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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1941)
Hit C2EG01I STATESMAN. SALEM. Oragoo, Saadorf Morning. Dcmbr 21. 1941 pAGEnvr 4 J Christening, Reception Slated Douglas Lynn, five months old ton of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Drynan, will be christened at a four o'clock service this after noon in the chapel of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. George Herbert Swift will officiate be fore fifty relatives and friends. Mr. Ronald Craven will sing before the service and Miss Ruth Bedford will play organ num bers during the ceremony. The baby's godparents will be Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lytic The christening dress, white with lace Insertions has been in the Dry nan family for many years. The dress was also worn by Douglas Lynn's brothers, Robert and Thomas. A reception at the Drynan home will follow the christening services. Miss Norma Jean Pike of Portland wlil greet guests at the door and serving will be Miss Barbara Compton, Miss Hattie Bratzel and Mrs. George Scales. Among the out-of-town guests coming for the affair will be the baby's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mayfield and Mr- and Mrs. Gilbert Drynan, sr. of Portland. Others include Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller of Aberdeen, Mr. and Mrs. Emer son of Oswego, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Drynan, jr., and son, Gil bert, of Portland. Pilgrim Chorus To Sing The Pilgrim chorus of the First Congregational church will sing a Christmas cantata, "The Ado ration" by George B. Nevin to night Lena Belle Tartar directs the singing group, and Jean Hob son Rich accompanies on the organ. The following program will be given: O Come All Ye Faithful Behold, a Vlrgtn Shall Conceive Baritone solo. Reid Shelton In Reverent Awe and Solemn State Soprano Solos Joyc. Ogden. Phyllis Neal Then Sweeping Through the Arch of Light. Softly th Starlight And Lo. the Angel of the Lord Tenor solo, Frank Carruth Soprano solo, Georglna Young Glory to Cod rn the Highest Hushed at Length the Gracious Song Baritone solo. Charles Lovell Amen. Lord We Bless Thee. . s 0 CELEBRATE WEDDINGS Mr. arid Mrs. Frank Brown of Carleton, left, and Mr. and Mrs. John Marr, sr. of Salem, right who were honored at a golden wedding dinner and celebration at the Portland hotel on December 9. The two couples were married in Scot land 50 years ago at a double wedding ceremony. The Marrs came to Salem in 1914 and have five children. The Browns arrived in the states after their marriage in 1891. Mrs. Marr and Mrs. Brown are sisters. (Courtesy Oregon Journal) Singers Will Be On Program The American Legion auxili ary quartet will sing Monday at 9:30 to 9:45 o'clock on the aux iliary sponsored radio program on KSLM. Members of the quartet are Mrs. Walter Zosel, Mrs. Robert Wiatt, Mrs. Ivan Bro and Mrs. Sephus Starr. Program includes: Now Let All the Heavens Adore Thee O Jesu Sweet Bach Strangers Say a King Is Born... Czech Hark in the Darkness Polish Sheperd's Christmas Song Swiss Noel of the SheDherds French Great God of Heaven English Eoffs Hosts At Family Dinner , Mr. and Mrs. Asel Eoff will entertain members of the family at their home on'Fairmount hill on Christmas day. Mrs. Joseph Alberts, Mrs. J. C. Griffith, Mrs. J. T. Whittig, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffith and Clare will be there. Coming from Portland will be Mr. Otto E. Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sigel, Suzanne Sigel and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jorgensen. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Beana will be here from Oswego, Dr. and Mrs. John Griffith from Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, Doris Helen and Jeanne from Dallas. CENTRAL HOWELL The Nemo club Christmas party was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Simmons Wednesday. Mrs. M. O. Hatteberg was a guest The afternoon was spent in sing ing carols and in a contest game. Mrs. Adolf Kittelson read the Christmas story and Mrs. W am pler read an article on the origin of carols. The next meeting will be guest day at the home of Mrs. John Tweed January 7, Mirier-Douglas Vows Said A wedding took place la the Methodist church in Siletz, Ore gon, December 9th at 5 o'clock, when Miriam Esther Douglas, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Willis J. Douglas, pastor of the Siletx church, was married to Mr. Stewart Miner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miner of Salem. The Rev. J. C. Harrison, pas tor of the First Methodist church -.She was; attended y bar sls-er-Jn-law, Mrs. Opal Mae Doug las, who wore a deep rose taf feta ' gown and carried yellow