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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
Twenty-Nine Brooklyn Policemen Subpoenaed by, 'Grand Jury in Ambulance Chasing Racket Inqujry NJSW YORK (J -Twenty-Bin policemea have been luljpoejiaed before a Brooklyn grand jury ta lestigattnf an alleged ambulance chaiing racket. Dist. Atty. Edward S. Silver aaid the probe renters around the lav firm of Fallek & Connolly, headed by a fire department lieutenant and a former policeman. Four of the subpoenaed police men are members of Silver's own rackets squad. Silver said he did not know whe ther any of the policemen en- .... j . h... im uiiiir i tntAcA fatuk. an. of Brooklyn, a aiL "baa noma maiwiuia ewe--. T-,-i7 - j6B. j. irt h tnnnnuT i Bells, Buzzers Signal Direction Of Street Traffic . ;.a ,k. r: 1 --.J1...I M tht. vmp ne Mia uw iirin imum , " .r negligence casea last year and re-1 He named tbe senior partners as Oklahoma Panty Raider Expelled NORMAN, Okla. -ne atudent . banct la whicftss many m aw was expelled and another ms-students gathered near sorority pended indefinitely at the Unlrer-! and worn s dormitories, sity of Oklahoma following a series j police and school authorities f attempted panty rams- most ot we oesday night. Ider control. The dismissed student President George L. Cross was a Junior ia engineering and promised further disciplinary ac- the suspenoeo siuoem ib a irrsn SAN FRANCISCO UP A new traffic signal that even the blind rta "see , went w operauoa Thursday at Seventh and Howard Sts vi. .;.i. .v-kronimi wiihiwiMi iwuit a msM blind Mr the regular traffic light. sooa cross there gotng to and from Tne parucuiar corner was at-line aunocnu. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May25. '58 (Spc.IVS Connolly. 42. ti Seaford, N Y, a j u'Hy device la designed lor fir lieutenant. 'the sightless. A bell rings when Silver said one source of cases u flowing East and West was i motif service men patients) . kutim- sounds as traffic is re st St. Albans Naval Hospital in Queens. He cited an instance of some body representing himself as a lieutenant commander telephoning an enlisted man who had been in an automobile accident and offer ing aid in obtaining a lawyer. The telephone caller then contacted the law firm. Silver said. leased north and south. Both audi- BIOHM FERTILIZER Middlecrove Kuncry 4KI Silrertea Rd. We Give 2C Green Stamps Fish and Had The fish atria are prepared San Shea style. Need wa say morel With special alia, cole slaw ar salad, crisp French Fries, hot biscuit and butler. All fat 75 THE SAN SHOP "TsiST Fefttsnd Read at Narth City limits Far Ordera fa Oa - Fhane J47II 1 AM l 1 i -i a 1 4 TIL I: I a- 5 COUPON GOOD FOR ' 5 $5oo WORTH OF RECORDS Wl ft fmthtm erf At Hwr i roatAius taiu (ftOMiJ Hwrs THE SALEM RECORD SHOP 421 Cawrt ' nryinmi wpm tn t w" f1 yw r V eh 1 ti mi 1 1 1 r ifc 7 . .- :L .1.. J .s.u. agca in uicgy eKUVHy pu uww m woim.tiv w.m. i , 1 I LJ I II II ft V 1 A II ri 111111 IIIIIIX IVVII VMLI mmw . r. kwi;;-cnfort i.i- 1 . "u.irof a v oJJUUULy ww ' , r c . . II Here ore jui - fnrmimTinY frvnical Sears savings. II h . .... Holiday wv4a:cotijAjcy :e , , f p pleasure TO ywi ,r- -..iijiiairT m s-a. n monySpcciolitcmstoodd Vacotion, sf.' "WW. ee W! '' . - sv - ' , ' Trim ni i,r"1 fl Voltqge R-gulator 3 Protects Battery, Generator M OivM itrvkt iquil to or btief lhn N 1 WJIU'U' .wfv- Reg. 18.95 Corduroy Design Plastic Panel Across Top of Woven Saran Plastic Backrest Sturdy Rayon Trim Matches Plastic Resist Dirt, Stain and Soiling Install handsome, Allstate Seat Covers todayl Protect upholstery fabrics in nev cirs ... pot new life and color in older cars. Complete in stallation fittings included. Better Plastic Simulated leather With Embossed Channel Design Sweeps Around lackrett Woven Plastic Seat and Backrest Tough Vinyl Coated Matching Trim p fill Oil SOT $3.07 Trade-in Allowance on all 30 or 48 month batteries fill 0 Exch. EVERY ALLSTATE BATTERY GUARANTEED FACTORY FRESH! FREE INSTALLATION! ALLSTATE Radios Dash-AAtching Control Pane b..)M 64.88 With Anteni -- Addl muiic to tht miletU Hai iulo m1ic volume control, 7-tub perfor mnct, peiitiw tunmcj, illummlttd did. Ell AUSTATE Auto Trailer. OQ88 Terry Cover for Any Car J88 ALLDIMIC MU1W mi i i gyv ideal as Robe, Polliw, Towel c. ,tl n,n,t.r Trtn f"anrit . , . Full Quarter Ton Capacity Now a handy trailer .of your own ct Sears low price. Fol lows car like a shadow, no ierking or side-sway. Stream lined design in steel with baked on blue enamel finish. ' .'