The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 31, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    I Th
SnUm. Or.
nHsnafln IPnngir3iimii
13tt e)
fl IS
1 00
1 30
7 45
INews Morning News J ampin' Jacks Bugler X
iMumic Tlmkpr Wf-Urn Stars Songs Bugler X
Mrcncslra KOIN Klock irtneass News Bugler X
'News I ongs I Bugler X
I ise
i ews
Fact e'lnder
I March Time
B 00 Haven ol Best L'sOr News
IS Haven of Rest ' Art Baker
B .10 Pioneers Grand Slam
B 43 Hymn Rosemary
9 IS
Oichesira Kate Smltn Ore Caravan
Coke Club Aunt Jenny Kneass News
IPaitor's Call Helen Trent Words. Music
Ai t Baker Our Gal Sunday
10 00
10 IS
10 30
10 45
I News
Bing Sings
'Harmony H
;3g Sister
Ma Perkins
Dr. Ma lone
Road of Life
II 00
11 IS
11 30
II 45
Organ I Mrs Burton Today's Child
!3ay Dreams IPerry Mason J In White
Queen for Day Lone Journey Masquerade
IQueen for Dav Rom 'LI of World
12 IS
12 M
New s
Come- St. Get It
Col Feature
1 00
1 30
1 43
News IHeuse1 Party Backstage Wife Tommy Rtggs
Lum 'n Abner House Party Stella Dallas ITommy Riggs
West Salem !Air Newspaper Lorenso Jones Kay West
Wert Salem Air Newspaper W idder Brown Kay West
2 13
!j Anthony
3 00 IWith Music News 'Road of Life Be Seated
3 15 IWith Music Alcohol (David Harum Be Seated
3 30 (News State Traffic Aunt Mary Dorothy Dlx
3 45 lOrchestra News Dr Paul Music
4 00
4 15
4 .10
4 45
Fulton Lewis Range Call I Woman's Secret Rhythm
Rex Miller 1 for the Book News of World Northwest
'.. Johnson Melody'Hour l ife Can Be Santa Claus
Buck Rogers ' 'Chuck Foster Tennessee Jed
5 00
5 30
3 43
Nws IKnox Manning Stars of Today Terry St Pirates
Superman Music G Moorad Sky King
'Capt Midnight Flar.nery News Date with Judv Jack Armstrong
'Tom Mix Garred News i On Bear
6 00 'G Heatter Vox Pop Amos 'n' Andy Range Riders
6 15 lOrchestra Hey. Motorist
8 30 'TBA Talent Scouts Fibber McGee 'Symphony
6 45 ' TBA Talent Scouts Symphony
7 oo Momt nts. Vear Bob Hope i
7 30 'Red Rder Moments.
7 45 'Red Ryder Moment.
B 00 IThe Record Lowell Thomas Supper Club
S IS The Record J Smith Show F Lawton
S 3C I Falcon Mel Blanc Rudy Vallee
B 45 'Falcon 'JMel BlanC
B 00 !News Bil Town City Quiz Boston Black
15 IJ Crowley Bi Town 'City Quiz
9 30 Sports Charlie Spuak Theatre O'Neills
9 45 'Orchestra I O Neills
in so F lewis Five Star Final News Flashes McCall News
J0 IS News Orchestra Riders Time
10 30 'News News ISones Concert Hour
10 45 lOrchestra Orchetia T Salute Concert Hour
00 Open House Orche? ti a News Concert Hour
11 15 jOoen House Orchestra iBiltmore Orch Concert Hour
1130 New Year's Newi Hotel Orch Oicr.estra
1145 iN'f Years Orcliestra
11 55 I Orchestra News X-Tra Hour
12 00 ISlgn Off Nw Year's Sign Off Sign Off
News. 10 15 For Women. II 00 Concert
Hail. 12)10 News. 12 15. :." .iour.
1 00 Hide em Cowboy. 1 15 Children
of N Europe. 1 V) Mrlodv Time 2 00
for Women. 2 30 Me-r.or Music.
3 00 News. 3 15 Mu:c Masters.
4 Ml Oregon Reporter 4 IS Favoi ite
New York Stock Quotations
NEW YORK. Dec. 30 -? -Today's t lining quotations:
Al ("hem & Dye Gen Fd. 43'. Rudio Corp 9
American C an f0l2 Gen Mi tors M's Rayomer 25
Am At Lt l.V Grlyear Tire f4 Rayrjnier pfd . 36 '
Am Tel At Tel lTlGt Nr-rth pfrl 47 Reynold? Met 38
Anaconda 40 Int Hret Tl's Safeway 22' ,
Atrhioii u8 Int Paiier pfd Sears Roeb 38 S
Bendix A.a . 37 J Manville . 133 Sinclair Oil . 1 5 ' a
Beth Steel 9 1 1 Kepnecott M'i Sq Pacific . 45-a
Boeing Air . 22'n Long Bell A 21i Stan Brands 354
C'ahf P;.rk 23' 4 Maytag 10 'j Stan Oil Cal 57 Pac . 12r. Miami Copper .. 15 Stew Warner . . 1 T Si
Cim- J I 3S'4 Mont Warrl fi.i'j Studebaker 'SO-
Chrysler Nash KeKin . . 14 Sun Mining . 12T
Comw'th Sou 3:, Nat Dairy 37 Union Oil 22
Cons Eiion 2fi 8 N Y Central 1 Un Pacific ... 13134
Cons Vultee . 16 North Am Co 31 l Un Airlines . 227
Cont Ins 51 Northern Pac 22 Un Aircraft 18
Crown Zel . . 32'i P.:c Am Fish 1 1 14 U S Steel .71',
Curtis Wr 57t, Pac Gas Elec . 427 Warner Bros . . 17 '2
Dotmlas Air . 1?. P T A T 124 West Elec . 25
Dtipont de Ne 1K7 4 Pan American 12 Woolworth . 46
C.en Klectri 34's Penny J C 43s t-
Portland l'rolnre
PORTLAND. Ore. Dec 30 -lAP)
Butlerfat tentative i-ubiect to i"i-tr-.ediale
iaruel. prpnmim quj!it.
mtmniui'i .f .15 of 1 per cent id l
delivered 1.-1 Poitlan:!. 86-aTc Hi . fir;
ouahtv .". lb . second qual t 81c
viiltv tm.tes and c luntry points 2c
less than t,.t or 83c lb.
W-lh n:'
more. 'c
C. 89 score
Whole-ilr. FOB. bulk
A A 93 More. 76c. A. 91
lh B SO scoie. 73c lb .
