Statesman's HOME anorama ffeseii . . Music . . . Fashions . . . Features 6-(Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore.. Mon., May 21. '56 Around Town . . . By JLIYME ENGLISH COMMENCEMENT.... fcstlvHiw wtkm Ui ah Wei tavitea1 will open this comtaj weekend it " ; . . 7. ... . ... .. ! A style ihw . . . . wul be pre- wiuuimt universe , . , , .. tfaM jMB Ind Prrtoh tin baccalaureate Kheduled for j, wm moie . . . the show will Sunday afternoon, Miy 17. , . Tol-be held In toe auditorium with the kwbif tbe aenrlcei at 4:30 o'clock tea following in the little gym- .T . r n-rh-ri nasium ... In the receiving line President and ibt. C Herbert GJrJi o(fkeri Smith will entertaia with the afl-;ind go,, . ... Miss Carma nual open home In compliment lo Jean Eldrledge, pretident . . . Miss members of the senior clasa and Janice Messmer. vice-president .. . their parent ... The affair will be ... .i,mrf tiiii treasurer... Mrs. George Self Jr.. held at their Jairmont Hill reat-!generlj chairman and advisor, and dence . . . Other evenU for which jfj,. paui Rowell, advisor . . . th the Smiths will be hosts during grade girl will serve as host- commencement is the annual nincn-, on for which Mrs. Smith will entertain on Saturday, June 2 in honor of the wlm of the university trustees, who wul accompany their Couple Wed At Church Service At a simple ceremony on Sat urday morning at tbe First Meth odist Church Miss Mart buck and Fred E. Zimmerman exchang ed their marriage vow. Dr. Dan iel H. Schulze officiated at the I 30 o'clock rites before members of tbe immediate family and few friend. The couple will make their some in Salem. Mr. Zimmerman Is a member of the news staff of the Capital Journal The bride came to Oregon two years ago as a nurse and has been employed at local hospitals. Dur ing World War II she served as a Red Cross nurse with the German army and navy, having been sta tioned in Paris for two years, as well as at a submarine base in Brest. She served in England for a year and a half to care for wound ed German prisoners a a super vising nurse. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Buck of Bavaria, Germany. A brother. Albert, and a sister, Marie, both live in Germany. Engagement of Preeediig .... Ibe Seat! Salem Portland Girl High Juier-Sealtr Pram Satar-i w 1 WM , 7. May M Miss Lisa Davis will; Mr, , Mrs. Robert Orr are be aettccaea for s are-daace party . announcing the engagement of husbands to Salem for the annual at lae rslrmaaml hui some aer, their daughter, Loretta Jean, to trustees meeting , , , and on Sun-J paresis, Mr. ana Mrs. Ward Davis ; Donald Walter Kaon, son of Wil ds, June S President and Mrs. . . . The hostesses has lavlted a'ter A. Kann of Vancouver, Wash. Smith will entertaia at dinner fot-i large groap of aer sealer class-and Mrs. Erms L. Welden, Port lowing the commencement in com- male aad their sale to tbe party , land. An esrly fall wedding is nllmrnt ta the soeaker and honor- betweea 7: J aid I ('clock ... I olanned. ary degree candidates and their nrlaiaJ,g before the ; Mta On is a graduate o f North wivw... r ! Cirque Clubs semi-formal dance iSalem sfhoJ)1 fnd IMaer-daagbter .Y. . tea eal- j Saturday night at the Senator Hotel nwi" &J " i tsared fee Taesday altera. wji be Dr. and Mrs. Murray Scho-!nd CUl Colt,st ,uSe' ?!5 um ..J r. ' j u,. are empiuyeu in me uaua i President and Wife Honored whea Um Girls Leags of Parrlsa field and Dr. and Mrs. Jsaler High eetertaJa lor 'Cooler .... the hosts have bidden la pleasara f Uwtr Bothers to-, 35 couples to the Scbofield home UUIUUU ... B...1 A laiuurnia in ruruanu. twees !: aad I: S'etork Slits grade girls, wb wlU ealer Parrlsa ta the faD. aad their Patterns In! I ' oa Gardner Road . Two events . . , scheduled for the Ssless Wonts 'i Golf Asse clstloa this week . . . Wednes day will be guest day at the Sa lem Golf nub with the wontei inviting players from other golf clubs to join them for the day's play ... a luncaeoi will follow at Randall's Chock Wagon . . . 