The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 11, 1946, Page 5, Image 5

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    (DMy Mews EBirneffs
ji:nmngs hiMcrr.u (
Kenneth Jerjiiifig ha leen
eWteri to succeed ' l.uther D, Cak
mm president of the Salem Chtme
ketan. Other ttew officers ere:
Ifctn.thy Muldit-ton, e inci
dent; Leah Geiger, recording sec
retary; George Lewis, correcnd
Ing secretary; Eiessie Smith, tieas
ii er: Paul Deficer, membership
secretary; Bob jK e ti d e 1 I, local
wlks rhiirmat); Adolrih Gieen
l.ium, outing fhKiimau; Harold
Melcheti, entertainment rhair
nun. Hugh Strjker was appf tint
ed Uijte chairman; Mary Foter,
Mbiicatioiut chairman; Charlotte
Kake, historian! and Waiter Mc
Ctinf, auditing, j i
Tom Hill and Ktaitik Starr, origin
.ton of Wimpyf : now located at
Valley JunetioriJ Kxtend invitation
to all fiiends. ' '
The $1500 will drafting contest
f.pen to 1946 graduates of Oregon
law colleges has been extended
from October 35 until Decem-
ter 2 to accommodate applicants
reaueMing additional time to
complete theirT entries, Salem
affiliates of the ponMarir Trust
Companies association Announced
Thursday. ,
Free mnthprortflng for your fur
coat Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed, j Price's, 133 N.
Liberty St Phone 12l. '
I ! i
An assumed business name rer
tificate was file! with the Mar
Jon county clerk Thurwlay ' for
the Mill City Plaining and Pro
cessing Co. by Carl H. Kelly and
Ji. F. Kelly, both of Mill City. A
notice of retirement from the
same establishment was filed by
Blanche Kelly. Harold 8. Kelly
and Rasamond K. Tarr.
i i
Furniture upholstered and re
paired by expert workmen. Mc-
AJvin iop 5npp, o w, cnurcn&i
Mr. and Mrs. j Earl Murry end
- leggy l ui ley win KonBor me
weekly fun night program of the
Salem Saddle club tonight at 8
o'clock at the state fairgrounds.
Mrs. Murry willj prepare the re
freshments. The Calf Roper of
the club will mieet following to
night's program jto plan the open
ing of their roping season Tues
day night.
Painting and decorating. Ph. 7552.
Wesley S. Roeder, foimer Sa
Jem resident, has been appointed
psychologist fori the Oregon re
jministratton In Portland. - He also
gtonal office of the veterans s.d
Js teaching clinical physchology
for the University of Oregon ex
tension service in Portland,
Wedding picture taken at the
church. 820 State. Ph. 8722.
Steams Cuhnig and Al Grose
were speakers last evening at the
Capitol Toastmasters' dinner
meeting at the lion's Den. James
Keyes was toastmaster and Mar
vin Clatterbuck.) a visitor from
the Salem Toastmasters, was gen
eral critic. .
Insured savings earn more than
two per cent at Salem Federal
Savings Association. 130 South Li
berty Street j
, Myron Mass. 3835 Midway dr.,
was fined $25 and costs and given
30-riy county) jail sentence in
Silerton Justice! court Thursday
tin charges of operating a vehicle
while . his license was revoked.
Maas was arrested here yester
day ty sheriff's j deputies. i
West Salem police today are on
the lookout for articles reportedly;
taken from the Jones servicei sta
tion. 1100 Edgewater st.. West Sa4
lem. when, police reported, the;
station was entered sometime!
Wednesday night or Thursday
morning. Articles reported miss
ing include a candy vending ma
chine, a rifle, a 12 gauge shotgun,
set of golf clubs, cigarettes, a small
amount of cash and an auto radio
Uwn sprinkling' systems by C. S.
Whitcomb Co. For information
call 21619. Ask us about our spe
cial winter rate. :
New location Cronlse Studio. 439
NSourt St., over Smith Baking Co.
Salem Retail Clerks union will
be represented at the Pacific coast
conference of retail clerk organ!
zations in Los Angeles on October
16 by Fred Dixon of Portland
B. L. Jiolow, Salem, newly-elected
president of the Oregon state
council of retail clerks and secre
tary of the Salem unit, announced
Discharge sendee lapel button
now available at Brown' Jewel"
er and Optician. Bring dis
charge certificates.
