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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1956)
2 SuitsFOed On Graham In Air Bombing (Stary ! m Mc ) DENVER W - Two wits ask ing $20,000 damages each were filed Tuesday against United Air Lines and John Gilbert Graham as a result of the plane crash killing 44 persons Nov. 1 for which Graham has been sentenced to death. The suits were filed by heirs of Vernal Herman and his wife,! Goldie, of Vancouver, Wash., who were among the victims. The cou- pie, on their first flight, werej killed on their 27th wedding anni- versary as they wore returning! from St. Louis where they had: Visited relatives. i The actions are the first civil suits resulting from the United j Air Lines crash near Longmont, Colo, which Graham was con-i victed of causing by putting a dynamite bomb in the luggage of l his mother, Mrs. Daisie E. King. Papers of the suits were served j on Graham Tuesday as he ar-' rived at Denver District Court where he was sentenced to die during the week of Aug. 26. I The suits were filed by Caro-j line .lean Herman of Clark Coun-; ty. Wash , who listed herselt -asl the sole heir of Mrs. Herman and asked $10,000 each from UAL and Graham, and Earl Herman and Beatrice Larson as heirs of Ver- nal Herman, who also asked the i same amounts from the airlines ! and Graham. DAILY CROSSWORDrasr NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IM PROVE ELECTRIC STREET FROM SOl'TH-TWENTY-THIRD STRUT TO ELECTRIC STRKET. NOTIC HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hererrv declares it purpose and Intention to Improve ELECTRIC STRFET. from the west line nf South Twenty-third Street to the easterly terminus of Electric Street In the City of Salem. Oregon, hv bringing said portion of said sttpet to ttie established trade, pro. ruling drainage constructing cement concrete curbs and paving said por tion of said street with a 2 1 j inch asphaltlc concrete pavement M feet w ide at the expanse of the abutting and adiacent properti . except the street and alley intersections which expense will be assumed by the city of Salem, all In accordance with the plans and specifications therefor w hich were adopted by the Common Council April 23. 1956. which are now on file In the office of the city re corder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be ex amined by any interested party The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street improvement de partment Owners nf property liable for the cost of making such improvement rnav file written remonstrance aeainst the same with the city re corder at any time within ten rtavs after the final publication of this notice Rv Order of the Common Counrll April 2.1 IMS ALFRED Mt'NDT Cilv Recorder. First Publication May 2 IMd Final Publication May 1ft IM Mav 2.9 1 ACROSS 1. Underworld god 4. Kind of meat T. Part of a window 5. Mint entrance 10. Islands off Scotland 12. Cicatrix 14. Girl's nlcknamt 15. Narrow atrip of wood 17. Malt beverage 18. Strange 20. Cut 22. Look askance 24. An animal of the far north 23. Small, roofed theater (Gr ) 27. Branches 31. Place 33. Excla mation 34. Shrivels up 38. Constel. lation 39. Sash (Jap ) 40. This can be found in Holland ' 42. Compass point (tbbr.V 43. rietsant 45. Bundle 47. Japanese drink 49. Chinese money o( ' account 50. Guided L Brint to clot " DOWX 1. Mail (India) t. Wayside taverns 3. Closes, at a hawk's eyes 4. Excla mation 8. Public notices t Book of the