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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1956)
"Over 115 rs S TO PLACE- AD PH 4-6811 ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . . Too Late to Classify LOsl ; (.andalaria Dist. Blue Uanu un lea. Pn. 4-jjoo. rte- ALlTATE mutur MooUr $40. 4vj.(fi iiitjus work. Ciiu 4-1 j .6 Hntr tt;atu p iu. ihOAa & to 100 mile, per gal. j liMJ IwUitlUaiil ,iy l:ijj ilaiity Uavilson iyaj jamei. .. .. 4j 1j4 inumpi aaJS io down payment iO.A.C. i Will lake most anything in trade, srlllutiv's, ItiKtiiand at loiUiinu liu. alOI OK bike tJO il Lausun 3 n p. 5o. u llat bottoh, buai ' FOR SALE cow with heifer caif. ij boat trailer lli or Dual, i Ph. 2-M70. R. W. Tavenner, nioioi at tiailer lor 30. Pn. j Ht 1 Box dl2 4-118. i - - - FOR SALE: Fresh Roan Short- hM NASH Sijlesnian. nearly horn cow, with white faced ntw tuc, !mi- c,f ph. 2-8102. uaaiers, doub bed .tove, ' YR OLD family row to fresh good lu-toue paint. 124 Edae- rn Ma3' M'h- Pn Mayfalr v.acci f.. .-. 3-4284 , Dalla.". Frank Schmidt. . , - - . - - ' Salem Hlway. w li-L trade my 3 good income - iiui.ies. all ciean. tor income lONE fresh cow It 1 heavy piopcity in sinaii vai.ey tuwii.j springer, 2 heifers. 1 gentle vaiue SJS.OUO. . Wnte owntr. i burrow L C Edwards, 4745 airs L. c Russell. P 0. box 1 Silverton Rd . Salem. an enton. ure . ' 4 GAL. guernsey cow Ph 2-2741 iok SALt. neat house, iurni-1 Franke, 815W. ladrona lure, garage garden besi lo-i PRbFESSlONAL noraeshoer Lee cation.W.bam.Ph. i-0J!a. Hanson. 4-0714 4-totJ hLW j bdim. house, frpl F A s.i.m Meat Co locker beef heat. hdwd. fl si. dr. closet,. Custom K1llnf ruttlnr A wrlp. lots st. p . In. wcicd. iruit. TV ant. Gl loan. S5.W dil Lpl?i'1'l-L0n- lrlf Out Lit)rl Hd . to Ke.t Gar- den to I4rf. i UNI KD to buv : Motel o, lent- al cuu.t box 51 dutcs...a... auu: ial. LI-.ASK 2 tKlrrn. home liii'iiUci' jt bik i,u. st,,,, (.,5 s. i.... 3 H .l. 1 u: ii. apl 4 blks No. ol l .p.iians. -'5 IMi Diiuon I'll 4-39JS URN. court apt Water, gar- bane It garage turn. Hh. 2-43HS. ' CHILD care $1 a day. My home 2.1rd & Slate I'll. 4-56H STRAWBERRY pickers remster ; noA-. 9 acres gid clean Northwest Jack Cnapin. Rt 2. Box 206. Salem. Ph. 2-4J7S 2-3231. KFG1STER now for strawberry It beau picking. 10 A. Km in vest. 40 A. beans. Cabins. soud. water, lights turn. Mi' on:a Faun. 3 nil. N . 2 nil T of Independence Rt. 1. Box 260 Ph 3SF2 WANTED Lady dinner cook. a Morn snm. iiriini apoi laic. WISH to-cortactrty"Wlo.w. rtiiiimerciabaHng. Ph 2-30M BI.'ILT-INS. 1 oil furnaces doors It other materials. Slate K Lancaster. NEW 14 (t. McKen?ie River drift boat Ideal lor hunting, A fishins. 3 Srltlemier Ave . I Wnodourn. Ore. Ph. 4337 allei ' 6 30 TRADE 30.06 for outboard mo tor. Ph. 3-6052after 5 ?4 PLYWOOD boat, good condi-' tion. 1320 N Liberty. NrAV FIBER GLASS BOATS ! 11' $2H0 13' $375 15' $492, , BEAUTIFUL purebred male dnunle bottom, all colors, mi-' Collie, Sacrilice price. Ph. inei:ate delivery No down 4-1(00 or 2-U638. pavment 1O.ACV will lake M -met anvllwng in trade BLACK & tan dog-narp Heidi. SHROCK S Highland at I "sl r0"nd Bush uark- Reward Portland Hd Ph. 2-5683 MOVIN5Tmut sell 23 cubic-ft. DOCS boarded. Corkhaven 1 Ken- nnr.nhl fr.7r Ph 4-81C3. I hClS. LUllle Lund. Rt- 3, Slt- PAINTED daisies, single A dou ble Meier's 3175 Evergieen at Sih.ertnn Rd "REAL ESTATE CONTRACT FOR SALE AT DISCOUNT NO 1 8 Acres It Hone Dis. count $900. S3O00 equity tor $2100. Pavs monthly. NO. 2 House It lot In city. Dis count $450. $1500 equity for $1100. Pays monthly NO 33 Acres A- Home Dis count $1000. $3150 equity for J21.10. Pavs monthly. NO 4 House I- lot city pron erlv Discount $1250 W250 equitr for 14000. BEN C0LBATH, REALTORS 517 court St. Dial l-M4 4 ELEC. BROODERS PH. 4-4116 TOO Disploy Clossified Nationally Famous f HOMART LIGHTING L Fixtures x 30 OFF! J S! Pull downs bedroom j wsll bra.-kets - ceiling s : fixtures f SFARS ROEBUCK A- CO. f r II I NURSING HOME P ANNOUNCES p New TV Ic Recreation h Room g 1 2630 N, CHURCH PH. 2-9819 p rsjitis i I Ph. 4-6811 300 Personal 3 12 Lost ond Found LOST Light grata parakeet. Phone 4-1477. WILL the part)' that waa area picking up a tarp on um cor ii" of Court It rront Sts. wed , May U at about 1 p m. pleas leave It at 1191 N. Com 1. by May charge wtlt not b pressed. 316 Personal REPLIES to the following boxes j may be picked ud at Statesjnan -Journal ofic. N. Church St. 1 180 191 $87 una 862 H Ml 112 8flu 711 7 720 to 7.78 90S 741 906 IS 909 47 SID III Security Detective Agency Private investigation anywhere anytime Worlo wide affilla- . atlon. Rm IX) Salem Ph day or night 4-2241 Vancouver. W-h Oxford 3-l4o. ALCOHOLICS Anunymuua group No 1 IQM N Com I 3-4531 PSYCHIC READER attar uiTti a...-. i'. .it help you obtain lie one ion! love, and vjcciss In all f-! fairs, special reading 13. 4330 1 rortiana ita. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous I S Commercial 3-2I0S tea 1 AL;S BAKERY 1040 MARKET I Frozen tuna., chicken It beef pies $2 25 a do . pi7za pie.' Pn": 3-Ym br"d ' .m 4 00 Agriculture . - 402 Livestock for Sole ONE billy goat and five nanny yearlings, will sell cheap. Five miles east of Silverton on Marquam road. call evenings. Oscar Carlson, Rt. 1, Box 41. Ml. Anxci. Oreg. FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also good 2 I .Z 81 8,,V,rto Ph 3'6IJ " 403 Livestock Wonted ! - CATTLE, norsm at our larm E. C MrCandlun. Rt 2. 