The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1943, Page 14, Image 14

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    2 V
( -
Planning on attending the grand opening 'of the "Lucky"
Beavers' ball season in Portland May 5? If so, and there'll prob-
ably be more than a few villagers go north for the opener since
the Schefter regime is a thing of the" past, just get iijt touch with
either Tom Holman, the gent
who'll tell you there's none bet
ter than Victory brew or Cliff
Parker; local dispenser , of vari
ous and sundries in the sport
ing goods 1 i n e. Bill Klepper
business boss of the new deal
on Portland's Vaughn , street,
has already ' forwarded Hol
man some 70 ducats for the
opener 'and between the Salem
Brewery's No. 1 promoter and
Parker there are about 35 left
for local 'consumption. The
seats are some of the best in the
park and are located on the
third-base side. And from the
reports , on how "the new deal
ers - have opened the purse
strings in Portland' the "Lucky"
Beavers (as they're now officially called) should be something
to see at that finally.
-.- Kleeper himself writes us
nrAtt-cr Ufinrl if nil tVio rl
New Deal Has Come- We're Convinced
Personally we now know a vast rejuvenation has taken "place
on the dab. Klepper sent us a press pass for the season, a deed
unprecedented as far as this department Is concerned J
; Incidentally, if youll look real closely behind that j undersized
smudge pOt protruding from Holman's mouth in the above shot youll
see the plug "Mr. Victory? insisted should get in. U f
.'Vv- If yoave nothing else to do some day bat worry about get
; ting m a little exercise, take a whirl ai the new obstacle coarse
oat st the high school we guarantee youTI ret the ; exercise all
' right and then some. And you wont have to worry about your
kid's -physical fitness after a month on that layoat4-heH be
ready for anything- the army, navy or marines have to i offer. The
If -pieced course is a real pee
OHSAA Picks Not Only
Looks as if the Oregon High Schools Activities association's way
of picking an All-State hoop team isn't the only, floperoo. The official
All-America selections after the recent AAU tourney-at Denver not
, only lefvGail Bishop off the first
be it's politics, as who else made
lng; the show? And who else
v recora: ine learns were supposed to have been some; of the best
AAU outfits in the country, too, so Bishop was up against rugged
competition. ... - . . . : j s
When Frisco Edwards leaves for his "duties in the Coast wheel,
. and. it won't be long now, the Capital Post Legion boys: will be tn
; the market for a referee for their soldier fight fiestas every other
, Friday night. Bob Board man and Harry Levy are well up In the
running for the Job although ItH probably fall to Levy since
Boardman figures he's a little too far along- for that sort of stuff
.'any ..more.- -;-
'They're the Best, Says Boardman
While we're at it, three cheers for the'ref whoever he is. Both
Frisco and his successor toss in their chores free gratis.
Incidentally, Boardman, who's been around the game long enough
to know a fighter when he sees one, says the soldier swing-sessions
at the armory are the fightin'est brawls he's ever seen for amateurs.
So drop' in a week from tonight and see a real slam-session.
fThere is merit to the Idea "Pants' Rowland has wherein all
Coast clubs buy extra sets of uniforms for the visiting teams"
says San Francisco's Will Connolly, "but we're afraid some mis
chievous soul, such as F. J. O'Doul (Xefty to you), would Queer
the works by taking off the words 'Visitors', and substituting
'Bashers,' 'Clowns,' or "Batterfingers' and that would be a
mental handicap to guests within our gates. -
Giants Market for 1B-M an-
Johnny Mize Joins the Navy
PORTLAND, March 25-P)
Salmon fishermen will have
luck in the Willamette and
Rogue, rivers this weekend, the
state game commission predict
ed Thursday.
Its weekly bulletin gave the
following county repot ts:
Clackamas Willamette yield
ing salmon from ; Portland to
Oregon City. .
Coos Catches o f steelhead
and" large trout reported from
CoullIe river but most other
streams offer poor fishing.' Ten
Mile lake yielding large trout.
Bass fishing only fair.
! Curry- Salmon weighing over
pounds taken from Rogue;
No reports from other streams.
1 Lincoln- Few steelhead taken
from Salmon, river and cut
throat trout caught occasionally
la 'other streams.
