The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 23, 1954, Page 9, Image 9

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    4 ? . ;
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Society - Women
Stateaiacm. Salem, Orei Friday, July 23. 1 35 4 (Sec 2 1
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--Mnw wirmiMi imiiipii. Ammmmim. ..:'..-:- v v-. mmwm 'wm'''Wi'- I tiiw '
Cottage Pudding gets a new outlook or life, -when" It's made, into such a modern
- dessert as this. Mocha Cottage Pudding uses up leftover breakfast, coffee in the recipe,
end of course should be served with cups of freshly brewed coffee- " This is just one
. of several .ways to make the good . old favorite Cottage Pudding.
Statesman Woman's Editor "
.With all the high-powered recipes cooked up by such as we, to
eateh the fancy of readers, what has ever become of some of' the
old ones like cottage pudding and burnt sugar cake? ,
" Maybe we should turn our attention to some
of them, for they used to be good, and they still
must be. just as flavorful.
Let's look at the last first Here is a recipe
for burnt sugar cake,, and though it may not be
just like grandma made, it should be good on a
modern menu: '
2 eggs 1 cup flour -
1 cup sugar Y tsps baking pdr.
3 tbls. burnt sugar syrup Yi teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons melted butter . Ya cup1 coconut -v v
6 tablespoon brpwn sugar . 3 tablespoon cream
Beat eggs until very light, add sugar and beat again, add salt
and Yt cup hot water. Add flour, baking powder and the burnt
sugar syrup. The-more you beat this cake the better. Bake at 350
degrees for 25 minutes in a 9 inch by 12 inch cake pan.
Mix ingredients together and spread on baked cake. Place und
er broiler until bubbly and brown. Serve with or without whipped
As we remember cottage pudding, it was a simple one-egg cake
served with custard or lemon sauce. It was one of our favorites, and
still is in many households. Too can get a recipe for cottage pud
din in most any recipe book, but here's one that it a bit different
It takes chocolate and , some cold coffee to give it the -color, and
flavor. .... c ..v,
- Here's the recipe, which, by the way, is a good one to use up
that leftover coffee one hestitates to throw away:
cup shortening ;
Yt cup sugar
1 egg. well-beaten
Vx so. (1 ox.) unsweeten
ed chocolate, melted u
' 1 cups sifted flour.
2 teaspoons baking powder :
Yt teaspoon salt 1
Ya cup evaporated milk
teaspoon baking soda
cream shortening and sugar, add egg and beat welL Add
netted chocolate. Mix and sift flour. baVin? -iwwAer n it rnm
, . o f " ewii,
Dine evanonted miTV. rnffpe 9nrl haVins mnA KAA fln
and coffee mixture alternately to chocolate mixture. Bake in greas-
cu rmwj square caie pan in moaerate oven, 350 degrees, 40 min-
u or uaui aone. erve warm witn nulfy vanilla Sauce. Makes
9 squares.
Combine 1 cup sugar and cup water in saucepan. Stir over
low. heat until sugar dissolves. Cook to 238 degrees or; soft-ball
stage. Beat 2 egg yolks until thick and lemon colored Pour syrup
slowly on yolka while beating. Continue to beat until creamy. CbilL
uu x laoiespoon vaniua. wmp l cup wnipping cream and fold in.
'A favorite in. the old days was a lemon sauce served on the
one-egg cake for Cottage Pudding.. Here is a thin sauce for the
ae&sen: . . - ...
- mirT m i..a.t n . . . .. . '.-' -
2 tblps light corn syrup . ' 2 tablespoons butter
U cup sugar - 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Ya cud water -,
Boil sugar and syrpp with water in a small saucepan for 5 min-
wiuiuui Burring, nemove 'irom neat, aaa cutter and lemon
juice. i N
Young Fryers in
Baked Main Dish
Down South, where food reaches
heights of legendary goodness, a
famous hostess created this dish.
2i to 4-pound young tender
fryer ,
Flour, salt and pepper
2 onions, finely chopped .
