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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1956)
Tomorrow's Sunday A'rtri o Special Church Activitiet in Salem and Iht Valley Council of Churches Adds Director of Migrant Work " A full-time migrant director has been added to the staff of the Oregon Council 'of Churches, It was announced this week by the state office in Portland. - The new director is Miss Betty Jane Whitaker, who is presently working with the migrant program Presbyterian Church To Hold Annual Meet The annual congregational meet 1m of First Presbyterian Church will be held Wednesday night at 7:30. The meeting will be preceded with a dinner for members and .friends of the church at 8:30. Reservations for places at the dinner must be made In advance. This is the occasion for the elec- Farewell Set Sunday Night ForBarths A farewell reception for the Rev. and Mrs. Omar N. Barth will be held Sunday night following the evening service at Calvary Baptist Church.' Friends and members of the church will honor the Barths for their six years of ministry spent here in Salem. The Rev. Barth with, his family will leave Salem next week for an extended trip through the southern states, arriving In Paterson, N. J. about May 1 to take up his duties as pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church. In connection with the departure of the Barths the Builders Class, at their monthly meeting last week, presented a surprise, "This Is Your urn prowam ""Vjr' benevolence and current ex. Barth. with many members of the-;. u.-v-.rti-h ciass rem,n,..m u rr UH.u.. u. the six year ministry. In the morning service Mr. Barth , . : ;.l,.i t will speak on the subject. "What Do You Know?" The worship hour will also include the Service of Parental Recognition and Dedica tion of children. In the evening a baptismal serv ice will be conducted and the ob servance of the Lord's Supper will follow. One of the last acts of Mr. Barth's ministry will be the re ception of 25 new members into the fellowship of the church, 17 of them joining by baptism. Pastor Called For Corvallis Church Unit Capital Baptist Church, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Conven tiqn, is sponsoring a Southern Baptist Church in Corvallis and has extended a call to the Rev. Johnny Johns, a graduate of the Southwestern Baptist Theoloeical Seminary, Fort Worth, Tex., to be mission pastor of the new church The Rev. Johns has just com pleted a revival meeting with the new group. The new Church in Corvallis will hold services in the Women's Club Building. The Rev. Marvin Jones, paslor at Capital Baptist, will conduct the services this weekend at the jfwworkin Corvallis with the Rev. Lewis S7 Steed, area mis sionary for the Southern Baptist Convention preaching in the Re vival now in progress at Capital ReWv.l service, will continue through Sunday at Capital Baptist with the Rev. Steed as evangelist. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MARION AND COTTAGE "A FAITH THAT HOLDS" Morning Worship, 10:45 Church School 9:45 Youth Activities 4:00 7:30, Evening Worship "TH! STORY OF TWO BROTHERS" vK -S- V- First Church of Center at 1 1 r A i : i Salem's Singing Church I , ... in Indlo, Calif. She will take over her position In Oregon on May 1 and her horn office will be in Portland. , Miss Whitaker's work will in clude supervision of the migrant worker program' over the entire state. Working with the Division tion of officers for the new church year. Eight elders, the policy making body of the church, are to be elected for three-year terms; three trustees will be elected for a term of three years; 17 Deacons art to be elected. Every organiza tion of the church will have a brief report presenting the salient tea tures of the year's work together with their financial reports. Treas urer Bjarne Ericksen will present the report for the church financial year. The congregation is also to act on a proposal of the elders to change the fiscal year of the church from April 1 to March 31 to a calendar year basis beginning next January 1. V Another significant report at the meeting will be mad by the church Building Council 'through the chairman, Charles A. Sprague. Initial studies by the architect for the development of the new build ing have been presented to the Council and will be reviewed by all of the subcommittees on Wed nesday afternoon preceding the Congregational Meeting. Dr. Harry Atkinson, director of the Bureau of Church Building of the National Council of Churches in New York, will be in