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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1951)
-Tbm Statesmen, Salem, Oregon, Saturday. October 13, 1851 Fomer Salem Boy, Victor Jory, Leads Film Names (Photo on . , Six Hollywood movie personalities paid Salem a call Friday to direct attention to the movie industry's 50th anniversary and to show Close-up 4hat actors- and others of the entertainment industry axe, after alL iust folks." ' J ! Center of attraction was Victor former Salem boy, but the Elsinore itians Declare British i CAIRO, Egypt, Oct.. 12 -AV ZeTDt will soon put the heat on British troops In the Suez canal area by declaring them "enemy forces" end cancelling their spe cial privileges, official sources said today, i ': A program of non-cooperation to cut off the troops' drinking water. fresh food and the use of Egyptian labor was forecast to follow parlia ment's abrogation, expected Mon day, of two old treaties. : These treaties authorize Britain to keep 10,000 troops, 400 pilots and various auxiliaries on guard at the strategic canal and provide for Joint British-Egyptian rule of Sudan, bordering Egypt on the south. Britain has announced she in tends to maintain her full rights under the treaties, however, and - British military men here did not appear deeply concerned over the new threat. Keizer Benefit Dinner Draws Capacity House News Strrtc KEIZER, Oct. 12 Prospects for a Keizer community hall gleamed tonight when 375 persons filled the school auditorium for a dinner that keynoted a drive for funds. Spokesmen said early reports in dicated the dinner had netted ."about $400. Pledge cards were distributed to those who attended. "It. Isn't enough just to say , Kefaser ought to have a community hall'," said Ray Lafkey in urging support for the drive. Lafkey "mayer" of the unincorporated district ; . r J. Ii. Franzen. city manager of Salem, said "I wish you success it win be one of the finest adjuncts to your community you can get." 1 Representatives of most of .the It Keizer organizations backing the drive were introduced. CLUD TUWBLE-1NN .The Place with the Spaee" TASTY FOOD ?. and Hal Moffett't Orchestra ' tt ML North f Albany On the Old Jeffersea Highway "TWO FLOORS O DAHD2 -in May Troops Enemy osoraa gaps i CHnesa and linerican Feed O Lunch O Dinners O Lot Snocka Prepared Orders to Tdk Out Phone 2-8523 NEW ENLARGED DIKING ROOM Facilities Available For Banquets and Parties MU rairgrevnds Ed. Visit Here in cage 1.) I f ! Jory, popular character actor and theatre spotlight also was on two I pretty sir is from uregon, .veteran actor Joseph Caileia and husband-wife writing team, Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett. The young actresses were Linda Douglas, soon to make her! screen debut in a western film,j "Trail Guide," and Colleen Miller who is appearing in "The Las Vegas Storr f . I Blonde Linda was a princess from Grant hi eh school In the 1947 Portland Rose festival. A talent scout sootted her in an Arizona hotel lobby subsequently. Her real name is Mary Jane Tarola. Brunette Colleen also is a Port- lander, having graduated from Lincoln high school. The Hollywood visitors appear ed briefly and seriously on the Elsinore stage at a free! "open house" r show at noon, expressed their pride in the movie industry and their promise of "bigger and better entertainment in the months ahead. I j On hand for the program was Albert Forman. head of Forman Theatres which Include the Elsi nore, Grand, Capitol, State, Liber ty and Salem Drive-in theatres here. Dave Hoss of KSLM was master of ceremonies. EdiSyring was organist Greetings. were ex tended the visitors by Gov Doug las McKay and) May or i Alfred Loucks. i . Jory is the son of E. A. Jory, 425 Hovt st. longtime Salem area resident. As a boy young: Victor was reared on the Jory farm in the Red Hills south of Salem, and attended Rosedale school. He lived here until he was 10, later went to school in Pasadena. The senior Jory ; and Victor's stepmother were with the: Holly wood party at the theatre ! and at a press luncheon which followed In the Senator hotel, ; Highway Work Contracts Over Six Million i - PORTLAND, Oct.' 12 -V The