2 green peppers,-chopped
1 small garlic bean,' minced '
1H teaspoon salt
Hv teaspoon white pepper
3 teaspoons curry powder
-2 No. 2) cans tomatoes
teaspoon chopped parsley t ,
pound almonds, toasted -3
heaping tablespoons dried -currants
2 cups cooked rice
Cut up the chicken in pieces for
frying. Remove skin and roll
pieces in flour, salt and pepper.
Brown in fat. Remove chicken
from the pan but' keep it hot. (This
is a secret of the dish's success.)
Into the fat put the onions, pep
pers and garlic. Cook very slowly,
stirring constantly. Season with
salt pepper and curry powder.
Add tomatoes, parsley and thyme.
Put chicken in roaster and oour
mixture over -it If it does not
cover the chicken, rinse out skillet
in which mixture has been cooked
an! pour over chicken also. Cover
roaster tightly. Bake in a moder
at oven about 45 minutes, until
the chicken is tender. .
Place chicken in center
large plattey and pile the
cooked very drv. around it.
drop currants into the sauce mix
ture and pour over thefriefi Scat
ter almonds over the top. Garnish
with parsley. .
of a
KASHIOBWE. Kasenea. - Bel
gian Congo UV-Two large herds
of wild elephants have invaded
the Kashiobwe area destroying
plantations and terrorizing natives.
Nothing has been done so far by
the authorities to destroy the ele-
pnants or drive them away. Bel
gian Congo elephants are protect
ed by. law from destruction.
Fresh Peaches
Make Mocha Pie
Fresh peaches have their place
in pie, and here's a new one on
use . r
. 4 egg whites .
V teaspoon cream of tartar
I tablespoon instant powdered
4 drops almond flavoring .
cup granulated sugar .
" 1 cup heavy cream, whipped
3 fresh peaches, peeled, sliced
.. Yt cup sugar, for peaches !
Beat egg whites until foamv.
add cream of tartar. Beat untjl
blended.' Add coffee powder and
almond flavoring. Beat until Rtiff
but not dry. Add sugar gradually,
beating until mixture stands in
Grease 8 - inch elate and riust
with flour. Turn egg white mix
ture into pie plate and spread to
eage. tsaxe at 325, degrees for 20
CooL Just before serving snread
with cream and top with peaches.
Makes one 8-inch pie.
No susar is' necessary in rook
ing dried prunes because this
fruit is naturally sweet
Bacon Ma Ices
Dinner Menu
In Summertime
.' " - v.-
A food that's heartv and nu
tritious . also can be perfect for
STimmertime eating when it fea
tures refreshing flavors and tex
ture. Such a food is bacon, a
year "round favorite combining
cnspiness and flavorfuiness that
make it a natural for summer
service, i
Select a top quality bacon tha
has an unsurpassed flavor.- This
.bacon comes in-1 pound or
Dound nacka?es so . the smart
homemaker can purchase accord
ing, to family needs. You also
can choose bacon in the thick
or thin slices 'denendinp rsnnn
personal zamiiy preference.
Yon naturally want maximirm
flavor and goodness from bacon,
so tium it within m wmV mttmr
purchase. To store, keep iacort
covered Ha the refngerator, and
go remember - that bacon should
not.: be frozen
By-Products' ' .
Pan-frying, broiling and baking
are zVL good , ways to prepare ba
con.: "And bakins is DartitralarW
suitable, for cooking bacon in
Quantity, because vou dont have
to turn it or watch it closely.
After you've cooked bacon, help
the budget out by saving left
overs and drippings. Keep the
drippings in a covered jar or can
in a cool place and use within
two weeks. Bacon drippings are
wonderful for adding a bit of
smokey flavor to dinner vege-
taoies or breakfast griddle cakes
and waffles.
Leftover bacon can be reheated
in a moderate oven (350)
about 5 minutes. Crumble it as
an intriguing addition to foods
tnat need a bit of exciting flavor.
Scrambled eggs, muffins, cooked
corn, lettuce salad and macaroni
are just a few of the foods that
take on new glamour, with the
adoition of bacon bits.