Salem for thia Wednes day afternoon consultation with the firm of Stanton, Boles, Maguire it Church and the committee mem bers. . The progress of the Every Mem ber Canvass for the new church lvnr u oense biWct will oe renoneo oy .fc rfj of fc , ' " Delegates of Salem Named To Conference Several Salem persons will at tend the annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon which starts Sunday night at Trinity Episcopal Church in Portland. Delegates from St. Paul's Epis copal Church in Salem will be Dr. Dean K. Brooks, Wallace P. Car son. James G. Watts and Dr. A. D. Woodmansee. Alternates will be Dr. Robert T. Boals, John A. HpII7p1 .!ame J. Walton and Paul A. Lardon. Women's Auxiliary delegates will be Mrs. George H. Swift, wife of St. Paul's rector, Mrs. Gordon Shattuck. Mrs. J.E. Law, Mrs. P. W. Byrd and Mrs. George LrHill.--- The opening service will be at I p.m. Sunday when Bishop Ben jamin D. Dagwell will make his annual address. All sessions throughout t h e convention are public. Unitarians to Hear Message The Salem Unitarian Fellowship meeting at 10:30 a.m. in YWCA will hear Mrs. Gordon Gil- bcrtJotLread a sermon by the Rev. A. Powell Davies entitIed,The Uses if Frustration." The Rev. A. Powell Davies is minister of the All Souls' Church (Unitarian) in Gil bertson has been a member Gordon Gilbertson will be the worship leader. "3 the Nazarene Thirteenth 9:45 Sunday School 10:50 Worship . f Sermon by the pastor, William F. Clay 1 6:30 -You Hour 7i30 Farewell Sermon Rev. Williapi F. Clay i who has served the church for the past three and one-half i years will preach his 1 - closing sermon. f I THE PUBLIC IS INVITED 1 of Home Missions of the National Council of Churches, she has been assigned exclusively to the Oregon program. A resident of San Diego, Calif., for much of her life. Miss Whitaker attended state colics there until 1942 when she Joined the WAC's for three years. Following mili tary service, she was graduated from the University of California and in 1951 won an M.A. degree in church social work from Mc Cormick Presbyterian Seminary in Chicago. She later serviced with the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. as director of inter-city projects in Chicago. Since 1953 she has been with the National Council of Churches in the migrant minis try. Four Corners Church Plans Mission Week SUIfioua News Service FOUR CORNERS - Beginning Sunday at the 3:30 morning wor ship service the congregation of Tfinlty Methodist Church will hear the Rev. Joe B. Kennedy, whose work in Christian leadership in cludes almost every phase of reli gious advancement, not only in the Methodist Church, but in the world wide religious movement. The Rev. Kennedy is comine here on a preaching mission from April I to 15 Inclusive. There will be a special Youth Rally on Sun day at 7:30 P.m. with the visiting minister as guest speaker, and each evening at 7:30 throughout tne week. The Rev. Mr. Kennedy is a na tive of Memphis, Term. He has a degree from University of Ala bama; a B. A. in psychology from Southern College; and a B. A. in iworoar iruin binary univemuy. Kc was pastor of Airport Hills L8.1 f'!!"1' ) cai a. lie in jimiuiiai niair- man of the M.Y.F. and founder and president of International Christian Student Fiundation which sponsors student exchange for special study both in the U.S. and foreign countries. The Rev. Kennedy was invited by the Youth of Malaya to speak to the aU Malayan M.Y.F. confer ence in Singapore in April 1952 and has been invited to return this April to Malaya. He has traveled through 47 coun tries during his two trips around the world and has traveled behind the Iron Curtain. At present he is doing Evangelistic work in Amer ica, preparing to return to the East, and to help support the Foundation which he began. He will leave Salem for a tour of the East and for mission . work In Ros sia with Dr. Sherwood Eddy. , Faith Topic of Pastor's Talk "The Touch of Faith" will be the subject of the sermon by Pas tor James E. Krati at South Sa lem Church of the Naiarene at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Also featured in the morning service will be the Chapel Choir directed by Paul Harris and a special mes- thHSage.n?ong The regular 9:43 a.m. Sunday School Hour will begin with an assembly period, at which time re ports will be received 'by delegates from the annual Sunday School Convention held in Eugene this week. Superintendent Geo Bres slcr reports numerical gains in average attendance of the Sunday School in the last assembly year. I