state highway commission award ed contracts totalling $3,140,876.15 today. .This added to the $3,124, 599 awarded yesterday j brings awards for this month's two-day meeting to $6,264,473.15. f . Largest contract awarded today was to guy F. Atkinson company. Portland, for paving of some seven miles of the Columbia River high way some 13 miles east of Cas cade Locks. His ibid was $1,821,- 465.65. The commission accepted the resignation of Manley F. Rob ison as director of the travel in formation division of the state highway department Carl Jordan, his assistant, will replace him. YOUIl CAD WASHED Thoroughly I In Minutes! I III and OUT GAB Y7ASB Church and Ferry Steam Cleanlno; Polishing; Cottonv, Dance' Every Saturday Night Tommy! Kizziah And His j . west coast; RAMBLERS i near Them on KSLM Tne. A Sat Eve. ! Open Dafly 11 AJi to 2 AIL Sort. TH 9 JLM. I Jast before yens get t the Coilj wasd .-Stop Light!: 1 it- i i n liuiAiiLMiiiy. n Dubious Public Passes Vp Surefire Profiting n DENVER. Oct. U-(JP-A Broad way automooue company, uavu Motors, inc, advertised it would buy pennies at a premium, giving a dime for nine coppers and $1 for 90. Twenty special police were hired to handle crowds. They werent j-j . showed mil. . . . .J. on ine I truck weight bill of the 1951 lee- Pennies for a shiny new dime. . j Added Sewer Bonds Lose in Albany Voting ALBANY Voters narrowly re- jected a bonding plan to provide j tunas ior construction ot n - nanded uwue disDOsal system 228 to 220 by unofficial count her. The bond nlan called for $250,-1 000 to be added to $500,000 passed four years ago. The additional sum ments ior consirucuou u terceptor sewer and pumping sU-1 UonS. . . .. . The vote was light In all three Aw Aniol. ..11 I naA r:.,. .T- u. m ess jstss. suLRSfa uiucmu hj uic mtrnx nuu i "J1&. project. First Aidmen, Friends Save Man in Creek Howard M. Mumby. 1940 Tana ave.t was .rescued from cold Mill ftreek waters at the bridge In the 800 block North High street by friends, ids, first aidmen and city po- Friday night, police reported. umby was found grasping a lice Mumby was found grasping root on the north edge of the stream br a friend. Ivan Bowers, who had swum across in search of him from the south bank, police said The First Aldman Gerald Hall came an the scene with a rope. swam across and secured the line to Mumby. He assisted the man across while others on the bank pulled. Hall then wam back with the rope lor Bowers, poUce said. Mumby was taken home by his wife after examination by aidmen, who said he apparently, suffered from shock. Police Seek Purse Thief City police were seeking a youth Friday who stole a woman's purse containing more than $25 in cash and a check for $100 from a locker in First Christian church. The purse, belonging to Mrs. L. B. Starke of 1190 Harriett dr. was found Friday afternoon S Mrs. Kermit Burson, 696 N. Church st.. in an alley behind her rest dence. Police said only $7 was missinff. Mrs. Starke told police a youth came to the church Thursday and asked to see it. She invited him m ana iaier uiscovercu uiai. purse was missing. -14-2 Observance inside Rock-Throwing Boys Shatter Store Window Two seven-year-old Salem boys found expensive fun Friday alter- noon when one of them threw a rock through a $145 plate glass window at the Owl Drug store on norm iapuoi ana uenicr streets, city ponce reported. Police said both boys were throwing rocks from a service sta- tion across the street while going home from schooL Neither knew which cast tte window breaker. farcuis Ul uie uuji bcuu wo.il1 rvntnf VlnvH Mnrffan. store manager to arrange payment for the damage, police said. - O T -11 L CCUlllt; JaiXLUUJLU . a, Caugtt by Police ' tfcumW throitirh an anartment o - -r window cost the landlord $35 fine nth ixrm. Aa-v sontonoo niCTkPnded in .municipal court Friday, Marshall M. Stewartt, 590 Union st, was assessed the fine on con viction of disorderly conduct. A passerby called the attention of a patrolman to the window peeping Thursday and signed the com plaint against Stewartt, police said. ; Old Thn Danco Every Sal. Iligli! Orer Western Auto 259 Court St DICXTS ORCHESTRA Adzn. 9e Inc. Tea DANCE SAT. rilTE V.F.V.Hall Hood and Church St. 1 -Music By Sd:m Swfcgstcrs Wahzts2Steps 'Squares -- PECAN KOOSt - FXIINDLY CROWDS Sponsored by V. F. IT. Feat No. tl - " 'ADAISSIONT " iTlr W:L 1 Clglll Bill Termed ... - - Veryj Effective A MMlimlflAM report on the I coh lis osTof ing overloading, the highway in- j lerun commmee oi tne 1951 legis lature said at a meeting here Fri day. ! xne mienm erouo win mt jointly with the state hichwav commission in Portland today. aiaie oen. umo smith, interim committee ' chairman, said his group accepted Linn county over- ioaa recoras. Daruciiiariv haxaM that county is a lorrinr rnt.