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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1953)
1 l' Old Timers Convene at Sweet Home Stgtoarnrm, Satan' Oris Friday, Aug. 21, 1S53 Cm. 33 V ..M--.iw. mje ii 1 11 i a 1 h1 i m-. mmm.m& mm mm r- SUteimia News srrte SWEET HOME The Old TiTmarm Ttfnif at Swwt TTfirrm ' AUUAW Jf-- , ' ' City Park drew 117 person Sun- t , " . - i cay. ; - - , . Dave King, 92, Holley, was in troduced aa the eldest man pres ent; and Hiram, Pickens, 86, Fos- . - & t ter, as eldest person porn w me Sweet Home Valley, j Geraldean Guthary; 94, was the eldest woman present and was crowned queen of the picnic. She has lived in the community for 71 years. - H -:v 1 Master of Ceremonies John T. Russell introduced guests includ ing Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Van Duren, newcomers: to Sweet Home. Mrs. Van Duren is better known as "Klondike Kate" of the Alaskan gold-rush era. Church Society j To Furnish Hall At Jennings Lodge lutiuui Nw ferric PEDEE The Women's Society of "Worlds Service of the EUB Church voted to aid in furnish ings for the rooms in Eby hall at Jennings Lodge eamp ground at a meeting at the home of Mrs. J. W. McCormack. Mrs. Dewey Cummins was ac cepted as a toemfcer. Visitors were Mrs. E. A. Burbank, Port land; Mrs, Lester George, Mrs. Elizabeth Braun, Dallas; Mrs. Howard Perry, Kings Valley; and Mrs. William Pease, iPedee. Amity Lodge to -Invite Lyonte Girl To Report on UN Stalcsmaa Newi ; Serrie AMITY Industry Rebekah Lodge has voted to invite Miss Marjorie Prichard jf Lyon, re cent delegate to the United Na tions Youth Pilgrimage, to a meeting in Septembejr. Neighbor ing lodges will be invited to the meeting. The date will be an nounced. Honored at a birthday party af ter the lodge were Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs, Mamie Yjarnes, Soren Sorenjen, Rose Wood and Bev erly Robinson. Mrs.iT. M. White presided. Valley Obituaries i i J Imi Ann Viwnun STAYTON Funiral services for Mrs. Lena Ann Yeoman, 84, North Scio, will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Weddle Mortuarj in Stayton with the Rev N. Neuield officiating. Interment will be at Lona Oak Cemetery, f A Stayton resident until re cently, Mrs. Yeomanj died Tues day: at Santiam Mefnorial Hos pital. 1 Surviving are four sons, Ralph, Independence; Earl, Y a c h a t s ; Glen, Crescent City,! Calif.; i d Kenneth Yeoman, Stayton; two daughters, Mrs. Ndrma Wells, Scioj, and Miss Berdiie Yeoman, Portland ttfo sisters,! Lillian Jar nagin, Coburg, Ore., fend Hannah Busey, Lebanon; ang 12 grand children. ' i I Susan Davis I l SUUinua Nwt Berrlc SHERIDAN Funeral services for Susan Emilie Davis were held at Sheridan Wednesday with in terment in Green Crest Memorial Paris. She died Aug: 15 in Mc Minnville, and is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerald Davis, two sisters, Charlene and Delores, a brother, Dennis, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Sharp and W. H. Davis all of Sherjdan. , VALtEY ALAN WIESNERS HOME NORTH HOWELL Mr. and Mrs. jAlan. Wlesner have returned from'jPuyallup and Mt Vernon in northern Washington! where they. visited many cane fruit and straw berry; farms. They returned by;, way df Victoria, B. u, and Port land where their tf o children were staying with Mr. Wiesner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miles.! 