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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1945)
4 Th OREGON STATESMAN. Sdltm. Ortcjon. Thursday Morning Aucjuit IS. 1945 PAGE THREE dalem Sailors Saw Action on Escort Carrier ABOARD THE USS RUDYERD BAY Two Salem, Ore., navy men, Verne Frank Blackman, sea man, 1c, 535 Madrona ave., and Perry Ray Shelton, aviation ma chinist' i mate, 2c, 459 S. Winter "at., served aboard this escort car rier as she topped off three ma jor Pacific operations with her campaign at Okinawa. v The "Rugged Rudy," as she is called by her crew, helped smash Jap shore installations at Okin awa and her squadron pilots shot down six enemy planes. Her first mission was to ferry planes to Espiritu Santo and the Majuro islands In the Mars halls. Then she returned to the states, picked up her first air squadron and headed for the war in the Pacific. j At Iwo Jima she sent her planes Jn support of our landing forces for the first time. During the invasion of the Phil ippines the RUDYERD BAY pro tected fleet oil tankers from en emy air and submarine attacks and rode out the roaring typhoon that sunk three U. S. destroyers. ' Last January, the. Rugged Rudy cruised into the China seas to pro tect tankers which were carrying oil for Admiral Halsey's Third fleet, then striking against French Indo-China and Jap-held Chinese ports. The RUDYERD BAY, named for a small bay in Alaska, is com manded by Capt. Curtis S. Smiley, USN. RESTAURANT RATION EASED PORTLAND, Aug. 15.-(iiP)-OPA today relaxed restrictions to allow more food to restaurants showing a 10 per cent increase in persons served and dollar revenue in the present allotment period. can - At your Grocer or at your Door. MAYFLOWER PRODUCTS Homomilk Cremlcn Grade "A" Pasturized Milk , Butter - Buttermilk Cottage Qieesc Stilliciou ' Chocolate 910 S. Commercial St I r ; j . ' I IX THE Silverton Man On Salt Lake ABOARD THE USS SALT LAKE CITY IN THE EAST CHDJA SEA Clyde R. Staiger, gunner's mate third class, USN, son of Mrs. Millie Staiger, route one, Silverton, Ore., was aboard this heavy cruiser when she hurl ed; more than 150,000 tons of pro jectiles at enemy planes, ships and land emplacements off Okinawa. Veteran of major Invasions from Guadalcanal to Okinawa, the Salt Lake City's 9 and 8-inch guns pounded the island by day and remained on the alert to repel Jap suicide attacks by night Shipboard routine on the Salt Lake City was restricted entirely to battle throughout the campaign. No movies were shown.. Recrea tion . consisted of sleeping, eating and some letter writing. Blackout was in effect every night. , In the long weeks of the cam paign Kamikaze attacks increas ed. Besides suicide planes, .the Japs sent high speed boats loaded with explosives. To meet these attacks, gun crews were some times called out several times ; a night ; The pre-invasion bombardment was halted early on L-day Eas ter Sunday for the troops to make their landings. Church Ser vices on the cruiser were broad cast over the ship's loudspeakers to the men at their battle stations. Soon after the services, "com mence firing" was passed to all guns. The "Family Favorite" There is a difference in milk. To be pure, it must b fresh. To hart th finest flavor, it must b fresh. That's why Mayflower milk is rushed from the farm lo the Mayflower plant That's why flash-pasteurizing and cooling Is used. That's why Mayflower deliveries are timed to th minute. Lady, when you order Mayflower your sure of the flavor that only fresh milk . giT you. SALEM ( . I C ' . : " Carl Ainack On Way! Home; Was 1 With 35th Division WITH THE 35TH INFANTRY DIVISION, ASSEMBLY AREA COMMAND, France T, 4 Carl V. Amack is en route home from Europe with the .Vstar "Santa FeM Division, which in ten. months bat tled across the Elbe river to with in 42 miles from 'Berlin.':- I .The 35th ended its occupational duties in Germany during the sec ond week of July and moved to Camp Norfolk, one of the As sembly: Area Command's 17 rede ployment camps pear Reims. Ele ments of the division served as honor guard for President Truman when be arrived at Antwerp. Hitting Omaha beach, July 7, 1944, the 35th fought the Germans from St Lo, .broke the counter offensive at Mortain, swept across France,' cracked i Into Germany's Saar valley on December 12, and then whipped into Belgium am Luxembourg to wither Von Rund stedt's Ardennes bulge. T , Following a shift to the Vosges mountains, the division dashed 300 miles north through Holland to jump the Roer and Rhine rivers, crush the Siegfried line defenses, and scoop up more than 30,000 PWs by V-E day, to mark the; end of more than 1600 combat miles in the ETO. ;.'