The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 18, 1947, Page 1, Image 1

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The- Oregon Stcrleeman. Salem, Oregon, Friday. July It. 1147
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tWiMUstal arSMSU
Oregon voters may prepare for
deluge of argument and propa
and on the sales tax to be voted
on October 7th next. They are
Mnutomcd to this to be ure, and
the printed and verbal grenades
may have little effect a people
vote their prejudices or interest
or by habit. The campaigning
however will be in the democra
tic tradition o they may as vell
get ready for the flood.
; Without at this time making any
commitment on the pending meas
ure I want t point out the error
la an article in the "Oregon Team
ster" on how the sales tax will
oak a worker. The -Teamster"
refer to a atudy made by a Wis
consin professor which ahowathat
under a 2 per cent sale tax a
familv with a $1000 Income would
pay $12.1$ in aalea taxe. A fam
it with a 110.000 income- would
pay $63.40. The percentage of in
come in the former case if 1.2 and
In the latter case 6 10th f 1 per
rent. Thi. conclude the "Team
ster" show the unfalrnesa of the
sale lax. :.
'Looking at a rale tax alone the
contention of the "Teamster- la
correct. The sale tax ia regressive,
falling heaviest on those in lower
income bracket. While the rate
It the same, les; of the higher
bracket income ordinarily goe
into taxable purchase.
But the sale tax cannot be con-
, tidered alone and independent It
is only part of a taxing system.
The graduated income tax, both
tale and federal sleps up the rate
as the income increases. The fed
eral scale ia steeply graduated- A
person with an income of $100,000
for example pay Y
(Continued on Editorial Page)
Navy Board
Salem Armory
A report received here Thurs
day, by Lt Comdr. Vernon Gil
mure, commander of the naval re
serve unit in Salem, placed Salem
utd Eugene on the list as site
recommended to Secretary-! we
Navy James ForresUl by the navy
bureau of docks for the erection
cf $129,937 naval reserve armory
In telegram received from
Eugene from . Lt. . Cmdr. Roger
La ley. assistant to Capt. A. D.
Ayrault director of the 13th naval
reserve district. -Gil more was In
formed that the chief of the naval
bureau of docks had definitely
recommended to the secretary of
the navy that fund be appropri
ated for the erection of armories
In both Salem and Eugene.
The recommendation specified
that the armories were to consist
cf three prefabricated buildings,
40 by 100 feet in dimension, to
be Joined by corridors and to
contain sanitary facilities.
A naval reserve building had
been recommended here several
week ago by the navy after an
Inspection of this area, local com
mitteemen. In charge of procure
ment, said on June 22. This fol
lowed a report from Eugene that
that city would receive the oruy
naval reserve armory in the state.
Action followed and recommend
ations were aent to Washington,
D. C. where they have been un
der advisement since.
Capt Ayrault during his con
sultations here recently had
tressed the definite need for an
armory here since there are 700
naval reservists signed up and
several hundred more available in
the Salem area.
Coronation Opening of Exhibits Puts Cherry Fete in Full Swing
II 1 s II I
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Near TOO oe as
FwaDiramo-aih Waves
SDonk imdiann SEudp
BOMBAY. India. July lT-OT-NeTly ?M paaaener
rrported to hare perished today when amall coastal paaarrrer
ship, capsized by "two tremendous wim." sank Ln the monsoon-swept
Arabian sea 11 mile south cf Bot&baj.
C A. Buch, gmetal managrr ef Ue IWwr.bay Steam Navi
gation company mho assisted in the ttcue work. aU rt
more than IS to 10 peiwuna ha 1
been saved." The sun Ivors In- 1
eluded 11 cf the It rrtw tnem 7J 4
berlr-r the capUi.. f 1 111111311 i tllJltS
The ll-ref4d lUwrr Ram- . .
das left Bombay this morning Ml 11
HTS&'tf'iEL? Sii:iKepublican to
south of Bombay. Survivors ad , JL
visibility was poor a, the vel ; jr TiTT D n .