(Ic lb
Selling price to Portland
retailed Orecon .ni
Oregort loaf 5I-57c lb
.ngle- 4 1 -55c lb .
tiiplet 4r-5jc
Eggs 10 wholesa'.eis A grade.
laige .Mt'j-Ml'jc; r ediu-n 54-5fi'jC
mall 42',-43'iC B grade laige 39'j
41',c Eggs Purchases from .farmers
.Current receipts 54-.Vc buers pay
3-3'c do. below wholes- quota
tions on graded basis for best hen
nehy eggs.
Dreed Turkeys Buyers not
ouoting prices on young hens. No. 1 TAc lb loose. FOB plants on
dressed basis.
Dressed turkev To retailers.
Grade A. hem. New York st le 49-51:
and other rectal coYi'ditions
are corrected.
Dont become a nervous
tvrevk. Health is too
Mild TratmnL
No Hospikxlizcrtioii.
Quick RUL
Dr. II. Beynolds Clinic
ZIt N. Liberty St.
rh4m MM
LU. 'i
31. 1S4S
C?t kcl
'- (Farm Time Bugler X
( ; (M Agronsky
f The Old Songs James Abbe
Sam Hayes :Mkt Reports
Fred Waring
Jack Berrh
James Abbe
Brrakfast Club
'Breakfast Club
! Brrakfast Club
Bieakfast Club
Glamour Manor
Glamour Manor
1 Breneman's R.'it
Breneman's Bfst
620 Time
Home Edition
Bill Lang
My True Story
My True Story
Tropic Echoa
'J Jordan
Listening Pot
Ethel St Albert
IW Kiernan
Stars of Today
E. C. Kill
Dave Rose
'Kneass News
Ma Perkins
Pepper Young
To Happiness
tAir School Girl Marries What's Doin
! Faces Life 'What's Doin'
Meet the Missus Just Plain Bill Bride At Groom
I iFarrell IBride St Groom
Year Red Skelton
New? Views 'n' Abner
Cheer v Songs
Dark Venture
Dark Venture
Hvmns: 13d Brhind the News. 4 45
Children Theatre: 5 OO On Cptx-at
S 55 Spottmii Sports. B 00 News S 15
American Pageant. 6 30 t ampfire
7 15 Eienmf Farm Houi . BOO Band
Concert. B 30 Son to Remember
S 45 News 9 00 Mus e That Endures
9 45 Eve Meditatios 10 00 Siirn Off
It- : toms over 20 lb. 35 -36c lb
Dressed chickens Sell to reta.l
irv Soring broilers. 3 lbs up, 50c .
roioted toasters 42c; Leghorn low 1
j-'c, old ror sters and stigs 28c
Live cnickens - No 1 Leghorn
tioilcrs 1 to 2 lbs. 30-32c lb: frers.
2 to 3 lbs 30-32C lb . 3 to 4 lb 35c
tb . roaster?- 4 1l.s and pver 35c lb :
fowl. Legftern. under lbs. )8-2tc
lb; over 3'j los 20-22c lb. lowl.
coicred. all wts . 26-30c, roosters and
sl.ijs 12-15c lb
Rabbits - Aveiage to retailers 50c
It dressed, p-icei to producers 43c.
fiyers. live white 23 - 25c colored 3c
Gieen onions - Local 1 CO-1 10 doz.
bundle s
Di led onions - Oiegon ellows. No
1. 3 inches and larger 1 65-1 75 a 50
Ib sack, mediums 1 35-140. Idaho
x.llow Spanish. medium US-135.
laiger 1 65-1 72. white, medium 1 90
2 00
Potatoes Loral, long whites. No
1 grade 2 65-2 75 100-lb. sack. De
schutes No 1. 2 85-2 95. No 2. 90c
100 a SO-lb sack Washington Rut
sets No 1 . 2 75-2 85
New potatoes Bliss Triumphs 50
1b larks. No 1. 3 75-4 25
Di essed meats Veal: Best qual
ity 27 -28c lb hev: top quaiitv. light
28-COc. B. 23-24C. C. 21-22i; cull 18
2oc. Hogs. block butcher?-, pecker
slvle. 125-160 lbs 33 -34c. over 213 lbs.
:i-:2c sows, all wis 29-3CV; lamb.
AA. 37-31k A. 35-3c; B. 30 -32c; C.
25-27c. Mutton 10-12c lb according
to quality Beef, best quality 3C-3ii
B. 25-2c. C. 22c. ranner and cutter
l".-19c. bolokna bulls 25c
tasriu bark Green ft-t' 2c: dry 20c
Wool - Valley, coarse and medium
g aries 45c lb.
Mohair -4Cc '.b. on 12-n.onth growth.
Hay - Wholesale-mp-.ent: Alfalfa
No 2 or better. 33 00-34 50 ton: No. 1
timothy 34 00-3o 50 ton: oats and vetch
mixed hay. vaJIey growers' asking
price 23 .00-25 00 ton: clover hay un
certified 23.00-25 00 baled on farms.
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND. Oit. Dec. 30 1AP1
1ISDA1 Salable cattle 22SO. tot-i
2700. calves 125. market uneven, in
ci eased supply fed steers weak to 50
cents lowei. other beef catt.'e etiong
1.1 50 cents hither than last Mondav
with dairy type cattle fully steadv at
last week's late 1 CO advance; bulls in
DrtTUaJIO Dr G Ckaa S l
HI North Uberty
Ur stairs Portland General kJeetrw
Co Office ooen Saturday onlv -JO
am' to I D m : 6 to 7 o m Coo
eiiUUoa Blood peeaaure and urine
testa art , free of ettanr Practiced
tne HIT
1 t
Federal Aid
Approved for
County Roads
Confirmation of details as to
Marion county's federal aid road
program was received Monday by
County Judge Grant Murphy from
R. H. Baldock. state highway en
gineer. The aid in building coun
ty roads was approved by the
federal public roads administra
tion, and includes 16 projects, ac
cording to Baldock's letter.
The 16 projects will total 212.3
miles of roads which includes one
primary state highway, the Salem-Dallas
road, route 3, in Sa
lem to the county line: nine sec
ondary highways, including the
Salem-Silverton road; and six
county roads. The Salem- Dallas
project involves only .37 of a mile,
but secondary highway improve
ment aid will be 144.73 and 67.2
miles of county roud.. Other pro
jects originally submitted for ap
proval but not included in the
present grants are not necessar
ily out of the picture, according
to Baldck. but are apparently
being iven further study.
Listed as the projects to re
ceive federal aid are:
Silver Creek Falls, from Salem to
Silver Creek Falls, thence northeast
erly to Silverton. 40 B2 mile.
Jefferson from Steiwer hill Tia Jef
ferson to the county line. 6 miles.
