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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1956)
Benson, Wesley Nab Wins Dellinger Also Victor in AAU PORTLAND i Dean Benson i vui u wiin a limp m iz t itv irm s mef t here. The previous mark of 14.35 ji'y .imtt: jrais au. l Oregon States Sam Wesley tin th 1(VI v.rrf Jxk f,.rh,., -Je step ahead of Steve Ander ,ol University of Oregon fresh- ml Washington's Larry Pulford 111 t h A skif mil Uitk fx am rxt ..," put. mill HMfl .-s 52 regon s distance runners Bill linger and Jim Bailey turned in t"ulM"na,"ii p e r i o r mances. nllinger had a time of 14 40 2 on fir: uvu meter run. i nis was me time he had competed in thH event and his time was 2 mds better than the fastest at tppl iuujiiii nr-iavs run amui- dav jlailey ran the 880 in 1:52 4. a ,fct record. He was also anchor li on the winning Oregon re 1.., I team. Dale Hartman of Wtl- l' kette did not place among the ,J three in the 880 Mime Equals (Lentury Mark By JACK STEVENSON STOCKTON. Calif - Duke's t sprinter. Dave Sime, prepar- It; lor the Olympic trials, made California debut Saturday i!M by taking the ton yard dash 9 3 seconds and Ihr 220 in 20.4 Ihe AAI' Pacific Assn. meet. wind of 4 7.") miles per hour. Iishtly ahoe Hip allowable aid- hrcep of 4 473 will prevent ime from g'tling official recog- tt ion for equalling the 9 3 world otord for the century. Previous- mis year nc nan run an auow- hie 9 3. His time in the 220 was three Jenths of a second off his record - . - "Shattering performance of 20 I er, the outgoing V of Oregon cage arlier this season coach leaves the mentoring ranks I In both Saturday races. Sime entirely, in .favor of a public re- kindllv outran Fresno State's 'a1'0 spot with a Roseburg ply Mike Asoslmi who earlier in the'' outfit. That's an odd twist. Reason had also run the 100 in MV" Publlc relations work !.T anrf ttic 220 m 20 I ,ne Wehfoots was supposedly The Duke sprinter's treat show- lug was challenged for top crowd interest by Hon Delany of Villan ova. shotput champion Parry O Bricn and Villannva pole vault er Don Bragg. The throng estimated at about f 000 in College ol the Pacific's Baxter Stadium, yelled as Rrag? cleared an announced 1.'. feel 3i inches. He missed throe tries al a world-record l8 Delany. who Friday night at Compton ran a sensational 3 5!l niilc. was boxed and bumped by a bulky field of 17 in the hall-mile but came on with a terrific fin- ishing drive to nip San .lose State s Lang Stanley in 1.49 5 It was Delany s only rare of the night. i O Brien holder of the otficial world shot out record at M feet 10 : .... . 1 , . . ... .. ..Knr nnH ..ill. ,nA I.I I. I . 1 Tnrn. 'InR won nis eeni wnn a unuw won his event with a throw Iof fifl-'i the best of the six throws allowed officially. Chiefs Break rosins String WENATCIIEE - A long line L-.. V,., T,. Ol. nc- Hrnv., in Ihn dri. " : "c. inning run in me luio iiiiuiik mi- day nignt to give wcnpicnee a Nortnwest League nasonail over Spokane its first vie in five starts. Koth teams had battled on com ely even terms up to that Pi nt, getting the same number P' runs or lack of them in each of ng to wind up Ihe ninth in in m in a 6-all deadlock pokane's tenth was a goose- but Larry Segovia got aboard Wenatchee with a single. c lor ved up on a sacrifice hy Man- in r Edo Vanni and trotted home ac the help of Rivas. wislon won the first game nf doubleheader Saturday night m Tri-City by a 6 to 4 score 1 flhall LeaucM Play Monday Opening league games in the " -"- - - tal Softball League will be P' ked Mnnriay night starting at I I i-w lr In thn Hniihlihnlilpr it i..