3 ATTEND UNIT MEETING UNONVALE Officers of the Unionyale Home Extension Unit attended the officers training meetiifg at 'McMinnvllle. Going were Mrs. Carrie Kidct, chairman; Mrs. JjLdolph Hraba. Mrs. Louis Mageef The project leaders meet ing 04 corsage making will be held in McMinnville August 28. Vallky Births 1 fcutjmn News Service W1LLIAMINA Mr. and Mrs. Harold? Anderson of Grand Ronde are the parents of m son, born Aug. 1 at McMinnville HospitaL Mr. ind Mrs. Roy Zimbrick of Willamjina are the parents of a son. Grant I David, born Aug. 16 at McMinnville HospitaL Vern Huddlejstoa, : Willamina, is t the grandflther. l"? Mr. and Mrs. Fred MendenhaH of Willkmina are the parents of a son, bdrn Aug. 14 at Dr. Barrs Clinic "' Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKen xie of jSheridan are the parents of a daughter born Aug. 14 at Dr. Bair's Clinic " Mr.' and Mrs. John Funk -of Sheridan are the parents of a son, born Aug. 18 : at McMinnville Hospital M &&xJ 'k ' For J11 iwmwmmmmmmm mm wmmm mmmm 3mm , m&wskmmm mm mmmmml Wnk---: 1 'i ii ii -: , . m v - f ' "Simple for. r -7 ... Sunnier Desseris: f r;8l l .' jDelicions Fla Jfl? j FOR HEALTH : V ON A HOT DAy , (fZIc 4 $1.00 V j Peanul Bnliei 1 All Ihe Famous Brands Yon Know and Trust Shop at Your Friendly i IG A Stores! You'll Save Honey Too. It I SPECIAL LOW PRICE BEST FOODS MARLENE OR TABLE READY COMPARES WITH THE BEST FULL QUABTS A lb. pkgs. Lb. Pkg., 21c SIIITH'S ran n (u 0 2 1 Pound Loaf BAKED FRESH DAILY 1 Bath's Black Hawk - Cooked - Boneless - Skinless - Shankless LQ D5DD0 4'i lb. lin Each FRESH - COLORED PAN READY 1-lb. 14-oz. to l-lb. IS-oz. Fryers Each 2 9 Armour's Star - Boneless Wast Fr VEAL ! KOASI lb. CASCADE OR SWIFTS PREMIUM WIENERS Skinless Lb. Cello A3 U. S. GOOD GRADE - STEER ONES Wall Trimmad Pound 1 II ill u Fresh, Bed, Solid,; (fl Ripe, Pound EMM CISKI Fresh, Sweel and Tender Dozen A3 Sunkisi Juicy GARDEN FRESII Ml In Carry Home . Toie Bag 11 Or Green Onions Bunches Hie white Tnnn STAR Solid Pack Baa. 2V4 Six Tin Chunk. Style, 29 1 PORTLAND PUNCH II & II Candy ' Never Melts la . Hot Weather 6 pkgs. 25 c Sieero Bouillon Beef, Vegetable, Chicken 5 Cubes JTr lo Pkg. 0C CEBTO ! FOR CANNING 8-oz. Bollle BAKERS IGA CREAM STYLE' 115, IGA DELUXE GffiFFEE . LINDSAY MEDI7M ripe 3 .MMSHMAUO Drip or Lb. Can 24b. $1.73 cans 290 903. Cabs Rg. S7c CRISP APPETIZING EVERYDAY FOOD ENTER WHITE KING SOAP ; $72,000 Contest j Giant Pkoj. i Entry Blanks at L G. A. Stores Regular Packag . b 29e SIERRA PINE f TOILET SO WHITE KING WATER S0FTEUEB Pkt, Shsp Al These Independently. Owned and Operaled IGA Siores for Saiisfaciion and Savings - ' IGA FOQDLXNER 1 7 ' YOUR FBIEXTDLY t IGA STORE mj WEST SALEM WALLACE ROAD AT 7TH YOUR FRIENDLY i ;. IGA STORE AT , , ; . 3045 S. COMMERCIAL i i ! i YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1233 STATE STREET Bars 230 caa 250 n YOUR fRIENDLY IGA S ORE AT 4200 It ipEREOAD : it