Cascade highway, from Silverton to
Clackamas county line. S 55 miles.
Beaverton-Aurora. from Aurora to
Mirion- county line 2 IS miles.
Woodburn - Sandy, from north of
Woodburn to ClacXamas county line.
2 64 miles.
Mehama-Mill City, from Mehama to
Linn count v tine. .19 mile.
Mehama-Mill City, from Mill City
to Marion-Lnn county line. .12 mile
County road impi ovements to be
accorded fedtwal aid include:
Yereen Corner-Aurora, from appro
ima'tlv luo mile south of Newberg
ro Auroia 1 1 90 miles.
Salem-Brassell Corner from Salem
to aoproxiniitelv 3.5 miles northwest
of Woodnui n I8 60 miles.
Salem-4S.lverton from near north
city limits of Salem, to Silverton. 12 40
Silverton-Subhmitv. from Sublimity
to Silverton. 13 20 miles
Salem - Independence from Salem to
Marion-Polk county line near Inde
pendence 10 70 miles
Jeffersoh-Soo. from Jefferson to
Marion county line. 2 40 miles.
Trend Uneven
In Stock Mart
1 NEW YORK. Dec 30. -iA't - A
few issues exhibited fair strength
today as the stock market ap
proached the new year but many
leaders held to the minus di
MMon. Trends were fogKy from the
start. Quotations tiffen?d here
and there after midday with ac
tiity expanding. While gains of
tractions to 3 points were well
distributed at the i lose, numer
ous decline tunning to a point
or so persiMed Transfers of 1,
400. 0O nhare impared with 1.
290.000 Friday and were the larg
est ince Dec 20.
The A.oiated Press 60-stock
composite wa off .1 of a point
at 66 1. It wis the broadest mar
ket since De 20 Of 1.008 issues
regiMenng, 453 fell and 344 ad
vanced. The mnrie corps hymn is said
to hae originated soon after the
tlusc of the war with Mexico.
limited supplv: calves 50 cents-1 OO
higher: several loads good steeis
22 00-90: short load 23 00. medium
gcod grades 18 00-21 00,a ommon dow n
to 13 50. good heifris 1'8 50-19 00: com-rron-n.edium
grades 12 50-18 00. medium-good
cows 12 50-15 50 one sorted
load 18 00. canner -cutlers 9 00-12 00.
fat dair cows up to 13 00: good sau
sage bulls 14 00-1! 0C. beef bulls to
150. good-choiere vealers 18 00-19 00.
extreme top 19 50
Salable hogs 400. total 2100: market
aitive 50 cents higher than Monday,
gcod-choice 180-2IO lbs 24 50: heavier
and lighter weights down to 23 50.
good sows largely 21 00 few light
weights 21 5o-22 0Q. son-e unsold, odd
feeder pigs 23 00. good stage 18 O0-3O
Salable sheep 150. total bOO; market
active, strong to 50 cents , higher;
good-Choice 90-11! lbs 22 00-50. latter
new high: medium-good grades 20 00
21 1,0: good ewe 6 00. cue lot good
choice grades 7 00. common down to
4 00
Portlaml Grain
FORTLAND. Ore. Dec 30 (API
Wheat No futures quoted
Cash grain Oats o 2. 38 lb. while
83 CO Barley Nn 2. 45 lb BW 3 00
Corn No 2 FY s.hipn-en, 55 50.
No, 1 fiax 7 25
Cash wheat bid) Soft white 188:,
soft white (excluding Rex) 183.
while club 188: western ted 188.
Hard red winter: Ordinary 188; 10
per cent 190. 11 per cent 195. 12
per cent 2 04. ,
Hard white Baart 10 per cent lit.
11 per cent 2 28: 12 per cent 2.30.
Today's car receipts Wheat 179.
barley 10. flour 9. corn 32. oats 2. ;
millfeed I. 1
Salem Market
No 1
FGGS Buying Price
Fxtra Large
Standards .
Wholesale, large
Colored hens No 1 .
No 2 .
LIVESTOCK (By Valley Pack)
Top lamb ...
Yearling lambs
Ewes .. .,
Dairy cows
Dairy bulls
19 00 ,
. 14 O0 !
5 00 1
. 10 50 !
. 13 M
. 16 50
under 1
Hog prices 35c per hundred
Portland prices for each pa
rticular I
ciaiw -tas bnuehl tihieet
Stocks and Bonds
(Compiled by the Associated Press)
Dec. 30
30 1 5 1 5 60
Indus. Rals Util Stocks
Previous day . 90 3 37 0 48 0 64 2
Week ago 91 4 37 5 44 2 66 9
Month ago 85 3 34 5 43 7 824
Year ago ... 99 6 47 J 51.1 75 2
20 10
Rails Ind.
7- 7
74 8
74 7
74 7
Monday 94 9
Previous day . 95 0
103 3 104 4
1033 1044
Week ago 95 1 103-8
Month ago . . 93 8 1029
103 8
103 7
Year ago
.1034 1844 lOU
School Surplus
ertv Board
I'ftfirtrkftvr Krai fg I
To Meet Today
The state educational agency
for surplus property, w-hich must
approve all transfers of surpLus
property to the schools of Ore'
gon. will meet here toflay. Uur-
ing the past year more than $100,-
000 worth of surolus . DrDDSrtv
has passed through this agency.
Members of the agency are
State Budget Director George Ai
ken, representing the state; Rex
Putnam, state superintendent of
public instruction; the Rev. Ar
thur J. Sullivan, representing pri
vate schools, and Dr. G. Herbert
Smith and Dr. Paul C. Packer,
representing the- hieher educa
tional institutions. Harvey A.
Wright is executive secretary.
Holiday Grain
Market Quiet
rinA-r 7-. nn a.. ui :
CHICAGO. Dec. 30-(iiP-Holi-
day season dullness continued in
grain pits today and price chang
es were minor. At one time Jan-
uary wheat dropped more than ; EXPERIENCED di-sh washer, ma- ELECTRIC Washing machine, good
a cent, but part of th"loss was I clune work. Permanent. Sleeping I condition. J35. Hi. 868S. 938Trade.
latoi- ro.v.rH Cither Hlivfrif-; 'oom available Apply at once. Nor- FISHING TACKLE. KURD combi
later recoverea. uiner aenvenes mandv Manor. nation poles. Salmon rods & reels,
had only fractional changes. j " STENOS. The Unemployment Com- I Casting rods k reels. Automatic fly
The selling in January wheat
I came mainly from cash interests
, and was not of large volume,
i Wheat closed lr lower to 7i
higher, January $2.107B, corn was
lower to ' higher. January
$1.292-V and oats unchanged
to 2 highei-. March 73 -'2.