-in. ... ... .. be First Christian against ktcrn Paper Converting fol- ked by Keizer Electric against ional Guard. oth the Capital League and ;v League win piay luesaay ht Senators Sual: . isaturdav came n(.i included ;i L h ij 2 3h h' rbi p.t tste'rhrook i 27 3 1 5 2s ii25 iK.ause 94 79 4 2 1 7 (119 Dunn Williams I Srekula Zari Koept Essegian Warren 71 21 4 I 0 1 .298 105 30 3 1 1 II .290 i-1 9201 5 281 95 24 4 l i 70 18 1 1 ,1 27 5 t 0 1 .14 5 10 1 Pitohine: G IP W L SO BB ER 27', .1 1 22 21 7 Geore Alderman Cade Kins Cowdell Satalich Walsh KrJUse 8 30 11 58 5 20 7 2.1 1 55' 4 18" 1 " 4 3 14 It ?8 4 44 37 30 3 15 8 10 2 9 20 23 41 'I 7 II 15 18 Hot Coffee for Hot Bonus 1 xY ':- 1 i V : 1 i'y CHICAGO Manager SUa Hack (left) (renter). Jl-year-old bonds pitcher a j -ii a mi. .. mon Saturday's second game from evea n-hltters. (if Wlrephota.) atalich Blanks Eugene '9' Sunday Sorties: Gene Tanselli couldn't beat former major leaguer Eddie Kaiak oul 0 e third-basing job with the sent 0 tne Tulsa club of the Texas out tne SCason with Tulsa, for he coaching job at Franklin High carlv in September . . . Bill Borch- ,ne maJor ,at,or ,nr ms aePar' lure . . Wl! s Johnny Lewis, who isn't at all interested in the Ore gon ion. incidentally, is glad to sec this particular school athletic year tome to a close. It hasn't hpnn a ancA one fnr WIT in the mattfr of victories and cnampion. ships. Hut John is nonetheless nappy Ren ,h(s(1 davs He cauht . hs (jrst s.ehoad the other dav. ' aRd lo a fisherrnan ,hafs cnmpar. al,P t waning the Indianapolis "50(1'' . . We may not have the hesl hall club in the league al Waters Field this semester, but our ol Ihe other outfits should want lo you like to tangle with such little thuck hssegian. E. C. Williams, son. Ad Satalich. Boh Easterbrook you Some guy (hose Easterbrook dentally bumped into him in a downtown restaurant. It was a bad nllsl;lKt. as ,no quickly tqund Easterbrook of his background! for" inr un oi I iin i n,. or. :,. . I.UIIIIMI, I Ihp rlnh t'nelp lllinh l.nhv arinc - - - :: " . " .' oeeis mis yeai, i m jusi gonna so (Uittthier Is .Vow the New Charitpion Natives who attended the Eugene series opener here the olhrr night are still talking about Ihe clout the Ems' Bob Gauthier pro pelled from Ihe ball park, completely over Ihe Bishop's ad atop Ihe renter Meld scoreboard. And little wonder. That one is compar able to the long-distance shots Mickey Mantle has been authoring nf late. It went al least 450 feel, as It was still carrying whea it cleared Ihe harrier. As mentioned in our game story of that night, we remember only one other blast that cleared the Bishop ad in all the years pro base hall has been nlaved here That one was smashed hv Dick Creen ! th),n of Xacoma. in either the 1948 nll ,h r.h, h,n(i rnror nf the dead center field to its present location in left center We threw one over from a point 68 (eel beyond second base once, but they threw Continued on next pace 1,900 to Try For U. S. Open By HL'GH Fl LLERTON JR. NEW YORK i - About 1.900 pollers will buck 13 to 1 odds Mon- dav and Tuesday in an effort to "Cf H entries, played last Mon qualifv for the 5fith U S. Open Jimmy Ukauka topped the Golf championship j fll'ld Wlth a H score for the 36 ti, ..ii. i.iiu uinr rv.. : hnh'S hill s;nH hp ronlrtn't maltp ,th,.y have been in some previous l 111' uuirn aiK' a liuir m in i man years, hut the competition toucher and there'll he a record ' number Irvine; The Open, to be played at Oak Hill Club. Rochester. N. V.. June ; 11-16, has drawn a record number . .... 