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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1953)
CSity Mews ESfSeffs DAR TO CONVENE ! The annual fair of the DAR chapter of the Willamette vtV . ley will be held at Champoeg 4 next Saturday afternoon. Chap ter! from different towns mil have charge of particular booths. The proceed! 'go to maintain the DAR cabin at Champoeg with! it store of historical items off in terest to Oregonians. A caretak er's cottage 1 being erected : alongside the cabin. I : ! i I - .Modern 3 bedroom house j 3 blocks business center. Phone 3-9181. :. WRIST HURT IN FALL j Mrs. Viola Harrelson, 85,? of 1315 State St, fell as she was en tering the Nazarene Church at 13th and Center Street -Wednesday evening and sustained a frac tured wrist She was treated? by Salem First Aid and taken! to Salem Memorial Hospital where her condition Wednesday night t was considered "good- SALE of furniture, clothing and rummage, Thursday and Friday. 3855 State St MENTAL FILM SET 1 Toymaker," a film showing the effect of fear and suspicion in interracial stresses, is sched uled for the Mental Health For om meeting at Salem Memorial Chapel tonight at 8 pjn. The film employs puppets to show Its mes sage. The meeting is seventh! in a series on mental health tfub jects. J RUMMAGE Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 290 Rosemant, West Sa lem. I CLUBS PLAN RUMMAGE f The Bnai B'rith Willamette Valley Women's Lodge and the Temple Beth Sholom Sisterhood will hold a rummage sale Aug. 26, 27 and 28 at 216 N. Com mercial St, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. IT'S always cool at Shattuc's. GROUP INCORPORATED Articles of incorporation were filed Wednesday for the Salem Area Painters . and Decorators Joint Committee, Inc., Salem, non profit: 0. M. EngdahL W. A. Merrifield, Sam Patzar, et at RETIRES FROM FIRM Notice of retirement from the former firm of John Fisher Plumbing Co., 270 N. Lancaster Dr., "was filed Wednesday with the county Clerk's office by Leo M. Fisher. Public Records SUPPER SCHEDULED The Degree of Honor lodge will hold .a no-host supper at West Salem Park at 6:30 p.m. Friday. Ice cream and coffee will be fur nished. All members - and their friends are welcome to attend. DYNAMITE caie opens ! Thurs day, 262 Lancaster Dr., featuring Chicken & steaks. Breakfast, din ner 4 lunch served from 7 a. m. to 10 p. nv Free coffee and dough nuts all day Thursday. KORENIAN ON TRIP John Korenian of the Korenian Oriental Rug Store left by plane Wednesday for New York and other eastern points on business. He will also visit Child's City at Moose heart ILL ' FUN for you, and profit too, in the Classified ads! To solve prob lems fast, call 2-2441 for an ad writer. GIRL BURNS ARM Eight-year-old Didi Warren, 3840 La Branch Ave., sustained second degree burns on her arm on a toaster Wednesday while playing at her home. The burns were dressed by first aidmen. GOLDEN AGE PICNIC Golden Age Club will hold a no-host picnic at "Uncle Georges" Crestwood Acres, Friday, Aug. 21. Members will meet at the YWCA at 11 a.m. POT Roast of Beef with German Potato Pancakes is the $2.00 Spe cial at Shattuc's Chateau Thurs days. LIONS TO PICNIC The Salem Lions will hold their annual picnic at the Blind School Thursday, Aug. 20, at 6:30 p.m. This will replace the regular Thursday noon meeting. Rummage Sale Over Green baums Thursday, August 20, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Turner A.R.E.M.E. Club. rrogr Wood Assist . ' ... am wets Farmers Cain Farm woodland owners In Ore eon : realized a cash income of more than $20 an acre from tracts harvested under the Woodland Assistance program in! the 1953 fiscal year ending June 30, ac cording to Charles H. Ladd, sen ior service forester for the state forestry department ! In his annual report Ladd points out that 988 operators on farm