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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1942)
t Church Holds Annual Meet J i '. Amity Group i Elects, Hears Reports of YearV Activity AMITY The annual business meeting and roll call of mem bers! was held Sunday at the Baptist church of Amity, with Rev.) J. L. Wherry, McMinnville, guest speaker. ; J . . - A covered dish dinner i was served before the business meet ing, (at which R. W Konzelman was moderator. 1 Mrs, H. A. Robinson, church clerk, read a report of the year's work. Several , - members ; have been added to the church roll. All obligations have been met. Church officers elected: Clerk, Mrsi John Herndon; trustees, Frank Osborn, reelected, ,W. R. and ! Ralph Konzelman; treasurer, Mrs, J. M. ", Umphlette; finance committee, : M. T. : Henderson, Frank Osborn, Mrs. jf. MY Umph lette; social committee, Doris Konzelman,; Naomi Herndon and Dorothy McCaslin. j . Pulpit committee, M. T. Hen derson, W. R. Konzelman, Frank Osburn, John Herndon and Mrs. J. A. Breeding; ushers, Ralph Konzelman, Bernard Kosta and Earl Henderson. Publication committee, Mrs. A. w. Newby; assistant, Mrs. A. B watt; church missionary commit tee,; Mrs. i A. B. Watt; assistant, Mrs. J. O. Casteel, land pianist, Dons Konzelman; assistant pian .1st, Mrs. John Herndon. . The Baptist church is ' at pres ent without a pastor. Rev. J. A. MoHetti, who has been resident pastor since June, 1940, left last week for Seattle where he is em ployed in defense work. Mrs. Mo letti and children will leave the end of this week to make their home in Seattle. Mid Willamette Valley NJews Reports from The Statesman's 78 Community Correspondents Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning January 91942 PAGE NINE Funeral Rites Held Today " WOODBURN Frank Feth about 75, died at his home in Hubbard Tuesday. He had lived in Hubbard for many years and has no known relatives, i Funeral services will be held this morning at 9 o'clock at St. Agnes church in Hubbard with Father - Keane officiating. Inter ment Will be in St. Luke's ceme tery at Woodburn. Ringo of Woodburn is in charge rf arrangements. Driver Sentenced WEST SALEM Robert Hill, jr., was arrested by Officer Parker for driving a car when tinder the influence of intoxicating liqour. He was fined $150 in police court and sentenced to 30 days in jail. He was committed to serve out the term in jail. Lodge Groun Takes Office ! Impressive Ceremony Marks Intallation At Mill City ; MILL CITY Marilyn chapter, OES, MiU City, held a special meeting Monday at which time of ficers for the ensuing year were installed before guests and mem bers of the chapter. , The open installation ceremony was impressively performed by the following officers: Vivian Hoenig, installing officer; Mary Kelly, marshal; Mary Higdon, chaplain; and Edith Schroeder, organist Corsages were presented to the installing officers, the two courtesy girls, Lola Mae Needham and Dorothy Shuey and to Mabel Needham, the new worthy ma tron. Throughout the ceremony, gifts were presented to each offi cer, by the courtesy girls. A trio consisting of Maxine Hill, Doris Sheythe and Mary Kelly, sang. A special - number by Maxine Hill and Doris Sheythe was surig in honor of the worthy matron, Mabel Needham, and a bouquet of flowers, given by the chapter, was presented by Mary Kelly, to the past matron, Elsie Potter, and the past patron, E. S. McRobert. Those officers installed were Mabel Needham, worthy matron; Donald Sheythe, worthy patron; Leora Stevens, associate matron; D. B. Hill, associate patron; Pearl Holthouse, secretary; Mel Robin son, treasurer; Gertrude Mason, conductress; Maude Clark, asso ciate conductress; Mary KeUy, marshal; Edith Schroeder, organ ist; Doris Sheythe, Adah; Vivian Hoenig, Ruth; Alberta Smith, Es ther; Elsie Potter, Martha; Fern Shuey, Electra ; Maxine Hill, Warder; and E. S. McRobert, seii- tinel. Preceding the ceremonies, a de licious turkey dinner was served by the friendship class of the Presbyterian church. The commit tee in charge consisted of: Ber tha Baltimore, Alice Rupp and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder. They were assisted by other members of the class. It was reported that the class netted over $15. The next meeting of Marilyn chapter, will be held January 1Z, after which a school of instruc tion for the newly installed offi cers will be held, with Marjory Simpson, Portland, associate grand matron, serving as instruc tor, i Valley Events January 13 Stat Grang Confer ence. January . 