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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1953)
. . i'.i 1800 Ileal Estate 800 Real Estate 800 Heal Estate R00 Real folate 800 Real Estate 850 Automotive Skrtmotn, Salem. Or-, Sunday, Aug. 18,' 19S3U(Sc 1 1 , I ,000.00 EHA Terms. Lovely 2-BR home about S year old. Ka dining V , , , room. Att'd garage. Owner must have larger bom. Trad .for J- t,S00.00TeiTM. Tuli basement with fireplace and extra room. J-BR ' gUatered home, living room with fireplace. Close in location. 9 1,900.000 Suburban", East. BR for! the larger family, full basement. Saw dust beat. Large lot. Really room for living. TRADES TRADES rOR SMALLER JPBOPERTY $13,000.00 Fort the most attractive buy In a 4-BR almost new home. , Basement, areolae. D. Room with french -doors to flagstone- ter- race. Ceramic tile in kitchen and bath. Lovely outdoor living area ' includes barbecue, patio, expensive pdantings, 'i-acre lot ; with berries, fruit and garden. NJ. Suburban. ! , 9 8.950.00 i Acre, almost new 2 BR. nicely arranged, plastered ' Ranch style home, attached garage, inside, utility, good well, dose in South. Low down payment. - . . IU.SOO.00 Englewood. Cape Cod, 4 BR. double plumbing, large L. Room with fireplace. D. Room, eating space in kitchen, nice small yard V with beautiful plantings. Near "D" on 23rd. 9 f.950.00 2 feR very neat, plastered, insulated, corner lot. Richmond School, near store and bus. Gracious 4 BR older home. In the city, on a park -like acre of ground with sawdust furnace. D. Room large kitchen with nook. Fully Suurtered. Double plumbing. Huga walnut and' many fruit trees, outh. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 191 S. High Andy Halvorsen-Ph. 3-7163 A. Wells-Pb. 2-3731 Evenings and Sunday Phone 2882 A. E. Beckett-Ph. 2-4581 THREE BEDROOM -SENICH HIGH LOCATION This home is one of the best located; for family with children in grade and senior high school. Has large living room with fireplace, dining room, larg kitchen, one bedroom down, two up, utility in basement. Auto matic oil furnace. This is an exceptionally good buy at $12,500.00. Call Dale Rayburn for appointment to see. $150 00 DOWN rULL BASEMENT Yes. that's right! $150.00 down. Closer in downtown location. Mutt have ap- . pointment to see. Three bedroom, full basement, full price $7,000.00. Call CheL Nice lot all fenced "RENT Si EATER" One bedroom suburban cast. Full price only $2,950.00. $300.00 down. 88 ACRES TRADE FOR HOME OR INCOME PROPERTY This farm has three bedroom home;with full basement, with plenty trees and shrubs, barn, brooder house, walk in deep freeze, turkey equip ment. 1.400 feet highway frontage 99E. Has two good wells, very nice orchard with cherries, apples and filberts. Owner will trade for home or income property (prefer apartments). Asking price $33,000.00. For more information call Dale Rayburn. THREE BEDROOM APPROXIMATELY TWO ACRES Nearly new three bedroom, two aeries located near Salem Heights school. Lovely yard. Owner anxious to; move to California. Low down pay ment to right party. Full price $12.900 00. Call Chet. HERE'S ONE IT WILL PAY YOU TO CHECK Cleanliness and convenient living are the features of this home located on very attractive paved street. Three blocks from McKinley school. Two large bedrooms, big kitchen with lots of built-ins and attractive dining room, large living room with reception closet, hardwood floors through out. Automatic oil heat. Insulation, weather stripping, large attached garage. Lots of nice shrubs and flowers, good lawn. Only $9,950.00 with top F.H.A. financing. Call Jim. THREE BEDROOM HEART OF HOLLYWOOD $12,900 00 -Very attractive large lot with automatic lawn sprinklers, lots of pretty shrubs and flowers Double garage, full basement, nice fireplace, one block to St. Vincents. Call Jim. RAWLINS REALTY 100 N. Capitol TihbetU J-74M (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT. REALTOR) Office 2-4M4 or 4-1761 Eveningt Phone: Chet 3-62.16 ; Jim 2-8578 Dale Rayburn 2-2045 OPEN HOUSE Saturday Kvc. 4 :30 to 8 :30 VIEW PROPERTIES 548 K'ngwood Drive I Bedrooms , 21 x 50 Daylight Basement 3 Baths i 2 Fireplaces 1 x 36 Party Room ; Double Garage Plumbed for auto, washer and drive Immediate Possession $16,950 a 561 RivciHiew Drive d pedrooms Nice Kitchen with dinette Plumbed for auto... washer Living Room with Mahor paneled Fireplace Single attached garage New paving Included Immediate Possession $10,500 Call Del Shields. "Homeflnder- . JOE HUTCHISON, Realtor B8S Edgewster Phone 4-5743 , If no answer call 3-B045 or 2-4789 1085 LA VONA DR. OPEIN! SUNDAY 2 P. M. TO 3 P. M. LOVEI Y 3-hedroim Rnch style home, colored bath, hardwood floors. fireplace, piped oil furnace, located on a quiet St. overlooking Salem. Win he sold nji low down paym"1- Drive up Glenn Creek Kd. to 1000 block, turn led at View Dr. 1 block. -Business Directory- ADDING MACHIfr ES ALL MAKES adITng machines andF typewriters sold, rented, repaired! Roen. 4V pout- Phone 3-8773 v:rN I'M f ' " "" J WINDOWS, dourl. screens, awnings Cliff Wilson Ou.. Portland H. PI Lrnton. Salem. Phone 3-683 1 APPLIANCE SffttVICE BfcNDIX Croalea and Uotpcunt Sale and Service. Eplph Johnson AppU-" ance. 353 Center St. Ph 3-3139 j Y EATER APPLIANCE CO 373 Che--; mckcta Phone 3-4311 J BUILDING ANdI REMODELING I CARPENTER. Miiilder. contract o lav work. D. JR. Peterson. Phone w -;i76. ENGRAVING M XTIRFSSFR i CAPITOL Bedding Mattress reno i valors. Full line New mattresses j Phnne.1-4(6. j 1KSIN. liilMK iSfAlK ST NURSING HOME -50J? Rve Ph 4-1387 Ph ENGRAVING Half-tones. tine etchings F if n ej Workmanship: Prompt service Salem Engraving Co division c Statesman Publish-, teg Co., 380 . Church St. Phone 2-2441 J f PAINTING AND DECORATING JAMES S DOWNES, Painter and Dec- orator. 1793 N. Front St. Ph. A '.BU . PA1NTLN 6 t'AlNTINO St Papering Free esti- nples 3-9513. 857 Shipping PLUMBING UtNtRAL REPAIR and pumps De- ,-at'ir St Maerz 970 S. Cora'I Ph VB5? : I'RINTIN'Ci - -. rVNACE CLEANING ? BILL'S Fuxnax cleaning. All work futly guaranteed. Phone 3-1245. ; BOUSE.MOYiyP '-4 j HOUSEMOVLNC and lacking up fo foundations, j Bales 61 Brady Ph; S-4542 546 Ni High HOUSE MOVING, raising, leveling and foundation work. 10 years ex perience. Fully bonded and insured! - J"re estlmaleji. Phone J-aotd of 4- fOI St. HOI. D i PR O OL'CT ; R. WATKlK 4Co products. 1134 S. Com'L. S.em- Ph. S-5385 Free UTt)ry. j ; LAWNMOWtm 1 PKiNTING Complete Printing Service. Prompt deliver, reason able o-tcea Commercial Printing Department. Statesman Publishing Ca Dial 2--441 KOAO GRADING " TlLfi DltCHWC. Joy Strlckfaden. PhMie 3-510. , SAND AND GRAVEL WALLLNG SAND and GRAVEL CO. Crushed rock. For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-Mix concrete Garden sand Bulldozing drainage j and ditching vd shovel and dra lirx- Phone 3-9J49 1 .Sg.PTK TANKS ! Mike's Septic Service Tanks cleaned. a rooter cleans sewers, drains Ph mm. HAMKL'S setUc tanks cleaned. Line ervir. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-V404 SHARPENING Sales and Service; Dougherty Bicycle ; and Mowet Sfo i3t tfah-ert.un h 3-7li SHAafbAlMi Uuarnteed er'icc; New oower land hand mowers Call Harrv W Voft. M7 SCrm1 St! MGWTTNG 7XTt'Rr:gj SALEM'S Exclusive lighting storel 1U M. HlgS St. PB. a-94 IX $100.00 Down . Here is a good starter, en bedroom. . .living room c. kitchen, with two bedrooms and a bath roughed in,. Thia house needs a lot of work, but It baa a good foundation aad a good roof. Pay only $35JM per month. I I J2on tfonti REALTOR ' PHONE: 4-4454 1955 fairgrounds Rd. Eve. Phone 2-8241. 