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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1956)
DAILYCROSSWORD ACROSS I.Wttp . S. Whitt , . Brilliant ftsh 10. Birds at ' a class 11. Orjan , -of tmell 12. Afternoon rweptloni 13. Youngster loollcq.) IS. Fuel 17. Organ of motion for fish It. Famoua section (Boston) 21. Genus of the It ruckoopint 2:1. Devoured 2.1. Music note 28. Occasldrui 28. Briny 30 Kant' by south labbr) il. Old weight for w ool 33. Infrequent 34 Clique 2S. Trim, as branchej S F.vil 39 Haughti- rn-ss 42 Part of a dooru ay 43. Evenings . I poet. I 45 Source of indigo 46 Man a nickname 47. Native of Media 41 Here it is' (Fencing) DOWN Malt offspring American marsupial Hit heavily Quantity of stalks of wheat Rights pro tecting an inventor Affirm Th6ng for a dog Large worm By way of Movable barriers Ascend II. Extremt 20. Howled, as dog 22. Encoun tered 24. Organ of hearing 27. Able , lobe dissolved 20. Lip decora. fjv iTf ? IB p JsTa "Hi tE "j 5 fe r )J 4 - tp Mllr y Vtsleraai's Aaf 37. Cheeps tionalAfr.) 40. Among 32. Speck 35. An attend ant on a lord (Old Eng.) 41. Part of the iria 42. Crowd 44. Body of water ji s77?Ti IT 5 38 w w l 1 W Tv. Americans Making Wide Use Of Constitutional Privilege to Seek Redress for Grievances By ARTIIl'R EDSON AP Newsfeatures Writer WASHINGTON uP-The people have a right, the constitution says, "to petition the government (or a redress of grievances " And almost every day Congress 's in session, a surprisingly large hatch of petitions arrives, listing exievances somebody wants re dress promptly. The latest delivery probably is typical. Members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives leads o(f, angrily declaring that dirty work has been done to John Adams mid Ins boy. John Ouincv. tin- only father-son combination ever lu bt -come I ' S prosK enK The tii u varuc No longer do the faces of John and John Q. appear on the two and six cents postage stamps respectively. Gone From Stamps "It is unthinkable," says the successors to the men who staged the Boston Tea Party, "that this great nation should banish from the face of its stamps the man who carried the fight for the Dec laration of Independence through the Continental Congress, nomi nated Washington as commander in chief, and appointed John Mar shall chief justice of the L'nitcd States "And it is equally unthinkable that it should banish his brilliant son, who. beginning his diploma tic career at the age of 17. served his country with unequaled integ rity as secretary of state, presi dent and as congressman, dying at his post defending the rights of the least of his fellow citizens to he heard." Liberty Series A check with Robert K. Fellers, head of the posl office's philately division, shows that the Adamses were crowded out by the new so called liberty series. This includes 18 stamps, six de voted to wartime presidents, six to other American patriots and sn to historic shrines. Jefferson now is on the two-center, Teddy Hoosovrlt is on the six. As for the Adamses. Tin sure they'll be hack on a future issue," Kellers said I Repeal of Taxes Other petitions usually are a mite less official in origin Such as the one Rep. Alvin R Rush iR1 of Muncy, Pa. has put before Congress. The motion pic ture machine operators in Wil liamsport, Pa , want the 20 per cent tax on amusements repealed Rep Thomas A Jenkins ' R of Ironton, Ohio, has a petition from 45 veterans of Coolville, Frost. Little Hocking and Tupper Plains, Ohio, wanting liberal pen sions for World War I veterans. Towosend Plan Rep. Dewey Short i R i of Galena. Mo has one from .1 O. Hnrton I anil ithar f nt T niwrnf1 County, Mo. They want the Town send old age pension plan enacted into law. Now a final note, not on griev ances, but on stamps, as supplied by Fellers: I low nianv nun have been on every regular issue of stamps from the beginning'1 'Only two." Fellirs said "Wash ington and Ben franklin Funeral Service Held for Young Drowning Victim BEND Oft Funeral services will be held Saturday for Rita Rene Boldt. :2-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Halven W. Boldt of Bend, who drowned in a irriga tion ditch near her hnme Tuesday. A search started after she failed to return home from an afternoon of wading with other children. The body was found more than a quarter-mile away. The Boldts have three other small children. Strawberries FREEZE OUICK od EASY I VArOCAM FrM(tnj camaiw PINT H I SAME LIO M-S OU"T MaJSwa "Vapocans art availabla at Super Markets, locker Plants I everywhere." V&LETRfflS FROM THI FAMOUS M.C.P. KITCHEN LABORATORY .Wrn. irjj AM AHUM. (All! MAKING JAM HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER . . . JAM FLAVOR BETTER! NEW lCOOkt:n METHOD is the answer. pfvHnped fxrlu.ivfly by M.C.I'. JAM AND JKI.LY PECTIN, it l"f ' with 'hp conking and boiling that take urn? and energy, cause loss of flavor and color in your jiims, and