The board will close at noon
tomorrow and will remain closed
Wednesday, New Year's day.
Legal Notice
execuior of the estate of Charles
Pembrooke CurJiff, deceased, has filed
Li final accoun as such, and by order
: of the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon for Marion county. January 11.
1947 at 10 00 o'clock in the forenoon
i of said day has been fixed as the time,
and the courtroom of said court has
been fixed as the place for the hear
ing of objections to ;aid final account
and the -settlement of - ?aid estate
i Executor of the Estate of Charles
1 Pembrooke Cunliff, Deceased.
Attorneys for the Estate
Pioneer Trust Building
Salem. Oregon D 3-10-17-24-31
' Notice heieby given that the un
dersigned, as executors of the last will
and testament and the estate of Christ-
opher Paulus. deceased have filed their
final account in the circuit court of
the state of Oregon, for lite county
of Marion, and that Friday, the 3d day
of Januaiv 1947 at the rour ol 10 OO
o clock AM. of raid day. and the
courtioom of said court, have been
appointed by said court as the time
and place for the hearing of objections
thereto and the settlement thereof
Dated and first published December
3 1.94
Date of last publication December
31 19441
Fred H Paulus and Otto K. Paulus.
Executors of the Last Will and Testa
ment and the Estate of Christopher
Paulus. Deceased D 3. 10. 17. 24. 31
No'.ice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed as ex
ecutrix of the last will and testament
ana estate of Arthur G rod. deceased,
by the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Marion, sit
ting in probate, and has duly qual
fied as such executrix all
-nlri a 1 rvrium I
having claims aga
inst the estate of!
said rtec-edent are hereby nolllied to
pteseni the same, duly verified as by
law requited, to me at 205 Oregcn
Building. Salem. Oregon, within six
161 months from the date of this no
tice Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 10th
day of December. 1948.
IDA M GIROD. Executrix of
tne Estate of Arthur Girod.
Attorney for executrix.
20o Oregon Building. j
Salem. Oiegon. D 10-17-24-31 J-7
TRL'NZ. INC . 25-45 Lombardy Street.
Brooklyn. New York, a corporation
of New Yoik State, has caused to be
filed by the Secretary of State of Ore-
fon a trade-mark, owned by said
runz. Inc . consisting of and described
as. the words ' FARMER BOY." used
on and to be applied to meat products,
particularly processed pork products,
including ham. sausaee. corned beef,
frankfurters, bologna and similar
Dated: December 7. 1946 D24-31 J7
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids w.ll be received in the office of
the State Forester. Salem. Oregon, up
to and not later than 10 o clock. A M..
January 6. 1947. for all of the old
growth Douglas fir and western. hem-
iocs, sianaing or aown. living or oeau. 1 terlag on hand for built-ins. replace
designated for cutting by the State men repairs, drawers, doors and
Forester or his agent, upon the follow
ing described land located in Marion
County. Oregon ' A specific area, des
ignated and marked, located in Lots 3
and 4. Section 4. Township 9 South.
Range 3 East Willamette Meridian, con
taining 1 532 MEF. more or less of old
growth Douglas f.r. and 143 MBF.
more or less of western hemlock. Min
imum p. ices that w ill be considered
.ire S6 25. ner M for rsnutflas fir and
S3 00 per M for western hemlock. Be-
fore submitting bids prospective pur-
chasers should secure a copy of the
prospectus and bid form from Ihe State
Forester. Salem. Oregon. The State
Forester reserves the right to waive
minor technicalities and to reject any
and all bids D 29-31.
Sufltell's Community
Wed. Jan. 1st. 10 A.M.
We have for our first ;ae in 1947
a complete cabinet shop equipmen.
consisting of Craftsman metal lathe.
many hind tools of all kinds. 15O0 ft
scrap lumber, shiplap, ply board and
One new ( drawer cabinet. 18x30x72
One set of shelves to match 2 five
room oil circulators practically new.
A good assortment of paint and
paint brushes, one lot of bath room
fixtures. misc. electrical supplies,
many articles of hardware. Bed,
radios, chairs, tables, stoves. new
fx 12 linoleum, one Grunow 5 ft. elec.
Many day old calves and veal
calves. Chickens and ducks, seiner
and feeder hogs A good assortment
of cows and springer t-.eifers.
Lane Sudtell's
Community Auction
Livestock and Poultry
GRADE Jersev milk cow PJ- 24316
after 6 P M. 185 Ewald Ave.
THREE year old pacing mare El-
don Beckner. Rt. J. Box 142. Ph 23423 ,
N. H. FRYERS 35c lb. alive. Ph.
2245a, Opposite Liberty schooL 1
Livestock and Poultry
I FOR SALE: White New Zealand
rabbit does with young rabbits, also
I .mwI l,..l,-K US.ll -.. r..l k.... ....
Sell all or part. O. S. R. Walker. Rt.'
Box471B. near Keizer School.
FOR SALE: 1 large Guernsey cow
S yrs. old. to freshen in about 20
days, milks SO lbs. per dav. Price
$185 E. J. Snethen. 1550 Lancaster Dr.
FOR SALE: Brood sows with pigs.
Rt. . Box4T5. Phone 2-2939.
IIAUCnv tl't. .... T l....n
hens 1 year old. laying 70. 3490
Sunnyview Ave. Tel. 8341.
WEANER Pgs 810. Mike Lowery
Rt. 1. Box 224 Brooks
WANTED: AU kinds of cattle and
hogs Will call at farm. Write E. I.
?.nhen- 1450 Lnc"ster Dr,v Pn
atun.F nwrn, ur trvfr.
FOTfSALE : ChrTstie N H baby
chicks every Wed Boy ln tons. 3710
State St Phone 4fleS
WANTED Fat and i-annei i iim
Seel Dairy etiws heifers bulls veal
Fat noes sows, star ooars Market
t C McCandlish rt 9 box J73
41 irion fr.m bsll park S 25th
h 1
BABY CHICKS weekly nalcnes new
Hampshire other varieties. Th
228CI Lee Hatchery
CUSTOM dressing of chickens any
lumber Prompt service Dressed pouf
try wholesale our specialty Phone
JMI le's Haioherv
WANTED: All kinds of fat llve
tock. Valley -Packing Co. Phone 5S35
Help W Mated
! GRAND Opportunity for experienc-
ed conl5,nltlo7, fry and pa,ry- to work with finest chef on Pa
cine coast. Wonderlul working con
dition?. Apply at once for immediate
rmDlovment. Normandv Manor.
penalion Commission. 550 Marion I single action reels. Tackle boxes,
Street, lias several openings for be- j Flies. Lines all types. Flashers, etc.
g nning stenographers. Go to the State NEW 59 pc- set of dishes with gold
Civil Service offices at 444 Center inlay lr blue border at wholefale
Street and take a simple written and price. 16" wheel trailers. NEW fac
horthand test and after being certi- toiy built only $15000. pickup tvpe
tied report to Mr. Clinton in Room
:'07 of the Old High School bui'ding
'nr employment. Salary for begin-
i " -
Help Wanted Male
WANTED: Exp meat cutter, top
vi.aces Broadway Grocery, Broadway
and Market Sts.
