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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1956)
I MAXWKI.I, 1I0SHTAI.I7.I.D 14 CHILDREN CITED Ben Maxwell, 3755 Dallas HdJ Two Xukm Klrls, 1J ind M, were jihotiiuruuher and writer lor the cited (or curlew violation about Capital Journal, wti reported in J M I. m. Saturday In the parking liiKid condition Saturday at; lot of I I'ortlund Hoad restaurant, balm (.rneral Honpllal, Where M yrar-old boy (mm Dallal and !. Zn,tTr',1 mm ,(,r1',.k.",J lyr old boy (rom Monmouth, 117tTt,lay " lwh0 KPS " " occupant. I o( the iam car, were found on the See auliladlng wall papers wilh sidewalk block away end alio Matching fubric and slumoriiini cited (or curlrw violation. manure Tone painli at Clarke's 220 N. Com'l. (Adv.) SPRING CONFERENCE DI E Annual spring conference of Klwanli clubs ol this dimrlct will be held next Sunday at Newhrrg. The program will open with a 1 p m. luncheon and will be follow ed by nomjnaUoni or office of lieutenant governor ol the. dis-trlct. Gat lawn mower, like new, $43. See at 1100 Donna. tadv) MAN WANTED IN TEXAS A man wanted for turnery In South Lubbock, Texas, bought tirei last week at Batdorf'a Home k Auto Supply Hollyyood Store, using a credit, card which wai found to have been cancelled, and fold them In Canny, police-said. ,He wai identified by photographi ai Alton u rt..kBM m It... IL Be aure to see REl'UBLIC STEEL 7.P:.: I' , . m.. .... Lu-u tti card wai luued lo a man REMODELING YOt'R KITCHEN? -the Cadilluc of the kilcheni at a price you can AF FORD, at Jud.ioni, 271 N. Com'l. (Adv.) BROOKS MAN VOLUNTEERS Gilbert Dale Thompson, Brooks, has volunteered for the Armed f orces and will be Inducted Wed nesday at Portland, according to an announcement from Local Draft Board No. 10. The board named Neuens in San Antonio, Texas, police laid. Leaky faucets? SlugKisb drains? Call Judson'i, ph. 3-4141. (adv) IRVING IMPROVES Col. Robert Irving, construction superintendent of the Oregon Mill' tary Department armories and la said call for Inductee, for next . '""'" ni " ' r month totaU leven men, who will Pro,v al1urdt!y ,l lem. S "J reoort Mar 16 . ' eral Hospital. He wai hospitalized 1 Friday afler a heart attack at bis Spring time U lur storage time desk. at Lachcllcs, 1348 ferry. - (adv) MAN BITTEN BY DOG Roy Barber, 1555 N. Broadway St., was treated Saturday morning for dog bite on hii leg, first aid men said. Friendly Farm now open Satur day 12 won. (adv.) Court Apia. (Court fc Cottage) of mcr down town quiet apts., from $42.50 to $56. Ph. J-7440. (adv) GLADDEN MUST FINE' State Prison Warden Clarence T. Gladden, hospitalized Monday alter a slight heart attack, was re ported "doing just fine" Saturday THI MR HIT RY HAMMFR ' b ni Phylcl"' Utile thnW The thumb reportedly was hit by) lor a hammer while ihe wai cleaning Limited number of free scholar- 'Powered Doll House' Intrigues Youngster Lixabelh Weedrleld, Cervallls, Is skewa atwve btUag at a "doll Ihsm" la the "Harare la HorteBerM esMbll al the Par PragreM shew a( Bash Park. Uiabelh waa takea U the sbaw by her graa parents, Mr. sN Mrs. L. V. Skaler, loa N. 21st St. The Geaeral Msun sMMred skew will cleae tonight. . bricks. See toe exclusive new Scott-At-water outboards at Shrock'i. Mo dels from I.I to 23 hp. 1375 High land, (adv) GATE CATCHES HAND Jack Ritchie, 1S2S S. High St., ships now available, fhagan's School of Beauty, 255 N. High. (adv.) LEG FRACTURED IN FALL Mrs. Alberta Jacobs, St. Salem Route 4, Box 28, reportedly re ceived t leg fracture in a fall Saturday morning at Oregon State was treated by first aldmen Satur.!TuberculosU 0 M where he day afternoon for a hand bruised , , she ,ak(n ,0 and cut when caught In a gate, j Salo Genera HogpitaJ by wu)am. Unsightly facial hair removed "e Ambulance about t a. m. Laa,l1L,.nrermanemly- .Hvl; Sa" K- ""Bhes optometrist Beauty Salon, , ' ,1,dv ) formerly , at Boring Optical will DOCTOR "GETS FIRST AID oped offices in Salem soon, (adv.) :lr i- U'Cm ISSUES AT ROTARY ning by first aidmen for minor leg bruises and a scalp laceration reportedly received when itruck . by a car at State and Commercial Streets. Driver was listed by po lice as Helen Elizabeth Schott, Salem Route 4, Box 114. Fast efficient roof service. Cascade Roof Co. Pa. 3-4823. (adv.) DOG FAVORS PAPER BOY Richard Metbvin, 12, of 1245 Wal ler St., told police Saturday after noon he ha. been bitten by the same dog twice while delivering papers in the 2100 block Univer sity Avenue. Mathis Bros, revolutionary Johns Manville roofing shingles. 