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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1942)
, . s; '-. f i. Ths) OSIGOXl STATESMJL1L Salem, Oregoinu Tbmadaj Morning, January 15, IS 12 PAGE THIRTEEN Where Classified Advertlilci - v - - Statesman Classified Ads " Thre Insertions per UnaJ25c Six Insertions per line 40e One month per Unw , . $113 WW charge 25c; S tL min imum 39c; 6 tL min. 45c. No - refunds. '. ; , C ' "' v; Copy for this pai'e" accepted un til 830 the evening before publica tion for classtncattosf Copy- re ceived after this time will be run under the heading. "Too Late to Classify.?' - -. The SUtecmas sunmes no fiaan eUl responsibility tor errore which may eppeer in advertisements pub-' lished in lta columns end in cases where this paper 'la at fault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the. typographical mistake occurs, Th; Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all .' advertising . under the proper classification. - A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry i ' FARMERS WI PAY 50c per hundred for dead and worthless live stock. Phone collect. Salem. 6411. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS. Help Wanted IF YOU like to draw, sketch or int. see Talent Test ad In MisceL- eous column. Help Wanted Male WANTED A-l auto mechanic, with own hand tools. 809 Edgewater, West. Help Wanted Female WAITRESS WANTED, over 21. In quire at 3070 Portland Road. PERMANENT OFFICE POSITION FOR A SINGLE GIRL. AU applications treated in confidence. YOU ARE THE GIRL WE WANT if you are single. 21-25 years old. have speed and ability in shorthand and typing and can meet the public. Sales ability and experience are preferable. Whether you are working at present or not, you should investigate this opportun ity. See Mr. Miller. 812 State St., dur ing business hours each day or phone 2191 for appointment. WOMAN to do hswk. Phone. 4581 Situations Wanted Exp. lady, hsewk. Bx. 1909. Statesman. For Sale Miscellaneous USED WOOD. Electric and Gas ranges. Popular makes 110 and up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 255 N. Liberty ' Ph 4311 UP STAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St., Salem. Oregon JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Big Price Reductions Up to 25 and: More Sample Items if Was Now Blonde Walnut Dresser $29.50 $20.50 Blonde Walnut 17.50 Walnut Chest 25.50 17.5V Prima Vera Chest - Light Walnut Odd Nite Stand 24.50 18.50 ...25 Off . 25 Off Maple Bed Room Pie wooaen Bens Bed Room Suites Mattresses Dining Tables and Dining 25 Off 25 Off 25 Off Suites ; 25 Off Card Tables, Coffee Tables. End Ta bles, Book Cases, Smokers. Table Lamps, Mirrors and Hundreds of Furniture Items at Big Discount. - Buy Up Stairs and Save "Ask Your Friends" USED OIL CIRCULATORS YEATER APPLIANCE CO. SS8 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 USED WASHERS POPULAR MAKES YEATER APPLIANCE CO. SS5 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 LEAVING FOR Wash.. DC. appm't. ecu cream coiorea kua. radio $iz, L. C. Smith typewriter, Bond rnnri Tweed military style coat and imitation chipmunk fur coat, size IS. 658 Center, apt x. upstairs, uiu evenings. . USED ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS. YKAiEJi APPLIANCE CO. SSS N. Liberty Ph. 4311 NEW OIL circulator, ianee. coiled: table, chairs, .bed . complete, drawer enest. aaveno. bicycle. 