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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1956)
Cfitfy News Drneffs Out-of-State Horses Take Lead . At Annual Arabian Show Here liFJSTAR GAZER! 0; By LII.I.IF L. M ADSEN I performance events was Saturday Arabian. Ment'.ake Terrace. Wb Farm Editor, Tke Staiesmaa Inifht. This afternoon at 130 Purebred Arabian mam foaled, Oregon wai crowded out of the o'clock the performance claws in 1952 or Mart: Donila. owned picture when it cam to cham- will get underway again for the by l.ela Archer. Mows Lake, Wn ; pionship placing in the 10th an- final event of the show Like the geldings. 3 years and older. Cav- nual All Arabian Hnrse Show two previous events, this one will seyn. owned by G. T. Thompson, HOUSEHOLD ITEMS TAKEN I FIIEWORKS AttEST MADE Mrs Delia Nelson, Bndal Veil, I Ralph Gilbert Whisman, man Ore., Mid dresser, an iron bed-, ager of Emery's Food Liner, 695 stead and an apartment-sue gas Wallace Rd , was arrested Friday stove are missing from a houe evening on a charge of displaV which she owns at 692 S 25th ing and offering fireworks for . & ------ - - - - - - "i - iiflu . i . . l .t!i-i m i j pi l. juagea saturuay ai ine uregon i nuarrw i ncarm Araoian Drooa mares, anansa. The shows are a benefit for owned bv Pitchford Mack Sale. I Washington captured three of Shrine Crippled Children s Hos- Eugene. ;the top places, with the other pital. and the Salem Shrine Club c,rt of Sire: Get of Rapture Special gift ware sale Pp to 'r going to Malibu, Calif. of Al Kader Temple is cooperat- owned bv Fields i off on crystal stem ware, imported The horse show opened at ing with the Arabian Horse ; J china, hand made ceramics. Jary o'clock Saturday morning, with Breeders Association in staging! Dental plates repaired while you Florist, Capitol Shopping Ctr. i breeding classes judged through- the events wait at Painless Parker Dentist, i iadv) out the day. The first of the two While only a small group 1J5 X. Liberty, Salem. '': FI.0WEI MOVIES Rest way to let people know you've Con Harmon. Portland, will something to sell is to tell "em present a talk and two colored through the Classified ads. Dial films at Tuesday's 8 p m. meet- urdav. Mrs Nelson told officers ert said the arrest was - -.. . J,m,aa h ! kufi 'ffr tll0l ftrewnrka hmA hn j.-a. ... k. im.rmi- h huite nhrvd nn diinlav Whixnun tate rairgrounas. and that the roof had received was cited to Municipal Court slight damage. The house has been vacant since May. police said. 4 sail today. LICENSE PLATE MISSING Lucille Fiddler. 245 S. 21st St., told city police Saturday after noon that a license plate was either lost or stolen from her car Tuesday while the vehicle was parked in the 1300 block of day morning near her home. State Street- ing of the Salem Camellia and Rhododendron Society in the YMCA. imp DOC. BITE REPORTED Miniral Kick Oil fillio T n told city police Saturday that 'al dog attacked and bit her Satur- Kites Pending For Victim of Traffic Crash I'nsightly facial hair removed safely, permanently. Price's Beau ty Salon. I'h. 3 58."9. iadv.) MAN HOSPITALIZED Perry Lamb. 640 Marion St . was Alphie Pedigo Wright, who died early Saturday morning following an automobile crash north of Keizer. had been a resident of aaiem lor tne past 31 years noeri in reiterated vau Funeral arrangements are prnd- Kerry. Ph. 3814. in care of the Howell-Edwards i funeral home. j Born Aug 29. 1907. in Louisville. Kentucky. Wright spent several taken to Salem Memorial Hospital o(fcc,lve Ju uihmii o i. h.iii. .