1 of 1.934 entries That passed Ihe , OOD . .i nf7 -ifl marK of i 92S Slt lw ,arS ag0 when the championship was at r Ij ... I rl it tf uanusroi. in 10 were fa- , ,. . .. ' hoik -hhhmi hi'ck Connett Wins Hard Tops ti'reH 1'nnnrtl of Fiioono Hiipl- I .. u 1 l. 1' hng almost wheel to-wheel with Donnie Nelson of Portland for 16 Maps, finally nosed out the Port- ! anrer by a car length for the 35- 'aP "lass A main event victory nurinc inp snnnpn narn tuns racing program at Hollvwood n i dowi last nignt. Lonnetts narrow victorv was but one of many for Eugene en- tnes in their duel with the dnv-1 Uon distance, ing hotshots from Portland and Rod Love of Portland was sec Seattle. Eugene cars piloted by ond. Dick Gaboury of ' Portland Cecil Hunt and Jim Baxley finish- third. Lenay Rose of Seattle ed third and fourth in the big i ii f..i... -i Tin- "1IU r"1' "- mooK Was Illtn. The race was marred hv num- ,.i.,.i. k,,i ikor. n si serious accidents. Fourtccntars "im-u..--, " of the Chk-aga Cubs " r wha made his first start ii the ik. r-h. ... ( I At riht la ratrhrr Brooklya. V4. I higa sckoal Kaiaer had a 49-1 recard ad JurM i San Diego Padres, and has been League, rje proDaDiy won i nnisn expects to check in at his new : BOB GAITHIER His was 'grandaddy' chips go on I.uby's lads if any ; choose 'em in fistic warfare. How'd fellers as Bill Walsh, Harv Koepf, I Andy George. Ray Zari, Hal Swan- j and Mel Krause" Not us, thank the other night when Bob acci- ! out. Me snould nave tirst asked Included in it are some awards ' c.rjm. ik. (,.i. iii.i "If U'n prt into nni nf thnc oana ML..III UIIIL .III IMMVIIliai IFII I ' " " naiK ana iaugn . . . or '49 season, and it went over hoard hefnre it was mnvoA (mm and one other already has qua ''! Tnf Honolulu section, which -- ' 'he t"'P- w the place went to run-; ner-up Ted Makalcna wno shot qualifving The sectional Monday with 145 places to be !. . . , u ,, mi eu . ny lar uie strongest neio win ho0' a. Da,las- J, mos' "f a . v j .1 f I'" "K PUIS Will MUU Ull III.1"-"- a-..-,- . .... ,rv fnr the hio one Tnosrlav in i Easterbrook. Warren HBI - Koept. , that was postponed rrnm ! ...... 1 , Monday because rain de ayed the i L ,u T.-, ti,nn 1 i.ovioouuiki.. 1 slai tod in Ihp event the samp ..,k. ik.i ,.i I.,.,.., ik. number that cut loose in the Class B mainer earlier. A big Held ol 33 cars showed up'fnr the meet. I Ken Pearson of Eugene won inp n . wnien weni ians four more than announced. A I... , L. . - I i.. miMaar oy toe reieree uruugui about tne extra laps, put Pearson was in front even at the regula- fourth and Tom Bunch of Port l i l.tiu D- .u. mil " , "r Seattle lops cnampion. Roberts turned in the fastest .inl..l.n tim. in ih nnn.m trials, in 17.59lcconds, which ap- - 'v " , ' T'.,""i ?- Pitcher l 1 '. uiur. rnffee la rlubhouae far Dm Kaiser ! , , . i.ii J .... pra ranks against Braaklya Satur- Hoble I.andrith. The Cans a a ! Senators Win 8-0 Contest BETHEL PARK. Kugene (Spe cial) Big Ad Satalich, the pitch er the Eueene Emeralds didn't want (hit ceasnn rlesnit tha fart that he won a dozen games for 'em ast season, gained consider-: able personal revenge here Sat-1 uraay nignt py DianKing me fcms j 8-0 for the Salem Senators. The free-wheeling righthander limit- tying run, was thrown out at the ed the Eugenes to four hits and plate .by leftfielder Jim King, ended the clash by fanning Man- Kaiser, a 6-5, 195-pound right ager Cliff Dapper. hander signed from an Ada, Okla.. Naturally, the outcome was a high 5choo last-.yw, mode his mainr disaDDointment to the i r;,.i ..i,t . w ... whopping turpout o 2173, sec-1 ond largest crowd of the season for Eugene. .1 ' I . ' . I l 1 V. n . vrnat niiiir, iiif .ciidiuia an old 1955 nemesis. Lefty Ber- lyn Hodges. They go, him fo, i two runs in the second inning when Chuck Essegian singled. Bob Easterbrook doubled and Jay Dean, the former Oregon Stale College flash who was mak ing his debut for Eugene Satur day, messed up a throw on Hal Swanson's grounder, which let in both tallies. In the seventh Easterbrook ' walked, moved up on a sacrifice and scored on Harv Koepf's sin- League program, washing out the day 0( (his week, with