reduce .lam yild. With M CP PKCTIVS amazing uncooked recines you avoid a "hot stove ses-mn," Ret jams with inu'r frvsh fruit flavor and color, use less fruit and suirar and ad more jam, and these eitra delicious jams are ready to eat as soon as made. ou can make these uncooked jams with all popular frh fruits and berns and, best of all, if fresh brines are si arre or high priced, you ran always use froien berries and enjoy the finest-flavored jam you ever tasted . . made anytime you like . for less than l.'e a half pound! Just try M.C.P uncooked jams and see (he difference. Com pete recipes in every package (:;Voz .) of M.C.P. PECTIN. (Com plete recipes for finest cooked jams and jel'ics, too, Hyoa still prefer that method.) THIS, CREAMY FRENCH DRESSING POSITIVELY WILL NOT SEPARATE! . PECTIN DOES IT! . . . That is. if von use M CP. l 2T JAM AND JELLY PECTIN! For, you can't makt this non-separating dressing except with M.C.P. PECTIN and the unique recipe developed by th M.C.P. Kitchen laboratory It'i inxt An rtf th many plus values you get when you buy and ust M.C.P. PECTIN. Besides its non separating feature, this Una dressing is so easy to make, and so economical, too and its tasty, tangy flavor makes something extra special out of every salad you ue it on Look for the reeip in the complete Polder in every park as (.Vi-ot.) of M.C.P. PECTIN . . it's another important reasoa why you'll want to kep M.C.P. PECTIN on hand the year 'round Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 1, 58 (Sec III)-23 far ! IJLT O Takes The Place Of Appetite-Appeasement Wafers, Pills And Tablets That Cost Up To Twite As Much! 2L ft I '('.IJtlV. & J 5 s'v t 4 ft 1 -i. 30 Minutes Dcforc Lunch And Dinner Eat 2 Slices Of Co Special tmwk. BtmL Because Its Protein Helps Normal People To More Effectively Appease The Appetite Control Center Of The Brain -SoYou Eat Less Lactalbumin-The Revolutionary Ntw Protein "Booster" From Milk-Gives It A "Higher Protein To Calorie Ratio" MODELS URGED TO EAT PROFILE SPECIAL FORMUU BREAD TO HEIF CONTROL WEIGHT , i ' 'K. Better For All The Family Because Better In Complete Protein Than Ordinary White And Whole Wheat Breads In the brain's hypothalamic region, the appe tite control center acts, in normal people, to increase your appetite ... or ... to reduce your appetite. Eating some carbohydrate and protein-containing food 30 to 60 minutes before your regular meal is an effective way to reduce your appetite. Protein helps appease your appetite longer. The less you crave food ... the less you eat! PROFILE SPECIAL FORMULA BREAD DOES JOB FOR LESS Two slices of Profile Special Formula Bread 30 to 60 minutes before lunch and dinner should ap pease your appetite control center. Pour slices of Profile Special Formula Bread cost One Pound of PROFILE Special Formula Bread About Equals 3 Lamb Chops in Complete Protein Content (Lysine Used As Limiting Factor In Profile Special Formula Bread; Cystine And Methionine Are The Limiting Fac tors In Lamb Chops Calculation Basis, 44 Grams Protein for 3 Lamb Chops Composition of Foods, U.S.D.A..) about a nickel. Many wafers, pills, and tablets, used for appetite appeasement, cost up to twice as much to take. Thus, Profile Special Formula Bread curbs appetite for half their cost! Actually, a one-pound Profile Special Formula Loaf gives you about 24 more complete protein than ordinary whole wheat bread; about 28 more than ordinary white bread. Because it con tains the new miracle protein "booster" from milk lac talbumin. A loaf supplies about as much complete protein as 3 lamb chops. Note chart at right for vitamin and mineral content. Be sure to eat a well balanced diet for sufficient vitamins and minerals. BUY PROFILE SPECIAL FORMULA BREAD FOR ALL THE FAMILY Buy Profile Special Formula Bread. It costs a few pennies more. And is worth it. Not only in the exercise of scientific weight control. But because its higher complete protein content is an important aid to health and vitality. And you'll love the flavor of Profile Special Formula Bread. It is light . . . with a beautiful firm and even texture. And it toasts perfectly! You'll really rave about Profile Special Formula Bread toast! KEEP YOUR WAISTLINE IN Profile Special Formula Bread really works wonders. You won't lose 10 pounds the first week. But you can work for better control of weight through appetite control ... all of the time. But see for yourself what Profile Special For mula Bread can do. Get it fresh from your grocer today. Youll be delighted with results. (MRS. HARRY CONOVEK) CWs VITAMIN A if a MINERAL POUND OF PR0HU $PCUI FORMULA BREAD PROTEIN VITAMIN Bi VITAMIN B3 NIACIN IRON CALCIUM oa$ea on rtnort r vj r. CmtiMnaal BMni Ctmpnf, Im. t 3.2 gnu. 1.92 m9s. 1.67 mg$. 16.8 mgt, 20.30 mgs. 250. mat. Baked By The Baker. Of Famous WONDER BREAD yon art an a Hmiitd tcU otm iiti, dtduei ft taltrim for ack sImk of PnfiU SjmcmI Formula BttiL I l,i s