342 evergreen. - USED G. E. FLAT TOP IRONER YEATER APPLIANCE CO. tU M. Liberty Kj. 4311 Wanted F urniture 1. N. Sc GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Sc furniture dealers will pay Sou more cash or trade for furniture t household goods. We buy or sell everyuung. ra. aiie. CASH FOR used furniture Sc house hold goods. R. Forgey. Ph. 7445. Miscellaneous IF YOU like to draw sketch or paint Write for Talent Test (No Fee). uive age ana occupation, box 1949. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVlCt Cf MOST CASES Bring or Mad Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bids, SUtt At Coral- Ph- 2311 For Rent Apartments DOWNSTAIRS, 2rm. furn. IrU water, priv. toilet. 1397 N. ConVL - hot ' FURN. S-1L. dnstrs.. oU eire. U.. w far, washer. $20. 172 8. Liberty. P. 7113. garage, grad, fir. 2390 Lee. Ph. 2941. . MOD. PULLMAN , ret. private bath. 13-$20. PB. S738. ADVERTISING . Western Advertising - Representatives ' Ceorra Dl Com. Inc. Francisco Los Angeles Seattle " Eastern Advertising - RepresentstiYes Bryant, Griffith a Branson, las. . Chicago, New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta , . 1 ' gntered at the Pestoffiee at XoIetA, , OreooM, as Second Clow Hotter. Pvb . lisaed every morning except Monday. &usteet 0Jee SIS south Commercial Ctrees. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: . Mall Subscrtptloo aatea tn Advance, Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday Me. SO cents; S Mee. Sloe. tJUi I yearSS OO. Elsewhere SO eenta per m or S8.00 tor 1 year In ad vane. Per Copy Cents, eWBBxaaua wuw. - tJy C uh a aty Carrier, S eeats a meBth. You Get The Most For I The Least. . .Statesman Classified Money to Loan : n?S-AN OLD D ' CSCKESE CUSTOM to settle an obligations the. first of each year. This may be an old Chinese: custom but it's a pretty good w.j kj start mi m any country. Let us consolidate and settle all of your bills now. You repay with oat small Installment monthly, CALKINS FINANCE CO. ; . "Salem's Personal Loan Center" , 315 Court St., Salem Phone 4448 State license 8JBM at-XIS OtnCK CASH LOANS -CALL. WRITE or phone (9183) to sajenva oiaest. - largest noma ownea and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration to the repaying of your Joan or granting of extensions. ' - 1 to 18 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay la full any time to reauce tne cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEE ROY H.; SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No M-152 JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION : Lie. No. S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9188 First door south of Ladd Sc Bush bank. Convenient ground door location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 13S South Commercial Street Phone 9188 Lie. No M-153 For Rent Apartments NEW, gr. fl.. unfurn. Close in. P. 5211. 2-RM, pri. bath. $18. 853 N. High. 2-RM- furn- 1st floor apt- water. lights. $10 and $12. 2078 Hazel Ave. FURN? SING, ap VERY nice htd. apt, $25 1580 Center. 2-RM. furn. ant Sc Karaae. also sleep ing room. Phone 9882. FURN. apts, $430 up. 1310 S. 13th. 2-R. furn, bathjt. Jit, $15. 1440 Waller. 1-2-3 rms. 250 S. Cottage. FURN. APT. Lights, water. Maytag. adults, $10.50 mo. 6241s. N. Capitol. For Rent Rooms . HOTEL. MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to Perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. SLEEPING ROOM. 725 Court NICE. WARM, near cap. 988 Center. CLOSE fin. dean. warm. Ph. 4498. NICELY furn, heated rm. 179 & 14th. SLP RM- near state bldga. Ph. 11449 FURN. hskng. rm . Its, water, heat 143 Court Ph. 394L - NEATf arm comfortable Plu 7772! Room and Board CLOSE IN 1144 Center. Ph. 8830. BETTER BRD. St rm. 749 S. Coml St For Rent Houses 10-RM. unfurnished house Sc small Furnished House. MELVIN JOHN SON. 725 Court St 7.50 MOD. HOME. 4 bedrooms. R.. 2 bear- furnace. 