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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1941)
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday Morning. December SI. 1941 fAGETX NEWS CLUB 1 HONOR GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Givens will be honored at a 50th wedding anniversary re ception on Tuesday night at the Waldo Hills commun ity club house. Anniversary Celebrated In "Hills" WALDO HILLS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Givens will observe their golden wedding and anniversary Tuesday night at Waldo Hills community club house. Rela tives and friends are being in vited through the press to at tend the reception that will be gin at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Givens is a native of Waldo Hills. She was Florence Riches, born August 31, 1873, the daughter of George S. P. and Mary Jane Riches, pioneers. Mr. Givens was born in Can ada in 1870 and came to Oregon with his parents, George and Isabella Givens in 1871. They settled in Waldo Hills on what was known as the McAlpin place. They were married in Salem on December 23, 1891, in the Marion hotel. Witnesses at the ceremony were Mr. Givens' sis ter, Mrs. Mary Sappinfield now of Pratum and George Clymber, brother-in-law, now of Macleay. Children of the couple are Mary Vearrier of Portland, Mil lie Kaser of Forest Grove, Thel ma Dahlen of West Fir, Mrs. Alice Parrish of Sublimity and Kenneth Givens at home. Wisteria Club Slates Dance Members of the Wisteria club have scheduled a New Year's dance for Tuesday, December 30 at the Veteran's hall from 9 to 12 o'clock. Barney Cropp's or chestra will play for dancing and members may bring guests for the affair. The committee in charge of arrangements includes Mr. and Mrs. Carl Quistad, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Follis, Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Victor and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bradshaw. Group Exchanges Presents The Pollyanna club met on Friday at the home of Mrs. Rob ert Burton. During the informal afternoon, gifts were exchanged. Present were Mrs. Jack Pry zabilla and Dennis, Mrs. Ed Forman, Marilyn and Janet, Mrs. Dean Tucker and Roger, Mrs. Wallace Seguin and Jacqueline, Mrs. Leslie Smith, Buddy and Richard, ' Mrs. Melvin Propp, Melvin jr. and Jerry Lee, Mrs. Robert Burton, Sherry and Ron ald. Mrs. Smith will entertain on January 2. GIVE "HER" A GLIDA $ Jjoo -LL up (NOTION DEPT.) A GLIDA BAG answers every practical use for a hand bag. Luxurious looking In appearance ... fitted with .containers for cosmetics, etc. In all the wanted shades. . Sale! Satin Padded Garment Hangers ; : r set of 4 (SSe A set of four satin padded .coat hangers in pastel or bright shades is a smart gift for the home. See these tomorrow in the notion department. IX: , V The Prospect Hills Women's club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lester Rains. The buf fet was decorated with a mod ernistic arrangement of pine, a shadow box was hung on the wall. White angels and candles decorated the table. Red Cross work and defense coordination were discussed and a gift ex change concluded the afternoon. Friday Meeting Is Party Friday afternoon the Three Link club of Rebekah lodge held a Christmas party and exchange of gifts. Christmas carols were sung and Mayor W. W. Cliadwick talked on the emergency black out rules. Mrs. Jennie M. Willis presided over the business meeting. The Christmas tree was in charge of Mrs. Amie Mills, Mrs. W. A. Cladek and Mrs. R. S. McNeill, in charge of the program were Mrs. R. G. Henderson. Mrs. Belle Carlson, Mrs. Augusta Fleetwood and Mrs. Linnie Simeral. Guests were Emma Parker, Weiser, Idaho; Mrs. Fredrika Ash, Los Angeles, and Mrs. Viola Clements. Others attending were Mesdames Elva Estes, Eva Keene, Coral Ballinger, Ida Steele, Leila Vinson, J. E. Kirk patrick, Mary Gosser, Clem W. Ohlsen, Irvin Hochstetler, Louise King, Walter Eberhard, Claude Morse, Carrie Jennings, Gustave Erikson, R. S. VanPelt, Carrie Ringo, Daisy Mclntyre, Horace G. Loveland, Clara Shields, Sara Harter, Pearl Harland, Avis Perrine, Howard N. Hunsaker, W. F. Walker, and Miss Serina Anderson, Miss Grace Robertson and Miss Wilda Siegmund. The next meeting will be January 9. Tri-Y Girls Will Give Program Tri-Y Girl Reserves will give a Christmas program at the Hill crest Girls school this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Esther Little, general secretary of the YWCA, will accompany the girls. Joyce Ogden is in charge of the program and is assisted by Leona Kelso. The program will include group singing, a vocal solo by Miss Ogden, accompanied by Margaret Morritz. Delvon Long will read portions of JDickens' Christmas carols and Imogene Rock, accompanied by Alice Rose, will play a flute solo Alice FayexDaugherty will give a talk and readan original poem on "Christmas Today." The Tri-Y quartet composed of Mary Ann Brady, June jnick ols, Betty Lou Vasby and Ethel Lolloth, will sing. Margaret Morritz will play piano selec tions and Geraldine Schmoker, accompanied by Rosemary Gai- ser, will play violin solos, BAG Junior Club Will Begin Classes Salem - Junior Woman's club members will hold their annual Christmas party at the clubhouse Monday, night at 8 o'clock. Miss Lois Coornleii to charge and the committee includes Miss Phyllis Gardner, Mrs. W. Mar tin, Mrs. W. G. Nibler, Mrs. Jes sie Baer and Miss Mabelle Fra zier. -'- Mrs. Maurice Saffron is ar ranging the program and each member will bring gifts for the Hillcrest Home. Refreshments will follow the party. A board meeting will precede the affair