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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1949)
lg-iThf gtatekaMtn. Sclom. Ofqron, TMcrf. Aoguat II. 4.S43 Dakotansto Meetunday All former residents ot North and South! Dakota hay been in vited to a meeting Sunday at 1:30 pjiL, aimed at reviving the Dako ta club, i ' t The program will start with a basket lunch on the lugehe Pres cott lawn, 1068 Oak it, or at May flower hall In case of rain. Cof fee, cream and sugar ; will be fur nished. Entertainment will Include music and a talk, "Is This Amer ica?" by Glen Wade. 4 1 More Boxes of Peaches Seen v In Markets as Harvest Grows - - By Linie L. Madsea 5 I li Farm Editor, Tb Statesman i f! More boxes and fewer flats of peaches are showing in local mar kets as harvest increases. ; . j - 1 W : A round of the valley stands at peach farm Thursday-showed considerable variance in the price as well is in condition. Tree rlnened or those termed -over-ripe" were being offered at from $1.73 to $2.25 a BOX. inner doxcs were ouerea irom amv w At one fruit stana near auem the grower offered fine flats of tree-ripened peaches at 75 cents The peaches were large and in good condition only they had to be. used almost at once. Early Craw fords, Rochester and Jubilees are of excellent flavor and good size this season. Portland shippers said even " though the season is earlier this year, peach shipments to date to tal about 30 per cent less than a "year ago. Growers said the early Crawford season will finish next week. In the farmers markets and stands lugs of peaches are quoted from 75 to $1 under a year ago, and boxes are quoted from $1 to $1.50 under last year. Oregon supplied 88 out of 371 cars of plums and prunes shipped In the United State the past week. : Increasing shipments of Oregon and Washington plumsnd prunes have about offset decreases In California marketings the past two weeks. Movement of fresh prunes has been larger than a year ago. Some preseason sales of Italian prunes were quoted at $1.40 for farad half-bushels. This Is 35 nt under earlv sales last year. Live poultry prices at Portland have declined around one cent a pound since mid-July. The num ber of young chickens raised on U. S. farms for the first six months of this year is high, the USDA said Thursday. The preliminary esti mate is 748.7 million birds. This is 17 per cnt above the number raised in 1948. However, it is 4 per cent less than the previous 10 year average. ! Wheat millfeeds continue In a weak price position, according to the USFA Thursday review, wnue the dron was general In the coun try, the largest drops occurred at west coast centers with $1.50 to $2 drops a ton quoted. At rort- land, sUndardmillrun was quoted at $44 a ton Thursday. This is the lowest price at Portland since the OPA ceiling of $38.50 in the spring M946. Stock Market Prices Slide NEW YORK. Aug. ll-(flVBuy ing enthusiasm dwindled in the stock market today, and price slid away by fractions to around a point Desoite the appearance Jt a gen eral decline, 338 Individual issues advanced and 418 receded out of the total of 1.009 Issues traded. And 55 Issues made new highs for the year as against 77 on Wed nesdaY when the market as i whole rose. There were t new low for the year. The Associated Press average of 80 stocks was off .3 of a point at 64.8. The industrial and rail com ponents of the average also were off Ji and utilities were unchang ed. The volume of trading has been running above a million shares a day for the