3-6111 j CATTLE buyer A FSonimer, I 1260 Harmony Dr. Ph 4-9067 I CATTLE Buyers 4297 State t j, H Snelben. 2-134S. 2-4380 LIVESTOCK Oliver Claude Ed. warda. Rt 1. Box 869E. 4-1113 f 404 Poultry ond Kobbits 4 BRED does St litters. I bucks it hutches. Inquire Ph. 2-9615. Dresser Hpjw Frver$ PH. 3-7023 j LIVE FRYERS xo iu ioui i nuicr, AW.rorph.4.TJ4$ CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry We buy rabbits wings, 398$ State Ph 4-391$ BABY CHICKS 16c straight run. choice of Parmenters. New Hamps . White Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp and While Rock pullets 19c Par menter red rooster. 6c VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4(24 - Salem 408 Pets verton. 3-4787. " MOORE PETS" Siamese Kittens buds, I tame . monkey 4005 Slate bt i TO GIVE away, puppies, small j breed, heslthv and cute Ph 4-2730 after 4 10 p m. I FOR SALE or trade: Labradir Retriever Pups. 3 nin. old. A K C. Re$. 113$ E SI. Ph. A. K. C. REG. Dalmation male. Ph. Monmouth. SkylineJM363. FOR-SALEPuppies, all kinda. Come see afternoons at 3aSS Livingston or call 2-79H9 Will buy puppies any kind REG-German shorthair pointer. 6 mo. call after 6. Indepen dence. 340J3. YOUNG parakeet, cage feeds Mickey's. 3825 3 Com 1-275-i BIRErpsradls for Mrda, cages Supplies 3180 Livingston 1-1842 410 Seeds and Plants LATE season Ataleas In full bloom. Fuchsias. Camellias & Rhodes. W a r i n g s Nursery. Drive So. on 12th St. mi. past Monungside Sch. Tuin right al Oakhlll Ave. FUCHSIASMc T4,tc doi.-Ager-atum It stock 35c di'Z. Dw.irf Mangolds, tomatne.-. lettuce A cahhaxe. 30c Sultanas A. fioerous roolcd begonias. i4 shades). Evergreen azaleas. 50c ea. Rhododendrons, $2.25 to $375 Periwinkle lor hoi sun 50c do. Martha Wash. In bloom. Geraniums A- car nations. I.owery s Greenhouse, 2595 Clieinawa Rd. TaTM'NuVr7. S; silverton Rd. w give it n Green Stamps. GLAD bulbs. 50 for $1. Middle Grove Nursery. 4920 Silverton RdJ CHRYSANTHMUMS. over 200 newer early flowering varlties Astllbes. Delphiniums (Includ ing Bright Pink I. Geraniums. Lupines. Salem's best perin eal supply. Black's 2270 Chemawa Rd. 4-7622. LARGE selection of named Iris. Border perennials now bloom ing, Pinks, Calombtnet. Paint ed Daisys ft many mora, Bur nett Gardens 'i mi. w. of Prison annex on Boone Rd. " 4-24SL Hosed Sun. MULCH Peat with mushroom fertlllxer Fine for mulch. Ph. $-0331. GRAlMUlCisrfusc"hsiartub. be gonias 3$l. Glad bull 1 doz. $1. Fuchsia baskets $3 Mer rills Greenhouse. Brooks. FUCHsTaS-t IvyGeranlumT baskets in bloom, also Dahlia ! bulbs Wards Gardens 43801 Cherry Ave. i 1,411 Lown-Gottten Equip. ROTO-ttller r garden tractor. Ph. 1-2741, Trank. SIS W. Madron. 400 Agriculture 411 Lowtt-Gordew Equip. 1 USED mown Reg price 94 N Now MM. AA-o reel type . mower Reg. I1M Ml NOW $t450 Hkc nrw. l Terms SAH GREEN STAMPS. Will trade BATDORF'S HOME A AUTO. 1420 State St. Ph. -tl. COMPOST pile, framework, p- prox 34x4) 4 sections sa so. I sections section. W OO. Ph. 1-3597 j 1149 Howard. (12 Frwit I farm Produce FOR SALE New Alta fescue hay $2$ ton. Call S-4JHI. ASPARAGUS Fresh daily 10c lb. Rhubarb 3c lb. Green Apple Market SOUS Portland Rd. PASTEURIZED" whose milk 73ejTAB'-K model radio, stove A ..i umn...!. ig, i- .,1.1 refrtg.. bed. dresser It couch. L.n an. r-U.r.' uli t ! 413 Fertilizer ! ' ' i FREE manure at the Flaw I ranch. I ml. East on Milier Creek. ! MULCHING STRAW Ph. 4-3081 FHESH or rolfea manure Rich. fine manure by aack or yard Delivered or at . farm Phillins Bros Rt 3 Box 413 Ph 4-301! BARNYARD" fertlliier "auitable for flowers S3 ton delivered. mlnTmum 1 ton load Joe , Rogers.lndependence4iii: , ROTTED sawdust for mulching ! ( yd load 113. 4 yds 110. 2 yds 8 or 12 a vd or Sue sack at farm Also Beaver Dam Soil. SI sack, f for Si Phil lips Bros Rt S Box t'O. Sa lem Ph. 4-3081 414'Form Equipment INTFJIN ATIONAL tractor, rhain block, flee, drill It bit?. Cedar fence posts. Ph. 4-4:121. L?iL!425 Auction Soles SCOTTY'S ' AUCTION HOUSE At 4840 Center St., Salem ON SAT., MAY 26 10 A. M. AND 7 P. M. Freight suction damaged 81 un claimed articles, as elec. ( ramiei refn" -r hit 1- tub, sinks, inlaid linoleums, tables, chairs, furniture of all kinds, lamps, etc. These are all new items. Plus 3 truck ! 117.?:.' S,, htaldiv!!i," ! niture. misc. tools, beds. springs, mattresses, chrome sets Beautiful tin daveno j & chslr, swing rocker, with ; hod set, box springs It mutts Shrubs Ac flowers. I HfrHTAAl On I ' I lr III K M I i II V LvJ I UUIV OLlL v wt o--m P AT l. -i" i . !. 3 brood sows, several lots of' weaner olgs. cows. , feeders, cjlves Frverv rhic':- en ot all kinds, ducks- it Reese, turkevs It rabbits Farm i auctions conducted anywhere. : Our specialty. ATCTIONEER Col. Ernest E. Scott PH. 4-6433 450 Merchandise 451 Mochinery t Tools JOHN DEERE Crowler tractor . Slightly used. Rt. 2 Box 88, I la I la. Ph kl A 1-4041 SKHXaiw. "1 condition. $65. Ph after S p m. !-2'j3- . . ! FOR SALE 5 horse McCullouch chain saw. Ph. 4-8915. HAVE several used weidert AC 81 DC Call 4-7S44 454 Sewing Mochines About This!! Portable Electric Sewing Machine, Round Bobbin, Full Rotary with Forward and Reverse Stitch, Guaranteed. $21.30 SEWING CENTER 1.10 N. Com'l Ph 3-3512 S! Walnut Cabinet Electiic, Round Bobbin, Reverse Stitch, Yours for Balance Due on Contract s I SEWING CENTER 130 N. Com'! Ph. .I1 -351 2 SEWING MACHINE Save over UM on this brautilul Nepchi portable Take over i contract or onlv $125 per, week. Ph 4-7102 (dealerl i S TEAL ! ! This SINGER Portable Electric. Full Rotarv. Lightweight. All Gear Driven. ONLY SEWING CENTER 130 N. Coml Ph. 3-3J12 455 House Cood$ for Sal BED DAVENO, REAS. PH. 2-0615 TRANSFERRED MUST SELL White Thayer baby bed. matt , $17: heavy yellow chrome net. excel. $.10: children's trundle ber complete $20: Duncan Phvle table $30. club chair $25. 