4-6831. HIT-RUN REPORTED George E. Remington, 2343 Speaker- at the Salem Rotary Club meeting noon Wednesday In Marion Hotel will be Russel Pratt, chairman of the advisory commit tee of the Salem Chamber ol Com merce industrial division. Assisted by city department heads, he will explain the Chamber's support of city bond and tax issues on the May 11 ballot. Friendly Farm now open Satur day 12 noon. (adv.) FIRECRACKER CHARGE Three boys and a girl, aged 13 and 14, were charged with curlew violation after a report that they threw a lighted firecracker from the balcony of Capitol Theater about 1:43 a. m. Saturday. Re leased to relatives, they were or dered to see the juvenile officer Monday. Knox Ave., told police Saturday his. Spring time is fur storage time car was damaged when struck by .. ah unidentified vehicle while'rAR aktckna rrdkf.m Buzz Williams, 670 Riverview Dr., told police a radio antenna was broken from his car parked Saturday morning near Bush's Pasture Park. . .: ' parked Friday night at 680 Wild wind Dr. Dental plates repaired while you wait at Painless Parker Dentist, 125 N. Libert. Salem. Former Salem Man Named To Major Publishing Post Meetings to Plan United Fund Drive risns and strategy lor the ISM United Fund campaign will be proposed, studied and per haps adopted at Important meet ings early this week. Two na tional IT officials are sched uled to outline latest trends in budgeting and campaigning. First on the agenda is a meet ing of the Salem IF Budget Committee, at 4 p.m. Monday at fund headquarters. Objective will be to organize for this year's budgeting job and to be present to offer suggestions will be Charles Sampson, National UF field secretary. Annas! Institute Annual UF Labor-Management Institute is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hotel Marion and will feature panel discus sions and a talk by George Dool ey, of the labor participation de pigment of the national organi zation." Dootewitl discuss la bor's part In the fund drives. Sampson will talk on modern trends in fund campaigns at a meeting of the Salem UF board of directors Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. at the Hotel Marion. Sampson and Dooley also will appear, at the Hotel Senator. Panels Planned . Panels at the tuesday evening institute will include one ' on methods of procedure in cam paigns, with William O. Ham mond as head. Otto J. Wilson will serve as coordinator of a second panel dealing with the agency programs of the 48 states. Also a feature of the institute will be a talk by Joseph Dorid. Aimed at coordinating efforts by labor and management In pro moting UF campaigns, the in-ti-tute is jointly sponsored by the Salem United runds organiza tion, headed by Herbert E. Bar ker, and the Salem Labor-Management Committee, whose head is Norman O. Nilsen, state labor commissioner. Nilsen will pre side at the institute, which is in its fifth year. Science Show to Conclude Run Today at Bush Park The General Moton Parade of Progress will conclude its five-day showing at Bush Park today. Tent show and 26 outside exhibits will be In continuous operation from 2 to 10 p.m. The big science show had at tracted almost 35.000 persons through Saturday night, according Dirths KUZMICK To Mr. and lira. Walter Kuxmick, 1044 Vineyard Ave., a ton, Saturday, April 14, at Salem General HospiUL IWEN To Mr. and Mrt. Wil liam lwen, 3240 Willamette Dr., a son, Saturday, April 14, at Sa lem General Hospital. HAl'GE To Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauie. 2223 Center St.. a son, Saturday, April 14. at Sa- Crov to Bruce G. Overby, director of the Parade. A survey taken at. the crowded Saturday performance indicated that about two out of five vlsitora were from outside Salem, some from as far as SO miles away. Immediately after the show closet tonight, preparations will start for departure from the