The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 11, 1940, Page 9, Image 9

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    Thm OBEQOM STATESMAN, Satan. Ongoo. Bandar Kotmsg. February 1L 1940
Fluid Drive's
Use Extended
Chrysler Puis in System
. In Additional Models
In "Eight" Lines
Chrysler's famous "Fluid
Drive," an entirely new principle
of transmitting power from en
gine to rear wheels, is now avail
able on all of . the company's
tight-cylinder models, according
to an announcement by Charles
L. Jacobson, y ice-president and
general sales manager of the sales
division, Chrysler Corporation. On
the Traveler, New Yorker and
Saratoga lines. It is listed as ex
tra equipment. On the Crown Im
perial, it continues as standard
First introduced on the Chrys
ler. Custom Imperial in 1939, the
success of "Fluid Drive" has been
amazing. Although only a little
more than a year has elapsed
since It made this, its first ap
pearance on any American pas
senger car. It has won the favor
of hundreds of owners and the
percentage of car orders on which
It is specified la rapidly increas
ing. Now that It is available on
this low-priced eight, this percent
age Is bound to be further aug
zn en ted.
The outstanding advantage of
"Fluid Drive" is that the car may
be driven in high gear under all
ordinary conditions, with the
clutch, and gear-shift as complete
ly forgotten as If they did not ex
ist. This advantage particularly
appeals to women drivers, who
find It a relief to be able to con
eentrate their attention solely on
the throttle, brake and steering
wheel. Another .advantage is that
while clutch and gear-shift are
not needed except under excep
tional conditions, the driver nev
ertheless retains complete control
over the action of the engine and
also retains the ""feel" of the car.
It might be said that the "Fluid
Drive" provides all gears yet
eliminates all gear changes, man
ual or mechanical. The action is
exactly like that of steam or elec
trie power in its flexibility and
smoothness, with the entire drive
mechanism responding instantly
to the pressure of the driver's
foot, a personal and constant con
Added smoothness of perform
ance and a great reduction in
wear and tear on the drive train
and engine, through the absorp
tion of all engine Irregularities in
the fluid which transmits the
power, are additional benefits
Old Postoffice Sold
AURORA The Aurora Com
munity club has bought what Is
known as the old postoffice on the
corner of Main street near the
railroad which will be used as a
club room. This building was
owned by Hugo Muecke of Port
land and was one of the old land
marks of Aurora.
New Master Sedan Shown
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Here's the new 1040 Chevrolet Master 85 sport sedan, with roomy lines, new features.
Smart Lines Shown In New Cars
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Smart and flowing are the lines of this 1940 Oldsmobile custom eight cruiser four-door touring sedaa.
Auto Color Preferences Changing;
Black as Car Finish Losing Favor
The national automotive color
scheme is undergoing decisive
change. No longer is the industry
culpable of the criticism: "You
can have any color automobile
you want as long as it is black"
In fact, according to records of
the Buick division of General Mo
tors, only one out of three Buick
cars purchased in these modern
times is Dlack. The other two may
be various shades of blue, green,
grey, maroon, brown, cream or
two-tone combinations of two or
more of these colors.
That is the ratio in which buy
ers of new Buick cars have taken
their colors since introduction of
the 1940 models last fall. Analy
sis of customer color options on
112.569 cars, covering 1940 mo
dels entered in production through
January 1, shows a substantial
increase in the preference for col
ors with a corresponding drop in
demand for black cars.
While black still predominates,
with 23.9 per cent of all cars so
specified, it has steadily yielded
position. Only a few years ago vir
tually 80 per cent called for
black. Last year the percentage
had dropped to 40. This year an
other 7 per cent of Buick custo
mers have gone over to the bright
er side, and the trend is being
watched with interest by design
Along with the reduction in de
mand for black is a trend away
from the darker hues. While dark
grey continued to be the second
color choice of Buick purchasers,
it accounted for only 9.7 per cent
of output as compared with 14
per cent a year ago. Dark blue and
dark green at this time last year
accounted for 10 per cent each of
Bulck's output, while this year
these colors represent 5.1 per cent
and 8.7 per cent, respectively.
