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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1951)
450 llcrchss&a A l' 450 Iltrchandlra iSOO Dcsiacsa&Fiaaacoi 60k Employment 700 Rcnfcb i - h i. 4 i e OTAH IPortland Prodnco Buying Gives Grains 8 PORTLANDU Nov. 2 AP-Butter- m' VVrVT )3a i ifm r w m' hV-ttnUtlTt. subject to Immediate I wbtit (bid), to arrive market, basis chance: Premium Quality, maximum to I No x jeHver coast: soft whit d?v. -rof""irJ. r., r, . it: I x-: w?it (excluding bud 2.40; iSSrday en!ucoast I noTrshcld Goods for Sclo J 470 For Sole. t:igcellanoon 1 310 Monery to tocn Portland 75-7SC lb: first duality, W- whlU elub 2M. 78c; second quality. 71-74C. Valley Hard red wit win tor: ordinary Ml; 10 APEX washing machine and electrle I OIL HEATER, food condition. Phone I ranee, both. 1a eood condition. Phone 1 4-9130 mf r S cm. - -34- - ttftAHte -dU 2AaL ALL. MAUL : apartment tlx las I Traded Lou). 1870 Lana Are. rang e, 140: ijyod t2v KNS SUITS, shirte, sweaters, hata water tank, $24. 1091 Ruge. Ph. -tti giz 38-40. Ladles dresses, suits, size 13-n. 571 union. mitM iiutMuntr Dointa 2e less. 1 . ,1 . . . I ' evenmrs. BUWbeluk'rXA. , bulkeube. At SaS. SE-VErf cubic foot 'it goldspot rcirlger- teZ6ii suite 3 pieces walnut, older T.-r MTTTie. - I hni. .wwt aAa A TniU. T.n,,ia ODia EAST. Have 7 n. phiio orator. 1 Tnomhg old, 4-4172, II i -MI1IMII SIS Clhicrtlona Wanted ASSISTANT bookkeeper, part time. convenient noun, oy manure lady, some experience. Box 269. co States man. HoTJsewOrK by the hour. Will jive ixicrcuccs. a-asvs. i , , to wholesalers: Grade AA. M score, 72c 300 Personal U.awl aa.6V. aae aawM...- 4d lei CHICAGO, NOV. 2-tfVA strong I lb; A. S3 score. 71c; B. SOc; lper , 2.42; 11 per cent 2.44; 12 per I GOING EAST. Have 7 ft. Philco regria ;ni -i erator, a moning oiq. e-4i yz, Today'a car receipts: wheat II; bar- UNFINISHED furniture, matchin units, modern oesirn. compare work- manshlp and prices. Beavercrart Co. T75 N. Lancaster Dr. , - " ' NEW Duo-Therm oil heater. I room tlze $69 J5. Easy terms. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC. 487 Court - Phone 8-M11 Used Furn, Cheap . ' TXAOX TERMS Valley rum. Co. tU No Coat S-T471 458 Wmtd, !ioushold Goods porwa mauuj wy uua wj. -"- i cneese eeion .f.,' rfw. I ley 3;, flour 4; mill feed 2. YTjort and flnur btisiness. leaiurea I wnoieaaiera; croa in 7- i dealings Jn trains on the board oll ctr.): candled efW trade today. Wheat more than containing no loss, cases , included. oaoe up lor yesieroay-s as. ... EF'm H ?E 312 Leai feari Fotarl Other cereals were orm enougn Zlgrrtt &Vgnri-& Without rivaling the strength Of j Live chickens No. 1 qusUty. rO I LOST: Wblte and brown cocker, named Butch. Reward. Phone 4-3162 after a. style but good $68.50. Trader Louie . 1870 1 Lena Ave - - - ' w'DGWOOD f u and wood combina . tlon ranre with hot water coila. Al- Consolldate All Bills 6J Dot and Contract Salem V larrest and oldest home- J fLCR waxing and polishing machine, owned loan company oilers money . satisfaction guaranteed. Ph. 36789. uoo range wiui not waier cuua. I " . I c i o i o r - most new. 175. 2196 8, Summer. Ph. j You can pay any time to reduce net Salem 'band & GraVCl Co. 2-48-1S.-' - ...,.-! cost) .1 . . . w.. - inJul a 1 mainl nlantil! Frvera. SV-S lbs 26c: S-elbS. because he iaiorably COld roasters. 4 lbs and ojjt. 27.2c; Lost: Brown and white Pointer male Because wie unscuwaoiy uw UtM .hens, all weights, X9-26c: heavy I pup , montha old, vicinity of 1180 weather in the mid-west Will help ken. aU welshta. !26c, old roosters, all KiMdAlUwardCaUli or in amng oui xne gram QUicauj'.i.weignw, , .T - . i z-4szs. v . I - n irnwcri: AalW COOO double trailer. t&.Sdo High: land Ave. after 5:30 p.m. v . BACK AND LININGS Too. Wooa circulators and cook . stoves. . Valley rum, 285 N. Cornl. Ph. 2-7472. BROWN. Mahogany bishboy with sep- No endorsers or help' from friends! On i cars, trucks, - trailer homes to S500.00. u - . On furniture, livestock, equipment. salary, or other personal property to $300.00 total S8O0.001 Phone or arate rmrror and matching poster I Hear -Top Trades" 12.-05 dally - 7:43 Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer & Basement -. Equipment Rental o Ditching by the foot w fiku. Mmmm V.AJAS 4 ijvuw vei J v mvm ' a& mi mm t v nta - ICS. 10-19C, lew mgnen xrein i tf Reward en to retailers, so-Mc; some I wuiameno u. wewaro., . , Wheat closed 2 to 2 higher, Me: 0id does. Mm -lx. a'. Vilvhar Aata 1. - 114 I dressed fryers higher, rye (new style) lower turkeys-X .grade.' yoimg 816 Personal" TO vs iugner, soy Deans r4-i r 1 hens, net xo growers .ua " bed. 4S JO. Trader Louie, 1470 Lana Ave Crushed Phone ajn. Sat. 1390 KCsll ne 4-8177 Rock HIGHEST CASH, 1 piece or houseful PLA8 "-KUT ' Wv! Call 3-3797 ' Hsre rurnihire. 255 N.' Hlrh I rtAA .IAv- J- a u -It I J V ' 7 " . " ' ' It:'--' r C.- "iiiLIiiit- i. A .. lit munrtr ivAwunm vt iur riutM jot lurniiurt ei iii uibi. er and lara uncnangea w a ceniaiura-. ,.v, vfl i r r. ot,- A-V I HAiX'S-ruRNiTUJis store Portland Li vpstork retailers. 