Old Testament 7. Rated highly . Story 10. Rounded convex molding , It tUjtera Unlvtr. ity 13. River (Tex.) 16. Very high 19. River (Eng.) 21. Jump ever. as in reading 23. Move with hastt 24. Reward 28. Flightless bird 29. Island of jg?c jcjls aaall "I'' Ibice s' eelerday'e Aaaee 32. StumbU 34. Gained 39. Wading bird 36. Former coin (Siam.) 37. Ray 41. Ireland Malay Arch. 44. Piece out 30. A covering 46. Bounder for the 48. Editor shoulders (abbr.) tit . w ib . jo w w 1 M I i-1 1 m Accused Girl Killer's Plea Due Mav 21 GRANTS PASS ( - Circuit Judge 0. J. Millard Tuesday set May 21 as the date for a plea to be entered for Lloyd Eugene Wahl, who has been indicted on a charge of slaying his 6-year-old cousin. Judge Millard, at Tuesday's arraignment, .appointed Samuel M. Bowe to represent Wahl, who will be 18 years old May 23. The victim, Kathlene Sue Wahl, was killed May 4 after being abducted from in front of her home. The coroner's autopsy re port said she died of strangulation and a broken neck, and had been assaulted sexually. year ago. Mexico's supreme court has finally got around to the ap peal they filed when convicted. It upheld the sentences. City Obituaries Ktkel WajnM ArtklaaJd Late resident of ffl. I, Turner, at the a of 74. Mother of Mn. Elmer Hoffman. Turner, Mrs. Alfred Hoff man. Aumaville. Mn. Greg Robl, Stayton. Mrs. Edward Robl, Silver ton, Mrs. Ella Hughes, Tillamook, Ore., Mrs. Robert Logan. Turner, Mrs. Calen SiddaU. Salem. Mrs. Vera Stanley, San Leandro, Calif : sister of Mrs. Ella, Given. Turner, also surviving are 2S grandchildren and seven great- grandchildren. An nouncement of services will be made later by W. T. Rudon Co. Clee Burgess At the residence. 3S38J Wills lane on May 13 at the age of 39 years. Survived bv wife. Virginia Burgess of Salem. Shipment is being made to Canby, Oregon, for services and in terment by the Howell-Edwards Fu neral Chapel. Mary Burnette Late resident of 3S1S Brooks St.. at a local hospital. May IS at the age of 46 years. Survived by hus band. Robert Burnette. Salem: moth er, Mrs. Z. V. Earley, Little Rock. Ark ; brotner. Curtis Earley. Little Rock. Ark. Services will be held Thurs.. Mar 17 at 1:10 D m In the chapel of the Howell-Edwards Fu neral Home. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park Lewis Chapeaa Late resident of Rosehurg. Ore.. In this rltv U.iv in nnvua trv. Ices will be held Wednesday May l. at 10 no a m.. in St. Barbara's Cath olic Cemetery under the direction of the W. T. Rigdon Co, Stephen Edward Howard At the residence nf Rt. I. Box 37. Rickreall. Ore . May J4. Survived by ife, Anne O. Howard. Rickrtall: sister, Mrs. M. H. McGuire. McMinn ville. Ore. Member of Neighbors of Woodcraft of Amity. Ore. Services APPEAL DELAYED MEXICO CITY - Three per sons found guilty in a slaying fin ished serving 12-year sentences a Vigilant Eyes Of Lam Peep From Skies INGLEW00D. Calif., OP - A 17-year-old youth was so busy knocking over traffic cones with his car that he failed to notice a helicopter hovering overhead. Riding in the 'copter Monday was Police Capt. William J. Kennedy, making a traffic survey. He spot ted the youth's game and radioed the nearest Inglewood police of ficer. Officer A. E. Smith sped to the scene and issue a citation. When the baffled young man asked how Smith learned of the violation, the officer pointed heavenward. Sure enough, the vigilant eyes of the law still were watching from above. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LAY WATER MAIN ALONG EAST PARK AVENUE FROM MOODY STREET TO NORTH END OF EAST PARK AVENUE NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems It necessary and expedient and herebv declares its intention to construct, install. ana lav a water main six Inches diameter In and along EAST PARK AVENUE, from Moodv Street to north end of East Park Avenue, in the City of Salem. Oregon. In accorance with the plans, specifi cations, and estimates for such water main approved by the Common Coun cil April 2.1, IT156. and which are now on file and may be examined in the office of the city recorder at the city'hall. and which shall be deemed a part of this notice. The cost of laying such water main in front of the property hereinafter described will be assessed against such property, the council deeming Iho cam banfltH hu lh livlni !of such water main, to-wit: Those five unplatted lots lying on the west side of E. Park Street and north of a line which is 80.66' north of and parallel to the north line of Moody Street and deeded to Roy E. and Irene Rose Hough, Ronald E. and Madge B Jones, Leslie E. and Mamie May Packard, and Joe R. and Bessie E. Zallc: The Comon Council will, at 7 30 o'clock pin. May 28. 195C. in the council chambers of the city hall, hear and consider objections, if any there be. to the proposed improve ment, the size nf the proposed water main, or to the inclusion of any of said property in the benefited dis trict. Bv Order of the Common Council this 23rd day of April. 195. ALFRED MITNDT City Recorder MavH 17 IS will be held Thurs.. May 17 at 1 p m. in the W T. Rigdon Chapel. Rev. Joseph A. Harding will offucate. Con cluding services at ML Crsst Abbey Mausoleum. Smith-Krueger Mortuary in marge ox arrangements. Wllliaas Netaaeyer i At the residence. Join So. Com mercial. May IS. Survived by wife. Mrs. Maude L. Neimever. Salem Daughter. Mrs. Frances Glover, Sa lem. Sons. William L Neimever. Salem: Dr. Morris McKennev, Bend Ore. Sister. Mrs. Neva Clark. San Gabriel. Calif. Brother. Frank Ne meyer. Pasadena. Calif. Three grand children and four great-grandchildren Services will be held in the Virgil T. Golden Chapel Thurs.. Mav 17 at i p m Rev. Georee H Swift officiating Ritualistic services by saiem uxigc no. 4 Ar &A.vr Charles M. Newberry Late resident of 784 N. Front street in this city May 13 at the age of 4S years. Survived by wife, Wanda Newberry of Salem. One brother Arlie Newberry of Sacramento. Calif. Three sisters. Edan Newnerrv of Wenatchee, Wash: Mrs Alfred (Gladys) Youngblond, Concord. Calif.: Mrs. Ernet iHeleni Bradley of Salem. Services will be Wednes day. May 1. at 10 00 a m. in the Chapel of the Howell-Edwards Fu neral Home with Rev. Wayne Greene officiating. Interment, Odd Fellows Cemetery. . Mrs. Belle ft O'Rtelly Late resident nf 44.1 Liberty Rd . at a local hospital. May 15 Survived by son. Harry C. O'Reilly, Salem Announcement nf services will be made later by Virgil T. Golden Co George Thomas Pierce At a local hospital. May 14 Late resident of 633 Ferry St. Survived by son. George Pierce, Prineville. Or,: John Pierce, Prineville. Ore; Waller A Pierce, Florida. Daugh ters. Mrs. Ethel - Wilson. Seaside Ore : Miss Iva Ann Pierce, Port land, Ore. Private services are be ing held Tuesday. May IS under the direction ol Virgil 1. Golden to. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE STARK STREET From' the West Line of Willamette Drive to the East Line of Jack Street NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and expedient and hereby declares Its, purpose and intention to Improve STARK STREET, from the west line of Willamette Drive to the east line of Jack Street. In the City of Salem Oregon. by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, pro viding drainage, constructing ceinenl concrete curbs and paving said por tion of said street with a 2'7 Inch asphaltic conc rete pavement. 17 feel wide, at the expense of the abutting and adiacent property, except the street and . alley intersections, which expense will be assumed by the city of Salem, all In accordance with the plans and specifications therefore which were adopted by the c ommon Council April 23. IM which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be ex amined by any interested party. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and intention to make the above described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment Owners of property liable for the cost of making such Improvement may file written remonstrance against Ihe same with the citv re corder at anv time within ten days after the final publication of this notice By Order nf the Common Council April 23 l5 ALFRED Ml'NDT. Cilv Recorder First Publication Mav I. IMS. Final Publication May 16 1BS. May 2 9. IS YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE THE Mercury XM-Turnpike' Cruiser n experimental car that anticipates future motoring needs Th Big M Van-O-Rama a futuristic-styled, glass-sjded display trailer that houses the XM-Turnpike Cruiser. It's a major milestone in the "tomorrow" class of cars Mercury's futurr-slyled XM-Turnpike Cruiser. Here is creative, imagination and engineer ing know-how translated into a fully operating, full-scale experimental model abounding in bril liant new concepts of style, comfort, safety and power. You'll want a firsthand look at this example of Mercury's continued efforts to give the public the newest in -automotiifi slling, T 1 1 Classified Index "For Vour ConssmKnea 111 Heating notices 311 Lost and Found' 114 Transportation lit Personal til Stamp and Cain fie AGRICULTURE 102 Livestock for Sal HU Livestock Wanted KM Poultry and Rabbits 107 Fur Bearing A nana Is HW Pets K Sea Foods til) Seeds and Plants lit Fruit and Farm Produce 113 FerUlirer 114 Farm Equipment L'i Auction Sales ISO MEKCHANU1SE IM Machinery and Tools Wanted Machinrry Tools IM Seving Machines bi House Goods for Sata tlx Wanted House Goods 457 Radio and Televsioo im building Materials Ion Do It Vourself 160 Musical Instruments M2 Snorts Equipment IM Bicvcles IM trade Miscellaneous ! Tor Rent Miscellaneous 1(0 For Sale. Miscellaneous 172 Wanted. Miscellaneoua 174 Miscellaneous ITS tuel KM BUSINESS AND FLSANCI 5)0 Money to Loan 512 Loans Wanted 515 Investments n EMPLOYMENT mi Help Wahted m Help veantid. Man son Help Wanted Lady Pickers Wanted I0 Sales Help 112 Work Wanted. Man SI4 Work Wanted Lady 615 Situations Wanted fil 7 Job Information till Education 30 Dav or Contract 100 RENTALS 702 Sleeping Rooms Board Hi anted Rooms. Hoard 105 Apartments for Rent vo Duplexes 707 House for Rent 707-A Furnished 701 Farms for Rent 700 Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent Houses 712 Wanted to Rent Apta. 1 14 business Rentals 7 1 Resort Rentals 71S Convalescent Homes 780 Hoving andStorage MI0 REAL ESTATE Mil Business Opportunities 802 Business Property 803 Suburban 806 Houses for Sale 807 Apts Courts