Morris Realty Co. located at 070
South Commercial St. phone 4217."
Licenses to marry have been
issued at Vancouver, Wash., to
Lawrence Walz, Salem, and Bon
nie Busick. Dayton; Richard Reil
ing and Fauniel Collins, both of
Salem; Ira Koslenhader, Salem,
and Elizabeth Miksch, Seattle: Al
len Heidloff, Portland, and Max-
Ine Cannaday, Silverton.
Fall bulbs, full selection, fine qual
ity. Jary, Florist. 365 Court.
Carlton Greider, veterans coun
selor at the Salem U. S. employ
meet service office, is in Coos
Ray today where he Is scheduled
to address a Lions club in connec
tion with the current national em
ploy the physically handicapped
week. Mrs. Greider will accom
pany him.
LuU Flower Shoppe, 1276 N. I4b-
rtv. nhnna D5Q2.
Mr. and Mrs. Narcisse LaRaut,
755 N. Church st, returned Thurs
day from Minneapolis, 'Minn.,
Vhere they visited their daughter,
Mrs. Gilbert Wren. While there
the LaRauts celebrated their 94th
wedding anniversary.
River silt top soil St fill dirt
Cnrol. Sand St GraveL Ph. 21906
Three - year - old Jim Driscoll,
3995 Cherry ave., incurred a
smashed finger when a door blew
shut on It at his home Thursday,
according to the city first aid crew
which took him to a local doctor'
Stove & Diesel oil. Prompt deliv
ery. George Cadwell Oil Co. Ph.
Mrs. Gene Burzin and her infant
son," of Independence, and Mrs.
John L. Sullivan and daughter,
route 1, box 136A, were dischar
ged Thursday from Salem Gen
eral hospital.
Another shipment of toilet tissue
at Englewood Grocery, 975 N.
18th St.
The Liberty Community club
will hold its first meeting tonight
at 8 p.m. at the Liberty commun
ity hall.
In this city October 7. ! the asr
c.f CJ. Fletcher tons. Ute resident or
1310 N Ctrl at Graeile wivhm will
t Friday. (kloUl 11. t I prn.
I 1le City A'lew crnietery. under di
rection of the W. T Higsfun company.
T Kev. LK d Andertun will offici
(.eoie Alvln Thoiiaer. I02ff N. CtA
taee t . October S. Surviving r the
wife. Mil Heulah J lii.rnapoii. Salrin
duhtr. Mrs. Johrt Oary. Wefct Linn.
Ore . son. George T Tiumwn. Sa
Jeiri. Uiree sisters, M J. A. Zimmer
man. Fugene. Ore ;i Mm Fmma Hint
sn CfH Hay. OtH . and Mm Mollle
"iiae. OiviHe. Calif!: one lit other. I .re
Tlx.msM.n. IKirrna.j Oie . live eiand
rhiUltena and one eieat-rr antlrtilld
KOire will be tteld rudav. Ortoher
It. at 2 p nr. from the 'luli-llarrl-lt
chapel. iUi the Hev. Umliey Mialn
tiff irulmi. Intertnent In be!ciet Me
morial pa a The casket will be open
until Unie of aerviCea.
In this city October , Alice Calh
erwie Walker. V0. lalte resident of 1045
North Summer atreeH, Survived by five
children. William i, Walker of Salem.
txlh of Los AngeleV Flunk B Walker
of OaU-thuf g. Ill . and J. Fdward Walk
er of Detroit thiee trp-t hildren. Hugh
n.iii It Walker at(d Fannie Walker,
tx.tri of ChliaKo. aod Novie Kelly of
Clifton For(e. Va ; 1? vrandchildren
nd 13 at eat-ranit'hlldieri. Sriviin
will be held Friday. October II. at
JO 30 a m al Ihe W, T Kiedoh chapel,
with cone hid iru service at the City
View centeterv. The Rev. Dudley
ftrain will official
lirwmnii j
In tht city October . George Smith
Fut her land, late resident of 140 Fict
luh it reel, Salem.; at the age of ?
tear. Huhand of Maigaret Suther
nd of Salem: father of Mr. Dale
Jackson of McMlnnyille; uncle of Mrs.
