noo
support State vi John Everett Lee: Hear
ing rset for March 10 at 10 a. m.
en charge of non-support
State vs Rhlnshold Daniel Wer
ner: Innocent plea entered on
charge on nan-support.
State vs David Gale Porter: De
fendant ordered to Oregon State
Hospital for 10 days observation
after guilty plea oa charge of
State .vs David Charles Salter
and James John Burke, Jr.: Cases
continued for trial after Innocent
pleas oa chart of larceny.
State vs Donald Eugene Smith:
Case continued to March 19 at
1:30 p. m. for entry of plea oa
charge of larceny.
State vi Clifford Dale Downs and
Ronald Cbarlaa Nyberg: Imposition
of sentences suspended; defendants
placed on three-rear probations
period! each, oa charge of bur
glary.. State vs James Spencer Pelham:
Defendant eontenced to Oregon
State Prison for one year after
guilty plel oa charge of knowingly
uttering and publishing a forged
bank check.
State vs Richard Waldo Hanson:
Imposition of sentence suspended;
JaaaO a), Btaaea '
At a teal hoapltal, Miroh 1, lata
raaldent af lilt Mlaaioa, lira, as
tern. Survived by wifs. Vera Oan
non of Salami two daughters, Jo and
Bavarly Gaaaofi. both Balam;
mother, Mrs. 14 Mlltlken. BurtkS.
Kan.; thrta ststtrs, Mr. Blair Ball.
Balina Kan.; Mr. Walter rouan.
artaa cHt Kan. Mra. Jamat
Wichita, nan. am-ncaa wiu
Taeaday, Mirth
p.m. la the Chapel el Jhe
Vbftf T.
ooMra ce. jmv.
B. Rarnar
wiU arflclata. lnl
Manors' Oatdona.
Mra. Lata Starktr j ' ' ' -
Match t, at the ass of M. Burvtrae
br dauf htar,
V, .mn.
oviti, sun. aj mi - i . vww.
Mrs. Sarah tanianbarf, Burlln
irker: alatat.
wm lawn nvtim. .--
on. Balam frandahlMran, Mr. Bat
ty Waianar. fortlamli Mr. JuanlU
Androaan, Salami alto two great
randahildren, Seiflaei will be bald
Waoneaday, Marea S, it J:M B.m. la
CJoih-Barrtohehapal, Bay. "Lyintp
L. Myers ifleiaUng. Intaraaot,
Mstlsway iCsoioiy fiaidaaa.
ton, toarai brothar, George Mlkkal-
the Roads and Traflc. Committee,
was requested by the commission
aa a basis for recommendations to
tha Polk County Court. Mid Wes
ley Xvaraton, Mid-Willamette Val
ley Planning Commission Planning
The proposed park addition would
include aeveral hundred acres of
what is bow agricultural lands di
rectly north of the existing park on
the west aide of the Willamette.
The land would have to be pur
chased, said Kvarsten.
An Informational report on the
status of a permit system for sew
age disposal on county lands act
within Incorporated city limits or
used for agriculture will also, bo
presented. , '
Tha system has been approved
by the commission and Is expected
to go to tha county court for con
sideration toon, said Kvarsten.
A report on the development pat
tern of West Salem areas outside
Salem city Urn its will also be pre
sented. The long-range planning
Court Renames
County Roads
A portion of county road S24 was
renamed Idylwood Drive Monday
by Marion County Court mem
bers. The road rum east and west
south of Salem. A public bearing
on the matter brought no protests.
Court members also designated
a north and south portion of the
same road as Lone Oak Road.
This section runs between Idyl-
wood Drive and Browning Avenue.
A section of county road 338,
which lies between Waters Field
and McNary Field south of Sa
lem was named 27th Ave. SE. as
suggested by the Marion County
Planning Commission.
