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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1951)
10 Tho S talesman, Salem. Or-, Saturday, NoTember 17. 1951 R00 Real EntHte B00 ' Real Estate R00 Real Estate '80S Housm for Scdo tCS Hooms for Sal nOO Rpal Estate NEWCOMERS!! If you would like to rent a home or apart-! ment in Salem, arrange to - ap-f pear' on our Friday nite pro- ram "SetJeTS on the', Salem i Trail" KSLM Beginning How.) 23 and teB. Tour story We j make no charge for thla "PLUS"! ervice. Call for details. .1 - - - - : i Caiate OHMART CALABA, REALTORS A SWELL LTTTIJE BOMS TOR $5250. -.'-! ' - f ' - v . - .Jurt 4 year old with full sized lot. Ideal for couple this is. your chance . . a . Atmi T lJt mII .handle. ..... r ;..; j " . .'. LOVELY CREEK LOT HOME $7500. 1 . I - 'l . - ' Neat and comfortable X bedroom home. nice kitchen, cheerful nook, auto oil heat, appx. Va A. rich soil, close in HERE'S A GOOD DEAL FOR YOU. ROOMS WILL ONLY STRETCH SO FAR ! - :f -,1 If your rooms will no" longer accomodate your' family take a look at this . i very snectol buy tn a 4 bedroom home, on Sunnyview Ave. years old THIS HOME NEEDS A LARGE FAMILY FHA aporaised this home for - $11,000. Owner Is selling, for $10,730. NEED WE SAY MORE1 I I i LETS TAKE A LOOK LOTS HERE FOR THE MONEY SDacions 3 bedroom home, double plumbing;, basement, auto heat, fire place. 2 car garare back , off the road in setting of oaks and firs 3'i Acres with 250' frontage on hiway Just about 1 mile from City limits $18,000. i: Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors; Real Estate & Insurance 4T7 Court St ! 7 ' ;lK il Phone 24115 - 24118 . Eve - Louis Lorenz 35590 - Henry Torvend 33632 5 Pat Kemper 25297 i i Ralph Middy 2348 fc I ' i It Costs Nothing to make an offer on this most attractive 10 yr. old Englewood home 2 bdrms. liv. rm.. din. rm.. model kitchen, fireplace, attractively decorated. Fun basmt. with finished bdrm. Auto-forced air s piped oil furnace, beautiful , yard. Outdoor fireplace. Covered patio. Best district. Drive by 1665 Roose velt. Then For Appointment - - Call Chet Ferris ; j I- Nob Hill t ' . t An excellent family" home close to McKinley and Leslie Schools. Spacious liv. rm. and din. rm, three good sized bdrms, li sets plbg.. brkf. nook, full bssmU oil heat, fireplace, hdwd firs. Be sure to took at this fine home. Price $16,000. Call Pete Geiser i I The House Beautiful lapa will be charmed with the party room and living room Mamma with a . kitchen that has everything you could ask for. 3 bdrm, den. 3 fireplaces. Artiona Flagstone front, dble. basmt, garage. Tojbe seen by appt. only, j Call J. E. Law j ! Commercial Bl(lg. f. I Located on a main arterial. Ige. corner lot 115x100 fC 2 story bldg. with full basmt, plus Drive-in restaurant on corner. A real value offered here. Income $460.00 per mo. Will consider part trade. Call C. L. Grabenhorst GR ABENHORST BROS., REALTORS Phone 3-2471 134 S Liberty St. J i Evenings and Sundays eaR I Roy Ferris 2-SU10 Pete Geiser 3-996 Chet Ferris 3-9724 J. E. Law 3-3113 On 4 Acre South Suburban Is this 2-bed room home. Living room, dining room, kitchen with nook. Garage, 3 blocks from school. Only $8,008. ! Don't Miss This! I f Immaculate 2-bed room home on nice corner lot near Leslie Junior- high. Cheerful! fireplace. Garage. House insula lea : ana aweatner-sirippea. oeau tiful lawn and shrubs. Bendix included in selling price of $10,900. F.HA. will loan $8,600 on this fine home. . . - i Englewood : - Km for vourself the value in thia 3-bedroom home. 1 sets of plumbing. Nice . livine room with f lrenlar. dinine room, kitchen with nook. Basement with furnace heat. Garage. Large lot. Close to school. See 3it and you will wan i ii. au.ov. s -, i McKILLOP'S REALTORS Bill Brown 3-4S37 Office Phone 3-SS20 ii Evenings and Sundays; Mike Raschko u 2-7401 f f LIST YOUR' PROPERTY -! WITH j US 493 Center at North High I REALTORS Jim Ramsey C3 Houses Tot Sd Let's Take A Ride Well see this 2-bedrm home - living rm, kit. and extra rm. (would make . dandy studio apt.) Clse to schls. mkta, and churches, also bus by the door. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS I i Pacific Standard Time I Kiltcyciet: KSLM 1390. KOCO H90. KOLN 978. RGW 0. KEX lit! ,J FM. Megacycles - KOIN 101:1; KEX 92.3 t , (Bditars Mte: The Statessaaji publlsbes ra geed faith the pregtajM and times as provided hy the radio stations, bat because eftimes the programs are change without netificatlon. this newspaper cannot ht responslhl tor the accuracy herein). j . - :- r -4 . Kinzwood : Special ! 3 bedroom. "uU basement. Forced jpil furnace, nrepiace. toveiy view, re consider this a bargain for $89S0J0. Texms arranged.' .. , $500 Down Small home suburban. 4 blocks to ,. schooL acre lot. year ow. xouu ; price $2500.00. .-. - - f . - Need Room? . I If so; investigate this one: 4 bedrooms. - oouoie piumDing, - uu mwiKat. . . . .i i . a Closet space almost ununuwa. new ' oil forced air furnace. . Nice corner lot with a lovely view. 2 car f r- age.' Owner leaving. Freshly redec : orated. TMJl. terms available.. Total . price $15 900.00. ' . , r 5 Bedrooms j Owner army bound. Keizer district. Only 1 year old. Insulated. Oil fur nace. Immediate possession. Class A construction. Flowers, shrubs and yard. Liberal terms. Total price only $11,500.00. . . $450 Down - To Gl'i, brand new 2 bedroom homes. In new district. Attacnea garage. Paved street. City water and sewer. Total price $7150.00. Also 3 bedroom homes in same district. 8500 down with a total price of only $8250.00. CALL FOR MR. DAN ISAAK, EVE. PHONE 4-3533. ! Beauty Shop fost modern, all equipment and sup plies, a Dooms pius exira noom iur combing. Rent only $40.00 per month. This is a bargain for $3900.00 12-Unit Court 10 one betfroom units. 1 two bedroom and 1 three bedroom. S years old. Close to shopping center of good town. Completely furnished: Taxes only $300. on this choice property. Owners equity S40.000. Will trade for another property. Total price $70,- - 000.00. . 6-Unit Court Plus 2 bedroom home with basement. Property in good repair. All rentals furnished. Owner will exchange for other property or accept home 1 as down payment. Total price 845,000.000 Select Business Corner One of Salem's choice locations. This property has unlimited potentials. 160x173 foot square. Several Incomes on property at present. Owner forced . to liquidate because of illness. This is buy for 8100.000.00. Terms. CALL FOR MR. ANDERSON. EVE. PHONE TURNER X COLLECT. ; Farmers Don't Look! Farther $1 Acres on the Abaqua River. 22 acres bottom nd. 34 acres under irriga tion.' S room modern home. 40x40 barn. 30x30 implement building, chic ken house, hog house, corn crib. 2 sheds. Purchase price includes ap proximately 810.000 farm machinery which consists of: Oliver tractor, 2 bottom plow, double disc, soring tooth, harrow, land roller, cultiva- . tor. weed sprayor. corn planter, grain drill, bun saw, combine, truck, land float, complete irrigation system. chickens. 3 sows. 4 head cattle. New berg, Cbehalis and Willamette soil. The once has been drastically re duced to 839.000.00. Owner will accept nice home in or near Salem as part payment. i V2 Acre North c. Modern 3 bedroom home in rood con . dition. Berries. 1 block to school. Enough lumber to build garage. To tal price oruy scsoo.oo. ; -, 1 Ace i 1 Modern 2 bedroom home, northeast. Chicken house, earare. Familv nuts. fruit trees. 52' well. This orooertv ia in very eooa snape ana wortn the asKinr price or S8.000.00. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. EVE. rnu6 3-433. j ! Mortgage Loans Al Tsaak & Col, Realtors Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7820 : Eve. 4-3533. 2-6078. 3-4735 or j Turner 8x collect 3035 Portland Rd. :,Room to Breathe You will find comfort and convenience- la this older .type home. Three bed ,..rms. spacious kKchen. and living room. Located' on nice large lot with .