.;! !"f.;. g Amack is the son of Mrs. D. A. Amack of 1591 Broadway st., Sa lem, Ore. ; He holds the following decora tions: five battle stars, the purple 1 heart and the certificate of merit .... Phone 9205 r 4 Wilson WaringV Unit Commended . j - WITH THE FIFTH ARMY, Italy The historical section ot Fourth army headquarters, in which S. Sgt Wilson Waring of Salem, Ore., serves as a typist recently was commanded by General. Joseph T. McNarney, deputy supreme allied commander Mediterranean theatre of operations. The section, since its jorganiza u'on in November,' 1943, goon after the invasion ' of Italy, has - per formed excellent service 1 in carry' ing out the historical program of the war department and - ef this theatre, the commendation point ed out Sound histories of the Fifth army's operations , have been pro duced by the unit and toe section is particularly to be commended for the Fifth army history, three volumes of which have been pub lished, and for its production of tnphlet studies of operations for the war department in the 'Ameri can Forces in Action' series," the commendation read. 1 Waring, who has been overseas 27 months, was a warehouse fore man for the forest service and bureau of reclamation before en tenng the service December 9, 194Z. He wears the European toea tre ribbon with, four battle stars His wife lives at 180 North 21st sU Salem. i ! j basic 7 - i use? cr.:s::i IK f . ! I " - Crawford Given His Honorable Discharge TSgt Robert B. Crawford own er and formerly manager of the Crawford Sign company; 440 Fer ry' st,, Salem, Ore., has received an honorable discharge from the army at the ' AAF regional and convalescent hospital. Fort George Wright, Wash, after 34 months in the service, including 19 months overseas duty in - the European theatre, as aircraft mechanic with the air service command. He wears the ETO : ribbon, and the Good Conduct ribbon. I WITH THE FIFTH ' A KMT, ITALY Cpt Thomas D. Fitzjohn, Salem, Ore, recently was award ed the Bronze Star medal for mer itorious - service ia , combat in Italy...- r. V , He served Ton the Fifth . army front in the 363rd infantry regi- division. - ' t .." - His wife, Ernestine W. Fitejohn lives at 241 South 16th st, Salem. An orphan asylum founded by George Whitefield in i 1740 still stands ten miles , south of Savan nan, Ga. Wards Vitalized i E'Soior Oil lubricates . ; ' ' ' " ' f I : At 35 lo 50 Degrees Higher Temperature vmu In this latest advertisement appearing in national magazines, emphasis is placed on the great pool of low-cost hydroelectric power available to indus try in the Oregon country one of our greatest assets -and the way this ties in with use of our resources, our manpower, our n P t: rs I crjsu -l'wi I Robert Vining Visit -V ouvcnuu nciauvcs i SILVERTON Lt. Robert E. Vining is spending a 30-dar leave wiua nis wue, we lormer - nuui Geren. They are guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Geren here. , ,X" "-- ; :. : ...1 Lieutenant vining has been in the army five fears and was two years in the Aleutians. He has Just returned from six months in Eur ope and will report to Ft Bragg. Gets Purple Heart WITH SIXTH INFANTRY DI VISION ON LUZON PFC. Dar rell G.V Sexton, son of Guy W. Sexton, . route four, Salem,' Ore has ' been awarded - the - Purple Heart for. wounds received in ac tion at San Mateo, Luzon, PI., on February 27. ' ": - . j. .;;. Sexton has fully recovered and returned to duty with the First infantry regiment of the Red Star, Sixth infantry division which U now engaged in mopping tip rem nants of Jap resistance in the Cordillera mountains of northern Luzon .) ; I oFioBtGon power! transportation msv r .y , tnmo9t w -top, Rlassey Arrives in v U. S.; Hospitalized . PFC William Massey called his mother, Mrs." E. J. Purcell 240 S. . 16th st, this . week - to report his landing in New. York where he was brought from a hospital in France. He was. wounded May 4,' fighting on the Elbe-river in Germany. Heis now hospitalized at Palo Alto, Calif. NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES T. Sgt. Arthur C Cline, son of Mr. and Mrs. . C C Cline, 1660 S. Church st, Salem, is assigned as an airplane engine mechanic at the 1562nd AAF base unit, a Looking id'the Future by Ralph Lee An army oi 23,000 teen-ae boys, cjixls la the Ore jon Green Guard, pledge to KEEP OREGON GREEN. Are yon observing the rules oi common sense? Appoirt yourself a fire warden. t. JTeep Oregon Green Association -'Salem, Oregrn facilities, our many sites for industrial locations. This series, sponsored by The Oregon! an and directed to management throughout the nation, is having a marked effect in attracting interest in the advantages of this great region. Where u.. Agon's ecc5iic- 1 . .- rf Netherlands East Indies station fi the air ? transport command' southwest Pacific wing. He work in the . engineering department. Sergeant Cline's wife, Mrs. A. C Cline, lives at 2616 S. E. 21st tt., Portland. " ; - ; t Entering the army n July, 1940, Sgt Cline received his mechanic's training at Moffett IField, Calif. As a technical sergeant he holds the second highest rank the army gives an enlisted man. Sergeant Cline has been overseas since Sep tember, W44. j Acltlitioual Seryicenieii News on Page 19 " , w-i 1 -1 I