T.. Violorv on. Itiini.u
For a 1st class Journeyman painter
and sheet metal man You will like
working conditions here. Ask for Van.
Teajjue Motor Co.
355 N. Liberty Ph. 7001
Help Waptett FemIe
LADY 25 to 40 work from 3 to 11
P M . 3 or 4 days a week. $S per day.
r-n ii.
COMPANION for elderly lady, not
iralid No smoker. Ph. 345 afUr
30 P M
RELIABLE Woman or girl to care
for 7 yr old boy afternoons and Sat.
morn Ph. 3362 alter 5:30 PM
TYPISTS . Two beginners" General
effic and billing. National Batter
Co . 57 Patterson Ave.
HELP WANTED Someone to ihire
modern home with mother h pre
school child k care for child during
cay Write Box K4 St a teaman.
2 EXPERIENCED Waitresses one
12 30 to 8 30 PM. the other 3:30 to
8 3l . PM Closed Sunday-r. The
EXPERIENCED Waitress wanted.
The Spa
WANTED Imm : Bookkeeper for
physician's office Inc. some secre
tarial work. Write 895 Statesman
AGE 30-4S. married local refer .
responsible, supervising abilitv. non
smoker, on dutv Sundays, retail ice
cream See Mr. Klaus. The Pike. 138
S Liberty
YOUNG Woman lor general house
work. Board, private room k wages.
Good references, also health certifi
cate State age. Write Box 861
Sal turn en Waniel
SALESMAN Wanted: Man 25-40
with car to sell rock w 00! home m
sulition and weatherstripping in Sa-
iem aiea. c.eii:iik uuuviiuiiiii lui
right man , in a business that is grow-
nv c ampbell Rock w ool Co . 1 1 32
Broadway "Largest home insulation
firm in Willamette valley.
Situations Wanted
BRICK and cement work. C. Good -enough
Ph 7665
PRUNING Shrubbery, tree surgery,
larid&capt the entire place. Ph. 2429
33. State
OLSON Washer Repair. Ph 25100
CARE for elderly lady or bed pa
tient in my home 8-713.
1ST Class carpenter work No job
too large or small. Call 8281.
Oil anil Gas Burner
Service Repair
Alo hot water heater installa
D (" "Gene'- Brimm Ph 5596.
PRUNING tnd peach spravmg
Beilke. Ph 21208
PAINTING services, competent work
manship reasonable rate Ph 24895
,1- . .-I....-- c J . 1.
"Mm " '"""i" '"l"' U'111
servxe. 126 Carlton Way.
-. t - m C 1 - . ,-
WILL care for pre-school age chtl-
dren. days. 1571 Mission.
.. - . . , .
WOMAN wi I care for children eve.
TOPPING ii taking out trees
S 20th. J. C. Murphy Ph. 7878
MA!TrRWOnn; Chml Shnn Mi.
production work. 164 S. Comm. Ph.
5596 Free estimates
LIGHT Hauling. Reas. rates. Ph.8272
GENERAL Cement Contractor. Joe
E Wilson. Phone 24371, Salem.
Septic Tanks Cleaned
K F. Hamel 1143 8th West Salem
Phono 7404
OTC Circulators serviced and re-
paired. Ph
24963 before 7:30 AM
or 5 PM
PAINTER and Paperhanger. Reason- I
able prices Free estimates.
Woodworth. Ph. 3015.
BULLDOZING. Large and rmall
equipment Land clearing, road build
ing, logging Call 21367 or write Geo
Wirth. 840 Plymouth Dr.. Salem.
PAINTING At Paperhangmg "W Q
Crowly. 857 Shipping Phone9513
WEST'S water well drilling Depend
able service. In Salem area for 23 yrs.
a. . . . r, . m r . ..a. . . . - , www
nrue ni n. oox ta r-noiic -iiv
General auto repairing 8c welding
1 blk S of Pen 4 Corners. Ph 8235
GENERAL CEMENT contracting
Stanley Fagg. Ph. 23045;
Interior Decoratin?:
Our sppcialty Better homrs. offices
and apartments One to five men
Dick Orey
Painter annVDe)rator
Phone 25444 oe205
ALL WORTt guaranteed Windows
-; . . - , .
walU woodwork cleaned) Floors wax- j
ed Insured I workmen'' Profesaional
Cleaning Service Phone 4437
PreSchool Playschool. 1381
Ages 2-8 Part, or aU day Ph
For Sale Miscellaneous
COCKER Spaniel pups 83 50 each.
all females. Ph. 2-3052.
LIMITED" Suppiy Italian chestnuts
1790 So. High St Ph. 2-4453.
Nt5W in stock, concrete drain and
building tile, sewer and culvert pipe.
1405 N . Front St. Ph. 3417
FOR "Expert dock reoairinsr try
The Clock Doctor. 190 S. 14th.
. GERMAN- Shepherd pups from blue
t i Kfvtn winmnsf si -a TVa4kT 8ata
excellent type and temperament,
Black silver, and black k tana.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnny GunneU.
1080 Lancaster Dr.
For Sale -Miseenaneoasj
3 KEGS Nails. I kegs pennies, 1
keg 16 penny. Ph. 2304t or Rt. ,
Eox 538.
3 19-INCH ttrec & tubes. 1 lt-inch
tire At tube. 1 15-inch tire. IB-inch
wheel St 19-inch wheel. 1450 Market.
CEfUINE Thayer deluxe folding
baby buggy, color blue, excellent con
dition. 8a0. Ph. 2-4432.
FREE oak trees to party for cut
ting. Phone 2-1 4X9.
WADE drag say. 3 blades, good con
dition. $85. Ph. 2-1333.
VAUGHN drag saw. 2 blade, and
falling saw. Crest View Auto Service,
: l door cast of Belcrtst
WOOD Rangeopcl,
first cUss cond . M0
fray enamei.
oester $18. Gir's bike $20. 1485 S.
Liberty. Ph. 36i0.
FISHERMAN'S rubber wading boots
size 8. Never ud. freeman, even-
ings Marion Hotel.