44-45o lb.: few higher; New York stylo A trade hens Sic. . WalnutsAPproxunaxe price mi grow ers for orchard run: rranquette, 17-lfte lb: whoiesaio price r js. saipping PORTLAND. Nov. -AP)-(USDA point, large No. IjUj K6ri6Ll Anonympus. Ph. Wlil EX" I m es I 7T j wa tow A 4sie)e inga, Sunday, 3 p Tuesday 7 JO I Tf1".' ""4 . lIi'IT""' . tyt i 1 WWaeavawwa i vassgv m tv w ew rvcfll- PiRr readme nm. L .out on all funtlture. appUaneea, , All day Saturday. Sunday. Phone Apnuanpe Co 979 Chemeketa " tW and Used bewtng Machines Yester Aoollance Co S7B Chemek ets i ' 1HNETTE set. Monterey finished, nice condlUon. $3940. Trader Louie, 1170 Ave. 7C5 Apuilaeets" tor T.rrrt . Gebrgene Gables Apt unfum. except ranpe and refrtg. Auto, laundry. 023 8. 13th. 1 ROOM furnished apartment, maiA floor, IS week Elderly gentleman .only. Phone 8-3278. CLEAN, quiet, warm, two room' apart ment, close in, lady , preferred. 44g Ferry. - - ' ; ; i ROOii 'baaement. furnished. ' aparU ment. au uuuues included, 845. Ibi N. Capttol. Phone 2-4 ' 3. BaATJfLfUL. furnished wiih dishes, one room bachelor apartment, pri vate entrance, all conveniences. Gen tiemen only. 539 N. Winter. ! 3 ROOMS furnished, modem, very anracuve. auvomauc neau Take a look. 104 Oak St. fVRN. APT, close in, priv. bath. l& .- . . ...... a n.nn m. . uumi'jie. Cattle sataoie rnaay ; mosuy nm- i- "r-.7. ;.w.iMAi.rl ta in.i rm wmH! uiihi, l.vao.. lurin i - v. uneven; goodhoic. .fteer. cows weaa. mance rciw. 10.-004. t.O-M.10: commer- early, axtaa gooa-cnojce iiim o. ia 1 zzi, fl r . utintv 848.70- .V. lino lThil sorted: few food I Clal, $50.70-51.10: r COWSlUUlKy,S4a.ij- ItTn'ZSX u. .loTancuta 4C2 LlTw-IOCk 30.00. Stockers-feeders slow out scarce. '..., ters. $3.00-4J)0; rounds. $61.70-3.10i I Phone 2-3153. cutter cows ward to 15.( . 1 h m aw 1 MHnmapHal cows 28 00-290. Commer- 1 merclaL $48.00-55.00.. rial-good bulls rs.oo-so.i 28.30: cutlers aown Calves salable : --H Tnr weak: maima HTAanw ninara ana i irr . ' .-. Wool: wmameue vaucy, mu7 - 11 1 m ma I In.l ... . Kh Mill; . MirMi e ill 1 nuiiuna 11 1 . - - - . A. 1 k... ir.nnniniMt .dminiatratrix - Mohair i 70c lb on u-monui irewxn. f the Estate of ELSIE HANNA. de- F.Ocounsrapptni poua. PO Bx 934. YMCA. Wed. and Eri. ar a.-vo pjn. 400 AfyicnllTife ror roads Js drtvewsy. cement. Ready mis. Concrete. Garden ane. Bull- I .. doting, irainago and ditching. 4 Td shovel at drag Hne Phone 3-0248 Odd good fed heifers 35.25; commercial A .Beet CJJI,! SiTaJaT ACS5.. "rmlf saddle. $7$. Sli)0-32J0; utility Z4.oo-zv.ob. wanner- W. SjYi ahUs dcn- full Jl&H J3!! lEM BtoiatERtt) and purebred Cuernaev I8 60 oT under; ccercial 148 JOforu , bull calves and cow. RU 4. box 300-17.00: few high utility- Ve1:, $50-1-00. com- Dn old Paetfle Highway, i " a " m 1 isaei Nnrrn nr kii nnviina I Vaelr aWtlVfif I JlinSL Na. a. aWlS . IkSa I J 1 U.' J ja. t1 T" , n 1 in gai : utility i ,0. .hmra. 18 "lbs. down! P Trade year old.Grey geld- xo aa.u. xr:KT: .. .T., ki. 844.00-480: ing. genue. iw ids. 3337 wuusms Ave. y,-1.VQUJX:?it Seah hams 16-14 lbs. 834 60-58.70. 14 CALVES for sale, Rt 8. Box 714. aa labia 875. Market I ireen nimi, I 1 miu cn..h A r k, ck.n.. X, pre.e'nrih.'m! Sr'Wf good ULL feaaVlCaV reasooabte. K"? MC MONTHS from - Veal: -Vffir. WTgifSl '.n7tmt ,p.hB eeaaad. All oersons having clalma against Mid estate are hereby nott- fied to vouchers, . Ktraat. Balem. Oreeon. Dated and rirst Published this 8th day of October, 1951. BERNICX B CAMPBELL AdmlnUtratrix of the Estate '. Elsie Hsnna. deceased. . Morlcy St Thomas Lebanon, Oregon . - aAm-va nr Attmlnlatratrix " - -0 n a 1 Mutton: Best. 60-W ids, ss-zae id; LICEN'StD and bonded livestock buyer. ; e. i. sneuien, uho lancaster or. 1 Phone 3-i348 : BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer t C. MrCandlnh U27 8 sth Ph 3-8147 BONI4ED uvestocfe buyer A. W. Born nwiiwunwiiwt tta rn stbit mnaneous. Ph. im. t3 rami- Wailing Sand & Gravel Co. Highest Prices . ' ; -1 Crushed Rock Valley Furn. Col 2-7472 OUR LOW overhead it rapid turnover snows us to pay more casn ior your l MrLLIiiETEH projector 1000 watt furniture, appliances, etc Bring to I naw condition 800. Trader Louie. 1870 . the Glenn Woodry rurniture MkL, or I r... Ave. ph g-8110 today. - . . Carago door hardware Tavart ' O-er 1. Wt 175. 821 JO. Phono z2$47. 4S8 Bufldlxia Mmwrtals ' . Wrecking Bide. I KNOTTY PINE, fine assortment Wall- I BftS MU1 St Lot of 2x12 long. length board 4X8, si.tb. snsxes. wioe coior i planks. 3-3Z92 evinings. -selection. "C". flooring $129.00. CeU- uciKiC Ranges New end Usee ins ue ana pianx. uoors ana win- i Yester Appliance Co. 175 Chemek - aows aiiracuveiy pneeo. nau root- ins sz.43. rirwooa. cui io your sues. Let us help solve your remodeling 136 S. Commercial St. - Lie. No. S13I and M 338 . i " . Parking Apients WeM Like to Loan You .: ....-. ! $100 It you'd like to borrow 1100 ' (or any amount up to $1500) . Phone or call on us Immediately i Typical Repayment Plans " '. . 18 Mo.- Amount !. Payments ' I ' Evenings 3-7412. 8-4417 Salem. Oreeon - AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better & 5YniETTER' Shrock Motor JcLOSfi IN 3 room, wefl iurnlahed. el 3 AIMYIMO AND DKCOaAlWO. fXNM W kaat fumUhaf r hone a-7352, , PrtvaU bith and entrance, garage. X?eH4F TankCleaninw i-olour.Apt.' cUe in 27100 ar Drain fields Installed and repaired. 