166 -N. Capitol. Ph. 2-1076. FOR SALE Westinghouse ranee $45.Ph. 4-M43. 6 YR. CIUB ftTriattress. auto, washer and dryer. 4-5428 IN LA ID" Lino 7 $1 H per rq yd R L Elfstrom Co.. 26S S. Ub-,rtjr. 430 Merchandise 4SS House Goods for Sal 30 IN. EL EC.. rane. food cua tomer return rani, regular $234 (S. reliable party mav assume balance of 1123.50. Terms. SAH Greea Sumo Batdorf i Firestone Horn Store 1420 SUte Ph$-tAl USED- 5 piece walnut dining set 134 HOGG BROS. Mi SlateSt. r, NFW 9x11 tweed rugs. $28 SS Glen Woodry 1 60S N Summer. iNLAID Lino.. It M oer to yd. R L Elfstrom Co. JSC a Lib erty ' USED lounee -hair sn.JO HOGG BROS. 348 State St KING CHARLES of London liv ing rm. set. Ph. 4-1227. A-l 3 PC. Wrought Iron' Dinette $4 SO 3 pc. W60" table $8 .50 Glen Woodry 100S N Summer. ex", rond Rt. I. 1"x ML 3 ,i. 0ut Wallace Rd. Robert . Ln j-USED platform rocker 114.30. huou bbud. state i. ROSE aetteo like new 130.30 Glen Woodry 1003 N Summer. ANTIQUE SWING ROCKER PH. 4-otB NEW Blond Mr. and St Mrs. Bedroom Set W. bookcase bed new Box sprin. mat-htng Inner-spring mattress only $132 at Salem s Lowest Overhead Store. Glen Woodry. IMS N. Summer. USEd daveno bed, ONLY $12. HOGG BROS. 24 State St. SPEFD Queen ironer. good con- dltion. M0. J. Watson. Rt. J. , box 53AA silverton. USED S piere breaklat et 318 -.10. HOGG BROS. 248 Stale st. PAINT. gu7ranteed II 8!i gal. Glen Woodry, ItOS N. Sum mer. NEW Maple Bunk Beds rom- i plcte wmatlrescs only 178.88 j Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer i WALNUT rhina rabinet 175 OU. 1 Gov. Wlnthrop Desk A-l $6.1. 1 Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer. MY OWN personal equipment:! Late model Frig refrigerator, raiiKe. Auto, washer ft dryer. ' priced exceptionally low In-t quire Bruce Cooper. Hogg Bros . 26U State SI VACUUM CLEANER i Electrolux. excel, cond. 1 only for 3111 50. Hh. 4-7102 idealci i. , FOR SALE 1 metal bed. coil spring 6t mattress, reasonable ; Call eve. 2055 Haze! DF.LUXE Philco Refrif. wfrozen j food storage S149 50: DeLuxe do, doo- t; E. n frieerator n 1 large frozen food capacity : $W:m)0; 2 nic old G E. pus i button range $229.00. 1953 Norge Electric DeLuxe Range wwarming oven, new price $319 50 now $189 50 Clen Woodry 1805 N. Summer. USED; rcf rlg.7a"tor. freelerl. some like new. Low low priced. Easy terms. No money down. Master Service Station. 385 N. Commercial. AUTOMATIC-W'ashers. used, low Green Stamps Master Service I s,',1"ln N Commercial SLIGHTLY llted 3 pie. e section- I . . , ... iirt none via as $25 no money down. S&H al $141 HOGG BROS. 248 Slate SI. Rp.G cioiiwi New modirn 8" sof; s now $lln 50 save at Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer, . . , ' . . " " .z., 'OR ' ALtT; Arn;,r?'" nn'e. S-to- Ph. J-..214. NEW Simmons Rnllawavs $12 88 Glen Woodry 1805 N Summer USED wrought Iron patio table l and chairs $49 HOGG BROS. I 248 State St. NEW bumper-end sofns $139 95. Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib erty. Ph 4-6371. Open Fil. niRht 'til 9. No down payment lo.a.c.l 17 ' T 7 v7 FREE with purchase of freerer $10 dn will handle will trade. Auto, washer sllshtlv damaged in shipment. PRICED RIGHT. S-H GREEN STAMPS. BATDORF'S HOME It AUTO, 1420 STATE ST. Ph. 3-9582. hath Z'. mfdiclne cabinet, very reas. Ph. 3-3790. sMALI.refrigerator. good cond. Ph. 3-731 BY OWNER. 7 rms. o'f nice fur niture, most of It nracticnllv new. Sec at 2597 Ptl'd. Rd. No dealers. NEW white enam. toilet seats $3 93 Judson's. 279 N Com I fric.idaire' 1950 IMPERIAL washer It drer $475. Modern Appliance Cen ter 1141 S. Commercial USED 4 piece bedrm. set $49. HOGG BROSJM State St USED 1 Mo. repossessed 3 or. modern bedroom set, $209 50 and $119 00 box spring .and inner soring mattress now buy both for $225. Save 103.50 Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer. USED electric range for cooler cookine. clearance price. We need the space Master Ser vice Stations. 363 N Commer cial NEW "Admiral range $199 9.1 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Lib el t Ph 4-6371 Open Fri 'till 9 No down payment loac.i Unfinished Chests. New a Drawers $6 95 3 Drawers $8 95 No Phone Orders Please HOGG RR0S. 248 State St. USED lank Vacuum cleaner and attachment $19 50 HOliU P.KOS 248 State SI FOR SALE Kenmore Autn washer It elec. rang, both in good working cond Also Air line Console radio F. M. A A M A- 2 table model radios, like new. days 4-7H79. eves. 4-4713. NEW ZENlth vacuum cleaner $59.95 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-6371. Open Fri. till 9 No donii payment lose I INLAID Lino $159 Per sq yd R L Elfstrom Co 260 S Lib erty USED daveno and chair ONLY $34 HtXIG BROS. 248 State St. 2 USED lleautyrest Mattresses $14.50 others (mm $8.50. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. USED wall bed coil spring $19 50 HOGG BROS. 248 State St UNEINISHFJ) furniture II L Stiff Eurniture,175 High USEDiuh chair $19 50 HOGG BROS. 248 State St. 7 PC'.DINING Set. $49 50 Glen Woodry, 1605 N. Summer NORGE refrig"AO$i'v AS Used Mdse Mart, 270 S Liberty. Ph. 4-6371 Open Fri 'til t No down payment (o a c I 456 Wonted House Goods FURNITURE Wanted. Courteous service Ph. 3-60K8. I OP CASH DHlt ir" rurN. TURE. APPLIANCES . FJTC USED MERCHANDISE MAR1 ?70 S LIBERTY PH J;6371 WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Turn Co 1-7471 Need at One Late model E - Appliance Pay cash premium for Hi Grade Electric Ranges Rerrigeratora. Automatic Washer Drier ft Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry 3-3110 right Now for Pleasing Resultsl I ' 457 Rodio ond TV 1 USED 17" T. V. Re?, price $14$ 50 will take $34 US as is. SA-H GREF.-N STAMPS-BAT-DORF S HOME Ar AUTO. 1420 State St. Ph 3-9S82 FOR SALE Stand radio ft phonograph romh $20. food cond. 1137 So. 12th. ALLAN EXP Me Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACHINES ADDING MACHINES Buy as you rent. All makes Rnen-Type writers, 454 Court Ph. 36773. rfllAMt WESTINGHOUSE Woodry Furniture t 474 So Cot.-'l Ph 4-III! I APITOI Bedding Mattresa re novators New mattresses 3-4M BRICK O BLOCK MASON BLOCK & Brick Mason, also man wmixer for hire. 4-7M7. BRICK-and" block "Work" guar anteed. Ph. 4-44:13. CRASS WORK 15-ton I oram moto crane Sa lem Sana A Gravel Co 2-44l DRY-CLEANING SERVICE Foreman's Cleaners It Dyers Fur Storage: Complete Dry CTnlng It Lndrr Srv. Free pu k up lc Diver, 1070 S. Com'l. ph. 3-9448 SAH Green Stamps. EXCAVATING VINCENT C. NEAL Excavating Co Excavating - Grading Ph. 3-1688 FLOOR JTOVrKINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covennR OiVtsion Vual Itv installations Linoleum. As. phalt It Ruhhei Tile Wall tile Fret Estimates 4-227 GRADING A DOZING DOZING k LEVELING Ph 2-0M2 D PANTVVICH BULLDOZING clear ng road. ponds D-4. D-n carryall. V. Hiiskrv Ph 2-3146. 458 Building Moteriols LUMBER nd 1x8 utu- pee- M I 1 lot each 1x4. 1x6 and 1x8 Util itv grade-$55 00 pee- M 1 lot 54x6 standard $45 00 per M. 4x5 wood gutter 4 to 8' 10e L ft 2x2 com. O K. for garden stakes 2'..c per ft. 58x6 E Rustic-$5S00 nr M 1x10 and 1x12 Cedar. Standard Better, $135 00 per M. Fred W. Smith Lumber Co. 345 State St. Four Corners NEW vent fan for kitchen or; bath $22 95 Judson's. 279 N I Com'l 0 V 4 x S Birch. 2 sides 40c O 12-2 wire, roll al 4ac e 8 in ceiling fans $13 75 O Cedar shingles $.100. fl $8 0 Gnlv iron roof -CHEAP 3 tab rum lowest prices 0 Nails per keg- $8 !5 O 4' cast soil pipe 73c ft 'i gal Dior 12c ,5 "-16e : V -29c t V -Stic O 500 'l steel Sep lank $51 50 O 300 eal. steel sep. lank $39.50 4" black sewer pipe 30c 34c O D'Mir iambs i!ond ones ? 5 O Bldg paper 908 so. ft. $23$ Fibre glass blanket Insul - CHEAP 4x8 plaster board $140. $160 $1 83 O Ceiling tile. 18x32. 10c sq. ft O Shake mu:d long length. 10c Garage doom, all sizes cheap O Barb wira SO rds $5 95 $7 45 O Oilside whits paint gal $2 30 New window aashes 12 00. 0 W strip crystal windows O 21x32 kitchen sinks cheap. Toilets W seats $:8 50 O New bath tnh complete $63 50 Strictly Cash - U-Haul Closed Sundays li Monday C. G. LONG & SONS ' I Ml fi K'lrer - Ph 4-5031 RECONDITIONED luton atlc water heaters. Judson's. 279 N Coml 4 Fluorescent lights Used elec. boxes $19 ea 15c ea. 5c ft. Used 'a" conduit Steel lockers, lSxlSx-fiO" 12x15x50" $7.50 ea. Bathtubs ... $17.50 ea Wash Basins $7 50 Used 14 flooring $45 per M Used No. 2 and bir lumber $45 per M 2x4 Shorts lc linial ft. Reject liardboard, 50x100" $1.73 sht 4" Drainage pipe 30c It. All Kinds of I'sed Pipes, Fittings and Valves. ALSO Cabin Windows and Doors E. S. RITTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-8311 4 Ml No. of Salem. Mi No of Totem Pole on IWE Open All Day Saturday Plvxcood dropped - fno foolint) NEW LOW PRICES in effect Selection whopping1 Thousands of smaller Mes cheaper. NO CHARGE for cutting re ,- Ll.livii ntf '. 4 1 1 . a FIG PLYWOOD iflear Faresi ,' " r 2 -10 Kal ! BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS for shakes. sdRS . It fences' Cedar fence weave ito. go witn stain - Hn'l Cedar 1 Posts too - ,' I 1x12 CEDAR BOARDS 104 00 upl . CEDAR Inverted lxin sng Hundreds of items to suit jour needs' SCREEN DOORS - I.otsa Stuff NO DOWN PAYMFNT ON APPROVED ! CREDIT - 36 MONTHS TO! PAY - to build patio fence, garage or extra room - What sav - Were lorated lust fifty miles this side jf Portland at Portland Road Lumber Viird 1545 Portland Road Ph 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" Overhead steal gartg with hardware. $3B 56 In- stalled $4$ 30. Galvanized eve trough I2'ie per ft EPP1NG LUMBER CO. PH 4-612.1 3740 SILVEHTON RD USED Dlumhlnc fixt tubs. sinks, basins bargains. Jud son's. 279 N Crfm'1 "luoliOf) FEET Nw. fresh-milled old A second erowth lumber 2x4 In 2x13 In 8 to 14-foot lengths Delivered price Saatm $J0 per thou minimum. Ted Muller S-11M. BARGAINS i 1SEI m SUPPLIES j f IT HOPPENED ? ? ? ? (WHO NOSE!) j Save time-Save money For the Best Professional Services GRADING DOZING BULLDOZING, grading It Land 'ROTOVATING work eve., week clearing. E'.mn W. Locker! ends. J Hathaway Ph. S-3S2 owner A operator Ph. t-ST4 I cARDEVVTawnWkented HOME PLANNING EXPERT home building at re modeling. Phone 4-7S77 LAHN MOWFR SHARPENING Low pricea. Work guar,' Ph. 4-092. LAW MOWING LAWN mower sharpening, low price, work goal Ph 4-9092 LOCKER ICE CREAM i nrirrs ., .i a. nnd quick fruze. 