at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Thome H. Hammond presiding. Miss Hazel Shutt, chairman of the Old People's Home commit tee, arranged for the MacDowell club sextet to sing carols at the Home Monday night. The Junior club will begin first aid classes on January 6. The classes will be open to all members and interested persons. Reservations must be made by January 1 with the chairman, Mrs. Ray Lafky, 21180, or any of the committee members, Mrs. W. G. Nibler, Mrs. George Roth, Mrs. L. Merrill Falkenhagen or Mrs. Riy Mink. The classes will be held twice a week, or equivalent to two hours, including a ten weeks course. Club Members Will Carol ' Singing of Christmas carols is a part of the MacDowell club activities each year. The club prepares an itinerary that takes it to the greater portion of Salem and is now receiving re quests from shut-ins who desire to hear the carols. Members will meet at the Chamber of Com merce at 7:30 Monday and take a bus at 7:45 to points in the city. Following the caroling Mac Dowell members will go to the home of Miss Blanche Gibson, 1455 Saginaw street, to be en tertained at an informal party given by the club president, Miss Lois Steinke. The Okiciyapi Camp Fire girls chose the following new officers: President, Donna Seay; vice president, Betty Wieser; secre tary, Virginia Bowers; treasurer, Irene Boatwright; scribe, Ruth Fuller; song leader, Edris Stew art, and social, Gloria McDowell. A gift exchange was enjoyed by the members following the business meeting. I """ I SIC i-. 4n m & J'A - t . .rWir-xw'"lr J 1 I - : t 1 1 1 : :: Ij Sale! 20 piece STARTER SET PACIFIC POTTERY ARCADIA pattern in rose, yellow, blue, green. A fine quality starter ' set by Pacific. : ; FOUR LUNCHEON PLATES FOUR BREAD AND - BUTTERS - s . FOUR SAUCERS, '. FOUR CUPS - '- ' ' FOUR BOWLS '" Gift Shop CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY Oregon State Nurses associa tion District 3, gift exchange, 8 p. m. at state tuberculosis hos pital. Koyal Neighbors of America 8 p. m. Fraternal temple Chapter BQ of PEO meets with Mrs. Zella James at 1610 Court street, 7:45 p. m. Yomarco Class Party Held The home of Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts was the scene of the Yomarco Sunday School class Christmas party Friday night. Christmas greens were used about the rooms and the supper table was centered with an ar rangement of silvered leaves, colored balls and candles. A musical program was given with Miss Beth Siewert singing several solo numbers, and vocal numbers by Mr. Richard Bar ton. A trio composed of Miss Jessie Kinsey pianist, Mr. Wen dell Johnson, violinist, and Pro fessor Roberts at the organ, played several selections. Christ mas carols were sung by the group with Mr. Barton directing. Arranging the party were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck, Dr. and Mrs. James C. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Glover, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Covert, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs. Norma Shaw, Mrs. Winifred R. Herrick and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lake. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. John Foley, Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sisson, Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Keene, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Travis, Mr. and "Mrs. Herbert Ostlind, Mr. and Mrs. James Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Page, Dr. and Mrs. B. H. White, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turn bull, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Barton, Mr. and Mrs. Carle Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Carl, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Richards, Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs. Hartsell, Mrs. Milo Taylor, Mrs. Elizabeth Gal laher, Mrs. Frank James, Mrs. Carrie Sneed, Mrs. Bertha Berg man, Mrs. Charles Fessenden, Mrs. Avis White, Mrs. Edythe Medley, Mrs. Mary Boeschen, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Plamondon, Mrs. G. Kortzeborn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy R. Hewitt, Mrs. Murray Keefer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Siewert, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oh mart, Mrs. Florian VonEschen, Miss Schrober, Mrs. Nora Thompson and Prof, and Mrs. T. S. Roberts. The Oregon State Nurses' sa- sociation, District 3 will hold the annual Christmas party and ex change of gifts at the State tuberculosis hospital on Monday night at 8 o'clock. SPECIAL Iww - Glve If ISgt' Truly Fine - -;- 00 1.15 1.25 1.35 1.65 Where to buy . . . what to buy? It's easy to buy hosiery at Miller's. Miller's six famous brands are a guarantee that your gift of hosiery is selected from the very best and finest stockings in the markets. How to buy ... is best answered by our salesladies who are especially trained in this type of service. THEY KNOW WHAT SHE LIKES I They know what she would select for herselL Furthermore, every pair that goes out of this store has both the manu facturer and Miller's back of it as a guar an tee 1 Sure Stockings of fine one, two or three season would stockings for afternoon ... for shopping . workaday ... sportsl All are NYLONS 1 Belle - Sharmeer ! ;- Holeproof! ""Van Raalte! Larkwood! Berwy! Theme! n 95 Silks and Nylons to Please! quality are sure to please. Give her pairs . . . enough to last through a make her happy, Indeed. Choose for extra sheer evening wear ... here awaiting your calL BILKS LT3rs tor for ' " 1 1 . OVER ONE ACRE OF CHRISTMAS GUTSI Miller jt- A 7f Tt A miller' Notion, Dept.