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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1956)
Texas Future Home Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., June 24, 8 (Sec. III)-15 f , ' f 1 ,it i Ut BT r - . m wit i t,"f i r- v Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Moore (Betty Bishop) who were mar ried June 16 at the Calvary Baptist Church. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bishop and Mr. and Mrs. J. Carey Moore of Portland. After August 1 the couple will be at home in San Antonio, Texas, where It. Moore Will begin his pilot training in the U.S. Air Force. (Steimonts Studio.) ' Miss Barbara Parsons Bride Of George Sheldon Saturday All white bouquets of chrysanthemum and rlelphinum provided the netting for the lovely afternoon nuptials on Saturday at St Paul's Episcopal Church uniting in marriage Miss Barara Mary Parsons, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Parsons, and Oeore Ormay daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Parsons, and George Ormay Charles Sheldon of Mill Valley. Calif. It was at 4 o'clock that the Kt. r ' Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell. bish- . op of the Oregon diocese of the y A( A T Pfl At Episcopal Church, performed the 1 ' ' v- I f VI nuptials. Miss Kuth Bedlord was . . the organist and Mike and I'at rACjQQ MOme I Kelley were the acolytes. I Of Chantillv-type lace was the f I I bridal gown, the fitted bodice made Jf JUIV 0 ' with a square neckline and lonjj j ' 1 ileeves. The skirt was fashioned j Date announced for the YWCA with lace panels in front and the ! membership silver tea is July -6 back of alternate tiers of lace and d he held al the home of tulle terminating in a chapel train )r am, Mrs Horacf McGpe M5 Her fingertip lUusion veil cascaded ; Row strpft Mrs c Ronald Hud. 'J"? dre"' "Hkins and Mrs. Mavnard Shifter ried bwkBot bouquet .of "Ph- are wrving as co-chairmen for the notis centered with a white orchid. .. . 6 , The Femlalne Attendants anair. i Miss Joanne L. Windberg of Kl' Additional general committee Paso. Texis, was the maid of him-j members are Mrs James Arm or and Misses Janet Armes of F.u- priest. Mrs Donald Richardson, gene, a cousin of the bride. Miss Mrs. Harold Schneider. Miss Ger loan Borthick of Portland and trude Arheson, Miss Mildred Glo Mrs. Ronald K Lane of Florence ver and Mrs. Theodore Jenny, were bridesmaids. Miss Windherg Pecoralicr.s chairman is Mrs. Wil and Miss Borthick are Mills Col- liani Hush Adams. lege classmates of the birde. They J Spetial invitations are being j wore azure blue tafleta waltz mailed to the 75 charter YW mem gowns designed with a drop waist-1 bers who still reside in the Salem' line with lare insertion and bustle arra i i4 the original' mem how in back of a deeper shade. j was 400 Centennial ob Their cap style headresses wero I sorva,KC ls the theme of the party, of matching taffeta, and finished ' to wnjcn the public is invited to at one side with a bow and veil-; attend, ing They carried bowknot bou-j quels of white Esther Reed daisies. Donald Carlson of San Francisco Cl. l-rtU'r was best man for Mr Sheldon and 01. JOSCUM 5 seating the guests were Daud W al- . ter of Santa Rosa. Calif.. John C - ii. Pankratz of Seattle and Terry Par- OCl I 1 1 1 Ul sons, the bride s brother All e- . . , cept the latter are Stanford class- Nljoflfll mates of the bridegroom il lUJI IUI J A blue and white silk print gown ( with while accessories was chosen At a 2 0 clock ceremony on Sat bv the bride s mother for the nup-1 '"-day afternoon at M -'"P tials. Mrs. Bates attended her son s j Catholic Church Mrs Sophia Han marriage in a rose-beige lace gown nan became the bride of rinlr-y u ith malrhmtr f rnr o The r , MCncrsm, son 01 mi. anu .iiib corsages were pink rosebuds Reception at Parsons Home F J. Slenersen of Oslo. Norway Father Harris officiated at the A receotion was held at the nuptials before a small group of Candalaria home of the Parsons on the couple's friends nolton Terrace. Pouring were Mes-, For nor weeding the bride chose dames Gyula Ormay of Burling- a pink crystallette afternoon sioun ame. the bridegroom's grandivmth- with matchinc hat and earned a er. R. Vernon Thompson and Lloyd bouquet 0f pink rosebuds centered Armes of Eucene. aunts of the wiih a white orchid bride. Cutting the cake were Mes-' Miss Margaret Vaughn was the dames George Sandlord of San brides onlv attendant and she Francisco, aunt of the bridegroom Gerald Towne of Euuene. Lee Nel son of Coos Bay and John Lach