J Clatsop and Columbia Poor'
fishing. '4.
. .; - -v. , . r. . .
lilaim.l nicks
'Notiier Feller
EVANSVILLE, IncL, March 25
(iTj-Practically every- kid with a
, fast ball has been, labeled by over
enthusiastic admirers as "another
Bob Feller," but the Detroit Tigers
believe they have 'the successor
to; navy Bob - as the American
League's foremost , speedballer in
Virgil -Firel. Trucks. ....r
V Because': of Illness,: the Zof.
pound Birmingham. Ala. young
ster worked a vrelatlvety 'small
number xtf 1SS innings last year,
but Manager Steve O'Neill In
tends to use him much snore In
2941. Trucks declared Thursday
be expects to become a 2-game
winner,; and he probably wiU
'pitch the season opener against
the Cleveland Indians, whom he
beat three times last. year. '
LONDON, - March 'UHPCam
mander, George Whiteside HH1
. yard, RN' (retired), 79, formerly
efse of Enj?ands best tennis play
ers nd secretary of the All Eng
land club at Wimbledon" from 1907
t Ji23, d.'tsl Wednesday. . .
; ; I
that, the club "is going to look
- dinger.
Bum Ones
team but the second as well! May
50 and 16 points in two games dur
broke the all-time tourney scoring
8 T LOUIS, March 25-;p)
The New York Giants can start
looking- 'for a first baseman.
Johnny Mize Is in the navy.
"' The husky, fencej-busting in
fielder was sworn into the ser
vice Thursday afternoon after
passing his physical at Jeffer
son barracks. Now he has seven
days to wind up his affairs and
go all out for Uncle Sam.
Mize took the oath, and then
Said cheerfully: j .
-fl was ready to Join up when
ever I was called aid had made
up my mind that! t was going
Into the navy. I guess I like this
branch of the service.'
Basketball Scores
NCAA Eastern Championships
Finals at New York . . '.;
. Georgetown 53, Depaul 49.
Dartmouth 51, New York uni
versity 49. , ; " ' "
Ex-Ringsjter Tom Heeney Still
r: "vmf -""lulon f l? years
utvuuory tranian me united
niiiiiui wua pounos,
the now-aging -Rosk- j, n cp,..
etal service with an athletic unit.
Today i we sat together at this
tropic base batting the breese
about Beeney's present life and
hs i prime' fighting j days of the
late' 1926s when) Tom was
matched against the top heavy
weights but never; quite man
aged to achieve the champion
ship, i r, ; -. .
He told me that m his' opinion
Jack Sharkey, with whom he went
to a 12-round draw; in 1928, was
the best heavyweight he ever
fought ( - r i fj-v-V if, . v;- . .
i "How about Tunney, 1 asked.
. Gene Tunney. then world eham
pkn. knocked out tleeney In 11
rounds at Yankee stadium July
24V , 1928. shortly; before he re
tired, i ?- i Hi- 4- t(
."Mister Tunney ,is'a. commander
and my senior offker.". Tom re-
pued.' It wouldn't be poUcy for
me to say anythhur abont him
Now apDroachint 44 1 h m.i.
white hair in beautiful contrast tn
skin colored mahogany by equa
torial suns, : Heeney. believes he
Fort JLeivis Fighters Challenge Camp Adair's 381st Team
To Slug lt!Out in Armory Ring tiere on Fridciyynl 23 :
. ! Camp Adair's LL Bob Barrett
has gone and put his foot in It.
He's the chatterbox; mothering
hen of ! the undefeated .; Stlst
boxing- team which t has easily
won the .honors in Salem's two
all -soldier fistic fiestas this
far, and has been spouting that
his battlers , form I the best
pouching outfit, on the coast. 1
'- As news travels fist and far,
. Capt. r John , E." Kirk, ; special
' service officer of Fort Lewis,
up In Washington, get wind if
Barrett's carry In jrsn and
Thursday Issued thej lieutenant,
or any other outfit In Camp
Firpo States
Date May 5
Red Cross Benefit
Battle in Coliseum
- i -
BUENOS AIRES, March 25-yp)
Luis Angel Firpo; Argentine
heavyweight who once, fought
memorable bout with i Jack Demp
sey, announced Thursday thatj he
will take Alberto Lovell, present
Argentine champion, to the United
States for a bout with World
Heavyweight Champidn Joe Louis
at the Los Angeles Coliseum j on
May 5. . I
According to Firpoj the match
will be staged for the benefit) of
me rtea cross.