Clinton Blink of Tacorua. Wahinlon.
Mrs Jeae Thomas ! of Grand Coulee,
Wasriinfton. and Karl Thomron of
I'ortUrid Service! will be held Friday, 11. at prn. at the W. T.
ftifdon chapel, wltlt concluding aerv-
in Belcreat Memorial park. The
Wanted al Once
Office Girl
Preferably with pome
knowledge of book keeping;,
typing and posting;.
Gas Heat, Inc.
Kalem. Oregon
Phone Uii
Rev. Joaeph Knotta will officiate.
At the realdence. I03S N. X2nd atreet.
Salem, Afnei M. Babcnck al the age
of S3 years. Mother of Mil. Joaeph
l-ehn of Salem, Will Babcock of South
Bend. Indiana. Mra. Robert Maurice of
South Bend. Indiana. Fred Babcock of
Fontaiuj. Calif., Arthur Babcock of
I.oa Anaelei, Calif.. Harry Babcock of
Wall, fcouth Dakota, and Frank Neu
muth of Minnesota; slater of Mrs. An
na Voha of Aberdeen, Washlngtonj
and Mra. Ellxabeth Bathen of Water
loo, Iowa. Shipment has been made
to Wall. S D.. by the W. T. Rigdon
company, for services and Interment.
Roy A. Kalaer, late resident of route
8. kalem, at a local hospital October
S. at the age of 3U years Husband of
Kutlt Kaiser of Redondo UVach. Calif ;
son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Cupp of Sa
lem: and brother of Mrs. Hdy Wilcox
of Aumsville. Mrs. Llndley Latham of
Midland. Texas, and Everett- Kaiser of
Salem. Services will be held Monday,
October-14. at 9 p.m. at the Clough
Barrlck chapel. Interment Belcrest Me
morial park.
(ing. i
pltal. October S. 1S4S. resident of Leb
anon for the past year and former
resident of Otis. Silverton and Salem.
Born June SI. 1872. at Markham, Ore.
Survived by a daughter. Opal Iiiin,
Salem: three sons, Carl King. Oregon
City; Ixiwell King. Salem, and Carl
King, Lebanon: three brothers. Clyde
ami Lee Shepherd, both of Portland:
and Sewell Shepherd. Silverton: and
a alMer. Mrs. Neal Wolf, Salem. Serv
ices will be directed by Howe-Houston
funeral home, I-ebanon. at Belcrest
Memorial park. Salern, Friday, October
11, at 1 p.m.
William Fletcher Shlpp. at the resi
dence, route I, Brooks, October 10.
The brother of Richard Shipp. York.
Neb., and Clyde Shlpp and Mary C.
Boynton. both of Salem. Announce
ment of services later by the W. T.
Rigdon company.
(til 4'.NiN:i:i
14 fft. ct..
Discharged from the army at
Fort Lewis, Wash., Tuesday, ac
cording to a separation center
news announcement, were T. 4th
Gr.j Albert II. Luther, 1205 N
Cottage St.; Cpl. Krnest II. Net
ter, 1580 Norway st.J PFC Glenn
S. Mitchell, route I, box 392,
Salem; T. 5th Gr; Melvln F
Looney, route 2, Molalla: Cpl
Benjamin Brown, route 3, Leba
non, and PFC Walter J. Payse
gian. Independence.
Exp, bookkeeper for general office
work, good salary, j Apply Leon
ard' bupper- Club: between 2-3
Piano lessons for your 3 to 8-yr,
old child. Ph. 7186. '
iiiTNri Elates flection
A national labor relations board
election on the Issue of union rep
resentation will be conducted at
Hunt -Drothers, packing company
Tuesday among seasonal Workers,
r.. x. Benjamin, secretary of the
Cannery Workers Union Local
670, AFL. reported Thursday. The
union won a similar election held
among year-round workers at the
cannery on September 20, Benja
mln said. ,
Dance Silverton Armoryi Satur-
Free mothproofing for your fur
coat Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price'!, 135 N
Liberie SL Phnna 0121. .
The Marlon county IOOF con
vention will conduct its fall meet
ing Saturday in the Stayton Odd
Fellows hall. President Vernon
Frahm announced yesterday. A
business session at 2:30 p. m. will
be followed by a 6 o'clock dinner
and an open meeting; at 7:30.