city on Tuesday morning. Personnel will start tearing down the Aero dome tent, Futureliners will be readied for the road and exhibit! packed in vans. The show Is scheduled to open In Portland an Wednesday night and will exhibit in that city through Tuesday, April 24. Trust Firm Near Choice For Memorial Selection of a Carroll Moorei memorial has reached the negoti ation stage among "three or four" oilers and the final choice may come soon It waa learned here Saturday. ' An olficlal of Pioneer Trust Co.. administrators of the trust fund left by Moores to provide a mem orial lo Oregon pioneers, said letters had been sent out on the narrowed list to get technical de tails including price. He said one answer had been received to far. Apparently out of the running was the marble and bronze offer ing "Spirit of Oregon Pioneer" of Salem's Mrs. Frances Kella Mac- Collia which had the endorsement of the Salem Art Association. Mrs. Kelts said Saturday the had re ceived no communkatioa front the trust company. Some seven models of memorials had been offered to the firm which faces the task of choosing the winner In the controversial case. Some $36,000 hat accumulated In the fund left by Mooret, a former elevator operator for the state who died lo 1937. Selection of the memorial ex ploded into the national limelight three years ago when a citizens committee chole "Venus Vlc- torleuse" a bronze sculpture of the French artist Renoir, A barrage of protest against the nude statute resulted In itt withdrawal. , Results of a public poll on the seven models hat not been re vealed. Considerable agitation for a memorial entrance lo the Salem Pioneer Cemetery has been report ed. Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sun., April Jj, "o( (Sec. )-5 Oirirou Counties Merlin" to Draw Court Mcinhrrs Members of Ihe Marion County Court wilt attend 1 series of spring meetings f Ihe A ! tion of Oregon Counties starting Monday at La Grande. County Judge Rex Hartley and Commissioners Roy J. Rice and Contract Let For School Job At Middle Grove School went Saturday to St. Vincent Plans Dinner lent General Hospital. ENGLAND To Mr. and Mrs. Harlyn England, 1583 Evergreen Ave., a ton, Saturday, April 14, at Salem General Hospital. TERPIN - To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Terpin, Salem Route 4, Box 1S7, a ton. Saturday, April 14, at Salem General Hospital Annual spring dinner, to benefit the school cafeteria, will be served today at St. Vincent de Paul Cath olic parish nalL . The Swiss-steak dinner will be served by ladiet ef the church from soon to 4 p.m. Proceeds will be used for upkeep and expenses in operating the school cafeteria Chairman of the dinner It Mrs Frank Slimak. assisted by com r, . ... ..... , a,. ,j, nunc man man, iih iuuiiik hii p. vomraci "T "TV0"' " i"luu ' , Darrel Hantberry. 4Mn. John Morris. Mrt. Waller Chesley. Mr Hampton Piatt, Salem contractor whose bid ol $4S,5O0 wai tow of five opened Thursday by the Sa lem School Board. Work is scheduled to start im mediately on the project which includes adding two classrooms and a basement multi purpose room to the present building on Silverton Road northeast of Salem. J. F. Siegmnnd. Mr.' Chris Job son and Mrs. Dorothy Robertson. n E. L. Rogers all reportedly will represent Marlon County at the sessions. The aeries schedule includes a Tuesday meeting at Condon, Thursday session at Lakevlew and a Friday meeting at Grants Past. , President of tne association is 7 J is r Lloyd Ret. Haker ('mint and executive secretary I'hipps. , Judge Rra will begin a second series fcr West Side counties it Newport on April 23. A tesska . is let at Tillamook April 28. PIRECTORS Chariot A. Sprtgua, Chairman Ruttelt F. Bonetteelt) R. I. Elfttrom Axel Erics ton Tinkham Gilbert Roy Herland Gardner Knapp Donald B. Peterson Ralph-W, Rtlnot Arthur t. Railing Jacob Weil ConcUrutd Stattmtnf of th Condition of TI12 Ccir4r..:rcinl Bc::!t of Sal:m SaUm, Ortgon at tht clott of buiintit on April 10, 1956 ASSETS Cash and Due from lanki U. S. Cevl. Saevrltlot Uant v lank Premise! A equipment , Total LIABILITIES Capital Stack Surplut Undivided Profit V.i.l f U.I A -A. Inai vapi'ii iuwnn Dettttitt .... Interett Collected Not lamed Total $ 311,41 1,171.333 51 1,460,710.41 11 3,3 3 1. CI $3,499,012X7 .