neared Rewas creek Ixoum off IV f V I ,1 k K t H
the Uhinj rain and that heavy AVJ UOt
swell were causing It to roll
hejijlly. t WASHrXCTON. Ja!y It HJT)
The sweila Increaard and the prrfwvt Truman toiir runrd a
vessel waa "UeseU uke a M ,rrblran. alMourt-Wn RUrt
of match wood." one sunlrvf w. DrrJuan. to be esneral cjr-
aaid. when tddeny. aa the cap- M) 0f the rw natiofuU Uiwe re
tain was atUmpting to eturr ( utiow board a Jo cieAed w
Rewaa creek, about one mile from . ra-rrptng powers unJer the TafV
Rewas village, the two waves frtlry ite art.
struck. The Ramdas lisled slowly Mr Truman rtomlnated JTt
to ooe side and sank within fne Un4 Cray, republican of BuTlo.
minutes. " !i. Y, and Abe Mu-4lu fornwr
uomDay pan ciuoau sat a ine democratic senator from tUh. ae
shores near Bombay harbor w ere j 1rw nwrUTt of the br r.Mn
iinrrru iui dtowi ana mi w ' under Ihe Trt-IUmT ar-t grtrwe
bodies had been picked up near ' from nembers to Ore.
the lighthouses at the harbor en
Salem Cherry
Fete Program
Friday, July 18
Thursday's Cherry Festival activities were climaxed with crowning- lovely Martha
XhOtette, Gervals, a Qoeen Martha Iaf . CherrylandV Shewn In the top picture
placing the crew en Qneen Martha's brunette locks la King Bug Bill Dyer af the
Salem Cherrlans. Crewn bearer was little Jean DaHrtte and train bearers were Ja
net and Jean ThsKeUe, danghtera of Mr. and Mrs. Donald DuKette of Anrera. and
all aieces of Qneen Martha. Sidney L. Stevens, presideat of the Salem Cherry Fes
tival association, second from right, foregravnd, then presented the oneen with her
scepter. At right In- foreground is Mr Arthur Weddle, eenrt chape rone. The ten
princesses In baekgrannd. left to right, are. Rath Elaine Beard. Falls City; Bemlee
t Blanchette, St Faal; Beverly Anne Znmwalt, Perry daier Lorraine Faindexter, 8a
: lem; Mary Margnerite Helsel. Woodborn; Margaret Jeanne Thompson, Monmeath;
. Rathanne Nelson. Dallas; Donna Marie Trailer. Independence; Mary Ann Schmidt.
Mt. Angel; and Dorothy Thompson, Silverton. Cherrlans In back row, left to right,
are. Rex Klmmel, TTally Doerfler, Den Madison, Rnssell Madd, Walter Bondell,
Bemle Donaldson, John Meyers, Dr. O. A. Olson,' Ed Bornslde, Dr. Elmer Dorr,
Frank Ernest, Vlnee Rodakewskl, Paul llale, Marty Boesch. Bill Fatten. Henry.
Ahrens, Frank Doerfler and Don Doerfler. Time eat for lee cold pep waa taken
Thnrsday afternoon by the royal eenrt at the epealng of the ladostrtal exhibit In
the Salem armory aa shewn la picture at left, middle row. Left to rUM are. Oneen
Martha DaRette, and Frtneeaaes Beratce Blanchette. Lorraine Feradexter. Mary
Ann Schmidt. Mary Marraerltc Helsel. Domaa Marie Travler. Kb llama NbM. Be
verly Ann Zamwalt and DoroUiy Thamseao, VUUn to the tadavtrlal exhibit la the
armory will see many predacta maaafactared la Saleaa. At right la middle row Is
pictured E. T. Barnett. secreUry-treaaarer Vocatloaal ladastrles Cos, left, and Tom
Femerey, Jayeeo chairman of Industrial shew, right, trying oat the latest Vice hea
vy daty drill press. The machine waa completed and tested only VTedaesdsy and
featares change ef drill speeds wttheat changlag belts. At bottom left, aaeasbers of
the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce are shewn helpiag set aa the tadlrtai
shew. Left to right. Elmo Undbelm. Jaycees; Don Ballantyne and Charles lleila.
toy maaafactarers; and la backgreaad Tom Femerey. Jayceea. Mayor R. L. EMatrom
Is shewn la photo at bottom right aa he cat the ribbon to officially open the Cherry
Festival aad industrial exhibit Tharsday afternoon. With htm are. left. Mrs. Don
ald Michaels. Pasadena. Calif.. Qaeea for a Day meat of honor. Pi totem Loermine
Feiadexter, Mayer Elfstrom. and Festival Qaeea Martha DaKette. Iloldiar mike as
Dave Horn ef Station KOCO. (Fbetee by Don Dill. Statesman sUff photographer.)