2 GIRLS' bicycles. 627 N. Winter.
2 "NDERWWgt,:Pwn,r:?,1 xceU
ftond .one new Ph-i04. 144U Ferry.
9.M2 MAROON Wool lug
16o HighwayAve.
PRE-WAR Davenport and chair,
platform rocker, child's tricycle. 1025
FERTILIZER: Cow and chicken ma
nure $5 per yard or 4 vd load $18
del Dial O. call 68F22. Phillips Bros..
R:JS. Box 118
7 FT. Cedar potts, best quality.
Phillips BTos.. Rt. 6. Box 118. Dial O.
call 68F22.
" SHAKES : 24". 2S' 80". cedar anl
fir. Phillips Bros. Rt. 6. Box 118.
Dial O. call b8F22.
2-OVEN. 4-plate Monarch elec. Rg
with traslt burner $75. Chrome brfi
iduic aiiu v ciidiis, in Liuvr, ju
East Superior.
steel bed $75.00. New 2 wheel 7",-:15'
platform for trailer house with any
size tires. 4 wheel trailer with plat-
form bed. Ammo boxes 35c. Knap-
sacks zac. Flexible jeep can nozzles
50c. Digging shovels onlv $1.50. Wick
c creels $4 75 16" tire chains. NEW
1 car BATTERIES 16" Cliev. wheels
with new or recap ped tires. Trailer
axles complete with wheels and tires.
! DON MADISON. 590 No. High
Large elec. refrigerator. 1798 S. 12th.
MILLS have big mill
bis mill featuics.
;reneth. and capacity - vet are
priced low! Grind up to 9000 lbs. ear
corn per hour with 2 or 3 plow
tractor! Swinsine hammers, self
aligning bearings See them Now!
Priced from $142 50
Trade & High Sis.
Salem. Oregon
STOVE St Diesel Oils Prompt met
ered delivery service Anv time
Ph 1-1917 V, mi N of Pen 4 Corners
' 'f ii irm -). ....... .. -mi c.t .. i ,
chrome plated, new holster. 45 Colt
8uto lke new 34a Winchester model
71 like new. Have four fine 30-0s
. Spnngfields A model 70s
with scopes and open sights Model
97 Winchester 12 gauge 22 rifle new
single shot Model 94 Win 30-03 LR
45 Colt single action. 31 Jap rifle t ne
condition with ammo. 20 power B I I.
spoting - scope with stand. Weaver
scopes. mounts. Redfield receiver
sights, open sights. King Pike k Red
field Jr. mounts
DON MADISON. 590 No. High
Concrete Buildings Blocks
anil Bricks
South River Rd Phone 598
ANTIQUE highboy Buffet with
mirror 10. corner cupboaid glass
door 830. green porch set 830 big
drag raw. 3 blades 875. small dress
ing table S. Call befoie Wednesday.
Pti Z2362
MONTAG range 865 1445', Feiry.
SAWDUST Furnace equipped with
blower and controls 1070 Electric St
COMB Wood & coal enameled range
with coils St reservoir. Good cond
1690 Ferry Ph 8879
800-18 TIRE St tube Light car bat
tery. Table model 97 Philco. 12th Edi
tion Bntannica 445 Vista Ave
FOR SALE.7 Walnut flat-top type
writer desk, secretary's cnair, and
bookcase 438 N High Ph 3588
FULLER Brushes" 1745 Granl P 8357
SHEETROCK. Firtex. 4 x8 . 16 in x
32 1
1x8 . Ri 7 Box 434M. McCain
off Sliver ton Road
WESTERN Holly gas range. 4 burn
er, with trash burner. Grover Alvei
son. 1441 N Commercial.
BED ROOM set breakfast set. liv
ing room furniture, sacrifice. R. Here
ford. Rickreall. Ore.
TYPEWRITER late model portable
Royal like new. 850. J. D. Fietwell.
Rt 1. Scio. Ore.
River Silt
Sand and Gravel Co.
PH 2-1968 2-3100
WATERPROOF Tarps. various sizes
960 N Com'
CHROME fog lights. two wheel
llHCI rWWI, V 1 '
Service Stat.on. 12th and Mission
, --no-,.,,.. c ,,- Kl -
FOR SALE: Small movable cabin.
, urnlshed 23,30 N church. Ph 2-4582.
- .. ... , .
, GOOD Wood circulator stove, some
! wood Ph. 7871
JGAS Refrigerator. Servell. 1005 Pine
OIL Circulator, barrel k pipe line
complete $75: baby buggy 4 bassi
nette $15. 3880 Center
ELECTRIC Heater, "new General
Electric. 220 volt industrial tvpe with
fan. $10 00 under cost. 1576 Franklin.
W Salem
ENAMELED Wood range. 1020 Tile
CU.- rt DCW
freeiing unit with new 'e horse pdv-
er motor Ph z-5658
GOOD used piano. 2875 S. Sum-
mer Ph. 3537.
NEW Daveno. dining rm. set. 2
pieces, v alnut. 9 tube radio, walnut.
round center table smoking stand.
floor lamp 2440 Cherry Ave
PIANO. Weiler Bros upright con
cert grand, mahogany case, good con
dition. Ph 5778
Eola f lllTllier Cn
Rt 4. Salem Lumber. Red Cedar
Shingles and building supplies T C
Tedl Muller Phone Salem 2-1196 Yd
5 ml west of town on Salem-Dallas
I DOES your roof leak' Use 100',
aspnait sningies. cjnnarmea ny any
weather, rain or shine Installed by
experienced men. For FREE estimate
Phone 7177. Western Auto Supply Co.
New Recap Tires
Sizes 600x16. priced at SI 0 For sale
at Will's Service Station. 837 S. Com
mercial Phone 7167
32 CU. FT Refrigerator comp. with
1 h.p. Kelvinator compressor in first
class running cond. Ideal for beer
parlor, grocery, confectionary or farm.
fNot suitable for deep freeze. Nohl-
gren s Restaurant, 440 Slate.
WOOD Heater, good cond. 2285 N
1 5th St
s 1 w c-i-ir.c l aresiei so.uu eat n .
, 84 SO each 1 skirt 81 00
, 4ackct ,2 on. all ,,7e ,5 , pr brou n
4 TWO-PIECE dresses 85 00 each.
gold cross oxfords sire 6.
82 50. New
880.00 black cloth coat.
silver fox
collar, size 38, 830 00. New- hand cro
chet bedspread 72x92. $40 00. Other I
articles. 825 Madison St. !
NEW table model 6 tube Gilbert '
radio onlv run 4 hours. 928 75 cash.
Preston bugger. 435 S. 20th. Phone
21981 after 5. P.M.