3773 event . - - -. Todd's BepUe Tank Service Phone COMJ-ORTALL. 3 "room apt. 6 roup I Irfll4 it,Ahu i " j. S?" rear of $74 N. CEMENT WORK, all kinds John raid- 'Church; -.- i sen-j pnone 3B-r-i evenings, rUKNliED apartment, tlott in. 1. 4. GOOD tub i lawn mowei snarpeo ,ws uowser nros. itio s. 12th . 700 Rentals PkAna w-tVt? NEW modern 3 spacious roo . refrigerator, eouple. 1140 s, irurih.T 707 Houses rot Rsrt - $118.08 230.92 831 M - 870.84 1239.84 $ 8.00 17.00, 36.00 89.00 84.00 '4 SredNorthdiy m7 PORtI VALUT nJRN, CO t5 N, COMX. LAND ROAD LUMBER YARD 4-4433. Montag wood circulator ., , UM PACIFIC Industrial Loans cners, wumn wa v. i: --r; saTm,. thara 41-45C date hereof, 10 me a toun " i. lb- can- ' www, -. ners-cutters. 43-44C. . Hoes: Light blockers, 29-30c lb; sows. it -k a.t?o i Umw: Top graoe, s--m-grades 43-45e. i - - Onions OV io sacaa, wi"" j---. Of elaoB a 2949 BONDED Livestock buyer Claude TA- i wards Rt. 2. Bov 89flK Ph 4-111.1 3 YEAR big Guernsey, fresh weeksT . rnoee . 404 PoultTT end Rabbits f 431 Bh St. MoncUy. IL- ollor wSod hot w.uV VTrna'c oi Coleman cU circulator with , and windows ana all lumber zor sale. Madion wrecking Co. ' 11$ 8 Liberty I Phone 4-S209 3556 MONEY TO LOAN on 1st mortgages. $55.00 I city property, pnone win. 1 ilAv.'. MODERN g bedroom ement ga " l rage, . cioee to wciuniey, Leie 7ua Liee pinq itooras. Board gag Ave. PhSnTioT I CAT AM. 4' U- 1 1 ROOM rOR rent. Utt N. Winter. dhTp. "tjs dAinr? I a i u i w. . 1 OdU cotuge at id per month, end1 BOARD and room for elderly Chris- 0f Cummin gi Lane in Kelzer dla-, ...tUn. womn- Phon l435a- ' ' trlct. Phone 3-10277- NICIXY furnished sleeping room for alODE&N i bedroom country' homel ladv. Phone 39745. a. ...n.. ..i.w. an. SXSi'INO room for genUeman. Private I IbEoROOM ' house. furrlUhad no ball A.lnVln- Faon a4i27- r In house. 3338 ralrhavcn Ave. I Q1I'J,T -Si?Jni hop- T BEDROOM modern and convenient. " tr".. Xt' i au electric, in email Court .near Cnemeketa. Phone 2-1449. I .- n..iti. , ... . ; C.y.A;.,ilthsotepink5 1I5STLV furnished $ bedroom house. grlTj Kr- T38 wi,Chvrrh. clein adults, no dogs. U-psy uull RopMS wtto hot and cold water. ties, bus at door. 348. $71 Hfrhltnd. blower -.$28,501 Best grade No. l'a $10. Uo. 2 s $7. He S'a as Si aa Anv amount oeuvered. 18 in. No, 1 carton packed sidewsll $'i $3 Any amount delivered. Bun Therm oil elreulatop with blower . - 8590 TRADER LOUTS 1870 Lana Ave. wASHlNli aiacninea. New ana Used $$ CASH kitchen privileges. 754 Perry 706 Apartments for Rent Imed. 82.00-.23: lows, mea ai?s"L52eTil75l2A0: M 1 MONTH pullets, half Hampshire'. l!:VShmin: I b:.dLL. Brown. Rt sTBox shakes 813J0 per aa. with under- eourse. common tumo Oak and Pecan floorin eh. Salem 2-1196 even in rs gpfic'IAL-Umited quality, first grade VeaUr Aoolianoa eta uvea. N ioe Co. 378 Chemek Phone eater Ap- idaho sweet Spanish No. I, t-lnchmin. mm, wf- ---ma. 1 ' iiv. i mue w. or jui perry. 1 H.I'aeTs!111 f 1 "Md- U ' MINIATURE TURlaVS, hSf devel- au mi . . Aw 1 BltM fnaarv MM, lnvmnsrurvT rOR BIDS I PoU toes Descnutes, .V"."1.. "Ji: I tbVtw nhr ntM anmnt v..m mJTZJ TiVT. 7Ti riv b, the sets No 1-A iw " I " : 7 . - 1 i-a , . ttann no. a m.w-. nllance 379 Chemeketa 18" nalnted "Cedar Cream" carton 1 8x13 LINOLEUM rugs 84J Hare rur- - - . . . s s. . a-A asaiai my u ait pacxea snaxea m m per square. Man- 1 mmi. v BOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. 1980 ralrarounds Road (next door to bank) rree Parking lot ! Ml mSN I Can 9-t(r9 PRIVATE money to loan. Pbonel3l74. 600 Employment MALL furnished house, suiUbilof working couple. 340. Phone 3-3497, ONE bedroom unfurnished house, eleo trle hest. S2S E St. ' TOWNTOWN j jjedroom apartment, t ROOM modern furnished coiiaieV uuiiwes patq. ov. no ynemeaeia. pnone Z-oaiB. ' ' ROOMY 8 room apt S br. unfurnisheai ANEW 4 room house, unfurnished PASiM?-. . ylth garage. 1418 N. 18th, rURNISHED bachelor apt Basement I ROOM country house, 2i miles "West of Bridge. S4g., rrea Kubin. Phone Oregon State Board of Higher Educa- sac f Wash russeU No'. TRAD pulleU ior wood circulator. tion at the University of 0gon Bus- No. 1m1 gTiS-.33: Idaho russets Phone 44300. iness Office iHfcnt grtmnsTt RED PftYERS and Roasters. Alive or Oregon, untll 10 M- Dumber w ay : U S No. 2 green alfalfa, deliver- dressed. Phone 23080. rd-oTapProxtelJ 2$ wrel of sd I ceV ind trck JoTfflA BABV CHPC - BAfiV CHtJC . SroVednd located uVtheNorth mostly $36X0 ton; Willamette VaUey Parmentcr Reds and Nichols New J iM?fmPw?ld .,1. i!ShLru.rt grain and clover hay nominally823.00- , Hampshlres. Order now for. belt uaix 7a w- . t , i,M h-ii at firm: no. 1 biduuu i , ufactured by Jamison Single Co. C. St K. Lumber Yard, Lancaster at Center. ; ' 4S0 Musical IziaTtrinnents ' Piano Bargains HOMART oil burning floor furnace 50,000; btu almost new $78. iraaer Louie. 1870 Lana Ave, 802 Help Wanted 643 Union. 6KE ROOM apt Close State Bldgs, 666 8 1 Summer St. ? i ROOM furnished apartment, private patn ana entrance. 