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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1956)
Mirs JcancnD Findloy is Married Of interest to tht couple's many Salem friend is the mar riage of Hiss Ruth Jetnene Find ley, daughter of Dr. and Jin. fcwijht H. Findley of Medford. r.d Gerald Fnnklin Bartx, ton of Mrs. Aaraad E Linker of Port Lnd, which wu solenrtilaed on April at the Mrst Presbyterian Church ia Bedford. Dr. D. Kirk land West officiated at the 3 o'clock rites. ; . Tba bride it tht cratddaugh trr ef Dr. M. C. Fiodlejr of Saleia, who went to Mcdford for tht nuptials., Other mrmbera of tht immediate family attending the wedding from Salem were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lockenour and Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. P. Haddon Brydon, Ian and Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. Paul F. Wulf, Bruce, Mark and PauL and Mr. and Mrs. Bay ard Findley of Rkkreall. For her wedding the bride choat a white tatin gown with deep tulle flounce and illusion veil wtih tiara of seed pearls. She carried a cascade of white rosea centered with Talisman roses. . Mrs. N. B. Bender Jr. of Seat tle was her sister's honor ma , iron. Bridesmaids were Miss Fi delia Bonne of Medford, Miss Dr.nna Leonard of Milwaukie. Miss Vivian Chance of Portland ai.d Mitts Elisabeth Gilbert of Sa lt m. They wort gold taffeta dresses with gold eyelet embroid ery and carried cascades of crest ed daisies. Paul Wulf was the ring bear tr for his cousin's wedding. Bridegroom's Attradi.aU Richard Let of Salem served as best man and ushers were Jick Findley, the bride's brother, Thomas Coad, Thomas Price. Portland. Fred Cook and Thomas Owens of Salem. Miss Margaret llusoc of Med f rd and Miss Sandra Schuermaa of Portland lighted the candles. A reception followed at the country home of the bride's par ents on Old Stare Road. The aewlyweds left on a honey moon to Harrison Hot Springs, Canada and after April 20 will be at hone ia Portland, where Mr. Bartz is with tht Haas and Schawbe law firm. The bride is a graduate of Wil lamette University and is a mem ber of Delta Gamma. She is now trcching ia Portland. Mr. Bartx ,. is a graduate of University of Illinois and Willamette Univer sity Law School. He it a mem ber of Chi Psi fraternity and Phi Delta Phi, legal fraternity. Gold Star Mothers Birthday Dinner The American Gold Star Mothers will celebrate the 10th birthday of . the Salem chapter ' at social meeting. Thursday Bight., at ,tht VFW Han. A covered dish dinner will be served at t:M o'clock with entertainment following. Past presidents will serve as hos tesses for the occasion and include Mesdames Jessie Sanders. Laura Johnson, Ben Larkins, Florence Rogers, Lincoln Olson, Frank Young. George Pro, Jake Lappin, Lucy Lichty and J. D. White. Mrs. Glen Larkins is president of the chapter. Vcd c tAzdlcrd Riles (Mrs. Robert Elfstrom Will Bo'Matrix Table Banquet Sot For April 26 r-' ,V ' ! I ' - - II 1 - l r ii : . . ..- . . 7 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Franklin Bartz (Jeanene Findley) who wera married April 8 at the First Presbyterian Church in Medfod. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Dwight H. Findley of Medford and the granddaughter of Dr. M. C. Findley of Salem. Mr. Bartz. is the son of Mrs. Aurand E. Linker of Port land. (Anders Photo, Medford). Play Will Be Presented ForWSCS Helen Kromer, will be presented by members of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Mrs. thanes Weeber is directing the play, with James Purdy assisting with light ing and properties. Miss Beverlee Fulton is the student director. The cast of the play includes George Baker, Herb Bastuscheck, Jim Wright, Dave Paten, Jim bow. lin. Bill Richter. Louise Henderson Alice Brewer and Fenton Locken- Honor Guest at Tea on Friday I Mrs. Robert L. EUitrom, state president 01 xne rtu amernooa Isnd a member of Chapter G, will be the guest of honor at a tes heinf arranged bv members of Chapter G on Friday afternoon. 