woodlands had received in structions on proper cutting prac tices in harvesting i 35,110,000 board feet of timber i from 40,- 384 acres of land. Cash value of the forest product to i the own ers was set at approximately $818,087. t Ladd said that 290 farms most ly located in the Willamette Val ley, were involved. j Recently the State! Forestry Department has established a part-time forest service in the Coos Bay-Bandon-Coqualle area with offices in the court house at Coquille. j Wood products harvested from the areas receiving this assist ance in the overall state program averaged almost 875 board feet per acre for all typer of forest items. Ladd estimated that 1713 acres of young, immature timber had been saved from premature harvest through consultation with the owners. The statewide report indicated that farm foresters had referred woodland owners to 53 private forest consultants for cruising, management plans and other technical forestry phases which are not undertaken in the state farm woodland management program. MUNICIPAL COURT Buddy G. Kara, 1125 Dearborn Av-, cited on charge of reckless driving, ipase continued to Sept 1. . - ' f ; ! f Ronald Ivan Culver; 3378 Rob erts Ave. reckless driving, fined $25, . 1 j John D. I Lang, 1653 ; Nebraska Ave., reckless driving; jined $75. MARRIAGE LICENSE$ I Gideon Bentz, 36, Sacramento, aircraft worker and' Fay Ann Riley, 24, Aurora, atiome. f Presley I Wiley Meacham, 21, Monroe, Ark., farmer! land Mary Joyce Grimes, 18, AumsviHe, state worker. - Edward Bernard Wlchman, 20, 1960 Center St, U.S. Navy and Jeanne Nardone, 19, 1126 Ruge St, at home. . Richard Welsh, 27. 816 Mill St, meat cutter and Jean Ann Ringwald, 20, Salem Route 3, box 907, bookkeeper. j Bernard; Vandecoevering, 27, Mt Angel Route 1, farmer aid "Hofon Bere. 22. Grants Pass, do mestic, j CIRCUIT COURT State of Oregon vs Vancouver ' Plywood Co., a corporation, Jess Lee, doing business a Lee Log ging Company, Ford Mi Converse, Edith Converse and jRussel L Heacox, doing business as Russel L. Heacox Logging Cof: Plaintiff motions to strike and tfiake more definite and certain aiiswers and defense of defendant f f Claude Revington Smallman Vs Clarence T. Gladden: jDefendant demurs and denies alligations in amended and supplemental tra verse for writ of habeks corps- David C. Baum vs Eajrl T. New bry, Robert Y. Thofnton and Richard Deich, Olga Freeman and Walter IL Dodd: DefefadanU an swer amended complaint and ask dismissal of complain. j Iva L. May vs Walter Rontte: Plaintiff seeks $20,0Cp general damages and $84.50 spbcial dam ages for alleged injuries result ing from automobile ccident Jennee S. Rawsons Samuel D. Rawson: Soit fojr divorfce charging cruel and inhuman treatment Seeks return! of $20,000 allegedly invested in defendants holdings. Married Juiie 6, 1948 at Salem, Oregon. Fred Hampton vs Edna Hantp- Divorfce. decree granted. CO RECS TO SKATE Members of the Co-Rec club will go skating in Lebanon Fri day. Transportation will be avail able and will leave - from the YWCA at 6:30 p.m. Rummage sale over Greenbaum's Aug. 21st and 22nd. Opening 8:00 a.b. Good rummage. START NEW COMPANY Assumed business name of Rog ers Tire Co., 1230 N. Broadway St, was filed Wednesday with the county clerk's office by Grant c. and violet V. Rogers. Fresh killed young turkeys. To bake or fry, 39c lb. Orwigs Mar ket 3975 Silverton Rd. Phone 4-5742. CIIEMEKETANS PLAN TRIP The Chemeketans will visit Pa melia Lake Sunday, Aug. 23. The group will leave .at 7- a.m. Final Step in I Sewer Pro ject Due This Fall i ton: DISTRICT COURT Lydi Amanda KlehlJ 4M3 Haz el Green Rd., charged with driv ing while intoxicated, pleaded In nocent and posted 5Z30 balL PROBATE COURT B. Franklin Tucker f state: Pe tition seeks confirmation of sale of real ; property. I Margaret Ann Bush a minor: Sale of personal property authorized.