The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 02, 1943, Page 16, Image 16

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fie OZIGOII STATESMAN Seism, Orecn, Friday KcrxSng. ilprl 2. IS 13
Buckeyes Eye
Swim Sweep -
- NEW YORK," April l-F)-Ohio
State's swimmers, headed by two
boys from the Hawaiian islands,
Bill .Smith and Keo Nakama, will
; try to make a clean sweep, of. the
nation's - major swimming cham-
. pionships in the national AAU
: Indoor meet at New York Ath
letic club's pool Friday and Sat
urday.-,- f : . ' -' :; f .v ,
"In all, 96 swimmers represent-
' ing 21 clubs, colleges and schools
as well as the army, navy and
coast guard have entered the two
- day meet Trial heats will be held
in the afternoon each day and
finals at night.
London Quint
Takes Tourney
IjONDON, April 1-(P)-The ag
gressive ; London base command
quintet, made up of former high
.school and college players, cap
tured the US armed services bas
ketball tournament championship
-here Thursday night with an. up
1 set 52-43 victory over the Army
Greys. 1 ; ' : ; y; ; :', ' v: -
A crowd of more than -5000
filled Albert hall for the finals of
London's first three-day, tourna
Goentj sponsored by the Stars and
Stripes lor the benefit of the or
phans' fund. .
May Be Finis
For Newhouser
EVANS VILLE, Ind., April 1-JP)
Young Hal Newhouser will hurl
gainst the Chicago Cubs in an
exhibition game here Saturday in
what may be his last appearance
n the mound for the Detroit Ti
gers for the duration.
Newhouser, 22-year-old south
; paw who now has a 4-F draft
classification, will leave imme
diately after the game for Detroit
where he will undergo another
physical examination.
Olson Only Cougar
Pitching Veteran
PULLMAN, April l-(;P)Coach
Jack Fnel Thursday named
Washington State college baseball
squad of 18 seven of them veter
ansfor the trip to Walla Walla
for a pair of double-headers Fri
day and Saturday with Whitman
- ine oniy veteran pitcher on
hand for the WSC's first games of
the season will be Roger Olson,
while Ray Cranston will lend ex
perience to the receiving end.
Shortstop All We
Need, Claims Bucky
HERSHEY, Pa., April l-.(P)-"When
we get a shortstop, I think
well be all right," Manager
Bucky Harris of the Phillies
pined Thursday, "At least it's a
cinch we won't be a last-place
ban club."
Ortiz-Cordoza Sign
FORT WORTH, April 1-P)
Signed contracts of Bantamweight
Champion Manuel Ortiz and Lou
Cordoza for a 15-round fight in
Fort Worth April 28 were received
here Thursday by Roger Neely,
promoting the title fight for the
benefit of the Tarrant county
Ducks Play Portland
EUGENE, April l-i-The Uni
versity of Oregon baseball team,
defending northern division cham
pion, will have its first test of the
season Saturday in Portland, in. a
doubleheader against Portland
Additional I j
'Wait Till WePlay
Them Yanks?
i 5 1
l 'A t' T 'far
I ft 'M h5 - .Ut:r- . J
' A , si I V . 1) ' I
is Baddy Rosar, catcher.
Army Says Soldiers in College
Can Play ifieci' FootbaU
WASHINGTON, April: l-iT")-'Slug 'em again for the good of
Chem," "pin back their ears you Engineers," "knock 'em dead
for old Pre-med." I i ? I
Yells such as those will ibe theftoiuchdown cries at most foot
ball games this fall, it became ap-
Cat-Web foot
Ball Game Off
' - i
The scheduled ball game . be
tween Oregon's Webf oots ; and
Willamette's Bearcat's for ; Geo;
E. Waters park today has been
postponed because of the satura
ted surroundings.
Coach Spec Keene's clan tan
gle with the State Penitently?
Greys at the prison ; Saturday
and trek to Eugene to; meet the
Webfoots next Tuesday, April .
Ref Pulled Only
April Fool Here
! t II?
Gus Derasio celebrated April
Fool's day In fitting style in his
ling battle with Napoleon
Mitchell at the Olympia Thurs
day night.
Doraxio and practically every
one else In. the bouse thought
he knocked out Mitchell In the
second round. But referee; Dave
Beloff bade the fight go on, and
Doraslo had to be content: with
an eight-round decision, ij
Bushers Scare Bucs
MUNCIE, Ind., April l-0Pr-One
of Muncie's best factory ball teams
from the Durham Manufacturing
company, surprised ithe
burgh Pirates with their
tion Thursday but the National
eaguers won, 6 to 0. i
ti c:,rcz.
ScHhniPAv ram
parent Thursday with the army's
outline of sports programs for the
thousands of young men enrolled
i4 its specialized training pro
gram a program devoid of var
sity j teams.