Court members slso received
word that State Finance Co. plans
to improve two streets In Sunny-
slope Acres subdivision south of
Salem. Work is scheduled to start
about April L
Woman to Seek
Multnomah County
Treasurer s Post
PORTLAND. March S (l - Vir
ginia Grant today said she will
seek the Democratic Domination
for treasurer of Multnomah Coun
ty. She now la Oregon's Democratic
national committeewoman.
defendant placed on two years pro
bation on charge of burglary, sot
ia a dwelling.
State vs Thelma Jones: De
fendant continued on probation
after hearing to show causa wny
probation should not be revoked.
State vi Billy Res McGranahan:
Probation revoked and defendant
sentenced to Oregon State Prison
for II months after hearing to show
cause why parole should not be
State vs Rodger Henry Boen:
Two-year Oregon State Prison
sentence suspended; defendant
placed on two-year probation per
iod on charge of burglary not in a
State va Ruth M. Hoar, true
name 'being Neyssa Merino Hoar:
Imposition of sentence suspended;
defendant placed on two-year pro
bation on charge of obtaining pro
perty by false pretenses.
State vs Kenneth Guy Thompson:
Preliminary bearing set for March
10 at 10 a. m. on charge of desert
ion of wife.
Ana M. Baity vs Cliff B. Baity:
Divorce decree granted.
Geone R. Barber vs Clarence T.
Gladden, Oregon State- Prison
warden: Notice of Appeal filed of
decision to defendant in writ of
habeas corpus proceedings.
Carstea J. Hansen and Ruth G.
Hansen. 1723 Portland Rd. NE,
case dismissed oa charge of falling
to make welfare payments under
collective bargaining agreement.
Jack Lafay sylsberry. South
Gate, Calif., fined $200 after guilty
plea oa charge of driving while
Vlrdo Joseph Ruckman. Eugene.
fined 130 after guilty plea on charge
of following too dose.
Jack Edwin Stronach. 73S
Churchdate Ave. N, finedsas after
guilty plea oa charge of reckless
Jimmy Benjamin Votland order
ed held until 4 p. m. March 13 for
demanding state of California to
Institute extradition proceedings.
Guy Edward Landia, Grande
Rondo, Orel., arraignment con
tinued to March 10 at 3:30 a. m.
oa charge of obtaining money by
false pretenses..
Genevieve Parker estate: Order
seta April 7 at 10 a. m. for final
account hearing.
Thomas George Ericsson, 22,
mechanic, tea Mill St NE. and
Martha Elisabeth Jackson, It, at
noma, 73S .Cornmerical St NE.
Frederick Earnest Symone. &7,
electrical superintendent, IMS
Locust St SE, Salem, and Emma
Sarah Palurobo, 42, clerk Portland.
Bruce Curtis Blevins. to, student
and Barbara Ana Tobey, la,
student both of Portland.
John William Griffin. 130 Col
umbia St NE. pleaded guilty to
charge of driving while intoxicated,
fined $230.
Peter Cbarlaa Meyers. 733 Idle-
wood Dr. SE. pleaded guilty to
charge el artflnjwaiia
lined 3250, . -
win Include collector and arterial
streets, with suggested widths and
standards, said Kvarsten.
Adoption of the plan, a product
of the Roads and traffic Commit
tee, would refer the suggestions to
the county court for consideration.
Inmate Draws
Probation on
Burglary Count
Imposition of sentence was sus
pended Monday ia Marion County
Circuit Court oa Richard Waldo
Hanson, aa Oregon State Prison
inmate, who pleaded guilty earlier
to a charge of burglary.
A two-year probation period waa
ordered oa the charge, which in
volves the break-in of the Staytoa
Dry Cleaners last Juno.
BiQy Rex McGranahan. S7S&
Portland Rd. NE, waa sentenced to
is months at tha Oregon State
Prison Monday in Marion County
Circuit after a bearing to show
csuse why his parole should not
be revoked. . -
McGrahahaa, who waa paroled in
1935 on a chars e of larceny, waa
accused of violating parole terms,
ssid court officials.