WHEEL Chair, prac. new. $25. 321
D St.. Independence
"ELECT-Refrigerator, excellent cond.
321 D St.. Independence. Ph. 106J.
2 DRESSERS. 1 chest of drawers.
1 dressing table. 1 breakfast table
and two chairs, dining room table
and 9 chairs, davenport and chair,
library Jable.171 N. 13 St.
BABY Bed and' mattress in good
shape $1600: also yellow gold ladles
diamond ring $50.00. 965 N. 15th St.
Ph. 2-5240.
For Sale Real Estate
To Buy or Sell Sec
Charles. Delfel
Then invest in this 4-acre turkey On this 27-acre potential dairy. AH
isnch. All cultivated. Water piped in tinder cultivation. 12 stanchion barn,
range. 3-rm. caretaker's house. Place chicken house and other outbulld-
I all fenced. Good water system. i.i 6-rm. modern house, wired for
$10,800. Termr Sal 119. elect, runpr. Could be a fine dairy.
MILK CHECK EVERY MONTH Priced N!ow average at $11,500. Lo-
About $250 monthly milk check catcd just north of Gervais. Sal 138.
from this 15-acre dai.y ret-up. 6 rooni SUNNYSIDE FRCIT FARM
hse.. 21 stanchion barn, large nulic J0 acre 0a orchard. 25 cherry,
h?e., hog fched. garage 10 cows Ji- M PIunr5. 20 appies Has always, had
Lc, "T ."i.v puteorea jersey
bull, about 80 chix. .miles S. Amity.
SV500. Good term?. Sal 121.
And 129 acres to do it. 80 acres pas
ture. IS A. fescue. 10 acres cats. Some
good timber. 4 -room modern houie,
12 stanchion bain. i rip chine KheJ.
chicken house. Located riear Mill City.
$14,000. Terms. Sal 125
In 3 yrais this 15-acie bean ranch
can pay for itself. Nets tpprox SbiHiO
yearly. Comfortable 7 -room liouvc.
family orchard, chicken hse.. tractor
and other farm implements. some
household furniture, many other at
traction? $13,500. Terms. Sal 1.11
5 acres trcllised for beans, no build-
ings. Net approx. $1500 yearly fioni
bean crop. Ideal for part time farm
er siecu. sal l.Ti
5 acref all in prunes and walnuts.
No buildings. $14C net last year. Soil
good for berries. $1100. Sal 134.
will get you a ride on the subway.
Own this 3 bedrm. home and has.'
stme return for your money. House
has been completely refinished inside
and out Richmond District. $8500.
Sal 126X.
For this. A sn 11 hous new, lots
of built-ins, partly furrushed. Near
i Four Corners. StijOO. Terms. Sal 122X.
Will visit Oii'gon this summer. Be
leady lor them with this excellent
9E location. 4 modern cabins. 3'j
acres Ixa'itiful ground lor more cab
ins or trailer paik. 3 pump gas sta
37 International truck, going luel oil
delivery business. 20.000 gal. gas and
fiitl oil monlhlv. Gooa four iuui.i
owner's home. 20 miles north of S-
lern. $24.50ii. Sal 120 Inc
Here's an opportunity to cash In on
i your war time training. We have a
local fiving service complete v itli a
dealership and keveral new knipj.
615 N. Capitol St. - Phone ?002
Open 1.30 im,
For Sale Miscellaneous
WILL BUY for casn. sell or trade
guns, pistols ammunition, boats or
trailers Don Madison. SCO No High
- rod and Gun
PHONE 24728
repair M Mieken-
h.:m 2385 N
Liberty St. Ph 2.5852.
EXPEK1 washing machine service
and wringet rolls all makes See Ed
Ellis at Nelson Bros Furniture Sore
315 N Liberty i
GOOD used radios as low as 810 at
Liberty Radio Hospital, opposite Un:ted
Growers cannery.
WE buy and sell furniture, tools
stoves, dishes, motors radios Electric
aopliances household goesds KI.IG
MAN'S 285 N Commercial Ph 85
ALWAYS a big s"jcic
Woodry s Furniture Mkt Ph 81 18
G H 57 O A LION Hni'l 5Q5 Centet St
I FOR Belter Cuttom Cabinet work lr
1 furnituie building SEE W ESELY MFC
CO . 3760 Garden Kd. Phone 5874
Custom made See ours before buy-
ing All makes repaired. Grubbing j
teeth for do7ers Holt Welding and
Machine Shop. Independence. Oreg
J! R Watkins Co products 1717 Cen
ler St.. Salem Ph 5395.
STOVt repairing A parts
Woodry I Mkt. 1605 N Summer St
Wanted Miscellaneous
GOOD Home for 7 months dog. half
Cocker and half Springer Spamc I
House broken. 1230 N 17th Ph 4y27
WANTED Truck trailer. 4 wheel,
capacity 5 ton r n.oie Phillips Bi ii .
Hi 6. Box 118 Ph 68F22.
WANT to buy or rent ca register.
Ph 25190
WHY TAKE lesj for your furniture?
See Russ Brigrn Ph 7511
WANTED PIANOS Will pay cash
Wills Music Store 432 Stale St
DISHES over 25 yrs old Upstairt
Antique Shoo 439 Court Ph 2 1443
WANT TO Bu t Used cameras 8c
enses McEwan Photo Shop 435 State
C.4.SH for used oiano 81 other niu
sicaT instruments Call 4641 days or
9537 evenings or send description to
laquith Music Co. 191 High
CASH for your used furnituie Ph
fM8 Stale St Furniture 1900 State
AUTO painting lust a shade beltei
ny Rav CTTER Call Shrock Motor
Co 8502
LOCAL and long dittnce haul ng
Phillips Bros , Rt. 6. Box 118. Dial O
! call 68F22
I AUTO Polishing, waxing Knapkes
I Trrn Service lfrjti So 12th Ph 5991
r. L.i. ui HOW 1 V I J VJ 1. 1 iirms "ii
rock wool nntise insuiaiion meiai ,
weatherstripping. stell aluminum k
wood Venetian blinds, floor sanding
U wo
nd finishing. Ph. 3829.
ENROLL now in our dressmaking
classes. A complete course in home
sewing (10. Rent a Singer or have
vour old one repaired Singer Sewing
- Center. 142 S. High Ph 3512.
Prompt, efficient service to local
and outlying districts. All woik guai-
anteed. Free estimates
i 136 So. High. Sale m. Ore. Ph 4641
HEAVY Hauling. Excavat on and 1
Hoad Building Land Clearing Dozer ,
, Work Ditching Basement Excavation :
Sand Gravel Crushed Rock Mason
Sand Concrete Mix Cement
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.