1st s. commer cial. ! - 47-r-21 i UNTDRNl5LD I bedroom house, flra place, oil heat wall to wall carpet, hotwater heater.; No pets. $73. Phone Z-4SB4. ARE YOU READY 3 LARGE rooms, furnished, private I FURNISHED, small modem ! house. oaxn, rein gara tor, garage, boo. asi ri. 1 aouiis. inquire mo ituge. a-asn. 1. Liberty. Phone t-5446. I Bit PARTLY .urn. homes loiTET NICE 3 room furnished apartmenr for I .N. High. iNtW locaUon: CHARIS E. Bales, 1183 Center Center 35918. rr,tir iimri To buUd valuable, permanent ; buai- two. $50. 910 Norway. $,BfcDROOM house, close in.' schools SmT, "tooitlna tllm' CLEaV $ room apartment. $35 month. cvenn? partl.Uy furnUhid?3 T I SJ Va va - aaaj wwa- wa areata. 1 . f all m BK HATCHERY. HUBBARD. ORE. gh. mroun0rhZi for a REAL buv KJRBY, Vacuum, cleaner it stUcn 1 ..1. nil v fat - I snop arouna men ior a KKAUeuy 1 .nt. gas. Karlv American Chest of lit. C'Y iT Zlmmimn liut: heavy cUve. weak-LOO or rnorelow- hAvZoLD and started chick. E. Ce- f.tei on Abloua Creek. I r: UrJi r V m. I ter Street Phone 22881 Lee s Hat- cated on Ablqua Creek. .... Walers33.00-36.ob, early to 37.00; com- t .-.1 iMrtntian will be f umished. 1 veaiera Mvryr ' . "t ..m-' m t. 1 Oery ,""7;..h rhiBiar 437 Ore- mercuu-gooa ai.1y--7.v. . u-TtT In accordance wun cnapier wiw- i. ..ft. down to 16.00. Medlum-gooa gon Laws -1949. the , minimum prtee J? ivW jToO OO; light welshts to ?he SUte Board will accept li UAWO. H--?JJ loMondasr 380-38.00; A certified check of 10 per cent of "JLfto 4200. - . m,i tm vni of the Oregon I - .cii accompany yiw I Bteady-2S cents lower, cioaea airong come to Stone's I Best selection in the state. Choose from America s finest pianoa. Baldwin, WurUtzer, Cable, it others. -, Raautlful Haw Snln,tl frnrn IMA. Medium-good HATCHES of Golden Broad and New I New St used grands, spinets, uprights. nampsnire cnicxa every luesoay. 1 suawn sxammonu organs. SUverton. stayton. wooaoum etc 1 . cu s-8954 I heat. 873 month. Phone 3-3553. nice gesttosurer of motor , apartment,, partly iurniahed. ROOM houseor gent Phone 3-1 . Tf YOU ARE WTLLINO to study and ROOM furnished apt Newly decor- S ROOM furnished cottage In Holly- work to permanently establish your- ated. Utilities paid. 560 N. Winter. wood District 2125 Myrtle Ave. self !n the FINEST BUSINESS IN 1.R66M kitchenette furnished, heat RENT OR SALE: 3 bedroom house, -s THE WORLD this la your ' chance. and water. Call at 983 Saginaw. unfurnished. 3445 Center. Phone O. - Part time or full time applicants will CHARMTKG 1 room furnished apart- . E Rodrers, Sdo, ' - be considered If sincerely interested. ment private bath St entrance, 3 i BEDROOM house. $30 month, li i NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE blocks to state office buildings. Ph. Stste (Pen 4-coraers) Phone 2X"7. REQUIRED. 3-7830. 1 ROOM house, hot water. Rt 6, Boat Please eaU in person er pnone s-aoei 3 ROOM furnished apartment refri- . 368. Phone 22303. finish, make, offer after ;4M pan. j 1168 sixth St. ' B YEAR babv crib 810. Phone 3-6631. NORGE freezer. $ ft, used only 1 year $1490. Ave. r Trader Louie, 1870 Lana menta. $65. Early American Chest of Drawers. $25. 8 ext. chrome di ne. , nette set $45. LE.8. Bridge lamp. $9.7$ Taylor Tot $7.50. Lovely Urge walnut i oc. bed suite. 8129.50. Bift- well Mohair davenport At club chair. for an appointment 1 ' BILL OSKO Insurance 1465 N. Capitol Sslem gerstor. private bath, also 2 room. I i ROOM house $23 month, references. i We specialize in broiler chicks Fox's i Hatchery. 3830 State St. phone J-4868 MT-r8taCteBoard of Hisher Education with top W n fL, 5il52; HOMES WANTED for 4 kittens and toVc?pt or reject Wersj1S-llS0 ear later femate cat. Call 3-7094 an? or .11 bid." and to wv. U w w,;w I - Tv , 1- K M- IISFniat-l" I : WKK""' ,-zaa waaaae. v aaaa.we aw-SWMW Stone Piano Co. "THE VALLEY'S FINEST PIANO STORE" 1280 State St. Salem. Oregon Phone 2-8281 1 - $128. Nice Velour - daveno. $49.50. HA.VK several openings for full or norge acivute ixirigaawr, u $139!90. Very nice vanity, et bench. adults, rarare. 1933 Center. 3 ROOM unfurnished, main floor. Elee : Furniture Inter, used 1 $30. !Woodry"B Bargain Store. 1S09 N. summer. i " CRAFTSMAN month. 875. Ph. a-w4. MEDIUM size Spark oil heater. 310 S. Elms, 4-coraers. pnone z-7310. trie stove and automatic heat furn- part-tlme salea assistants on estsb- , Ished $32 JO. 1437 N. 4th. lished routes, local and near by. Car 3 ROOM downtown newly decorated. useful but not mandatory. Apply in person 10:00 a. m. to 11 ao a. m., 1135 S. Commercial St.. Salem. " DOMESTIC help. Middle aged or elderly couple. Living quarters partly furnished. Rural, cau 2-47Q3. 153 8. Church. furnished. Adults. Ph 37897. ' - WILL RENT reasonable, small almost .new. ntceiy rumunea apt. iaeai tor 216S S. Cottaee. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished close to Par- rtsh Jr. High. $65 rent. Ph. 36600. MODERN 3 room duplex, electric heal Strange, water heater, no pets, pnone 9.6228 or 2-4781. . formalities Tor oia xorms anu " .i,v,.. to i 17.00. Good-choice tact Dr. J. O. unasxrom. u 1 .