for Sal 808 Lots for Sale 110 Farms for Sale 812 Exchange Real Etat Rlfi Report Property 818 Wanted Real Estate ?.Zi Insurance 8,10 AUTOMOTIVE 851 New Cars m Used Cars for Sale 5.1 Auto Parts and Repair R.ii True ks. Trailers for Salt 858 Wanted Cars Trucks .158 Motorcvcles 6fl Auto Miscellaneous 182 House Trailers 8S4 Heavy Equipment 180 Aircraft Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed, May 16, 56 (Sec. U)-21 TO PLACE AD PH 4-6811 300 Personal 312 Lett audi Fouevcl LOST Black k whit torn cat vicinity of Auburn Rd. Wear ing red collar with barrel. Missed very much. Reward. Ph. 4-notv FOUND Cocker spaniel puppy. old. vicinity ot Unl- 3 mo. verslty At 11th. Ph. 4-1 ins 400 Agriculture 402 LtVetteck for bit SADDLES. 4 new, t used, t really good juniors, to. to 13. . Silverton Rd. FOR SALE aberdeen angus eowe I with rail I heifers and bulla. A C Ranch 1 miles east on Abiqua Road. Ft L. Bon KM Silverton. IF YOU kv your animals, tVOTE NO-tai, Te Shivery. Horseshoer. Ph. I-4US. It Horses need pasture deeper aieiy. i-pajg. sasg Market. FOR SALE: Fresh milk goats. some to freshen soon, on ml. south ot Marauam. Oseag M Carlson. ML AngeL Or. RL I. Box 41 400 Agriculture 410 Wt and Plant El PROFESSIONAL horseshoer Las) Hanson. 4-724 ar 4-euH 403 Uvtttock Wanttw LOST Red billfold. Important papers, between Manlvn's and Ne berry's Saturday. Ph. 11F4 Stayton collect Mrs Sandburg. Reward. LOST White leather tote bag. on Greyhound bus Kites, art Salem 12 45 a pi or in bus depot. Reward, Ph. Stayton. 2F1J. LOST In Middle Grov dlst. brown dog, terrier At bull. Black nose, white on chest, female, name "Tootle." Re ward 1-31M. FOVND Thorough-bred Siamese cat. Young male 2 -.. 110 FlM'trlc LOST: Green Prayer Book POUltr ana RObbltt name LIVESTOCK buyer Claud Cd warda. Rt 1. Bos tML 4-1113. CATTLE, nones, at your farm E C. MrCandlisn. Rt I Hi at CATTLE buver. A F Summer. 128t Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-tMT CATTLE buvers 427 Slat E H Snethen. I-IMS. J-43M Kindel inside. nf Pat Ph. l-tl41. LOST: Diamond engagement ring, vicinity of Capitol or Hood Sts. Ph.J-ta3. STRAYED Friday from Rosedale Dist. A little old black cocker spaniel. Answers to "Curl '' Collar & license. Ph. H. R Jones 2-3153 314 TrontportotioaT NEED transportation to Artxona. Business. 2173 JK. Front. LEAVING lor Chicago May 28Ui Will take 1 or 3 to snare ex pense At driving. Ph. Dallas MA 3-3221. NEED 2 passengers to San Di ego. H. Love, Rt. 1. Box 371. Salem. AOS IN THIS COLUMN RECEIVED . loo Late to Classify 316 Personal BEDDING PLANTS ARI OUR SPECIALTY. CHRY SANTHEMUM PLANTS OR 1 FOR tl. S MI. NO. Of KF.IZER SCH. OS SALEM ST. PAUL ROAD. FUCHSIAS it Ivy Geranium, baskets in bloom, also Dahlia bulbs Wards Gardens. 43t Cherry Av. MtLOG RVNITE rVrtihwr-sii lem i only dalr other gar (ten supplies. Urge selection no? our choir bedding plants. Open eves, rkwed Sua. Pern benon't Flowrr Shoo tt Greets houses IfaM 8. I21h A Plant Greenhouses tt Florist Garden supplies seeds, plants. I2S4 , 13'' 3-447B Ivs gun, PEONltS. Annuals FusehistC Geraniums. Rriae. Hinging Baskets. Kllbsrs. Til Salens Heights Avy DAHLIA bibs. 11 di mollis ataw . leas 3V up. ffer itita ruscn, tu begon's. fuach. bskta. Mer rill's Greenhouse. Brooks JAMESWAY automatic feeders. waterers. hanging feeders Your Jameswav headquarters. VALLEY FARM STORE 411 Lawfe-Gardtn Equip Llvt Fryers " t, to 4 lb. Your choice. II 1.153 Alder orph. 4-7747. CUSTOM DRESSING Of poultry. We bur