The soldiers will play on
what amounts almost to a sand
lotj team basis.
, The army reiterated there is no
prohibition against the varsity
brand of athletics but said the
young soldiers schedules will be
so full they won't have time for
big league play.
; Instead the army r e e o m
mends that "As a means of In
culcating a will to win' com
petitive team' sports such as
soccer, speed ball, touch foot
ball, modified football, basket
ball, volley ball, and baseball
be j strongly encouraged."
That phrase "modified foot
ball" is a puzzler at first glance.
But army men explain It means
almost anything except organized
varsity gridiron shows.
Slow Wage Action
Closes Laundries
ASTORIA, Ore., April
Astoria's two laundries closed
down Thursday as an outgrowth
of workers' and truck drivers
wage demands, but neither man
agement nor labor would call it
a strike.
Tli McConkey, truck drivers
union head, and Perry Smiin,
chief of the laundry workers, said
the vote not to return tto work
was in protest of failure by the
war labor board and the office of
price administration to act on de
mands for a 30 per cent wage
boost made a year ago. The ac
tion was not directed at the laun
dries, they said.
Walter Underwood, chamber, of
commerce secretary, said he was
informed in telephone conversa
tions with regional WLB and OPA :
officials that they expected a set
tlement could be reached soon..
Broaden Price Rise
WASHINGTON, April 1-iffV-A
recent increase of 25 cents a bar
rel fin maximum , prices for heavy
crude oil produced in California
waj broadened Thursday by the
office of price administration to
include all sellers in district No.
S, embracing Washington, Oregon,
Nevada, Arizona and California.
Wounds Self in Leg h
PORTLAND, April l-UP)-Har-
old Puariea,' 49, owner, of-' the
Portland Gravel company, fired at
prowler and missed. But when
he ! reloaded the gun it accidently j
discharged, wounding him in the
eg, he told police Thursday.;
Lab Boosts Albany
ALBANY. April 1-WPV-H. ,
Iverson, US Bureau of Mines dis
trict engineer, told business men
Thursday that the electro-chemic
al laboratory to be set up on the
old Albany college canmus will
make Albany the focal point of !
the northwest's mineral industry, j
Exceed Bond Quota
ASTORIA, April l-(n-Astoria
high school students who set out i
to sell sufficient . war bonds , for
the purchase of one - army jeep
have sold' enough to buy 20,
school officials said . Thursday.
iMaas Proposes
Master Plan
To Run War
WASHINGTON, April. l.-iP)
A "master , war plan," providing
that the entire war program
manpower,; procurement and pro
duction as i well as military stra
tegy and operation shall be
cleared through .the joint chiefs
of staff," was proposed Thursday
by Rep. Maas (R-Minn).
Ranking minority member of
the house naval committee and a
flying colonel in the marine corps
reserve, he announced he would
introduce legislation to coordin
ate the various war activities.
"We may win the war with our
presentj confused, complicated
and conflicting bureaucracy, he
said in a statement, "but if we
do, it will be in spite of rather
tnan oecause oi n.
"Under my bill, production
would still be ; handled by ' civil
ians and the economy of. the na
tion would not be turned over to
the military, but the final deci
sion upon the balances program,
as it affects the conduct and op
eration of the . war, would ' rest
with the joint chiefs of staff."
He contended this Would "el
iminate such fundamental con
flicts as the rubber program ver
sus high octane gasoline and es
cort vessels. The number of es
cort vessels, to be built and the
schedule of their completion and
going into service vitally affects
not only military operations but
the grand over-all military stra
tegy of the war.
Two former members of the New York Yankees who went to the
Cleveland Indians over the winter, talk it over with Manager Lou
Boudreau (center). Left la Outfielder Roy Cullenblne an4 right
Bombs in the NirMt
Tax Distribution
Bill Constitutional
Senate f bUl 275, which distri
butes the elementary school tax
recipts on a statewide basis is
constitutional. Attorney General
,1. H. Van Winkle ruled Thursday
for Gov. f Earl Snell, who signed
the bill the previous day.
The tax now is levied and dis
tributed within each county.
Patrol Plane Crashes
NORF0LK, Va., April !-)-
A navy patrol plane crashed Tues
day night in Albermarle Sound
12 miles from Elizabeth City, NC,
and its eight occupants, two offi
cers and six enlisted men, are
missing,! the fifth naval district
disclosed Thursday.
Using flares to light their target, a Japanese cargo vessel in the Bis
marck sea, US army air forces bomhers carried on through the
'night In the battle of the Bismarck' sea, which cost the Japanese
22.vessels. The Hares are the white bursts. The white edged circles
lire bomb bursts fat the water. Four bombs on the way toward their
target are circled (top) .Associated Press Photo from Army Air
FR Defends .