Salem play gle. Then in the eighth Jack i Detroit at New York and Chicago at Woodburn Stavton going to Dunn walked. Jim Warren doubl-, eel lo score him. ana men scored himself when Essegian's ground- " weni mrougn Manny i.arosia j at lnira Dase- I Bill driffin pitched the eighth for Eugene and yielded the last tnree runs on a am m rtuepi, Satalich's safe bunt, another walk id Warren. Mel Krausc's sinele - " and EssCgian S force Essegian s force play on which both Satalich and the fleet Warren scored. Eugene had onlv one threat, in the eighth Both Bill C.irdley and Bill Eastburn singled, and Carl Hutzlcr walked. But Sata lich got Lacosta on a grounder to Krause for the final out. Satalich fanned seven and walked four in notching his long awaited second win. Koepf with two hits led the 7-hit Salem at tack and Essegian had three runs batted in. The teams play a doubleheader here Sunday at 1:30 p.m. Revenge: Salem (I) () F.ufene BRHF. BRHE Dunn.m 4 10 0 Smlth.3 4 0 1 0 Warren. I 4 2 1 0 Crdley.r 4 0 2 0 Kraue.2 3 0 1 0 Rstburn.l 3 0 10 Essegian. r 4 110 Hutzir.m 3 0 0 0 Eastrhk.l 2 2 10 Lacosta.3 2 0 0 1 Wehster.s 4 0 0 0 Dean.l 3 0 0 1 Swasnn.3 4 0 0 0 Keller.i .1 n u 0 Koepf.c 3 12 1 Dapper.c 4 0 0 0 Satalich p 4 l 0 Hodses.p 2 0 0 ii t,utner.x 1 11 i) o (.nffln.n 0 0 0 0 Murten.p 0 0 0 0 Totals 2S 0 4 3 ..c. i i- i..-a i- am. Sal;m n2n ono 1238 7 1 r-ugene 000 non wo-fl 4 3 Winning pitcher Satalich l2-5i. Los- Pitchei ab ho r so bb 1 4 10 4 0 2 Satalich 29 4 0 2fl 5 5 2 1 .1 r.riffln Marten 3 1 0 0 1 , hv st;ii,rr WP-Sat. ZnrWp-&tto.?n. e 1 . u 1 a I7. 1 L. m v- iw"",;"'7""."'i;,"'"i ",r , Krause-Easterbrook. T-217. U-Kel- iey ana .iarx. a 2.1j Main Event nniarherl thp IrarV rpmrrl nf 1-11 1 1 33. - Don Klum of Sweet Home won the (lass b trophy dash, with Rose finishing second. Pon C.uth of Vancouver won the "A" tro- nnv nasn. wnn 11 ck race ni Portland second. Results of the heat races: 1st: l-Ken Pearson. Euxene: 2 Tom Bunch. Portland; 3 Bud Cav ette. Portland. Six. laps In 1 .56 27. A 000 ?rq 9. 3rd: 1 Cltft Spauldin. Portland; 1 Dick Gaboury. Portland; 3 Bod Love. Portland Six laps in 1 53 95. 3rd: 1 Don Nelson. Portland: 2- Jonn rariey. I John Farley. Tillamook: 3 -Bill Hyde. Portland Six laps in 155 17 4th Haiti I--Ernie Koch. Van- couver; 2-Dirk Pace Brlr.rl: 3 - Chu. k Cedar. Seattle Seven laps in fM. I Attendance, 2.000. Belko ! $$ 4. Bucs Nearly Oust Dodgers Bow To Cubs Twice Kansas City Raps Bosox Qub, 113 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The rampaging Pittsburgh Pi rates pulled to within eight per- centage points of the National League lead last night when they crushed the first-place Milwaukee Braves. 4-2 in Milwaukee. Veteran George Munger hung up hii first mil inr leatfie victory since 11 although he needed help from Ronnie Kline in the seventh inning. The Braves used four ; pitchers and the defeat was" charged to big Gene Conley, who jiwas making his first start since last Aug. 15. Rhnki 1m U'M. ua lhi Kis thorn in the side of the Braves, scoring once and batting in two more runs. The Pirates can take over the m lead Sunday if they win the """'" "; oieneauer wnn me craves, dui Jhey U 'have to lake the nightcap too. if they hope to hold it Dodgers Lone Twe Meanwhile, the "beat the champ" movement continued with the last-place Chicago Cubs reach ing up to hang a double haymaker on the groggy world champion Dodgers. 