- - ,1 Kn- Ml The. 22.00 Manager. University - of Oregon. MtC Friday 10- supplies, iat liAar I roaa in w. on wt, 15.50-16.50; lighter WELSH TERRIER puppies (miniature quotable I -; Airedales). , Reg. Reasonable. Call ITsealed "and envelope F.? -i,ce Kitten. $10. ftt 4 Box 17$, nermin iaw. ""TY. No. 1-: nelt lambs 29.0O-3O.oo. 1 corvauis. wegon - Oregon, to , be openea iv" - 1 phoice-orime 84 lb. lot 30-50; good- CANARIES good signers-and choice rtu tj: xtr i. 7 1 tu Jr, '4l CHEVR6LET pickup, furniture for WANTED walnut and filbert drying. Furniture Mart 419 Ferry. Ph. 4-3772. 1 , TO(a home. Phone 2-4619. 1270 N. I mall Int specially. Phone 8-286L 462 Sports Equipment , 25th. December 4. .1951' L,. feeders 230-50. late down to of colors. Phone 3-6668 Byrne. 27 JO. Good-choice ewes 12.0CM3JJ0: one TROPICAL FISH and auppi lot choice 150 lb. pelted ewes 14.50; Minn Bsttlecreek Rd Tn tinn bv Dr. Charles D f Secretary. ugen, I,n. down to 1M. -. W. ,1, . - - - ' ii SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard .Tiine " -. 4 'cenracy nereia. ilea. C L. rrter Ore aouanum Fish, tanks, plants, heaters Si ther MOORaTS Tropica flah NEW 30-30 Remington never used, $60. : 38 S&w police special, perfect con dition $45. Phone 2-1567. 1205 N. 14th. 4S8 For Hut Miscellaneous O DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan- kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 3-9063. GENUINE blonde muskrat cape. Phone noa; USED oU beaters. Guaranteed. $20.00. Lees Hatchery. 3-4904 after 8 p. m. or Sund Hyde. 2340 604 Help Wanted, Male .Jtwt.nn. 74 N. Com'l MA YTAG washer, A-l. $50. Woodry s Bargalr.g 1605 N. summer. APPLANCES and good used furniture : for sale. Hall's Furniture Store, 1979 rslrgrounds Rd WANTED: Driver salesman with meat cuttina experience, also l au arouna meat cutter, top wages to men who, can produce, wade Meat co.. aw Main St.. Independence. Oregon. aian. tanas, pianta. neaters et tner- i jlT j.,;; ' 1 ? t i, mostats. Marvel pumps t miles from DO YOUR sewing now. Rent a Singer S Lancaster on Macleay Rd .Phone 27321 US GRAY KENNELS. 31083 410 Seeds and Plants EEDl QUEEN deluxe mangle lroner ell 1 Ma 111A $ 1tb DkA.a 41 eaaf Aat SHRUBBERY and ornamental trees. wwew... ettaf W.tT.. 4i70 For Sole. Miscellany 4-2879. - . 412 Fruit ana" Farm Produce) a Jit A JlalA Y)V. mm a. 407atat a-laaw e-waaKla. aa7-a wmUtm. egf I 1TI eXCCJiCnl CUnUUIUH. riWU alfJIeW. Zl-"'r"?t TT.i fepfcuiNC Nov. 1st Allen Linen Shop. Co. lib l; Comi Bert sgift. tn linen and Upestries. Ph 3 '35127 fc I 3029 Portland Rd.. Salem. Vfwtf d jl L,tnm. , ..Wa . mnrJt 1 MAHOGANY KncC hole desk. 829.50. Job better: Rent or buy at Howser 1 - Woodry's .Bargains, 1603 N Summer GIRL'S red coat and legging suit size S1l S Summer. - Remington 12 gauge pump, field LOOK A position for 2 men. Steady work. Most of our men earn more than $100 weekly. Pleasing personality and have good car. See Mr. Murdock at Senator Hotel. Monday morning, 10 ajn. sharp, wov. a. This Is It grade NEW 9x12 Linoleum rugs. $4.89. Glenn H gsuge pump. ; -$49.50 UOCE 7K8LM KOCO ROIN RGW. '. REX ' Orfll Church of Air Radio Pulpit Concert Hall 9:15 Church of Air tRadlo Pulpit I Concert HaU 0045 Melod. JoumeylMelod. Journey Church of Air Church of Air nwernal Lieht (Eter Light I Here's to Veta I Research . APPLES. U-pick several varieties. 75o bushel. Pears also. Phone 2-3124. WINTER APPLES Woodry's. 1605 N. Summer. TABLE model cream separator, small herd size, a dozen heavy New Hamp shire bens. Phone 2-2160. Rt 9. Box 618 $159.50 Winchester 410 gauge single shot -315.95 TRADER LOUIE is'i una avc. Glenn UNFURNISHED" 1 bedroom bout. nearly new. price reasonable, to adults only. 2251 Brevman. 1 4 1 person, close to bus. 2231 Breyman, I fanhraM a mom? eUctric heat ransa. NICELY furnished 1 bedroom apt, also I nice location $35. Adults only Inquire i furnished bachelor apt Ambassador I 1910 N. 20th." after 8 p.m. 5 'Apartments. 550 N. Summer. I i-Trn Sri c wrTi rntTwrnv nnur FURNISHED APT. $22 a month. In- I Tir Cone." the late Senator McNaryS country nome. nortn 01 saiem, as available on a lease basis to Sep tember 15th. with one year; renewal possible. .? . .,, j Nelson & Nelson Realtors 702 N. High St. Ph. J-36 1 BEDROOM house. Modern. 422 Salem Heights Ave. S6S month. ; 3 ROOM furnished house, adults. Phon 2-4946. ; ' FURNISHED motel -cottage. 1 utilitiee paid. $10 JO week. 3590 S. Commercial. Phone 3-9829. ' ' FURNISHED 3-room house. Ph, 3-701$, i ALMOST new furnished duplex. 1 bed room. Phone 2-8746 evenings. 101$ . Psrk Ave. , SMALL CABINS, furniahed. , utilitwa paid, near school and bus. $27 J$ month. Also 3 room house, furnished. , Hebb's Trailer Court. 3310 Williams Ave. quire 827 N. Liberty. Apt. 7. Lee Apts; I "UNION AT WINTER UNFURNISHED I-BEDROOM APTS. ; ' V: new . :. . At Reduced Rates That Is sure to interest you. We invite your inspection today. Call 4-1641 MR. HAMMER, Res. Mgr. I.iRfS ' I 7i1a' 4WVAr-T "i jl- ' etAA SAA AVS, ' M 1 U-plck 75C..3 mile. onBrush College ZSlTr?r,ZM 8 KSLM ROCO KOIN ROW REX First Baptist I First Baptist (Back to God River Boya World News TBA Tabernacle lT.brnaete fy Churcn b .ot HolL iLlght & Life Rd. Look for sign. L. F. Jones, phone 2-7167. I BLUE Concord grapes. 