II a. nL -Opening of manufac
turen' exhibit. Salem arm-
II a. ax Festival parade.
II a. m. Festival. parade. line
of march: Church from Che
meketa to State street, west
on State to Commercial
streets and north to Marion
square. -
tf p. aa. Salem - Oregon City
Junior Legion baseball game.
' Waters field.
t p. sa Band concerts in busi
ness district.
t n. nu Drill team contest, near
Marion square.
a. aa-Nicht show, state fair
ground racetrack grandstand.-
Song by Lucile
Cummin g. Horse show
II p. hl Queen's ball. Crystal
Gardens, Glenn Woody'a or
chestra. II a. m. Band concert, Marion
aquare. -
Saturday, July 19 .
II sm. Opening of manufac
turers exhibit, armory. -
t a. m. to neon Airplane yace
and trial. Salem airport ,
t to S p. m. Air show, Salem
I a. m. Band concert, armory,
t p. m. Night show, state fair-
.grnunds racetrack grand
stand. Horse show events.
II p. m. Dancing, Crystal Gar
II p. m. Band concert, Marion
S00 Aftteoiidl Cllueiriry -Festival's First Night Show at
State.FaoirgjroiiDini.dsjPairade to Start at 10 a. m.Today
$500,000 in
Projects Await
Zone Change '
A a group, the nnmtnatxeat
were held l.kely of ccmfireaUtaa
by the ari4e.
By rheojune repjSirar: fee
two of the tMee early-watrtd
appoietmer.U. Mr. Truman wae
Uwucht to have afoulol dfA
cully which might arwo tican
namirui Murdotk one ef U4
few ""lame tfutk rtomcnoUana he
has mode from the of
democtata defeated la Hit.
Denham becomes the tetU
gator and Uw teoMcutoe of
(atr labor re-Ucea.
Retired Bishop
Approval to preliminary proce
dure for creatine a large Indus
trial tone in southeast Salem, with
a potential 1500.000 development
was grantoa weansaaay anernoon rrv C 1
at a special session of the city. In IIPPPfl
hearing: for its next regular meet-
in July 21.
Action to charure from buainess
to industrial tuning the approxtm
ately IS acre bounded by Oxford
street .the main Southern Pacific'
Bruce Baxter
trVture on pare I)
DES MOINES, J.:y itJ-.The
appointnwwt of tUslvio Francis J.
tracks. South 21t street and tSe j McConwa, retired biahop of the
south cllr limits was initialed end w Ym aea. as suer m
south city limlU was Iniliatad and
recommended Tueaday night by
the city planning and ton trig com
mission. This followed a request
by Frank N. Waters for a similar
change Involving IT acre,- or
eight city block. Included m the
larger area.
Water is corutrvcting on a
portion of the area a kaadmg dork
for loin; railroad car. A railroad
spur has been installed to that
dock, and other are contemp
lated for industries ready to
establish themel-es nearby. In
cluding JerJcs-Wrule Seed com
the late Bruce R. Ratter.
of a!ethratu rhurrhee to It- pa
dftc nrrtlrwevt, was eruviurvd
The ccUeg if MrtSodist b!h
op cf the wtatrrn wnadjrtK
announced the appoiMmrm. tjt
will roBUnue unui July. Its. At
that time the weira rtlje
Uunal nlmr wtU ilwt
ops and make a permsneeit ap
Biahop MrComw: who had re
tired In lMt. waa formerly preV
'dent cf De Paul unireraitr. up
fr..G" 'r:f New yh 1;
" rV r ..rrrr' Council t4 the Cburchm of OrwV
Such firms aa are already plan- J ... .