8-1 and S-4. Don Kaiser, a 21-year-old bonus pitcher who learned of his first starting assignment only three hours before game time, got to the mound in plenty of time In fire a two-hitter at the sagging Brooks in the opener. Then Bob Rush, with helo from Turk Lown. ! followed to spill Brooklvn to itsjule in the fall, it was announced fourth straight defeat in the night-! CP lhe fifth-place Dodgers, n o w , back to the .500 mark with a 19-19 ! record, had a desperate rally snuneu uui in me nimn inning when Gino Cimoli, carrying the f jrst ,Je , si ,f to her-. November Duke Snidl.r , ,hp fjst inning!Walla Wa"a a annlher In Peeuee Ree.e in! , the ninth, In between he wgs un-; - - - - - : f one stretch. His Cub mates helped out considerably with a 13-hit at tack off loser Carl Erskine and two successors. Cincinnati shoved over four runs in the eighth inning to de feat New V'ork 5-2 and take oxer third place from St. Louis . which ! dropped a M decision to Phlladel- phia Rain curtailed the American : at Baltimore games, but Kansas City cupped Boston 11-3 behind the pitching of Tom Gorman and Continued on neat page OlympicFlame Starts Trip 0LYMPIA. Greece The Olympic flame was lit early Sat- urday in the birthplace of the an cient games and was started on its journey to Stockholm for the equestrian events June 10-17. The equestrian phase of the 1956 Olympics could not be held in Melbourne. Australia, because of that country's quarantine laws governing horses. The flame was handed to the Swedish charge d'affairs in a colorful ceremony. A beautiful Swedish actress. Aleca Katselis, dressed as a high priestess, carried an urn to the Temple of Zeus to get the flame. UP g"ii tourney. The flame was lit by the sun's ; Dc Vicenzo, professional al rays. 1 Mexico City's Country Club pick- The high priestess then lit the j ing up vacation expense money, torch and handed it to a runner shot a 65 five hours earlier and who sped it to a spot near the ( his 130 for 36 holes stood up un museum, a mile away, where the til Littler birdied the 18th hole Swedish charge d'affaires, Peter with an 8-foot putt. Bothen. was waiting. I Just before Littler Dulled his ith tne torch r hurricane lamp was lit by a member of the Greek Olympic Committee. Bothen put ed a 67 for a 2-day total of 131 the flame in a metal box. took itC?ry missed a birdie by two hv oy car 10 Atnens ana mere con - tinucd by plane to Stockholm. Major League Leaders AMKRICAN I.EAC.t K i AB R 11 Mantle. N Y V. 1MI 45 7 Maxwell. Detroit W 104 25 TO Vernon. Boolon .11 107 16 :tn Kuenn. Detroit 40 l5 24 57 Bena. N Y 15 1.12 24 44 Courtney. Wah. .12 99 14 3.1 Skowron. N Y. 34 117 17 .18 Goodman Boit'n .19 159 30 51 l.ollir. Chicago .1.1 107 13 34 Slaughter, K C .11 104 21 32 Smith. B.iltlmre 29 91 9 2S I'fi 419 175 155 l 345 :m jm .125 j21 .118 .108 308 Honte runs: Mantle New York 20; Bauer. New York 12. Berra. New York 12 Sievers. Wahinfflon 13. Gernerl. Boston 10 Hunt hatted in Mantle. New Vol k , M. n.rrj N, Ynrh s,msn 1 Kansas city 34 sieve... wanhmeton M1- Bauer. ew io.k .1. i.emon whln'nn M j national l.r. v.i r 1 ,f " nr., (. AB R Repulskl St t. 29 97 21 19 402 t.on Pittsburgh 40 152 29 58 382 Boyer. St L 41 183 32 80 .188 Walls. Plttsbur-h 37 117 24 40 .342' Braton. Mllwke 27 97 18 33 .340 I Ballev. Cincinnati 31 94 13 32 340 ; Aaron Mllwke 31 118 2.1 40 3.19; Bell. Cincinnati 40 147 27 48 .327 i Moon. St L. 41 144 30 47 .324 I Sarnl. St 1. 13 111 10 M 319 ! Home rum: Lens Pittsbursh, 15: Banki. Chicaso. 12; Bover St. Louis, i 12; Post. Cincinnati, II; Klunrewikl irln.n. IA l(,lnn.ll. Clnnnaf. ' 10 1 Runs batted In: Boyer. St t.nul 1 41, Pittyhurgh. 