50 New 3-R. bung, garage. new Dung, 3 oear. ac gar. Mod. home. 4 bedrooms. BECHTEL-NEEDHAM. 341 SUte. R. 4. FURN. Sc unf. hses. 172 S. Lib. P. 7113. 4-RM. FURN. house. 2 bedrm, garage. Call 4731 after 1 p. m. MOD. court cot Close In. Ph. 521L Small house. $15. Inq. 1840 N. Church. NICELY FURN- 2 bedrm. house. basement, garage. $25. 1795 S. uoerty. S-RM. hae- furn . S22 M. 5-Rm. hse, with heater and range. S20-W. i - ti. B. srs-tiitK. 92 n. uxn i. 4-RM. mod. hse. 3238 Portland Rd. NEW. modern 4 rms. 863 N. 16th. MODERN 5-rm. furnished house. $25, Apply 1515 N. Liberty. SMALL FURN. house, suitable for 1 people. Nice garden plot, berries, $17 per mo. w . nxaa. rn. wn. MODERN cortare. corner windows. oil heat, $21. including water". 959 Garnet wi f BtAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sea exchange, lease, rent see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins St Roberta. For Rent BUS! OB shop rpece Beas. Ph. ixlL For Sale Heal Estate v i vrT eaTjr . - mnHMii WMlth SsIm. Just completely redecorated and new roof. Large lot and near schools. Priced for a ki a 6 Hiiuivms sk auxv - 273 SUte St Pnot-4 1 RVI 4-rm ham, cloae to Leslie Jr. Hi. Basement, furnace, garage St vcfT VTV JftHNSOW. REALTOR T2S Court St Phone 3723 A REAL SACRIFICE, Owner pur chased farm. Will sell house, corner lot. en easy terms. H. C SHIELDS, Ores. Bldg, Ph. 8902. u km. Ii.iIiiiiiiiii nalr floors. fireplace 'and Venetian blinds. A real k...-.i. . riimlhiM tf wanted. See Mr. Hardy, with HAWKINS St ROBERTS. 1NU Keaiiers, ZLOISDJS I ,(G0CWESS.J ( . 1 TVBSJOBtS ) . 'f -T. 'p ' f Money la Loan . ffp'. Resort Prperfy . ' . t6m J S r. v 'Z i FOR;'y' owner. I; .i-'.-v."- . ! Reasonable - terms. Overlooking; the fU- 'i-i.-.uo.'' ocean, beautiful view, oa SUte Hiway. Uasn in a Hurry fssssxss- .- "'g - - outbuilding of S rooms, concrete f oun- 't'.- ! ,-- .;., dation, full plumbing. I with, Seating pPpCrVM AT f nnity'K. Bush, Yachats, Oreg. - riLlOUlNL. BnUness OppqrtitniUefl FINANCE CO. r, ; : i -,- m.ltZKr2 LADIES ORESS SHOI In valley town. - f "f Btfr Jr2r.- . clean stock. Sold before market week. S Doors West of Capitol Theatre Price $750. Write Box 1950. eo SUtes- Ph. Xll License Not, S-m ft If -MS man. . - I-. AutO LoanS ' ''nEW . r SERYtCE sUbon In valley r ' "'J-"'.: town. News-room house tn rear. Would Willamette Credit Co. - SfwSt4 hHM? tr,de- 1709 STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING tJL : LICENSE N. M-139 , . VJ - ; .- - . ; i-j ' -TO RESPONSIBLE person One of ' FHA LOANS .4. also priv. leans, the finest lunch Sr fountain businesses Ahrams V Elhs, lac, Masonie Bldg. in Salem for rent Other interests. Ph. '''''i'i'-'i-''' 9843, appointment . ; WE LOAN on farm. residential Si --- i business property. WU1 buy mortgages , c or contracts. HAWKINS eV ROBERTS, . KOT Sale WoOd INC, Realtors. Guardian Building. n i: 4 T. ITR wood. $5 cd. Willow, S4-S0 j j Loans Wanted Hkettd,L wuc ' A WANTED PRIVATE MONEY S CORD LOAD. S1L50. Pb. 6217. TO LOAN on good Salem real as- tate. WU1 pay 8 Interest OLD FTR. Ph. 3380 Ashcraft W. H. URABENHORST Si CO. REALTORS WOOD, ph. 5370. Graen. 