-saturuay aner ne became ill from a heart condition, city first aidmen reported Hos pital atlendanes said l-amb was in fair condition. ofiFipMTrainitifr spectators watched the breeding Q classes being judged Saturday, m 1 0 t the story was different Saturday 'Jf"LrC I 110lsTl night w hen a large crowd of spec- jllldl IYo VJUdl 11 tators filled the arena. Advance ' sales for this afternoon indicate O another good crowd, officials ' ollUlITier Vi3 Competition was keen in most classes, with some of the finest A full ration of field problems horses ever seen in this area be- and Army spit and pol' h ha' al ing shown. Elmer L. Hampton, I ready been received by Salem area Portland, president of the Arab-' N a t i o n a 1 Guardsmen midway iian Horse Association of Oregon, 1 through a two-week summer train ing program at Camp Clatsop, i near Seaside, according to a report Washington Horses J received in Salem Saturday from Two four-year-old mares. Do-'Battery D of the 722nd Anti-Air-nltaa chestnut, owned bv Archer tralt Bal,allon will Arabians of Moses Lake, Wash , Field problems that included and Collette, a grev, owned bv R. setting up 40 mm and cal. 50 anti He fills the office of estimates engineer, with respon- competed for top place in female Monday, after which gunners prac sibility for auditing contractors' 'classes, after they had showed t iced tracking National '"uard jets rcords for worr they performed , against each other in their age, that buzzed the installations. Mon- Retirement of Oregon Road Engineer Told u Retirement of John W. McCal- . jf, ..'a ... 1 said. Close to 200 horses are en U. kink...... lierCa J. I MA 2 MAT 2 w r r ito Tl .s4 Al. I! 1 J 32 4441 6S 77 8 M AUG 72 33-521 JtA 75 85 69 m B CLAY 1 POLLN- H W 0t; AcWy Ml H Atnr4.f H rtx fan, ' To develop message tot Simdoy, rtod words corresponding to Weri ot your Zod'OC brtts sign sirr jj oa' s B0-21 31-431 7 Gk 3 Ho i M 5 Hc-t t Me, 7 Go I Sock O. 10 II (ml 12 T, I) Wn U Focul 15 No 1 (iot V . 11 l Hn 70 Sou Jl fv 21 Vex 2J fa : cki :5 1 -6 Atrtion 27 CH 31 33 TJo T5 0 J7 00V :i r 40 WiK O 4J OO 44 It 45 Vrt 46 AIM 4! Won 41 A 49 DovttC 50 OVW 51 5 T. 53 Aggreiv "4 Toct IS An) S6 And :8 &,look9 S Ccurh 2 Vounlt 59 G 30 Si'flhl 40 rivoto Advene 41 An : Noc 43 0 4 fo 5 Irtl 60 Tft04 Ot C5' 9 IncKototf 70 Mtfiofi 71 M.iNm 73 Rro 73 AnO 74 Vxx1 75 Voj Tft Tatfov 77 T., 71 5oioc 79 V..t SO CM II An4l 13 Mot S4 K.oWl 5 F'vnb' 46 Sorod V Thq, M Cfk (W A..1 40 f'-md 4fA -4 tj jNcutuI XT 24 rr a 113.J7,' U-5 4 ntJfTi AN 21 Ai erf ... ,T jp. DO-41 47 71 V D4 77 JS9- men 476.38 4f ro7o Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 24, "58 (Sec. IH with the highway department was announced r riday by . ( . il liams, deputy state highway en gineer Police Exams to Fill Three City Patrolmen Vacancies 2toAttend Stock Confab State Department of Agricul ture officials M E. Knickerbock-1 er, animal industry chief, and , Rov K Nelson, livestock theft 1 t prevention supervisor, will at-1 tend the annual National Live- ' stock Brand conference Monday j through Friday in Rapid City, I S. D River Days Advertised at Valley Rodeo Willamette River Days wil brought to the attention of Uwuf ands more valley residents Satuf day when members of the Salem Cherry lans. the boat club, aiMi the eight River Day pnncessoi Knickerbocker is president .1 2 iB S""'" r - run-about. the group and Nelson is- secre tary. Representatives of the 20 states holding membership in the (roup and representatives of some Canadian provinces will at tend the meeting. Man v Valle v Educators to Attend Meet Eleven mid-valley residents will be delegates to the 94th annual convention of the National Edu cation Association in Portland, July 16. The City Police Department is t Qualifications for applicants in-1 The association is