chrysanthemums. Mr. ' Henry Reissner served as best man. Mr. W. J. Douglas, Jr., brother of theb ride, sang. The church was decorated with greenery, white and yellow chrysanthe mums and candles. A reception was held in the church parlors after the cere mony. The bride recently returned from. a year of service- at Fort military hospital eye, ear, nos and throat clinic, Sha is graduate of the Methodist State Hospital in Mitchell, South Da kota. Mr. and Mrs. Mines will live in Salem, where Mr. Miner is la businc in Kaiem rri the nuHir rr- Lewis, Washington, where she emonv ' was enrolled as a nurse in the The bride wore an aqua-blue silk brocade gown and carried a bouquet of white and bronze chrysanthemums. She wore .her mother's opal engagement ring on her right hand and carried a handkerchief given her when a girl by her father's mother. OAK POINT- Indepe4ee. Rural Woman's club sponsored a shower Friday at the home of Hazel Hughes, for Miss Gladys Rogers, who will marry Mr. John Doran of Salem December 27. DOUBLE &c Green Stamps ON ALL PURCHASES "TIL CHRISTMAS MADE AT IIcKendry & Bell "Exclusive But Not Expensive" 187 COUKT ST. 3fc PARKERSVILLE -liam Uppendahl jr. Mrs. Wil-entertained DAYTON The Past Matrons' club of Electa Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, held its annual Christmas party Tuesday at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Cooper. There were 18 members present. Mrs. Carl Mitchell, the 1941 members- of her birthday club wormy matron, Decame a new Tuesday. member of the club. Election of Members present were Mrs. officers resulted in Mrs. W. S. Georee Harrison. Mrs. Josephine U'Ren being chosen president; Helland, Mrs. Lillian Harrison, Mrs. Irene Senn, vice president; Mrs. Barbara Dutton. Mrs. Fred Mrs.. Carl Mitchell, secretary- Mannins. Mrs. William Davidson, treasurer. Mrs. Paul Damewood, Mrs. Arthur A no-host dinner was served Patterson, Mrs. Arthur Impecoven. and games followed the exchange Guests were Mrs. William Uppen- of gifts taken from the decorated dahl sr . Woodburn: Mrs. Marvin Christmas tree. Flaw. Salem: Mrs. LeRoy Gard- The next meeting will be held ner, St. Louis and Mrs. John at the home fo Mr. and Mrs. Beals, Silverton. Charles Carr. w . 1 DRESSY FASHIONS choice) I r MTU; f I F7 PI . f A J v FAMILY IF Leather Travel Kits . 2.98 Sport Shirts 1.49 Wool or Rayon Scarfs AH ' Leather Belts Towncrait Suspenders Broadcloth Pajamas . Armorfoot Dress Sox, 4 pr. Boxed Handkerchiefs . . . Brand New Sweaters . . 98c 98c 98c 1.19 1.00 25c 2.98 IK Q IN THF m CHRISTMAS I fmr mk I Boxed Ties ....... 49c Leather Dress Gloves . . 1.49 2.98 . . 98c . . 1.19 4 for 1.00' . ttr ... Rayon Robes . Ash Tray Set . . . Topflight Shirt . . . Shirts and Shorts Leather Gladstone Bag . 12.75 Leather Slippers 1.98 Elastic Side Slippers . . . 2,29 Stand-up Metal Ash Tray . 1.98 Water Repellent Golf Jacket 6.90 Sport Shirts ....... Boxed Suspenders . . . . Leather Belts . . . . Initial Handk'ch'fs, boxed . Slack Sox, boxed . . 3 pr. .:. Tv ":: ". . . " Sport Sweaters . . . . Lcathorotto Brief Cases . Down Comforter . . . . 10.90 Chenille Bedspread . . 4.98 Cannon Towel Sets . 49c Bridge Sets 98c Lace Chair Sets 49c Percale Sheets 1.8 Down & Feather Pillows . 3.98 Cocktail Napkins . . 6 for 49c Lace Table Cloths .... 2.98 White Kitchen Table . . . 2.19 Ready-Made Draperies . 6.50 Hammered Aluminum 2.98 6-Way Floor Lamps . 7.90 Electric Irons 2.98 32-Piece Set Dishes . . ... 3.98 Wedaie Slippers 1.98 Satin Slippers 1.69 Leather Sole Woolies 2.98 Fitted Cases 3.98 I Week-End Cases 3.98 j Knitting Bags 59c 1 Chenille Robes 3.98 Brocade Damask Robes 4.98 S Printed Housecoats 1.98 g Boxed Handkerchiefs 25c Vanity Sets 2.98 I Handbags 1.98 1 Umbrellas 1.49 Pure Silk Hose ...... 1.19 Nylon Hosiery 1.15 Rayon Crepe Gown 1.49 j Poplin Ski Jackets 4.98 Lovely Sheer Blouses 1.98 Smart New Sweaters . 1.98 Slack Suits -2.98 Costume Jewelry 1.00 2 3 l 2 3 1 3 7 School Book Bags " - - c Baseball Mitt . . Roller Bearing Skates Leather Vallets 5 ' . t ' . . - Handsome Ties . . . 7 f v, m m'4 " ' ! 98c 25c 25c 25c 49c 1.98 1.98 49c 1.98 1.49 98c .25c 33 '.I 73 IS IX Leatherette Carriage 10.90 Foot Pedal Bath Table . . 6.90 Basket with Hood .... 5.90 Stuffed Animals ..... 29c 3-Pc Silver Set 98c Folding Auto Seat .... 1.19 Hardwood Crib Bed ... 790 Folding Nursery Chair . . 1.19 Wool Sweaters & Legging Sets .... . Chenille Crib Spread . 2 3 IFir 3m 3 s S 3 i2 IS Vanity Sets . 49c 2 3 Wool Sweaters Doll with Dress to Match Panda Muff ...... Hat & Muff Set . . . . . Bright Print Dresses . - S Genuine Beacon Robes 1.98 125 Cotton Flannel Robes ! White Blouses : . ... -J Fluffy Mittens . , Have Your Hose Mended While You .Shop Low Prices '- . : 98c US 98c 98c 98c 2.93 .1.49 98c. 138 r 3 - vi I4. it if f f : z I