Louis, a sergeant in the United
States army, has not been per
mitted to defend his title and the
war department recently rejected
a suggestion for a Louis -Billy
Conn title bout in Pittsburgh for
which admission charges would
be the purchase of war bonds.;
: , i
Bearcats Play
Corvallis Site First
Of Annual Clashes
Willamette university's "mod
ernistic"' baseball ers trek to Cor
vallis today to do annual ballgam
ing with Coach Ralph Coleman's
Oregon State Beavers. According
to other papers the WU-OSC
game was slated for tomorrow
and even a week from tomorrow,
but 'Cat Coach Spec! Keene said
Thursday, "I don't know where
they got it we play pregbn State
Friday and the Penitentiary Sat
urday." - i I
Keene also said Bill Hanans
ka, Brooklyn Dodger farmhand
hurler - made "eligible" again
under Willamette's new trend,
would do all the mound work
today for his club! and Clint
Cameron, another professional,
would do the receiving. - j
Around the Bearcat infield will
be Wes Saxton at firt. Art Baird
at second and Molalla's Bud Lar
son and Don Hilton it short ind
third progressively. The outfield
will be Gordon Kunke, Ben
Schaad and Don Ackley. j
Coleman said Thursday he
would divide the Beaver pit
ching chores between three men
Don Cecil, the OSC hoop
ster; Sheldon Wlsienfeld, a
freshman, and Andy Frahler, a
The Beaver nine otherwl se
shapes up like this: Frankie Roe-
lands, catcher; Spike Johnson,
first; Don Bower, fprmer Salem
high infielder. second; Bob Chur
chill, third; Bill McCluskey, et-
terman shortstop; Don Durdan.
left field; Vic Browri, center, and
John Karamanoue, right
The tilt is set for 300 p. mi on
tne corvallis lot.
Beavers Today
but Mow for US Navy
under Heavyweight Tom Hfee-
ago is down under; again as
States naw
may referee
fcouts. I
many inter-ship
f Explaining his own position
in the service, Tom said he had
been offered a chiefs ratinr
. the navy's ' athleUe branch ; but
preferred enlistment! as aa ordi
nary seaman. . , j
-PORTLAND, Ore March 25 Oft
WiUiam ;a . Klepper, l business
manager : of the Portland Pacific
Coast league baseball club, an
nounced .Thursday night the- pur
chase of Spencer Harris, utility
outfielder-and first baseman, from
the .SeattlelRamiers.f.r 'A
.jepper saia me veteran was
acquired , fera" straight cash deal
but did not disclose the considera
tion. -Neither did Klepper say1
when Harris would report to the
Beaver training camp at San Jose.
CalttV ;
-. .... - - -7
IOeppt3r; Buys
opence Harris
i .. .
Adair for the matter,! a chal
lengo to do fbticuflinr .ln our
armory ring come Friday night,"
April ZS. In other words, Capt.
Kirk. figures the 381st mother
ing' hen has been . out in the
rain too. long. . . j.. ,
: Anyway. If such m punching
party can be arranged between
the two camps It win! give the
fight fans of Salem and vicinity -an
extra card during the month,
of April. j - -:
As yet LL Barrett cant be
found for his answer; to the
Fort Lewis challenge. Since
Barrett's . undefeated j Bulldogs -
Set for Ld. Angeles
Or, If yon like, -Spring Training
u ucuiMi uh m we wvess romi neia noose awaiting- better weather c for outdoor 'drill at Bear
MounUln, NY. Tea, the windows and skylights are Insured , iust m case a sixsling liner gets through
vac new,
Cruickshank Cops North-South;
Kirkwood, Turnesa Runners-Up
P1NEHURST, NC, March 25
(JP)- Bobby Crusicksbank of
Richmond, Va, won the war
time 41st annual north and
south open golf championship .
Thursday with a total of 292
exactly 21 strokes above the
271 with which Ben Bbgan won
last year when most of the golf
ing great competed.'! - t-v.