past five trading days, and today It was barely above that level 'at 1,030.000 as compared I with; 1,280,000 Wednesday. : Suit Seeks to Halt Garbage Dump Near Clear Lake I Mi Testimony In a suit j to halt dumping of garbage on land in the Clear Lake area closed Thursday afternoon, and briefs were order ed submitted in Judge Ilex Kim- mell's Marion county circuit court. Fred McCall and Earl1 Weathers brought the suit to enjoin D. J, Goode from future dumping of garbage, collected from the Kel zer area, on the land Involved due to its alleged offensive and un healthy stench. They allege the' dumping began in April: Goode offered the: defense that the dump does not give; forth ob jectionable odors and that he has a state board of health permit for the dump. s i Salem Obituaries MITCHELL Frances Delicti Mitchell, lata resident f Fuller-ton. Calif.. In that city. Aug ust 1. Survived by four daughters. Mrs. Henry Shlrlcliff, Jr.. of Myrtle Creek. Ore , Mrs. R. R. Hughe and Mr. B. E. fvehlman, both of rullcrton. Calif., and Mr. A. . Shermaa of Com Ilia Graveside service will be held Satur day at 10 a m. at Twin Oaks cemetery. Turner, with je Rev. E. J. Ctllstrap ofiiciaiins. virecnon of nm n AiSdon chapel. 1, COATES The Rev. Marcus Osgood Coates. late renident of Ontario. Canada. In this city Augu't 10. Surviving are two sons, the Rev. William Coates. Albany, and Wesley W. Coates. Chaplin. Sank.; two brothers, George Coates, Alberta Can ada, and Harry Coates, Greenville, 111.: and tlx grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Member of Western Ontario conference, of the Free Meth odist church. Shipment will be made to Ontario, Canada, for services and Interment. Direction by Howell-Edwards chapel. x HALL Rosa Hall, late resident of Salem route I.- in this city August 10. Sur viving are the husband, J. M. Hall, Salem; two daughter. Mrs. Walter Rowan.' Salem, and Mrs. Lucile Ross. Nashville. Tenn.; a son. H. M. Hall. Or eon City; two sisters. Mrs. S. M. Wulck. Greenville, Mo., and Mrs. Ellen Dalton. Golden City. Mo; a brother. Worley England. Kansas City Mo.; sev en grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Services will be held Satur day.. August 13, at 1:30 p.m. at the Zena church with Interment In Zena cemetery under direction of the W. T. Rigdon company. NOTICE OF DTTENTIO! TO TMPROVE CANOALARIA BOULEVARD FROM DOUCHTON STREET TO ALVARADO TERRACE Notice hereby la given that the com mon council of the city of Salem, Ore gon, deem it necessary and expedient and hereby declares it purpose and tntenUon to Improve Candalarla Boul evard from the west line of Doughton Street to the west Una of Alvarado Terrace, In the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and adjacent oroDertv. exceDt the street Intersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of saiem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade, con structing cement concrete curbs, and paving said portion of (aid Street with a J'i inch asphaltic concrete pave ment M feet wide in accordance with the plans and specification therefor which were adopted by the common council August S. 1949. which are now on file In the office of the city re corder and which by this reference thereto are mad a part hereof. The common council hereby declare Its purpose and intention to make the a Dove described improvement by and through the street Improvement de partment. By Order of the Common Council August S. 1949. ; : ALFRED MUNDT, City Recorder Date of first publication hereof 1 August 10. 