-., - unuij orcnara ana muui poultry npuse. sus runs close too. inn. . HOUR 7B.8LM KOCO KOIN . KGW, KEX 00:t0 09:15 0:30 00:43 i 1 Melod. Journeyl Melod. Journey Church of Aiif' Church of Air I Church ot Air Church ot Ail Radio : Pulpit' IRadto Pulpit '"'naV Fter l.ieht Concert Hall I Concert Hall : I Here's !to Vets ! Research E 8 KSLM 1 ir! Baptist iFirst B iofist Back to God KOCO River Boys (World News 1 Henderson KOIN , . "1 aix i nacle ITabernaeie 'News t KGW Chuich Home ; f'urch le John Doe KEX News: (Money at Home; Light & Life I Pack to God i I Henderson ! j Inv to Learn In I John Doe ; lUght & Life) 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KCX Bible Claaa I Bible Class iPriiphec v.iohecv 1 Bible - ILutheran iG'town Forum I G'town Forurn Platform IP'atform IHow It Smitn News 1 News HGuest Star i GlenSheUey ! Glen Shelley ' Top of Morning' Top of Mornlngi Mk of Israel Mes ot isiae 10 KSLM Haidjr News Mark Rodgers I Lutheran Hr Lutheran Hr KOCO Wildwd Church Sacred Heart iF'dom Story (Organ Loft !. I KOIN St Fran Hr- I Univ. Explorer' Jewish - Faith I Collin gwood ( KGW News Room IN.C. Symp. IN.B.C. Symp. N.C. Symp. KEX News (Brunch Time INal'l Vespers Nat'i Vespers 11 KSI.M Frank & Era. ! Hazel Marked ! First Methodist First Methodist KOCO 1st Baptist list Baptist ' (First Baptist j First Baptist KOIN Svmohonette I Symphonette ' I NY Phamonic INY P'harmonlc . KGW Music Digest 1 Foster News' I Meet Congressl Meet Congress KEX Parade 01 Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits Parade of Hits 12 KSLM News I Radio Canaries'CaL Caravan CaL Caravan i I KOCO News I Browns-Giants Browns-Giants I Browns-Giants KOIN NY PTiarmoniclNY P"harmonici NY P'harmonic' NY P'harmonie KGW ' Leon Pearson I Lock wood Doty I av. Lawrence IJohnC Swavze sea raraae 01 mils iraraue 01 mia unrisitan Acin.iwnnsuan acui 1 V KSLM Hash knife Ht. I Hashknife Ht. Wild B Hickock! Wild B Hickock KOCO Browns-Giants i Browns-Giants i Browns-Giants ( Browns-Giants KOIN News Edwin C Hill I Always Sunday! Always Sunday 1GW Foster News I Gay 90's Martin Kane , IMartin Kant KX Revival Hour Ut.iv-i Hour Revival Kuui 1 sl Hi-ut. 2 KSLM ; lnadow' retective '-tectire KOCO Rams-Yanks r I Rams-Yanks IRams-Vanks J Rams-Yanks KniN - r;odf rvs-R'tble.1 Sodfrvs Rtble.lHowTO I How To KGW Amer. Forum (Amer. Forum I Mus With GlrlslMus With Girls KEX;' i :, voieetProoneo voice Greatest Story ICreatest Story 3 KSLM . ' uk . ChaO. vuk ChalL i iNick Carter 1 Kick Carter KOCO Rams-Yanks iRams Yanks I Rams-Yanks I Rams-Yanks KOIN ' Friend lrma Friend Irma F'mous Theatre' Famous Theatre KGW Time of Life iTimeolLile INews iDick Haymea KEX BiUv Graham IBillv Graham I Mr. President (Mr. President 4 KILM News . - Health Quizz (Dud Ranch I Dude Ranch KOCO Rams-Yanks (Rams-Yanks Wonderland IFraxier Hunt KOIN . Jack Benny : Jack Benny Amos 'n Andy I Amos 'n Andy KGW Big Show I Big Show I Big Show I Big Show , KEX - Milton Cross 'Milton Cross Choir i . (News ,, 5 KSLM koco : KOIN KGW KEX News I Music I Enchanted Hr. 1 Enchanted Hr. C McCarthy c. McCarthy j News Boom I News Room .Harris-Fays ; 1 Harris-Fay 1 1 ( Theater Guild (Theater Guild Stop Music I Stop Music 1 Stop Music iS-oo Music 6 KSLM Fam Theater ' IFam Theater (Cunningham ! Music KOCO Liberty Spks. 1 Liberty Spks. UeadUne News I Ministerial KOIN .. Corliss Archer 'Corliss Archer 'Contented Hr (Contented Hr. KGW Theater Guild i Theater Guild Youth Views (Youth Views KEX Mfttichell 1 Lou Parsons Stars ba Stage; Stars on Stage 7 KSLM Lean Back News Comedy IComedv KOCO SHS Players I Jimmy Nolan Naxarene Nazaren KOIN Choraliers IChoraliers 1 Whistler Whistler KGW . Eddie Cantor. Eddie Cantor I Texas Rangers Texas Rangers KEX PauiHarvev R dside Chapel Sammy Kaye I Sammy Kaye 8 KSLM ' (JuesHaos 120 Questions Forward Amer. I Forward Amer. KOCO Nazarenes (Nazarenes I 'Dou Stewart Don Stewart KOIN Our M. Brooks! Our M. Brooks Horace Heidt I Horace Heidt KGW D. Fairbanks) Jrj D. Fairbanks Jr.! vmpnonv I ..o-onv KEX eMrsuo HeadliMS) .: I WincheU , . 