rabbits Jng3M Stat. Ph. 4-M1I BABY CHICKS Itc straight risn. e hole of Parmenters, N w Hamps . White Rocks and Leg horns Special New Hamp and White Reck pullets Itc. Par menter red rooster, te. VALLEY FARM STORE Ph 4-4424 Satora E1XC lawn mower, eery good cond. 138. Ph. 4-7317 after a., 412 f rait A Farm Product 401 Fata WANTED good homes by 1 male xiiisna. rn. 4-04-0. AL'S BAKERY 1040 MARKET Frozen tuna, chicken Ai beef pies. 1221 a dox. pixxa pie, 3tc. large bread 1 for 49c. fresh frozen strawberries and Rhubarb pies. Ph. 3-7371. Sf For Yourself They Die So Ve May Live., Wed. night it 8 p.m. on May 16th, at the Woman's Club tt 460 No. Cotttse. You'll tee white rati killed to give you an idea of whit hippened to them after they were given Pol-on-Fluoridei to drink. Security Detectiv Agency Private investigation anywhere anytime. World wide affili ation. Rm. Salem Ph day or night 4-2248 Vancouver, Wash Oxford 3-1454. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No 1 2081 N Com'l 3-4537 HOME at BUSINESS Cute 2 ndrm. on N Capilol. near Hnlhwood C-2 lone Hoflse in A-l condition and clean Hardwood lira, ww carpet In hv. rm. tt din rm ., cute kitcnen with eating space fireplace, full basement, dhle plumbing lots of built-ins. A line location for small husi ness & have your home near your woik Ideal for Insur ance or real estate office, beauty shop and so forth. This house Is really worth a look. I have the key. .1. E. UClerc, Realtor IBB No. Capitol Ph. 3-32M EOUITYMn clean '5S Crown Vic toria Ford for a clean .'51 or M model. 13B4 S. 12th after i. IBSfi FORD Fairlane 4 dr. fully equipped. Trade, hank terms Ph. 4-4714. Eve. 4-5282J Snn DOWN: Will help finance to responsible party. 3 yr. old. full hasm t. F A. rurn wv carpets, draes. 2 bedroom Large lot. Ph. 4-I4M 2 HDRM. house, furnished, ref erences, avail. 1st June, sod. Ph. 4-.16!Mi NICE clean .1 rm. ground floor apt., well rurn.. close in. rn. 3-6761 PSYCHIC READER MME. HAZEL Reveal's all, can help you obtain the one you love, and oiccfss in all af fairs, special reading tl. 4590 Portland Rd. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. S Commercial. 1-1101 PALMIST Palm, card physle reader, tells past, present At future 15 complete reading. II with ad 3741 Portland Rr. Ph 4-4701. COON hound, part Labrador, I mo. old male 110, house bro- kenjPn. 1-osss. FREE on black kitten, in N. 13rd. COCKATIELS It love birds, lit each. Indian ring neck para keets. 3 WO Livingston. VOUNO parakeets, eagea feeds u..b..'. ii . r' t.s Wl A M . - . .Will. .-.IIMB BIRD Paradise for Mrds, eages Supplies lltt Livingston t-1141 FOR VALE Puppies, all kinds Com sew afternoons at Uaf Livingston or call I-Tttt. Will buy puppies any kind. RHUBARB 5c LB. , Nov Is the time to ran A freest GREEN APPLE MKT. -tool Portland Rd. MILK: Ststa inspected. Fresh eggs. Wilson Dairy. If mi. E. of 4-Cornrs on Statss, Ph. 4-1111. : ' ' PASTEURIZED whole mitt , 7Jw 5 at. Homogenised, tte gal. 4no r live red Cleary Dairy, a-Mtf. Cleary Dalr. 1-303. 413 rwHIIittH AGRICULTURE lime for la arm A garden, lot lbs. for II. VALLEY FARM STORE FRESH ar rotted manure Ricn. fin manurs) by sark or yarsL Delivered or at farm Phillips) Bra. Rt I Bos 4N Ph 4-JOtl. MULCHINO material, straw fov a good organic snulch. Call far price.. Ph. 4-tmL Rare PARAKEETS Norrrial 243 W Browning Pit l-20f7 HUNTERS, HERE'S YOUR DOG Labrador retrievers, 11 weeks old. AKC ref. males, M0. Fe male. $21 or trad, ill X t., 8alm, ph. l-tHUs. 410 Saadt and Plants BLOOMINO AZALEAS Fuch sias, Camellias. Rhodos. Ar ev ergreen shrubs. Wsrlngt Nurs ery. Drive S. on 12th Rt. mile past Momingside School. Turn right at Oakhlll Ave. $29 50 CLOSE IN north 1 rm. turn, apt . all utilities turn except gas lnq. at Apt. 3 in rear of 488 N. Liberty Ph. 2-54B4 3 MODERN apt. private bath. 1.15 and up. t all 4-JZ.13 lor appointment before 8:30 a.m. or after 5 30 p m. MODERN3rmapt" 1490 Che ineketa. 