Rodger Henry Boen. 30. Wood
bun, received a two-year suspend
ed sentence Monday In Marlon
County Circuit Court oa a charge
of burglary, not In a dwelling.
A two-year probation period was
ordered by the court on charges
concerning Silverton and Salem
burglaries last year, said court
Neyssa Morine Hoar, also known
as Ruth M. Hoar, 1440 Boone Rd.
SE, waa placed oa two years pro
bation Monday la Marion County
Circuit Court oa a charge of ob
taining property by false pretenses.
Inmposition of sentence was sus
pended oa the charge which con
cerns a $33 check given to a SU
vttoB lumber yard last August
David Gale Porter, 3415 Pleasant
View Dr. NE, was ordered to the
Oregon State Hospital Monday by
Marion County Circuit Court after
a guilty plea to a charge of
Porter is charted concernln tho
theft Of an electric razor Iran a
" . . irnnnii
David Charles Saiaer. So. el ua
17th St SE. and Jama J tWfc
Jr 1033 Albert Dr. SE. pleaded
mwhMooday la Marion County
wiraui wn io cnarges of larceny.
Tha oases were continued for
trial OB tha Count Wttirh mnn.
the theft af 13 roDa of beaa wire
uw monui rrom a Held oa tht
SUvertoa-MoIlala Road.
Imposition of sentenc waa ana.
Ponded on Clifford Date Downs, II,
ana nonaia uutriw Ny
berg, 13, Woodburn, Monday in
Manoa uounty Circuit Court
cbarcea of burclarr
The youths were placed oa three-
years prooattoa each on the counts
wnicn involve a series: of Valley
mir(iariaBi iaj antutry.
James Snancar PuThom IVum
mw rnsoa inmaia, was se
encea to an additional year at
u-egoa state rrison Monday in
Marion County Circuit Court oa a
charge of knowingly uttering and
publishing a forged bank check.
The charge involves a $40 check
given to J. C. Penny Co. last
Salem Motorist
In 2-Car Crash
A Salem motorist was injured la
a two-car accident Monday morn
ing at the intersection of Beach
Ave. and Portland Rd. NE, city
police said.
Jerry Anno Whltehurst 11 of
1290 Harmony Dr. NE. was treated
as an out-patient at Salem Gener
al Hospital for bruises oa the face
and leg.
The driver of the other car in
the 3 aJTi. accident waa Greta
Bishop. 21. 3337 Portland Rd. NE.
officers said.
Oa the North River in West Vir
ginia is ice Mountain. Here Ice
can be found throughout the year,
even on the hottest summer days.
octol security andor other paeaioa
pay for aioniities only. Te
extras, follow Equitable s Luxury Retire,
wiaat rUa aow, aurii your aamut yaara.
Tbeo. wbea vou ratira. tha noilthhr Eoiat-
taMe check supptesneats Social Security so yoa can do more than
lead a head lo mouth salswnce you can travel or pursue hobbiea ss
your heart's conaent. Your Equitable man wil ba alee to help yon
pen yewr Laxury KatirameaL Coasuai aJsa er sead the eowaea
SMOettasOotV , .
Trio Wins Service Awards
Geralal Frank (left), Salea:
Rex Darts (right), IndepaBdcBCC, wert aimed Monday for
Distinguished Service awards bj the State Junior Cham
ber af Commerce.
Oregon JCs to Honor
3 Salem
(Mary also page 1-)
Three Salem area men will be
honored Saturday by the State Jun
ior Chamber af Commerce for out
standing a enlevements during 1357.
Gerald Frank and Rex Davis,
Junior First Citizens of Salem and
Independence respectively, will re
ceive two of throe Oregon Distill-
Shots Used
Against TB
Fight Leprosy
TOKYO. March 3 UWA Japa
nese doctor said today ha has
found that aa tmmunixatlon used
against tuberculosis is also ef
fective (a combating leprosy, s
dread disease widespread in Asia.
Tha substance ia called BCG.