1949. Aug. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14. IS. IS. 17. J. 19. SO. j AidtbHelp U.S. ! Bolster Pear Market Sought PORTLAND, Aug. ll-tfVIn re sponse to numerous complaints from growers, attempts are being made to get government support to bolster the peat market W.I J. Broadhead. chief of the western marketing field office of the fruit and veegtable division of the production marketing ad ministration, said today no govern ment; purchase program has been authorized in the northwest He: said, however, two purchases of 150 cars each have been made by the commodity credit corpora tion in California at about $40 a ton for top grade pears. Yakima, Wash., canneries of fered! growers $30 a ton for pears earlier. California growers are- getting from $25-$40 a ton. Broad- head said. The price last year was $120 a ton. Northwest growers would like to see a price of about $60 this year, Broadhead said. WjU Summer Term to End . Nearly 200 summer session stu dents at Willamette university wind! up their studies on the cam pus today with final examinations, The fight-weeks session, which be gan June 20, will officially close tomorrow at noon. Student ac tivity on the campus will then cease until the beginning of the fall Jterm, September 14, when freshman students will register for courses. Activity during the session in eluded dances, concerts, lectures by Dr. Bonus A. Benes, visiting professor, and excursions tQ moun tains, beaches and points of his toric Interest in the Salem area. Dreary Time In Grain Mart i CHICAGO, Aug. ll-iiP)-Grains ended a dreary session with mo derate losses on the board of trade today. Wheat ended H-H lower, corn was;s-l4 lower, oats were vh-h lower, rve was 2 to 2H lower, soy beans were i to 2 cents lower and lard was 10 to 20 cents a hun dred pounds lower. ; Turns Food '1 Into Brood CLEARWATER. Neb. Aug. 11- (AVA motherly cat with a new brood of six kittens augmented her family with six baby cotton tail rabbits the same day. W. H. DeCamp said he found the rabbits in an orchard said pre sented them to the cat as food, but instead she transferred them to the box with kittens and began caring for them along with her own brood. Gardeners Ask Space in State, County Fairs . Urging that state and county fairs show more attention to horti cultural exhibits from amateur gardeners and their clubs, the Men's Garden Clubs of the North west reaffirmed its stand of last year at an annual meeting here Thursday. . Several of the 20 delegates present from eight clubs said they felt the fairs are leaning too heav ily on commercial horticulture displays. The amateur gardeners dele gates also decided to petition their national organization for extend ing its plant testing program toJ regional levels. The delegates' business meeting at the YMCA was followed by a no host dinner at the Elmer Worth residence on Glen Creek road, where Portland Men's Garden club members brought to 75 the total of; out-of-town gardeners present. Nearly as many from the Salem club also attended. Annual election was deferred until an October meeting in Al bany. . Elks Leave for Salt Lake Gty Clifton B. Mudd and Charles A. Howard, members of the Saiem Elks lodge, left Thursday for Salt Lake City where they will attend a conference of the national Elks board. Mudd is serving his second term as a member of the national board's activities committee. How ard was recently appointed as BPOE district deputy for north west Oregon. State Sen. Austin Dunn, Baker, district