4-3279 318 StorTfyt antj Coint WILL buy gold coins, any de nomination, can i-woi. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sol Salem Meat Co. locker beef Custom killing, euttlnf A wrap ping, trailer loaneo free. FOR SALE or trade, gentle ponies for children, also goon saddle horses Bob Franks. .109 N Water St. Silverton. Ph 3-81.14 ORGANIC FERTILIZER ODORLESS ST ACK OR BULK PHONE WI55 ROTTED sawdust for mulching. t ya. km git, yog ia. g yds M. or 12 a yd ar Me sack at farm, Also Beaver Dam Sou. II tack. I for H. PhuV llpa Bret.. Rt. I Box MI ' tern. Ph. 4-SOtL . 423 Auction Sales MULCH Peat with mushroom fertiliser. Fine for mulch. Ph. 1-0331. FLOWER At vegetable plants Bulk pack seeds. Valley rarm Store. SEED potatoes AI Ped. 5230 Portland ho. rn. wis, FrIMROSES. peepers. Hybrid tomato. Ill W Salem Heights Av PANSIES 11c dot. 3834 Midway Dr, ph. 4-1121. A 7. ALE AS In bloom. Open Sat urday p.m. At Sunday. Tuesday Ar Wednesday morning. Sales Yard, 230 North sin aireei. Strayer Aialea Gardens, ESfHERReadaislea, geran iums, pink sensation delphin iums, young Russell Lupines Astllbei, some chrysanthe mums ready now (others by May 15th), Blacks. -2170 Che mawt Rd WANT AD WHOPPERS ON DISPLAY AT McltlNNEY LIMCOLN-MERCURY, INC Tomorrow Only, May 17th-l P.M. to 8 P.M. ri j i Mfi MM!- m j Ml IRONING mv homf, pick up A drlivfr. Ph. 2-0276 HOMEMADE pies or pooktfii. Rakfrt to ordrr. Ph. 4-tWa5 or .1-B7HI. LAWN mowtn. spading V odd .(ob8. Ph. 2-0659. NEW building or remodf ling, ent. frpe. 4-R340 after 5:30 please. YOUNG marrird man would Ilk 4 hts. work morninus. Will cnnf.idt?r anything. Ph, 2-00RB. F.XPEHIENCEDarhop & wait rrss. call afternoon only. 605 Wallace Rd , next to Emery'i Fond Mirket CAR' H()P for "Saturday g and Sundays only, must be 18, mini; t named woman pre frrrfl Fanners Dtive-In, ft70 Portland Rd. Rl'MMAGE Rale." 1480 61 ive, Fn 1 Rth 9 SO tn 4 00 Sat. 19th 9 '111 12 Manjfle. deep fryer, bent offr takes MERCimV Inboard U H P, mo tor A' Neptune' 1 HP nut board motor A No Benritx ironer A auto, washer. I1h. 2-filT.i, inquire 89fi Thompson. FOUR 67(1x15 tlrrs. vacuum flr;tnef A household Roods Ph. 2-flKMi. 12 FT metal trailer hHis. exr i nndltinn. 170 W Rrnwn mc F.vp. or werk ends Ml tl t Fi-inriirlat inilnr u ith tank. Just broke (n Tno I lira v y ku mi' in nnie a emd huv. 1275 Ph Silverton 3-70H4 USF-I) washers flS A up Md ern Appliance Center, 1141 S rornmercnl Ph 4-C15.T l!.Vi IMPERIAL washer A dryer M(5 Modern Appliance Len trr 1141 S Commercial. FRENCH provincial davenport, brocade damask, like new. less than half price Ph 4-41.15 Wll.l, TRADF. 1547 F."rd for beef cow ami run i n i-ni m 1 HST Snaniel Australian Shen- f d tibek 'lth hr"wn fet. ' ') i til Reward Ph 4-OOS5 100 Duploy Classified" as smui IihiwS v t.a im ONE swinging eut off saw II hp. motor, 1 electric hand I plan. 1 grinder, 1141 S. 12th. Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Service! ffi n n n rvn pwb ir m if 9 lUn Uonr Arlr PliliI ividrc Uic Ld5ici icdu oi uoc uaiii-nuo vauy. a ddi i fcj a" tar a I unui PI iNNlNfl IliftD AND fiRAVIL Woxlrv Furnllurt) Co. Furniture Auction Wed., Eve., May 16th at 7 :30 P.M. WesUnghoiis else. rang, lata) model, apt. elec. range. Mont gomery Ward refrig. Coldannt refrlg, t-pe. blonde dlncttaj set, 1-pe. blond bdrm, set. t pe. walnut dtntng rnnm set, t-pe. ehnrmt set, frlglrtatr eler. range, M. W. washer wMh pump, t ehett-o-drawvr. mahog. tea rart, hill sire A fwm mattresses, beds, lamns, davenports. cca. chairs, lawn chairs, lawn mowers and many misc. articles of furni ture. Com tn buy or a Li. LANE SWELL'S Auction Sales Ph. t-MN. 3813 Silverton ltd. LIVESTOCK AUCTION Thurs., May 17th It am. mlae. flowers, produe, trailers, farm machinery, Fer rell grain It teed clseuer Ilk r. 1 P.M. LIVESTOCK Chickens, rahhlta, calves, veaL feeder atock. nelfert, bf, milk cows, plgi, bulls, steer. enals, sheep, livestock sold y pound or head. A good market to sell or buy. LANE SUDTELL'S Auction Sales 450 Merchandise 451 MticMntfylTdott FOR 8ALI SKtL SAW. t heavy duty, cast A extra blades, like new. Call J-7M or 4-6,TJ. I. D. t rat. portable saw mill Ph. 1-1734, HAVE vral ussd wldra AC A DC Call 4-7544 1 Nitlnn.lllv r'amnn linMAnr i.K iHTiNn 30 OFF! Pnll down' hrdrnnni w!l hrflckpls -reiling CAPTTOl Heddlng Mattress re novators Nrw mattresva 3-400B ( RANt WORK '1 2Vton Lorain moto rrane Sa rm Sand A Grsvelo J-J4Sl DRY CLEANING HKRVICK Foreman's Cleanera A Dyrrs Fur Storage; Cnmplrte Dry rlnlng A l.ndrv Srv. Frrenirk- up A Diver, 1070 S. Com'l ph. 3-944S SAH Gren Stamps M-.AtUt rv 5 t & CO. s' See , rXoOnrfft'lRUfGll NOHRIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-covering, Division Qual ity Initsllations Linoleum. As- phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estimates 4-2271 GRADING A DOZING DOZIMG A LEVELING Ph J-09S2 D PANTOVICH BULLDOZING, clearing rosd, ponds D-4, D- rarryall. V. Hiuhrv Ph. 2-3146. EXPERT home building A re modeling. Phone 4-7577. LAWN MOWING LAWN MOWING. POWER MOWF.H I'llONE 4-2.WI l.llt'KER A ICE ( REAM LOCKER meat rut A wrapped, quick frnre. 3720 Silverton Rd Vista Ernrrn Food l.ockfr 3((9S S Com'l Ph 2-9737 I jx km Now Available Cmtom Meat Cutting and Sales Ice Cream (or All Occasions, Packs to Take Out. MACHINE WELDING MACHININGA Welding. Night service available Ph. 4-OOW. (om'me"rValJ5t Pn. 2-921 PAPERINO A PAINTING PainUng snd paper-hanging Ere eitlmates Ph 3-MU Exp psper-hangtng A painting Jerry Johnson. Ph 4-SS34 ROTOVATING ROAD GRADING Rny Hancock. Th. 4-8333 ROTOVATINC. work eve., week ends J ''new" Ph i-M2. Howard Rotovator Work Call Bill Beven.i, Ph. 4-2526 SALEM SAND A GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, crushed and round gravel sand and tna soil. 14(15 N Front St. 2-2401. VALLEY SAND A GRAVF.l CO. Crushed A round rvl Sana It con mix 2-4O02 WALLINC1 SAND AND GRAVEL IR23 McGllrhnst Crtuhed quarry rocks and grav el. All sizes rnr roads drive wavs and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, hull-dozlrg. shny el and dragline work 3-9349. SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter. aewers. epllc tanks eleaned. 3-5JS7. MIKE'S Septic servtc Tank cleaned D rooter cleans srra drains Phone t-teM Bamel't septic tanks elesned. line service Guaranteed work. Phone J-7404 or I-0T74. TREE SERVICE To plart classified tdt caU 4-8811. De Rosia Tree Servtc Trees, Shrubs. Hedges Insured 173 N. Liberty St. Ph. a-tMl TRUCKING A HAl'tlNO WANTED to haul short ajvywber. Ph. 4-t073.