Free mothproofing lor your fur
coat. Store your coat and get your
coat mothproofed. Price's, 133 N.
Liberty St Phone tl2L!
Steaks. Rare Prime hips of Beef,
Southern Fried Chicken, Virginia
Baked Ham, Roast Oregon Tom
Turkey and New Orleans! Jumbo
Prawns at Normandy Manor.
Dancing every evening except
Monday, Wally Steed and orch.
Carlton B. Greider of the Sa
lem U. S. employment service of
fice addressed the Hollywood
Lions club on the significance of
Employ the Physically ; Handi
capped week at the club's Wed
nesday luncheon in the Lion's den.
Taylor's Grocery now open. 3193
Sunny view Ave.
Mrs. Armena Felt of the Spencers
Support Shop, of Portland will be
at the-Senator hotel Mon., Oct. 14,
to deliver garments and anyone
interested in Spencer supports
call. .
Cars driven by Stella Johnson,
1050 'Williams ave.. and Henry
L. Slater, Aumsville, collided at
about S o'clock yesterday morn
ing at Center and High streets,
city police report. No serious ln-i
ury was reported, s '
Dexter' grinding erv. Ph. 6833.
Paul Davies was granted per
mission Thursday by the city
engineer's office to make repairs.
at a cost of $850, to a house -at
195 S. 21st st. Guyi Watson was
authorized to repair a building
tit 345 Kearney st.
The Daughters of Union Veterans
Ifvul sponsor a rummage sale Oct.
12 over Greenbaum s beginning at
Salem Deaconess hospital
Thursday discharged Mrs. Willard
Howell and infant daughter of
Mill City and Airs. Charley Mc-
Craven and daughter, route 6,
box 133, Salem. ,
100 virgin wool socks $1.50. All
smart colors, size 10 to 13.; Others
39c-45c-65c and $1.23. Alex Jones.
J2 1 North High St.
Lillie Hall. 425 N. Church st..
filed an assumed business name
certificate for Lillie Hall's Gift
Shop with the Marion county
clerk Thursday.
" 8 V
. V " : esse I ,
The late George A. Themason,
whs died Tuesday. Funeral serv
ices are to be held this after
noon at 2 'clock at the dough-
Barrick chapel, v
Final Rites for
G. A. Thomason
Planned Today
Funeral services will be held at
2 pjn. today, from the,Clough
Barrick chapel for George A
Thomason, prominent in Salem
business circles for almost 40 yean
who died Tuesday, at his home.
1020 N. Cottage st., after a week's
illness. The Rev. Dudley Strain
is to officiate and interment will
be in Belcrest Memorial park.
Born Sept. 12, 1873, In Warsaw,
Benton, county, j Mo Thomason
with his family came to Salem
in 1908 from Coos Bay. Here he
operated a meat market, first on
Ferry street, later moving into
the 100 block of South Commer
cial and later to the 100 block of
North Liberty street.
The People's Market, on the site
of the present Montgomery Ward
store, he sold in 1918 to Curtis
Cross, and Thomason entered the
real estate business in which he
engaged the remainder of his life.
He was associated with Route in
and Adolph at the time of his
death. Greatly interested in agri
culture and In Its future here, he
farmed as a sideline during most
of his residence in Salem. He was
ong a member of the Salem Elks
Survivors Include the widow,
Beulah, at the home here; one
daughter, Mrs. John Gary, West
Linn; one son, George F. Thoma
son. balem; sisters, Mrs. J.' A.
of his residence in Salem. He was
Zimmerman, Eugene; Emma Hod
son, Coos Bay, and Mollie Chase,
Orville, Calif.; brother, Lee Thom
ason, Dorena; five grandchildren
and one great grandchild.
U. of 0. Plans
TVoise Parade9
Rummage sale Friday, Oct.
248 N. Coml. upstairs.
Mrs. Florence Kuhl will relate
fxperiences from her recent visit
to Mexico during the Salem Span
ish club meeting at 8 p. m. today
in the YWCA.
Listen to Burke's Radio Camera
Program 9:50 A. M. today,
Bob Owens of Eola Acres left
py plane Thursday for a week's
business and pleasure trip to San
COULSON To Mr. and Mrs.
John M. Coulson, 2192 N. Com
mercial st., a son, Thursday, Oc
tober 10, at Salem General hospital.
O'ROURKE To Mr. and Mrs.
stack O'Rourke, Newberg, a son,
Thursday, October 10, at Salem
Deaconess hospital, j
Mrs. George Hlldenstat, 1190 N.
7th St., daughter. Thursday, Oc
tober 10, at Salem Deaconess hospital.
EUGENE. Oct. 10 The Uni
versity of Oregon will revive its
traditional "Noise Parade" in con
nection with this year's homecom-
i ing celebration, October 18-20.
Residence organizations will spon
sor "floats," expense for which Is
limited to $5 and judging for
which is based on the amount of
noise it makes.,
Preparation : for homecoming
signs, and decorations and for the
Homecoming Hostess contest al
ready are underway. Feature of
the weekend will be the Oregon
Washington .State football game
Saturday afternoon, October 19.
Coiiiirilnieti to
Be Nominated
At Mt. Angel
MT. ANGEL -A city caucus
will be held at the city hall next
Monday at 8 p.m. to. name nomi
nees for offices- of three city coun
cil men for two years each. Elec
tion will be held November 8.
Councilmen whoxe terms are ex
piring are Carl Mucken, A. G.
Traeger and Jos. L. Wachter.
Justice Hays Speaks
To West Salem IJons
WEST SALEM. Oct. 10. Jus
tice Arthur D. Hayes discussed
the part the United States must
play in maintaining a world at
peace in a talk before the West
Salem Lions club Wednesday eve
ning at the Lion's Den in Salem.
New members of the local club.
Introduced at the dinner meeting,
are Dr. John Ritchey, transferred
from arf Indiana club, and Junior
Apply at
"VMS. Jt , f fleets asss
m wsass sr i miretij j
Will again buy and receive at the Hhryder Truck &
Transfer from Monday to Thursday, inclusive. Fridays
at the Wood burn Fruit Growers Warehouse, Wood
burn. No deliveries on Saturday. Phone 4966.
H. D. Jones
Buyer for ItoKenberff
llros. & Co.
285 South Cottage .
LPoDlbflfic fflie(cirall
Roger M. Walls, route1 4, Sa
lem, violation of basic rule, fined
Richard Spooner, 1192 S. 16th
st., illegal use of spotlight, fined
Robert Schwichtenberg, 488 N.
14th st., excessive speed through
an intersection, fined $5.
Calvin Bishop, 542 N. Liberty
st., violation of anti-noise oidi
nance, fined $5.
Rokcoc Meredith, Albany, vio
lation of bakic rule, posted $25
Lawrence L. Beckner, route 2,
Salem, violation of basic rule,
posted $7.50 bail.
P. J. McCoimiYk, Woodbutn.
violation of basic rule, pasted
$7.50 bail.
Robert Judd, route 3, Salern.
violation of basic rule, posted
$7.50 bail.
Jack Robery, Portland, viola
tion of anti-noise ordinance, pott
ed $7.50 bail..
Max Wyatt, Portland, violation
of basic rule, posted $7.50 bail.
David Hedges, Silverton, no
driver's license, posted $5 bail.
Victor" Marshall, 430 N. Church
st., no driver's license, posted $5
Glenn Miller, route 8, Salem,
violation of basic rule, posted $25
J. R. Stratford and Leota Strat
ford vs Dy Foon and others: Sup
plemental complaint filed.
Bruce O. Burns vs Frieda A.
Burns: Decree of divorce grants
defendant custody of minor child
$30 per month- support money
and $42 per month alimony. ; ,
Henry Nicoli Hall vs Beulah R.
Hall: Decree of divorce grants
plaintiff custody of four minor
children. .
Alice Stravens vs George Stra
vens; Order grants temporary cus
tody of three minor children to
plaintiff and $50 per month sup
port money.
Lilene Frier vs Ralph DeVilbiss:
Reply of defendant containing
complete denial.
('uioline King vs Clifford Berl
King: Order decrees defendant to
be in contempt of court for al
leged failure to comply with terms
of a former decree; that defendant
may purge himself of the con
tempt charge by completing cer
tain back payments, and that de
fendant at $300 ball and be re
leased to custody of his attorney.
Edward Pater s Peler Nebil
ja and Zona Nebrija: Defendants
file dcmiuier.