1 Chet Huntley 9 KSLM News KOCO Reverie - - KOIN C McCarthy KGW uy KCX Stage S2 Editorially - High School ,- I New Reverie - I St. Francis : lOrxan Melodies C atccarthy- I Jack Benny ' Jack Benny v ty T ITo Be Advised To Be Advised Stage 32 i . Stage -32 I Stage 32 10 KSLM Crime Fighters' 1 Crime Fiehters 1 Bandstand ' I Bandstand : KOCO Penta costal (Pentacostal ; ( Pen ta costal IPentacostai ' KOIN s Stat Final (Memories Believing - Orchestra KGW Reporter IStiperntl Tales I SupernU Tales ISupernatl Tales KKX Final Edmoa : I Money at Home! Israel Vistas " I . .. IJ-'"'" 11 KSLM Sign Off ' v j - KOCO Silent I Silent ! jSilent iSilens KOIN szrno Roper HChleacoans 4 I f,-v4tand I --ttmn4 KGW Music I Music lSkinnav Ennis iSldnnav Ennis KX Good Listenmati iood Listening ooa Jstcnuur Uooa Llsteuin Att. Homeseekers i Come and see this lovely home, i lo cated East of Commercial on Ewald. Look for the light brown ranch style home. For further information. Call 3-6735. $3650-5Rms.&Bath (SMALL 3RD BEDRM. IF NEEDED) WIRED FOR RANGE. ELEC. HOT WATER HEATER. GARAGE. PAVED ST. NEAR SCHOOL. STORE. WORK & BUS. IN CITY. CLOSE IN. THIS IS GOOD. 700 to $8a0 Dn. (New 5 RMS, & ; BATH. CHICK. HSE 86000. 3 B.R. Hse. Nr. DELUXE SUB. HOME. NORTH $9,950 $1000 to $1800 Dn. St. Vincents WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 37ll3 Salem $15,000 WALNUT PARK ADDITION lovely 3 bedroom English type horn with double plumbing, hard wood floors thruout. fireplace, ex cellent furnace, easy to heat. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor Ph. 2349 or 25260 060 S. Com'l DELUXE 3 bedroom home. 30x24 living room, large picture windows, oouoie fireplace. 2 baths, covered patio, snack bar and community kitchen. $18.500. Phone 4-2051. ' 7 '-! 1 High Styl-::''-j : 'M ': Lovely two-bed rm home - fireplace - hdwd firs extra nice kit. with living , , room and dining rm. - Corner lot. with lawn and shrubs. $10,500. , : . Invest In This - Worth Your ;Time - . f This service station and restaurant can, be yours and on very easy terms. An equipt. and living, quarters lncruoed. Good locanoa ana doing a good busi ness, easy price- too. sis.ouo. i ZEEB'S. REAL ESTATE. . --vv. ....i and-.. ;"!"..' ' INSURANCE CO. ' Bus. Phone 3-3031 1853 No. Capitol St. Res. 2-6862 or 4-4529 t to LOW DOWN PAYMENT This is the Cleanest little bungalow in town. Hardwood floors, nice kitchen. wiin. loads ot buiit-tns. attached garage with chicken; house in the back. AU clean- as a pin. located on approximately Vs acre! and full price only $5,250.00. Call TibbetU. i COUNTRY HOME AND ACRES ! ! Located close in. a nice modern 4 bedroom home, with additional room in rear. Larger home now renting for 880.00 per month and only 4 blocks from school, and transportation. This property has good possibilities for suD-aivision. a good s stancmon barn, price $20,000.00. Call Tibbetu. BELIEVE IT OR NOT i I Will wonders never cease? Sometimes we wonder., for here Is a wonder behold. Almost new 3 bdrm. home located near nw Lincoln school ; at 4 Corners on nice large lot. Believe it or not 81,350.00 will move you right in. Immediate possession. Call Chet. 1 GONE WITH THE WIND i You will agree that we had quite a blow recently, well everything withstood tne nurricane line except - me price wmcn was blown completely away. All to your benefit on this nice home and Income located across street from Senior High School. Better hurry and Call Chet. 1 GRASS & COWSMONEY i ' 20 acres ladino clover. 13 acres alta Fescue, 5 acres crimson clover, f acres oats and vetch. 8 cows. 60 hens, irrigation equipment. All year around creek, tractor and equipment, good home - 30 x 40 barn. $22,850.00 and only z down. See Dent. 11 ! 120 ACRES M i TWO HOMES. LARGE barn, chickens, houses machinery shed, and other out buildings. 