1 1 April 20 at the Fairmount Hill home of Dr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Sntuh. Calling hours art from 2 30 to e oeiocs. Invitations have been extended to air state officers of FEO. the past state presidents and all I PEO members in tht city to at- i tend the tea and greet Mrs. Elf strom. Mrs. Brooks H. Moore Is heading the directorate for tht event, assisted by members of the social committee. ' Receiving guests with Mrs. Elf strom will be Mrs. G. Herbert Smith and Mrs. James C. Ran dall, president of the hostess chapter. Greeting guests at the door will be Mrs. Robert Sprague, Mrs. Harold W. Shtgrta and Mrs. Charles A. Patth. Assisting ia the entrance ball will be Mrs. Brown El Sisson, Mrs. E. C Zitze witz, Mrs. Gardner Knapp, Mrs. Ivaa Stewart, Mrs. William S. Cole and Mrs. Richard Petrie. Fa Preside at Tea Uras Presiding at tht tea urns dur ing the afternoon, will be Mrs. Charles A Sprague, Mrs. . F. Williams, Mrs. George Row berry, Mrs. James McAllister, Mrs. F. W. Lange and Mrs. George Ai ken. Assisting in the dining room will be Mrs. Melvln Geist, Mrs. William F. Johnson of Corvallia, daughter of Mrs. Elfstrom, Mrs. Ralph Dobba. Mrs. Paul N. Pol int. Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert and Mrs. Eleanor, Schramm. Inviting guests into the dining room will be Mrs. Alfred A. Schramm, Mrs. Paul Fugate and Mrs. Ivan Fow ler. .-.! Mingling with the guests in the living room will be Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Floyd K. Bowers, Mrs. James W. Clayton, Mrs. Frank Washburn, Mrs, Walter B. Robinson, Mrs. C. E. lllidge, Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs. D. X. Beechler, Mrs. A. E. Robins, Mrs. Gordon McGilchrist, Mrs. Harry B. John son and Mrs. W. W. Moore. Spring bouquets In shades of yellow will be used In the decor about the rooms and on the tea table. Plans lAzdo fcr Ccnvrntic.n Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., April 15, 5t (Vc. 1 1 1 -1 J African Vic!:t SILVERTOS Preparations for ,,L fi.,. Wit the District No. 2 convention, on ,U3 WUyST Wiif "Indian American" is the theme of the evening meeting for Woman's Society of Christian Serv ice at the First Methodist Church our. on Thursday, April 19. It will be a climax to the series of studies on the subject done by the circles, and will include all members of the VSCS. members of the evening circles, and the Weslcyan Service i the circles. Pouring will be Mrs. Guilds. Charles Weeber, director ot the1 i hiijf huiin wulon cnn-itlay. and Miss Adeline Wilson, a ducted by the president. Mrs. Royfcd ol lh ' Lockenour, will be held in tnt u"' u- Carrier Room at 7:30 p.m. Next Following the play, a tea in keep ing with the theme, will be served by members of Circle I and S. irm Martin Ftn .1r Mil Mr Robert Hostetter are chairmen of tion of officers. Past Matrons Dinner The Past Matrons Association of the Order of Eastern Star will meet for a I o'clock dinner Friday night at the Golden Pheasant. Mrs. Leon Barrick is heading the com mittee, assisted by Mrs. E. T. Armstrong, Mrs. John Meier, Mrs. M. C. Petteys, Mrs. C. S. Pratt, Mrs. Gerald A. Keener and Mrs. J. D. Walked. There will be elec- Salem Women Elected to Offices Salem women were selected for seversl offices in tht Salem Dis trict of the Woman's Society ot Christian Service ot tht Metho dist Church at tht meeting held in Albany Thursday. They are: secretary, Miss Wil ms