4-4777 Economical septic tan service Guar anteed work, i TODD'S Ph 2-0734 SEWER Septic tank, drains, cleaned. Roto-rooter sewer service. Phone 2-8727 TOOL SHARPENING LA WN MOWERS Saws Shears We pickup r l$th and , "D". Phone U IX DUItXJNG Domestic Irrleation. Industrial. H. A Robinson. 2214 N. Front St. Ph. 2-22U. - Open House 2.00 r. M. to 8:00 P. M.. SaL and Sun. at 1429 Marshall Drive. Just com- gleted, large 3-bedroom rancb type orrve with fireplace, forced air oil heat. Extra large utility room. Large corner lot. Paved at., restrict ed district. Go to top of Morning side hill on S. 12th street, turn east on Strong road to Pringle road. Fellow signs. You can trade your home in on this one. RELMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 S. High Street Phone 3-9203 CAR OR CASH NEW 2-bedroom home, nicely fur nished, hardwood floors, automatic nil heat, garage, paved St. in good Dist. Especially priced at onlv $8,200. Owner will take late model car or will sell on reasonable terms. Call Mr. Anderson. C. V. KENT & CO. 458 N. Church St. Phone 4-2293 Eves &.- Sun. Anderson. 2-1744 RELMANN CHICKENS! CHICKENS! Only $300 down buys ' acre place : with extra large chicken house. I room for several thousand. Oh I yes. ! a I -bed room home for you. It needs j a little work, but what do you ex- I pect for only $4,300. t- I NEAR ST. VINCENT $7.9)0 will buy a good 4-bedroom home. It isn't new but it has plen ty of (rood living space and 1 in excellent condition. Large corner lot witn aborted fruit trees. Paved st. One block to bus. NEW 3-BEDROOM Kingwood heightr. An excellent. e- . eluded neighborhood goes free with ; this property. Good view from large picture window "In living room. Large dining room. Laree. well arranged kitchen with space for chrome set. Larpe utility room ' with ample room for deep freeze. $13,500. RELMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 201 South High Street Phone 3-8203 Phone evenings and Sundav 4-1671, 4-128$, 4-5319. 3-3264. 3-4876. -'?;.' - . - . OUT AT KEZER and at S03S Newberg Drive la a beautiful t bdrtn. noma, X down and 1 up. Ltv. rm-.dln. raw fireplace, hdwd. firs., lge. kitchen, radiant glass heat. Close to store, school and bus. Fine location. 1.200 q. ft. on main floor. , Clean house, large lot. $10,500. CALL SOY S. . PERRIS 91JM0 DOWN 2 bdrms. It's not new and It needa some redecorating; but it If well built, ropmy and well located. CALL H. K. LAYMON A "LOVELY 3 BDRM. SUBURBAN HOME. Convenient to schools At trans- porta tion and shopping. Beautiful 18 X 22 ft. liv. rm. with fireplace, convenient kitchen St nook. Full Bath. Auto-oil beat. A good buy at $9,930. CALL JT. X. LAW COUNTRY HOME AT THE CITY'S EDGE 39 acres of Chehalis-Newberg silky loam soil close to Salem with productive walnut orchard adjoin ing subdivision property. Lata built, lovely tree surrounded noma with 2 lge. bdrms., library, liv. rm. 34 x 17, 1 baths," basmt.. auto-oil heat, 2 fireplaces on main floor. Lge. patio, sprinkling system. 4 -car garage. Owner will trade for income property in Salem or Portland or take in home for part payment. For additional details CALL ROY S. FER RIS MANBRIN GARDENS 2 bdrms.. full basmt. spacious liv. rm. with fire place. Din. rm- very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lge. beautiful yard. Terms. CALL H. K. LAYMON GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 124 S. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 Evenings and Sundays eaO Roy S. rcrrig 2-3010 H. Y. Laymon 1-5193 J. Z. Law 3 5113 852 Usd Cart For Sal AU SQUARE OF DEST DG5U3 1 1 aVLJ CLOSE IN 2 bedroom home, walking dis- atnee to town, fireplace, ment, good floor diate posa. This last long, see it today. 3 ' L Lea Ohmart (place, base- twJr" plan, Imme- V , 7. -I. one won't 1 tr f! Rudy CaJaba 80S Houss for Sal IDEAL house for couple, shopping district, fireplace, basement. Buy from owner, price is right. Phone BY OWNER Lot and 3-bedroom home, l'i bath. Hardwood firs, in sulated. 3 blocks from schools. Call eves. S ee to a pp reel a t e. 2 -3888. L7kt NEW, 2 bedroom, suburban, north-east, hardwood floors, plas tered, insulated, garden apace. This is really a nifty I Make a reason able offer. Phone 2-0004. FOR SALE $13,000. 3 bedroom house. Full basement. Air : conditioned, wall to wall floor covering. Dining room St front room. 1835 Madison. NOTICE!. TO HOME BUYERS .ust finished beautiful 3-bdrm. home. Liv. rm.. din. rmH kit, finished In birch. Tiled bath with colored fix tures. Large party room. 2-car ga rage, utility rm., furnace rma show er and toilet in daylight barnnt. Pa tio and sun deck. Excellent school district. See at Waldo and S.-Hlgh. "New 3 IB. Rm. Suburban S9.500. $1,500 down, easy paymnets. turn., ifirepl.. utO.. rm.. garage. 4395 Battle Creek Road. Phone Owner.2-2020 SUBURBAN HOUSE 3 bedrooms, good size living room, fireplace, kitchen, utiltly room, hardwood floors, , forced air fur nace. Has own well with pump. This house is attached to the ga rage. Just 7 blocks to super mar ket and. bus. Price reduced to $9,500.00 with terms. " A DESIRABLE BARGAIN This house is well located and it is ;-jt several blocks to both grade and high schools. North. Bus. This i'ne home has a basement and fur nace. Two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook. Nice lot with treer Seme repairs needed. Price is $5,300.00 and terms. ABRAMS. BOURLAND A- SKINNER 411 Masonic Building Real Estate. Insurance, Mortgage Loans 3-n?17 Eves: 2-4709 or 3-736 2 Good View Lots Over-looking our city. 60 x 120 apiece. New homes built around them. $1700 each or $3000 for betas A 10-A. Investment Has mofrn 4-bdrrrf. home and a new duplex. Lge. home is rented for $55 a mo. Lots of cherries and small fruit. Good water system. Only 3 miles nut. $20,000. will trade for farm or hill ranch. Art Madsen. Realtv Lots of House Here for $ 1 1 .500 Sou' i on large beauiitullv landscaped lot. 3 bedrooms, l'i baths, lots of Duimns tn handy kitchen, swell den or family room. 1 block from bus, ideal home for the growing family 4 loan can be assumed. New Rustic Beautiful Setting Just finished, ranch style home with double garaee. den with fireplace. 2 bedrooms, beamed ceiling living room and a large lot with plenty of trees, it's nice and it's different. This Could Be Your Home Wonderful 18 x 24 living-room (carpeted, lovely mahogany panefling 3 bedrooms, 3 sets of plumbing, convenient kitchen equipped with sOE di."hwaher and disposal, huge finished playroom with fireplace in base ment swell location o schools and shopping ;oenter Be sure and ae this home before you buy. Offer Wanted Out of -tou n owner has 4 unit court. cloe in. 1 ing excellent investment property, so call fo Two Farms ! In the Howell Prairie section, come in ani get ttfe details. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St Phone 2-41152-4118 Eve Ted Morrison 2-504. Louis I-orenz 3-5590. Ralph Maddy 2-3488 Henrv Tor vend 3-3632 blm-k from S'atr huild- I" appointment r- 806 Houses For Sale 1 80S Houses For Sale WE LOVE OUR HOME But we can't take it with us. 3 bedrooms, large living roem with fireplace, kitchen, dining room. Wall-to-wall (carpet in living room. din,ing room and hall. Bath with shower, forjred air heat, full base ment with very nice party room, laundry, wjorkshop. Lots of closet and storage space all over the house. Lncatedj in good neighborhood, close to schools. City bus stops at our door. Nice yard, lots of flowers and shrubs. We've kept the place in good condition and thin k it is worth $12,500. but for quick sale will considr any reasonable offer and 'terms. See It anytime. Phone 2-4477. OPEN HOUSE J S90 West Lorida Candajaria H:!? , 1 Blk. North of B)ice SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 3 bedrooms Jlouble plumbing Full basement fiouble fireplace Large lot Rouble garage MOVING EAST View home must be sold immediately 4 Full price $19,500. ' down or make offerj. '53 FORD CUSTOM VI SEDAN Eordomatic. radio, heater, washers, turn signals, one owner. 14.421 miles, very special $1,895 52 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA Dynaflow, new white tires, radio, heater. EZI glass, one owner, serv ices record since new. a premium car Apache Red St Black .. $2,595 13 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Dynaflow. U. S. Royal Master, nar row whitewalls. automatic win dows, EZI glass, radio, heater, washers, etc. We have complete service record. Apache Red, Black top. and Black Leather $2,695 '51 FORD DELUXE t TUDOR Extra clean condition with onlv 15,904 miles $1,295 49 FORD CUSTOM 8 SEDAN Spotless interior and perfect ap pearance, radio, heater, seat cov ers $895 '47 BUICK ROADMASTER SEDAN Two tone green with whitewalls. radio, heater, good ... $695 You Get A Better Ud Car FromYour Buick Dealer Otto J. WILSON Company Commercial at Center f hone 2-3623 j 19.V) CHEV. 2 ton pickup. 4 -speed aeiuxe cap. 3-IZ25. - 1953 HORNET, 2 months old. 1800 miles. Will trade. Phone 4-5282. '52 FORD,. 4-door fordamatic. radio and heater, tulonc. blue. 1185 Elm, West Salem 1953 PLYMOUTH cohvertible7Tike new. Easy terms. Call original own- erat 3-3922. FOR SALE equity in 1S48 Cadillac sedsnette. Perfect. 437 Plne. JAGUAR 4-dobr. black mark VI. sti- perb conditoin $2,500. Phone 2-6317. 42 "PONTIAC. 49 engine, new tires. 2323 N. 5th. 1950 DELUXE Chev. Club coupe. 14.000 miles. 2-5568 after $ or weekend, 1953 PLYMOUTH suburban. 2D6o mile,. 1947 DeSoto 4 door, original owner, call 2-7794. ; CLEAN 41 Ford V-8 $195. See eves. Rt. 5. Box 150, 'j mile north and jmile westof Aumsville. 1940 DODGE 4-dr. sedan. Excellent condition throughout. Very clean. Phone 2-3700 or 2-6780 eves. '40 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe. Good" running condition. Heater. 1740 Ox ford. .$70. . 1949 , TON Ford pickup with can opy. Excellent shape. 1369 Center Street . ' '50 ETUICK special KedanTu.OOO miles. Good tires, 2-tone green. $1295. See t19fl5 VVNob Hillafter lj,m, 38 FORD Coupe. New tires, new bat tery, good condition. : Runs well. $125. Inquire at 2190 Center St., 10 a m -3 p.m. 1150 Automotive &0 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale 852 Used Cars For Sale . n UX1.VXJ $pouu Timo to Buy Now Cars far the Sales Managers - Timo for You Co Buy Thoir 1953 Models for $500 Less! Than Price t New ONE 1953 NASH AMBAlSSAPOR CUSTOM SEDAN t ! ! TWO-TONE GOLD AND CREEN, RADIOL I HEAT ER. HYDRA MA TIC. RECLINING SEATSj BED. WINDSHIELD WASHERS, f BACKUP UTES, 8O00 MILES. A TRULY BEAUTIFUL; CAR H NEW $3,710.15 SALE PRICK i i j$3t2j0.16 ONE 1953 NASIl! STAtESMAN 1 CUSTOM TUDOR SEDAN ! RADIO, HEATER. HYDRAMATIfi RECLINTNfJ SEATS. BED. LIGHT GRAY WITH; GREEN CUS TOM INTERIOR NEW $3il95.7 UtALE PRICE I $2,695.76 ONE 1952 NASH RAMBLER CONVERTIBLE i ! DAPW jcwTW nnvir-hi bi .rt- wmtj tsm CONTINENTAL TIRE. RADIO, HEATER,! 