14 Pasture ; improvement and feeding problem meet. Sublimity. January XI Oregon loganberry and Blackberry Control board. ' Woodburn January 22 Small fruit growers meet. Sublimity. Blackout Rules Explained by Silverton Defense Chairman SILVERTON-r-L. CM Eastman, Silverton rlefense council chairman, reports that there is evidently some misunderstanding in regard to leaving lights. I , The general order stands, said Eastman Wednesday after noon, that air lights which cannot Visit in Portland PIONEER Mr. and Mrs. John Keller, jr., and daughters weht to Portland New Year's day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Carol Saling. Dorothy Keller, who had been visiting at the Saling home for a week, returned home with her parents. (ranges Med. Size S Doz. Sunkist Doz. Sunkist SO's Doz. Fancy Utah Type . Bunch Ms IIH Clltlfl hite; WTKST MmSl bora u ems 3 KtQ6gg Larre fiafiaw Tj,rCr. Giaat IlUC PkgS,. 8S0?jS.-S Esoeis ox Sice rr ' : " ; wT Cut, or Errr-1 "" ' ' rn Clover Bloom Epig Grade A Large, - JJD Dozen I y !. . ' . '. ij .""!.' 37& lb. l f l be put out in 60 seconds must be left out Therefore, no lights may be left in a home or business house when the home or business house is vacated even for as much as two minutes. If residents leave their homes to go across the street to visit with a neighbor, that resident must put out the lights. Eastman added that practice blackouts will be held in the near future. While the days and the hours when these blackouts are to be held will be known, the exact time will be a surprise. Eastman added that the people of Silverton have been good about cooperating in as far as they un derstood orders. He reported that V. R. Casebeer, who has been rural patrol super visor at Silverton, has been called into active duty, and Roy Daven port, who has been serving as Casebeer's assistant, will now serve as supervisor. The privilege of choosing his own assistant was left up to Davenport. Dr. P. A. Loar has been made head of the medical aid division civilian defense of Silverton and outlying districts including Mt Angel, Monitor and Scotts Mills. His advisory committee consists of Harry Carson and Ruth Barber. Appointments under this divi sion are: uayngnt emergency squad, 8 ajn. to g pjn., Dr. A. J. VanCleave; night emergency squad, 8 pm. to 8 ajn., Dr. P. A. Loar; nurses, Mrs. Dora Gores, Mrs. W. L. McGinnis, Mrs. R- J. VanCleave, Mrs. j William Bloch, Mrs. Mahlon Hoblitt, Mrs. Alfred Adams; first aid committee, Mrs. Cecil Rice, Mrs. Leonard Hudson, Mrs. Louise Geer, Mrs. Anson So lie, Mrs. Lester Standard, Mrs. W. L. Bryson; recording secretaries, Alma Olson and Marie Bolme; hospital committee, Dr. R. E. Kleinsorge, director, and Dr. C. W. Keene, Dr. A. E. F. Schier- baum and Dr. A. E. Wrightman. New Heads Take Charge Tpnight WOODBURN Wesleyan Guild of the Methodist church will hold its first meeting of the year with Ruth Rue, 611 Harri son street, tonight. The new officers will take over. They are: President, Wilma Live say; vice president, ituth Rue; secretary, Ola Lee Thompson; treasurer, Ann Withers. Bibles Given Children for Attendance : MILL CITY During the Sun day school hour at the - Church of Christ, Bibles were presented by Mrs. Nellie Charpilloz, teacher of the primary class, to si chil dren for two month's perfect at tendance record. " f Those receiving Bibles were: Wilma and Ferold McDaniels, Phyllis, Beverly and Virginia Timms and Donna Cooke. Four children united with the church, bringing a total of six additions in the past week. An attendance contest, which has been in progress for the last three months was ended with the Young People's class, taught by Mrs. Carl Chance, being the win ners and the men's class, whose teacher is W. S. Crockett, minis ter. the losers. Another contest will begin in the near future. The Homebuilder's class of the Church of Christ will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed Cooke. i Plans are in progress for a pa triotic service, during the Suit day school and morning worship hour at the Church of Christ, honoring all Mill City boys who are in the service. The parents and relatives of the soldiers of the community will receive a spe cial invitation to attend the serv ices, the date of which will be announced soon. wowwowwtgqpjgaflwwew Fresher Vegetables at Western Food Grapefruit Arizona Seedless 6 for .'290 Celery Green Utah. fl Chjr Large bunches JLJw FREE DELIVERY Potatoes 5 lbs 90 10 ibs....... 370 Oranges New Navels 2 doz. 250 288 size.. ski. 2 doz. 450 126 fize. Doz.. ....... i 350 Sunshine Butter Crackers Lb. Pkg. Commercial Assorted