Coming up in the color scale
are the vwo-tone combinations of
fered for the first time this year
on a production basis. These paint
combinations are available only
In the new streamlined series 50
super and series 70 Roadmaster
Buicks, yet they account for 14.
per cent of total output and are
demanded by 22.8 per cent of the
purchasers of these two series of
cars. In the same series, black
was optioned by 25.4 per cent of
the buyers.
Color preferences vary accord
ing to locality, the analysis show
ed. On the Pacific coast the heavy
demand is for color.
Returns to Rickreall
RICKREALL Mrs. Clarence
Bice returned Tuesday from Mil
waukee, Wis., where she had spent
nine weeks caring for an ill sis
ter who is improving. While there
her father had a paralytic stroke
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Record Broken
By Hogg Bros.
Two Carloads In Month Is
Refrigerator Sales
Mark Set Here
Two solid carloads of Fririd-
alre refrigerators in slightly more
than one month Is the record es
tablished by Hogg Bros., local
distributors for the Fiigldalre
line of refrigerators and electric
"Public reception of the nev
1940 Frigldalre line has been
overwhelming," stated Carl Hogg,
co-owner and resident manager,
"and we feel highly optomlstle
about the ensuing year If the first
month can be Judged as an indication."
The new Frigidalres are slight
ly lower in price, yet they have
lost none of the outstanding
thrift features of former models,!
and have gained materially in
style and beauty as well as la
perfection of operation, Hogg
The new "Deluxe" and "Im
perial" models carry out the
color combination of blue, gold
and chrome on a background of
gleaming white and the gold In
signia Is 14-carat gold. This color
combination Is a feature of both
the "Standard" and "Cold-Wall"
The "Cold-Wall" series oper
ates on a new principal intro
duced last year on some models.
This new step in home refrigera
tion was created to save the
natural moisture and freshness of
all types of foods and vegetables.
With this system it Is no longer
necessary to cover foods to keep
them from drying out.
The basic principal of this
revolutionary new system Is a
series of coils built Into the side
walls of the cabinet. These are
not directly connected to the
compressor but work on a basis
of evaporation In conjunction with
the main freezing unit. The
lower part of the refrigerator Is
separated from the upper by a
plate glass "Dewfresh Seal"
which prevents evaporation.
The new "super freezer" unit
is placed In the upper left hand
corner of the cabinet to allow
for more storage room and more
efficient operation. Directly un
der the freezer is a large "meat
tender" holding better than 15
pounds of fresh meat and so de
signed to cover the meat and
keep it In a perfect state of pres
ervation. The shelving space is arranged
in 8 sections of which ft are re
movable for better cleaning and
all metal shelves are made of
stainless chromium. Two small
glass covered hydrator pans are
installed In the bottom of the
cabinet to accommodate fresh
vegetables and other fresh foods.
The actual freezing unit is the
famous "meter-miser ' that was
perfected by Frigldalre using
their own patented F-114 freez
ing liquid. This liqul dls a non
volatile type that is guaranteed
non-toxic and safe.
The cabinet Is constructed of
one piece of steel using electric
welding for all Joining ' work.
This eliminates any bolted legs or
top panels that would be subject
to rattles as the machine becomes
older. The new cabinets come
in both porcelain and Du-Lux
finish for simplicity of cleaning.
Designed for de Luxe Hunting and Fishing
STJUl fC3 smino
Feast your eyes
on the smooth-flowing
lines and contours of this
best selling Chevrolet for '40, with
New "Royal Clipper" Styling.. . .
Note that it's the longest of all
lowest-priced cars, measuring 181
Inches from front of grille to rear of
body. . . . Yes, eye it and convince
yourself that it's the "star for
styling" the outstanding beauty
and luxury leader among all cars In
its price range!