413 U. 31st For Sale Real Estate Wood Sawing DONT RENT Buy one of our lower Wood sawing St hour work. P. 7073. priced houses. We offer: -.--i-- ' 3 rms, fine lot In S. Salem for $750. 930 N. Coml. Phone 3323. 4 rms, E. Salem for $1000. ' S rms, S. 18th for $1200. r . i 8 rms.. furn-t Urge lota, beautiful Lost and round trees. Englewood Add, for $1900. ; SMr?r EUChUds&er LOST-Whlte wire-haired terrier. Age 9 yrs, female. Reward.. Ph. 8411. 6-R. HSE, 3 bedrms. Real close in Pergonal 6n Center St Must selL $2000 cash. 11 ? Good 4-r. hse. Close in. N. part of GIRLS I want a wifes Will exchange town. $1225 cash. wedding ring for sUtus of husband of Other good cash buys. American lady. I was born In RumanU FTT TV7' and am trapped at Mexican border. El " CUT My papers give my occupation as a 489 Center Realtor Ph. 9411 dancer, which Is correct in a general --wx. way. It was an easy life ... if you V A, ex. soil. $175. $3 an, $3 mo. had a deep voice and; knew how to Close in. BUDROW. Ph. 5965. look st a woman. The fates are trying wx to "Hold Back the Dawn" for me. I FOR SALE or lease Kingwood need an American wife as a way out Heightt Cape Cod home. Carpeted. 3 Georges Iscovescu. firepUces. automatic oil heat Terms. Ph. 4470 or 3573. . . . , MRS. BRANT Palmistry Special $3 readings for $1. 1 Blk. N. Salem city IF YOU are looking for a real home, llmiu on Portland Road. Sunderland here It is. Just finished 1890 N. 18th Auto Court St, in restricted district A small down ; pymt, balance like rent 9 rms, full T7.J IT.-J basement, automatic convertible, air- Wanted Used vATS conditioned furnace. To realize the n i convenience, you must see it Built and guaranteed by W. A. Cladek. 1439 N. P A Oil leth. Phone 4277. I A lH 1 For Sale Farms for your car oM equity i No car too old. No car too new for 110 ACRES, 8 cows, team and equip- buf- . ment Hay and wood. Springs and rrom SIO to SlfWCLOO. creek. Small Building. Priced to sell. CASH MM EDIATEL Y See J. H. Johnson with T. U REEDY. No OeUy No Red Tape 32. Oregon Bidg. Ph. S46S. . Burgoyne Motor Co. Acreage HM?quTrPorunB ta . 440 Center St Phone 11533 $100 DN.( if sold at once). 10 A., $3600. New barn, gar, hen hse creek. rrrT C A CXT tTTr,'C Wood for own use. 4 rms. St nk, kitch- 1 Ur L.A0XI JtI1Lj f'.fii: w,t- y- Near Salem. 173 - FOR YOUR USED CAR S. Liberty. OR EQUITY ANY MAKE BARGAIN in .Irm. house, on on. ' ARNSBARGER floor, basement St furnace. Lot 200 ft HffiTAT? -Ffl deep. East Salem, $2750. E. Z. Terms. 1UU1UA XJKJ. Pb-9580. ; nn'. 365 N. -COMMERCIAL I 113 ACRE FARM G 1 EhureJWW G SHROCK per A. ' To Buy or Sell Your Car W. H. GRABENHORST St CO, Realtors . J N-lutlhTP5on S? 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 N. E. Corn. Church St Chem. Ph. 7922. timber bargain For Sale Used Cars 55 ACRES, mostly oak. Some second growth. 100 cds or more cut "miles PRIVATE OWNED 41 Olds touring from Salem. $1200 cash. Ph. 9580. sedan. 40 Plymouth deluxe sedan, radio. low mileage A-l condition. Call 8421 Wanted Real Estate gJSSS&JL: 31 MOD. A sport coupe. Good cond. I HAVE a cash buyer for small acre- r. 1168 N. 19. Ph. 8707. age. Close in. js chev truck, good cond. Priced F. H. Weir to seU. 3390 Claud or 3483 Mission. 469 Center Btor Ph S41 jt "39 MODEL A coach, heater, big tires. WE SOLICIT your listings, for sale swwi. or rent. Give us a trial. T. L. REEDY, 37 V8 tudor sedan. Radio, heater. Bar 328 Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 646$. gain. 152 S. 13th. Business Directory Cards la this directory ru 1 Prmtinst oa a monthly basis enly. B Kste: i L25 per lias per for stationery, cards, pamphlets. month. programs, books or any . kind of print- mg. call The SUtesman; PrlnthM De- mmm partment 215 S. Commercial. Tele- Auto Brakes a Mike Panek. 