'Oa Friday ... an informal coffee will be held for members of the nine-hols group at the Boxwood Lane bom of Mrs. Wil liam Hugh Adams . . . this is s newly organized coup with Mrs. George Scales tbe chairman . . . the purpose of the coffee Is for members to become better acquainted ... all women inter ested in belonging to the nine- hole club are invitee to the 10:30 o'clock coffee ... New officers ...el the Baa Hear Dance CI ah for to raining yrir Free Halvame, presMent Georte Malstrom. vke-oreti- dent ... aad Wayae Gordon. secretary-treasurer . . . James Tiadall hat served as president t ue era um past year . . . nances will resume la the fall, tae ciah's final event of tbe season waa a sports dance oa rnaay night . . . Visitors ... in the capital tor s fortnight are the Rev. and Mrs. David Getsendaner and children. Martin and Annette, of Spokane they are guests of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Edwards and the Rev. and Mrs. M. A. Getsendaner . . . Honors . . . have come to a farmer Willamette University coed, Miss Yvonne Bowles of Portland, wh has been elected first vice-president of the Na tional Student Nurses' Associa tion .. . she was elected it the stadrnts nnrses convention held ia Chicago last week In conjunc tion with the American Nnrses' Association . . . Miss Bowie took her pre-nnrsing training at Wil lamette, where she wss a mem ber of Fl Beta Phi and Alpha Lambda Delta, scholastic honor ary for freshmen women . . . Miss Bowles is president-elect of Anniversary Party LABISH CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gilchrist were honored Wednesday evening on their 57th wedding anniversary. Members and friends of the Labish Center Evangelical-United Bretherss Church and Sunday School planned the celebration. A short program and service was held in the san ctuary of the church with a re ception following in the social rooms of the churcn. Mrs. Metzger President of Secretaries At the meeting of the Salem School Secretaries held on Thurs day evening, election of officers was held. The following officers will serve for the 1956-57 year: president. Mrs. W. Robert MeU ger; vice-president, Mrs. Virgil Simmons; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Ronald Lee. The May! meeting was the last business meeting of the group for the current school year.. A lunch eon will be held on Tuesday, June 12 in Meier and Frank's Oregon Room. Mrs. Lidbeck A Director EUGENE New officers of the University of Oregon Mothers Club Were elected at a Mothers break fast May 19 held in connection with Mothers Weekend and Jun ior Weekend activities. Elected as a director to serve tor a inree year period was Mrs. Wil)lam Lidbeck of Salem. Retiring president of the Mothers Club is Mrs. James Walton, also Honor guests at the annual Willamette) University Faculty Women's Club formal dinner Friday of Salom. night were President and Mrs. G. Herbert 5mitn. At tna rigm is rvrs. waunce erennen, presi- , dent of the club, who also served as narrator for tha clever skit presented in honor of Dr. LlOnS, WlVeS and Mrs. Smith following the dinner. j. ,, flffi Dr. and Mrs. Smith Honored by Ticket Sale for New officers tor south , , . , -i", nfii t- Salem Lion5 club nd uxiliary C.i Ki T iiK t Anniin Hmnor WU 5erie$ ODenS were installed Friday night at a lUlUliy N-lVs-f -vi II iwmi isi ssiii dinner and program, at the Sen- - .. . ..L .i. . . . I University Distinguished Art- ator Hotel. Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Snu h were the .guest. .of honor atthe , Edward dis(rict snnual formal dinner given by the Willamette University Faculty .,.. fnr t inn, riuh, i. Women's Club Friday night at Lausanne Hall. Over a hundred j week at Steven. .and Son ?,X he following office for attended the affair and the feature of the evening was a surprise Leading off the series will be Ahur Martin pres- program nonoring me university me novae ana hodouvski uass- jj. Ne, jnhnjon, first vice president and his wife, ical ballet company on November president: Frank Flo'rey, second Mrs. Edwin Butler wrote the ! 15. The founders of this dance vice-president; Robert Coe, third clever comedy skit entitled "The company escaped from behind the vice-president: Daryl Jones, sec- Making 01 a President. ine skii iron Curtain several years ago. rrtary: John G. Marr, treasurer; t II I I III III .1 II. ! M-!... l 1 .mm 'Jl. . 