Dr. Ken. Yanagiaawa, chief of
the tuberculosU section of the Na
tional Preventative Medicine Re
search Institute, said be ia confi
dent of preventing or holding down
infection of leprosy to a tenth the
present rate.
He said his conclusion v.
reached after IS yean of tests in
which he found very close rela
tions between tuberculosis and le
prosy germs.
Reports en bis research wQ be
read at a leprosy conference n
New Delhi next fall
Mexico City
Jolted by 2
MEXICO CITY. March S (ft-A
mild sevthquake was felt here late
today, the second within 34 hours.
The Tacubaya Seisrxiograph Ob
servatory said the shock felt at
3:01 tun, today was slightly ever
three grades on a scale of ten.
The one of 7:03 pjn, yesterday
was grade four. . . ,
Yesterday's shock broke some
windows, but observatory director
Jesus Flgueroa said neither
quake was serious. Both shocks
were localized and were felt most
ly In the southern residential
King Moves
To End Greek
ATHENS. March t 1 King
Paul decided tonight to create a
caretaker government to end
Greece's political deadlock.
Constantino Georgapou
los. chairman of the Greek Red
Cross, was asked to form it.
A palace snnouncement told of
Georiracoooulos' appointment It
was made shortly after Constan
tjne Karamanlis. who resigned as
premier yesterday, met with
King Paul. '
y.m.nHa submitted the re
signation of his Cabinet after IS
deputies from his party and two
ministers turned against his lead
ership, dropping the government's
parliamentary support to 143 of
300 seats.
The dissident ministers objected
changing the electoral system,
changing the electoral system.
They accused him of "antidemo
cratic methods."
Earner today there had been re
ports that some of the rebel mem
bers of Karamanlis' National Ra
dical Union party were reconsid
ering their action. I
enjoy the
VJ $400 ) ,
Han V n mnttth I 1 V I
sf girvf rvir y m
Eqaitable BUg., FoHlaad 4, Onaa
Piaasl aaad faUar y f taaary Eatiraawt flaw.
frank KcJcher, Sherwood, anal
Area Men
gulshed Service awards to be giv
en at a banquet during the State
Jayeee board meeting March 7-3 at
Rose burg.
Joe Wllhelm, Salem swine grow
sr. wiU attend as Salem's Outstand
ing Young Farmer and compete
for the State title. The selection
win be announced at the banquet
The top young farmer wU re
ceive a trip to Indianapolis, ina
for the national Jayeee convention
April 14-13 when the national Out
standing Young Farmer will be se
lected. arte Activity Noted
Frank, 3i manager of Salem
Meier and Frank Co., waajxraored
recently by the Salem Jaycees for
his civic activity "which includes
membership of more than 30 pub
lic service committees.
Davis, 33, foreman of Mountain
Fir Lumber Co. in Independence,
is the youngest city councilman In
the city's history. He has been ac
tive la youth work and helped or
ganize athletic leagues tor young
and adults.
He helped buy equipment for
youth athletic teams and has fin
anced the education of two mar
ried men at Oregon College of
WUnelra was honored by Salem
Jayeee for bis work in devtioping
one of the county's top swine-producing
ranches in only five years
Frank Keicber, Sherwood, will
receive the third Distinguished
Service award.
Nine Salem Jaycees will attend
the board meeting.
They are George Huggins, Lloyd
HammeL Lawrence Feldschau, Da
vid Beckett Robert Cole. Victor
Fryer. Una Svendsen, Mile Grubb
and Donald Hbock.
Educator Hits
Advocates of
ftuss Ways
SEATTLE. March 3 ufl Amer
icans currently advocating the
adoption of educational methods
being used by Soviet Russia are
demonstrating a lack of confi
dence In the democratic way, New
York University professor A. J.
For Cross said here today.
"Rockets and satellites and their
spooky counterparts, flying sau
cers, spaceships and haUudnary
men from Mars, have us 'running
scared," Cross said. "And when
we are running scared we are not
likely to make our best decisions
about education or about the
course we take into tomorrow."