379 South Commercial Plnmblfjg ' . PLUMBING, GENERAL repaif work. Bicyclet i Craber Bros, 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. BICYCLES. New and reconditioned. (tawdries Harry W. Scott. 147 a Com'cL P. 4518 jawuMSI . .- CALL -Scotty Smith, Ph. 3283 or CnimneY Sweeps Johnnie Zumstein, 3-125S. Vacuum cleaned chimney, furnace. Roof Schools repair. Free estimate. Kennedy. P. 8056. " TELEPHONE 4450. B. . Northncsa aALESa5SS5UR001' ' Write, Phone or Call ! Excavating 1 for BooMet soo tt, cspitoi EXCAVATION OF an kinds. Base- Trailers meats dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt , for sale. Salem Sand St Gravel P. 9403. To Buy. o, rent SIS N. Front ' Ph. 3176S. i i Florists mm - - - Transfer Breithaupt-a 447 Court. Phona S19S. r' ' U-DRTVE TRUCXSrOR RENT. Funeral Directors Blanks furn. m s. l. t ttna. TOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer, tarwllliger Funeral Home. Ph. 892S. gSSZFSfc , Freight Including Calif, points. Lanner j MattresSCT . Transfer Co. Ph. SUL cruSa.i? mg Yacnnm Qeaner Senrice cleaning St weaving. S 13th St Wilbur. - '. TeL 8441 Zwlckera. FREE Inspection Ut your home. An- thorised Hoover servlceif We service an CAPITOL! BEDDING CO, Phone 408S. makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. S02X Painting & Papernanging -WeR Drilling - ? larperlenceoVReasoriable. Ph. 4328. B. A. WEST. Rt S. Boat SiS; Ph. 3-339$. 1 g 1 I OPTO CUtst ThreocU Among fhsv Gold. V im.bMMMaK.W.'HM For Sale Used Cars 60 41 Pontiac Streamliner 41 Ford Super 6 Pass. Coupe 40 Olds 6 Pass. Coupe ' 40 Plymouth Del. Sedan 39 Plymouth Del. Sedan 39 Olds Deluxe Sedan 39 Ford 60 Tudor 38DeSoto Sedan 38 Dodge Sedan 37 Dodge Sedan 37 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 37 Chev. Deluxe Tudor 37 Ford 60 Tudor 36 Ford Pickup 36 Dodge l)eluxe Coupe 36 Dodge Deluxe Sedan 36 Plymouth Sedan 35 Plymouth Sedan 34 Chev. Sedan 34-Chev. Master Sedan 34 Plymouth Sedan 35 Olds Sedan 32 Pontiac Sedan 34 Ford Cab. 31 Ford Tudor 29 Pontiac Sedan 29 Chev. Sedan Many Others to Choose From ORVAL'S USEI) CARS Center at Church Sts. Ph. 4703 Legal Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have filed In the Cir cuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Marion County, Probate Department, their verified final account as Executors of the es tate of Belle Fletcher, deceased, and said Court has fixed Tues day, February 3, 1942, at ten o'clock A. M., in the Circuit Court Room in the County Court house at Salem, in said County, for hearing of said final account and all objections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 1st day of January, 1942. EUNICE H. TOBIE and SILAS M. FLETCHER . Executors, Estate of Belje Fletcher, 'Deceased. 1 RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. J 1-8-15-22-29. ESTATE OF MRS. NELLIE TANNOCK, DECEASED NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE -CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE. OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH DEPARTMENT OF PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF MRS. NELLIE TAN NOCK, Deceased. No. .47-334 Notice is hereby given that by virtue of Paragraph Four of the Last Will and Testament of Mrs. Nellie Tannock, Deceased, direct ing and