3c lb. Phone 3-3390. I PC. Breakfast set $14.00. Woodry's. 1603 N. Summer. COMPLETE fireplace set 1080 N. Sum mer. Phone 38Z78. men steel caDie, axiv au steei truce i ;, t.m.L)U,i.H bed. 411$ Macleay Rd. (Pen 4-Cor- WoUensak 6x30 binoculars, j tiers). .$69.50 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KKX ' IPmnhM. t !u town rorum iuwwb Bible Claas IBiWe Ctaea IT trvViaaetl t:? i iXr-itZJZT m k. Smith iNewa Ntari llG-uest Star MusVcomedy Imus. Comedy Topttf MornaiglTop of Morningl Mea. of Israel Mea. of Israel Back to God T-TJ A Inv. to learning I APPLES: 25c and 50c. You pick. 43 John noa ii arupetz ur.. uofny. i i . , - , . iw. m uuit. APPLES, get them now. , mQes out H1CE Budoir Lamps. 170 pair, Glenn ""ivw kuw woodry s. loos ri. summer. N. 23rd. Phone 8-661L Temporary I SteX00? "pV".-. .11- fLIWUUU piano iw im5r If you are between the ages of 21 to 45 and have a good car. are making less than S100 per week, you are in- , terested In a. position with a top ROOMS furnished apartment, elec- naUonal organizaUon where you nevr trie heat, private bath. 715 Jerry. r h,. W.t?, rnLni FOR RENT. Oean two room furnished employment, wonderful promotional : ,p,rtment. 959 S. 12th. see Mr. Helmlck at Senator Hotel. , gV? t".1? V-i a- S Tt ui.v mnmtn, in am aharn. Nov. 1 ROOM, kitchenette. Clean. Employed - f 'Jffl- Utl"ttcg tmtl P,h- V3' WANTED to rent or lease: 1 A duck ; SALESMAN" LIKE new 3 rooms and bath, furnished, nd or .uitabla for duck shoot- . a.. aa a I : all .laala auaaaO awa itin.-a liB B I - T If vou like people, use to seu, nave a i i ivuv wm ,vuwui, m a. . . -.. . . .. . ,.. ear and win louow mstrucuons we I "i" SUBURBAN 3 mlea west 2 bedroonfV. next to school. $50. Phone Z-Z344. ft a, S, Box 802. .-j . 709 Wcmted to Rent ing Phone 2-3626. can offer you a permanent position I DELUXE furnished ; 3 room apt all man Piano Store 393 S. 12th. Prophecy 10 11 Ki u Hard, News Mark Rodgers I Lutheran? Hr. (Lutheran Hr. Ur IFter ssssas. asst s-. ssa KSLM Frank St Era. 1 W. Hfllman KOCO 1st Baptist list Baptist KOIN Symphonette I Symphonette am a afuaie IToater NSWS KBX Parade of Hits IParade, of Hits vvXtw, Ann i. portable Webster-Chicago wire re-1 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous PICK YOUR OWN Delicious, Jonathan , corder. extra wire, used less than 3 1 tf-"-"- i weeas.' cost sisj. sacruice alio. Also irm. ia n mare r oamet. Box 267. care Statesman. HIGHEST PRICES paid for old ears or mentals ox any sun a. with reliable firm. Salary ac com mission. Will net good income. Write P. O. Box 207. Salem. Oregon, staling oualifications. EXPERIENCED frame spinner. Thomas electric, private garage. Good laun dry, faculties. Available Nov. Bth. West Salem. Phone 3-8347. NEWLY decorated 4 room furnished 710 Wanted To Rent, Houses 2 OR S bedroom unfurnished house. Hollywood district preierrea. pnone 4-3770.- 12 KSLM News I itaiiia Canaries 'CaL Caravan per box up. Bring your own contain ers. Saturday or Sunday. 2',i miles east of Dallas, north side of road. Look for "Bi Apple" sign. NICE Rome Beauty and Baldwin ap- pies, you pica, we s pox. pnone i-6172. i SQUASH Squash Squash. Danish udm carrots duv oirect ana save Jobber and retail profit O. P. Miller, Rt. 7 Box 302. Lake Labish. - CAULIFLOWER 31 per crate. Phillips Bros, Kt. e. box lie. t mi. s. out state at 1 Ph. 4-3081. CaL Caravan I I tlAS-nrRM Oreenn Alfalfa hav. Phona i xanxs-oianta. I a-2739 or 3-7502. flat 1720 N. Cottage. Phone 2-3940 tL. ' . c.j . l if v.a-Woolen Milla: 1 evenlnes iukwishj l w i; bniwo Mimmm, Weea-a at S1S3. Saprina BHD. AUO . I Ttr A VT-TTT-I. A mK..1.nA- tt.iu1.,t An. I ri TU VTQHim . mnma ttath TTtilitiaa I -Mvt-. """ a . WVIMITInA SJTatnat First Baptist First Baptist NY PTiaroonie I NY P'harmonle Meet Congress Meet uongresa i Parade of Hits l?arade of Hits , mnr-n K-ara I Yanks-Giants tTanXS-iianta I X anawiiana I 4-Z73S OT 3-750Z. ' -OW rPnkNYPOT CAtJLTUER l0r .freezing. , $0c. tap, KGW XEX Leon Pearson Parade of Hits notvl lav. Lawrence I John C Swayze de of Hits lChristian- ActnJChristian .Acta. 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW REX Hashknife Ht IHashknlfe Yanka-Glanta I Yanks-Gia " av aTlvBtriea, g eraartavS NWI I MlltlP SjrtniS - nUWOfaSUSJ $--vaea-a t-aaav aaaww Revml Hc3r 1 Revival Hour tRevlvai Hour IRevival Hour and $1 for lettuce-crate. Earl Wilson, Rt 7. Box 345J. Phone 20121 Eve- nlngs. ; ' Weigum, 340 lv?-tekYllGSntaOCk I FRANQUETTE walnutsTT ok teLSe FrLSn. Chemawa. Phone 3-5972 414; Farm Ecruipment 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW KKX shadow Shadow ; t Detective Rama-49era Rams-49ers Rams-4ers AmTr. Vorum -I Amefl Forum Mu. With Girls Proonecy votceipropnecy voice.areatc ai Detective Rams-49ers How TO Mua. With Girls Greatest Story 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW Yuk. ChalL Rams-49ers Friend Irma Time of Life Billy Graham Yuk. ChalL fNlek Carter iNlck Carter IP.mbilwn . IRama-SSera IRams-49ers (Friend Irma IF'moua Theatre! Famous Theatre ! I Time of Life- News i IDick Haymea IBUly Graham I Mr. President I Mr. President FOR SALE: Aids Chalmers machinery. New ana used. Phone zsizz. 