37J0 Silverton Rd! . - - - Vista Frozen Food Lockers SOUS S -Com J Ph 2-9737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Salea Ire Cream for All Occasions. Parks to lake Out PAPERING PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr or contract. Ph 4-3SW0 Painting and Free estsmatea paper-hanging Ph 3 9519 Cxp paper-hanging painting Jerrv Johnson Ph 4-M34 Painting k Decorating Dirt Cheap Price 7552 PAINTING EXPERT- spray, brush painting, paivr haiging. vour paint or mine Free est Terms Ph Nelson 3-84DS. 3-8243 ROTOVATING Howard Rotovator Work Call Bill Bevens. I'h. 4-252 iQ Merrlianiline 438 Building Moteriols 4x8 J4-ln. Birch Pli es Full 1" x 10" K. D 36c ft Cedar Ranch Siding $lSfl00M; 4x8 Hardhoard $1.90 sht. I 4x8 Sheet k $1 .40 sht. 0 4x8 38-in. Service i Plv .. . $2 33 sht. 4x8 12-in. Service Plv .. $3 00 sht. 48 38-in. Service Ply $3 45 sht. "A Grade Birch doors jl. ll) ea I '"A" Grade Beech j doors $11 95 ea. , : 0 "A'' Grade Mahog. i doors $I.Mea. ! ' 0 Iron Roofing $10 50 sq. 1 0 Garage Door Hard- I ware $13 50 set i I 0 No chaajte for cutting Ply-, wood. 1 Free Delivery Credit gladly. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. Lancaster nd Center Ph. Salem 2-1500 459Do It Yourself BUILD a 18x24 fl cabin for $399. Ail materials furnished. Call 4-8311. CHANGE YOUR OWN OIL Buy bulk oil at wholesale Eastern ll'sc ql HD detergent 18'2c qt 2 gals or more In your container We have all weighta PRINE OIL COMPANY .120 S Lancaster Dr. U-Fix-It-Garape Repair vour own car Phone 4-5311 20MI N Com'l HOW-to-dn-it advice, planning aid. complete material sup ply, plumbing, heating, wir ing see Judson's 279 N. Com I 460 Musico. Instruments rOR SALF small spinet Piano see at 1993 Saginaw after 8 p m. STOREY A-"cLARK'splnel" pi ano Like new. Ph. alter 6 4-8261 462 Sports Equipment TRADE for boat tractor with 3 Implements. Ph 4-1316 after 5 30 p.m. TEN FOOT A-l boat rack. oars. .1 hp. motor. $195 . 2-5565 after 6 LVSIORf-rW)Atr 25 hnFVIN- RUDE. trailer, shies, ski lines, . complete A: ready to go. will finance eV take trade-in. Ph. -1M7, ft-i days . BOATS MOTORS i ta- TOl.t.VCRAFT. 1U55 model) ith cabin hardware, excel - lent condition told from new Can't he; Onlv $505 14' CABIN BOAT Steering controls. completely fiber 1 glass. Only $550 j 16' CABIN BOAT, used 1 vear : J4. 25 h p EVINRi'DE. s ,.,.iru '(, ..I,, an ol this lor onlv $10115 14' BUnCHCRAFT v. it It tiailii. $203; 16' ni'RC!HAFT $2!l5 Real Good. 14' BOAT, new nrhtlon trV, 12 RI'NABOl'T, with center deck $179 USED MOTORS, ALL GOOD 3 hp JOHNSON' I h p. FVINRI'DF Ji, h p JOHNSON 12 h p SEA KING, siKtf 1 10 hp MARTIN '53 25 h p. JOHNSON 55 25 h p EVINRI'IIE Flf controls wi'h motor CREDIT GLADLY OPEN SUNDAYS $495 m 2() Wallace Rd. Ph. 2 2476 NEW hl-speed runabout Must sett: very re; Ph. 4-5.. 14' SPORTS runabout mahogany finish, trailer 25 Kviniude electric with controls, like new. Must be seen to be ap - p-cciatecL Call 3-3445 or 2-4560 HIGGINS romping trailer with extra room Western Auto Sup- ply Woodhurn. Ore Ph. 551 jlEf TESt .FOR SALE 10-ft car top boat1 A car top carrier. Excel. rond Ph 4-5102 CASH oaid for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Merc 12311 Broadwjt j FA STi f ft Scig ler crulser, fiber ! glass bottom. Mark 55 Mercury . I Hydraulic steering. Ph. J 6078. 7? I ROTOVATING with rotovator. Vincent Krem 1130 Lansing Ave. Ph S-3180. SANU AND GRAVEL SALEM SAND It GRAVEL CO Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, aand and top soil. I4US N Front St. 1-2441 VAI.Lfl SAND It GRAVEl CO Crushed A round gravel Sand it eon mix I 4001 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL l23 McGllchrist Crushed auarry rocks and grsv ! el. All sizes tor roads, drive- avs and parking lots rsadY MIXED CONCRCTE ;c,ra, na bull-dorjng. shoe. lnd dr,,,n, w,k S-924S , gRPTIC SRRVICI HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. erwera, septic tanks cleaned 9-53S7. "allKEiT Septic service lanka cleaned D rontet cleans aewers drama Phone SMCS fiamel s septic Unks cleaned, line service Guaranteed work Phone 3-7404 or t-0774. TREK SERVICI De Rosia Tree Service Tre'-s. Shniba. Hedges Insured 1734 N Liberty St.Ph. 3661 TRICKING HAUI.INO WANTED to haul short logs anywhere Ph. 4-8072. l'PHOI.ST".RNO UPHOLSTERING Pr-lcsslonal; guar work, free est., pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-42H0 : 1 j 450 Merchandise j 462 Sports Equipment ' S HP Johnson outboard motor. Good rond. $4J. Ph. 2-2WJ. GUN cabinet, rack holds 2 guns, attractive. Irg ammuni tion space. Ideal for Sporting Goods Store Very ress $50. .760 Oxford St. Ph 4-3478. OREGON'S BEST BUYS MOTORS & TRAILERS j Also convertible tops, flying I bridges, outboard repairs Free tpal on the river. Many ex. Ira services, such as moorage s:ill pronling. parts 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES See the new molded boats, these are the bost beautiful It prac tical boats on tha water. SALEM BOATHOUSE 100 CIIEMEKETA. PH. S 9303 46S Fot Kent, Misc. FOR RENT sr leas. Ig ware house space cemeni floor brick bldg. downtown In quire H L. Stiff rum 3-9185 470 For Sole, Misc. USED cement laundry tray, Ph. 2-3180. RFC APS 800-18 It $70-15 SS.L Exch. Lylles Tir Mart. LADIES nrw golf clubs. 3340 Nrrf Ave. Sun. afternoon only CHILDREN'S SHOES sites 8H thru 3. Good selection. Only $2 98. ARMY It NAVY SUR PUUS. 223 N. Com'l. Ph. 3-434.1. 1956 RCA VICTOR console TV. 21 series. Limited quantity. $199(5. 24 mo. In pay. MARR'S j)40 s Com., phi FOR SALE, 1 wheel trailer. New wheel harrow, elec, drill, misc. tools. Elec!. mixer, elec. hot plate A fruit Jars. Call 2-837S or 4-1323. NO. 10 galv. wire for beans, berries or elec. fences. Sc a lb Open every forenoon. Ph. 1 - - i SAFE. I hr llr rste, T-M bur gl.