1 OVER DRIVE. LOW MILEAGE OF COURSE U NEW $2,48.1i SALE .t . : f j ; . : $2,148.1S THESE CARS CARRY FULL NEW CAR WARRANTY o o o MARION I o MOTORS o 33.1 CENTER . SEE THESE PREMIUM CARS .e I . -. j jaoi surr.ii nn i -un. ... .a Complete eau'pped. only 11,000 miles.' 1949 OLDS 3 DOOR Local owner, very good 1950 FORD CLUB COUPE A Good Car. IS OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM i ; ! 4f.-... i. t it 4.--.- pi' ,J v LODER BROS. 45B CENTER 1937 FORD, good condition, heater radio, $75. 1955BeachuAve. : 1910 DODGE 5-pasFengen radio, heat- ' er, good condition. $145. Thone ' 4-527 y 1949 OLDS. New 165 hp.' rnmor with j headers, cam. twin pipes St new hvdro. Must sell. Price reasonable. : rn. 2-4S. 'SAFE BUYS' USED CARS 5 Beautiful Lincolns The Most Distinctive Car on the American Highway 1919 Lincoln Town Selan :. .J 1950 Lincoln Sport Coupe. One owner U 1951 Lincoln Sedan Cosmopolitan $25 & UP I 808 Lots For Sale nrz0 Automotive 13C6 State Ph. 3-S3M. 2-8H12 Eves 3-MI4a. 3-732 $450 DOWN Puts In a late built 2 B. R." home in a good location: Bal. S70 p-r mo. 3 BEDROOM. CREEK LOT Close in home, priced reasoivable. . ulily $3,000. DRIVE BY 1797 N Churcn and. make an appoint, to see this nice older home. Out of state owner, must sell. $9,500. NEW BEAUTY Located NortheaM. Has 3 bedrooms. 2 sets of plumbing and donbe ga rage. If you want something really good, rail us to see this one. Writ. Blien & Co., Realtors M7 N. H!gh. Phone 2-3l7, Eves 2-4773 DUPLEX xone lot. walking distance o dow n t ow $ 1 ,100 . Ter i n s. 2 -37 8 . CITY LOT on paved street. Phone" 24883 HAVE two lots, one at $813 and one t $650 on which I will auto or equity in auto. On Brooks Ava. North of Candfewood drive. Owner 1035 Broadway, 2-8611. 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale' 10 ACRES, fenced and cross fenced 20 A. Fescue, deep well. 3-room house. $12,500. E. A. McCLAUFLIN. REALTOR 1035 Broadway 2 1 Sun. 4-21 8 BY OWNER 4'., acres, close ldon Lancaster Dr.. 2 Idroom modern house. Bam and chicken house. All in gram and fruit, 8" well water to irrigate. Phone 2-2297. 812 Exchange Real Estate 3 Bedroom Ranch Style 2190 Mill, corner lot, bus atop, close to school, large kitchen, and util ity room with automatic washer and dryer, sink and trash burner, inlaid linoleum floors, oak black floor in living room. 7 closets, slid ing doors, in bedrooms. Venetian blind:, automatic oil furnace, 2-car attached garage. Priced to sell, ca t be seen anytime.' BY OWNER. 2-bedroom house. Chick en house 1 acre, school at back door. Near 4 -Comers. Phone 337u2. 807 Ap'ts. Court) For Sale ''CENTRAL OREGON INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY New 4 unit apartment with 12 lota. Unusually attractive, excellent con struction, magnificent view. 183 Vicksburg. Bend, Oregon. 808 Lots For Sale 1 i 3 CHOICE Belcrest lots. Total price 1 4.V Phone 2-5055. t LOT 84 by 120'. West Livingston e etricted. 8400. Terms. Phone 1-4442. 