450 Merchandise 451 i Machinery and Tools ' 4 KILM KOCO KOIN KOW KKX News Rams-49ers Jack Benny Big Show Milton Cross Serenade ; Rama-49ers iJack Benny iBig- Show Iton Cross I Dude Ranch Wonderland Ames n Anay I Big Show ion- Dude Ranch Frazier Hunt -Amos "n Andy Big Show News DEALERS and repair station for Wood oosa cna-.n saws, snggs. uunon et Wisconsin gasoline engines. Howser gro3 1410 S. inn PH. 3-3646. set heaw duty mechanic tools in cluding socket seta, wrenches, etc. Reasonable. Phone $-1567. 120$ N. 14th. USE ORGANIC , FERTILIZER I' The right wayto re build the soil. O Free of weed seeds. O Odorless. 6 sacks ..........$ 5.00, ' Bulk 1 ton .... 10.00 2 tons ............ 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area j , Phone 3-8127 or night 35632. 474 Miscellaneous ply 295 N. Liberty.; No Phone calls, Vtlaaetaue, - ' " EXPERIENCED mechanic for general repair. Eisner Motor Co, 352 N. Hlxh. Ph.vna 3-7802. WANTED: Journeyman body men. See rURNISHED 3 rooms, batn. Utilities. I J ' i D... -v Walking distance." 450 S. CapitolT I WE NEED rentals Call Joe L Bourna 1 ROOM8 Pullman apartment electric Resltor. 1140 N. Capital. Ph. 3-taii, 714 Business Rentals ! Mr. - Gesrhart, Valley Salem. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE D9 MOST CASKS I Bring or Man Your Plates for rtroaiT i EXPERIENCED Motor CoH DRJ BARRY SEMLFJt D1NTIST . Aiant rt) aluv uaaal eameraa St, McEwan Photo Shop. 343 N High. 606 Help Wanted. Female comptometer wants stove and refrigerator furnished. 2136 Fairgrounds. Call 37854 after 8. Furnished apt. Close in. 1075 n. Capitol. Ph. 38706.: 3 ROOM furnished apartment refrig- erator, private batn. close in. 3-7000. 1710 N. Cottage. '- - ' BUSINESS Room H L Stiff ' 1USINESS building, approximate 2500 so, ft space Reasonable. Pnone 8-S211 ' - 800 Real Efttate 800' Real Estate bos: XCCt ition Phone 2-5986. 476 Fuel DRY St GREEN 16 In. slab wood ac planer trimmings. Fn. - i m or 9-on. CURATE tvoist with ability to meet people for 5ls day week office po- aition. Pleasant surroundings and working conditions. Willamette Pro duction credit 'Assn. 11a -r. com mercial St 1 J n.CRK tvnist. one cirl office. 40 hour week, permanent. 23 to 45 married. Capitol Lumber & Fuel Co. middle aged woman to stay with ; r I elderly lady. Light housework. Wages. 1 Jsawrfiisi - sox 165. iv Clean. ! fresh cut screened. Prompt de livery. Tube service or push off. -Dry or green 1$ in. wood. , I Oregon Fuel Co. 3087 Broadway ' Ph. 3-5533 1 OLD FIR WOOD. R. M. Ashcraft Phone 33380. 844 Mill St. PUBLIC AUCTION I1 HOMES 5 K8LM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX News I Music I 'Enchanted Hr. lEnchanted Hr. Ava' Maria Hr.fAve Maria Hr.J Soul Clinio ISoul Clinle C McCarthy IC. McCarthy (News Room 1 News Room - , Harris-Faye iHarris-Faye I liTbeatcr Guild Theater Guild Stop Muse (Stop Musie ; Stop Music , fStop Musie HOTOTILA.ER sales, parts, and service Howser Bros. Ph. 3-384 isie tsth VOUR time and effort demands good I CHRISTMAS TREE STUMP AGE. PH. xooia. nrni or duj una au aaouavi I uooa AFTER 7 n.m. NEARLY NEW Ward table model elec trie cream seperator $50. Phone 3-8487 REFRIGERATOR FOR SALE725 UNION. Bros. 1410 8 12th 4S5 Household Goods For Sale BRUNSWICK snooker table, late model, new rubber and cloth. 4-Cer-ner Coffee Bar. Phone 2-5854. BOY SCOUT suit between 12 and 14. West Salem Fuel Co. l$-IN.:XRT OR GREEN SLAB WOOD i DRY PLANER ENDS OM growth block wood : 16 in. clean . no bark SCREENED SAWDUST : RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4021 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewatet ' St W Salem Box 165, Turner. Oregon. BIO Sal Persons Wanted SALESMEN wanted to represent the world's oldest and largest builder of farm, welders. Sell direct from fac tory to farm, earn $150 or more each week. Protected territory. Rapid ad vancement. Car essential. No in vestment. Contact Mr. Aziein at Mar io 1 Hotel, Salem or write P. 0. Box 304 ; -. - - . 1 : salesman to call on Retail Grocery store in Salem and vicinity. Car necessary'. Will pay salary, commis sion and .expenses, write to wonn Killien. 1523 B, NX. 66th. Portland 13, Oregon. 612 Work Wanted. Male TO CLEAR. RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE SALEM BY-PASS i 6 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN ROW KEX KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I Cunningham IGeo.P Elliott GOOD bedroom set complete with box 1 Practically new. Phone 2-2992. 8 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX r w Vhaatae - !Vm Theater , I C t ik.. enira Ir.fvertv Snka. i Headline News 1 Ministerial CorliSS Axcner luorun airncr iuwkowbiu . -Theater Guild 1 Theater Guild Youth Views (Youth Views WincheH I Lou Parsons Stars on; Stage Stars on stage Lean Back Kewe . Comedy t ICoraedy SHS Players I'Jmimy Nolan iNaxarene (Naxarene OHara lOHara I Whistler .Whistler Eddie Cantor Eddie Cantor I Texas Bangers Texas Bangers Paul Harvey 'B'dside Chapel Sammy Kaye l Sammy Kaye - 2 Queitlona 120 Queatlone Forward Amer.l Forward Amer. -Nazarenes INazarenes I IDon Stewart iDon Stewart Our M. Brooks' Our M. Brooks! Horace Heidt I Horace Heidt D. Fairbanks Jt.D. Fairbanks Ir.lSymphony Svmphony , rew Pearson I Headllaes 1 iWlnchell iChet Huntley springs and mattress. Coffee or 1 JOHNSON 1U1 like cocktail table. Church. TRADE your old furniture for new, new Kirby 3-5C74. Floor polisher, also nearly Vacuum, attachments. HizhwaY Fuel CO. I EXPERIENCED married man ! wants -"&" "' . ' I nairv or General farm work, wages. Residence ir3635 Osbom Avenue. Salem. 