-irv. 42 locking compart ments, money chest, with night deposiiorv It ledger compartment. Ph. 3-7918 or 4-3170 RUMMAGE SALE 493 N. Cottage Ph. 4-7300 TOP SOIL tUJor 10 yd, load.1 Pit-run gravel. Ph 4-808J. RICH TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 1 TYPEWRITERS adding ma- chines fash register dupll- ! cators. desks chairs files sup plies Koen t. 456 Court 3-6773 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Dial 2-174 Prompt Delivery Keirer Sand ft Gravel Co. TOP SOIL FILL DIRT PHONE 2-4763 TOP SOIL Phone 2-1575. 2-8301 GEIGER C O U N T E R S ' PRICE WHILE THEY . LAST. GEBS, 187B LANA I AVE. NEW lamiis ith shades $3 Wl 1 lamp tables. $s lui manning coffee tables. $6 H8 save at . Glen Woodry 1605 N. Slimmer. I UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP ARMY & NAVY SURPLUS FORMERLY ARMY k NAVY STORE NEW merchandise coming In every day. t'ome In and browse around at 123 N. Com I or Ph 3-4.'l43 W notV rirr"uiators 1 1 i7 Gas ranges cheap, wood cook stoves $15. chairs from $1, metal shower stall $22 50 't hp motors $5 00 hi-ehair. $4 95 and a 1000 more eloseout Items, Glen Woodry. 105 N Summer USED TIKES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytle's lire Mart 130J U. Coml. Pb. 4-8033 ! j I 1 1 j j I 1 4o0 Merchandise 470 For Solo. Misc. MOSSBERQ lx .sporting scope A stand. A lineman belt and brooks hooks. Colt ciuba and ba(. Phone 1-151$. 25 GAL Garbage Cans. Has. Glen Woudry 108 N Summer PAINT, guaranteed li t fai ' Glen Woodry IM NSummer. CEDAR post, beaa post, shea poles, ail upas at berry wire. Pn 4-3011 NEW Brass Firescreens lllss G!en WoodryleuNSunimer. B,tV,,-A,H?-ta," cc""or"-1 Ph. 3-S.28. NEW Corner cabinet New room dividers S23 7$ $21 IS New Mr. It Mrs. Chest 2S Su New Hutch $14 25 Serving Bast $2125 Glen Woodry. ItuS N. Summer NIW Gym Dandy play gym sets wsllde. glider. 1 swings $2 au Glen Woodry 18H5 N Summer. T ONLY Westinghouse Drxer f9Sd Glen Woodry lauS N. Summer. FOR SALE, like new $ Atlas tilting arbor table aaw siand. switches, dado head, extra arbor St blade. horse motor, table extension. All for 4-5.'IO BIRD carK Used Mdaeu, Mart, 250 S. Libert). Ph. 4-4B71. Open Fri. till 9. No down pay ment loir I GII.BF.RTchemi"stry set $S. Used Mdse. Mart. 370 8. Lib erty Pn 4-3II. Open Fri. night 'Ul I. No down payment FOR SAl.l"bR TRADE 750 clean used brick SV ea. or for good used piano. Ph. 4-701. FOR SALE Ige. dug house, dress makers cutting table, measures 4:1 "x$'. misc. hand tools. Kero sene weed killer. 18MS Fair grounds Rd. . TRANSFERRED MUST SELL Tricvrle, $: snow tires, excel, chains, lake fnrnishinss. dishes, pillows, paddles, cook ing ware. misc. tools. SS8 N. Capital Ph. 1-1076. EASY washer, sood. $10. Rotsry power lawn mower $J0 4-227J mornings or see at 2S W. mornings or see Brnwuiiuf. CLFARY cash'reglster. S yn. old $238. terms if needed A-l cond G. I Surplus. 1983 N Capitol. Salem. 472 Wonted, Misc. CASH paid for any used articles for the home BARKER FURNITURE 3794 Silverton Rd. Ph;4WI444 W ANTED Bed daveno. good cond. Reasonably priced. Write description It price to Box 85, SUtcsman-Jnurnal WANTED: Fill dirt. If. ouantl-ties.PhI-lSL4Srilbrt. WANTED several thousand cords of wood, all specie. Ph. 1-7721. Nights 4-8831. 474 Miscellaneous DENTAL PLATE REPAIR S-Hfi SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SFMLF.R. Dentist Adnlph Bids. Sta'e it com I sis SALEM rrl i .nniNG machine, cash regis Clary H1$ Fairground $-s: 476 Fuel ANDERSON'S slabwood. Pb 1-7751 or 4-28M Spring Special Mulch Sawdust. Fertillier Block ft Stab Wood West Salem Fuel 155SEdgewatr Ph!-4M1 OREGON FUEL CO. OLD FIR LILLY PADS MULCHINO SAWDUST S & II GREEN STAMPS 3- 5633 3087 Broadway ol.D growth fir $12 cord. Ph. 4- 0833. WAITED several thousand cords o," wood, all snecie rn J-mi Nights 4-S8.33 SAWDUSt for sal. 3 unit load, push out. $13. Ph. Gervsls 2211 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planet Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broad way Ph. 3-7721 HIGHWAY FUEL CO SAWDUST ft WOOD S-8414 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan $1500.00 Now you rsn borrow $1800 from us, on furniture, autos, trailer houses and equipment We si happy that after 2 rears w are able to extend this addlUoapl service to you. Til 8. Com'l. Salem. Oregon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 LOANS $90.00 to $1300 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bills. Finance Ihro'jgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 182 S Churrh St '".J54" PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgages. 141 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8841. WE HAVE rash buyers tor real estate contrart and lnd mort gages Ohmart It Calaba. Realtor 477 Court St Phruw 2-JU COLONIAL Investment Co Rel Property Loans - Contrscts Purchased 687 Court 4-2783 $25 to $2300 Pacific Industrial Loans 118 S l.lbertv Ph 4-H03 PRIVATE money to loan. 1 interest. Ph. 2-07B4. 512 Loons Wanted LOAN from private party, want ed on home. 6' Interest. F. A MeGlatiflln Broker 335 N. High 2-8611, 3-6612. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted LABRATORY techntchlan - Im mediate vaianry exists at Oregon Slate Hospital for Registered Lab. Tech. Salary range $324 to $418. For further Information contact personnel office Oregon- State HutpitaJ Ph. 4-6851 Ext. 372 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phone 1-0638, 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church Free p irklng In rear rxclu- i tivt listings on all types of 1 employment ) APPLICATIONS are no being tnxen for Statesmsn oleyele routes Several roti'e will be open Applicants mutt be ac companied bv their parent or have their written Dermis sion Apply at the Circulation Department ot the Staissroan-Journai, FOR MONEY Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., May 25, "56 (Sec.lTI)-35 600 Employment 604 Holp Wontwd, Mf4 IETTREMENT craw tea opening with 4 future lor a young am bitious exp. SEEDSMAN CHAIN WAREHOUSEMAN In older established manufactur ing plant Good salary with bono. Replies confidential to C P A. Box M. McMinaviu. Or. YOUNG ma bandy with Veal to work in floor covering dept. Some exp. desirable. Perma nent position, good salary nlle learning Apply Hogg Bros . SHt Stat St. CARPENTER helper warried.lhl Z, WORLDS largest tnatalier t home heating need more men to learn warhoustng sale 4s service, assured future, guar anteed salary it you qualify. Apply In person Mon. fore noon or call 3-1113 tor ppuinl ment. IH7Se.Can'k CAREER POSITIONS OPEN Large National Insurance re porting Agency ha permanent salaried career position pen. Good chance tor advancement. No selling Involved. Outside Investigative work lor lnsur ance 4k Employment purpose. Satarv plus (r per mile for car. Typing essential. Age 23 3(1. Must be High School grad uate, clean background, work is In local area, no overnight travel Write Qualifications to P'O. Box $30, Portland 1. Ore gon. EXPERIENCED route man lor opening with Seamsters Clnr. Serving Salem for V year Pn. 2-4131 for interview UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ACCOUNTING manager seeking peraonaoie young man to train Tor Immediate supervisory re sponsibilities, training period from 4 to I months In all phase of Insurants Brandt office operation, Basic qualification, age IS to 35, married, college gra duate. 1 to 3 yrs gtneral business experience, soma accounting knowledge de sired, but heavy experi ence not eaaential. Salary commensurate with back ground, potential Si eg. perience. IF you have potential ft desire to get ahead invest a few min utes ft Investigate this op portunity. FOR mora Information set Mr. Cox. ALLSTATE INS. CO. 198 g. Com'l Ph. 4-8841 WANT several wood cutter. Apply Capital Fuel Ca, S9M N. River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, Lady EI.DF.RLY woman fot compan ion at housekeeper lor elder ly man In country home, wages. Keith Allen, Jtt. 1, Jef ferson. Ore. LADY to help W housework ft care of 1 children, exchange for board, room S wages. Ph. 1-3775 alter p.m. WOMAN with S children want woman to share horns ft ex penses. Ph. 2-1408. ASSISTANT for Doctor's office. Hiah chool graduate, ate li as years. Must type. Call 1-SS31 alter p.m. or perore .m POSITION available Jun lac full rharge bookkeeper $250 also experienced bookkeeper $200. Age 23-39 references, rn 1-4176. NEED woman to help rait 4 girls. Age not over 33 yrs Room, board wages.' no smoking. Ph. 1-4818 after 4 pm WANT middle-aged woman ta do rooking St light housekeep ing would help if ran drive Writ P. O. Box 131, Lyon, ore. BABY altter In vicinity of Wash ington sh., 5 day wk. Ph 4-71108 R El J ABLE woman ' to do light housework St car for I chil dren. Pvt. bdrm. aV bth Ref exchanged. Inquire 177 N 24111. Pll. 2-7430. oOfl Pielters WVTnteT STRAWBERRY plcktn register now. Marsnai at riorinwcaii. Trans, furnished. Adults St children over 12. Platoon lead er. Mrs. Yonwle Stafek. Ph. 4-2073. Howard Eggiman 'Field. Ph. Silverton 3-471. REGISTER now for strawberry fucking at Alan Wlesners. urge crop, exceptionally good Marshall! A Northwests, clean fields, adults It children aver 12 that went to work, bus fur nished, former Parrher pla toon now under supervision of Mrs Hendricks Ph. 2-803 WANTED strawberry picker for platoon, call 2-0468, Mrs. Lien,. DO YOU have our number' 2-3293, register for berry bean picking. Transportation furnished. W. I.. Summer Jr. Rt. 1. Box 817. w: 11 k Arp-wmLiAMsortt RERRY FARM Reg. nicker now. 13 A. of Mar alialls It Northwest. Good picking, clean fields. Ph. 4-4074. REGISTER now. clean fields. good picking. Ben Goldsmith, Transportation furn. Call pla toon leader Mrs. Comer 2-8353. STRAWBERRY picker register with Jo Lucas I-ixiss. 1 nil out Orchard Ilgts. Rd. Good fields. S wks. pirklng. REGISTER nuw for strwberry picking. Marshall. Rudy Sei del Ph. 4-2417. BEHRY pickers wanted. Trans, furn. from Pen 4 Corners. E. V. Hammer. Phone2-2:lg. STRAWBERRY-pickers register now. sood clean field of Northwest berries. ml. no. of Drive-In Theater on WB. Jess Mathls.Ph 4-3020. REGISTER now for " picking Marshall strawberries. James Whelan. Rt. 2, Box 211. Ph 2-4277. STHAWRERHY pickers register. Plstoon or drive out, North on lla?eville Dr. M. A. AiU. Ph. 2-6300. I WANTED: strawberry pickers Marshall berries. 9 ml. No of S s I e ni. Blanche Dickenson, field boss. Call Geo. l-andnth. 4-2322 STRAWBERRY- pickers" reg now. Clean fields, close in. Jerrv A Nila Andrrsen. 4845 N Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-1973 ANDRESEN Farm now regis tering strawberry pickers. 24 A Marshall 4090 N Lancas ter. Ph 4-2943. WANTED " strawberry Pickers 45 A. Northwest berries. Good rmp. -deerr field, trana. fur nished Reg. at 201 S. High St. Ph 3-9203. Eves. 3-3264. REnfor"MrsrBdgeU's pla toon Traps furn.. steady picking Vic k Williamson '" larm. Ph 3-0032 - WANTED, strawberry plrkers. 