Cross urged a discussion group
at the. 13th annual conference of
the Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development te
develop the field of social educa
tion. '
Educators must help bridge the
gap between scientific creations
and man's ability to use those
creations for the good life, Cross
Catholic Women
Open Convention.
EUGENE. March 1 W) - The
Archdiocesaa Council of Catholic
Women today opened its annual
two-day convention here.
The convention's theme is
"Pray. Work and Unity."
The meetinf will end tomorrow
with discissions of legislative pro
grams and spiritual development
A. M. Abe" Baker,
wfca)( vriltt S Ihojeni tshcj nW
Ckerlea A.
ggesjItoMa) sj
Georgia Teacher
Loses Job Over
Racial Dispute
Tne Lanier County Board of Ed
ucation refused today to reinstate
a white teacher who unintention
ally became involved la a segre-
The board ruled that the resli
nation submitted by Mrs. A. B
Baakia. 44. bad been accepted
unanimously and that there Is no
vacancy In the county school
Most of the testimony centered
I whether the white-haired
teacher resigned under pressure
ana wnetner sne made
attempts te anpseae aa entire
Mrs. Baskia's troubles betas
Dec. II when ner white fourth
grade class waa dismissed too
late to ride school buses home.
She took three pupils ia ber auto
but had a flat tire en route.
Bey Rede Negre Baa
She flagged a school bus but k
turned out te be transporting
Negre pupils. Mrs. BasUns said
she offered Pat Taylor, 3, his
choice of riding the bus or watt
ing until her tire was repaired.
He rode the bus.
Ceaaty School Supt J. W.
Three tie aald the Board -of Edu
cation ordered Mrs. Baskia to
appease Pat's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Taylor, and the people
of their cornmunity.
Mrs. Baskia said Three tte,
School Board Chairman Wallace
Thigpea and Vice Chairman John
C. Crura intimated that she "eith
er had to resign or be fired." She
said Crum told her If she didn't
quit the community would have
"mob violence and a Little Rock"
la Lakeland.
Denials Made
The three denied this was their
Mrs. Baskia said at the conclu -
aion .of the visit she told the men
"1 guess I can quit as I came in.
I did not have a contract when
I came la se I don't need any
thing la writing as I go. out"
. She talked with the Taylors
later and got a letter signed by
both absolving her ef any blame
for the incident.
Mrs. Baskia said she win appeal
ber case to the State Board ef
Artifacts Donated
OTTAWA, March 3 (II - Fran
claque Gay, former French am
bassador to Canada, has donated
a 3.000-piece collection of stone-
sge artifacts and fossils to St
Patrick's College, aa affiliate of
Ottawa University.
Ia spite ef the many new facts
being barned about the nature ef
cancer, the- only known effective
ways of treating It now are sur
gery and radiant energy, reports
the American Cancer Society.
For tho noxt T dayo youVo got
a opoolal Inyitation to our
. , r'Aa yftia WHO LI FAMILY'S) IfiVtTta
rmS ..aThwew-a) pm tor aWoryewl
C fl I l I ear" Baa aarar aaaaat saaeh as
a-s I " I I ! ra tha brUHaKt aaw Hoahat t" '
mn but tame to a Ntw aecsn
ia a Vila aecsn oiaii
Tka seat ataca fcaak far a top mi ear
b at yaar OMuaabSa DaalarY Seerfe
telaa ( saw 'SSi haa reaaSaS at
hit Mack ef kata-Meal, law-ailkaia
Liberalized Housing
The administration today an
nounced a liberalised federal hnua.
Ing program which housing chief
Alport m. cole said can "provide
an important stimulus te an up
turn in uie economy generally."
Cole said a wrap-up bill ernbed
ylng the program-Hind providing
a six-Tear. I1J50.000.000 orosrsm
of urban renewal grants will be
imroauced in the Senate and
House tomorrow.
Slum clearance aad redevelop
ment are embraced in what the
Business Lack'
Cuts Railroad
NEW YORK. March 3 W - A
spokesman for the New York
Central Railroad said Sunday
lack of business has forced a cut
back in employment throughout
the railroad's vast system.