2 UNIT apt. house furnished on 43 by 140 lot on South 12th. Consider large modern trailer home as part pa y ment. NICE 2 bed r in. suburban home on large lot. Will con-iUrr larger boitic n trade. JOE NOOiSCEILSTER REAL ESTATE 1595 Cottage Ph. 4-3ei day or eve. HAVE a 1951 Hudson car to trade for or in on a Salem home. E. A. McGLAUFLIN. REALTOR 1 035 Broadway -ll HAVE an older 3-bedroom home In North Salem to trade in or on a farm or acreage. Priced at 8.50. . E. A McGLAUFLIN. REALTOR lOXBroadNvav 2-86t1 Eve. SOUTH tzth St. business lot trade as part payment on good 3-B.R. home, cash difference. Excellent S-rm. home in M edford, clean, eomfortable. good location. $9 500 Tirade for Salem proportey. B. M. MASON, Rlt. 184 S. CommT Ph. 3-8841, Eve 3-7823 852 Used Cars For Sale DEMONSTRATOR. New 1953 Ford four-dr. sedan. Good discount, new car warranty, will take trade. Bob Marr 2895 Mt View Dr. TRADE eqjuity in '47 Olds. Hydra matic foij '41 or '42 Chev. or Ford. Bt.4.Bojx 80. Salenu 1950 FORD! convertible, radio, heater, overdrive; white side wall tires. 33.000 actual miles. Top 1 year old. Leather 'interior. Is in beautiful condition. Will eive dealer guar antre. Call 38347. 1952 FORD convertible. $1893. Phone 2-3375 ' 1941 FOR) toq pickup reduced to $149 for nuirk tale. Phone 3-9779 or see at 20 Fisher Rd. rbR SALE 1948 Chev. Excellent con Jit ion. 2 dr. 860 Center. Shell Serv ice Stat'on. 1940 Chryi. Sdn. 1940 Ford Cch. 1938 Chev. Cch. 1940 Chev. Cch . 1939 Buirk Sdn. . 1941 Olds. Sdn. 1940 Chev. Sdn. 1940 Ford Cch. 1941 Ford Cch 1941 DeSoto Club Cpe. 1941 Pont. Club Cpe. .. 1948 Ford Coach 1948 Chev. Sedan 1946 Ford Coupe 1948 Chev, Pickup 1949 Ford Pickup . 1950 Ford CI. Cpe. O.D 1951 Ford Ranch Wn. LIFETIME SERVICE .. $ 25 dn. 30 dn. .. 30 dn. .. 30 dn. .. 30 dn. .. 33 dn. .. 33 dn. . 43 dn. 65 dn. 65 dn. - 185 dn. . 200 dn. - 171 dn. - 193 dn. 295 dn. 395 dn. 750 dn. I 50 75 75 75 75 95 95 125 16$ 163 495 645 545 595 895 1195 2195 1951 Lincoln Sedan . WARNER MOTOR t 545 Center St. Phone 2-2487 1293 . $1.H5 .$1.00$ PHONE 1-7371 ;.:..$i,395 ......$1795 .....$2,495 .....$2,395 Co. GUARANTEE '42 FORD Station wagon. Good con dition. Good tires. Radio and heat er. 580 State St. Make offer. 42 STUDEBAKER Champion $100. 1042 Third St. Phpne2-0655. 1947 .CONVERTIBLE Cadillac, top condition, 1411 Court. '40 STUDE 4-doot . excellent tires and motor. $.!5. or trade for pickup. Can be sieen weekdays, tittO Center. AImj '41 Plymouth coupe. Make of- ler. Phoie S-Ski'Bj '49 MERCURY 4-door aedan, radio and heater, overdrive, custom tail. red seal covers, directional lights, etc. A-li condition, $995. Phone 4-6563. '49 MERCURY. One owner car. very clean. Ph.3-9055. 1941BUICK Sedarwtte. R8cH. Very ;lean $0p5 Ph. 2-1092. 854 Trucks. TraOera For Sale 3-BEDROOM house. Will take trailer house in trade. Ph. 2-3546 or 2-3951. TRADE FOR PORTLAND Beautifull 3 bedroom home in Can dalaria Heights, real daylight base ment, two fireplaces, large living room, unobstructed view, natural birch kitchen, breakfast nook, all the features you would like in a new home. ISi Culver Lane. Phone 45X5 ' TRUCKS W8 Int. KB Truck, top.shape. $2.35 1948 Ford F6 l' ton. top perfect, $793 1947 Ford ab over new motor. clean i .. 86PS 1$47 Cnrysler Town 8c Country $843 Bird i Auto Si Equipt. Co. 871 Wallace Rd. W. Salem. f Phone 3-vB 818 Wanted. Real Estate 27-FT. trailer bouse to trade, aa down payment, on a home, up to $8.0ou. IA54 8th HAVE CASH buyer for barber shop. What have youf At Isaak Sc Co, " Realtor. 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-3311. INT'L 1'a-iT truck, van body. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 4-632. 1940 DODC Short log logging truck. 7.50 tiresi Phone 9143. Dallas. EQUITY it 1953 Chev. 9 yd. dump truck. Take car. pickup, lot or trailer hpuse in trade. 13C9 Center. '47 FLAT bed Chev, 3-ton truck, new motor, browning gears, good rub ber. CalJ .4-5075. LISTINGS wanted on homes, acre agea and farms. Free appraisal Rental service. Leans 5"J- 2A years. Joe L. Bourne. Realtor. 1140 N. Capital Ph. a-8218. Zve. 3-721L EQUTTY for sale. 1953 camping trail er. Balance in easy monthly pay- men at. Phone 3-0931. . 