Free Methodist church of Wood
buin vs Antoiie J. I'okoi ney and
Tillie Pokoiney: Defendants file
answer admitting and denying.
James William Lockard, 25.
fireman, Salem, and Batbara E.
Zahler, 24, telephone operator,
Earl R. Viesko, 39. agent, and
iJVlnnita White, 39, domestic, both
Vincent Peter Pietrok, 25, saw
mill proprietor, and Junetta Bar-
The Statesman, golem, Orsxyon. Friday, Octobor 11, Hit 3
baia Fieres, 18, typist, both Stay
George Martin Fry estater do
ting older Isxicd.
1i en l4x-e estate: Outer ron
fiima Sale of teal iferty.
Charles Henry Knuths estate:
Iee Haskins, administrator, au
thorized to accept $8,000 as settle
ment of certain c laims.
Marcus O. Smith estate: Order
closes estate and discharges
Catherine Smith, esenilils.
I -m u el C. Miller estate: Frank
Miller appointed administrator.
Lyons Womeiis
Cluh Meets
LYONS The Womens club met
Thuisday when Ruth Lowe and
Katie Skillings, teachers were
present arid spoke on plans for
411 club work and Camp Fire
girls. Mrs. Floyd Bassett is pre
sident. The election dinner will
be served by Mrs. Farl Allen, Mrs.
Floyd Basset t, Mrs. George Huff
man ami Mrs. Daisy Jual.,n A
reception for the teachers vh.ri
will be held at the rirnmunli
club house Friday. Otoier II,
with Mis. Arthur Otmstes 1, Mr
Floyd Rae1t, Mrs. George II .?f
man and Mrs. Merrill Uttf a.Ca
In (haige.
Plans were made to have a tea
and invite all new wfunen here,
and also ethers interested.
Committee for the tea In. Jij ies
Mis. Farl Allen, Mrs Floyd
sett, Mrs. George Huffman sr.d
Mrs. Merrill Brasfietd If e,
lunches were discussed nl Mn.
George Huffman Is to investigate
tim lirrii' ' l
Douglas fir is selected hy- If. 9.
would naturally select Lb t m
ber thst is the longest Issurig wheri
All Flavor, NoOi
Llmlta, Qt. OOC
savihg CEirrcn
K a lens an4 West Kale as
1115 Rdecwater Hi. West Patent
Featuring a Complete Line of Variety Item
w v fryvry
Wavy Marino
SEosGo-ncg (all '(calIl
J Several Million Dollars Wortfi pC r Jl Q
t Biz Demand Cable, of which 7
1 Is Located in the Portland Regional Area
War Atsets Warehouse . Kait er Company Shipyard
near Troutdale, Oregon U,,VJ Vancouvtr, Wathington
f SI I II l
ft biJ by prlorify eneJ
priority buyers.
General Terms
The War Assets Administratis! r
serves the right te accept er rsjsst sy
r all bMs r offers anl te withSrs-r
saw er all ef the Hated property trm
this efftrlng and from sale at any
prior te the ascutlen af a aentrsst of
sal. War Assets Administration sloe
rooorvoo the right te esteed the period
of offering and te set a date lotse tnon
opociflod herein en whlsh kieo will e
Fwrohasoro must accept dollvoey of
property within t doya from tae dste
of ialo confirmation wnlooe loegae
period Of time la eaproooly pormitte4
In writing by the yVar Atff AlOl'l
Although every attempt Mt tee
mosto to Incurs tne aoouraoy of eaO
Koto, thoy are futt hsr Wltry
out notice.
for bids as small as single line itemg.
s varying from single (o multiple conductor. plustlc to armor shtattt.
Included are these types:
DHFA Double conductor, ieot and flame resistant, armored. Felted acbestoc. varnished oombrlo felted eobeetes oecH
conductor, felted asbestos bolt, plastic cheath, basket weave wire armor, (os shewn above.)
MHFA Multiple conductor, heat and flame resistant armored, oynthetlo reeln, felled aoboetoo, brsld en eaon eenftee
felted acbestos bolt, ptoctle sheath, bschet woovo wire armor, (os shown above.)