'Wl".lll I ;)" 7 --! Shower Given Carolyn Meyer PRATUM-Miu Carolyn Mey er was honored with a bridal shower on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Beutler on Silver ton Road. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Noble Bashor snd Mrs. Jack Ramseyer. Guests are members of the Pratum Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Meth odist Church. Additional guests were Mrs. Vernie Leighty; Mrs. Nellie Tuve and Mrs. Everett Milne of Silverton; Mrs. Albert Mader, Mrs. Dave Ramseyer Sr., Mrs. John Schafer, Mrs. John Olthoff, Mrs. Ervih Meyer, Mrs. M. Van Woert, and the Misses Donna and Joyce Meyer, Doryce and Lois deVries. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Meyer, will be married to Glenn Leighty, son of Mrs. Vernie Leighty, on June. Mrs. Cox Will Head Y-Wives Newly elected officers of the Y-Wives are Mrs. Harry C. Cog Jr., president; Mrs. Ernest Roy ale, vice-president; and Mrs. Charles Holmes, secretary-treas urer. The outgoing officers sr Mrs. Francis Albadar president; Mrs. R. L. Williams, vice-president: snd Mrs. Dennis Clark, secretary treasurer. The program at Thursday's meeting included informal dis cussion by high school echange students. The group made nlans for a family picnic on May 27. Regular meetings will be resumed in September. 20, at the First Christian Church in Salem. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. If tea is served and a guest does not care for it, would it be all right for this guest to ask for a cup of coffee? A. Not unless the hostess asks if he or she would prefer coffee. Otherwise, drink the tea. or part of it, and express no preference. Tourists, Delegates Outnumber Residents in Summer DOWNTOWN SALEM MERCHANTS OPEN MONDAY UNTIL 10 ACRES OF EXCIT ING MERCHANDISE (51 5J P.M. portrayed the life of Dr. Smith from boyhood to his present day. Take Part is Play Mrs. Maurice Brennen, president of the Faculty Women's Club, served as toastmistress for the din ner as well as narrator for the skit. The cast included Dr. Smith, portrayed by Prof. Robert Put nam; Mrs. Smith, played by Mrs. Putnam; Mrs. J. H. Ryan, Dr. Smith's secretary, played by Mrs. Donald Gleckler; Mrs. H. H. Brooks, mother of Mrs. Smith, played her own role. Others in the cast were Mrs. Edwin Butler, who portrayed Dr. ! Smith as a boy; Mrs. Freeman By JANE EADS 1 it's a time of many interruptions, WASHINGTON - This is the great many of them pleasant. season when tourists and conven-; v """"" '".: Hornier. Mrs. Murco Ringnalda. ' of Clarkrtnn. Wn.. was a guest at LdUf ( . ti j n . 1 : tf 1 .: t Ur. t'aui irucniooa, uvan nuwn t iuraav s mming 01 mi. jriiviMHi Uon delegates seem to outnum- i"81 Plaln V- Ther ar ber the people who live here; when out of - town buses and auto mobile crowd the 4828 I I, ONE YARD for skirt! And ONE YARD for blouset Ysrdsge is for any given site 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 in 54-inch fabric. Psttern 4828 is a miniature wardrobe in itself. Make this blouse ' snd skirt in contrasting fabrics to mix the Orecoa Stile Nurses Asm- With each other or other sepa-j elation aad president of her class Mm InterrupllaBS rates or all-one fabric to look at the University f Oregon Medi- For the folks who Ilk a dress! Easy to sew, only eal School of Nursing a few pattern parts. Send right 1 A distinct . . . honor has come ours oil street. It's a time when florists . 11 KU ID mini m orcmas ana no- y . tels, motels and- ."'-f rooming nouses, ft;'-.' ouige ai iit . seams; a tune when strangers crowd the corri dors of the Capitol and the Na tional Gallery, stand in line to go up in the Washington Monument snd stare In reverence at the seat ed sculptory of Abraham Lincoln. It's a time when Americans come to look at the White House. One recent day the all-time rec ord was broken. Tabulators clocked 8,585 men, women and children making the 10 - minute tour up the marble staircase, down a roped off aisle through the Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room, State Dining Room and East Room. Outside you see them with their cameras held up close to the high iron