deputy in eastern Oregon, will join the Salem men in Salt Lake City. The three representa tives will return home Sunday. FRIDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycle: RSLM 1S90. KOCO 1490, KOIN t7t. ROW e. KEX UM HOUR 6 KSLM eoco torn EGW KEX 00:01 Morn. News New Hodge Podge Early Bird '00:11 (Dawn Patrol KOIN Klock tHodg Podga Early Bird 00:30 Parm New KOCO Klock (KOIN Klock IKneass News Early Bird 00:45 farch Time OCO Klock OIN Klock ode Podga Dirt Doctor IS THI CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OBEGON FOB THE COUNTY Or MAJUON (Probate Department) No. 13-435 NOTICE OP FINAL. HXARINO In the Matter of the Estate of ROG ER R. PRICE. Deceased Sometime known a R. R. PRICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, as Administrator, eta., of the Ancillary Estate of Roger R. Price, deceased, ha filed It Final Ac count and Report in said estate with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that the judge thereof has fixed Tuesday, the 23rd day of August. 1M9, at the hour of t o'clock: p.m. as the time, and the Circuit Courtroom (Pro bat. Department) In the County Court Houa in ; Salem. Marlon County, Ore gon, as the place for the hearing of objections to such Final Account and the settlement thereof. HAROLD J. WARNER A Administrator. C.T.A. of the An cillary Estate of Roger R. Price, dee d. a Piatt. Henderson. Warner. Cram St Dickinson, Attorneys for Administra tor, c.ta. Portland. Oregon. Jly. 22-2S A i-12-lf " FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed In the Circuit Court of Marion Couhtyy Oregon. It duly verified final account as admin istrator of the estate of REGINA NEAN WEST, sometimes known; as NEAN WEST, deceased, and the said court has fixed Monday, the ISth day of September. 1S49. at the hour of 9 o'clock a.m.. daylight saving time, in the Circuit Court Room at the County Court House of Marion County, as the time and place for hearing said final account and all objections thereto. Dated this 12th dav ot August. 1949. PIONEER TRUST-COMPANY Administrator ot said Estate STEVE ANDERSON S . Attorney for Administrator; -500 Pioneer Trust Building Salem. Oregon A.1I.19.J SJ.9 Look and! Learn B; A. C. Gerdea 7 BSLM Dawn Patrol KOCO Tex Ritter COIN KOIN Klock BGW Farm Tim KEX New Dawn Patrol Dawn Patrol INew (New as Sports JTop o" Morning New (New (News Fred Beck Farm Time bld Song INews . Bend Box Hazen Show Tim Tempo BKSLM KOCO BOIN, BGW KEX News I Breakfast GangBreakfast Gang' Ton Trade West. Melodies West Melodies (Stars Sing iWiidw'd Church User New 'Art Baker IMake Believe Make Believe Music IMusic IRiders Sage Cam Hayes Time Tempo (Arzonsky E. Manners ITropicana 9 BSLM KOCO BOIN BGW KEX Barg. Counter Melody Time Varieties Second Cup B'kist Club 'Rise St Shin Melody Time INew I Second Cup (B'kfst Club ISons Pioneers Music IGrand Slam Uack Berch tB'kist Club Morning Special J. C. Thomas Rosemary Kneass New B'kfst Club tf f KSLM N.W. New Kate Smith Pastor's Call (Walts Time III KOCO Guest Artist IN.W. Report (Concert atConcert III KOIN W. Warren lAunt Jenny HL Trent Gal Sunday w BGW House Party HouseJParty Tommy Do racy Tommy Dorsey : KEX News IStars Today tMelody (Melody 4 4 IGospel Singer JPerry Come (Walts Serenade 1 TKS? luJ,Wu Glass Wax Glass Wax Glasa Wax I I Bt SUter (Ma Perkins I Dr. Ma lone Guiding Light 1 1 52W 2rc.h.'tr" Orchestra (Children L. Lawton BEX T. Malone p. Drake True Story TruVStory A 4 E'LM Top Trades Mews , IQueen for Day Queen a Dae I fj OCO Hwood Mu.l. HolWd Music "New. TeToale I Z. 22V! tiew I (Come Get It IN. Drake Brighter Day 1 5t?W 5!. 