17249 ' . ,'' 2 bedrooms, wardrobe closeu, living room, covea ceiiinxa,. urnun rwir large haUway. hardwood floors, kitchen closet space cedar lined. Inside utility, attached garage, storage room in rear. Montag piped oil furnace, electric water heater, insulated, and weather stopped. Plastered interior, cedar shake exterior: water pump system. With this home will be SOMI Lot 3. Block 2. Rehb's Addition, Marion County. ; " c :. - . ' : . '. . . . . ' . Residence 3676 Truman Avenue. Salem. 17679 ? ? - 3 bedrooms, living room, hallway, kitchen with dining area, detached ga rage, plastered interior, cedar shake exterior, electric water heater, water pump system. With this home will be sold that portion of Lot S. Block 4. Rehb's Addition lying East and outside of the right of way. Marion County. ANY FINANCING NECESSARY MUST BE ARRANGED WITH THE FINANCE COMPANY OF YOUR tuoicai rniun iw u i : HaU Furniture grounds Rd. Store. 1979 Fair- I aa. . -gaawaa FIGURINES. painted, or unpalnted. i yer Btmw rn . . , - :f .n ri lred at the conclusion of bids. Place omcr at aiarjonc s anop, iu la-mh iiumiamu3 or cvo bmi I TPP 1 ODDHUI. i 11. 1U il v --- ; Boone Rd. Phone 4-2089. I and heater, very nice for kindling. I. w . . jr p J. . . i ia AmU aeeeni tood. J?- - nX 'L lox The above described hme. to tjsold to the tmt- -Jf -5' w r - . a . , i-eiAN ani sarttri the nvni TPwrvra KS rein:! amsi v eaaau aa-aa wivie, unpainted. I Saver Stamps Ph 9 KfLM KOCO KOIN KOW N Reverie C. McCarthy 8vmnbony Stage 12 i Editorially . Reverie C. McCarthy mohnnj Stage U High School ISt Franda I fJack Benny ISUver Jub. (stage 82 - I 'New .- IClasslcs ' (Jack Benny ISUver Jub. (Stage 52 10 ESLft Crime rhrhtars KOCO Pentacostal KOIN S StarXtnel - KGW : Reporter EXZ rinal Edloa Crime Ilghteri I Bandstand ; (Bandstand I Pen ta costal , I Pentecostal IPentacostal (Memories . 1 Piano Book I Bob Miller Inc. But True I Catholic Hour icatholio Hour Money at Home! Israel Vistas Pood Listening a- v . i , ... i WARDROBE, cedar lined, very good quality S29-SO, Trader loum, lata Lana Ave. ; ' and heater, verv nice'ior aunaiina. i a i a , I . ' . - ..4. ET -i Phaiia S-77J1. or 2-6024. 2-3511. CALL the above number for uie Homo must be removed xrom present aocauon wium. " . finest painting and interior decor- 11 KfLM sign cat OC fUeot J Silent t o s limo Bopee IChicai I t,,l liuzla iMuaie KEX Good UstsninalGood - J toene i UstexxtnjTGood 41a Bandatand - I Bandstand Fine Orea. - .IFina crcx - Listening: Good Listonrag Da. T.TXaaa. NJD.IX. Gv Chan. NJ. DKS. CaIAN . . . LA1X : i CXIINES2 iTTHAIJSTS ; 241 North liberty Cpstairs above Jan's, X37 If, Lib erty. Office opea taturday only It aunv to 1 pjn, I ta 1 pjn. Cnneulta ranitnl T.nmher & Fuel CO. ating done at a competitive rate. No g - T . 1ob too big or si all. a Why Suffer Any Longer When ethers fan, se eat Chinese reaaediea. Amaxlag seeces far COM years tn China. No aaaxter wtth what ailaaemU yoe are arfUcted Slice dm. shiesiUs. heart, tangs, Sv er, kidneys, gas, eenstipaUea, elcers, diabetes, rnemsiatlsaa. gall and Mad- eee fever, skta, tiassia isaneisieni CHARLIE CHAN CfUNKgR CO. t$$ H. Ceaamercial raewe s-i83e Oate. slut, sedges, Only 500 Business & Finance 510 Moner to Loan CAKPfcNTRt any kind, reasonable 4240 Macleay Rd Phone 4-2054. 614 Work Wanted, Female FARM and CTTY LOANS - 4 end 8 , -t four ewe terms of repayment within reason. Cash tor Real Estate Con . tracts and Second Mortgagee. , raprroL sotiritils CO 687 .Court St 1 Ph 4-22M of otter. run lnfomation regarding estimated cost of wconntotUMV tic tanks, ana new weii ana otner nsje.-uwiia a , .t had by calling C. W. Parker. State Highway Department Salem, phone 4-2171. Ext 717. .:.,. A . . SALE DATE. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER J RD. AT 367$ TRUMAN AVENUE AT 1:00 P.M.. AND THEREAFTER AT 3659 OSBOKis A,vfcus .. . CHILD CARE, my home, day week. month or week ends, pnone aoozo. - TaV?X r1 ilia I 1 SYLSJ L XXiUJVO WIC gSAVVaa svik-ua- T" 1 . a, . . " a i j St. lV"J'l- 1 SoS TERMS OF SALE ARE: $0 deposit at time ef receiving nrr. w,.. - . A wa tmA within ten days ox nonce ox aixnnun w u 36272. AUTO LUANS . 910 iUlUUUUUS fivu-iwva am I lurrrt fREDII ro is t r-hnrch St w t-45? I nrRTATKS laundered and stretched. Table clothe ana line linens, rnran 2-34 18. Private Money On Care Tracks dt Trailer Homes Long or Short Terma Paymenss .Rrtw T. .Simmons 131 S. Commercial St L Phone $-$181 ' CHILD care, ages 3 to fc Phone 4-3"6i Highway Commission. Auctioneer: CUude M. Kilgore Phone 2-570$ CHILD care, .1180 Shipping.: Phone 390 south Lancaster Drive. Salem I : 3-9HZ4. CHILD CARE by day or week. SI per OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION. . State Highway Building . Salem day. Phone 4-3274.