a teachers now taking applications for posi-jclude ability to pass a physical . professional organization with nnai li. Meld, leavenwortn. Wash, aircrau mounts were undertaken : Fur storage at Lachelle's assures your furs the quality care they Is 1348 iadv.) for the highway department, as ; division. Ponita won the cham- day night well as checking right-ol-way de- i pionship, and t oilette was named I guards were maximum security used at the gun scriptions and acquisitions before , reserve champion over other first mounts against aggressor forces mnkino hiBhest orari... in th com proceedings are begun to acquire : place winners. attempting to knock out the units, ing exams Warren said. Other men passing the exams will be placed on a wailing list to fill vacancies as they occur service examinations w ill be held i weight of at least 145 pounds with July 12 at the City Hall increasing mimmums according to Thre? vacancies currently exist height, in patrolman ranks and these will ' .mor, r.mi..n. be filleci by the three applicants ). Warren ,ajd fjvjl servic( amj land. Aarief, a 10 year-old. smooth xfc remainder of the week was McCallister started work in grey -stallion captured the purple : H,.v,,ieH rhioriv t f.rim. .uain't Are you contemplating re-styling 1921 as a draftsman in the de- m his division although th judge ra(jl0 controlled anti aircraft tar- yoiir llirs I (insult Hen nlttner paiuiiem a unnr iiiKiiinuiifi i- uuiuniru llldt .usejll, a linre- at. Lachelle's. 134 Ferry, lAdv.i vision. Among his many accom-1 year-old. competing against him pnsnmenis. aici aiusier, woikuik in ine iinais. was also ine stun years in Montrose, Colo , prior to Court Apts. 'Court 4 Cottage1 oiler with other engineers, devised the from which champions are made. moving to haiem in ISO lie at tended Salem ITrgh School for a short time. Wright had bten an employe of Cgily's Dairy for the last five years. Survivors include a daughter. Sharon. 15. and a son, Allen, 12, holh of Salem; a sister, Mrs. Ruby Hellet, Medford; a brother1? Kay. Longview, Wash ; his step-i mother. Mrs. Kmily Brown, Sa- ' Ira, two step-sisters, Virginia Lee ! Brown, Salem, and Mrs. Vesta Knight.' SevierviMe. Tcnn . and a slep -brother, Ralph Weaver, Se attle. Wright's death was the 11th ' traffic- fatality in Marion ("nun ty, the 14th in the Marion Polk , County area. The one-car accident occurred shortly before midnight at the in tersection of Wheatland Road and the Clear Lake Road, one mile north of Keizer. Wright died en route to a Salem hospital by Wil lamette Ambulance Service. down town quiet apts , to $ 6. Ph. 3 7440. WOMAN FALLS Mrs Kdilh Hyde. 7S0 Rosemount St., was examined at Salem Gener al Hospital and released after she fell from a cherry tree on the Hogg Ranch four miles west of Salem on the Dallas highway, about 9:40 lam Saturday, Willamette Aniou- dancc Service attendants reported. NOTICE For a roof that never needs re placing or for Revolutionary new asphalt- shingles see Mathis Bros. 2061 Stale. Ph. 4-R831. Automatic water heaters at lower cost. Judson's 279 N. Com'l. from $42 50 department's time saving system Aarief is owned by Lasma Arab adv.) of processing resident engineers ian of Notlake, Terrace, Wash, field notes. Several other states and the reserve champinti by Ed have since shown interest in tne no C. Williamson, Malibu. method because ot the snoruge Vallrv Horses of engineers Heart Attack Claims Life Of Salem Man Births While a number of mid-Willamette horses were on display, and will perform again this after noon, they did not place first in the breeding classes, shown Sat urday. List of first place winners in clude: Purebred Arabian