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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1956)
1 l-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., Jun. 13, "58 Valley News . Statesman Newt Service Brooks Area's Berry Picking Starting Earlier SUUoua Vtwt ttrrtf BROOKS-Strawberry picking In and around Brook i started about 10 dajn earlier than the past two years. Even though cloudy weather has slowed the ripening process, nnrf lUMa arill hm nipklnf iteadv .ween w ine mi. Angei ouwjWjthia the week. ; Hen's chib. Mint growing it a fairly new en- Mother H. Gemma, OSB, super-'terprise in this area. The future of lor of Convent Queen of Angela at the mint is declared encouraging t Mt. Angel, vat givca a vote of nd many new fields were planted J VUIUiUVIaVW WW ja viaarve 141 IS JI lilf : Nursing Home &)risideredby ; Catholic Nuns v italHau Newt J MT. ANGEL Possible erection ill SO-bed nursing borne, being , contemplated by the Benedictine . Sisters here, was announced this Plans fade for : Pomona Grange Meeting June 20 GERVAI S-Fairfleld Grange, with Master James Andrew pre siding, laid final plans for the Juae 30 Pomona Grange at rairfield. Agricultural and legislative re ports were given by Stanley Mlch alek. It was voted not to recess Grange meetings for the summer. Plans were discussed for a Grange booth at North Marion fair. Rural School Merger Move Gets Protest Truman to . Address Demo Convention CHICAGO ItVFormer President Truman win address the Demo cratic National Convention after the party's presidential nominee has been chosen. Paul Butler, the Democratic national chairman, announced that Tuesday and said that a place on the program was "In accordance with his (Truman's) own wishes." Butler uld Truman didn't say why he wanted to take the plat form after the nomination had been made. But Truman has said he is a neutral so far as a pre ference among the contenders for the nomination are concerned. Butler did not know precisely how long ftot (Ka RAminal Ian McMINNVILLE A delegation of ,?-....., tnr.u H. iH laiayeue acnooi unmii pairun. . miy-k. . matter of , mnu,. or support and every aid possible by - the club wbea she addressed it at I the ML Angel hotel Monday night. i skins the town'a attitude toward J the proposal. The proposed build- tag, if decided on, would be built i near the convent. !She stated that the maximum ac comodatioa of the present Ben , dictine Nursing Home, which the sisters took ever last rebruary, is patients. Applications demand ' an increase In facilities, she said i Club members said they were ; pleaaed to hear that the proposed ? nursing borne could be arranged to j provide temporary care for patl- l ents of any age, who needed more care thaa could be given in their I own homes but who did not need the more expensive hospital care. i . Mother Gemma was accompan- led by Sister M. Antoinette, bead of the Benedictine Nursing Home, t Both nuns are former Mt. Angel girls.,-.", mvw. . ! Other guests tetroducted by Len ard Kephart of the entertainment "'. committee, were Fidel Nespero of i the Philippine Islands and Perl Bye of Central Howell. Neaperos, one of 10 young people brought to this country by the International Farm Youth Exchange, is presently liv- r trtm t ihm. Hvm farm liAffML He spoke on the Philippines, Its ' business, farm and educational systems. I 1 Joe Warner, representing Fire ' " Chief Francis Schipidt, announced i that the newly-converted fire truck of the Mt. Angel Fire Department '. would be dedicated next Sunday afternoon at a program that pronv for the awe Onion trowers report a satisfac tory outlook on their crop but this year warmer weather would be welcome. School District have met with attorneys here to ru.ihi until thai newt Haw J at. 1 i:. L V i v consiuer ine? it's a my ui inr iui- Valley Briefs SUUtaua Wewi Srrtt McMlnnvUla S t a n to n B. Towner of the University of Southern California has been ap pointed assistant professor of sociology at Linfield College to succeed Prof. . Tilmsn Csntrell who is moving to the sociology department of Oregon State Col lege. Prlagle Barbara Ricbter, in jured May M when struck by a ear while riding a bicycle, is sble to be out with crutches. Her most serious injury was a frac tured left ankle, Dayton Closing program of the Daily Vacation Bible school, sponsored by the local churches, will be st 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 17, at the Dayton Grade School auditorium. Some SO children are enrolled. UbIm BUI A program la be ing planned for the Friday, June 13. meeting of the union hui Graitge by the lecturer, Mrs. James Gllhara. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Tste and Mrs. Robert Damn will telj of their recent trip to the Hawaiian Islands on the hill County School District bound ry board action which Joined the rural sections of the Lafayette dis trict to Dayton. The delegation said it believed the action was against the wishes of 75 per cent of the voters in the Lafayette district, and alleged that the county school superintendent, D. Lynn Gubser, used "extreme prejudice" in the school controver sy. Members of the delegation voic ing their opposition in McMinnville included Mrs. Gerildine McQueen, Charles Shirley, Robert Trude, Mrs. Lucille Sams, the Rev. George Hayes and Mrs. Margaret Mock. Dayton School Bands to Give Park Concert DAYTON Combined Dayton The national chairman talked with newsmen just before the Democratic arrangements com mittee went into a closed session. Butler said the group planned to discuss "every detail and phase of the convention" which will open August IS In Chicago's Inter national Amphitheatre. InZ Zone Xr grange tour. The Tales will also of the community. Among other: .... ,,,. , Nv things every child who wants t. iir ,m v, M .iv.. . riA. in rh. M host refreshments will be served truck. -- - ' Andy Schmidt, wh With hll ion, Ronald, last week purchased the Richfield Service station here, was Introduced as a new member. Leonard Fisher asked the mem bership to Interest itself la the com ing Mt Angel district election of one director and budget on June IS and the June 23 election at which one Union high director to to be chosen. i Harold Bourbonnaia reported that ' the "Pee Wee" baaebali Jamboree waa underway and that the sports Band Provides Program at Annual Picnic lUUinti Ntwt SrrTIrt VICTOR POINT - The Marion County Citizen's band provided en tertainment at the annual home picnic here Sunday. A basket picnic luncheon was Is charge of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jaqu et snd Mr. and Mrs. Byron Mc Elhaney, with about ISO attending. Program was arranged by Elmer grade school and high school bands Lorence and Mrs. W. F. Kreni will give a concert in the Dayton Miss Lois Anne Riches gave the city park at I p.m. Friday, June welcome address, with Glenn E. a, under the direction of Louis tMcClellan responding for the visi Kelly, music teacher at the schools. Instrumental solos snd quartets will also be on the program. Sev eral singers from the schools' choruses will sing. The 7S students have scheduled appearances in sev eral parades this summer, includ ing the Newberg Berrians' annual festival. 'I committee was trying to negotiate swimming lessons for Mt Angel , children at the Woodbura pooL Difficulty arose from the fact that , the classes open for morning or afternoon hours could not be used because many youngsters are bar testing crops at that time. , Service Friends Get Together l At Union Hill 5 i SUtoiaua News atrviet UNION HILL - Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Scott for several days were Mr. and Mrs. App Ltgg and eon. Dennis, of El- ! lens burg. Wash. Scott and Legg were in the armed services togeth- or at Camp Roberta, Calif., and Ft EuaUs, Vs., for two years. Legg nas lust finished his four years r teachers training course In Ellens I burg and will teach in the elemen- tary school there this year. J Convalescing in the Silverton hos pital following an operation is J. O. Darby of Victor Point. He is re ported improving slowly and will be able to retura home in a few days.' . Keith Scott diesel engineer stud ent at Oregon Technical Institute in Klamath Falls has arrived borne lor the summer months. He ex pects to retura to school in the fall Gervais Johnny Grey, son of Mrs. Eugene Brszfield of Logs den, 4s spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percie Moore. Guests at the Moore home were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smeltser of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Benson of Siletx, Mrs. Eugene Braxfleld and Mrs, Bob Ryan of Logsden. Clear LakeA no-host dinner was held at the Richard Black burn home . Sunday following christening services st St Johns Lutheran church In Salem, for Baby Karen Anne. Guests includ ed Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley Micha lek and daughter, Margaret; Freeman Mantbaler, Duke Ball weber, Mr. and Mrs. George Rob inson snd son, Pat; Mr. and Mrs. John Zehner, Mr. and Mrs. Ho mer Walters, Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Wstson and children, Linda, Jack and Ritchie, and Richard Thompson. Tamer Gary Murdoch was host to the Turner Mill Creek tH Livestock Club here. Mem bers decided to order new shirts for the fill show in August. The next meeting will be st the home of Donald Cain, Monday, July 2. Mt Aagel frs. Theresa Drys- dale attended the graduation ex ercises st the University of Ore gon Sundsy. Among the gradu ates receiving master degrees was Edward Drysdale, son of Mrs. Drysdale. He majored in education and school sdministra- tion. Roscoe Ames DiesTuesday IUUmb LNw Brvt - S 1 L V E R T 0 N-Roscoe Davis Ames, ft?, a former resident of Silverton died in Albany Tuesday. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later by the Ekman Funeral Home la Silverton. Ames waa born May J, 18T7, in Silverton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel (Clarinda Davis) Ames. His mother was a member df the pioneer Leander Davia family which settled in Silverton around 1850. Ames attended Silverton ecboots and was for years associated in his father'a planing mill and hard ware store at Albany which be sold some years ago. Survivors are the widow. Alma Grinde Ames, Albany; a brother. Norris Ames, and a sister, Lora Ames Allen, Silverton. tors. Memorial p.ayer was led by Mrs. J. O. Darby. Group singing of old-time songs was led by Gerald Darby and Mrs. J. O. Darby. Mrs. Theodore Fisher presided at the short business session with Mrs. Arthur Mulkey as secretary. Mrs. Oswald Johnson, chairman of the nominating com it tee, presented a number of officers who were ac cepted by the group as follows: president, Theodore Kichps; vice president, Mrs. Clara Doerflor Neal; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. J C. Kreni. The. picnic has been, an annual event for more than 30 years, held the second Sunday in June. Job Qualifications Cover All Aspects LONDON uB-Thls advertisement appeared Monday in the current issue of Advertisers' Weekly: Brunette Attractive phenomenon: I foot 1 inch tall; vita atatlatics S4, S, SS. Wen dressed, with ability to charm and subjugate the meat hard hearted client - , Sound knowledge of fashion trade and advertising. Seeks overpaid job aa assistant to account execu tive on faahioa or textile account with view to easing him out at the first available opportunity. Pastor's Body Found Under Juniper Tree; FRINEVILLE IK The body of Raymond Gouldin, 17, a Minne sota minister who had been miss ing nine months, waa found Mon day under a juniper tree U miles west, of here, Gouldin. who had come to Ore gon from Robblnsdale, Minn, to conduct a religious school, had been staying In nearby Redmond His wife had come to Oregon from Minnesota last fall when Gouldin first wss reported missing. The coroner said there was teg indication of foul play and that death apparently was from natur al causes. Goudin was an or dained minister but his church affiliation waa not definitely i lished. . Model 3804 - 1-ton, 108V4" box Model 3104 - Vi-ton, 78V4" box VISIT! YUGOSLAVIA BELGRADE u-Japan's Labor Minister Tadao Kuraushi is due here Friday for a three-day visit. He has been attending the annual conference of the International Labor Organization in Geneva. Valley Births SUUtaua Ntwi Strrlct SILVERTON To Mr. and Mrs Francis Beyer, Woodbura, a daugh tor, June 11, at the Silverton Hos pital. To Mr. and Mrs. Gail Cantrell Coquille, a daughter, June 11, at me silverton Hospital t DIPIND ON YOUt PHARMACIST iW Professional Hoolth SorvicM 1 For fast accurate compounding strvict, bring your doctor's prescription to us to be filled. Youll save, toe, when you buy your health and beauty aids w at our drugstore. Ktaiqvartm for off Drug Need's COLOR TV BOOSTED BERLIN un Russia, Czecho slovakia and East Germany are pooling research to speed the de velopment of color television be hind the Iron Curtain. East Ger man papers say Russia Will work on camera and studio equipment, Czechoslovakia on transmitters snd East Germany on color equipment. v " i Tako your pick of today's most modorri Pickups I 0 Here are Pickups that save .you plenty ... in hours, dollars and driving effort on the job! They're loaded with features that pay off in fast-working efficiency on any job! Under the hood you've got Chevy's famous Thriftmaster 6 engine, the work-horse of the industry! Or, optional at extra cost, an ultra short-stroke V8. You get near-frictionless Ball Gear Steering, High-Level ventilation, panoramic windshield, concealed Safety Steps, tubeless tires and Work Styling! You get a grain-tight tailgate, flat-ledged side panels and a low platform for easy loading! You get the works in today's most modern Pickups! We've got the modela-all kinds of them. Come In soon and let us help you match one to your job! Now Chovr.olot Ihsk'Forco Fidcupo:! Model 3604- -ton, 90" box Cameo Carrier - sharpest Pickup on the road! CAPITOL CHEVROLET CADILLAC, INC. 510 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3173 From the same formula used in high-test aviation gasoline comes Capital Drug Store S Leeauona to Better Serve Yen Main Store: 405 State, Comer of Liberty rreseriptlon Sbent S17 Chemeketa, Griffin Bldf. VS GIVE ZC GREEN STAMPS It's Ethylene dibromide-exclusive in Chevron Supreme to bring new power to high-compression engines Originally developed to aaaure maximum power in giant airlinera, ethylene dibromid is now on the highway! It'a Skypower in Chevron Supreme to give your engine new freedom from knock . . . more power . . . longer life! With thia important fuel advancement, you get carburetor -cleaning "Detergent-Action" that worka with Skypower to bring you amooth power for ateep grades, extra-safe passing, longer gaa mileage. How Skypower adds power plus protection It vaporize knock-creating depos its that ordinary gasoline allow to build up in the combustion cham ber. Whatever the make of your car, youll get all the power it can deliver, recover loot powerl Helps prevent ring and valve wear by getting rid of corrosive impur ities. Skypower means power ...try Chevron Supreme! Cars with lower compression engine get peak power from Chevron gasoline. We take better care of your car with S.O. products V 1 f A 1 II''' - ' i X' V- -A - - s, , - fx b fc ' "-r -Xx. X ' a ' 1 IV A ........ I f ;WWISSfa i A , l (cwROfh T U' '90Wfm llilf; -WSF' SUPREME I A ' i CS casoune J V STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA