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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1956)
12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore'., Mon., May 21, 56 r n1 Salon. ;j Obhiiaries i Both Parties Ready for Far; Policy Battle By OVID i. MARTIN iicuivrmv ,m TV twa ' walulie servtre will be performed major parlies have pretty ea inwrmai ui t city vw m WHtteaa . er4 Al HaJm nursing home. Mar M. th ar at yer Bora In CaJrw, hi a. .'aa St. ittt Survive by auntrr. Mrs. J. W Maltuee. Sa km. two grandchildren Service till he h:d Tuesday. May J3. al mm it th Vlrnl T. Golden chapel. th ev. Paul Poling olHeiating. Rit- nnrmm A A M. Classified Advertising ataiemuB-jMreal Matiaiatft M N. Ckarcfe St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES 300 Personal 212 U nd Found LOST: parkat rtn rolor with yellow melt. In vicinity of Summer A Jefferson. 3-out. LOST Spaniel Australian Shep herd, blark with brown fart, bob tail. Reward. Pa. MM outlined their csmpsifn strstesy :. ini t uo 'nai (or the firm vote is Uu fails M(t .ju, (lluu !r in preiidentisl sod coatressionri u umie Home. 'JJJ Jj J J 5 CampslgM. . Forrest Craw. Mother air Clare t , . $Junl Sua ! TV,. Ranuhliran ramBaitt) will u .i' rr J.. N'.L Classufwd adt win M run 314 Troniportotion NEED t rider, any point. sren la taur Is Panama, Ph. 4-A5JS. 316 Personal Security Detectiv Agency Pnvata lavestigatioe) anywhere anytime World KM affilia uon. Mm. 13,. salens Ph day or niht 4-J24 Vanrouvar. Wash Oxford S-I4SS. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous (roup No I ttM H Com I 1-4MJ. PSYCHIC READER be pitched 00 the theme that the bom of Ktamth Fi ... 1- 1 v Noel Honolulu, H Falls. Or Dr Don PP " adverbarrt ' MI. HAZEL ., an. can UT JVOn . . a - ; hat n nu nhtaifl f Ka An wait .....wsr boon is Urm prices has 2JTJ2' i-.r-w f.rcuia.n. . .beeo p and .Culture fa on fiV '' ZTn AITSE the road to neater stab.lity and . T-JT 'fi. ; " """P "" prosperity. j rii emtry. uemocrau, oa at : D9W viQ attempt to drive home thei Ult re,idnt of anument that (armers seldom Road. t Portland : . j. D.kl.. ' Jaa IV I Ml. at P .iit.i5r.i. --7-1 vivrd by wiia, nawn. nttrm: ". journal Saturday Sundayi Ifia " Sunday ratal apply BarauM only Tl Statasman publishes Sun- . . : dava I Claaaifud ads will start w tna May 19 pom , Amm. nao SLBtaaman. ton at Piarra. S D. Suf tud, m th avamnf Caprul - 1- , ikiiik ' J. " . j j " journal out aos win w afld lUVen t My reasoa to tninl . Murr, l. Portland: dau-ht-r. Mrs. MDteo lor Jurrf,, Satasmaa 1 ftrn V. .-cnuis. rwmni only halp you obtain the one you love, and .ucrese in all af fairs, epeflal readlns U- oO Portlandlld ALCOHOUCS Aooaymoua. Ssi S Commercial. 1-1 1 OS 400 Agriculture they can in the future. U, astnawSl-V M1V SI. St 3.JD Dm. Ill 1 -I--. aa.4lle.a. M i e1 f tdkea Aata TVa nvftn mhai will direct their ik W. T. Rtrdon chapel. Intermenl i D m th dav hefort Dut- respertiv. party-s farm vote cam- city v. cemeury. m VKfZ pailD jave Dewsrneil a preview Of UWM SraUaw Emrgency adt and amaU Una Uietr BUM at meetirij here this ! At a Stlrerton Nunlnf Home. May ad received after 1 : la uicir " - f ) at the aea of St years. Survived weekdays ens until. U noon Wiet : Ur dauihtera. Mrs. Dorothy Half nrr, , Satud ray for Sunday may be H S Nelson farm director foriBatha. Alberta, Canada; Mrs Vtts placed in the Too Lata to Ctaa .t kiiTT ..tiMi.l hparlouar Anderaon Stettler. AlberU. Canads;. aify eoJuma the Republican national neaaquar. Miry L Anorrlon, P. Ao, lul Monday papers rausi ' lera. CSDreSSed belief that the Co Wun Services will be hrld oa in by S p m Saturday . . - 1. .i.t. will l HaVii. Mav XI at ISO o.m. In the! The Stalesmsn-Journai News- larm issue in acy - - chapel of the Howell-Edwards Fu- paper reserve the right to ra the level Of farm prices and noi n(ri'p Homt Eider Harold Peckham i wrl quostionable advertiaina; II thit year's Controversy between officiating. Interment at Belcrnl I further reserves the right 10 iha f.oP administration awl we , Dwrocratic controlled Congress ariaa h. rm ver price support levels. a. Hlgk Sapp'is 402 Livestock for Salt Want Ad Started Famed Stamp Man On Business Firm Htrtry E. Harria, intrnia (ionall furotit pJuIatrliaf aad atap 4ealrta J Kit tan ia bMtnest i a yojri tef vaea hr took advantag f a Mitt el trrt Cltilie4 Ada for teta-ajera by iH fataiaito Post, ana1 plated ia id to trade or ell aitttpa. II a) km teatei l at5 t 1 ( vv. I . Bef it. h , tu "lap f na '; (war I' ftk f3 if Ltd la an w r i . r ar ar 430 Merchandise 4S Wantew House Goods WE NEED FURNITURE 1 Valley Furn Co.. rop cash "Hies - ruisNi- TL'RE. APPUANCES. ETC USED Mr'RCHANDlSI MAR1 re S IIBlRTY PH -M1f e Need at Onre a Late model I Appliances Pay cash premium for Hi tirade Electric Ranlrl. Refrtferators. Automatic Washers. Driers A Late Model used Furniture Ph Glen Woodry S-5II0 right Now for Pleasing Results! I I '457 Radio and TV . . ... --er jRa-. iliu 1, null PROFESSIONAL horse. hoer Lee Hanson. 4-724 or -uJ "salem Meal Co lacker beef Custom killing, cuttinf it wrap ping, trailer loaned free . FOR SALE or trade, gentle pontes for children, also good saddle horses Bob Franke. 305 U Water St. Silverton Ph 1-eiSt SADDLES. 4 new. used. 1 really good juniors, lii to 1 134. 3376 Silverton Rd. 400 Agriculture 410 Seeds ond Plants local hospiUI May Yew street. place aU advertising under tea oroper- elasaificaUoa. The Statesman-Journal N a wa ll Late paper assume no financial re- Salrm. iponsibtlity for errors which Survived by two sisters, Sarah Mm-1 may appear In advertisements ZZ- nohl In restore wr. Salem, and Mrs ueorge 1 punuanea in its columns ana m This Congress SOUgm 10 r10' WlU tl Salem. Services will case whore thia paper Is al hlffh riKlU Price suppuna u w ne netd at tn Virgil 1. oiuen 1 isun win reprint toai wn v. "'.? . h,iln into Chanel Monday. May is. at 10 am. an advertisement In which th war ana rw" Crvpt ,tombment Mt. Crest Abbey a vets by President Eisenhower. M,UK)teum. Rev. Julian Kaiser oi Ai a eonseaoence. the sdministra- uciating. tion - sponsored Ikxible support tnnk 403 Livestock Wonted In .this city Msy 11 at the age of . the advertisers and must thr re- system remains in effect. aw uaaa MMinar ni m rm ia. NelsOB Said farmers are not IB- Brown Vancouver. Wash. Grave. IvDograDhiral muuk occur A "Blind Ad an ad contain ing a Statesman-Journal Newe papers box number for an ad dress la for tho protection of elery under th direction of W. T. Lata resident fo 715 Locust St.. at th age of SO years. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Me Clain of Salem. Sutcr of Wsvne Alton MeClsin. U S N., Pearl Har bor: MeMn McClaln and Don- laid Lee MrClaln. both of Salem. Floreac Maude MarsSea Lat resident of Bay Wood Park, Calif. May 17 at the age of 71 Born in salrm, July , SS years, brother of Mrs. Elhrl C Rnwi Vinrmiwr. Wash. Grave forested ill DriCt Support COntrO- ,tde services will be held Tuesday, . 1. v.hi(iM ann maw m 1 -w v.m. veiica n . .. elery undei mechanism used by the govern- fcgaoB Co. ' . 1- h,.r'. kahalf What mem i gnvi.'v - ,UH ... 1 k. i- ui a ha aa rl "arjon a Le inry are; iuicicm , . are farm prices themselves. Pointing to an upturn in farm prices this year, Nelson said. 'We've turned the corner." He id that as I result Of this Im- Services will be held Monday, May iha 111 much less l ' : B m- 'n ,h CnPV provement, there as mucn less interment at dissatisfaction wun we wr Ue Mulon cemetery. ministration than was in case last ear. Trataaa Victory But Wesley McCune. farm direc r"rfc mSmtJ.Sf' uS. tor for the DemOCrstS, Wilt pat- Leon Perry of Salem. Bon. Lt. CoL . . hi. jrt. !. farm votes on i Henry H. Marsden, Jr., of Williams ten WS drlVt "fJ"" bur Va... and Warner Maredr of the , campaign the Democrats g,,,, M,rin0i caiif. seven grand waned In 194 That was the year children also survive. Funeral serv wagea in " ' ! ,, wtn p held in s.n Luii President Truman won an upset oblapo Ca, Monday. May si. con victory over Republican Thomas eluding services at Ariinton Na E. Dewey on the basis of farm " cemetcryiington. v.. VOteS. ICaarles W. Pelker Both McCune and Nelson wiUl.'r'c.r concentrais tneir euons on sutn Midwestern corn belt and dairy states si Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, ' Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Nebraska with some what lesser efforts on North Da kota, South Dakota, Kansas and Missouri. McCune. said the Democrats will stuck farm policies of the Eisen ' hower administration largely on the arguments that It has broker) Arthur Schilling. Bend. Mrs. Will Storms. Phoenix. Mrs. Ore Aril Brother. A. E. Pelker, Salem. Serv ices WlU be held at the v inn T. Golden Chanel Monday. May 31, at 1 p.m. Crpyi entombment. Mt. Crest Aboey Mausoleum, aev. juuan nti- ser officiating. Starry A. Raws Lat resident of S4S D street, In thia city May IS Survived by wife, Kittle r. Rnwe, Salem. Daughter. Mrs, Kathryn Beasley, Longview, wash. Sisters. Mrs. Carrie Chase, Salem: Mrs. Kitty Cooper, Petaluma, Calif. Also several nieces and nephews, -1951 Campaign promises On prlCt , Service will be held Monday. May eiinnnrta has allowed farm nrices J1 ,:3 "" ,h donah-Bar-Supports. Its aiioweo larm prices -k cnao!. Interment al City View Cemetery, nev. Lloya uocker 0111 clattng. Ritualistic services will b performed by Salem Lodge No. 4, A. F. A A. M. Russell staaal Smith Lat resident of 12S Gerth avenue. fore be answered by letter Th Statesman -Journal Newspaper re not at liberty to divulge in formation as tn th Identity ot an advertiser using a 'Blind" sd THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect ill reader against fraud deception, or Injuries Reader are cautioned I mak NO PAYMENTS to (et a po sition advertised la Ih help wanted columns All help wanted ads MUST SPECIFY THl NATURE OF THE WOHK Sales help wanted ads must state If th pay it In the form of salary commissions, guarantee or Include firm nam Bona fide offers ot em ployment with pay belong to th "Help Wanted" columns Ida ia other column which re quire Investment In stocks, samples, equipment or cash bond shculd be thoroughly In vert igsed before paying out any money Advertisers re quiring a rash Investment for sample or merchandise, sales aids, etc mud so specify tn their ads inmy report any exception to this rule to the classified ad vertising manager CATTLE buver. A. F Sommer. lM0HarroonyDr.Ph -0li7. CATTLE buyers 47 State E fc H Snethen. S-ip-sSa) WILL TRADE' 1941 Ford for beef cow and calf. Ph. 1-SUS UVKsTtlX hT buyer Claude Hd wards, Rt 3. Box SaE, 4-1113. CATTLE, horses, at vour farm E. C. McCandliah. Rt i, 1-618S EGAN GARDENS Blooming summer dahlias, tu berous begonnias. Gardrn chrysanthemums. S ml. N. of Keirer Sch. On Salem-St. Pu Rd. PL A NTS : P r"i chard. Victor'. Margiof. Tomato plants. Cab bage. Pepiers & Dwarf Dah lias 40S5 Mahrt Ave. (4 Corn em. Ph. 3-SlKKt PAINTED daisies Jinnies, double A- some named. Other perent als. Meier 1. 2175 Evergreen at Silv. Hd. 450 Merchandise 4SS House Goods for Sole RCA rolor TV Set re. 11195 for 175 cash & carry (uaian-t-cd new and O K. Heider s. 363 N. HlCh. EMERSON 17" TV. console ecL see it al 240 Portland Rd 438 Building Motcriols NEW window 5S'" x76'. S25. Ph. 4-S513. USED plumbing fix!., tubs, sinks basins bargains. Jud- soo , 27s N Com 'I 410 Seeds and Plants 404 Poultry and Rabbits miie pas Mm Turn ngh. at FOR SALE or Trade: Rabbits A I hutches Some litters ter Smallev, Rt. 2. Box 218, McMinnville. Live Fryers Ji, to 4 lb Your cholc. II. 1355 Alder orph. 4-7747. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We buy rabbits. Wins'i. 3985 State. Ph. 4-3911 BABY CHICKS. ISc straight run. choice of Parmenters. New Hamps White Rocks, and Leg horns Special New Hamp and White Rock pullets le Par menter red rooster. Sc VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4624 Salem 40Oets Oassified Index "For Your Convenience" 110 Meeting Notice 311 Lost and Found lit Transportation 11S Personal 111 Stamps and Coin 400 AGR1CULTURB 401 Livestock for Sal 403 Livestock Wanted 404 Poultry and Rabbit 407 fur Bearing Animals 0S Pets 40S Sea Foods 110 Seeds and Plant 412 Fruit and Farm Product' 12 Fertilizer 414 Farm Equipment 125 Auction Sale 450 MERCHANDISE 451 Machinery and Tools 452 Wanted Machinery Tools 4ss sewing machine and incomes to decline, bas al lowed "fear of the future" to seise farmers, has followed credit poli cies not helpful te farmers, hsi pushed farmers out of operation of farm programs, has curtaiiea crop insurance programs, hai "nrearhrl" fa farmers, has at- tempted to pit consumers against JVof ThV w' r Ri.d? larmers ana nas nw louoweo pow- cindi er policies designed to help farm- ers obtain adequate supplies of sy wmteaker power at reasonable prices. At at saiem nntei. mij n, at me ,fi, a-o, Rent. Miscellaneous ...,, , e " ."u"""', ,J"""r 1 70 Tor Sal Miscellaneous . "Peace ISSW I menu pending at Howell-Edwards 1 472 Wanted Miscellaneous In his campslgn for farm Votes Funeral Home. j 474 Miscellaneous for Elrenbower and Republican r.rt . wlk 7 Je) candidates for Congress. Nelson At the residence. Saiem Route 1, ;vio business and finance avnoola haln frnm whal he ral'erl Box Jt!'1- w Survived by daulh- expects neip trom wn n ,ri Mr, Edn Grltton and m the "peace issue. He said the Velma Carpenter. Salem; Mrs. Win- fact that the Country is not at War "red Hu-ki Bend. Ore . sons. CUr- rMpL0Y.MENT will have great influence among 0o ,Lnd ".n of & TevVn' JJ;; M, Irse-m sJA.r. en,tntflF anmfin rr.nHrh .IHf.x .n. V.F1 -rjafat. nU4 !P Wntfd, Mfl 1BIIII :. sjutvistiii nutif-ii. u v . . The GOP farm director will In -this city May II at the at of i u-.,.. ... ,. i1 ,.'L , """."""I Pxl"'. tM Wanted House Goods Smith, Salem. Services will be held 457 Mnrt T.i.v..ion p.m m ine 4M bulding Materials don Co. Con- ikq rw. i v.,.. eluding servkes at City View Cfm. ; )s0 Musical Instruments K2 Sports Equipment 4"4 Bicycles IM Trade Miareiianeoua 510 Monev to Loan 512 Loans Wa' led ! 513 Investmei. i FOR SALE Blark Pomeranian puppies I wka. old. house broken. ! yr. old male stud 5 heavy orange coat. 271 Vlewmont Lane. Corvallis Ore gon, 1 nil. so. on Eugene Hwy. PUREBRED pups Shetland' sheep dogs iToy Cnllicsi. Blind Sch., Residence north of Administration Building FOR SALE or Trade: Rex Lab rador Puppies. 1 mo. old Pn. 3-6241. PUREBRED pups. Shetland sheep dogs, (Toy collie 1 tsuna Sch.. Residential N. of Admin istration Building. PEAOCrfS. 110" each. Robert Loucks, out Wallace Rd. on 3030 River Bend Rd. CHIHUAHUA reg. cockers. Tox terrlors. Real. Ph. 2-124J. COON hound, part Labrador, I mo. old mala to give away, house broken. Ph. 1-ftSW. YOUNG parakeet, races feeds Mickey's 3825 S Com 1-2755 BIRD Paradls for Nrdt. cages Supplies 31S0 Llvlngilon 7-11-17 FbRS ALE Puppies, all kinds. Come see afternoons at 3355 Livingston or call 2-7989. Will buy puppies any kind. leAkEETS-Normal 145 W Browning Ph 1-207 CRAY oats Paul Townsend. Route 1. Gervais BLOOMING A.AI.EAS Fuch sias. Camellias. Rhodos & ev ergreen shrubs. Waring Nurs ery. Orive ! on i.'tn m. orntngslne School Oakhill Ave MULCH Peat with mushroom fertilizer Fine for mulch. Ph. 2-03.71 PRIMROSES. pf,-prn. Hybrid tomatoes 725 W Salem Heights Ave GERANIUMS, "fuschsia. tub. be gonias 3tl. Glad bulbs 3 rinz II. Fuchsia baskets 13 Mer rills Greenhouse Brooks. GERANIUMS. Pinli Sensation delphiniums, young Rusell Lupines. Astilbes, som- enrv- anthemums ready now Blacks. 2270 Chemjwa lid FUCHSIAS &' Ivy Geraniums, baskets in bloom, also Dahlia bulbs Wards Gardens 43IKI Cherry Ave. 411 Lawn-Garden Equipt. DAVID Bradley graden tractor wattachmeiits, good as new. Sell for 'j price A J. Ullman, S45 Vosburg off Bonnie Way. ELF.C lswn mower, very good 1 cot.d. 25 PJi 1-7517 after 6. ! (12 Fruit & Farm Produce 410 Seeds and Plants MILK: State inspected. 6.V Fresh eggs. Wilson Dairy l'a mi. E. ot 4-Corneri on State Ph. 4-1111. PASTEURIZED whole milk. 75c f;al. Homogenl7ed, 79c. '3 Sal on 40c. Cleary Dairy. 2-3035. 413 Fertilizer MULCHING STRAW Ph. 4-3081 FRESH or rotted manure. Rlcn, fine manure by sack or yard Delivered or at farm Phillips Bros Rt5Boxjl93 Jh4-3081 ROTTED sawdust for mulching vd load 115. 4 yds 110. 1 yds IS. or 12 a vd or 50c sack at farm. Also Beaver Dam Soil. II lack. for 15 Phil lips Bros. Rt 5 Box ISO. Sa lem. Ph. 4-30S1 450 Merchandise BEGONIAS Started 450 N 24th. bulbs. 451 Mochinery V Tools DEXTER wringer washer 12H Stroller 14 5U. Teeter-babe b a s I n e 1 1 A stand 12 50. Chllds rocker 12 50 Ph. 4-tBi6. SPECIAL, used refrigerators, from $39.50 to 199.50. Kelvma- tor. General Uectric. rngl daire. Zenith, Crosley. Vallev Furn. Co 219 N. Com'l. THERM ADOR air-conditmnrr. $50 Guardian Service, atiout 'j pric-e. Plh 2-6S37. fNLAID 5 per sq. yi R L. Elfstrom Co. JtO b L10 erty ISEO washers $15 up. Mod ern Appliance Center. 1141 S. Comniri cui. Pn. 4-9J53 FOR-SALE." Solid Mahogany cnair wi'.n rollers A reclining back 115 Ph 4-:i4 $14 SO New 7-pc. niodcrn roto-rock dnnn group incl. 2 end ta bles 2 tabie lainp. cuffee table at Salem'!' lowest rvT head store (;ien Woodry, liitli N. Summer CHROME set with 6 chairs aU for $49 2640 Portland Hd MODERN 4 burner hi-sneed Hotpnint apt. range $M5 Glen Woodry 105 N. Summer USED daveno's $15 to $: Glen Woodry 1605 N Summer. NEW 2 studio couches ea $44 44 Glen Woodry 1605 N. Summer LOVEI Y modern foam rubber sola $125. Tern.!. Glen Woodrv. 1605 N Summer MODERN used me cheaper at Sulci s i, , , e s t overnt';id store Sav e r.nw ! Glen Woodry, 180J N Sum mer. NEW garbage cans. 25-gal $4 89. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Sum mer. BE THRIFTY Buy used furni ture & appliances. THE THRIFTY WAY on F-iy Terms at WOODRY S THRIFTY I'SF.D Fl'KN. 513 S Com I Ph 4-1119 SKWING MACHINE Save $IR4 on this beaiitil il 7ie- Z.-ig desk model REG J2'' NOW $114 50. $.1 down A- $1 25 ween Ph. 4-7102. Dealer l. jr-g- New recliner chairs that tilt hack for comfort. Term. Glen Woodry. 1605 N. Summer. WIT mm t ???? (WHO NOSE!) Plvwood dropped 'no foolin'l NEW LOW PRICES tn effect. Selection whopping' Thousands of smaller sues cheaper. NO I CHARGE for cutting PLC 59 50: NAILS 9 25 keg: , HARDHOARD - reiett I 75: WALLIIOARD 140: , RGH I Fl.G PLYWOOD it'lear Fai-esl Il'.c ft ; O S. WHITE PAINT 2.50 gal. BEAUTIFUL EXTERIOR WOOD STAINS . for shakes, sdgl.. A fences: Cedar fence weave (to go uitn stain HoD Cedar Posts too lxll CEDAR BOARDS 104 00 upl CEDAR inverted 1x10 Sdg. Hundreds of items to suit jour needs' SCRKEN DOORS Lotsa Stuff NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPROVED CREDIT - 36 MONTHS TO PAY to build palio, fence, garage or extra room What say - We're located lust fifty miles this side ol Portland at Portland Road Lumbpr Yard 3545 Portland Road Ph. 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" (fu ! Save time - Save money " For the Best Professional Services M EXPER Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! APPLIANISS WESTINGHOUSE Woodrv Furniture C 474 So Cou- I Ph 4-2111 CAPITOl Bedding Maltres re novators New mattresses 1-4Q BKK S BLOl S MASON BRICK and block" Work guar anleed. Pn 4-S435. IRANI 0 U-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sand A Gravel Co 1-1441 DRV CLEANING. SERVICE Foreman's Cleaners A Dyers Fur Storage: Complete Dry fining A Lndry Srv. Tree pick up A Din er. 1070 S. Com'l ph 3-9448. SAH Green Stamps. rl.OOR COV1RINC.8 NORRIS WALKER Paint Co Flnor-covenng Division Vlual ity Installations Linoleum. As phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile rree Estimates 4-2271 GRADING A DOZING DOZING LEVELING Ph l-OSSl D PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING, clearing roads, ponds. D-4. D- carryall. V. IlllSkev Ph 2-3148. ROAD GRADING Roy Hancock. . Ph. 4-3353 HOME PLANNING LAWN MOWING LAWN "MOWING. POWER MOWER. PHONE 4-2301 LAWN mower sharpening, low prices work guar Ph 4-oi, LOCKEkf ICE CREAM LOCKER meat cut wrapped. quirk frore. 3720 Silverton Rd. "Vista-Frozen- Food Lockers 3095 S. Com ) Ph 1-1737 Lockers Now Available Custom Meat Cutting and Sale Ice Cream for All Occasions, Packs to Take Out PAPERING A PAINTING EXPERT brush or spray paint ing. Hr or contract. Ph. 4-3UQB ""painting and papar-hanging Free estimates Ph 1-9513 Exp paper-hanging A punting Jerry -Johnson Ph 4-S534 Tainting k Decorating Dirt Cheap Price 3-7552 gtOTOV ATING EXPERT home building St re modeling. Phone 4-7577 ROTOVATING work ev.. week ends. J Hathaway Ph 1-3828. Howard Rotovator Work Call BillBevens, Phjl-BM GARDEN A lawnwork wanted with rotovator Vincent Krem er 2150 Lansing Ave. Ph. 2-3180. TO PLACE AD PH J-HM1 SAND AND GRAVEL SALEM SAND Sc GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel, sand and tna soil. 1405 N Front St 1-141. VALLEY SAND A GRAVEL CO Crushed A round gravel Sand A eon mix 1-4002 WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1825 McGilchriat Crushed quarry racks and grav el. All sizes for roads, drive ways and parking lota. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-dozing, shoe, el and dragline work. 1-1341. SEPTIC SERVICE ' HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter sewers scptlc lanki cleaned 1-5317. MIKE'S Septic service rank cleaned D rooter clean sewer drsins Phone 1-S4SS Ramel'a tepUe tanks cleaned, tin service Guaranteed work. Phon 3-7404 or 1-0774 TREE SERVICE De Rosia Trie-Service Trees, Shrubs, Hedge. Insured 173S N. Liberty St. Ph. 1-SMt TRUCKING A HAULING WANTED to haul shortHorn anywhere Ph. 4-6072. fPHOLSTWING UPHOLSTERING Professional: guar, work, fre cst.;pickup.jjellvcr. Ph, 1-4290 TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-6811 450 Merchandise 458 Building Meteriols SAVE! SAVE! 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole, Misc. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registers, dupli cators, desks chairs tiles sup plies Hoen 1. 458 Court 3-6773. FRIG1DAIRE 1956 IMPERIAL washer A drver $475. Modern Appliance Cen ter. 1141 S Commercial iTfLATDjinoTilM per rq yd R L Elfstrom Co 260 S Lib erty WALNUT antique Italian Ren saree dining rm. set. 6 chairs. Thaver haliv liugsy like new. 125. Ph'. 2-9961. SEE A. Plant for complete line j "4" Bench sanricr. swing saw of quality beddink plants at reas. prices. Hanging baskets Fuchsias. $2 98. also garden suprlles. A Plant Greenhouses 1298 S. 13th. Ph. 3-4670. 0ien 7 das week A eve. ir.oHnhllnren Annnonremenl nl "9? H"P """"t1. Har -...i i.... k ri....H-n.r,i,i. r. w'" Pi"-'" wanted Count heavily On prices Of hoRS- neral Home !,!? Work wTnted Man 1 major source of farm income in ; im work wanted. Lady the key Midwestern states. BIG BUDDHA BEGIN .jis situations wanted . a. , , ... , B17 Joh Inlormation One of the most ilgmficant po- TAIPEI, Formosa - They sin Education ' litlcal developments of recent have begun building a 72 foot ; fi20 D,v " contract months," he said, "has been the Bukiha outside Taipei. Chinese : 'oo rentals recovery in hog prices. We expect nationalists say it will be the tall-i? w"?:dRn7 J?'',' further improvements before elec- p,t jn the Far East. The ima,ei7n5 Apartments for Rent tion time." j will be hollow. A spiral staircase ! Duplexes McCune laid that the adminis- will l'-ad up to the head where j iXIa Furnished tration made what he said was visitors may look outside through : 7os rm.i for Rent -probably a very slick move" in Ueyes. 0 i.ous,. announcing a price support pro- 7i2 wanted to Rent Ant gram for corn which heretofore a breakdown in the corn control IJ o'"'-!?,1."' had not been eligible for such aid. program. 7 1 n convalescent Homes Under this program, corn pro- On the GOP side in this contest : " Hnvmg andstoraga duced by farmers who exceed for votes, Nelson said, is the "in-: "oo heal estate their government planting allot- clination" for a sizable majority ! $J u,;n' ppD;rrltunl,'M ments will be eligible for price of farmers in the critical Mid-; son suburban supports at $1.25 a bushel. Those western slates to vote Republican. I Ji1? Houses for sale who comply with allotments will, But McCune argued that at , Lts forsaie get $1.50. Previously there had, times when agriculture's economic no Farms for si been no lupports for poncompll-' welfare is an issue, farmers rec- JjJ rJA"""1511' ers. - -lognize that the Democratic party jus Wanted Real Estate Rut tha DemnrTSla will allack la more sreallv rlorliraleri In Ihff c-' insurance this program, McCune said, on the ! cause of farming than the Republt grounds that it could bring about ; can. ADS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED Too Late to Classify FOR SALE 10 A. tract, subdi vided in 5 A. tract. 800 ft 1 frontage good view, East, about In mm. drive Irom Salem. Sell on easy terms. Ph owner 4-61M LOST Swii.s watch, will gut reward Ph. 2-1813 BLACK A white kid pony mare. Sow 6 yr. old wt 9ll Blue roan 6 yr old wt loio Just arrived shipment "f new- sad dles. 4 new pony saddles. .1176 Silverton Ril '49 OI.DS V-8 deluxe sed , radio, heater, Hvdra Good lires Runs good $24a Consider must anything In trade. I'h 2-4097. 1 00Dispiay Classified-" i Nationally Famous v At IIOMAHT LIGHTING Eltur s :v. drill press. 10" table saw 6 jointer A- grinder. 1843 S 12th. 200 Amp. Marquette A.C. welder A real buy at $125 .1-9755 MODEL "M" Allis Chaimer crawler tractor, other farm machinerv. Mrs Laura Men dcnhall I'h. 4-1927 HAVE several used weiders AC A DC Call 4 7544 454 Sewing Mochines SEWING MACHINE Repossessed Singer console ?i9 hal. Take over for $i.25 week Ph. 4-711C (Dealen. 8 Cushion settee, nice for a rental. $15. Ph. 3-M67. USED refrigerators. $19 25 A- up. Al Laue, App . 2A-0 statet. NLAID Lino.. $1 59 per sq yd R L. Elfstrom Co . 2M S Liberty UNFINISHED fin nit it: c II L. ' Stiff Furniture. 175 N. HiR i Linoleum rugs $ 95 Vallrv Furn Co, 219 N Com'l A M ANA 15 , u ft " freeer j:25 L'li4ll Portland H'l REPOSSESSED Amana f-eezer l:.i, due J.0 25 i i t' -"'d new $6011 Heidei s Ii6.; N Ilig.:. NEW 511 "5 Floor 1 av -- Sitei-:a! Mrise Marl. 770 Open En niKht t7 I d 1 NEW 9 ! w ere ps - 1 5 r-ed I iher'v No (' l 30 OFF! MONDAY IS YOUR DAY IN DOWNTOWN SALEM SHOP UNTIL P.M. lest of Service Wide Assortments 10 Acres of Ixciting Merchandise 850 AUTOMOTIVE SSI New Cars 852 Used Cars for Bala 553 Auto Parts and Repair 554 Truiks, Trailers for Sal BM Wsnted Car. Trucks 858 Motorcycles 860 Auto Miseellsneoul 862 House Trailers 864 Heavv Eouioment Jn Aircraft MM IK TO1I It. ('till (iownf bedriMim all brackets - i-eilmf fixtures SF.ARS ROFHUCK A CO vv TODAY! i ? Sy We'll Give? . Ol Vo More j I lrDK!f!l rf o - -ssaw- 3t: 4S5 House Goods for Sale MAYTAG uasrr: n . :m N. High WADIN'G Pnnl 4' X hr.ivv Urade material, regular prut $J2 !.V Spft ia! $ir f-S rrr Miif M.irt 27f) S I.ihrr' Oprn Fn nmht 't 9 No dtnv n paymrnt " 0 A C i FOR SAI.F, maple hedr-iom sfl, iof fee t,ibr flfiit- lamp. p;t:r table !nmi, viniet t.iV lamp f.inu&Ta t.ihie I'ri. -ti'.(H) It YOU ntgsvU a Mnnlv ltt-M, ui i foinplrtp household nf new ur tivrd furniture r apuiianres. Bu now nn fiiir tn trims Woodrv' Thrifty I'tved Furniture 515 Sn Com ! St P1' 4 -.1 1 9 1 hlork So nf Paper Mill l'nf;r 5 drawer Mm h rhfts IT t5 & up f year enh with mattress S 1 .1 5 ;i "iprrd re -orri player K. fine radio, 'pc cially prired at $4i 'o Studert rirsk $Kt y.i. Mannt'tt s new tised furniture, l.'i N Pa--Hwy. Woodburn Ph 2-Sfi ah p.ivment ( A 12 Rug A- Pad - Anv- I ;e fi" Choi re vt 1 fulut,-Npet ia: price n- no-n 1 9-lH UmtJ Mr.M M.irt :d S Liberty Own Fn night I 'il b. .No down payment iO . ' A ii $30 IM PN i-, ro'T'.plcte ht'us( I'old "f appliance ii' Sh-u-O orrl, ''rp ran s ive1 frien 1H05 NV Siimner PRE FAB GARAGE 1 only. si?e 18x20', com with lrixi" oerhead diK,r , $185 BLDG. SUPPLIES 4' Fluorescent lights ..$10 ea. Used elec. boxes ISc ea. Used V conduit 5v ft. Steel lockers, 12x1.1x60" I5xl5xl.ll ' $7 50 ea 1x12 Shelving '-hurls 5c ft Ha' ".tub. . $17 50 e.i W ish U.isiix 7 50 U'Cr! 14 floonni! ?15 per M l'-ed No 2 and b!r. lurrber $45 per M Relect hardboard, 5"xlH0 $1 75 sht 4" drainage pipe 30c ft. All Kinds I'sed Pipe, Fittings and Valves ALSO Cabin Windows k Doors . S. RiTTER & CO. 6740 Portland Rd Ph 4-M11 4 Mi. No. of Salem, i, Ml No. of Totem Pole on 99 E Open All Day S.iturdav Keith Brown Specials SCREEN DOORS 3-0x6 9x1-', .i-.-riar . .. so ea. DOOMS: - 2-9 A- 2-4x6-8x1 Fir Flush 3 00 ea. 2-4 A 2-6x68x1 10-Lt French 9 75 ea. 2-0 to 2-8x6-8x1 J, Mahog !nds 4 00 A up LI MBER - U'MBFR Redwood Weave Fennng x b -10' n.V, Lin ft. lxR-R'L .1 Com. Knot'v Cedar Panel Ml ftO M VISC - d ,V lfid Box Nails 9 25 kes tixll'O AUim. Hoofing, 2 73 sneet Phn'oli'e I'anels !',;) per It. o s. Whi'e faint : Vi gal. PLYWOOD - PLYWOOD 4 x 8 x ' j Servti e Plv ? 511 pc, 4 x 8 x Service Plv 3 taj pc 4 v x i, Ni Manog. 1 10 pc USE OUR Bt'DOET PLAN So cjsh needed $10 no or $i.i'ofl in --M.ike rmn tri-T" Nri!h ini? down, 21 ir.pntn to pity. 0 Dry 12" Cedar Boards $120 M 0 Iite-kr.ot 10" spruce siding $130 M 10- inverted cedar hoards and batts $130 M O Good 18" painted cedar shakes Si uoder course $8 94 Sq Heavy gaug Iran roof ing . $10 50 Sq 0 4x8V birch "A" grade plvwood 42c sq ft O 4x8 V service plv $2 33 sheet 0 4x8'j' service plv $.100 sheet 0 4x8 'i ' service ply $3 45 sheet O "A" grade birch doors $7 70 each 0 FREE DELIVERY 0 CREDIT GLADLY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YARD Lancaster and Center Ph Salem 2-1500 459 Do If Yourself ' U-Fix-It-Garape Repair tout own car Phone 4-52M 201.3 h Coml HOW-to-do-it advice, planntnf aid. complete material iup- plumbini. heatinf, wir- let Judson'a 279 N. Com'l. , Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 Top Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Dial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keirer Sand Si Cravel Co. A window fan. 2-speed. 20 In. reversible. $.13. Pn-':'Ml ELEC. range dining set, Bed room set. Beautyrest mattress. S Club Chairs, DeWalt tvp table saw, 2 electromode heat ers, many other articles. Ph. 3-88016;4 NChurch. ONE standard toilet, like new 650 Thompson Ave. TOP S01lFILLDiRT PHONE 2-4763 500 Bus. & Finance 510 Money to Loan WE HAVE rash buyers for real estate contracts and 2nd mort gages Ohmart A Calaba. Realtor 477CourtSt Phon 2-4111 COLONIAL Investment Co" Real Property Loans Contract Purchased 87 Court 4-228.1. FOR MONEY $25 to $2300 Pacific Industrial Loans 118 Liberty ph. 4-2SM CEDAR post, bean post shed poles, all types tt berry wire. Ph 4-3081. f'lv. ng. 460 Musical Instruments STOREY A CLARK spinet pi ano Like new. Ph. after 4. 4-8261 NOW You ran buy a Nationally ad vertised new electronic organ for only $718 90 WILTSEY WKATIIKRS Mfc'SIC IN THE CAPITOL SHOP. CTR LEAVING town, must sacrifice piano A- radio. Ph. 2-3805; For the Finest In Organs & Pianos IT S ZOBEL'S 519 Court St Ph. 4-8252 462 Sports Equipment isf:d TIRES TRUCK PASSENGER Lytfe's Tire Mart 2305 N Com'lPn.4-S03J REPOSSESSED 1 model 300 roT to-hoe with 24" rotary lawn mower attachment, cost new $269 95 Ph. 2-2464 for appoint, to see and make bids. Also one 1954 Frlgidaire refrig.. S cu. ft with freezer compart ment only $112 50. USED truck" tires, Lytle'i Tlr Mart. 2305 N Coml top'soilTpit run gravel. ph. 2-8553 PLATINUM 34 diamond engage ment A wedding ring set. Sell for less than 'i coat for quirk sale Prire $500. Ph. 4-I53S after p m. BILLAHD table Si accessories. Ph 3-5728 ZENITH Elec. range. Sofa A chair White elec. sewing mach Ph. 4-4707. CARAT diamond ring, a nice graduation gift. 1595 S. Commercial. 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1948 Specialists la Office Placements FEMALE Secretary to 40 ... $27S Steno, I PBX. to 35 $250 Bkpg F C. to 37, S day $250 Machne Bkpr 820S Dictaphone, downtown to IS S2IS Gen. Off. meet public $2O0 Invoices. Calc. out to SO $225 Receptionist, typo so IS S1SS Typist, apt figures, calc. Dallas SJTf MALE Train. mch. apt . open Retail train, to 28. coll SS7S Accountant. Ibr exp. .. . S400 Multlllth Op., will train to 30 S314 OREGON'S BEST BUYS f.r tutor. You ! Woodr LUMBER YARD 235 North Fron' St Phone 3-9111 "We Give Sill Gren Stamps" $1 Si G Al. i PAINT PAINT PAINT file-. Woorl-v. K,n5 N Summer NEW Si"' H.i Bibv Bed Spei : il - $17 95 Used Mde Mart. 270 S 1 ihertv Open Fn nient :il !l No doun pa'-n en' .0 A (' i TWIN sie ma'tres'e: - f;od c.nriilu.n- 6 "5 Used Mdse Mail. 2.11 S I.llmU Op.n Fn mi:ht 'til 9 No down pav inent .() A.C i WALNUT finish desks white t lev last - if 9a I'sed Mil-e. Mart, ;7I1 S Liber'v Onen Pn n.g ,t t:l 9 No down pavn.en' .O A tl I Sim no ! New modi rn bedroom sets Sa lon, s lowest o er 'lead store. Ill, n Woodry. 1605 N Summer MOTORS & TRAILERS Al.o cnni.ert;b!e tops flvtng bridges, outboard repairs Free t r - a I on the river Many ex tra services such as moorage salt proofing, parts 7 DAYS A WEEK FISHING LICENSES 472 Wonted, Misc. WANTED to store small piano for use. Ph .1-8:4.). WANTED A good used 5 gal capacity HARD ice cream ma chine Write M. L. Dickerson. 1540 E 3rd Ave. Albany Ore. WANTED several thousand cordi of wood all soecies Ph 3-7721. Nights 4-5633 ELEC wall Heaters, 25"". off 21" x 32' sink con.p $43 95 Garbage Disposal $65 Fibre pipe 30r A ,''4r ft 14-2 Loom, ex 4c ft Ooor chime 70", off 12-2 Lonmex 4'j ft I. lent fixtures 25' ott Out let boes ;5c 3 pc bath set $135 52 elec uater heat er $115 We liiieaa nipe and I FOR SALE' ln-ft car top boat rent Gelgpr Counters Apex - A car top carrier Excel. F.iectnc A Plunilung. 1410 j cond. Ph. 4-5102. Hioarluay Ph ?-lflfif. Open Fn eses A Sat till 5 See the new molded boats, these are the host beautiful A prac tical boats on the water SALEM BOATHOI'SE 100 CHEMEKETA, PH. 3-9303 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phon 1-0634 354 N Winter Adjoining Presbyterian church. Free parking In rear Exclu sive linings on all types of employment WANTED Teacher with train Ing in pre-achool education In Nursery School. 8:30 a.m. te 12 00 session. For term starting 9-24-56 Box SI. Statesman-Journal. APPLICATIONS are now being taken for Statesman bicycle routes Several routes will bo open Applicants must be ac companied by their parent or have their written permis sion Apply at the Circulation Department of th Stateamaa Journai 604 Help Wanted, Men Journeyman Marhlnests w-anted. Applv Salem Iron Works. 177 N. Front. WANTED, man interested in leasing grocery A- meat count er space. Also cutting meat for Silverton Co-op Lockers. Ph. 3-4517Silv. Alvln Krug. MONTCo"MERY Ward in Mc Minnville has a real oppor tunity for an aggressive furni ture salesman A applianc salesman. Both positions have an attractive guaranteed week tv salary plus commission on all sales. Contact Mr. Elm quist in person. WANT several wood cutters. Applv Capital Fuel Co.. 3900 N River Rd. SAWDUST for sale. 3 unit load. : XflA Uen Wntf. Laelv push out. 115 Ph. r-..i. r I 474 Miscellaneous DFNTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLF.R, Dentist Adolph Bldg. State A Com'l Sts SALEM PH 3-3311 ADDING machines, cash regis Clary 1979 Fairgrounds 8-5375 476 FueT WANTED several thousand cords o,' wood, ail species Ph 3-7721 Nights. 4-5633 RAINBOW fingerlings to stock your pond $15 per loon Marion RECONDITIONED a u t o m allc j Forks Lodge Hwy. 22, 17 ml. water heaters. Judson's. 279; E of Detroit. S & H GREEN STAMP DIRECTORY j "Clip & Save for This Week's Ti D " IlfM lFUVf Trade-In Allowance On a Sot of New I Allstate Cushions Blnck Walls or 5 I While Walls" i I Sears Roebuck & Co. 550 N K:: CAPITOL for Courteous Ad laker Assistance Phone 46811 BAKERY Peerless BaKery 170 N ("omnien lal Phone 3-5704 'cameras ; Cohurn Cameras 174 N Commercial Phone 2-1841 DRUGS Capital Drug Store Stale A Liberty Phone 3-3118 Chapman's Drug Store 140 Candalarla Rlvd Ph 4-6873 Free Delivery Moolry'i Pharmacy .Hollywood Business DtsL Keizer Business DisL FUEL Oregon Fuel Co Sswdust and Wood FURNITURE Ermel's Colonial Furniture 2745 S Commercial Phone 3-742 LAWN SUPPLIES- Howser Rros. 1185 S. 12th Garden Trai tor Headquarters Leather Goods Shafer Leather Goods 125' N Commercial Luggage A Fine Leather Goods PAINTS A WALLPAPER Hutrheon s 162 N Commercial Phone 3-6687 RADIO Mitchell's Radio A T V . 1880 State St - Ph 3-7577 Installing Sales A Service SERVKI STATIONS Ratdorf's Texaco Station S095 Fairgrounds Ph 3-7455 14th A State-Ph. 3-9582 N Coml 5UO.0IHJ "r'EET New fresh-milled old A second growth lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In 8 to 24-foot lengths Delivered prices Salem $.10 oer thou minimum Ted Muller S-1198 s IFWKI.S Alexander's Jewelers Diamonds Watches SUverw 181 Court CL Webb A Anderson .Richfield! 17th A- Mis-ion Complete ,uto Hepatrtng nut isiiin Mitchell's Radio A T V. 18i State St Ph 3-7577 Installing Saiaa Is Strvlc 0 V 4x8 Birch. 5 sides 40c 0 12-2 wire, roll at 4'jc 8 in ceiling fans $1.7 7S 0 Cedar shingles $3 00, $5. $8. 0 Galv iron roof'g - CHEAP .1 tah root lowest prices O Nails per keg-$8 95 0 4' cast soil pipe 75c ft O '3 gal pipe 12c ."-lfic .V-Mic l',"-3f,c O 5O0 'al s'eel sen tanK $M 50 0 '100 ga! steel srp tank $51 50 4" black sewer pipe .10c :14c O Door i.vt h, so..d ones 2 7ft O Bldg paper 500 sq. ft. $2.35. 0 Fibre glass blanket Insul - CHEAP O 4x8 plaster board $140. $160. $1 85 0 Ceiling tile. 18x32. 10c sq. fl 0 Snake moid long length, 10c O Garage doors, all sires cheap 0 Barb wire 80 rds $5 95 $7 45 0 O itsiae white oalnt gal $2 50 0 New window sashes $2 00 W strip- crrstal windows O !lx:i2 klirhen sinks cheap 0 Toilets W 'seats $C8 50 O New hath tub complete $83.50 O Strictly Cash - It-Haul Closed Sundayi St Mondays C. G. LONG & SONS I Ml N Kelrer - Ph 4-5051 NEW vent fan for kitchen or bath $2S95 Judson's. 27$ N. Com'l Overhead steel garage door nl'h hardware $39 58 In- tailed $49 50 G"lv, mired ee trough 1 2 1 c per ft El'PING LI MBER CO. PH 4-6123 1740 SILVERTON RD. FOR SALE or trade for 22 rifle or pistol car top luggage car rier A tarp 2750 Sedona. 4-5438 12 FT. metal trailer house, exc. condition, reas. 170 W Brown ing. Eve or week ends. 3g 10 H P. Evinrude motor, with tank. Just broke In. Too heavy for me tn handle A buy, $275. Ph. Silverton. 3-7984. NEW A used boats A motors. Scntt-Atwater sales A service Shrock's 1375 Highland. Ph. 2-1423. CASH paid for used guns, mod ern and antique Cascade Merc 1230 Broadway. Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Planet Ends Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 mGHWAYFUFX CO SAWDUST A WOOD 3-8444 ANDERSON'S slabwood. Phi 2-7751 or 4-2654 Spring Special Mulch Sawdust, Fertilizer Block A Slab Wood West Salem Fuel 1525 Edgewater Ph 1-4831 500 Bus. & Finance 464 Bicycles 510 Money to Loon FOR SALE, man's English hi c'le. gears, like new. $35, 1.166 Marion, Ph. 4-6094 468 For Rent, Misc. FOR RENT or lease ige ware house space cement floor brick bldg. downtown. In aiilre H L SUff Fum 3-9185 470 For Sole, Misc. 8 MM. movie camera, never been used. 257, off. Ph. 4-6165. MERCURY Inboard II H P "mo tor A Neptune 3 H P out board motor. Abo Bendix trnner A auto washer. Ph. 2-6475, inquire 698 Thompson. RUMMAGE SALE 49J. N. Cottage Ph. 4-7300 TOP SOIL-$U for 10 yd load Pit-run gravel. Ph. 4-6083. RICH T0PS0TL DEL. I1.Z5 A YARD PH. 4-2463 TOP SOIL PH 4-2403 TOP SOIL Phon M57J. 1-1301 For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. (Holly-wood District! HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fees Free Parking Lot Call 2-7032 LONG TERM LOANS (Farm and Suburban) LOW INTEREST RATES Ph. 2-3551 CLl'ETT k KENTON REALTORS 1980 Fairgrounds Rd. Hollywood Dist.l PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and mortgages. 341 Chemekcta St. Ph. 3-8841. PRIVATE money to loan. t interest. Ph 2-0794. WANT dependable women to come into home to care for small babv 5 days per week. Ph, 4-941.1 BABY litter needed days, my home. So. Call 4-4810 eve. MAIDlvanted: Argo Hotel. 24J Chemeketa. Call after 11 a.m. URGENTLY needed7bahy litter to live in. Inquire 1620 Stat before 2 o'clock. HOUSFKFEPERwantediivelri. Ph. 4-6157. SITTER A light housework. Give age Ar ref. Box 52 Statesman-Journal. EXPERIENCED car hop A wait ress, call afternoon only, 808 Wallace Rd . next to Emery Food Market. 608 Pickers Wanted LOANS $50 00 to $1500 00 Buy What You Need Consolidate your hills. Finance tnrojgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 111 I. Church St, Ph. 1-3457 STRAWBERRY picken reg. now Clean fields, close in. Jerry Nita Andresen, 4845 N. Lancaster Dr Ph. 4-1973. REGISTER "now for Strawberry picking with LaVerne Franke platoon, adults preferred, or children over 12. who really want to work. Alan Wiesners large acreage nf Marshall A Northwest berries. Exception ally good yard. Transporta tion furnished. Ph. 2-2741. ANDRESEN Farm now regis tering strawberrv pickers 24 A Marshalls 4990 N. Lancas ter, Ph. 4-2943. WANTED: Strawberry Pickers" 45 A. Northwest berries. Good crop, clean field, trans, fur nished Reg at 210 S High St. Ph. 3-9203. Eves: 3-3264. REGISTERING pickers at Vm Cleave Farms for 50 A. of Marshalls A 1st. year North wests. Also 53 A. Boysenherries A Blackberries. Ph. 2-5165 REGISTERING now for picking Northwest strawberries. Albert Ceng 6 ml. E on Sunnyview Ph. 2-2626 STRAWBERRY "pickers" register now A M Zahare. 5940 Van Cleave Rd 1'4 mile east of Totem pole A U mile south. Ph 4-1.151, REGISTER now for strawberry picking at Steingruhe's Grand Island patch. Bus transporta tion furnished Clean good pitch. Fh. 1-5141.