In Orrtoa, WaaJUfupon. Ilahe and
nlng to locate w KM porttari of
the area would make ImtailaUor.s
with a total value nenrtna: a half
million dollars, said Waters, wbo
has dedicated rtrrp of land to
the city to be designated aa South
llth street
Henry Hesse,
Legislator Dies
ry T. Heme. 17. veteran elate
legislator from Washington coun
ty, died today In a hospital to
which be was brought this morn
ing after a heart attack.
lieaae served aa state represen
tative in the 193t. 1MI. IKS and
IMS legislature. He was re- dated Prew report.
Oregon Sun
Claims Life
One tfe was claimed by a bot
sua In Oregon Thursday and tn
Salem the nerrury roae to a tee
rid W oigjiaa. tke hineat fee
that mucin aad highest amre Hr
2i when SO 1irJi was rworoed
by tho Wwl weather tmreau.
In PorUand the heat waa tint
ed for Ue ceaUi of Jamee Cl
bttath, 14. Portland. wt rtO
Upud wrie atad.r.g in tt
crowdBi wauhlng the Hks natxe.
al ronventkei tnrade. tne Aao-
Bascball Giiiiiea Drill Ointest Slated -
, r J " By' JUbert at Gangware V . i . )
yt..:,f:i'. - 'City Cditor, Tie StaWisnan -j. .-. y.-
' The cbviou delight ahared by nearly : e,0IO .mid-valley residents
witnessing the coronation of Queen Martha I and attendant ceremo
nies at the state fairgrounds last night branded as a conspicuous suc-
f cess the opening day of Salem's Cherry festival .
I Thia initial success and forecasts of eood weather today augured
well for continued gaiety through Saturday, with today's full pro
gram off to a start with float-
end band-studded parade at 10
ajn baseball game, band concerts
and drill team contests this after
noon, a night program at the fair
ground featuring songs by Lucile
dimming and a horse show fol
lowed by the queen's ball at Crys
tal Garden. " '
Against last night' colorful set-
sion accompaniment by the Salem
city band and uniformed Cher
rlans, Martha DuRette of Gervais
became queen of tbe-Salem
Cherryland in ceremonies "bef ore
an overflowing fairgrounds grand
stand. . V. .' j "
Princesses Landed '"'
Cited for their "youth and beau
ty, graciousness and charm," 0
princesses representing as many
high school of Marion and Pollk
counties, were declared members
of the royal Cherryland family
by President Sidney Stevens, of
the festival association, alter eacn
had been escorted 'onto the huge
outdoor stage by a Chernan.
Mrs. Arthur Weddle. queen
lection committee chairman . and
chaperone for the queen and prin
ting of made-to-order cherry trees 1 cesses, presented Martha DuRette
ana uorai pieces anu wiui prevjf Gervais high school as queen
elect . who received her crown
from King Bing. William C Dyer,
Jr., her scepter from Stevens and
a key to the city from Mayor K. L.
Elfstrom. -Royalty
Princesses' and thetf - Cherrian
escorts, as they appeared last
night, were: Margaret Jean
Thompson of Monmouth, Dr. E. E.
Dorr; Mary Margaret . Helsel ol
Woodburn, Edward Burnside;
Ruthanne Nelson of Dallas, Frank
Ernest; Loraine Poindexter of Sa
lem, Dr. O. A. Olson; Donna Ma
rie Traylor of Independence, Vince
Rodakowskl, Beverly Ann Zum-
wait of Perry dale, John Meyers;
Mary Ann Schmidt of Mt Angel,
Paul Hale; Bemice Blanchette of
St. PauL Bernard Donaldson; Dor
othy Thompson of Silverton, Mar
tin Boesch; Ruth Elaine Beard of
Fall City, Walter Bondell.