; Bacon sandwiches are alwav
popular, and especially for sum
mertime eating when appetites
tend to lag. Here are two re
freshing sandwich recipes guar
anteed to increase family eating
enthusiasm. .And the bacon, let
tuce ana tomato sandwich is a
clever new adaptation of a sum
mertime zood special.
'12 'slices bacon A
6 thick tomato slices .: '
1 3 large English muffins, split
6 tablespoons butter or
' . margarine
Lettuce ;
f 6 tablespoons mayonnaise -6
stuffed olives, sliced
.' Pan-fry bacon and wran 2 k1im
around a slice of tomato. Toast
and. butter 'Enelish muffin.
Cover ea6h half muffin with let
tuce, tomato and bacon. Top
with mayonnaise. Place olives
on mayonnaise. Serves 6. ;
Yield: 1. cud enough ; for
3 slices cooked bacon, chopped
1 nara-cookea egg, chopped
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
: 2 tablespoons pickle relish .
2 tablespoons chopped celery V
2 tablespoons salad dressing
Combine all incredienlt. Altnn
about Y .cup filling per sand-
woman sued to recover $8,540 she
said her husband lost playing
cards. " But Judsre Ralnh UTrOo
ruled agains her, declaring that
to agree wim her would enable all
husbands to regain their gambling
losses. :
BOSTON Ut On donare.anH.
cents basis Massachusetts Figure
probation pays off. Latest state
statistics snow it costs $1,653 an
nually per prisoner to keep men
in jail compared with $39.31 oer
prisoner for probation officers.
Refreshingly Cold,
Drink Filling Too
( I . . . , .i
. Prune Summer fooler trnlo
. H N- wiuv vii a uiiiiiicx uaj vuu
wnats more, there are surprisingly few calories involved. These
coolers are made with dry skim milk, a scant quantity of sugar
and flavorsome prunes. The natural sugar in prunes acts as an
I cup cooked prunes. . - 3 cups sugar
Yi vcup prune cooking liquid cup granulated sugar
cup dry skim milk teaspoon nutmeg . v ; .
Cut prunes from! pits and force through a sieve. Combine with
cooking liquid. Sprinkle dry skim milk over water and beat with
rotary beater until thoroughly mixed (or shake in a jar).. Blend
in sugar. Turn into refrigerator tray and -place in freezing com
partment. Freeze until about half frozen. Turn out into large bowl,
add nutmeg and prune mixture and beat until light and fluffy.
Makes about 5 (8 ounce) glasses. -
Hamburgers for the outdoor
grill party should be even in size.
Pat out he meat on a board and
cut out rounds with a cookie cut
ter. If you are adding seasonings
to the meat mix them in before
patting out
j -
Among the warm weather drinks that give nourishment while quenching the thirst
. are the .various flavored milk shakes. This one, a prune beverage, takes dry milk solids
and therefore provides less calories than the richer ones. -
DULUTH, Minn, tf) A masked
gunman who stole $200 from Ezzy
Lebo, a grocer, mailed ! back $60
of the loot, and promised to return
the balance within a year, with 6
per cent interest "if I get a job."
The letter added. "I have a tre
mendous; conscience . j . but I
also nave a stomach that is big
ger man; my conscience
"Grease, fqpd and liquids spilled
on the kitchen floor, and using
rickety chairs and stools to stand
on to reach high places, are the
main causes, of falls in . the
kitchen. Playsafe, wipe up spills
as soon as they are made; use a
sturdy kitchen stenladder when
you have to reach a high shelf.
The more food that "goes
through" the freezer, the less op
erating cost there will be per
pound. Families who arrange to
"live out of" their freezers as
much as possible, and thus have
a rapid turnover of frozen food,
make the most economical use of
this appliance.
O U U LiiLj.. clj lL:-J o
, jcar .off -fhi)
Look -for th& peca(ok Jar
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grlniJ !
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ready. ifq'.-'Esarsff - insfanily'