DC.OP Double conductor ell-rcslctant porUblo. Flexible stranding, synthetic Insulation, Montlfylng brsld en seen senf
ss.tse n. rnr T-m aart ihm m ttnr a ea4
.smU,. a ! anr. S sfcsasa.
assaJit. fsssskss. ,mttM sssts, IssSM, sOMssMrsaa swsM M saw
rssa as spss.
sskessssse, saassj easy seaassa
S1.S04 ft.
f4,Ht ft.
47 ft.
tor. clastic cheath. fas shown above.)
ice.ass ft. Tltra Trhaa saaarse (sawss aa BMM ass4 S s Cartsr,
SCfoS ft. Mr assass a Cartar. aa aa4 fsassis rsslst. arsnsn i
1S.4TS IU Mirr MaNtps
Me sjlaslls aaasHa.
SS MI ft. MIXIT MaHlass eaaCaatar. Oeaaaolae. taswS lmeh. Vsrsklvs aasaaHe tasalall . elaatta saa, Sarh taea raS.
usm dixit, iism MnuA. a.ns si. aint.u. i.sia ft. uiKiM. eia it. Nuns, cic f. Mix I - i.sie ei. aiwr,
S,tS0 ft. TCur, S.fOS It. MUM. SCO ft. acvr, J,000 ll. Sttra, tsasale r aatar, h4 a-4 f msss t SMiaiksa.
How to Buy
Tbjss la a sssnarssat aflsrssar sa Bah SMtorMs mm Bast-ertsvttr
SJOK PBIOaiTY CUtlMANTNl BsatsC Ms ssstM ba saSsalllsC mt mmm pHsXIy raiTr I la
.- S A mt ia 1U . mm - II. m. AM ku. S V.sf .. OsssSse IS. IS4C. SB
saat ba farwatsWC Clmtly ta tba atoaal OffW hasasa ta etrt ta Ma ssvsss. A aaslsssai mpmm"mm
mtmltfJmtlll mi mtlTmm mm ..a TTZmt, 'if raaHmC ta rrMtsss ta She Itmrmm la mmwm- tm, sUa to PaSWal tlssaN fa
wM.1 by SMI ll tswtlfWC Vsfraas m WarM la Hi
.ssl-isMs la era a Ml 111 Hmu pwUmMf taisSsssw
Wtstllt Ssl II sMM aeely to tfeat mm sst a a "
mmtamm Ofttoa tmw M,lfSMtoa I ttSS SI SSSlllf SSI SSM
SKSltas mt tba mrrmttmm afftaa aassst ba saiC sa a
ravn mmi4 tnmm prtmrHt Hi issaato tSB se PI' m mm
if lattowasa UsIsbsC Is, aSMs
Ifeaas to ssssia
s.l aa sSisa
a. B4asa) aara
SS S, mimmm
mm (ba B,lss
sslaasl Ofrww hi wbsr tba artghaal bM aa aaestveS eat astse ttssa the
ttota as lav tba aeaalae mt bMs.
Ammmmm to aM.artoHls irssst sUI I SS S assUrS bsS basts mm4
Mrhnt Mmm, aseaH tbat aa btCa at sra taaa ttf, mt the averaeo east aaat mt
sTtaleswi lra ae saasa allora fae tka aaaaa satvrlal ae oajaal. She aar4
IM ba la by Crawlae. mmrwtmt Mn srlN ba wnlr ta asaaa aatasial
ta laM ar ta asaha rsvslH amaasaassasa aa4ssaary ta tba Mar Asswaa ACsassira-
ttoa assC ta mmimr lata a arlllr. raalatala Htssui Basra ssmiiisii as
War Asset ACassslslrallsa tsHbla tsa Cars of aeUtUaUsa mt tba aaa.
w. w&x&&i. BIDS
fa lasasstt . aeasaWIe barara tar eaata aajataetaai M esse, latsrssssl bUtsVrs ore areS b) iissiS sata arn ear i
khnuiltos a M sssstr mt aatabHis am saMabta lar Ummrttmm a ttss rmrttmrnm i asl al WWa. .
mm pissXi f
tlllltkl Ol
iiiisii.a Isran.
sac btoe. FeTiaWl
Contact W. B. Johnson, Industrial Machinery Cr Equipment Division
Swan Island, Portland 8, Prego
J .mmm9 mH J' m m. m . --m
PoneTRInlty 1 2.,?.QrlIix4Q62