1949 CHEV?7"a ton, 4 speed trans. In excellent shape. $893. Bird Auto EqupiL Co. West Salem. Call 2-2441 for I Pdling Power XTRA NICE 1941 CADILLAC SED A NETTE 1941 CHEVROLET PICKUP SPECIAL " 1947 INDIAN MOTOHCYCLE $193 AYNBEE MOTORS 540 UNION. SALEM PH. 2-0703 Nlte Phones: 3-32534-3023 47 CHEV. aero sedan. Radio 8c heat- er. new ww tires. Custom Interior. Real sharp. Ph. 4-5598 or 4-2261, ask for Willard Moore. MUST SELL '48 Tord ! convertible. $595. 1444 S. Sth. Phona 3-8679. SAFE & SOUND Cadillacs We have a 1951 "2" sedan, a 1951 2" coupe and a 1950 coupe. All are u top condition. Chcvrolets We have numerous makes and mod els from 1948 thru 1952. All are guaranteed and very nicely equip-ted. Others '46 Pontiac 52 Mercury '47 Kaiser '32 Ford 856 Wanted. CareTrucks ZEEBS USED CARS BUY SELL TRADE 2325 fairgrounds Rd . " Ph 1-8434 858 Motorcycles 1943 TWO seat Eagle Cushman In good shape. 431 Certh Ave- West Salem. Call evenings; FOR SALE 1946 H. D. 45 Motorcvcle. Reaaonable. Must sell. Phone 4-te959. 862 House Trailers 20' TRAILER house, excellent condi tion. 4y0 Silverton Rd. TRAILER house. Refrigerator, hot water 4hower, toilet. Brook. 1984 State LARGE Tear Drop sleeper trailer. Full width bed. kitchenette in rear. Good condition. 1293 - Shady Lane. Ph. 4-5822. $193. i FOR SALE camping trailer. Sleepa 4. $75. 3510 Williama Ave TEfiRY Rambler. '52, gae, 20. Sports- man Special. 1940 Lana Ave. TRADE Your Furniture, car or pick-up in as part payment on a new trailer home, all sizes complete bath at . . . Jay hawk Trailer Sales . 3840 Portaandjld;. 37 FT. "Pan American.; good conu- non. see at it state at. EASTERN made 1950 4-Star Gener al. 27 -ft. aluminum exterior, toilet, shower, awning, extras. 1003 S., 21st. 864 Heawy Equipment TRACTOR for sale; H. D. 1 good drum and blade: new riu'cn -std ftnal drive; tracks fr. Phoet S34 Gervais; RU U Books, Ore. Myron Harper. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 83S N. Commercial St. Phone 3-3173 CAPP'S USEpCARS Closed all day Monday. Opwi again Tuesday. 253 Union '38 CHEV. to "trade for good used .mall power mower. Bird Equipt. Co.. 871 Wallace Rd., West Salem, LlKJ. new 1952 Olds. 98, holiday coupe. 7,800 actual miles. Save $1,400. Fully equipped. Only $2,795. 9e anytime Sunday. 1045 Oak. P:ione , 4-1720. : . - 1941 HUDSON coupe, heater. $95. 3250 Livingston : DEWEY'S '52Chov. Dlx. Sdn. Boy, sharp, Isn't the word '52 Ply.Cran. Sdn. Like off the show room. '51 Chev. Vz Ton Dtx. cab. a dandy. 1 '47 Cadillac 62 Sdta Has everything but T. V. '41 Chov. Sp.Sdn. !On of those hot numbers, . '40 Nash 600 Sdn. . Not bad for myj age. '35 Dodge Pick-up Runs you guest. ! Buy's Like These I I Only at ' DEWEYfS 3080 Ms r k et. Never Closed. Ph. 3 '39 PLYMOUTH, clan, reconditioned motor, heater, good rubber, $123. 2040 N. 13th. Phone 2-1417.: 11 .i cuificniaMiE neiRisiEnsrriNMtpi 1 ABTaCA C L eV VJE kt CABAL f t ytftl? C L kT r ENL I VENT CCf I t elrliML: Rly jalC !3iasLe TcT , j - "r?fc y ! z Y sfMffl i . ' ; sTciaIr ; a IbHs f W fRCTE WIEig T OiNII ICfiPlO 0 RH M3Tl'-1-Wt? I g t- T DP T L A M ETlveTOCn ! T AjMlAiR I N D J F N F AJM,0 U jSOAlTjEJ " "1 AIL IKE riuW T T DTP RA AIM r" i c!ATfOMA"L I N(ji g R jS P EJN D R RjS ! . ' AjNiljLjj B R P tjR E NT t rTT T l C I E TTj S 0 AjgTYA R E C A ! ftfWBlkl'C CS" L LSLNOlnMA l'eTt "S i :gE E L C T R A D E TWfe Njl AjYrtR o b He mf as i lT3JSIe. 1 rTOoOB E C AU S; E lTmiL Ngj. Ik E V ' 0iviAXC", AcRlaTe NjTqQMrbT ; , -r1ep t in tee mTuTr gie tIeIne f : f iR IE N jD L i E IL IS IE Li PIElElRi. 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