The "Crusaders Choir" from the ! Salem Academy will present an ! afternoon public concert on Sun day at 3 p.m. Members of the church will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 for the annual business meeting. Reports will be heard from the pastor, de partmental leaders, the secretary of the . church, and the church treasurer. Elections for the com ing year will be held at which time the new Church Board, the Church School Board, and Sunday School Superintendent will be se lected to serve for the coming year. You Are Invited to Final Services CONDUCTED BY Pastor Omar N. Barth CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH South Liberty and Miller Streets 11:00 "What Do You Know?" 7:30 Baptisms, The Lord's Supper RECEPTION FOLLOWING EVENING SERVICE Morning Service Broadcast Over KGAE, 1430 Kc. Director ft I S is: Dr. H. William Nordla wh. wlU dlrwt the Wheat, III., Cslh-g Mra's Clre Club la a Salem cob cert tonight. College Group Plans Concert Here Tonight Dr. H. William Nordin will pre sent the Wheaton College Men's Glee club, -Wheaton, III., in a pub lic concert at First Baptist Church tonight at 7:30. Starting his 25th consecutive, year as professor of music and director of men's glee clubs at Wheaton college, Dr. Nordin has a rich back ground of experience in choral mu sic, ror many years he directed the Wheaton oratorio choir of 300 voices from the college and the community at both the Easter and Christmas seasons. Before coming to Wheaton In 1931, Dr. Nordin conducted Swed ish American choirs, touring this country and Europe. When he pre sented his choir in Sweden he was made a Knight of the Order of Vasa for his leadership among Swedish-American groups. His boys affectionally call him 'Uncle Bill" and their response to his directing has provoked most favorable comments by music crit ics. - Dr. Nordin and his glee -men are traveling by bus and will present concerts for their short between-semester tour in Chicago, Peoria, Collinsville, and Quincy, III., as well as two concerts in St. Louis, Mo. ,, In - -i salem Church Women Plan Annual Meet Of interest to Salem church wo men during the coming week is the annual meeting of United Church Women, woman's depart ment of the Salem Council of churches, to be held in Knight Memorial Congregational Church on Tuesday afternoon at 1:30. The nominating committee, Mrs. Dick Sorlck, chairman, will present for election the slate of officers for 1936-57 and Mrs. Robert Stutzman, chairman of the finance commit tee, will recommend the proposed budget for adoption. Among annualreports of-the year's work of UCW will be those on migrant work by Mrs. Orville Bowers and on the rehabilitation work in the state institutions by Mrs, Roy Grettl. Mrs. C. E. Jaqua will present detailed plans for the observance of May Fellowship Day on Friday, Mav 4th.. Mrs. Sidney VanDyke, president will preside. Christian Science Lecture Slated Sunday Evening How to apply Bible teachings in solving individual, home, and other problems will be the topic of a public lecture on Christian Science- In-Salenv Sunday-by-AriU-j old H. Exo of Chicago. A member of the Christian 1 Science Board of Lectureship, Mr. ' Exo will speak under the auspices 1 of First Church of Christ, Scientist j in Willamette University auditor ium at 3 p.m. His subject will be "How Christian Science Reveals Man's Greatness." I Currently on a nationwide lec ture tour, Mr. Exo has lectured extensively in Great Britain, Ire land, Continental Europe, South America, and the Caribbean. A BROADCAST PLANNED Beginning Sunday, April 15, the American Baptist Laymen's Hour will be heard in this area over Station KGAE each Sunday morn ing from 11 to 11:30. This broad cast will be sponsored by Calvary Baptist church. . Albany Minister to Give 1 Talk at Silverton Church IUIhimi Nrwi Srrvlre SILVERTON The Rev. Ralph Hines of Albany, retired Lutheran pastor, will speak at Trinity Luth eran Church, Silverton Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday School teachers will meet Tuesday night at t o'clock at the church. Guest pastor at Calvary Lutheran Church will be the Rev. J. R. Turnbull of Salem. Calvary Luther League meets Sunday night at the church. , The Silverton Union High School Chorus will sing at Pilgrim Holi ness Church Sunday at the H o'clock services. Pilgrim Youth meets Sunday night at 7:30 with Easther Nettleton in charge. Ccmrounio Planard ..Communion meditation will be observed Sunday at the 11 o'clock services at First Baptist Church, with the Rev. C J. Cording in