Entertainment for the cherry
court and the enthusiastic crowd
featured the Eugene Gleemen and
the 50 Paul Armstrong dance stu
dents ranging from four-year-olds
to advanced' dancers in their
teens. Charles Barclay was mas
ter of ceremonies 'for the entire
Yeang Dancers
The young dancers captured the
fancy of the spectators as they
went through their fast paced and
varied routines. The "Star of
Tomorrow" and "Baby Rockettes'
- - boys and girls four to six years
old - - drew the chuckles as well
as the applause of the crowd, and
the more . advanced dancers were
heartily received. Mr. and Mrs
Paul Armstrong, the dame direc
tors, performed a popular Bill
Robinson style stairway dance.
So well received was the Arm
strong dance group that President
Stevens announced officially last
night that the dancers will appear
again by popular request as an In
troduction to the Saturday night
horse show at the fairgrounds.
Gleenaea Ceneert
The Gleemen, ever-p o p u 1 a r
male chorus from Eugene, under
Dr. Theodore Kratt's direction,
sang a full concert. Jsmes W. Kays
appeared as tenor soloist in
Sounds." "Where r You Walk,"
"The Hills of Hume" and Franz
Leber's "Yours Is My Heart
Alone." the latter dedicated to
Queen Martha. As an encore num
ber, the Gleemen presented "The
Oregon Trail," substituting "cher
ries" for the apples in "there'll be
apples on each branch in Oregon."
In early afternoon ceremonies at
Salem armory Mayor ElMrom of
ficially opened the festival to the
queen and court and to the first
of the crowds to take in the ex
hibit of many of Salem area's
manufactured products, including
woolen goods, wood products,
paints, drill presses, furnaces,
amusfrm'nt devices, batteries,
meats, canned produce ami many
other products.
(Additional details on page 2)
Election to Test
State Labor Law
election tomorrow at the Whist-
Uin' Pig. a coffee shop long pick
eted by the AFL culinary work
er union, will provide the first
test of Oregon's new labor dispute
The firm, which contends It
1 4 employe non-union members
have no dispute, petitioned for
an election by its employes on
whether to continue the picketing.
Should they vote "no." an In
junction to prevent tho union
from picketing might be asked.
The picket were ported after the
firm and the union failed to agree
on contract terms.
elected to a fifth term last No
vember but resigned in January
because of 111 health.
llease. who operated a farm
near his birthplace at Scholia,
Ore. had taken a leading part In
county affair for many years. He
waa county commisstoner from
111? to 1121 and arhoul board
clerk for 20 years. During Utree
legislative aw tons he served on
the ways and means committee.
He waa married, and had one
Over mcot 4 Oreem bufutfiTv
dropped below M the daejr
puict and mourtei dancer of
forest nrea. HotVeat piaro ra te
state wae at The iMlim 11 1
degreea was recorded Thursoey,
PAKK. Wyo, July 17 -4Ah- MoUr
ists were a bit puzzled w hen steam
began to spout today from a Yel
lowstone park highway near
Thumb. Park officials n-ped off
the to-fot wide hole punched
through the tiodwjjr and nn
clialantly explained it might be
another geyser coming to life.
iiirmeers to
Spurn Board
-A strike whkh would te up ap
proalmately 100 passenger trains
and 1X00 freight trains daily over
the Southern Pacific system may
be carried out even If President
Truman should appoint an emer
gency board, a high union official
said today.
The official. Harrison C. Ho
hart assistant grand ctuef of the
Brotherhood -of Locomotive En
gineer, held to plans for a stnke
at p. m. Monday unless the rail
road meets It union demand.
2 Cases of Polio
Found in County
IdentlfVsUon of tvi ae of
poltomyvbua ftr.tar.ul per:rii)
in Marion county during the psot
week was aioad WeOnoalay ty
Dr. W. J. Steaw. rounty ho:tti of
ficer who said that m unusual
situation has swvvlaped."
Rcmusdmg that "IfcU is fe p
bo season," Dr. Stone eaij the
"health oeoartanent Is lakjrf all
prerautrfeie and rhecktrg a'l ill
nesses that m-tht poaa.Vy 6i sl
op into plcnjehtie. The two
fam.le tevcJved have knew Uo
latod. out no wioswpreaa oaraas
R. J. Eggert of the Ammr;n meat i
institute said today the normal
fall and winter movement of live
stork to mar art will bmt meat
supplies about 15 per rent above
prevent levels.
Oct Senahrx