Flavors H0--MO Apple ISiifl'ih'iteir OLE O 3Hf B L LMlIEtES EliIUE SK1(0)(SL&T - Box Carton (Limit) Sunny Jim 5 Lb. Tin Dinner Bell 2 Lb. Pkg. Borden's 10-Oz. Pkg. 0 Lbs. for Large Package Armour's Cloverbloom Full Cream Extra Special LB. Sperry'fi No. 10 Bag Full Lb. Cello. Pkg. Carnation 3-Lb. Pkg. Ghirardelli's Sweet Lb. Bars s Oventreet Salted Ea. 2-Lb. Pkg. White Satin 100-Lb. Bag COFFEE 90 3ibs.550 AIR3IAIL, lb.. i.m MORNING 45 P- O "7 STABIb cDP &Ibs. 0P &UJJ. JIL, lb. ; 220 riBLir Can Arsooar'a 3 tvt wwV) Dosea t9e Per Case U1 Alpine. Carnation, Borden, I gA : Pet, Special lIorninj-Cse. Oi'sU FLOUR MM: Castle Brand, 49 lb Kitchen Queen or Red, White and Bine, 49 Ib. Drifted Snow or Fisher Blend, 49 lb Ever-Right, : 49 lb. u. G$14 Medal, . 49 lb. - Need for 2nd Phone5 Operator ToHandleArmyCallsDiscussed SCIO Efforts are being made at Scio to provide funds for payment of another experienced operator to assist the one paid operator in handling army flash calls through the local office of the Scio Mutual Telephone Association, inc. twoj civilian aircraft warning stations are in operation in the Scio area, and the switchboard operator, Mrs. Jennie Weddle, is at present on 24-hour call to put through the army warnings. The local telephone company receives no payment f for these long dis tance calls, as the army intercept ing command makes payment at the place received. Discussion of the problem was made at the annual meeting of theocompany patrons al Scio Odd Fellows nail Saturday, but defin ite solution was not obtained. Indebtedness of the company, a non-profit, cooperatively owned enterprise Is currently $244.93 in bade taxes, according to report of the secretary, Mrs. Frank Bartu. The company has a balance on hand of $189.30, the report stated. Couectiona during 1841 were $2745.78, and expenditure $2558.- 41, the secretary stated. : Rudolph 1 Borovicka was reelect ed president, and Joe Menhart, jr., Jack , Shelton, Byron Bates and W.- W. MOler were renamed directors. Operator, secretary and treasurer will be chosen by the board. a-y UfV, JTTOl k . I. Ink Xtockiag ni Prkes" a mm Hours of Qiurch Services Slated UNION HILL Rev. Caldwell of the First Christian church in Stayton will hold services at the Union Hill grange hall on Sun day at 20 p. m. Sunday school will be at 10 p. m. Dinner Honors Son i j VALLEY VIEW -Mr. and Mrs. Funrue entertained at i Sunday dinner honoring their son Amos, who returned that day to OSC after spending ttie vacation here. Covers were placed for Amos Funrue, Ruth Funrue, Salem, Or len Moser, Charles Lais and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Funrue. m 1 SHE S!I0?S , i. 1 Without Painful Backacha Uuqr uflereni rIiT aaafaf bMbahf aiaklr. ob tbM.diMorar thrt th tmi an of tbeir tmubW b ba tirad kidMr. iw th oom acids tad wart out af tea blood. Taay ketp mm peapto paai bo a biate a day.' awhJdAv at kidnmr hiaetSoa earalta poawaooa mattar rauia ia ywir blood, it las caioa, km at pcpand anaicy, ettu a michta, -awaUing. iwifliitaw oadar. taa ayas. aaariath and dlwinaai. Freqoeal ar acaaty With aoartiaf aaa.bstag i ttiat ahowi thera ia aoaaMai&f wrocx vita row bdoaya or bladdar. I Doa"l wait! Ak your dracrlat for Doaa'a Pilia, aaad uoo fully by nuUioaa f or far 40 yaaca. Tbay ia aapny taliat aad wOI ala r tdaaay tabea I lit mILm n 1 mm waata feoas root Mood. Oat Doaa'a fiiav r. K3 IIo. Ccanereial 51. i FhsseXOIO WE CLOSE SATURDAY IIIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK Fisher's- Blend Flour 49's Snowdrift Shortening Lbs. (B)( Del Blonte T0I1AT0 JUICE IIo. 1 5 fl 5W TaU Cans Uvc2S GnAPEIIUT FLUKES Pitas, til FOLGERS COFFEE 1 Lb. 2 Lbs. Big Giles Coast . FEUS, Size 303 Case 24 J ScOa Heart of Valley No. 2 Cans Whole mm Case 24 Cans Del TJontc Tnn nnrrs n 1)111 "11 in i - i i U JlWJLIrrJiN f 1 1 I lf No. 2... 1 1 h. " r i r i r l i Kir. 9 1. cans cans 140 EM nr V J Drifted Snow, IIo. 10's 39S Gold Iledal, No. 10's 41 Gtolcy Ml Lb. Can 4ft Super Whit. BLEACH GaL 140 Leslie Pyramid SALT 2-Lb. Pkgs...r ail stL Armour's Corned Dec! nro Can Forany Shortening Lb. 1 ' jntrtrgmtrinra 00. ml UIHTS SATfil SUGAR 10 Cloth Baps.. ?3IP" Lb. ' I Cloth Bags. 610 " - " $1.51 . . "" 1 Mediua 0 YfEsKLT CONTESTS I 4 for mm a m Large; 2 for 230 2.90 Large size... Giant size.i.. OHTBOLl v 220 SO0 Caaaj. mm amfst aMaMa mm niiiaSss., ji'.A tit. i waasasaaswaj aaaaawaaay .-f-. ... "fL - " Extra Fancy Juicers.. ) , Dcz. 1 EniiFSijQDiT .0 --' Large Fancy Arizonas L2 Doz. (Ji Fancy Sunkist. Size' 3G0. Doz. caimoTS O w Cdifcmia Spriax Crop V Bin.' fit) b .(Fancy) ;!.'-'. I