- i I -. j I William Peter Pauls instate: Or tier appoints Dale Pierion as ad ministrator and Ralph w. Sko piL Lois Maederer aid Robert Anderson as appraisers f Edward H. Muller, estate: Or der appoints Louise Pftriek add Marguerite Allen as $o-admins-tratrix and George Skaggs, Frank Fire Groups Stress Work Coordination Coordinated use of mobile ra dio and revision of the mutual aid running schedule was stres sed at a meeting of the rural and city fire departments in the southern half of the county at a meeting .Tuesday, night in the Sublimity Fire Hall. Chiefs and directors attending representing the departments of Four Corners, Turner, AumsviHe, Sublimity, Stayton, Mill City, Jefferson and Salem. Fire Chief E. L. Smith, Marion County Civil Defense Fire Dep uty, served as moderator of the meeting. It was decided that the run ning schedule, which specifies the movement of fire apparatus to a major fire and coverage of areas behind the fire, would be brought up to date so as to assure better protection in both the cit ies and rural areas. The revised schedule will be submitted to the Marion County Fire Fight ers association at its meeting September 16. Use of radio was explained and the necessity for standard operating procedure outlined. All of the participating depart ments except Mill City and Jef ferson are equipped with mobile apparatus, with the Salem police-! lire radio as the dispatching cen ter, as part of the over-all coun ty civil defense program. Deputy State Fire Marshal M. J. Gilson made a plea for the directors of the rural districts to cooperate more closely with the volunteers of who man the fire fighting apparatus and become acquainted with operation prob lems. The last step in diverting Sa lem's sewage from the Willam ette River to the city's new sew age disposal plant will be taken this fall. City Manager J. L. Fran ten said Wednesday. Preliminary work has already begun on a site at South Church Street near the Mill Stream where the city will build a lift station to carry a small amount of sewage to the plant via the main Church Street line. This area, -said Franzen, is ser viced by old sewage pipes and is the only area which still sends its sewage to the Willamette. When completed a few sewage pipes will be reconverted and a small lift and pump station will be built, similar, but much smaller, Franzen said, to the West Salem station which sends its sewage to the Salem disposal plant Thus far, only scrubbage has been cleared away, and a few pipes repaired. Franzen said several other sim ilar lift stations might be built in the city later on. Boy Scout Appeals For Help to Locate' Lost Duffle Bag A young boy scout from Port land has appealed to Statesmen readers to help him locate a duffle bag of clothes he lost about Aug. 8 while en route to Breiten busn Forest Camp. Scout Robert Jones, 5303 S. W. 50th St, Portland, as travel ing to Breitenbush via Wilson ville Ferry, Salem. Stayton and Mill City. The bag contained a Bible with his name and Glen- cullen Baptist Church inscribed It was being hauled in a trailer, Births Police, Firemen Learn First Aid- Some 15 firemen and seven po licemen this week completed an 18-hour course in first aid instruc tion. Ellsworth Smith, Chief of the Salem Fire Department said. - The lessons1 were given by a Red Cross approved instructor, Wayne KuhL 1610 N. 19 St ; Courses in first aid are given periodically to members of the fire and policet departments. ;- . am mm. WEINBERG To Mr. and Mrs. William Weinberg, 5230 Newberg Dr., Salem, a son, Tuesday, Aug. 18, at Salem General Hospital. MILLER To Mr. and Mrs. Roger Miller, Salem Route 5, Box 75, a daughter, Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Salem General Hos pital DICKEY To Mr. and Mrs. Noel H. Dickey, Salem Route 3, Box 715, a son, Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Salem General Hospital. WARD To Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Ward, 475 S. Winter St, a son, Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Salem Memorial Hospital. HURD To Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hurd, 1566 Court St, a son, Wednesday. Aug. 19, at Salem Memorial Hospital BURGER To Mr., and Mrs. Leroy Burger, 2709 Hulsey Ave., a daughter. Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Salem Memorial Hospital. Statesman, Salem, Orw Thursw Aug. 20. 1SS3 S. U if j" Lm factory close-but on Harmony House (3A2JXSUU tV.; rsil VI r i It 1 1 l i I . , i t INI f II A V 1 I I t, T - - I ' 4 1 . , I m E ) m Mi ' W r 1 W 111 I S , t - . ! , , - i I . ' ii - -t i I l I i ( . ; IJ v . ' 1 Lw 1 T t . ! . I 1 Y V V V y I II II I VI I -T ii' It .i II r "U- : I 1 'tP ' - t i .. ii i r W1' : Srf i ! 3 Pkys Only Tocay Fri., Sat; ! L! Only 10 down on all Carpet 9-FT. WIDTHS 12-FT. WIDTHS SIZE 9x1 0'9 9x1 1'9 9x1 3'6 9x1 5'9 9x1 2'6 9x1 3'9" 9x1 S'Z" 9x1 2'Z" 9x1 4'6 9xl5'9 9x1 6'9 9x1 4'6 9x1 5'9 9x1 2'3" 9x1 3'9 9x1 5'6" 9xl2'6" 9x1 3'9" 9xT5'6" 9x1 2'9" 9x1 5'6" 9x1 7'6 II 9x1 9'3 Owl ULU 7 A I A U 9x1 4'9 91 6'9 9x1 2'9 9x1 6'3" j RIC. SALI color pwcE pR,CE XT,, "na4r850 Worthlngton - 1 op jr qj mq All Wool, Grey T.HT Worthington i Q7 QC 111 14 All Wool, Grey 10.C70 III.IO Worthington i of) OC 190 4 All Wool, Grey IXT.tJ worthington 197QC; 10314 All Wool, Green L6 .Vd WO. I t Worthington 1 Aft AC m mj AU Wool, Green lU.HO I IO.H Worthington 1 CO OC OC MM AU Wool, Green IvJO.Z,U T 5A5 101.47 147.95 119.25 160-25 129.45 170.25 137.44 89.95 75.50 SSLiZ 97-25 81.50 . cN.; cp. 76.45 64.22 J5.45 71.78 SI 95-75 80.25 r1- Zl 77.95 65.52 Cotton, Beige cltton,' BeUe 85.45 71.78 Cotton,' Beie 95,75 80.25 wc,T;"rt T17T22" loi- t&gh ' 142 J22L33 U,",t l60l5" 137.65 175F 151-05 115.50 99.35 t"' 13579" 116.59 "aJg?. 153.49 131.91 "U 117.72 101.27 m50 114.67 149.50 1 128.07 I YOU SAVE SIZE 20.95 12xl3'3 12xl4'6 12xl6'3" COLOR Worthington All Wool, Grey Worthington All Wool, Grey REG PRICE 180.45 197.25 ill 1 12xl7'6 12xl3'6 12xl4'9 26.98 27.81 23.98 28.70 30.80 12xl6'6 12xl73 12xl2'9 12xl3'9 12xl53 12X16T 32.81 14.45 15.75 123 13.67 12xl3'3 Worthington All Wool, Grey Worthington All Wool, Grey Worthington All Wool, Green Worthington All Wool, Green Worthington All Wool, Green Worthington All Wool, Green Worthington All Wool, Beige Worthington All Wool, Beige "220.45 236.95 183.95 200.25 223.75 233.65 174.00 187.20 Worthington All Wool, Beige Worthington All Wool, Beige Nutex, Loop Cotton, Grey 12xl5'3" 12xl6'9 12xl2'9 12x19 15.50 12.43 12xl6'3 12xl3'6 12xl4'9" 13.67 15.50 15.95 20.00 12xl6'6" 12xl2f9" 12xl46 12xl6'3. 23.30 12xl8'6 24.92 16.15 12xl26 UxlW 12xl6'6 1920 21.58 16.45 18.83 12xl8'3 12xl2'3 12xl4'9 12x1 69 T2xl8'9'7 Natex, Loop Cotton, Grey Nntex, Loop Cotton, Grey Natex Loop Cotton, Green Natex, Loop Cotton, Green Natex. Loop Cotton, Green Natex. Loop Cotton, Beige Natex, Loop Cotton, Beige Natex, Loop Cotton. Beige Loop Velvet Grey Loop Velvet Grey Loop Velvet Grey " Loop Velvet Grey . . Loop Velvet Green Loop Velvet Green Loop Velvet Green Loop Velvet Green Loop Velvet Beige Loop Velvet Beige Loop Velvet Beige Loop Velvet Beige 207.25 226.00 109?95 125.75 137.75 105.95 121190 133175 112.90 121.175 I SALE PRICE 145.25 158.49 177.05 YOU SAVE 320 38.76 190.29 T47.90 161.15 179.70 187.65 139.95 150.54 166.44 182.34 92.25 105.44 115.34 88.95 102.15 112.05 93.90 102.15 43.45 46.66" 36.05 39.10 44.05 46.00 34.05 36.66 40.81 43.66 17.70 20.31 22.41 17.00 19.75 21.70 18.00 135.75 156.95 177.95 198.75 225i50 15395 180.95 201L75 222.50 150.95. 18C.95 113.70. 135.00 152.89 170.76 193.74 132.46 155.45 73.32 191.16 129.91 204.75 228.50 15M5 175.07 196.30 19.60 22.05 21.95 25.06 27.99 31.76 2i.49" 25.50 28.43 31.34 21.04 25.50 28.88 32.20 3-9191 550 N. Co pitol Crawford and appraisers. i Charles Vick . is oilllll I 1