18 acres of irrigated ladino clover, 40 acres wheat, 20 acres alta fescue. 5 acres oats and vetch. 6 acres strawberries. Has all year creek by Dlace also a sumo that can be used for irrigation nurooses. S24.000.00.; Down. See Dent. RAWLINS realty 2060 N Capitol St TibbetU 2-7488 (Hollywood District Realtor) ! : Office Phones 2-4664 or 4-1761 ; Evening Phones: Chet 3-6236 i 1 Jack Dent 3-7632 SUBURBAN DANDY. 2 nice bedrooms, large LR. with ' fireplace, modern bath, dining room, up to the minute kitchen buiitins. hdwd. firs, thruout. Inside utility heated, attached, garage, lot 82x150. Close to bus and store. Price 89350. Good terms. i i $7950 JUST A DANDY small home on south side, 2 br. modern bath, nice L.R.. up to the minute kit., breakfast space, hwd. floors, attached garage. Nice lawn. Lot 80x140. Terms. 1 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS, near Shopping Center. 4 br. home. large L.-R., full bath. ujl, kit., Dasenvjnt, oil neat pi pea. Hdwa. nrs., garage nice lawn ano shrubs. A good kuy at $12,000 with terms i LOOK. LOOK. LOOK. Here is over 27 acres of good soil, partly cleared with a oa ix. aruiea weu ana several springs, a- rougn a Dr. nome wiui ana kit, shower and toilet, small barn and chick house.; Owner asking only $4750. Get busy. 1 - 1 11 ACRES IRRIGATED full water right, on year round stream. Complete ir ligation system.- Wonderful soil. With 40 bearing walnut trees, about 3 acres raspberries. This is profit producing tract. Close to market. Can , be Vi a4 rn v.srlv ftm. Mm e7ftAA . . 2 HOMES ON 10 ACRES 1 6 room modern with full basement. 1 1 bedroom modern house renting for $42.50 per month. 2 acres strawberries. 4 A. fruit and nuts. Good barn. Chicken house, rabbit hutches,: well and irrigation - pump. Close to saiem, .Price $i7.Bio. Terms. : 1 , Ed Byrkit & Co. 473 CENTER ST ' PHONE 3-3101 : EVE. PHONES WALLAR 26496, BYRKIT; 26758 IDS Rousoa For 5crl 806 Houkos) For Sods) 8C3 Rouses For Soto CLOSE IN Near GRANT SCHOOL, 2 bedroom. WW cining room. Kitchen, bath. Lot 50x100. A comfort bale bungalow type home. 88500. . New, 3 Bedroom ' RANCH ' STYLE, with lara ' Uvine room Si fireplace.. dining room. kit. chen. inside utility, forced air oil furnace, att. garage. In city. East. $13,500. . V . . ; ,: E.J.Zwasehka Ph. 3-4033 JtEAL ESTATE' 1743 Grant $12,900 GOOD FOUR BEDROOM modern -HOME with basement & furnace, half way between High -School & Englewood grade school. large lot with trees & shrubs, extra . large living rm. with fireplace. $2900 . will handle. - Geo. A. "Walters, Realtor Ph. 23849 or 25260 $60 S. Com! 1 BJL'home. Lit, kitchen with-lots . of buiitins. lge..LJl, oil fir. furnace, far. and a gd. hen hse. on 1 A. of land just S. of town. $6250. $500 dn $43 per mo. . F. H. Weir Realtor 1247 S. Coml . Ph. -3-9411 HOW LONG? How long have you wanted a location on the mrin road with a stream and trees? Here it is. 37 A., year stream. No buildings, but lovely building site. 10 miles out on 99 E. All for '$2750. Terms. j 1 . . A. A. LARSEN, Realtor ' 'i .' 181 S. High Off. Ph. - 28629 Andy Hal vorsen - Ph. 37163 A. E. Beckett Ph. 24591 Eves and fiunrlnv QUALITY built, exceptionally well ar- rangea z pearoom noujse, newly re decorated outside and inside.' Ve netian blinds, large trees. i block to bus. FHA committment 1740 N. 24th. Phone 4-1336. ' FAIRMOUNT Hill 3 bedroom and full basement Automatic Oil Heat. Two fireplaces. Low down payment $60,000 per month. Bowes & Wood i Phone 4-3353 224 North High Eves 2-19742-8053 HUDKINS BUY LINES $500 DOWN HURRY! Let us show you this 3 bed room older home todav. Located in the Bush school district close to bus lines. Living room, dining room. Kitchen with all new natural wood built-lns. Oil heat. Fruit and nuts on large lot. $50. month. HURRY! Don't miss out on this bargain, as it wont last long at the reduced price 01 oruy ' $6,350. j CHAS. HUDKINS & SON, Realtors 250 N. High St. Phone 2-4129 Ph. Eves.t 2-6160 IN KINGWOOD HEIGHTS, brand new. lovely 3 bedroom home, mahogany nnisn living ana dining rooms, hard wood floors throughout. 