- .. one check on the accomplishments oi tne new law. Months of AueusL 19SO and 1951. wr iri . p. of the old d new laT. lAnn COUnry Operators Showed a remarkable record of comnlianr! with the new law. Smith said. Under the old law the county m-iior August., isau. wmie this was I reduced to a percentage of 0.61 for AUgUSt, 1951. I Trucking and loerfn otrator. j.j "r""r" wcoinmittee ior liih law wrrmTan rr i o, i Z5"- "If this cooperation continues I the law will accomplish its mirl 8 1 nignways irom itl w Tr w excessive truck; loading. committee mem-L oers SaiQ. I Several other problems, to hl.i-i M.fa tv A k. discussed at Saturday's meeting in Portland. utm .before the inter- im committee here but no action was taken. Front Street i3'tlz"'l'rt tTf Nmir JL CtlliXU llCW m -m 1 rouble Spot Parking on Front street was a I trouble spot for city officials agaii. Friday. I Salem city council members 1 heard complaints earlier in the I week from lumber division em. I ployes of Oregon Pulp and Paper Co, regarding the removal of all- parking in the area between Trri and stat strata The said parkin near their n1ai nf Mimlnnmmt nrMntH problem to them, because most of the nearby street was taken up by trucks of several Industries. For temporary relief, city offi cials said they could use some of the parking area on the un paved part of the street near the lumber yard. But by Friday it was noted that cars were being parked also in the no-parking zone of the street too. The city council is expected to thresh out the problem at its Oc-! tober 22 meeting. Sgt. Harbaugh Arrives in U. S. Sgt Bruce L. Harbaugh, 21. of Francisco on Friday from the Far Fas it was announced bv I Militai-r Sa Trannrrtatirn urv. ice. Harbaugh, son of Mrs. Ralph Hornaday, had been in Korea since thi start of hostilities, members of his family reDorted. He served as a communications man with a Korean military advisory group. 1 Harbaugh graduated from Salem high school in June, 1948, and joined the armv the fnllnuHnr i January. n i ipT 1 PrlfiOl tlOflT AWUi tt jfi i -m UIXU KeUett A delegation of McKinley school parents Friday Inspected a rein- i lorcemem ox rooz misses in ine new addition to the school build- ing. I. IT. C.U tV. ..L..1 1 3, buildings and grounds committee said some question had been raised over the type of construe- I IS uv 41 IX 1V.1 i "u" w" " "5Utl onirac tor c js. isanerman naa made a change at the suggestion of a group of the parents. The change proved satisfactory to the parents, the city engineers omce ana a con sulting engineer brought in by scnooi architects, he said. for your dining pleasure i ' ' ORGAN MUSIG by Hazel Brockhoff Sunday, ,1:30 P. M. to 2:30 P.M. And 6:00 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. - ' - -u - ' , - . - - j - - -' " .;-"- ! , " V ' - " " ' " - ' j - in the lobby of the HOTEL MARION iTourist Bureau Budget Approved PORTLAND, Oct. 11 -(JPh- A $250,000 budget has been approv ed for the third straight year by the state highway commission for the travel information department of the state highway department. Department officials told the commission that general adver- commission wai general aaver- tising rates have advanced about JTh the past year. Sunken Garden Parking Plan Topic of Meet Usio The .state capitol planning com- .Minn on nmnnul f . mnhni underground parking in the sunk en garden block just north of the in MnnM.Hon HtK 4K. iririn - n T mmlKlnrK r)mlrmm J rT TTZZiZAZrX 2 ueuaicu i. "'t tui..u.! Wi mC meeting at the sUtehouse. z t a., vz'rrri kniin nf control to thA trPPt nr. h Mrvin X . ZZl member, said a large part of this expense probably would have bornVby the city of Salem. nA. M11 Kiunl nf mnhnl underground parking project uid be S500.000. c.rrr tnnhasized that the I door had not been closed to the project and that additional details might be presented to the com mission later. Home Permit Issued by Gty Permit for a $10,000 house and garage to be built at 470 Waldo ave. was Issued to George Ray- mond at the city engineer's office Friday. Other permits included: Mrs. Lewis Franklin.