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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1956)
Pre-Primary State Politics 'Cool, Calm' By THOMAS C. WRIGHT JR. Stuff Writer, The Statetmaa Oregon'i pre-primary p o I i t i cs two days away from the ballot box I howdown, remained calm, cool and collected Tuesday except for the hurried activities of two Demo cratic presidential hopefuls seek ing the state's 16 delegates to the national convention. Despite the busy campaigning of Sen. Estes Kefauver, who will speak Thursday noon from the Courthouse steps, and Adlai Stev enson, who spoke there Monday, lagging interest in the Friday elec tion pointed to a low turnout at ine polls. . Political seers Wednesday were predicting all the way from 45 to 53 per cent turnout of state's 3z,U8 registered Democrats and 378,778 Republicans. Lack-of local contests in many areas was re sponsible for the low forecast. Large Porlioi Seea . In Salem and the first Congres sional district, a larger portion of Republican voters are expected to turn out primarily because of the nip-and-tuck campaign between former Sec. of Interior Douclas McKay and former State Sen. Philip Hitchcock. Candidates had varying reports on the possible effect o( a small vote. McKay's campaign mana ger, William L. Phillips said -the size of the vote wouldn't change the outcome for his candidate, but Paul Hebbe, state manager for McKay's GOP rival, Philip Hitch cock, saw a distinct advantage in a small turnout. "If we can come within 12 to l.VOOO votes of McKay in Multno mah County, we'll beat him." Hebbe asserted. He said Hitchcock had good valley strength, particu larly in the Eugene area and in eastern and southern Oregon. Hebbe pooh-poohed a public opinion poll which credited McKay with a 2 to 1 lead over Hitchcock. , He said a spot poll taken by 90 campaign workers in the Portland area contacted 3,500 homes and found a margin f sentiment for Hitchcock. Multnomah Holds Key Multnomah County apparently held the key for both candidates as tliey concentrated their efforts in the highly populated area. Except for a jaunt Tuesday to Coos Bay and North Bend, McKay scheduled all of his election-week campaign ing in Portland for TV, radio and factory appearances. He is sched uled to wind up his campaign at 10 p.m. Thursday with a TV talk over KLOR, then return to Salem In vote in his home precinct at South Salem High School. Hitchcock, who has kept up a galloping campaign of the state since March, had several factory visits and a flying trip to Hills bnro on his Tuesday schedule. To day he. visits Oregon City, takes in two coffee hours and has two radio and TV xommittments. Thursday's schedule, winding up with a KOIN appearance at 11:05 p.m., has sev eral coffee hours and factory visits in Portland, his home town where he will cast his ballot Friday. The Republican race lor secre tary of state has created some statewide interest and sentiment as election eve neared gave no clear-cut edge to either William K Healy over Mark Hatfield, both of Salem. Hjtfield's apparent valley strength appeared to be counter balanced by Healy's strength in eastern Oregon. The margin of victory remained a guarded secret of Muntnomah County voters. First Congressional rare looked like an easy victory for Rep. Wal ter Norblad of Stayton though the Republican incumbent R. F. Cook of Silverton voiced optimism Tues day that he would upset Norblad who has held the post for 11 year Attorney .lason Lee of Salem and Don H. Metheny. Brooks farmer, are seeking the Democratic nomination. BOOKKEEPER DROWNS F'KNUI.KTON :f -Harry Dalby. 