2 fireplaces, ll'a bath, lots of buiitins, double gar age. lovely view of city. Priced right. 1565 Bonnie Way. Owner K. I. Dodge, 1595 Bonnie Way. Phone 3-7659. 1 BEDROOM, suburban, modern, utill ties, my equity. $196. Phone 4-4559. HIGHLAND HONEY Cute 2 bedrooms & bath Hdwd. floors extra lot only 1 block to school, Don't wait on this one it's a sacri fice at SS 950.00.- f . '. "owes tc Wood 5 Phone 4-2.' J3 224 North High 807 Aptsu Coura for Solo Apt. House & Store Close in. Neighborhood Grocery and 8 apts. Nice income, $21,000. Some terms. Might consider Dart trade. . B. Isherwood Realtor . 1910 Wallace Rd. Ph. 2-2147 PUBLIC AUCTION ; TO CLEAR RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR SALEM BY-PASS . RESIDENCE NO. 3712 THORNDALE AVENUE. - SALEM NO. 17257 - - living .room, satcnen wnn otning- area bath, fruit room, plastered interior, cedar shake exterior, electric heat, in- -sulated and weather-stripped, hardwood floors, attached garage. UUlitv in -rage, electric water system, electric water: neater With thi hnmM "that portion of Lot 17. Block . Rehbs.AddiUon. Marion County, outside of the , -fright of way, will be. sold. LoVand home will be included with your bid. RESIDENCE NO, 3714 THORNDALE AVENUE. SALEM NO. 172SS - ' -.' ' ZJZZT IT 3,1w"i!. pre u ciweis. uvins room, ostn, utility inside house. -vry attractive kitchen with dinette, guest closet, oil floor epht waU fur 2 kf?? Venetian blinds, attached garage: plastered interior, cedar snake exterior electric - water - heater, electric - water system. With this .home Lot 2. Block 2. Rehb's addition. Marion County, Oregon, will be , sold. Lot and home to be included in your hid. -. - - - - ' RESIDENCE NO. 3707 MONROE . AVENUE. SALEM NO. 17263 " T " . . "t utium luuiu wun iireoiac ana fiwn rmwt a nine Him tr. irifrn - ' 2 bedrooms and bath. Oak floors, electric heat, weatherstripoed. eleo trie water heater. eUctric pump system. This U s lovely large home, plas- r- if-TSr ,tntrior ctdar shake exterior. Garare is detached and double size. With this home Lot 3. Block 4, Rene's Addition,. Marion County Oregon. ;'Pt tlut portion used for right of way In the construction of : Thorndale Circle roadway, wiJ be sold. Lot and' home to be Included tn ' your bid. . - -,. . . . f.-. s; . - . i ANY FINANCING NECESSARY MUST BE ARRANGED PRIOR TO THE SALE DATE WITH THE FINANCING COMPANY OF YOUR CHOICE. The above described homes to be sold to the highest bidder at public auction for cash, but subject to the approval of the. Oregon State Highway Com- , mission and with the right reserved to relect any and all bids. An initial deposit of 50 -of high bid will be required at the conclusion pf bids. . General Vicinity One half mile East of the State Hospital on Center Street, - then follow signs to south. sr Home must be removed from nresent location -ithfn tn a BOMnono - of offer. . .. i . . Full information regarding estimated cost of moving, concrete foundation, septic tanks, and new well and other inspection of ths properties may be ha-d.,.by-.cuLnS c- W- Parker. State Highway Department, Salem. Phone 4-2171, Ext.' 717. .. . yv j, SALE DATE NOVEMBER 17. 1951. AT 3712 THORNDALE AT 10 P, M. AND c THEREAFTER AT 3714 THORNDALE AVENUE AND 3707 MONROE AVENUE. " :i 1 r . TERMS OF SALE ARE: 50 deposit at time of receiving bid and remainder of . bid price to be paid within ten days of notice of acceptance of bid toy Highway Commission. ; i Auctioneer: ' : ; f Claude M.' Kilgore OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Phone 2-5706 State Highway Building 390 South Lancaster Drive. Salem Salem 850 Automotive K50 Automotive 852 Dd Cars For Solo 852 Used Cms For Solo SAFE BUY - USED CARS - PRE-TH ANKSGI VING CLEARANCE Priced to Sell . .. . . .IBank Terms Free Turkey With Each Used Car . Purchased Between Now and ' : Thanksgiving ; ; '" Don't forget the location . I . ' 808 Lots For Solo HUDKINS BUY-LINES HONEYMOON COTTAGE Newlywedv. here is your ideal home. Lg. LR. DR. Bath and stall shower. Kit. with lovely buiitins. Utility rm. which can be used: for extra bedroom. Garage. Concrete drive and patio. Rear yard completely fenced. A real buy at only: 2 CHOICE lots for sale on North River Rd. Phone 2-8298. : S ACRES Hi miles of city limits. 