empowering the executor of the estate of Mrs. Nellie Tan nock, Deceased, to sell and con vert into cash all the real prop erty which the deceased owned at the time of her death. The United States National Bank of Portland, (Oregon), the GARS m - v ft v p1 r i ' Chine family at Ctaagsha . . . war lefagees According to the Chinese Ugh command at Chungking, 52,000 Jap anese were lulled and wounded at Changshs. in a three-day battle around the Hunan Province capital. ! Of this total, the Chinese, claim Jap casualties numbered $0,000 in one day's lighting. The picture above, abowing a Chmeae family resting by the roadside after their home had been destroyed curing a previous auneee-japanese ragement, was taken near ChangshsV - f MS Legal Notice duly qualified and acting execu tor of the estate of Mrs. Nellie Tannock, Deceased, tinder and by virtue ofsaid Paragraph Four of the Last Will and Testament of said Mrs. Nellie Tannock, De ceased, will on or after the 6th! day of February; 1842, proceed to sell at private sale to the high est and best bidder for cash, or part cash and part credit, either as a whole or in separate parcels the following described real prop erty to-wit: The south half (SH) of the southeast quarter (SEVi) of the southwest quarter (SWVi) of Section 16, Township 7 South, Range 2 east, of the Willamette Meridian in Mar ion County, Oregon. Bids will be! received st the Trust Department of The United States National ! Bank of Port land, (Oregon). Dated this 29th day of Decem ber. 1941. Date of first publication, Jan uary 1, 1942. Date of last publication, Jan uary 29, 1942. THE -UNITED; STATES NATIONAL BANK7 OF PORTLAND (OREGON). By L. B. Staver 1 Assistant Trust Officer Executor of the Estate of Mrs. Nellie Tannock,. De ceased. J 1-8-15-22-29. NOTICE OF iAPPOINMENT. have been appointed by the-Cir-cuit Court of ; Marion County, Oregon, Probate department, as Executrix of the estate of Her man Bieck, deceased, and have qualified as such Executrix; all persons having i claims against said estate are notified to pre sent the same duly verified, tone,, at "305 Oregon Building, Salem, Oregon, within six months -from the date of this notice.' ' f Dated at Salem; Oregon, ' this 1st day of January, 1942. HELENA RIECK, . . Executrix of Estate of Her man RIeck, deceased. RONALD GLOVER, Attorney, Salem, Oregon. r J 1-8-15-22-29. Funds Given for Animal Control f Seventeen' Oregba counties will share hvttie $10,200 allocation foe predatory animal control made by the state agricultural department for the first six months of 1942. The appropriations are based upon the necessity for control and eradication of predatory animals, and also the willingness of coun ties to match the amount set aside. " Maximum allocated for , each county for the next six Udnthstt Baker $500, Grant $1000, Mor row $750, union $200, Klamath $500, Wheeler $500, Douglas $450, Umatilla $500, Gilliam $750, Jack son $825, Wasco $500, Malheur $375, Marion $250, Harney $1000, Sherman $300, - Wallowa $500, Lake $1000 and administration $1000. Cow Gives Birth to Third Set of twin JEFFERSON Hugh Bilyeu, who lives in the Greens Bridge district was surprised Monday when he went to do his chores and found his Jersey cow had given birth to her third set of twins. This makes eight calves in five years. Lodges Pidfic Lod No. 50 JUT JUL JC Stated MMtinffs FrL, Jan. It, p. m. Bjr order W. If. .v 'if!'"