40 Musial. M l.ouii. Tv Jimo- ki. Cincinnati, 31 .'Banki, Chicago, 27. New NOKTHWItT LIAOl'l W L Pet. . WLPrt. Yakima II I J71 Spokan II I .311 Lewitn 11 I .KM Wenath II It .371 Euien it ii mi Salem ii Tn - city i 14 ,su Saturdav'i mulU: at Euaen Salrm at Wtnatchra 1. Spokan ; al Lcwltton I. Trl-City 1 (Sacend lm multi on pas on. PACiric coast liagck W L Pet. Wl Prt. ;," fiFS S n SI sacram is it jao Hoiywd li ah "io n ' " Saturdav'i multi: at Sacramanto 3. Portland 4; at Hollywood I. Seattle 4: at San Ditto t, Vancouver 1; at San Francisco 4. Loa Angtlti 1. AMERICAN LEAGL'B W L Prt W L Prt N. York M 14 414 Baltmlr 30 It Clavlnd II II i Detroit It II .47 J Chlcaf o II IS i Waatifta ITS JM Boston II 30 Jit Kit City 14 IS .39 Saturday's rcnilta: at Baltlmora Chicago, rain; at Boaton J. Kanaaa City It: at New York-Detroit, rain; at Waihinaton 4. Cleveland I. ' NATIONAL MAOl'B W L Pet. W- L Prt Milwaok 19 13 J13 Broklyn II 1 S00 Pittsbch 33 1J SOS N. York IS 13 .411 Clncinna 13 17 .54 Phlladel 14 II .3 St. Loult 33 II Ml Chtcato 13 24 .331 Saturday's rcaults: at Cincinnati S, New York 3: it Chicago 1-5. Brook lyn 1-4; at St. Loun 4. Philadelphia (: at Milwaukee 1, Ptttsburah 4. Schedule Set By Willamette The Willamette Bearcats will plav an eight game football sched Saturday. The season opens at Spokane with Whitworth, Septem ber 22. and closes with Whitmore at Walla Walla November 10. The complete schedule: Septem ber 22 at Whitworth. Sept. 29 Fresno State here. October 8 Pa cific U at Forest Grove. October 13 Lewis k Clark at Portland October 20 College of Idaho here. October 27-Linfield here. Novem ber 3 College of Puget Sound 10 Whitman at Ball Schedule For Legion '9' The district playing schedule for Amapinan 1 nriinn InnifitF RaaitKatt ,ram, of thi, area was announcefJ Sa,urdav hy Coacn B, Bevens of the Capital Post No. 9 entry. Play will get under way Wedncs- Mill City, and Aumsville to Silver- ton. On June 13 it will be Stayton at Salem. Stlverton at Mill City. Woodburn at Aumsville. On June 17 it will be Mill City at Wodburn. Stayton at Silverton and Salem at Aumsville. On June 20, Salem at Mill City, Silverton at Woodburn, Aumsville at Stayton. Those tames complete the first half of play. The second half will see the same pairings, but on op- posite home fields. Littler Tied In Texas Open DALLAS 11 Californian Gene Littlerrolled in with a 4-under-par 66 late Saturday to tie Roberto Dc Vicenzo, the hot-putting Argen tine, for first place at 36 holes I in ,h" '7fl 000 Texas International t stretch drive, Cary Middlccoff. the Memphis dentist-golfer post ;ches on the 18th or he would have: ; tied for Ihe lead, too Big Bill Casper of Chulavista. Calif , who had been tied with Lit- Her and Middlccoff for the" oprn- n rminil lnn1 InnL n CO Cl,... - dav and fell to fnnrlh ... . . ,. . ii- vKciixii iuhi si a miuir.s 111 his , , , . 'an eflPle Irnm e.phl (eel on the ... .,,.. llUlll'n,, llll.MU 1, , r , ITSI lOle NWL Line Scores First game: Trl-Clty 000 21m 0024 4 2 Lewlston 010 020 30x-S S 2 Kostenuk. Aldru h 7i and Martin; Wadsworth and Donahue J do InnlngM I Spokane 0OI (IO11 111 0 0 II 1 I W'-natrhee 001 IMH1 nil 1 7 13 .1 1 Luedtke Si hneldrr ii and Rosi i.vbe.k i.rm.hauK .to, ,nd i.und- I ben WINDtDAHL and CALDWELL Certified Public Accountants Announce the removal of offices from 229 North lib erty Street June 1st. Until we are located in our new offi ces it 665 North Cottage Street, pleas hon 3-8131. Duck " 41 4 "fr . Braves From First statesman, Salem, Ore, Sun., June 3, do (Soc. 1v)-2I Oregon's iVeic 1 1. 41 1 i-a.. At' ' V 1 v - ' 1 POCATELLO, IdakeSteva Belka, abetre. Idaae Stale Callus basket ball raacb. was named Satarday by the University, ef Oreiee, as the aew bead ease meater l the Decks. Belke, 24, la his sli years Hi Idaho State. a ai was tear lilies aid baa takea part la la ( Wrlephete.) Vale, Glide Nab Wins In Baseball Playoffs PORTLAND UP Vale had to go 5 extra innings to defeat Seaside 5 3 for the A -2 state prep baseball title here Saturday night. The score was tied 33 at the end of the regulation play. Seaside had knotted the count with two runs in the bottom of the sixth. Then in the 12th Seaside pitcher Gary Holmes, who struckout 24 men. walked John Arana and Larry Bates. Holmes was relieved by Jim Dixon who gave up a single to Jim llawley loading the bases. Gerald Harrod walked forcing in one run and the other came in on an error The game lasted three hours and 25 minutes, an all-time record for a prep playoff. Meadows Results 1st race-Sin yds. Blue Music ifilf fordl SS TO SI 20. 