4 mile from school, on pavement, city bus.. 850 sq. ft. in house. 2 large chicken houses, good well. 87750. Tsrms. 4230 Liberty. Rd. $6,950. 250 N. High St. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON; REALTORS Phone evenings' 2-8160 Phone 2-4129 FOr. SALE by owner: New 2 bedroom nome, ail modern, oak floors, plaster ed, attached garage, floor furnace, a acre, cash or terms. See owner at 5.-5 Sunnyview, 5 ROOM older house, value. $6000. to trade for newer 2 bedroom house, will give difference to $2000. Rich mond District. Phone 33885 after 8 D.rr Thursday Friday, all day Satur- Qcy & Sunday HIGHWAY frontape with 4 bedroom home. North on Portland Rd. Phone 2-0152. Mountain View j . Just completed. Very attractive spa cious 3 B.R. home. Ige. I R. with fireplace. D R- breakfast nook, patio & 2 car garage. An outstanding home for the money. Price $16,400. Suburban Trade j Large 3 yr. old ranch home, 2 B.R. & den. D.H.. fireplace it breakfast nook, inside utility, big garage and a small chicken or cow shed, l'i A. ground, close in near Market St. Trade for city property. Owner Leaving ! Pretty white 2 B.R. home with a beautiful corner lot. bus at door & across from a park. West Salem. Price reduced to $8750. Call . Bon Cleary. Walter Musgrave, Realtor 1211 Edgewater 3-5109, Eve. 3-9939 MOVING from Salem. 2 bedroom home near Leslie SchooL FHA commitment. Phone 2-1C03. -3 BEDROOM house with l'i bath, sew - lng twm. "ivine room with fireplace, : dining room and kitchen, full base ment with .fireplace. 50 . well, 'S A. ; with fruit and nut trees, double : garage 'all chicken house, enclosed vara. 3350 ri. itiver Kd 2 BEDROOM home. 160J Leo St. $5700. .35-10 down, balance contract 859 month including interest. Inquire 1815 N. 5th. Phone 2-2555, "OWNER MOVING MAKE OFFER an 3 bedroom name on one acre. 530 - W. Browning. Frank Graff Real Estate WANT A BARGAIN? Very nice S Bdrm. home close to school, stores &' city bus. Nice sized living & dining Comb. Lee. kitchen, worlds of buiitins. Bath; lge. garage. 2 lots 50x120 each. Only $5750. with $1500 down. This is a real buy. Call Mr. Todd. SALEM HEIGHTS DANDY ' ' 2 Bdrms. home, Ige. 16x22 Liv. & Din. comb. Ldry- trays tn att. garage. Very nice 100x200 corner lot. Only $6600. Call Simpson. r j 4 BDRM OR HOME & INCOME I I Lge. living & dining comb. 2 Bdrm. down. 2 Bdrm. up. Dble. plumbed: Good basmt. with sawdust furnace. Corner lot. Fruit trees .nice shrubbery. Can be home & apartment. Owner will trade for smaller home. Price $8750. Call Mr. Todd. j , i ; . j i ONE BEDROOM HOME ' ! 1 Nice location, close to stores, citv bus & school. Nice sized & very comfort able liv. rm. Nice roomy din rm Very nice kit. with lots of buiitins. Lge. utility. Nice lge. bedroom with lots of cloret space.; 700 sq. ft. nr. space, Beautiful lot 50x150, well shrubbed. Several fruit tc nut trees. Only 24750, with $1000. down. Can Simpson. I FRANK GRAFF REAL ESTATE 820 State Street. Eve. Ph.: Simpson 3-8239. Todd 2-1731 ; Office phone 2-S591 Only $750 Down Total Only $8950 Your golden opportunity to move right into this excellent home. LR. DR. KIT, Bath. Large Inside Utility. 2 Bed Rooms down. 2 dandy Bed Rooms up, Fireplace, Hwd. Firs.. Ven Blinds. Insulated. Weatherstripped. Garage, &5lrl5n lot. 1 Rlk tn hit Xlak vntir annnintmpntl nov. : Phone 2-402 Charles D. Summers Realtor 1725 State St Eve. Ph. 2-4602 4010 Beck Ave. Corner of S. Lancaster & Beck --!