$ 2S0.0C9.C3 . - 67,701.17 267Jr2J ..$J,12.i0.77 M3I.91 ..$J,4M,012.07 AN INDEPENDENT BANK Owntd by 250 Rtnidonti of Saltm'i Trading Arta - NO PARKING rUSS WHEN YOU BANK WITH US - " S2r OF SALEM , CHUICM end CHEMfKf TA STREETS ' Mtl ) MDsjttfttf TRYLEOWALK the marvelous new fitting method for Natural Fit Shoes Foot Defender Shoes already the walk and talk of the townl And do you know that we have an excep tionally complete collection of shapes, widths, sizes . . . that we specialize in sizes 4 to 12? Yes, we guarantee a fit that ia perfect or give you your money back after 14 days! Natural-Fit Silem't Orthopedic She Store 105 N. High Phono 3-3556 18.01 NEW YORK-Arthur H. (Red) Motley, president and publisher of Tarade Magazine, Saturday an nounced the, appointment of Wal lace A. Sprague to the newly created post of assistant publisher. Managing editor since 1949 of the magazine, which is distributed by 52 Sunday newspapers," his most recent responsibility has been working as liaison with Uie editor ial departments of Parade's dis tributing newspapers. He became associated with Parade in 1946 as assistant managing, editor. A native of Washington state, Sprague grew up in Salem,. Ore., and is the son of Charles A. Sprague, publisher of the Oregon Statesman in Salem and former governor of Oregon. He graduated magna cum lauda from Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, in 1938 and received an M.A. in modern European history from Harvard University in 1939. During the war,. Sprague served in the Navy as a public relations officer and afterwards in the Office of Naval Intelligence. In 1944-5 he was assigned as liaison officer for the naval staff in London with the British intelligence services. He Is now a commander in the United States Naval Reserve. Aberdeen- An jmg Field Day Told Carlton McLeod, Brooks, presi dent of the Oregon Aberdeen Angus Association reports that plans were made during the week end for an Aberdeen-Angus field day for mid - summer. Tentative plans have set the. date for July 14 with Hawthorne Farms, Hillt boro as the place. Wear in the Hair ...Clip to a necktie - EXTRA TINY, EXTRA LIGHT HEARING AID Remarkable mlnlaiurt hearing aid . dramatic new Zenith concept in wearing ease and performance. New 4-tramijtor Zenith circuit, miniature extended-range Pirmaphonc and famous Zenith fingertip controls combine to offer truly remarkable performance and clarity. Ineludei cmazinf new dime-dze Zenith tarphont. Another great step in Zenith's crusade for better hearing at lower cost , ".. ,j, M-Oer Mmiflmi tMrartta, OM-fw WoTMtfr, fmftm Urdu Hm. if HI Trf ... H4fl 7 I Morris Optical Co. 444 Store St. Ph. 35S28 To Our Newer and Larger Quarters . . . But,Wt Don't Want to Have to Movi Our Present Stock of Mat tresses and Box Sprirpsl N Prices Have Been Lowered to a New Low .'. . Buy Now and Save Up to Matress arid " ' Matching Box Springs Twin Size ' M tit $10.00 itr J69.90 HOLLYWOOD STYLE BEDS with hiMrtpriAf tM Spriftf $3990 Twin Siio FREE! HEADSOASD AND t Hourwooo UCS WITH iach in ORTHO HEALTH Matresses Y Cm rm tK OiMtrwK ht rnkf'tih Htthti MilhM Cnplt MtHk. ki SV 6990 llcoutrf JUher-Sitt Factory Show Room (Till May 1 st) 305 NORTH FRONT ST. Corner of Court Phono 3-4023-Opon Fridays Till 9 P.M. tajt it SI V I U3 -30 MID ICOII what mm Al BISHOP'S While He's Away-a Whole Hat-Full of Real Old-Fashioncd Bargains! EDAV- lLAO'ir DCS BAV MI C0A' New patterns and shades. All name brands. 2 or 3-button mod els in the most popular fabrics. Values to 39.50. Hart Schaffner & Marx. Michaels-Sfern, Hollywood ond olher famous brands are included in ; the two groups. Worsteds, flannels, tweeds, and sharkskin fabrics. Vol. to 55.00 Vol. to 75.00 100 wool slacks - gabardines. tweeds, flannels, worsteds, in the latest spring patterns Values to 17.95. .... 2 for 18.00 K1 Florsheim Oxfords Broken Sizes Values to 22.95 Freeman, Weycnberg and Evans Shoes Block ond brown calfskin oxfords, leather ond crept vlu 1A 05 . e)OsJ Broken Sizes U SHOP MONDAYS 9 AM. to 9 P.M. BOS Liu Salem's Own Store Since 1890 -.1 ! t' -n iT..1 A .if t r Si tlaetijkiti'nii--ftij-j- .an ,m n ..r a .f A 1