- WASHINGTON, -AprU 1.-P)-President
Roosevelt -has deplored
what he called "unfair attacks"
on David Ginsburgj recently re
signed general counsel of. the
OPA, the Washington Post said
Thursday night ? ! V
. A house subcommittee heard
testimony last month that Gins
burg, SO years old, was being con
sidered 'for In army commission
after he was deferred from the
draft as an irreplaceable official.
Ginsburg has asked to be induct
ed Into the army f in the usual
manner, . Mr.;. Roosevelt was re
ported as saying. '1-
The president; . In a letter to
Prentiss Brown, OPA adminis
trator, said Ginsburg is "a young
man who was .working day- and
night onour, war effort long be
fore some "who now : attack him
realized the danger to which our
country was, exposed, the Post
reported:' v j
Lewis at Hearing '
Blood Givers Lauded
PORTLAND, April lr(ff)-Do-
nation of blod to the American
Red Cross for the making of blood
plasma is the greatest contribu
tion non-combatant can make to
the war effort. Dr. ;Jy Canby Rob-
insonn national director, of the
project, said .here Thursday. The
Washington, :DG, Red Cross of
ficial said the natkinaj quota has
risen, to 85,000 pints a week.
;:-);', . W ' -
Mabe Monday Wins '
SAN MATEO, Calif., April 1
(A-Mabe Monday won- the $1200
John L. Lewis (above) speaks
sharply during a give-and-tako
exchange which marked bis.
testimony before the senate
war Investigating committee In
Washington, Lewis flatly refus
ed to abandon his fight for a f t
a day wage increase for bltumif
nous coal miners whoso diet be
described as deficient to the
point of endangering produe
tivity.' Associated Press Tele
mat. '.. , .
Mare Island Allowances six fur-
long feature at Bay Meadows -track
Thursday in 1:11 25. Jer
ry Lee was second. Country Gent
third. '
Penney 's 41sl ilnniversaiy . i . Penhey;s 41sl Anniversary
fAC. ! V-fffv
, f . 5 1TJ Sal . j II (,) Z
I I ment's notice. Choose yours in sleek navy. 1 -' -iri 1 J: ' - jJbJw 1 ji
7- zyjS SeoI Floor Crisp Posolions For Your Coot
fxX&'xU ""V Nil Demur Bonnets With Your Suit . .
i r- vv . t fit i l : . x f
. -VI I I I 11-14 - fJ, ' - HT1 I...
-V -' 1 Second Floor 4
w -
? Smartly tailored rayon
I strutter or 1 u a n a cloth.
! Slim fitting : slacks with
I either belted or plain jack
et. Sizes 12 to 20.
Clover Sty lea In The New Season's Smartest Fabric!
He-back Mode! With Plunging Neckline!
Surprise Blouse With Peg-top Skirt!
Casual Style With Gathered Waist!
Color is the thing for you this year . . .for gay charm, for
versatile wear, and for your own morale! When it's com
bined with the textured silkiness of rayon jersey you'll find
it doubly successful! Select yours from this fine aroup of
fresh frocks that have all the new tricks of the season . . .
peg top skirts, impressed pleats, soft gathering in the
blouses, and novelty necklines. Bright colorful flower prints
in unusual combinations. Sizes 12 to 20.
New Braid Trimming For Distinction I
Dark Shades With White!
Pastels With Matched Trim!
The first choice of the smart girl, in the
springtime, is the versatile little two-piece
frock that can turn; itself into a suit at a mo
ment's notice. Choose yours in sleek navy,
touched with dazzling white,, or soft, confi
dent pastels with rich braid in the same
tone! Jackets are nicely fitted and skirts
flared. Sizes 12 to 20.
Be-Bibhoned Spring Straps
.98- .'.;
Rayon Crepe
See this smart collection,
smooth, washable, rayon
crepe in short sleeve styles!
Colorful prints for the new
season! . -
Second Floor
Second Floor
v In Popular Colors!
Set the mood for your own personal
spring with jagay, perky little hatl
That's as good as any tonic! Here you "
may choose jrom our fine collection of
smart berets, coy bonnets, trim postil
ions, and popular pompadour styles.
Ribbon or feather trimming ! f "1
New Season Styles In Casual or Dressy Typos!
Bcdgci Coals and Ssils
All-woel Fleeces
O AIl-wool Shetlands
O Tine Cavalry Twill
'If ypu must watch your budget , , you'll do '
yourself a favor if you watch Penney 's new
fasljicnsl You'll revel in,&is fine selection of
gay, casual boxy coats in all-wool Shetland ;
. dashing wToparound styles In all wool
fleepe, . , . intriguing dressy suits In oavalry, ;
twiU and all-wool Shetland. Many other styles
,v to spit your fancy I i Popular spring shades ir
fdzes 12 to 20. ' i " '
! ; - -