The elder professionals found
that four rounds overj the long
championship course put their
legs to quite a test Bobby spray
ed a number of second shots
Silverton toxes Swing Open
Spring Sports Program Today
SILVERTON A baseball
in spring sports for Silverton high today. The tracksters, under
the coaching of Jiggsj Burnett, join Chemawa and Molalla in a
triangular meet at Molalla and the baseballers, under Coach Guy
DeLay, host the defending champ
ion Woodburn Bulldogs on Mc
Ginnis Field.
j .
Track lettermen back are Ken
Blast, Neville Johansen, Lloyd
Mader, Paul Dirkman and Ber
nard Bennett Diamond letter
earners are Bert Burr, Ray El
liott, Norria Anderson, Bob Fis
her and Jim Rue. Chris Chris
tenson of Los Angeles land Clyde
Reed of Stay ton are ! letterman
transfers this season.!
Tennis dates have hot yet been
set but are being arranged with
Chemawa, Canby and Molalla.
Coach Lloyd Reed, reports two
lettermen Milton Fuhr and Jim
Nelson back. Elmer Geroux,
Benny Legard, Harold Roth, Hen
ry Jackson and Maurice Meyers
are also trying out.
Sirverton's baseball and track
March. 2 Woodburn hre
April 2
Molalla Uvere
April S-bT: AnrU
" enemawa Here;- April IS Mt. An
gel there; - April 23 Woodburn there;
April 27 Molalla here; May. 3 Che
mawa there; May 11 Mt Angel here.
March 2S SOverton, Cbemawa and
Molalla at Molalla: April 2 Silverton,
"""in ino ooooura at woodburn;
April S3 Chemawa here:' ahi . sn
Molalla here: May 11 league at
'v ' i -
Ad tiska Inlcs
PORTLAND, M are h 2 4-JP
Pitcher Ad Liska signed his 1943
contract with the Portland Beav
ers and will report tof the club's
training camp in San ! Jose in a
few days, it was announced here
Thursday. Only two Players re
main unsigned,1 Ted Norbert, out-
neiaer, ana r orrest OrrelL pitch
er. . ,
Lt. Mike Balkovtc 5
Visits on Furlough : '
Mike Balkovle-now Lt Mic
hael J.Balkovio of jthe army
Intelligence departments-former
Willamette university football
tackle and assistant grid coach,
is visiting tn Salem 1 whUe en
furlough. Balkovie i wDl- report
to 4 Pueblo, Colorado,! for duty,
when his vacation Is over. -
have been tucked under ' the
covers for a month XBarrett
says they need a rest) lt Is
questionable whether ' he will
want to go - for the challenge
until after the Fort Lewis team
has proven it has- the quality of
the' fighters, on Barrett's out-'
fit. That's one reason why the
Bulldogs aren't defending their
laurels ; next Friday night ' "
Barrett la letting the 413th and
414th go at each , other that
night for the right to meet his
champs 'a , week following.
4 Therefore, It might- be neces
sary for some other Adair team
1943 Style." Anyway, It's the Brooklyn' Dodgers ball club 'working
: during the final round but man
aged a 75. Bis earlier rounds
were 72-72-74; . . . .
.Cruickshank, . a veteran of
World war no. 1, didn't have,
any strokes to spare. Joe Klrk
jwood of Philadelphia finished
lone stroke , back at 293. Third
! place was . won by Joe Turnesa
of i Rockville Center, NY, with
295. Then came Gene Saracen
of j Brookfield . Center, Corou
with 2$6, and Johnny Farrell of
BaltusroL NJ, with 298.
game and a track meet will usher
Navy Ensign
i ASTORIA, March 25--Wal-
ly Johansen, guard on the 1939.1
University of Oregon basketball
team that won
the national
c hampionship,
has' been Cora-
emission ed anen-
, isign in the navy
and is at officer
training school
at Tucson, Arii,
it' was' learned
. " .
editor of the Astorian-Budget be-
fore entering the' navy as a chief
specialist in physical r education.
Later he was transferred to gun
nery and " completed a - gunnery
course at Norfolk, Val, before be
ing assigned to Pacific fleet duty..
To Racfe Horse.