1Yothln Pble- Nothing 'Knean New Light Work! : KEX B. Crocker INew IBaukhag Nancy Craig IJ-'V Ladle First flLadie First N W. News Bob Eberly ""CO Melodies Melodies 'Melodies 7 5?7 M.T" Burton P. Mason feright & Ught'Air-rio 5GW Life Beautiful Road of Life ; IPepper Family Happinesa KEX Northwest Northwest Kay West (Kay West 25V- I,'1 Nihbor !??h,nn F,ra- IReverie IBIng Sing Melodies Melodies Melodies Melodies KOIN Air NewvnaperlAir Newspaper Winner Take Tunefully Yr. KGW BStage Wife Stella Dadas L. Jone- (WiddeT Browi KEX B'kfst Holly d B'kist Holly d Eay Acre iMeet Menjo 3 KSLM The Storm (The Storm Music I Novelties KOCO Melodies Melodies r Melodies Melodic KOIN Art Kirkhara Meet Miesu Meet Misses IRobert Lewis KGW. Girl Marnes Portia Plain Bill Page Farrell KEX Surprise) Pkgv Surprise Pkg. I Bride Groom 'Bride Groom 4 KSLM With Music (With Music (Song of Times -News KOCO Movie Tim iPhilosopher Bedlam Bedlam KOIN Robert Lewis Robert Lewis IRobert Lewi IRobert Lewis KGW Welcome T. Irs I Welcome T'rlrs iAunt Mary : Love At Learn KEX Be Seated Be Seated Add-a-Ltne (Add-a-Line '. i 4 f j f . , . t i .. 5 1. What is a holographic will? 2. Where is the highest island mountain in the wprldt 3. What is anthropology? 4. What are the, countries that comprise Scandinavia?! 5. What is the origin of the word "whisky"? ANSWERS I 1. One written wholly In the handwriting of h testator. 2. Mauna Kea. in the Hawaiian Islands; 13,825 feet high. 3. The science of man. 4. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Iceland. I M ' 9. From a Gaelic word mean ing "water of lif (dm KSLM Tiohan T. Hemingway 'Passing Paradel Cavallero KOCO Rhythm Ranch Rhythm Ranch! Bin g Crosby ISport Page KOIN Curt Massey Mr. Info. Songs ILarry Le Seuer KGW Woman Secret ISunny Side (News lHarkness KEX Squirrel Cage I Squirrel Cag (Yukon chl'g (Yukon chl'ge The Nations Top Comics DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper "lilllllllilllllllllP" rrs popmxi. pop- MXl'PE WAMTEOON" THE PHONE BLONDS COULD WE CflumPh-CXX ijFm) Ztfl MATING V. SNOOPF S- THAI SEWE5 HIM . ( PlGHT foq calling ) f WE UP AT ,- tetXNE: SUNHV PEUL ACRES y WIS OVERALLS. HIS SMiKrT? OKWHt7R IS MV BELOVED HUOtJAN rrrsBEijavEP Mustvwrj DICK TRACY r MV cvxo- TSPARKLEf 1 GUM PAPPVS1I TOLD VOU I ME DON'T II THAT I I LOVE US IV WAVf J I jr BUT-IF HE DOES COME BACX.ILL BUST THrS WASHBOARD OVER HtS KNOTTY DOME SO DAO- KCUM QUCK, HE U Meanwhile NOPE.' 'SKETCH PAtfEE i nwv lam. trtv inirvi ITO DO WITH THESE COSTUMES. LET'S MOVE TO ANOTHEI? NfTE-SPOT XI I I j HEY! AM I DfiEAMIN6?U ITS NO MIRAGE, OR IS THIS SANDY PAR0-WE'RE IN PGE AT LAST (jME MOMERETCH- i YlP-E-E- THERE SHE SfTS - G000 OLD SANDY1 KV HliA3alLUKUC MU LITL I )and ugly as ever -y LITTLE ANNIE KOONZT I ALL CWY CHRSTY REMAINS N HER ; R0OM.GUAOOtVlG Jl0RjJN4ni6 FOR I A LONG-OlCTANCE CALL THEN i ywaRAYrutxcjiri kin easy see a really- truly STORE AM' lOlSA SWELL LITHE HOUSES- 1. THOUGHT; SEE WOULD , 1 1 MORE- GEE. MR. JACKSON - ' AINT IT SVkUI?! WElPE J BACK IN OUR OWN COUNTRY! KO JR0UBIE-N0 WORRY-J a-. aVv-r, AH NO SENSE IN STAN0IN6 HECtl STARVING WHEN THERES HOT rooowAinNG FOR US yes, ALNTiE.i-mf Ewr is VCOME 4TOhCE?3SOWBTHiNS rrs all A SCHEME TO GET JUNO OUT OF TUB HOUSE. BUZZ SAWYER cH.POOR GRAND- 1 FATHER mm kAJSJBaal HURaVTHERES A TRAIN IN 35 KltaVlt ITCg 11 SEE THAT JC l it VI YES. HURRY, CHRISTY: GRAB VQM Y &' Air", WW S , erV i gtn. at MICZEY MOUSr in ni XXTRHJVCXrW I