enmyer of Uunsmuir. Calif. Assisting were Mesdames Victor Wynkoop, Portland, Welden Cor nutt. Olympia, Wash , Gregory Burbach. Florence. Edward Hatha wav. Corvallis. Albert I'ellandini. wore a mist blue crystallette dress and carried a nosegay of white daisies. Merlin Estop Jr. stood with Mr. Stenersen as best man and ushers were La Verne Euing and Ralph Andersen of Portland The wedding reception was held at the couple's home on Hyde Jr . Gait, Calif , Robert Armes, street. Mrs. Bella Johnson poured Eugene. Misses Peggy Ragan, i and Mrs Iiaph Andersen cut the Nancy Ragan. Florence. Irene Da- rnke Assisting were Mrs. C L. mis. Portland. Nancy Adams, , BoW(.s r pai Klhel and Miss Heppner. Roberta Cornutt, Seattle, rrn(, j , r. , . , n s Leslie Coates. Portland, and Wal- j Knr i.r' honevmnnn to Ml. Rai lace Bates and Thomas Parsons, nj(,r h(, n(,w AIrs stenersen wore brothers of the couple Mrs Adrian g nan. blu(, (n(lt wn whlle ac. Cornull and Robert Perry of So- (.(,SS(,n,,, C(1U)C wil lnake atlle played violin and piano num- (h(,jr home jn Salfm dots curing me recepuon After a wedding trip to Lake Louise and Banff the newlyweds will go to San Antonio, Texas, where Lt. Sheldon will take his pi lot training in the U. S. Air Force Regular business meeting of Bethel 43, Job's Daughters will be held Monday night at the Scottish Rite Temple at 7:30 p m. IMPORTANT NOTICE . . . SALEM, OREGON GRAND OPENING Thursday, 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M:-Friday 9:30 A.M. lo 9 P.M. Shop Now for Final Clean-up Values . . . We Will Be Closed All Day Wednesday . . . 76) in north liberty OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A.M. TO 9:00 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 v S !:J I8,v iSrrJ. A ' -A 'A ' " (I 1 !$ ? WONDERFUL j ( JERSEY ) ( 398 I Excellent basic dress . . . w f you'll live in and love every j minute! Wrinkles disappear like magic . . . washes easily, I drie quickly, needs just the I I merest touch of an iron. . if. Aqua, pink, blue, navy; in - 1240; 14'j-24. f i CRISS-CROSS ty BESTFORM TAKES INCHES OFF IN COMFORT ' all-nylon girdle with satin' elastic.back Come on in and ee how this wonderful girdle will give you the loyeljr figure you've longed for! Criss-crosi' elastic inner belt banishes tummy bulge . . . woven elastic top really stays put. .. felt-lined front panel gives greater control can't roll over . . . snriri Hretch back allow for mcrtastd comfort in all positions . , , four side panel of firm nylon leno elastic give you extra tupport. White only. With Talon tipper. 16" length,, fute 26-38, $5.95. 18" length, 26-40, $&95.. as l;-v? VI.A NEW At I; . TOMOrtROWt r'f I :J NO-SIAMt BY DRISS SNEERI-ll.K ft iftimt g&mw TheyV limply lrr iatibl . . . tml g m auaUM but umt tiiaa miitl In fact, thM new NoMwd NoSmmm are the Jov!m -r r ii ye ver taw! They're knit on NoMend i new flntr 474-odU nMeMn which mak them fit better, wear lonfw and look thrr. AUo, deluxe dress or evening sheer with demi-to and bo heel teinforoMncnt, $1.65. See than In the new rAIMrFMMRWW Cin for TH t i . hl4M, TAMMM "t'it" I ' smart motliors olioose r aa ;mi $4.95 $5.95 You really get something Mr with Scimperoo. Fine quality shoes at budget price, sod smart looks, too. Come see the fine selection we hive for jut children's Easter parade. ARE YOU SURE of Your Correct Shoe Size? Roberts "X-Ray" ihoe fitting guarantees perfect shoe fit your visual observation of perfect fitting is your guarantee of long-lasting comfort. Visit Roberts Shoe Department, bring the family, and receive an "X-Ray" shoe sizing at no cost! SHOES-DOWNSTAIRS WE GIVE AND REDEEMxflVSiGREEN STAMPS " ' V - 1 - ... -i i .i.r iv 1 ., . . . -I " I-',' .' . .; 11-' I. ,i. ofwoys U'tm, always smart stamius stockings $1.50 a' aafond dress'shttrs For This Summer It's Back to Black makt tun tbtj'rt Pollarrof SH0IS POlFlOVI AMD OlllS $6.45.$6i95 ttjUtndthi lKtltll( ifwiik CMUUtiM tOIOII lltcktknwkM letttMf SeSHt TI1 n. hi lM btm Young boyi arc taking a real thine to our black shoet. They're smart looking and eaiy to keep clean, too. And they wear and wear for months and months. Black's back and PoU Pirrot'aY got 'em. Coma set our selection soon. as aSawn I an - I HawdyOotdy I TV Shaw Always The Right Answer No qunooo aboset it...when k coeo to shoes that wear longer, kt better, and look better.. .it's Poll-Parroo nervtime. Pre-teiting does it! Actire boyi and girl tet each iryle htf,rt they're approved for minufacrure. That wy, yen! km they're right when you buy POLL-PARROTS. $6.45 h $6.95 i