fence to get a shot of the mansion. from relatives you never heard of before, friends of friends, ex bosses who used to give you the dickens and now want you to ask' them out to dinners, the children of old beaus who give you the up-and-down and seem to be thinking "I wonder what the old boy ever saw in her." It's the time for the snnual II I visit of my dear French friend Sunone. She will be making ber perennial checkup on my figure and wardrobe. "My Dear, you used to have a figure like a doll," she'll remind me. "That was 20 years ago," I'll tell her. Bays Fake Jewelry D. Gregg, Prof. Donald Gleckler, Allan Gove and Murco Ringnalda. Mrs. G. Herbert Smith was pre sented a nosegay by the club and Dr. Smith was given a leather book containing the script of the skit illustrated with snapshots taken during the evening. Club Calendar Jose Iturbi. one of America's u,nrv Snrirk. tail twister: James best-known concert pianists, wilt MrGilchrist, lion tamer; Cecil appear on the stage of the Fine Lantz and frank Hamstreet, Arts Auditorium December 13. board o director,. A president s ,J?lrd-nn k' T'" ",d lirr,'n Pin was presented to Arthur Mar 1957 will be the Metropolitan , r. K Opera's lyric tenor. Ceseare Val-: ; . . .,. ... letti, his concert scheduled for ; Installing the auxiliary officers January 24 ; wa Mrs Harrv Scott- Pst Pre- On either May 7 or 8 the ! 'dent. Those taking office were Vienna Choir Boys will arrive in 1 Mrs. Robert Morrow, president: Salem ofr their evening perform- j Mrs. George Beane, vice-presi dent; Mrs. Daryl Jones, secre tary; Mrs. Henry Sprick, treas urer. Clayton Jones out-going presi dent, was master of ceremonies, assisted bv Mrs. Clarence Feller irrammv i n a -i "iit-goi ng president of the auxil JEFFLRSON Mrs. Roy Aiken . K Past president pins were pre sented to Mrs. Elton McGilchrist. president when the auxiliary was organized, Mrs. Nels Johnson, ance. Rebekah Lodge Fetes Mothers MONDAY TryouU for Pentaclr Thealcr'n pUv. Bell. Book and Candlt. 30 to 10 t YWCA. Javcee-ettes with Mrs. L. Bud Mverrf. 7.TJ Spears St.. S p m. Willamette Shrine. Whtte Shrine nf Jerusalem, Masonic Temple. 8 p m. "Why do you buy all that fake luncheon,, 12 is p. m. Capital Unit i, American Let' on Auxiliary meet at Legion Club. S p. m. Bethel 35. Job's Daughters, Scottish Rite Temple, 7:30 p. m. Tl'SSIUY Salem Navy Mothers with Mrs. Boyle, 1590 N. Winter St. Rebekah lodse. Mothers honored were Mrs. Clara Bentz and Mrs. J. Swanzy. Electric candles for degree work were received. They were a pro ject of the noble grand, Stella Jones. Birthdays honored were those of Mrs. Al Gurgurich and Mrs. Bentz. Officer's degree pra ctice for the district convention was announced for Monday, May 21. at 7:30 p.m. jewelry," she will go on. "You could take all the money you spend on the phony stuff and get one real pearl." She's so right, but I don't like just one pearl! When she Ipsvm to en hark to 1 E- A her home in Nice, I'll be jad Salem BPW Club dinner meeting. She's one tourist 1 never have to!0"1" rh"sr I f pni c,., . . . , . . . Chadwtck Chapter. OES Social take Sightseeing. She S Seen ev- ,Ciub, Masonic Temple. 115 luncheon. erything. Besides she calls me; .., .,WEDNES,n1AV . " i A ATTU7 A tl.rnnnn 1 (tartattir arronn "ma Cheri, petite. Jane" and al-with Mrs. F D. Palmer. 8345 Center c i .in ways brings me a flask of French i Boya N,hbors of America Sew- . ki, , r i. , -n ing Club with Mrs Alex Donnelly. perfume, a bit of fine lace, or an , , st 1J:30 ,alad luncn. exquisitrt pair of real kid gloves! It's a really long time between mlDAY Salem Woman s Club final meet- live here i checkups and nice little presents! ing a-so'a. m. Mrs. Charles Nielsen and Mrs. Clarence Feller. . GERVAIS Mrs. Jess Adams t Milwaukie opened her home to 18 members of the Clara Jones Mis sionary Society on Wednesday. A dessert luncheon was served by Mrs. Adams and her mother, Mrs. George Wynn. The Tabitha Missionary Fel lowship of the First Baptist Church will have a work meeting Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. i i :,i t : i , i CENTRAL HOWELL Mr. and 7"u,7 " "nc"" Brother and Sister To Be Married Mrs. Elton Watts are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to Ronald Pitney, son of Mr. and Mrs S. A. Pitney of Silverton. The Watts' son, Howard, and Miss Callie Ann Jacobsen, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob sen, have announced their wedding day for June 17. The ceremony will take place at the Silverton Methodist Church. but coffee will be served by the committee. i REPEATED FOR A SECOND WEEK Du to Tremendous Response Hurry on over! We're holding OPEN HOUSE and we're all waiting for you. It's your fsm II turn to ait down snd N try the Hammond i'nnnrjs chord org.n. fU r L 1 1 ? And "fter yu IiniiwS..-" yilUUUU aree gift rtcortitg T" ffym. HURRY . . . and bring a friend. OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. THIS WEEK I If you do not have transportation call 2-5281 and we will come and get you . . . TM ill "Chard Orf an CohmkmH" mm Illll f J 3 J0 Ivtry Ih PIANO COMPANY "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1280 Stat Street Salsm way! This pattern easy to use, sim ple to sew, Is tested for tit Has Complete illustrated Instructions. end THIHTY-nvi rant tn coins fnr una patutrn aaa eenu lor tadi pattern fnr lit-elasa mailln. Bend to ANNI ADAMS, ear Ortfon tataaman. 407. Pattern Dept., 14 Wert 17th St., New York It, N. V Print Dlalnlv NAME. ADDRESS wltfe IONI, Silt and STYUC NUMBER, to s Salem coed at the University ot Oregon, Miss Sally Jo Greig,1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence . Greig ... she was tapped i for Mortar Board, senior women's honorary, during the Junior and Mothers weekend celebration . . . Miss Greig has been prominent in campus activi ties since her freshmen days . . . She is a member of Pi Beta Phi. r XL - . . -t, - a w- TODAY i "A Night Out at Meiar & Frank's - Sajem'-Special -mtrtu thelclinnar mutic, modelinffr-fre -fsvoa f or" ' the children. i OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 5:00-1:00 t. M. . Salem Fuchsia Show 'and Sal v f ATrO OARQEN SHOP-SECOND FLOOR N fs NAIL POLISH New, fast-drying, chip-proof nail polish that gives you base, polish and seal coat all in one! 12 shades to match famous COTV 24' the "Wake Up Beautiful" l: -pas, p ' Plus FREE lW easy-to-use 4 ! g- finger-rest stand. !!'' a!...,), MM jrmmmtK''mm COTV : '-' fi . .! . .--- .hj'Mit r:;. pi: i i anaiVawamMMaM Coty "24" Lipstick ... 1.25 Super-Sheen Nail Polish . .65 (with FREE finger-rest stand ) VALUE 1.90 Both for IS? Use tht convenient itsad to apply polish CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stste St., Corner of Liberty Wa Give Green Stamps.. 4K ENTER TODAY! yUi; Jyf COUTEST MAIL TODAY! Send your tntry with nom (mJ addrisson oWcto' tntry blank or on plom paptr. Ont U ond I brand from bottom of any paptr bag or top of any U ond I cortot muit accompany tach ntry. Mel entry and lab Is to U and I Sufor CnfMt. Im 177, Sm Mt, r 17, Portland. Conttsr c'otet midnight Jun 30, 1956- 125 BtgPiw! Insl-Sif Ml,l salar ttlaviaiaa sat, 19" (205 iq. in ) ''big, laps:" p,urt lira ta SOth tOO-pawnd bogs af U aaa1 1 Sufw list ta tk 50 aand bogs af U aaa1 I Sua mr 40th ta 74th- 25-povnd bogs af U ana I Sf at 7Sih ta 11J- 10 pound bogs of U and I Saga (now I'd Saood Qvoon Multi-Cyclo wathor-dryoi modtl). 4th Tappaa Twin-Matttr oltctric rang oxtro toiy, oslre-foil; dowblo ovtn, doablt broitorfc twin ilor. ago drawort, tea. Sth Argas camara Amorico't mo it popular 33mm , tomtra; procitien f-.i.i Cmbor loni, goat-conlrollod thuHor with ipoods up ta 1100. Sth Cvmmins 777 Maiaw Saw toblo far rho "do-it. yourtolfor" and provisional craftimon. 7th Now dolvao Ottoritor, tho world's moil modora moot motor. Sth la llth-Four tots of Col-Cok trays and hattou (art loti. t 13th to lnd Ton toll of 14-pioo Mvstang olvmi namwaro, nostod logtthor into compact hiti, for camping ond picnics. Complttw this stnttnc in 25 words or less: "I (wt) buy 'U and I' Sugar because . . ." I enclosed 1 box top or label for myself ond husband (or wife) My Namo Namo af Hatband ar Wifs . Addrsss . 3. Nm Am R ( tnfc I -trrrtk rr.J j City - - StoH Orwtr'i Nam Addrtnf Nam f Childrtm (II ytrt sK nir) ytt wrb to toll with yv: 1. Nam Aft RUtwMhio I. Um Af Rfllattonihifi..