-' By cmc YOuiiQ ftUK ill "N. I 111 fr iff Labor Problems Snbjectatr Salem Meet, Vital, labor-problems connect ed with the 1942 harvest of Ore gon's varied farm crops discussed at i a. meeting ot the agricultural committee of. -'.the state advisory council of the US employment service here Friday, Methods to be used in: recruit ing new workers' m-berry, "bean and "hop fields, :.orchards ' and grain harvesting, will be' present ed. The -February Inventory- of available; women Is expected to serve as .reservoir sf labor for seasonal fnrni ;work. , ..- Gov, Charles A. Sprague will , V .. -: t x . " " - , 7 - V-'V r. " ' - ' ' if ' M - g . J Warned by Sautre Slossum (Gem beclanlng to talk, Jabei (James. Craig), interrupted In the midst of a champagne celebration with the mysterious girl "from'-over the mooBtains' (SImone Simon), laughs at his friend's perturbation. Scene from William Dleterie's remarkable production, "All That Money Can Buy." Story. Is based en Stephen Vincent Benefs short story classic. "The Devil and Daniel Webster." Now playing at the Capitol' with companion, feature '"Road Agent," with Leo -Carrffio and Andy Devine. , . , - . - Jane Weaver as Elviry and Leon Weaver as Abner ... as they appear in their Utest hoi-billy riot, "MonnUin Moonlight." now showing at the Hollywood theatre, and second hit. Bod Abbott and Lou CosteUo In their latest comedy hit, "Hold That Ghost," with the Andrews Sisters and Ted Lewis and his entertainers. Cross Word 2 14 s 17 to 21 21 25 24 25" 2 3 34 36 137 5T 41 42 1? 47 5 50 51 HORIZONTAL " I sharp tor the taste 8 perched s-Huineral U ' '' spring Uaiarm 12 open (poet) 13 " yicTsikatur 14 eystentef fnmisnn. - cation lH small island IT Luzon -aegrite : -1$ flowing out 20 favorites 22 replied 25 Scottish , , . Arctic t. ' explorer 25 denoting : - the middle part : -;:" TaxHsh. . . decree -.28 that thing - 29 decay SO those in:. - eSce : :' 11 District , Attorney -' (abbr.) 32 measured , . rhythm $4 length -measure. 25 be unwell $5 likely to 38 high cards 29 whitened 40 female deer 41 wholly absorbed 43 journalist 47 toward the sheltered ' side 4S before 49 thin piece of baked elay 50 spread for . dryinf 11 beast of . ; burden - 12 sour ;r ' ' Answer to yesterday's puzzle. ON PIA: Afstaee ttsM ef silstliaitl sUeatss, " . IHrtlSlUS W KM tsMsM Ullm Sm J Sfage giVe.' theK opening ' address. Dis ctionsriii'iU(bele C StolL ' state director of employ--ment service; J.' J". Fisher, Jres ham: Berry Growers,; and R. J. Magleby,- assistant regional di rector "for federal - security ad ministration -..f.,,. -r Ei&-Zieglert Hood River, is dudnnaa of - the: committee. Daughter Artives r - : . WHEATLAND Mrl and .Mrs . James Fflley, residents of the Wheatland, district for several years," who moved to Newberg last IfaU are-the, parents of a daughter born -recently st Port land She has been named Dora. This Is then- second- child but first girL - - j - , - lUiarf) that, the' neighbors are Puzzle 8 10 jo 3i 7A 36 'A 40 4 52 TESTICAL 1 rmakaan . edging 1 salntstien 2 narrate 4V-llowanees for waste 5 variety efbeaa 6 add 10-land- 13 lieuid neasnres 15 symbol for tastaima 19 4nrpresslag with rever ential fear 0 to dress sa ; years S Caaaanite - leader t comrade X2 river island TiTfgnsniS ' for Edward 14 distributes zS-ethical ! 29 eefand ! SO wrath 13 "Crowned 84 ehnrch , eflirials j W partaining : to vinegar, 87 Kentucky ' : college town 88 ' rnifti artery 49 -accomplish 41 rodent ! 42 malt drink 44- toot4iks v i ' part . . 45 Hebrew ' - - high priest 45 primary " color; happen adjacent countlea. i