1405 N Front St
Salem Oregon
Phone 9408 or21924
ATMORAVS "Otone Good health
Hent.sell.H C. Pugn. 884 N. 17 4692
Mattresses Capital Bed Co P 4o6
WELL Drilling. 4 and 6 In. "wells.
Van Buien, 150 Fa irha ver Ph9636
Unfinished Furniture
Bunk beds, chests, desks, etc. Anv
thin for the home Made ttt solid "
1 hemlock and knotty p:ne. Picketts
Furniture. 13th and State
LET Us cut and wrap your meat
, . - , 1. - v. ...,.. ...
I 'U.'.'pJS Market Tn 4533'
l?-"' fr tKIFJxd r V -JjL -43??
Guitar Studio. Banjo.
Ukulele, etc 1533 Court. Ph 7589 j
WATER WELL drilling Domestic or !
irrigation Duffield Bros Kt 4. Box
WEATHER strips Pullman Ph 5965
DRAWING and 'designing house
plans. Phone 9621
bulTdozing. Earth moving v
drainage, ditches dug Ph. 4047.
Dental Plate Repair
Bring Mall Your Platea for Repair
Adotph Bldg State J Com Ph Mil
MEN'S HATS cleaned and blocked
75c I FS kP RINGER. 44 Court St.
For Sale Ileal Estate
ood tovt.r crop Elllmj.( sjcO ci
good cover crop. Estimate S2C0 crop.
No buildings. Priced to sell at $3150.
Sal 140.
See tnese 35 acres of Willamett
silt loan 29 acres in red clover. Also
have United Growers contract lor
strawberries. 7-rm. modern house,
wall to wall carpet 38x42 barn.
nines ea?t of Salem S13.0UO. Sal J 42.
Grade A barn, 19 steel stanchions.
45 acies k,ood soil all under cultiva
tion. 7-iin. modern house. Year round
tieek iiid a rood duck lake. You'll
like tins one 2 in'.n S.E. of Four
ComeiF 25.000 Sal 144
Call us on this one. This is really
a sacrifice. Potential income of $4?00
yearly on this 40-acre chicken rancn.
Good plastered 3-bedtoorn home, mod-
4 laige chicken houses,
r,alchcr. 6 brooder houses. Excellent
condition. $13,000. Sal 148.'
- Cfh la acres, good 4 room modern
cottage. 3 bedrms . 20x20 barn, chix
hse., double garage, all fenced, good
water system. '4 mi. from city limits.
$11,000. Sal 145.
2'a acres Willamette silt: loam. Old
3 t ed room house done ojver inside. '
r,ev-' 24x50 chicken 2 stanchion
bam. On Lancaster Drive. Sal 148.
N'taily nady for the G I. program.
CoTc in and let M: N Isen uie you
all the details S.-.l 117 Inc.
Lave Heady year round proposition
for a piintcr." Panel truck, trailer.
Mi' ay guns, air and paint tue, com
pisor. lank, trusties, and other
euuipnun' Contiact covering South-
r in Oregon injures steaav work, good
piofit. All goes for J4IXM1 Sal 118 I no.
V unit aoartment house, good loca
tion, no vacancies. $234 monthly in
come. All apartinert-i furnished exf
ccpt owner's. $18,000. Sal 104 Inc.
to 6 .30 p.m.
Loans Wanted
3O00 on farm worth S75O0. 4.
2Ki on farm worth $000. 0'. D. A.
Kirh 1488 S Cent') Pti 6524 .
WANTElFtri borrow from pilvata)
parly, 500 at secured first mort
gage Mi' of valuation Bank refer
i cocts. Box Ml Statesman.
Money to Loan
General Finance Corp.
offers money at once on cam. trucks,
furniture. trader houses, livestock
farm marc-ninerv. contracts refinanced)
and additional money aidvance1 Ne
co signers General Finance is locallr
owned and officered . was organ 1 zed fn
1927 and therefore knows and can help
throughout the repaying of a loan Ap
plications for loans made by phone.
138 South Commercial Sis . Salem
Phone 9188
License S-138 8r M 338
, Money to loan on good first mortgages).
Low interest rates
275 State St.
Phone 2-412
4.s and 8
Your own terms or repayment with
in reason Cash for Real Eatata Con
tracts and Second Mortgages
?07 Pioneer Trust Bldg Phone Tltf
Auto Lans
Willamette Credit Co. '
We Buy Real Estate Mortgages and
Lie S-218 M-222. 153 S. High St.
For Bent Apartments
SMALL Furn. apt Employed lady
p.elened 1165 N. 16th
FURN Apt "for emp cple . wiTS.
d st , ni drinkers. Ph. 7754 between,
At 8 P M.
For Rent Houses
TRAILER House for r-;furn. Camp
Joy Cottages Ph. 6171
MODERN "Cottages, weekly rate.
3580 S. Cotn'l
WOULD Like to exchange rental of
my 2 bdrm. home, clean and in good
cond , for 4 or 5 b-drm. home. Ph.
4M8 112. Norway
EXCHANGE 5 rm. unfurn. moderi
cottage for 3 rm. apt. cIom in. Wrlto
Statesman Box 897.
For Rent
Plumbing tools, paint spraver. power
cement mixer. 1140 S. 22nd. Ph 2 -45441.
GOOD Used Piano H L Stiff
FLOOR SANOlM for rent . MonP
eomerv Ward
TRA ILERS tor rent 50c pet hr
Woodrys Mkt 1805 N Summer
TRUCKS for rent You driva Uf.
Cune Si Love 1 1 phone 9800
Blankets furn 197 S Liberty PI. 9061.
FLOOR Sander, elec floor polishet
and lawn roller. Rawlins Hardwaro.
the Marshall Weill Store Ph 6877.
k )rffl0llCBlate8lUatt
f -
Western Advertising
Ward-Griffith Company. Inc.
San Francisco
Eastern Advertising"
Ward-Crlfflth Company. Inc.
Chicago New York. Detroit,
Boston. Atlanta
Pacific Coast Division
Bureau 0 Advertising;
Entered of the Postofflre of Sa
lem. Or r a cm as Second Clciss Mat
ter Ptibltshed every morning ex
cept Monday Bunnell office .JJf
South Commercial Street.
Mail Bubacriptlon Rates tn Ad
vance: Within Oregon: Daily and
Sunday, Mo 80 cents: 6 moa. $3 23;
1 year. $8 00. Elsewhere M cents per
mo. or $7 30 for I vear la advance,
Per ropy $ cents
By City Carrier. 75 centa a month.
$9 00 a year In advance) la Mar mat
and adjacent counties.