foals: L'n nameri, owned by Sue A. Young, Oscar I. Donaldson Sr.. former ' I,,alen in iao, Ann- foreman of the spinning depart- uwnenoy narry unnen, spo ment of the Thomas Kay Woolen ! kne' (Schandomingo, owned by, hr. Hierl t Salem hnsni- i Darlene Weisz, Gervais, was third lal Saturday. He was 70. Donaldson, who retired TODAY'S LUCKY Master Money NUMBERS 368,933 $US 522,011 m 404,111 571,407 530,619 410,389 If you have a Master Money Bill with anv of above serial numbers on It, you win desig nated award if vou collect it before 9 P. N. tonight at Center and Commercial. Effective now VOIR chances of winning Master Money are INCRKASED: Starting now and for the balance of June, the three daily awards, if not claimed nn one day . . . will he carried over separately thev will not (pyramid). To illustrate: if all three awards are not claimed on a given dav . . the following day's awards will consist of two awards of $25 . . . two of $15 and two of $10. In other words, instead of three win ners . . . we'd have six win ners Thus, each unclaimed award from one day becomes an added opportunity for you to win a prire the following davl Free Master Money Bill given a' all locations. Winnors Must Claim Award At Confer And Commercial By 9 P. M. $25 GEORGE SEYMOUR 1102 Park Ave. $15 NEIL P. WITTING 2340 $ High Free Weather-Checker Thermometers With Gas Purchases MASTER a.i4:nMawriTTTm Pre Master Money Bin Give At All Stations BOATWR1GHT To Mr and Mrs Marion Boatwright, 845 Kairview St., a daughter, Friday. June 22, at Salem Memorial Hospital. WILLIAMS - To Mr and Mrs years ago, sutlereo a neari aiiacn at his home about 1:45 a. m. Satur day and was taken to the hospital. He had had a heart ailment for several years. , Born in Sweden May 5, 1886, Donaldson moved to Dallas, Ore , with his parents when he was about three years old He came to Salem in 1905 and married the for mer Klla Comstock here in 1907. He was a member of the Indus- in this class). Fillies. Jemima. four owned bv R. B. Fields, Leaven- wortn, nasn. lyun cross, and r . Epping. both of Salem, placed third and fourth in this class). Purebred colts and fillies foal ed in 1954: Colts, Abuleh, owned by Archer Arabians, Moses Lake, Wash. (Farak, owned by Rudy Sherwood. Salem, was third). Fillies. I.aunne, owned by Fields. Colts foaled in 1954: Nuseyn, owned by Edna C Williamson, Malibu. Calif : fillies. Clarissa. gets. There was no report of how many were downed. Maj. Gen. Ennis, deputy 6th Army commander, inspecta the camp Friday, and the battalion's battery D was chosen honor guard for its high performance during the week. Gov. Elmo Smith will inspect the camp Wednesday ard witness various demonstrations by the units. nations will cover keenness of ob servation, ability to follow direc tions, reading comprehe- in. sim ple arithmetic, aptitude for police work and similiar subjects. Points Forgard. ors are expected to attend this year's convention. Of this num ber, about 5,000 will be official delegates representing state and local associations. -Five Salem residents will be present: Joseph P. Formick, Richard Hodges, Eleonor Rob erts, James Watson and George Eight cruisers and a decorated with bunting and nauti cal flags, participated ia IM event, with a princes on each cruiser The boats left Salem by trailer about a. m. and returned via Willamina and Dalla at 2 30 p m , then separated to vartoua parts of the city to sell ticket fur .the July 4th festival. About 7:30 a. m. today the boat again will leave Salens for a dowa river cruise to Portland. Ea route they will be greeted by New berg's Mayor George Lehmaa and the royal court of the Newberf Berrians. Moving on the fleet