T , i MeMJTNVJLLE, i March 25.-VP)--Jlm
nartselL McMmnvllle
high school sprint star, will race
alhorse In an interclass meet at
the 'school athletic field Mon-
day. i ... i i I
Wilsons Buy-Acreage
S Mr. : and -Mrs. Frank
Wilson " have - bought . one-third
acre at ' the southeast ' corner of
East .Turner road and Sunnyview
avenue. It was "part of the former
Razee acreage.
Or.T.U Jimjt o Or.G.Caaaf
CHINESE nerbalists -241
North Liberty
D Detain! Portland Girrai Qectrtr
CoOf0co open Saturday -only -
a m to i p. m.: ie i p m
CenauJ tattoo
Blood pressure and
tree . of charge.
urtne . testa
7 .
Ui ! t ir ir . .iWAWorarMPra
"to test the Fort Lewis mettle
on April ZS before Barrett con
' descends to let his Bulldogs
climb into : the same ring wit
The ' plans are In the fire,
however, and Commander Ira
i Plleher of the local Legion post
says, ir the' fight fans of Salem
really , want to see the Fort
Lewis ' team brought here for
this additional card Barrett
or no Barrett they will have
- a chance- to express themselves
at the next show Friday, night,
'April 2. -
1 CJ-A60fM
Seals, Hollies
Swap Players;
Lien Reports
SAN STRANCrSCO, : March 25
(Jf)- ; The San Francisco baseball
club announced an intra-coast
league, deal. Thursday, in which
Brooks q Holder, ' outfielder, was
traded to Hollywood for Bernard
"Frenchy" Uhalt outfielder, and
Del Young, second baseman.'
Holder left handed hitter, has
been with the Seals since 1935.
He holds 4 the leagi e record for
triples, 24 in .1939.
Veteran Pitchers Sam Gibson,
Bob Joyce and Ray Harrell ap
peared to thrive in home training-,
conditions while Southpaw
Al Lien, newly arrived from his
home in .Toledo, Ore., seemed
ready to bear down at once.
"the complete squad will report
to iiFrank "Lefty" O'Doul, mana
ger?, next Monday.
! :
Boston Ties Montreal
MONTREAL, March 25-JP)
Overcoming a two-goal deficit
the Boston Bruins gained a 2-2 tie
with the Montreal Canadiens at
the end of three regular, periods of
their national Hockey league play
off games Thursday night. The
teams began a "sudden death" ov
ertime, period, to end with, the
scoring of a goal by either team.
Tvc been roeanin to ask
- -- - - -j! - i x-' j ; 1 j..
- THE OIJ JUDGE SAVs.. ' j '
f Sslj fci "Irn far lS;&m& :;
coupie oi weejes. jnogev wnac yea inuuc oi -m naa &u me uquor tncy wanted only it came
this prohibition talk that keeps oppin up Ki from bootkggcrt at exorbitant prices and
every so often. the governrnent was depriveci of milliohsand
a vc timu uuk vt. il ixAj,
I feel lie this about it...
"It comes from a comparatively small
group of reformers'. ..the 6arne.-tjpe that'--piunged
us into prohibition dur$.the last -war.
And, as we all remember, ito nearly
14 years of the worst crime and gangsterism
. ,i v f
' ; i;
.. . .... I S i . V -.
" Scdonxr, Oregon.! Friday
- v. ..ill!
s I
-fexas, plvlahoiiia; Play Tonight
; pCANSAS - tlTY,- Mo., March! 2MHNCAa is" simply "n
charjee at -all'J I insofar w the Oklahoma and Texas teams ar
concerned. ; ..jL-H"..;.'
-rhat was the candid opinion
, a - - i ....
Jeff ers sOkelis
' ... .- . i. . &
.M : -ri.l i:
Fir Meadows
SAT MATEO. ICalifJ March 25
(iP)-Bay Meadolvsji trackj sched
uled gto end its firrent bneeting
Rubhw. :Admioisfor William M.