68, a bookkeeper at a Pilot Rock sawmill, drowned in West Birch Creek six miles west of Pilot Rock. His body was recovered Tuesday. Police said Dalby possibly suf fered a heart attack and toppled into the stream. ( && f , . f TV nKxIrrn trend in halhrooma ia In rr. Bui mike aura I ha al inn (-home hn rrilor that ioiM. In Ol.omtr rat. ihr rular furs all Iht nor thrmigh H rani he seat of LASTING beauty Statesman, Salem, Ore., Wed., May 18, '58 (Sec, IH1 I OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY J - "" 5 f"""" ON SALE ' TflDAV OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. t X J f , , FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING f I f FOR OVER 1,00p j k f Reg. $1.50 Man's Pima Broadcloth Boxer Short Man's Furniahmf, Slraot Floor Rag. $1 Cotton Brat, Sizos 32-38, A, B Cups I 7T1 Nation, lie22J Straat Floor Rtg. $1.50 S" English Metal Will Plaquoa S$H Saeand Floor 55c-65c Man's Elastic Top Slacks Socks 3prs. win , Y I furniihinf ' Stroot Flaw Reg. $1.69, 12-Pocket Sturdy Shot Bag IVrVCY Notion Stroat Flow $2 Man's, Women's Itathor Billfolds Stationary Straat Floor 75c 3-Way lamp Bulbs 100, 200, 300 Watt P- 1 2 for 'A flactricali Socond Floor Reg. $4.95 Daity Jar Opener-Sealer Houtowaros Second Floor Reg. $2.98 Hindi-Covert Aluminum, Set of 3 Houtowarot Sacond Floor Reg. 98c Top Brand Assorted Records 1 3 for Roc or lt - Sacond Floor Rag. $1.69 Frosty Figured Crytalttto Ml Fakcic Cantor L 'r' I Sacond Flow 50c-$1 Men's Cotton Handkerchiefs 3 for mi sn Handkorchiott Stroot Floor 79c 2-Cell Flashlight with Batteries 2 for Eloctricali Socond Floor I $3.25 Waarever Parti Fours Cak Pans kr Houtowaros ' Socond Floor Reg. $1.49 Non-Molting Refrigerant, Reusable Soorti Hdqtrt. Stroot Moor leg. 5Sc 45c Htn'i fimow a Irons' Hindktrchiah -. 4 for Af Mon'l Fwniakinft Ittaat FW Reg. $1.19 Jumbo Six Dross Garment Bags WM 1 i T ' I Notion, Rag. $1.69 Quiltad Plastic Blanket Bags Xt$j "..ion. Rag. $1.50 Gift Boxad Assorted Stationary 2 boxes Stationary Stroot Floor $1.44 Popular No. 5 Flash lamps, Box 12 Camara Shaft Straat Floor Reg. $1.49 Aluminum 6-Cup Percolator I U fy Houtowaro Q&S Socond Floor 55c Fleisher-s 4-Ply Sport Yarn 3 l-oz. Art Noodlo Socond Floor Rag. $1.49 Heavyweight Receiving Blanket Inlanlt' I tsy Stroot FW Reg. 95c Open Stock Pound Papyr 2 packs Stationary Stroot Floor 89c 35mm TDC Slide Trays JXjX 2 for Comora Shoe Stroot Floor Reg. $1.18 Wrought Iron Magazine Racks Howaowaroa 1 Socond Floor $1.25 Astrakan Poodle Yarn 4 2-oz. Art Noodlo Socond Floor Reg. $1.79 Sectional Assorted Lazy Susans Notion ' I Stroot Floor Reg. $1.39 Sizes 1-3 Cotton Tee Shirts V.J Infant,' I Stroot Floor Reg. 45c Match Pound Paper Envelopes 3 boxes ak Stationary Stroot Floor Reg. $2 Kut V Serve Cake Cutter If r HowfOKtaroa S Soond Floor 50c-75c Assorted Aluminum Pant 3 for i i Tjy Hoiwowaraa Socond Floor 98c Aluminum Bon Bon or Candy Trayt 2 for r.j:1 i Stroof Floor Reg. $1.49 Heavy Duty Overdoor Hangers I i Moioojt I 1 Stroat Floor Reg. $2.98 Infants' 1-Pc. Cotton Coveralls W l.'iVT Intanta' K aN Stroot Floor Reg. $1.39 500-Sheets .Bond Typing Paper kjk. -T StatioMry fT Stroot FWor Reg. 50c Barbecue Hamburger Baskets 4 for m4 Taa i m 1 idr j Socond Floor Reg. $1.65 Imported Pepper Mills 2 for r 1 a 5fl lOtt Houaoworo ,ijf Socond Floor $,1.9543.95 Bone China Salad Plates Reg. 3c Vt Cut Manila File Holder 50 for i m $3.50 Club Aluminum Coffee Dispenser J j HooMwaro Reg. $2.75 Versatile Enamel Skillet tocowd FletnT Reg. $1.49 Floor