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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1956)
I Steve Allen Cast Opposite 10W St u t ': Comic Claim He Not Out lo Knotk E1 From. Perch. By AIJNB MOSBY . I Valted I'rent lUHywaod Writer . ' HOLLYWOOD "UPh-ev Sunday as the next NUt TViie to : Peking bu, -M- X -len tinsMs ta'a M fr ,b,uKl "I'm 'not doing tl.i tab known is the man who knocked U '.-I Sull van." the bespectacled W J; .dian insisted after a f V - ,nce here before returning to his V New York headquartera. rd be doing the same show if ft this were on BBC and X competition. I just, want to do a j rc f- that Sunday night :; ;tewlng time has had viewer, . chuckling. &uwvan s A- the basement floor and took over the whole building with his easy manner, top variaty acta and . umpteen gue NBC Trlea Everything v ' NBC has thrown In everything . from monkeys to Jonathan Win 'A . ten during their M p.m. time, M but beat Sullivan only with Mar- tin and Lewis. ; , Now Allen will drop two of Ms nightly "Tonight ahowi to vie i. ' with Sullivan on Sundays. Tfct comic claims his new . program j will "stay casual." But his plans .v He'll fight fire-with-firt with an . Impressive list guesi wn day: Sammy Davis Jr., Bob Hope, .: n.mhi i.vnn and Rod Alexander, I- Dane Clark, Vincent Price, Kim 'V Mntk nH Waliv COX. v : Hollywoodites. owevef, already v : are predicting CBS' Sullivan will clobber the new NBC contender ' i. thoir first battle. Allen's ml- y tial show faUs on the date of Sul livan's eighth anniversary pro- . gram-and the "ureal oione V ' Face" will bombard Allen with an all-time high guest stars. ' Film Clin Shunned " "However, our guest stars won't ; -run across the stage', added. Al . len. "Also, we won't use film clips showing movie stars." " Allen also will send live cameras ; out of the studio, a la "wide wide .V. world. On the first show Bambi '. Lynn will dance on the root of y. : the building next door to Allen's NW5 stace In New York. " ... -n; a Chinese restaurant," ex- nlained an Allen aide. "We ate chop suey for a week to arrange this. We wanted to show the real y-'Kni York skvline " Allen fleures NBC previously 'tost by default" in the Sullivan y battle. He figures he can "split .V the ratinas" with a good show. His theory; one that may give . viewers gray hahi. is that TV's V Meal situation is for the audience "to be driven out of its mind by having to choose between four or five excellent programs at we same time." .''; 'Win-Spring; People Turn To Country In the sprinatime thoughts of i ! young men may turn to love, but to those bit older it s more ouen thoughts of the country. In many & cases the desire for the country leads them not only to drive into X the country but to move into the country, !- Drawing Power Noted ! Observing this turn to the country the county agent from ! Washington County, Oregon, Wilbur t$ Burkhart, has written an article ' X on the drawing power of the coun try on city dwellers. It follows: "A Sunday drive into the coun try in the spring will fascinate v; the children and bring back mem - ones of our childhood days on tin: X farm. Such tune taken or a inert' X ! drive pays high dividend to our V library of inlormutioii about liuw t our food is produced. Ihure is one 11 esse thai sometimes U-jcIs ti ; trouble. It seems that many ob-. l servers let this iurm dust tliange to "star dust" which starts a chain , reaction of Ideas thut eveirtuully lead to the decision that the home in the city must be forcsuken in favor of moving to the country to live on a farm. "'"' If "T i . 'XVrn . " 'I.; M fk " " V rz .sr.-'. i ' ' " js -fc 4.-.' -2 - v- If ' ! ' If i 4 ' " J- ' -V it r a. sw 1 li. " '9 II 1 1 7w.: .'.,, .v xV.V Straight from the drawing boards of America's top cartoonists 'come new designs for Rainier's lively Jubilee cans. Virgil Partch, (VIP), William Steig, Irwin Caplan, Robert Osborn, Bob Cram, and Ray Patin combine their talents to produce the most delightful beer cans in America today. And insiVfe each can is the same fine beer: light and mild to be sure, but with the special taste we call Life. Rainier's new cartoon cans are yours to enjoy. More un than ever! "Further support to the idea of i . ,," M movina to a farm is found wiieii i ihm familv multita n Irin in th ir grocery store. Food prices are h" k(i.k 4n.l.. ...I thn IhmirF t nf ' srowing the family groceries ov- r- s ' ershadows all common sense and - ! ' 1;. true conception of what is in-' volved in owning and operating , . .! t farm. "Soon there is no turning back - 'l until the papers are signed and "jT; the family has become the proud ! owners of five acres in the coun 'ij try which is supposed to Increase ';; the income and in some cases provide the greater part of the li , necessary income. i Star Dnat Gees I - !' "About this time, the star dust 51 disappears and the near-tragedy l comes into sharp focus. It is found that., the acreage is too small to ! provide, any significant Income to J;I t, bolster the family" budget. No crop ..of any kind can be invented that : li t;will do the job. Father must still , , J "drive to the city to continue his , Ij Job. The evenings and wekendsi ;j turn out to be much shorter than I "5 -they were back in the planning ' iHrtage. Thus, another part-time i ; farm turns out to .be either a1 headache or at best a large living ' I! area. I I . Offers a Hbby V "Generally the part-time farm ' can do little more than offer a 1 hobby that may .result in a few j.j dollars return. As hobbies gn, we ' ; seldom think ot them as" returning j Js-n the investment, but in the case! J! of part-time farming some return is'possihle. The point is that sur.hj ' enhires are not to be taken ! . M lightly ai some folks have done in ' : "V " ., J, ..-I-'-, 1 111 Mn .wnfcia. '...,....v,' ,-'.'i4 , ' v life, more . . wywx-s h yr s iwvv ri I iHiri lr 1 I If 1 ii v I I V 1 ; IT 1 1 il, II r Ytf7$'l Vf"2r i i iu ill ii 1 1 i.v ii h i im i Mi' ii fsm nuwv'i.i i i r. i ar i j i i7i j I u rji.i , i j i : -ii j c nil u inn iu f: v.i ' ; 'tfl you txM Eairaer k. ,If f- ft, as. irv' apnkinr nrwrirv iwikane. wash. tLtJL i tirat'triTTif aprwiufiaMiiTitiinrrt rTns wsu. U SJL SICKS' kPOKANE BREWERY. SPOKANL WASH, lit A I i - ' JL - JUST'i : - . 1 V . ' '"i,J',' 1 T T