Dearies ot Pratum; treasur er, Mrs. Mervin Gilsoa, First Methodist Church; secretary ot missionary education and service, Mrs. A J. Qulrin, Jefferson .Church; secretary ot ' supply work, Mrs. R. E. Wlngard, Jason Let Church; secretary ot mission ary personnel, Mrs. Georgt Rose berry, First Methodist; and sec retary of Wesleyan Service Guild, Miss Phoebe McAdams, First Methodist The meeting of the Salem tub district wss held in conjunction with the district meetina with the following officers selected: presi- neni, Mrs. W ayne Grodrtan of Sil- verton; vice president. Mrs. Charles T. Stryker of Independ ence; secretary-treasurer. Mrs H. H. Boyes ot Leslie Church, Salem. The meeting at Albany was at tended by 200 women represent ing tne 37 Woman's Societies of Christian Service in the Salem district, all tlx Salem societies sending delegates. Etokta Club members will meet for a 1:15 dessert luncheon Tues day aiieroon at the home of Mrs. fc. a. Boyle, 1590 N. Winter St rhe program will feature 1 trwalr. er from the League of Women Voters. Hostesses wart Mrs. W. T. Gritr. Mrs. Robert Rad- cmie ana Mrs. E. M. McKee. April 24, highlighted the week s , T! Afrrcan Violet Club, Sd!em Invitations were received in Sa- i meeting of Home Temple No. 21, chapter, is having a gue night i km this week for the eighth an-1 Pythian Sisters. Thursday, April U at' the Salem 5 nual Matrix Table banquet given ! The di5,rif, d,puty grand . Wcmaa s Clubhouse at I p re. An ' by the Portland alumna chapter ; of , ehie, Mri. tlM 0ver, named Invitation h t.ftd thrauch the I Tbe Sifma Kappa Mothers w: ' te t..icrtaiwii it a 1 31 dr t .unchfon on Tu !av at t r... if Mrs. Winston Earns, U t. .1 I St Theta Sigma Phi. national profes-1 k.. .nf.n. , - ,- 1 vuuiiiriiv iuuiiiiiiwrs iv ur- . . . , . . . sional nonorary lor women ia jour- eiu(i.. -..ijtr.iio,. un r r ; 1 snjone muTrsieg in Air- Kaufman and Mrs. Orto Thomp-(C w culture w aiieno. year's officers will be elected. TM 'program, wnicn nas oeen arranged by Mrs. Brooks Moore, will begin promptly at I p m. Mrs. Keith Lusted, secretary of missionary education, will present a devotional message following the theme of the "Indian American ttndr. which she has directed in the W circles, using the descriptive tit e. "Within Two Worlds." This is the Dositlon in which the modern Indian American nnas nimseit to day. ' Edith Fairham Gunnar win sing "Love" by Van Dyke. Alice Rose Jones and Edith Fairham Gunnar will sing tht duet "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains." by Harker. Mrs. A. A. Schramm will be the accompanist. Plav U be Presented The play. "Caught Between," by There will also be a display or exhibit in the Carrier Room, a further outgrowth of the Indian American emphasis in the church. All interested women are cordi ally Invited to attend. Bl'EXA VISTA Mrs. Marvla Wilson (Judy Lundburg) was the recipient of a bridal shower Wed nesday evening. Hostesses for tht affair, which was given at the community hall, were Mae Drai doff, Shirley Cobine, Nan McLean and Jerry Niccoli. The young couple will make their borne in Buena Vista. nausm. The a.'fair is scheduled lor Thursday. April M at 7 p.m. at tht Multnomah Hotel Grand ball room. Five Oregoa women have been singled out for special recognition in their respective fields and will be honored as the 19M "Women of Achievement" by the Portland group. Those chosen for tit honor are: Miss Helen unrein, lorvauis, "Mother" of Oregon's 4-H club; Miss Bertha B. tiatlam. head li brarian at tht University of Ore gon Medical school; Mrs. Margar et Thompson HiIL editor and pub lisher of the Parkrose-East County Enterprise; Miss Martha A. ShuU. English teacher at Jefferson High school ia Portland; and