will find another reception party wail ing at Oregon City's Riverside Yacht Club. Bob Hullette, Willamette River Days publicity chairman, also r ported that the eight princessea will make aa appearance on Port land's TV station KLOR Thura day. Warren wanted it emphasised wj, gjven for mi,UarJf Mnk.e Ailment Kills Gervais Baby SUtr-iman Nrwi Srrvlr GERVAIS Gerald Wallace l.amphear. seven-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lam phear, died here Saturday morn ing. Death was attributed1 to a res piratory infection. Mr. and Mrs. Lamphear moved to Gervais about three weeks ago from Canvonville, Ore. Gerald was born in Canvonville Nov. 25, 1955. Survivors in addition to the par- owned bv F'lelds (Rolita. owned ents. include a brother, George; by Carol Garrison, Salem placed a sister, Deana: and grandpar i third i. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lam Other Winners i phear, Gervais, and Mrs. Cora PACK-To Mr. and Mrs. Orval .n, s , lwo sons. George E. 1 Half-bred Arabians, model Dane' Ontario, Calif. Pack, Roseburg, a daughter, Sa'-1 rinnaldson and CJscar I.. Donaldson mare and geldings, 3 years and; Graveside services will be urdav. June 23, at Salem General i ir bo.i, 0 Salem: two daughters. : older: Pontif's Shawm, owned by held at 2 p.m. at Belle Passi cem- Hospital. I Mrs, John L. Hall. Eugene, and William Winthers, Tigard. Pure- etery, under the direction of the pi ppv b Tn Mr and Mrs Mrs. Douglas Gordenier. Medford; I bred Arabian stallions, 4 years ' Ringo-Cornell funeral home, the Farl F Pepper 1040 N. 16th St . oroiner, iiukc umiaiuun, oaicni, i-nn juu Lrauqro'. a daughter. Saturday, June 23, at,"" ' " Salem General Hospital. HAMPTON To Mr. and Herbert Hampton. Gates, a Saturday. June 23, at Salem Gen eral Hospital. MrDAMF.I. - To Mr. and Mrs W. R McDaniel. Independence, a d.mghter. Saturday. June 23, at Salem General Hospital. CLEMMONS To Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Clemmons, 22il Hazel Ave , a son, Saturday, June 23, at Salem General Hospital. that for the first time in a number of years applicants need not be resident of Salem. Voters decided at the lasrelection to permit, non residents to apply. Time U Move After being accepted In the de partment, patrolmen will have a reasonable length of time in wnicn to move inside the city. Exact) length of time has not yet been decided. Patrolmen get $325 a month to start, with an increase to 335 m . six months. Maximum salary is1 J355. ! Robert M. Williams. 1075 Hoffman , trial Superv isors Uun. woodmen Rd., a daughter. Saturday. June . of the World and St. Marks Luth- 23, at Salem Memorial Hospital, cran cnurcn , I Survivors include his widow. Polk Countv delesitea will h Application lorms can oe oo-, Ralph Farrow. Independence; tained from civil service rommis- Melvin Peterson, Dallas; and sion secretary Alfred Mundt at the ! Margaret Perry, Monmouth. Yam city recorder's office on the second hill County will be represented floor at City Hall Warren said j by Mrs. Gladys Bennett and Mrs. applications must be filed by 5 Antonia Crater, New-berg; and p.m. July S. I Glennie Mae Early of Sheridan. Mrs. Harrison Dies of Stroke Mrs. Pauline Harrison, 73. 733 Sunset Ave , died Saturday morn ing at a local hospital where she was taken Friday after suffering a stroke. Mrs. Harrison was a Salem residence since 1910, coming here from Katisas with her husband, Homer Harrison, to whom she was married April 12. 