Shoo Rack, Holds 6 Pairs OjvsssaJofaasij!, $fO FWf 75c-85c Imported Bavarian Dblo Igg Cup 2 for, Reg. $1.95 Retractable Bali Point Fen ,A Stationary Srreo)t tMeMf $3.25-$4 95 Plastic Window Draperies Han- f j'l bdil HMOMrtra Reg. $1.39 Handy tee Cream Scoop frT l"MOOmrOIOO I $1.39 Spinnerin Sparkle Twist Yarn 2-oi. n " Noodlo Reg. $2.95 Plastic Uke, Instructions, Pick 1 MuikoI V a Inttr h no nft stMBss-Mb tocond Floor $3.95-$9.95 TV Antennas Talovnion S.cond Floor Reg. $1.39 Acetate Faille Taffeta 50" l'v rij LI mm d- lv((fl fabric Contor iakdBVa3oMJ Socond Floor $1.95 Sheer Stretch Nylons 1 Hotiory Straat Floor $1.19 Flocked and Plain Nylon Sheers ,,h''" c,nH' I m I Sacond Floor $1.65 Full Fashioned Non-Run Nylons Hoalwy O Straat Floor $1. 95-53.50 Men's, Woman's Billfolds laathar Goodt Stroot Floor $2.98 Tier Curtains Prints, Solids Draoorioa Socond Floor Reg. $2 Silverplad Bread-Butter Plates Ty?! Wwa Tax longr Sacond Floor leather Gift Novelties, Assorted loithar Goodt Straat Floor $1 98 White Nylon Panels, 42x81 Size Mr""- 't Ji I Draporioa UjLU- Socond Floor 59c Imported Allsorts Panels P,l, Straot Floor Women's Double Woven Cotton, Nylon Gloves w f Glovat I I Straat Floor Reg. $1.99 A.sed Sofa Pillow Covers WiiV'y Draparioa Socond Floor 60c lb. Assoted Salt Water Taffy 2 lbs. Candy ttritt Froof Reg. $1.79 $1.95 yd. Group Fine Prin.ed Cottons for Summer Fabric Cantor Socond Floor $1.65 Full Fashioned Dress Sheer Nylons vTjX Motiary $,, Floor Reg. $1 Women's 18" Silk Square Scarves 3 for IP? Nackwaar Straat Floor $1.7S $3 Bandeau Style Bras wndationt l-Jyr I Stroot Floor $1 Group Assorted Neckwear Styles 4 for Nockwoor Snoot Floor Reg. $4,98-$9.9" Upholstery Remnants !r'p!Sr Orapariaa Socond Floor Reg. 75c Imposed Rum-Butter Taffne 2 lbs. Cdy Stroat Floor Reg. $2 Imported Swedish Serving Pieces ixyr noor Reg. $1.49 Tins Hard Candies 4 assortments fsn JSMaaUaU Stroot Floor Reg. 59c S9c Yd. Fine Printed Cottons .TIM 2 3 yds. 5U J Fatrk Cantor Socond Floor S9c-$1.19 Cards Novelty Buttons 3 cards 5U Fabric Confor Socond Floor $1.95-$2.98 Boys' Gaucho Shirts m Soya' Furniahinfl Stroot Floor $1-$2.95 Colorful Bead Jewelry 3 for Jowalry Straat Floor Reg. $2.25 20-Hole Fine Harmonica m9v Reg. 69c Combed Cotton Plisse I 2 yds. S.?-.'.' ";; ''' Contor L -.' t.'-j Socond Floor $1.50-$1.69 Assorted Gift Items Trimniinta Dsl Sacond Floor S9c Boys' Combed Cotton Briefs 3 for $ Soyl' Fwrniahinf, Stroot Floor Reg. $1 95-52.95 loose Powder Type Compacts Jaw.lry Straat Floor Reg.$l 10-Hole Imported Harmonica 2 for taie)iVTjeawaJl( tttKttttt ta)oeo)ot PbaeaT Reg. $1.49-52.95 Woven Cotton Suiting Ur Cantor I Socond Floor Reg. $1.98 Women's Cotton Petrtcoafs mm Unoorio trroof Ftoo) Reg. 75a Trevsef , Creasers, Two SI zoo v 11 JL $1.99 J-Pt. ImporteeJ Crystal Ash Tray Seta Rag. $1.91 Autograph "j Animal - n : J Reg. $3.73 CoWrfwt , : " Barbecue Bib Reg. $1.69 Shelf and Idg Caver Witt Reg. 59t As sorted Children's Record 4 for i LsfJ bWevde jjf aWeeoo) Plee9 $1.694T.95 Prmtod Rayon-Acetate Creoo t fr fcr CmM Reg. 50c-75 Celorfvi Print Hanklo t- 4 for 59c Boys' Sizes 7-1 0H Nylon Socks 3 pre. i sn A 5J OLIr ttirniahinfa "" Stroot Floor $1.59 Pro-Shrunk Striped Denim Fabric, 48" SI ? Draaariat Socond Floor I . Reg. $1.9543 9$ Women's Cowhide Bern) PI" Okalr laarhai Oaaaa flOobKa 01 m mm Reg. $3.98 Drapery Prints, Solids, Bowel iq. ponel Draparioa We regret that we must reserve the right to limit quantities on all ite.ns. No sales to dealer. Please, no mail, phone or CO D. orders. On sale while quantities available. V U