YOU DO MS AN MOT JOHN 1 JUSTICE, MRS SMTTW X CAN S&JBK QLR Z'M HERE ONLY ON A PRESENCE! VOU ARE X FRiaCLY MI65OJL-W0W EVILi YOU ARE a VOULO YOU UKB HAMPTON wr Jrv3lPIVE THOUSAND CAUNTJ J Ui DOLLAASt 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Ted Drake Candl Uffht K. Manning Request Sporta Ted Drake jCandle Li(ht I Parade IRequest IHome Edition Adventures 'Music New Irish carter C Huntley iNews Music Cocktails E. Peterson 'Romance IRomance 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gab. Heater Pat O'Brien Broadway Webster Says Headline N. W. New Fish St Hunt Music Jackpot 'Proudly HaU Baseball (Baseball Webster Say IGood Wife Elmer Davis iThe Sheriff jFish & Hunt I Proudly hail Baseball Good Wife IThe Sheriff 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN . KGW KEX Barber Shop Bandstand Feature Dr. 1 Q. Heinle Band Music Broadway tTeature IDr. I.Q. Bemie Green Cisco Kid Broadway torch. Bill Stern lYour F.3X (Cisco Kid IBroadway ' lOrch. iRhythm Your r.BJ. 9 KSLM Straight Arrow'Straleht Arrow'Music IMusic ' KOCO Bateball IBasebaU I Base ball iBaseban KOIN i Collingwood IChica roans In St. Louis tin St. Louis KGW j Supper Club World News Tree Grow I Trees Grow UZ fat Man iFat Man iWestern Sales I Western Skies 10 KSLM New Local News KOCO Baseball . New KOIN S Star riaal ISport KGW New ' IS ports Paf Richrd Keport-llnterroexxo tNew Studio Party Spin to Win Bir Town Concert Hour Music I Studio Party Spin to Win Bif Town ICoocert Hour KSLM Trohaa KOCO Studio Party KOIN Serenade KGW Sam Hayes KEX Concert Hoar Bob Pool Studio Party You V World Wax Museum Concert Hour Bob Poole IMusic ! Studio Party StudioParty Orchestra : I Orchestra i Wax Museum Wax Museum Tonorw MemjTomorrow Mem. KOAC ftM a-ev 10.00 a.m. Th News: Especially for Women: 11 M The Con cert Ball: 12:00 The New: 12:13 Noon Farm Hour; 1 .-OO-ide "Em Cowboy; 1:1S Variety Tunc: 1 30- Melody Lane; . Cahracad of Drama: 1.13 Me mory Book of Music; 2.00 Th New: 2: IS Music of the Masters: 4:06 Ore fon Reporter; 4:12 Favorite Hymns: iM Xjrca On tha Champions; 4.-4S Children's Theater: iDO On th Upbeat: S0 Sport Club; S0 The News; C:12 Dinner Melodies; S JO Music of Czech Slovakia; 1:12 Evetunf Farm Hour; S:00 Research Report: S:15 Here's to Veter ans; a-Jt Great Sonjrs: 1:42 The New; t0 Music that Eodure: A5 Lift Up Thy Voice: ISM Adventures in Re search: 10:12 Serenade; 10:42 The News; 11 M Sign Off. I ( 4 13AJ RIP ZIRBY V ljAwu 1 Uiuii aC Ai-LUS LlkCETA MEV THUH DUPES STAKT OFP THfclK 5TY AT THUH HAPPY SADDLE' WITH A. M i I aY irai HEH l-HEHl P3N1CICE52! MM STARTLED FOR A SIMPLE TWINO.rT'S THE ME! WHY ON J PRICE FOR M3UR SlLBeCE ABOUT EARTH fiHajLDVMY PREVIOUS UNFCRTUMATE VISIT! YOUOrVE IAPOLOOZE ME FIVE fOd MV THOUSAND I ATTEMPT DOLLARS? X KISSMXI i i THOUSAND I ATTEMPT TO U- 3L I WANT NErTHStOUR APOLO0IES MONEY... BUT ARE SAFE 6AUNT...X TELL NO BUT MY husband; NOR YOUR YOU MR. : SHALL i ONE Y MO! NO! YOaCANTJJ K YOU SHAN'T I CET THE THINGS .TCCETHE2 VOU'KE COINC 70 TAKE, -CHIPPER. V 1 J ' I W V V a- ' 't. f. I GASOLINE ALLEY 1 ALL PACKED, , WHAT VOUfeE V" 1 ( BLOTTO.' J AM W WX M POP, BUT I V BSiNCiNG. J t V-Yl y r ROLLER t f ! MR.TYIER FOR HfmiG VOOR 6ARO TRIMMtO TO RtSeWBUc ! AN INOfFENSlVE TIE, I HfVJE A PRESENT TOR YOU- AW.SHUX! V6 SHOUIDNT A 00N THfiT !! WHAT ON AIRTH IS IT CNNVHOW? BARILTT GOOGLS ON BEHALF Of j (7 Mt YOUR THIRTY-FIVC J ?( afV OffJCE GIRLS 77, .tNry ) A GREAT. BIO W . Xl I I'll a! : ft COME BACK HERE 6 ALU f VG STILL GOT nrHUTTy-FouR TO GO ' - - I :- 9a. . ( !