12 40. Darky Han cock i7.ollinen $.150. $2 VI. Kuy Cat ihlera I2.J0. time .18 1, quiniela ID 20. 2nd race :i!0 ds. Dandv Annie I IVIClJOWeil I If TO'. mi. ',l,y Scoot Ronck 1 Sherman 1 IS So. S4 J. Renob I Roan qulnula $72 20 $6 611. lime IR S. 3rd race -I 1 lei miles Junlo (Sher man, U9K t7 UO IV 711 I orri Ahhev 1 sean-y 1 $5 00. $4in. Double Dream (Dlxoni $.150; time 148 25; auiniela $20 HI J.v. ..... a (,,rl,,n. IbHv r;u(ordi 1:12 so. 112.50. sniii. sir .i4V 1 nixon 1 $5 50, $420; Re Gallant iitn - j Kos's-i""1' "m ' au","l' su, race fiirionm on The Kail (lllxoni in IK B.I ou. nc nomi-r P.m.. ,'nm..:, Man 9n n,. : thereioryo,, ,Ho, $420; time 112- 45 o"in.eia ssno i"1""" """ r ........ ,- '. ',h;c"s.,i.,.,;r":?!L.Br, Nw.,maior leagues not only would give ton .Boas 1 $oi4 $14 vi . $, so. Hoe . ,nrir ,tMe brethren ol the minors Bow iZolIin-rr $110 $2 K11. (.kl , , . . . 1 riiiw 1 4.iniii.ri ... it otp. ,,,111, I Sninner (Olllofr $.170; time 1 05 15. I quiniela $53 in -,u . .,.., '"' " ' " II1IUI I, I", ". .'I "I. Hl.llllll, I. Van, huk d'hilll,,,, $1030 $00. Phar - top iDixom $8 40. time 1 i.i. quunria (SSSJI nth race furlon- Rnuah Dude Sumonlsl $.190, $2(10. $2 Jo. Shelia T 1 Sherman 1 $5 00, $370 Pacifu - flash (Dixoni $.140; time 1 12; ouin- "L,.,24C0 , 1 in n .-k, , 9th race- 1 nule Srottif D 'r.hlersl 14 so, S2 5. 2 3; l Unitv illenahawi $20. $?4o. Nohto $2 90. XVrVT:.rrro,,t (C.val - iii.n $7 2 14 2" $.140. Virkv Jo iZollln-en $.19(1. $110 Sam, iSmother.i $2 W time 1 54; quiniela 127 an Attendance 4.(18.1, handle (1BH.200 Cage CoacHi rs. wwf?srir,i"fc. tvT as Hoop Coach straight Rek Maaataje. Ce aferese past fear NCAA rtglaaal playeffs. A crowd of 3303 saw the game. The Class A-l game involving Medford and Lincoln of Portland didn't get under way until around 11 p. m. Glide defeated Sisters 2-1 in the opening game with a two-run out burst in the fifth Inning. The runs came as Al Smith dou bled. Bill Eswinc singled and Dan ny Kinne doubled. Sisters had picked up a run in the first inning as Tom Reinecker was hit by a pitched ball, ad vanced on a walk, stole third and scored on an infield out. D. Smith, who gave up six hits, was the- winning pitcher. Willis Winkle, the loser, gave up four. Sisters 100 Don 0-1 4 1 Glide MM 020 x-1 S 0 Winkle and Brocket!; D. Smith and Kikendall Draft May Aid Minor Loops ST LOCIS UP - The Sporting News reported Saturday organized I knpnkntl ....... 1 OnsoDall may adopt the "free agent draft plan" now used by both pro football and basketball in an effort to solve the critical minor league problem The baseball week I v. in a dis- rifiifl, from V,..n '.rl. by Dan ...n loin i Panic said such a plan would jhelp restore the balance of power bv giving the tailend clubs a tnancc in lann good young play ers ... , . m '''J " '"""," snare- he wealth program in which the , . . . , a chance to gather some of he 1 ; golden talent, but it also would . . , 1 ... . 1 icmr iim.uu nuire enuuat) e a s- , V "' -" "'- , jors themselves. Daniel wrote 1-nHW lh lh c,rt Ills! I . :j hIi" rll-0i hiehsrhnol . said, oil coin 1 . n(,n SCnOOl nol, American Legion Junior and sand , nf pnyrr, would be tossed into a pool each year Then thev would . . ., I be drafted, first hy the- major i league clubs and then hv the mi- inors. in the inverse order of the; ! prev ions seasons finish, just as' js n0w fnp jn np Tel,ar haMk . ,, . ,, ... ',"'" "i"" meeting, the newspaper jS.'llfl RADIANT GLASSHEAT B? Continental "The Sunshine Heat" a No Fire Harard a No Norse a No Dirt ot Odor a No Maintenance The onlv full automatic heat guaranteed bv Good Housekeeping For Free r.