charge. A Young People's meeting will be held at 6:30 pm. followed by the evening gospel service at 7:30. Immanuel Luther League meets Sunday night at 7:30. Immanuel board of deacons will meet Tues day night at I o'clock and the board of education, Friday night at 8. The Women's Chorus will sing "Eye Hath Not Seen" by Gaul, at the 11 o clock services at Silverton Methodist Church. Both junior and senior MYF groups will meet Sun day night with Dr. Norman L. College Band Plans Concert Sunday Night The Pacific Lutheran College concert band from Parkland, Wash., will appear here Sunday in the Parrish Junior High Auditor ium at S p.m. Sponsoring the local appearance will be Grace Lutheran Church. Gordon O. Gilbertson, now in his second year as director of the band, has chosen a program of marches, classical selections and novelty numbers for this spring's concert tour of Washington and Oregon cities. To add variety to the program, Prof. Gilbertson will present two musicians in solo numbers. Gerald Bayne, trumpet, and Llnd Karl- son, baritone, will be featured.' Closing the program will be Chorale and Alleluia" written es- pecialy for band by Howard Han-a sort, one of America's leading con temporary composers. In March Dr.- Hanson visited the Pacific Lutheran College campers and directed the band in this number at a public concert. The 46 members of the band have practiced daily for six months to prepare for this tour. Pastor Reveals Topic of Sermon "The Bright Side" will be the sermon subject of the minister. the Rev. Louis E. White, at the 11 o'clock service at Knight Mem orial Congregational Church Sun day morning. Miss Mary Eyre Is superinten dent of the Sunday School which meets at 9:45 a.m. Holiness Group To 'Meet Tuesday Marion County Holiness ' Associ ation will conduct its monthly j services Tuesday in the Weslyan; Methodist Church. There will be a service in the morning at 10:30, at which time: the Rev. James Kratz. pastor of j South Salem Naiarene Church will be speaking. The Rev. John L. Sheets associate pastor of Pilgrim Holiness Church will speak in the evening service which begins at 7:30.- FIRST PRESBYTERIAhT CHURCH CHEMEKETA AND WINTER "The Man Who Robbed God" By Dr. Poling Two Services: 8:45 and 11 a.m. KOCO 10:00 a. m. r chat 'Great lits -'.i'rtiA'Vr. ii i (tins r Dodds as counsellor for the Junior Hi and Mrs. Lorren Barr as Senior Hi counsellor. Monthly Dinner At First Christian Church, the congregation will hold its monthly fellowship dinner with its quarterly business meeting following the Sun day It o'clock a m. worship. Sun day nitht the film. "The Robe". i!l be shown, starting at 7;30. Song service at Seventh-day Ad ventist starts at 9:15 Saturday followed by the Sabhath School. Speaker at the 11 o'clock morning service Is C. D. Overton, elder of the Monitor church, lie will talk "Astronomy and the Bible." Multnomah Bible School Choir to Sing Slaleunaa New Servlre KEIZER Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Multnomah School of the, Bible A Cappella Choir will give a concert at Kelier Commu nity Church in its newly finished sanctuary. Since 1936 this choir has become increasingly well known and an overflow crowd is expected to hear the SO-voice group under the direc- lnrhin nt Plnnr f inlKlnm CtvAfl. Ish knrn rnnrfiu'ini. mnA milciftan The Multnomah School of the Bible is an interdenominational college in Portland. Its choir is preparing to make an extended tour in the spring and this is the only visit planned Tor the Salem area. A selection of varied choral numbers is planned. The church is located one block south and two blocks west. of the Keizer Grade School. Reincarnation Topic of Talk "The Search for Bridey Murphy ,H a recent book on reincarnation, will be the topic of the sermon preached by Dr. Julian Keiser In First Congregational Church, at 11 a.m. Sunday, .At 9:30 am, the Adult Bible Class will discuss "Biblical Light On Desegregation." On Wednesday, April 11th at 1:30 p.m., the Men's Club of the church will meet for dinner. The speaker will be Dr. Perry Avery of Cor vallis. Friday, April 13th at I pirn, the new Young Married Couples group will meet for a party In the church basement. Salem Truth Center 114 Court St. . Sunday 19 a. n. Youth Class 11 a. n Worship Metaphysical Lecture Wednesday S p. m. Prayer Clinic Metaphysical Library ' Book Store Monday Friday, 12-4 First Congregational Church ' 704) Marion St, , 9:30 A. M., Adult data -Biblical Light Desegregation" 11 A. M., Worship "Search for Bridey Murphy" Dr. Keiser FIRST METHODIST -CHURCH- DowA Town the Tall While Spire 9:30 and 11:00 a. m. "The Rise of the Christian Church" Solo, Ronald Craven ' Broadcast KSIM- 11:30-12:00 Brooks H. Moore Minister hcrt h a Green ft ill TJifM is t grctn hill far suoy, Without a city mill, VVhcrr tltr icar Lori u crucifci, W'lio iid io savt us nil. Hf id llwt ut might lie forgmn, . H id to make usgooi, Tlwl ut miclit go at Usi to eavn, Said fry Htj precious blood. - Wlioi m o tiff lilllf SunJy Sdiool girli Itctml ianmoHily ill, Mrj C. AUxtnJtr Ml at lW iliiU't itisxil, mi mrumftili uthIc (fits liym. Ttif cliiU ruHtrd, mi idrwut her lijdimc fitjovti rrriB ft Ait li Iwr wry cum kymii. Attend the Church of Your Choice i . i ii L 1' r w i n i i ii i rr ti fUNRAt HOME Phono 3-9139 Statesman, Salem, Ore, Sat., April 7, 195(3 (See. I)-7 Anniversary Statetman Nwi rvlre DALLAS. Ore. The congrega tion of Trinity Lutheran Church. Dallas, Is planning special services In connection with the 10th anniver sary of' the organization of the church on Sunday, April . Speaking at the II o'clock serv ice will be Dr. S C. Siefkes. presi dent if the Northwest District tif the American Lutheran Church. The former pastor,, the Rev. K. A. I'fer, of Pullman, Wash., will de liver the sermon at the S o'clock service. Lunch will be served in the FILM PLANNED I 1.ABIS1I VILLAGE The film "Martin Luther" will be shown at the Labish Village Community church Sunday night at t o'clock, I according to the Rev. B. M-. Books, I pastor This will take the place of the regular Sunday night serv ice. Salem's METHODIST Churchti Welcome You West Salem 3rd and Gerth Oscar Olsaa, Pastor Church School t:4S Worship Service at 11:M a. a. Fint 435 Slate Brooks H. Moore, Pastor Churrb School and Worship, 9:10 and II M a. a. Jason Leo Memorial N. Winter and Jefferson Ernest Goulder, Pastor Church School at 1:45 Worship Service at 1I:H Leslie 8. Commercial and Meyer Robert Mcllvtana, Paster Church School at 9:43 Worship Service at 11:0 Morningside Community 3201 S. 12th John Morange, Pastor Church School at 1:45 ' Worship Service at 11:M Trinity at - Four Corners 590 8. Elms Ave.' Joe A. Harding, Pastor Church School at 9:45 Worship Service at 1:3 and 11:01 a. as. District Buperlateadenf of Salem District, Dr. George Rote berry, 11SI N. Summer. Congratulations to Molalla Nazarene Church on beautifying yoiir house of tcorship. Paws manufactured and installed by EDIGERS WOODWORK, Dallas, Oregon j FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. T i wanon ana iidvitv, aivm. vrvgon - r af Vhere Is a nl--' Jz NURSERY ' FM " YOUR CHILDREN AT All SERVICES Sunday School h Calling Tout Sunday Wi Kid 1180 Attending DR. ANDERSON PREACHES ON SUNDAY 11:00-"Th Tos of frjWAIf ,', , t 7:30-"Warnings Against Apostacy" FAIR TRIAL If you havt nrvtr f ivm the Bible fair trial in your life, why not listen to its menMje with us this Sunday? Its pagea contain lh nawer to life's perplenitiea. Tht Kuril tf CtyJ . . . livith and 'bidtth forttir. I Peter 1.23 Service Dated church assembly room for all visit ors and members atfer the morn ing service, and a tea has been planned following the afternoon session. Foursquare Church 490 N. 19th ?: 1 43 . m. ttrnif. - (KmI MS p. m. Vm , trvk ilea.. "A Iwm lift" 7 AS p m "Tha Pr4i( T Oifn" A MlfNtXY WflCOMI AWAITS YOU The Lutheran Churches tf $aUm WELCOME YOU ST. MARK'S (V. L C.) 343 North Church Service 11:0a a. m. Sunday School 1:3 a, m. John L. Cauble, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (L.C. Mo. Syi.) 14th and Court St. Service 11:3k a. as. Sunday School a. as. B. W. Cross, Pastor GR ACE (E. I C.) 3100 Suaayview Avenue Service 11 a. ss. Sunday School :4i a. as. La well Bolte. Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD (V. L. C.) 372t South Commercial Serviet 11 a. as. Sunday School 1:45 a. m. 0. W. Ebrlghl. D. D Pastor FAITH (U. L. C.) . 4505 North liver Road Servtca 11 a, ss, Sunday School 1:45 Warren W. Peehmaa, Pastor CHRIST (A. LC.) Slate at 18th Street Services 1:31 a. .as. tad 11 a. in. Sunday School, 1:45 I. as. - T. M. Gebhard. Pastor centraTTl r. c.) North Capitol at Gaines Services 11 a. as. and 7:31 p. as. Sunday School 1:45 a. as. Harald Grindal, Pastor & Place for Ye $ 3 Itv. Iy L I limit ifrttt tnd Urtk ut kw iht iturtfi that nmti Jnm lb nwrmg nV7 a JrituJ. Ltarn tin jtf frinJtbip with Chriit at mr (hurfh thiiSanJay. " Then is a TritnJ that Uith tlhchurthaaahnthtf, " Proverbs 11.24 It Sunt Tuna hi Yew Itidit it 11:00 XSIH-Dilly it 1:15 i.m. ZJh i muii lis i M. f. ,'V '1 0 in ... j, f. 'A -s. Church at Tarry