He declined to estimate the
total number of employes laid off,
saying such figures are main
tained by each of the system's
five regional divisions.
"It k the recession, of course."
the spokesman said, adding that
the railroad hopes the employes
may be rehired in a few months
if business improves.
He said the railroad suffered a
three million dollar loss in Janu
ary as compared with a "substan
tial" profit in the same month a
year ago.
The New York Central serves
Chicago. New York and many
eastern areas.
In Syracuse, the railroad Midi
about 300 men employed on its I
Syracuse Division would be laid
M mto month for lack of bust-
Saturday, in Albany. Central
officials said 337 men on the Mo
hawk Division would be fur
kmgbed. Most of these layoffs be
came effective with the close of
basinets Monday.
Flames Kill 2
Small Brothers
AUSTIN. Minn.. March 3 III -Two
small brothers died Sunday
wbea fire swept their home dur
ing absence of their parents. They
were T-rooath-old Patrick and 4-year-old
Gary, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Hoag.
Authorities said Hoag and his
wife were at a restaurant about
Ave blocks from their home wbea
the fire broke out in a closet of
a downstairs bedroom. Cause of
tho blase was not known.
( 'ivils I
i "vy ,
at your local authorized
o Q-tns cva 0 13 D H-E
Stotttrnan, Salem, Ore., Tucs- March 58 (Sea 11)41
bousing administration describes
as urban renewal.
Other key features of the pro-
poora legiaiauon inciuoea:
1. An Increase te 330.000 In the
maximum mortgage insurance
provided by the Federal Housing
Administration. The present limit
la 320,000 for one-family and two
family dwellings and 327,000 for
inree-tamuy dwellings.
1 A new urban renewal plan to
apeed the rehabilitation of declin
ing downtown areas. The govern
ment would guarantee repayment
of private loans for this purpose
up to a total of 150 million dollars.
3. A new program would be add
ed to the college bousinf nroeram.
to help schools build student cen
ters and related structures, and
housing for nursing schools. This
would be in addition to the direct
college housing loan program for
wnicn a zoo million dollar increase
in funds is being sought from 323
million to 31.121.000,000.
4. A broadening of the 100 ner
cent mortfage insurance permit
ted for low-cost private housing to
relocate families displayed by ur
ban renewal highway construc
tion or other governntent action.
Sky Gazers' Watch
GENEVA, March 3 III - The
watch industry has let It be known
it is keeping up with the times.
Watchmaking circles have an
noiinord a new chronometer which
will enable a sky gazer to com
pute the speed and orbiting infor
mation oa visible earth satellites.
AntldBlattl .
Salem Federeal
Savings &Loan
Tear new ear la a alga ef prewperltyf
Knotty Court
Case Solved
In 2 Minutes
RENO. Nev.. March 3 ID
waa a knotty problem, but It took
just two minutes courtroom time
to settle. -
District Judge Grant ; Bowen
ruled today that a fugitive from
a Washington State prison is
free man in Nevada, at least
because be escaped la the state el
Oregon. "
John L. Dotooa escaped from a
Washington prison road gang in
1954 while it was working in Ore
gon, When he was arrested ea
suspicion of burglary in Rene last
month, Washington authorities for
warded a fugitive warrant for
Normally. Dotaon would have)
been extradited to Washington. He
escaped Washington custody ka
Oregon, however, and Judge Bow
en ruled he could not be held for
the Washington warrant
Meteor Report Devised
MOOSE JAW," Bask.. March S
leV-Lsne Larson, a high school
student has devised a meteor In
terns tiooal Gsophysleal Year re
porting. An observer presses a but
ton when a meteor la sighted and
a record Is inscribed en a moving
drum. "
P. M,
Slams atMOVM li
UW Maak- U. aa.fl
l.U,iril,i nl '
Hi ImaiawiaimiaSaa
t U ej.A
i,a awa, a a