- - - 1 2Bdrms.. nice kitchen with corner Sink, dining area, breakfast bar. Inside utility, elec heat. Insulated, oak floors, corner lot 100x100. Pavement on both sides. This home is about 3 yr. old. much larger than it appears from the street. Vacated for your inspection. Priced at Only $6300. Very reas onable terms. Owner anxious to sell. 4225 State St. 1 ACRE r ' i First Time Offered - bdrms, Bv. rm, din. rm.. inside utility, nicely landscaped, circle paved - drive Convenient to shoDDing. This would make a beautiful court : site all set for it. Investigate this one, might be just what you have been looking for. $12,100. X L ! 3890 LaBRANCHE AVE. 1st House West off Lancaster at 4-Comers SMO down. $4950 full Drice. and worth every nlckle of it. NOTE: Driv e by these homes at your own convenience. I Stop and talk to the . owners If you wish. All three are worth tne asking price, it s only - case of whether you are too long for that type property. -. ; Claude M. ' Kilgore Real Estate Broker & Auctioneer -39 - 8. LANCASTER DR. M PHONE J-5iUS 810 Farms. Acxsags) fox Salv 812 Exchange) Real Esrtats) TRADE. MY Salem 2 br. house equity for trailer house or car. Ph. 43046. 545 CENTER STREET : These Are Bargains! 1950 MERCURY CLB. CPE. LOW MILEAGE " ' , 1950 FORD FORDOR SEDAN. CLEAN ; ' ; ' , f;' 1949 NASH SEDAN. 14.000 ACTUAL MILES ' ;i ' 1949 CHEV. 2-DR. SEDANETTE LIKE NEW ' " i; 1949 DeSOTO CUSTOM SEDAN. LOADED . I; U 1948 PACKARD SEDAN. R.. H, O D.. A DANDY L- 1948 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DLX. SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED 1948 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DLX. SDN. R, H, SEAT COVERS 1948 KAISER SEDAN. CLEANEST ONE YET! 4- 1948 STUDEBAKER LAND CRUISER. R, H.. O.p, NEW COVERS 1946 CHEV. CPE. PERFECT MOTOR. READY TO GO L 818 Wantctd. Real Est at 1942 PLYMOUTH SPEC. DLX. 2-DR.. R., H NEW COVERS 1941 BUICK SPEC. SEDANETTE. T-TONE. R., H, SKIRTS 1941 CHEV. SPEC. DLX. SDN. ONE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR 1940 BUICK SPEC. SDN. VERY CLEAN, MOTOR TOP X. WANT CHEAP SUBURBAN. ALSO 3 OR 4 BR. HSE. NR. ST. VINCENT s. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE. PH. 3-7113. . 850 Automotive 852 Utexi Can Foi Sal $ for You Cannot Beat Our Cars for Value 'TERE FS THE PROOF Pontiacs j '51 Sedan. R 8c H $2395.00 50 Sedan Cpe.. K & n imvu '49 Sedan 2), hydramatic, j n 1, H i 1795.00 tt.Sedan, hydramatic. R St H 1295.00 47 Sedan Cpe.. R St H -- 1095.00 46 Sedan Cpe.. R 6c H . t 995.00 Chevrolets '49 Sedan. R & H '46 Sedan. . R & H Fords 48 Club Coupe. R & H '41 Pickup , 1495.00 : 895.00 1095.00 j 495.00 Ohlsmohile '46 Sedan, hydramatic. R 4 H 905.00 41 Sedan. H x 395.00 International '48 Pickup. H tc H '42 Station Wagon 1095.00 ; 695.00 ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS HERRALL-OWENS CO. 660 N LIBERTY PHONE 2-411S CHEAP TRANSPORTATION 37 OLDS SEDAN 37 FORD SEDAN . 37 CHEV SEDAN . 39 FORD ' COUPE 39 FORD TUDOR . 39 BUICK SEDAN 40 FORD COUPE 41 CHRYSLER COUPE $ 49.00 1 49.00 i 39.00 . 89.00 169.00 169.00 i 189.00 189.00 : ORVAL'S ; LOT NO. 2 785 South 12th Phone 3-4702 1940 MERCURY SEDAN. LOADED. MECHANICALLY PERFECT 1939 DeSOTO SEDAN. MOTOR OVERHAULED t 1 1939 MERCURY SEDAN." CLEAN. READY TO GO 1938 CHRYSLER SEDAN. NEW MOTOR RECENTLY .81990 j, 1293 J 1393 . 1398 1649 1299 - 114$ 1049 .243 1295 799 J 449 - 873 573 395 399 199 299 12 MAN OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN OR CALL US. WARNER MOTOR CO. 545 CENTER ST. -gtyrTTi- PHONE 33012 VALLEY MOTOR GO. TRUCK DEPARTMENT USED TRUCKS AND PICK-UPS . LOGGERS ATTENTION 1942 CMC ... Air Brakes "Brownie' and 1948 lual axle, logging trailer, 1000 x 20 tires. PICK-UPS 1947 V2 TON INTERNATIONAL ' 1945 2 TON GMC I : NEW TRUCKS : WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 Fl RED PICK-UP 1 Fl BLUE PICK UP 1 Fl GREEN PICK-UP 1 F3 GREY PICK-UP 1 F3 BLUE PICK-UP 1 F5 CHASSIS TRUCK 1 F6 CHASSIS TRUCK , . JUBERTY' fc-MARIQN ST ,V , . v P?PJ5 1.4T -