8 seres of MarshaUs. 10 mL north of Sale n. Ph. 4-3991. 4 CORNER'S area: Reg. now for Marshall strawberry picking Mai-lrav Rd Trans, furn Carl Moore. Ph 4-2503. REGISTERING "pickers at Van (leae Karma for 50 A. of MarshaUs 1st. year North wests Also S3 A. Boysenberriet A Blackberries Ph 2-3163. STRAW KERR Y Pickers reg now MarshaU s A; Northwest, good clesn fields, tteadv picking, Afcna fcawaagel. Fat, d-iaii. ACCOUNTING TRAINEE 1600 Employment S0 Pickers Wontw, RECISTTR far etrswberry 4c4r log ot MarshaUs ft North srwU . an Hazel Green diss, Bua grant . from North ft. So. of (earth . Also drive out needed. Fof - further into, rail Kraue) Ziea unsau 4-ieaj r Platooai J Mrs. It. Gesner l-4. ADULTS 4k child real rssgisS now. Bus rout North ft Kaat, going out SUverton Highwse, Good field at NonhsrtstUk Steady perking. Pa. I-3aal. OAK CREST FARH W Saletr.. t sal If a. at wt lav Road. HEAVY PICKING Register mow tor bua rsMiVN Commercial $a Kayt: Utb ta Market; Market la FrotM; i atop W. Salem. PlatooO leader want adult ft thrt dren aver 1L ilas call 4 -. STRAWBERRY, PICKERS WANTED Jnd year Northtresl. Eaary p4ra tng. 1 block west of Ketnr achooL Ph. 1-4H57 tag regie srauoa. STRAWBERRY picket, fcigft aeh. ago ft adufi ulta tar J tar field of Northwest barria. S mi. out as Wallac Rd.t atart. Ing about June la, S kusarg k king up aa State. Can tee ft larhet St. Call Mrs. J. 7. Downey 3-478. CALL Mrs. Barnett 4-J4S1 r Mr. Robinson, 3-4(133 for bug transportation la 40 era at clean N W. bene in Kelaar. BERRY Pickers, refl. paw. IS A patch located out Center 4 mil. I. of Scatty Auction house to curve, turn tight Ph. 4-StU v. L A. TutUMlk 610 Sates Hets Wonted EXP. Shoe Salesman waste. Guaranteed salary. Apply Boa 8 Statesman-Journal. DISSATISFIED with tha returns from yvur present sale el forKt EXi'IKIENCED la door-to-door or other skilled sale ssrorkT Wnt UffUMIT. ED epportunlUes la return for effort that produce Rt SULTSt Immediit opening ' at VALLEY MOTOR COM. PANY for, experienced antt fully-quallfled sal parson, nel. Bonu lnceatlva ft other sale plan insure top sneom for the right man. Apply la person. Pet Bennhwna, VAL LEY MOTOR COMPANY. 171 Center Street, lm. "SALES SERVICE "MAN' For leading company la It field. Permanent position with ad vancement according to your ability Inurae. retire ment plan and man mar) company benefits. Salary ft . Incentive communion, ear furnished, prefer exporter ad but If you ar wllllne t ira w will trsin you. Anplf SINGER SEWINfS MACHINI CO.. 130 N. CommfciaL I NEED 4 SKsTetslva expert, enred salesmen ar aaleskadlM that wlah to earn SSO to $80$ per month selling ana at in world' finest product ft service. Ph S-3S3S ask tor Al Brown. , FOR Un medial amplaymeat. $400 mo, uarantaod rata. p ply S L Bush. S 3 to A.M. Only. ATTINTION SCHOOLTEACHERS Do you want to add to your nrom during Hummer Vaca tion W need represent tlves In Public Relation work with fast growing Its ternal Society. No travel re quired. Commission. Direr, your reply ta uttrunvJur nal. Box 8. MAN tt distribute ' at atck ut Fuller Brush catalogs lit) wee kly eomm a rtari S-S3W. EXPERIENCED 'Real tatate salesman or woman. Ramaey, Realtor. 427 rrry, ixPErtlENCED REAL tsfffil SALEMAN lor rhl n-. town aftlae. G uaranteed mount of advertising. Bart working condition. SALEM PROPERTIES 387 N High Ph. 4-8131 $511 Work Wonted, Men PAINTINC-fr ntlmate tat sonbl Ph. l-SSol eves. "CARPENTER WORK, day contract 1-1841 or 1-145$ LOU'S tree aervie Spray, tope ping, pruns, cPling. -$$. NEW building or remodeling, est. tree, a-ww atter pieaa. TILLING Howard Rotovator. Ph. 4-1823 or 1-3B38. M call Sat. pl: HOWARD rotovatlng, new lawn rrrparea, ire Mumaia. . saw or 4-1281. : ROTO-TILLINQ RICHARD RAS. PBL 1-4718 LAWN snowing don by wC rn. 3-wo. PRUNING, spraying, topping, rs movai L w (.audi. 4-141 PLOWING It dlirlng. Ph. $-1771 Albert Craft S71S Monro WANTED several rot Uses ta paint, experiences! painter, rn. prlc. Ph. 1-7M4 after 5:30. EXPERIENCE Bervlr StaHoa Attendant need mmm-3-9457. LAWN MOWINO. POWER MOWER. PHOWI 4-1301 HOWARD Rotovatlnc gardens, new lawn prepared. 3-am, R0T0-TILLINO WORK $4 50 per hour Ph. $-74. "EXTRASPECIAL"!! f NEED an additions Rmodtllngt Cabinet Work. Ere cstlmstt. Big discount. Expert work. Work guaranteed. Ref. Go anyplace. Cha. atxlln. Pas JMOIS. WOOD CUTTiNQ REAS RATES. PH. 4-124. CEMENT Work. Ph. 4-4331. Side walks, patios, rat. wall, ga rages, bsmts. Free timte. HOME building remodtllng house framing or any Un at carpenter work. Ph. 4-837$ ROTO-TILUNiS PH. 48253 or 3-2511 614 Work Wonted, Lsdy WOULD Ilk to car for children In my horn, 4 yrs. It under, Ph.4-92. WANTED Hr. work, cleaning, ironing or baby sitting Apt L 350 WatJH.J.jMs)7. HOfspx i rANlNO by hr. rtfsr encet. Ph. 4-0278. PRACTICAL nursing. 11 year) exp. Will live in. Ph.l-44M. CHILD car my home, Ktlter DistPh. 3-4!4 BABY tilting in my home va It week ends. Ph.4-B41. WKlX'OME wee folk who need country home w teacher family 1-$S0. S $80. 4-044. CHILD care, my horn by perien. ed mother. 134 N. Wtato JerPhM-OSST; M 1 M EOG flA PHIN G. typing Mrs, Po. $8$ H. lettv- Ptk i-$64. SEWING Dressmaking. In say home, U types. Ph. M3$t WAN'TED-lroning In my heme 191 N 1th 1-111 EXPERT child rare. My bom. 1S4S Trade. Ph. 4-5864 WILL car for elderly pertoa in my home. Ph. 1-8068. LOVING supervised child ear, my home So. Ph 1-3911. CH1LDcTaRE tny horn SI d. 23c hr. 4 Corner Ph. 1-SQ7S. EXCELLENT CI OLD CARE Or kaaxa. W. Sal, Pa. it