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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1949)
S Tk Statesmen. SclemV Ore:, .nmrsdar. Septmtg 8.1S43 - " , Salem Nursing Home Under New Management This attractive dining room Is one of the feature! of remodeled Salem Narsinf home, which has 10 rooms and a capacity of 22 patients. Mrs. Mary I era. dietitian, is shown preparinf to set tables. (Statesman photo). j Valley Obituaries Gerhard II. Toelle STAYTON Funeral services for Gerhard H. Toelle will b at 9 a.m. Thursday at Immaculate Concep tion church at Stayton with the T?pv Mathew Jonas officiating. A. Etavton area resident, he died. Monday at Macleay where he had been moved from a Portland hos pital. He had been 111 for several months. He was born near St. Charles, Mo., June 17, 1878 and had lived on a. farm near Stayton for more than 40 years. He is sur vived by several nieces and neph ews. Hosary was recited Wednes day night at the Weddle chapeL Interment will be in Stayton Cath olic cemetery. Death Claims Emma Brown Emma Murphy Brown, 72, a life long resident of Salem, died Wed nesday at her home at 664 S. Com mercial st. She was the widow of Frank M. Brown, onetime operator of the Brown Planing mill on Front Street. Mrs. Brown was at one time em ployed by the law firm of Till Ford and John H. and Charles L. McNary. When the latter became a U.S. senator she worked in his Washington, D.C. offices for two years. Surviving are a son, Keith v, . .; . ," .,,!' ' , ' . '. . -- : ' f I f , imgLjuJ .! . L "ir Salem Nursing home, pictured above, is now operating under the new manareif ent of Bern ice Strnckmeler. It is located at 2595 D st Brown of Salem;; a sister, Mrs. My- ra Robnett of Corvallis; and two grandchildren. Christian Science services will be held Friday September 9, at el with rituajistic services b Chadwick chapter, Order of Eas tern Star, in which she held mem bership. j- Adironback j'ark, N. Y., covert 3,281 square miles, has 2,200 lakes, 19 peaks above: 4,000 feet, and can accommodate one million campers daily. I ' INCREDIBLY RUGGED Fhenoplasl Applied liko yamiah to tablo tops or eoncrstt floors. Scratch proot dcjarotte-burn n- I proof. Another "Permanent' matoriaL ' PUI1ILITE West Salem Phone 2-5643 FairGreatestPoli ture Farmer of America Red mond, and Eugene Evers, a4-H club member. Forest Grove, asd- ditional directors. Complimented Management ticaiurpnan, Spitzbart Tells Livestock Men By Lillie L. Madsen X , farm Editor, Th Statesman "When the new crop of politicians come toack; doors for your votes ask them what they are going to do for your state fair," Leo Spitzbart, state fair manager, said to the Oregon Purebred Livestock Breeders association at its annual meeting Wednesday night, as he referred to the state fair as the 'greatest political orphak on record." While the state fair management can "get along" with the present, l.nn n far as "ppnpral lmnrovp- I . ments" are concerned, there is nothing with which to do any ma jor building, Spitzbart explained. He didn't like the 8 cent tax on a non-profit show and regretted that some "machinery companies didn't see fit to come into show, but concessions are about the only way we have of keeping the big show going," Spitzbart said as he added that "I'd like to see the pub lic, come in for 25 cents to see what their state really does pro duce, but at that we have never raised the entrance price from the 50 cents." Built Lean-Tos That the fair management was doing the iest to keep up the buildings and "even built lean-tos" to accommodate the exhibitors, Spitzbart said, but admitted "we just haven't building - stretchers and can do no more than we are now with the funds we have to work with." Ray Hobson, Amity, was elect ed president to replace Edgar Grimes, Harrisburg, who presided Wednesday night. Other new offi cers are Edwin Ritfer, Sherwood, vice president; Claude Steusloff, Salem, secretary-treasurer, and di rectors, F. L. Zieknski, St. Paul; Chester Chase, Springfield; Lloyd Forster, Tangent, Roger Dundi, McMinnville; Henry Ahrens, Tur ner; with Jack McCaffery, a Fu- compumentea the lair manage ment on the cooperation given the exhibitors. He also introduced judges attfee fair who were guests at the dinner, including Joe John son, Oregon State college 4-H judge; Leopard Iliggeson, Canada, sheep