Jeffefs, has receired permission to
holdacharity 'ractak -dayst Friday
ana Saturday. , fj. J .
tf$t profits of, tbe eztrsi days
wilbe turned over to this navy
welfare fund and ithe California
Turf j foundationV the Utter-ac-enc
providing funds, to strand
ed 'Norsemen whii bad shipped
her expecting is 1 52-day meet-
Wrd of the Sgrantingj of the
two yharity. days? was relayed here
frongl Los Angelle by Chairman
Jerrjf Giesler ofrUie state racing
boa following jte : latter's ..tele
phone con versatkai with the rub
ber Administrator I in Washington
Thursday;- j
sleanwblle, William b Kyne,
geral manager! of the! track,
disposed plans jto go tof Wash
ington to . seek !. an interview
wltA Jeff ers in Itaopes of get-
... . At: . . J
uny .approval to
an extension
of ie meeting.
dIytON Tvf nei teams
weHf added to t&j Yamhill Coun
ty paseball le i'lu'e this week
whe Amity, defending champion
of he now . disjblnded i"amhill
PoIK counties Af oop, and Sheri
danfof the, sameloop Were ad-
mitd. .; . . j
We league now Includes
Yaymhill, thel 1942 YamhUI
cohty titlist, tirlton, bay ton.
Dundee, La fayf tile. Amity and
Sheridan. " j ; " j
Drayton's sdiedlile "is as fol-
; farU 2 YanUui here; April
9 Amlty th er; April . IS
Shoridan there April 20j Dun-
dc here; April 23 Carlton
thec; April 27j-4Yamhil" there;
AiMl 30 Amilyf here; May 7
Sheridan here? May 1 Dun-
deCr there: May 21 C air 1 1 o n
you Dr the last fei this country has
Mxiiiy uuu .y imuwas ui uouars
U rlt teems tome, as;I told myjCongress-
man down in Washington last Aeek, that
H ' got 'aa:we can (do here at home to
T j help win this
arguing about
experience, won
Statesman Sports Editor
Morning; March 123, 1943
J . i . o
Given Nod Over
of basketball dopesters. thoso
gents who pick winners by sub
tracting the coach's age from lha
team's total points, or vice versa,
as ' four cage squads awaited
the NCAA western regional play
off. V'.,. - , -jl;' . ; ; i
Oklahoma, a third-choice rep- .
resentative, was paired against
jthe powerful Wyoming univer
sity Cowboys of Laramie while
Texas i faced . another western
giant, Washington of Seattle.
In - the evening's j nightcap. ; The
victors . meet' Saturday, night to '
determine the opponent of the '
eastern regional champion tn
New. York next Tuesday night.
Records- bear out the dopesters
judgment in - Installing the- west- .
ern -clubs as topj-heavy favorites
to meet in Saturday's title tilt.1
But dope Kthe sports variety) i (a
Cheap and the' Sooners and Long
horns, who- practiced' here Thurs-
day along, with heir rivals, as
sured siqeune oDservers tney did
n't come just -for the ride, trans
portation being what it is today.
Losers . Friday) meet j Saturday
for third place honors, j 1
Esterii Ghamp
March ( 25 - -W)
Georgetown won
the national col
legiate AA, eastern : regional bas
ketball championship Thursday
night defeating DePaul of Chicago
53 to! 49 as Lanky John Mannken
dropped in 17 points and gave
grea exhibition pt defensive play
before a crowd of 14,085 at Madi
son Square Garden. '
Georgetown will meet the win
ner of the western regional, sched
uled j for' Kansas City this week,
for the NCAA title in the Garden
Tuesday nieht. . i
our on
SAN MATEO, Califs March i 25
tflP)-Every Hour, an outsider, won
Thursday's featvtri race at Bay
Meadows j track to pay off at ; 23
to 1. Gus Dye Was in the saddle
and brdugbt hisj mount in for a
nose victory overj another long
shot, Army SongV Mad Macaw
ran third. ; .'i J . .' : ', ,v ' ; .
Thje" time for the' mile and a
sixteenth, .framed for 4 year olds
and upward, was j 1:45.1.
Every-Hour, b-'ned by the Ever
green Stock Farm, paid $48.00.
$15.00 "and $6.10. . Army Song re
turned $9.10 and $8.50 and Mad
Macaw, $4.30. i v
ever Imown. Evervbodv
m lazes, v . U ; i
war without .wasting time
things fe know;
from sad'
t work." i