-limate Phone 4-6263' 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Salem '. i m " . 1 "1 ' J Idaho State Mentor Picked Ex-Vanlal Guard Succwds Borcher EUGENE, Ore. iff Stevt Belka's appointment as basketball coach at tbt University W Ors goa was announced Saturday. Belko, SJ. will come here from Idaho State College where the teams he coached woa low eoa secutive Rocky Mountaia Coaler eoce titles and took part ia the past four NCAA regional playoffs. He has coached at Idaho State the last sii years. Leo Harris, Oregon athletic di rector, announced the selecUoa after completion of negotiations with Belko this afternoon. It was approved by O. Meredith Wilson, university president. Apt alai meat Na Sarpritw Although Belka was picked from more than S applicants, the ap pointment came as no surprtsa. it had been widely reported for several days. The search for , a coach started whea Bill 'Borcber -resigned in March. Harris said, "Belke has a won derful record, is highly respected by his fellow coaches and comes to Oregon with recommendations from leaders in many fields other than athletics." Farmer Vaadal Gear He starred as a guard (or the University of Idaho in lS3e-J7-n. Belko plana to Join the Oregon coaching staff about Jury t. Belka's 1954 team, sparked by Sam Beckham, ijpsrt the favored Seattle University Chieftains 77-7S to gain a berth ia the westers re gionals at Oregon State. The Bengals bowed ia their first fray, 759. to ISC, but came back to win third place honors by knock ing oft Colorado AaM the follow ing night. Last year Idaho State lol to Seattle U in the NCAA re (ionals at OSC. Armstrong OK After Seizure "LOS ANGELES UB - Es-tripte boxing champion Henry Arm strong suffered a convulsive seis ore Saturday night, doctors at general hospital said. A cerebral hemorrhage had been diagnosed earner. A spokesman said Armstrong's condition was 'good" and hit speech was coherent The attack- miff hi hava Km. InHiieail Kw stomach ailment, the spokesman said. The fighter-lurried minister Was Georgia Street Receiving Hospital where attendants first said be had suffered a stroke. Hoppy Denies Sports Career NEW YORK Howard (Hopalong) Cassady, formally hon ored Saturday as last's mala "athlete of the year," said he hat no Intention of making a career in sports. "That's the reason I have chos en to play professional football in stead of baseball," the talented AL America halfback from Ohio State added. "It's a means to an end. "If I were to play baseball It would take nine or ten months s year and I wouldn't have a chance to do anything else. Foot ball is more seasonal and much less demanding. "I hope to build up an insurance business in Columbus. Ohio." Cassady was here to receive Ihe first Frederick C. Miller Mem orial Trophy emblematic of his selection in the Associated Press' annual poll ss the male "Athlete of the Year." The honor is based on a poll of sports writers and broadcaster!. A similar award was given Pat ty Berg, the red-haired women's golf star from Minneapolis, who because of previous commitments was unable to be present for ac ceptance. Miss Berg's brother. Herman Berg Jr . of St Paul. Minn . pinch hit (or her. TRITKERS TRAVEL Cnnrh rtnien Willinma laket hi ... , . , rt Meinke Truckers Class C junior baserai Wam , Mt Angci thi afternoon Inr a 3 p m. game with an er noon inr a 3 p.m. game wun lhr Willie Bean club. They split a D,r iast year ;PHlr lasl year. North South East I West WllM Vasll WaraT ! ftieliak " ia- ii v ia Toil Look Yoav Best AMlW it iwata i j v T Les Newman's 179 N. Commercial Ph. 3-5501 Open Fri. Til ? P. M. vra imrffTTIf