.lie 'VMe. mm i,i.ii nnirklu nH essilv in anv car. And it can be used so many other ways! Washable, highly absorbent, it's as durable as it is practical! Wide choice of colors. You'll want several. AllWathr Oil Why Pay 60c a Quart 43c In 10-qt. lot. VV Combination 10 tnd 30 we.ght. flowt rt.dily in lub-uro ind full boditd tw- Hot wtithtr,. iO-91, Mfl,. Auto Snack Bar 1.85 Ideal for tiny ton r.i;nni on triDi- SpiH-proof drink 3 Rubber Car Rugs Sperial Purchasel 5 Colors! 44c MVax!6-in You'd xpett to pay 69c. Trapt dirt and ww. Eaiy to clean. Made of .fltsibJi rubber for lon1 Fish, Polo Carriers 1.69 Solvel problem of how 10 tarry long, lightweight item. Suction c u p t hold 52 inch Won't Car Top Carrier Supports Maximum Top Load 7.88 mar paint. Rubber-coated hooki and canval webbtd Itrapi. Varntehed oak ban, wttloft tuoa. V- Air-Cooled Cushions ."'f 1 aVU X.U7 Ride in greater . ntMlnrl &'tri tnrinn rfi conitruction. Wipe clean with damp .'V.'V..' ' I Cleaner and Glaze Cleans end Glazes at Once AUSTATE - .. 85t Amazing "glau-hard" finiih from Silicone. Gentle abraiivt removet dirt with littlt effort, liquid; eaiy to Chamois & Sponge 1.39 iiSv7-''VV c,r cl""'n9 c0,T'D0- V.,i'W 6-inch iponge plu 1316" chimeit JASViilA place. At Sean. - J. C. HIGGIIIS RUGGED UMBRELLA TE11IS! 9x9flSIZE I L- nJ Down Sturdy centerpole camping tents. Patented clamp assembly lets one men assemble itl Forest green drill. Awning exten- lion, full floor, rear window, Hakes, ropes, poles. , y v : - - . wj&(,ijifcGt-i-:.! 100 Pure Virgin Dacron Filled 1Q88 2'a Ibi. water repellent 'Outer cover i. rugged genuine 8-oz. cotton poplin. Water reoellant 100 -in. separating zipper with double pull tabs for zipping two bags together. Padded interior weather flap. Camping Stoves Burns Ordinary Auto Gas 1795 A a,. - . . Designed to light instantly . . . even in the rain. Two burner stove holds two 12-tnch skillets. Adjustable windshields lock In position, teak-proof tank holds anough fuel for fve hours. ... Folding Camp Cot With Hardwood Frame : 5f Cot lg are trouod and riveted at tnda;' ateel reinforced at tenterl Heavy 10-oi. ute Duck cover. Foldi compactly. Air Mattress Electronically Welded Seams i C. Higgint We70 Made of plaitic with five) full tongtb air tubi for greater comfort. Single, metal inflating tube. SiJe. 25x?2-in. Hammock Cots Heavy Water-Repellent Duck 15.95 Gasoline Lantern Won't Spill! WorkslnWindl 13.95""f"oVVi;.pin, loung- large .ingt. mantle QlvM "8 Jj Inol Srlohl red with white valance. m -..- - a pc. atend packi to M -mo car trunk or wh. e- " type pump r Ice Chest-Cooler For Ice, Beverages, Foods 21 95 J. C. Higgm. . ... 'J large fre.rer type with fiuergl in .,lation. Rubber handln. fnd drnm with hole. New adiuinble entennon tray. New "Magic Cold" For Chilling Food, Drink 48c Quart WV Freeie and ule initead of ice in food coolei chfiti. Retaini cold longer than ice No rrnmy melting. Can be re-uted. Plaid Gallon Jugs With Fiberglas Insulation 2.49 Only. Croquet Sets Low Priced Four-ball Outfit 4.49 Only G.v red and black plaid ,ug ha. Four p.r.on. can p,.y ..... Mr. Rock liner that will not .port ,n your own yard. Four mal- .tain, ta.y to clean, fla.t.c cup and l.n hv. turned de.ign. Hardwood handle b'11'- Safety Belts Protect Loved Ones, Yourself 0 QC Imtalled .... - - - Ea. Wa? Proven iucceaiful for reducing deatha and injuriei from all kindt of car ac cident!. Choice of colora. Bug Screen For Autos 2.44 Protect your cr grilf from pety in tact!. PI ni tie icrttn. rustproof fitting- HEADQUARTERS FOR OUTDOOR FUN! SHOP AND COMPARER IP. in TriDOfJ f( ciP Brazier Chrome Plated Grid 9 95 Hand crank adjusts grid to vary heat. Heavy gauge steel bowl, with black baked en amel finish. Remove rubber tipped legs for carrying or storing. Use in your back yard, take on picnics. Con venient handles for easy carrying. Large Braziers Cook Savory Outdoor Meals 1495 CK.omiiplated revolving grid eauly railed or lowered lor heat adUt menl. Ilubber tired wheell. J4-.nth ho Barbecue Tools Shining Stainless Steel 498 3 ft. Set Set includei M in. fork, 17 in. turner, and French Chef I knife with hollow gtound 6 . blade. Bfss itSdaKSC" tiSZ&'X""-" 3Sa-ai tsau, L -nrs-n rsvMRvrqR 5flK.5Kl I