1905. She was born July 24, 1882, . at Cloud County, Kan., and was a membet of Knight Memorial Congregation al Church. In addition to her widower, she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mabel Harrison White, Salem; one son, Capt. Virgil L. Harrison, Air Force,' New York; and four grandchildren. Services will be announced by Clough-Barrick Funeral Home, Flowers Say What Words Cannot . . . Because You Want Announcement of funeral serv ices will be made later by the Mrs dough-Barrack funeral home, son. Sweetland Mann's Campaign Chief State Senator Monroe Sweet land. Democratic candidate for secretary of state, has announced the appointment of Keith Burns of Portland as manager of his cam paign. Burns is a past president of the Young Democratic Clubs of Oregon and the Young Democratic Club of Multnomah County. FOR SALE 1$52 NASH RAMBLER Station Wagon V RADIO V HEATER CASH695 Ph. Salem 4-1 536 IBM ANSWER: As you save and build toward a worry-free future, you can be sure that your savings are safe. Every account here is injured up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and loan lnsurnce Corporation. SALEM FEDERAL . SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Opposite the Courthouse tt 560 State WHY SAVE ? HOW TO SAVE? 10 f t 7 -J 3 GOOD QUESTIONS ABOUT SAVING MONEY AND 15 DOWN-TO-EARTH ANSWERS... WHY SAVE? For a visit from the stork Fur the c orts of education For that home of your own For household furnishings For vacation or retirement . . . to help you realize many of your long cherished dreams, and fulfill special plan HOW TO SAVE? By setting aside spare coins By shopping when you buy By curbing idle spending By making a habit of thrift By keeping part of each $1 earned ... these answers have helped millions to build up their savings: Let them help you, too. WHERE TO SAVE? Where the most people have the most sj ings dollars Where your money is handy and fullv protected Where it earns interest without your investing Where you can attend to many other mono' matters Where pleasant dealings and helpful ness arc the rule . . . at the hank, of course - the only place where vou can enjoy the benefits of sll these advantages. We invite you to open vour hank savings account with us soon. SAVE FOR A PURPOSE, SAVE REGULARLY, SAVE AT OUR BANKI ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OHKNKI) DURING A'NE WITH AN INITIAL DEPOSIT OF $200.00 WILL RECEIVE THE ISE OF A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX RENT FREE FOR ONE YEAR. OF SALEM IT CHURCH one1 CHIMRUTA STIfffl IMPORTANT NOTICE . . . SALEM, OREGON FINAL CLEAN-UP HOW AT PEtltlEY'S WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING i ' Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY TO GET YOUR NEW PENNEY? READYI IVey-Hile Nutritional Wtight C.ntral SAFE I SURE! SATISFYING I ITF Medically Proven Clinically Tested Glvrt ttlorie- coBtrtllfd, completely balaaee4 metis that will ... PROTECT Y. HEALTH STRENGTH .. VITALITY Uk Better, Feel Better, . Lire Laager Satlrfaetioa GHtriat latradoctery Conn ...... $4s SALEM WEY-RITE HEADQUARTERS 325 Slat St. PImm 4-9903 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:1! TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 1:30 P. M. MONDAY NIGHT IS FAMILY NIGHT IN THE OREGON ROOM Superb dinners in the Oregon Room starting at 95c STREET FLOOR FAMILY FASHION SHOW Planned especially for yooi enjoym.nt and ihowing the latest styles in clothing for women, for children and for mn. See the family fashion show each Mon day evening in the unique Oregon Room. BRING THE CHILDREN They will enjoy ihe special "Little Folks Mem;" planned especially for them and of course, the tree candy favors. ENJOY THE MUSIC featuring Ed Synng at the Hammond Of gin . . . playng liqht dinner music as a melodic background for your dming. FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER T,000 CARS