judge; Claude Steusloff and Walter Leth, both Judging in the junior divisions. Speaking briefly were L. J. Al lane, state j 4-H director, Cal Mon roe assistant director; Ralph Mor gan, state Future Farmers of America director and his assist ant, Maurfce Buchanan. More ttjan 60 people attended the dinner (served in the 4-H buildV ing, and by vote of the member ship the group will hold its an nual dinner at the same place again next year on the Wednesday night of the fair. FOUND DEAD IN LAKE 1 BEND, Sept. 7 -(&)- Lee Berg- Grimes out -going president, srom, about 52, Portland, was fottnd dead in Paulina lake late yesrrerday. His body was floating aboutxa half mile from a boat he had rented to go fishing. Coroner J. A Walker ordered an autopsy to determine the cause of death. Finn Workers ; To Purge Reds HELSINKI, Finland. Sept 7 (- Finnish organized labor ord ered a purge of communists from its ranks Tuesday, unless they submit to discipline and call off a crippling wave of strikes. . A delegates meeting of the 330, 000 -man trade union federation CTUF) made the move the boldest since the war in this little country sitting on Communist Russia's northern frontier after three days of stormy debate. It gave five striking, communist-led unions and two others that have not actually staged walkout: the choice of being expelled or obeying TUF orders against striking. A worker bee weighs about one five thousands of a pound. I - i - - Pock Crushing to 1 Start at Damsite DETROIT, Sept t (Special)-l Rogers Construction company will; ' start work soon on the rock crush ing project for paying the netf North Santiam highway between Niagra and Detroit j i Equipment has been arriving for the crushing machine which will be set up near the; Detroit dara site.- Final work on bridges over the Breitenbush river and Tumble creek on the new highway was finished this week. ; CATTLE SWIM TO MARKET ADELAIDE, Australia -(1NS)-Ten thousand cattle from Birds ville in western Queensland were forced to swim across flood wat ers to reach Adelaide markets. The water was flowing at ten miles an hour in a two-mile wide stream. ! EGG PRODUCER . , MMurarrussfV sst TRl ANCLE MUMC CO, fvatlamg. oacaoti ft Mtn MCT 4 y.TDt fwJTCG PHODUCER HASH i Keep 'em laying with this prop erly balanced feed for maximum egg production; in mash or. pellet form. j TRIANGLE MILLING CO. I See your local Triangle Dealer I 3 Fc5k rpi rn With a Solid Line of School Wear for Young Men A Triple Threat 55c Esquire Hose. Style. Value, Locgwear ...... T-Formation Bud Benna T-Shlrts ....... 950 m up 100 All Wool (q) cashmere vD j i SWEATERS ' J 60 Cashmere, I 40 Zephyr Wool . 1 AIIOTHER W00DRY FUBUITUBE CO. BUT! Right Guard College Cords I 495 No Penalty Dress Slacks 095 O up NYLON SPORT SHIRTS . ... BLljE I)ENIM PANTS . . . . . (SanforizecO 1 - j SCHOOL JACKETS - - White Stag j Sportcaster - - Beverly Alligator, Gabardine TOPCOATS ( $6.95 S3.95 1 ji $27S0 Wing Back 50 35O Wina Shirt. White, CoL All Styles DON RICHARD SUITS Full-blooded, clear cut worsted for long wear. Masterful tailoring for se wed-in comfort, Excluslre Don Richards styling for figure flattery. And, our careful attention to perfect fitting. All yours for only $49.75. Man, that's ralue. , , , v. 4i)75 OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 O'CLOCK r in n n on r x LJ LJ LJLJ TteuutUul tmpettry, thuped arm daveno, urlth extra Imrge bedding compartment. Reintoreed with the turnout BiHscel! girder tteel frame construction, and of course the dou ble spring easy-tloat construction in the one-piece seat and hack. Dareno and natchlng rocker in a choice of rose or beige. A truly outstanding Bilticell ralue! 1 In t Ac Regular $129.95 riATCHHIG DAVE1I0 AlfD ROCKER With $30.00 Trade-in , . . tin,' 2sr JIBUTI a 7 i i 1. i 1 .1;, X CHOICE 2 Regular $169.93 Mohair Frieze f.IATCHIHG DILTWELL DAVEN0 and ROCKER Now you ran buy this de luxe construction Bilr well dr.veno and matching. rocker in the moth proofed Iatexcd back mohair frieze and the famous Biltuell' wall type hinge, making it un necessary to pull away from the wall j when op ening. Come in, lc'ok tt eU the amazing features Biltwell offers you for only ... With $30.00 Trade-In . . $10QS5 s AllffJ Yen mar pay a little 3c per da . Proof Again Thai Ii Pays la Buy al Woodry'i a deposit wiu HOLD TIU NEEDED ( FREE COIYEXY EASY TOMS