Sister Mir lam Theresa, head of the Sociol ogy department at Marylhurst col lege. Award Tt Bt Revealed Another highlight of the dinner 1 will be announcement of tht list, recipient of the Edith Knight HUH memorial award. This is presented by tht chapter to some person who has made an outstanding contribu tion to Oregon. Edith Knight Hill wrote a newspaper column lor Tht Oregonian for many years under , the name of Marian Miller. Charlottt Paul Groshcll, nation ally known author and assistant publisher of the Snoqualmie Falls ; Record, a weekly newspaper in! Snoqualmie, Washington, will be' the featured speaker of the eve ning. Assisting Mrs. Robert S. Mee, general chairman, are Mrs. How ard M. Corning, Mrs. William H. Courtney, Mrs., Walter Graydon, Mrs. Robert F, Hamilton, Mrs. Robert Johstone, Miss Claire Lyon, Miss Martha Mendenhall, Mrs. James A. Peterson, Mrs. Hjalmar J. Rathe, Mrs. Wesley Richards, Mrs. Ralph Severson, Mrs. David B. Sharif. Mrs. J. F. Spang, Mrs. Daryl Swensoa, Mrs. John D. Web ber and Mrs. John S. Wieman, all Portland son; Hospitality, Mrs. Albert Grinde, put grand chief, to be assisted by Mrs. Alva VanOeave and Mrs. Emil Loe; noon lunch eon. Mrs. Delbert Iversoa and Miss Merit Bowen; decorations, Mrs. Harvey Kaaer, Mil E. R. Ekman. Mrs. Earl Meyer, and Mrs. Melvin Kaaer; entertain ment Mrs. Ralph' Adams,. Mrs. Harvey Kaser and Mrs. Clarence Morley; corsages tor guests, Mrs, Berger Feneide and Mrs. Ted Lorenten; pages, Mrs. Olaf Paul son. Mr. and Mrs. Sara StadelL Mrs. VanOeave will give the address of welcome. Mrs. Melvin Kaser is delegate from tht local templt to the district eonvtn- Colored slides of African Violets wril be shown. Mrs. Paul Heath will give a talk and demonstratiod ot flower arrangements, including the ase of the Airicaa Violet Members wiQ have tome of their African Violets on d Up lay and wiQ answer questions ta violet culture. Members tl Chapter G. PEO will meet for a 115 dessert lun cheon tn Thursday afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Robert Spra gue on East Rural Avenue. Mrs. James Randall wiH be the co Don't Bo Fail T!AvUP lM that j loa pomn ) your ry tl.9) or tion, which will be an all-day and evening affair. lM that you r II loao ponaa - ) or mala m tnnad, Ajraa curoa yauf aoptii'a. You am- I aitca.,T eat Wa, VVl S kM vaxht mi j f rail. Appro T -vJ Doctor. No dm a Mtimuiun M,iu.i ZXr A YD G ; VITAMIN AND MINIIAL CANDY . M if avajpV. m 'JLCU3 iptritt m m 111 Ctari Street AUPRACC'S ODDS P2ACIE! Local, Ripo, Swcol Delicious Frc:stcn3 LUCE HOME CANNED Visit Our Retail Cannery Storo GOOD ASSORTMENT FRUIT, VEGETABLES, PRESERVES AUFRAtx mm as. "All Kinds of-INSURANCE and SURETY BONDS" LUAI1 115 -to mm 121 No. HIGH Si PH. 4-3333 This week""" " SEE YOUR DREAM SHOE COME TRUE right on your fool! I ' " , 4 - - - -r ' J2 n uu Built byGensyal Motors Completely fiuloiiiQiie i in, mm IlliV April 1 Come !n. DijcONtr for yourself how good-looking, how fine fitting, how truly wonderful to wear Rtd Croii Shota are. We've lovely selection of favorite spring and summer ityles. a lerg at) telling brand of lot footwter In mt world. StylMfrom g9S ta 2,S Tht Bett Pact to Shop . . . AfttrAII ' prodwcl k ftt eemtOie Tht Anarica No''C"ol IU Crow " An excellent weihtr with II the know-how of Frig, .and Gen. Mo for I built rljhr into It. Offers ye uolity ont) cutrom foo turei or tjollor Mvinf prlte. alamonsy-savi.g Cold Ta Price... f s I'L- V TRADE MOW! Buy Both Built by Genera! Motors iii money saving Cold Tig Price 95 Liberal Trade-in Allowance NO MONEY DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT FREE PARKING! FREE DELIVERY! 260 State St. Pho. 3-9148 OPEN MONDAYS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M.