- to alter dwelling at 580 Glen Creek rL, $1,500; Wal- j i xoos, aiter aweumg ai nau ai- Pi. $700; F. H. Harris, alter ! dwelling and garage at zzw iee u-1 . reroox Qweii- i ing at N3 HOOO St- 13W. A. feJS.P11 at ow llesB Oaly HMM-ewaet Vaeatra HeUywoed Kids Matinee today l:0e U 4 PJC X CARTOONS' SERIAL Special Matinee Featara "COLORADO SUNSET with Gene Atry, Smiley Burnett also Benson's Birthday Caka . for Jeane Randolph, Joanna Hod ges, Ronald Tuor, Diane Fer guson, Norma Knittel, Ellen Severin, Charles Reinwald, Norma Coder, Gary Ruther ford, Michael Surles, Jaek Fisher, Bob Dennison, Diana Chakarun, Sharon Maguren, Kit Halseth, Tommy Jungblut, Dick Marsh, Everett Miller, Nancy Van Houten, Earl Beckett, Carolyn Rawlins, Gwendolyn Rawlins, Bob Van Dell. Ends Today Start $ kit NEW...... rATHtTIf AVA GRAYSOIIGARD'IER, Uwiri KEEL Flos Technicolor Short "MIGHTY MANHATTAN Starts Tomorrow Cent 1:45 Co-Featvre Hoose On Telegraph HUT Iran Rebuffs U.S. Efforts For 0U Talks XJNTTED NATIONS. N. Y Oct. 12-iffVAn Iranian snokesman to day rebuffed American efforts to start new uriusn ana Iranian oil talks under the watch of the U. N. security counriL But h lndiMtwi his government would welcome tne good offices of any nation or indivtduaL The spokesman. TTossin Fatomi deputy nrenner. said Iran would not accept any resolution, such as one aranea oy jsntain for action by the council, which would enable the security council to "in terfere" in the oiT question. He said -the best decision the council could take would ho tn Am-iA- ft has no jurisdiction in the oil crisis. Fatemi made his comment at his daily news conference as the United States delegation pressed an urgent campaign to get the two countries to resume negotiations. Police Recover Stolen Autos Two stolen autos were listMl t. covered on city police records Fri- aay. A 1950 sedan owned bv Maitland a. uarter, 1162 Saginaw street, was found bv nolice in the 1800 block State street Fridav mornn. Police said license plates on the auto had been switched. It was reported stolen Thursday from 1300 State street. The other car recovered, owned bv Burns Christofferson, Salem route 7 box 112, was stolen from a cannery parking lot. It was found by police Thursday night at 700 N. Front at. if RIGHT NOWI it cm T it SALEM, OREGON 5 Hey Kids! KIDS CLUBI All Far Faal - Fu Far All! Special . Featare Fietwe! Carteens - Serial Stage Fna And rrizes! 12:30 TODAY -AT THI CAPITOL KOWI Continuous! ta CIIBE I02EH RTM nivMfl Open 1:45 - Shew 7:15 ENDS TONIGHT In Technicolor WAKPATH- Zdmond OBrien Dean Jagger Phis J " "THE PBOWLER VanHeflln: Evelyn Keyea r CrO S Join the UJj act TODAY! ' CAPITOL II ED - ENDS TOKIGHTl To:.:or.ovn 2nd Ace Treat! ' I I f i WT-f r .... V A Junior Miss with Senior Ideas! MARGARET O'BRIEN "HER FIRST ROMANCE" With 8haryn Moffett ' ' Allen Martin Jimmy Hant "DROOPY" Cartoon News r rhj u ENDS JU TONIGHT! "THI TOMOIinOW! rk Also CARTOON, "The -Canttanons Saturdays and Sandays! ENDS Jk "THE SPIRIT OF NOTRE DAME TONIGHT! M Hopalong Caaaidy In "BAK W TOf.lORROV! Louise Albritton - Susannah Faster - Torhan Bey -Frank KeHngh RIP ROARING FUN CO-HITI ; Joan Bennett Victor Mature -f In ; '' ii' The Housekeeper's Daughter" "Go To A Movie Theatre tut 1 1 milt Ukm PRE-RELEASE 0 LI ruN-w-- ..ill i it tum. r. LOKCX sm tOXI t:a ISZ tmmmm t r . A "CATTLE DIYF--ThnJcoke K A YAKX CI KOZIA" , 2 iMwn inrsi TI3i:lSIAS! 1 "JESSE JAMES" RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" 2 TOP TREATS! Body Geard" LATE NEWS ir 2 ACE HITS! The All-Star Musical Hit! Denald 0Ganner Ann Blyth Bfaria Mantes reggy Kyaa Jack Oakie Todayr ENGAGEMENTII ELSINORE THEATRE! lsssnBWsseai 1 ansasspss-- - ""v ; --'-" 1