Just touch Chev-
rolet's Exclusive
Vacuum-Power Shift and feel
the hidden power cylinder supply
80 of the shifting effort auto
maticallyt as no other steering
column gearshift can do. . . . Step
on the throttle and see how Chev
rolet out-accelerates and out-climbs
all other low-priced cars. Relax as
you enjoy "The Ride Royal" f the
smoothest, safest, steadiest ride
known. . . . Yes, fry it and then
you'll know that Chevrolet's the
"star for performance" among all
economy cars!
fOn Spedmt Dm Lium mnd Matter D Lum Smim.
tfJgM See your Chev
gCrP rolet dealer and learn
how very little it will cost to
own a new Chevrolet for '40 with
your present car in trade. . . Yes,
buy it , and you'll own the "star for
value," because "Chevrolet's FIRST
AND UP, nint. Michi
gan. Transportation ha 4
stmt mnd
(if 'my).
aattionmM mmytiptnmnt mnd
f Ban. Trantporu
111 on rail rata.
" I Imeml tmmmt
ambjad M chanf without
A Gmnmrwl Mmtort VmJmm,
Culmination of the sportsman's dreams la thla
ia-paaaeger hose trailer wsed by Biraey Ba
ker, prominent truck transportation executive
of Dee Moines. Ia for hasting and fishing
trips. Pulled by a Ford V-8 95 horsepower cab-over-engine
tractor-truck, the trailer was de
signed by Baker and built in his own shops.
It convenience include running hot and cold
crater, gas range, sink and cabinet refrigerator, electric light plant and huHilated compartment fo
iced fish. The Sb-foot unit Is pictured at top. Inset, Baker exhibits a big one that didn't get away.
Monmouth History
Discussed by Qub
MONMOUTH The Civic club
meeting Thursday afternoon was
arranged around a theme titled
the "Development of Monmouth,"
with Mrs. F. R. Bowersox as com
mittee chairman. Mrs. Bowersox
and the president, Mrs. I E.
Forbes, held an Informative ques
tion and answer discussion on
Monmouth as it was remembered
by Mrs. Bowersox SO years ago
when she first came here to live.
Mrs. C. C. Powell read a report
on completed park improvements.
Miss Eleanor Aspinwall, OCE stu
dent, played a piano number. Mrs.
C. W. Price and Mrs. Lowell Bris
bane were hostesses at the re
freshment hour.
Announcement was made of a
hobby show to be sponsored by
the Civic club the night of Febru
ary 16 in the Odd Fellows hall.
Hobby collections will be dis
played by many local people, and
some Salem, Dallas and Indepen
dence folk have promised to bring
their unusual hobby material.
Mrs. W. Li. Smith Is chairman of
the hobby show.
Ship Will Dock
RICKREALL Frank Lehman,
engineer on the Peter Kerr steam
ship, will arrive In Portland Mon
day, according to information, re
ceived by his mother.
Studebaker Inspects Boulder Dam
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Studebaker Gominander for 1040 posed for iu picture, above, with
Boulder dam in the background.
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Riverview Club
Has new Members
RIVERVIEW The Thursday
Thimble club met at the home
of Mrs. Anna Ashford this week.
Twenty-three members were pres
ent. The club accepted Mrs. Wes
ley Dunbar, and Mrs. Woods as
nw members. The club will meet
Thursday afternoon, February IS
at the home of Mrs. Lora Piatt
with Mrs. Dane Boshart as as
sistant hostess.
A baby daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. John Hromas last
Mrs. Frank Prokop returned to
her home here Tuesday. She un
derwent a major operation in
Portland several weeks ago.
Rev. Green of Oervals will
hold church services at the Oak
view school Sunday morning at
11 o'clock.
Monday morning at 9:30 In
the Riverview community, John
Welbes, Smith-Hughes instructor
in the Albany high school, will
conduct a shrub pruning tour,
which is being sponsored by the
Riverview Flower and Garden
club. The first demonstration
will be at the Otto Yunker home.
Everyone Interested is welcome
and may bring flower and shrub
problems, also a covered dish
lunch will be served somewhere
on the tour.
Visitors Reported
At Amity Homes
AMITY Mrs. James Mott of
Salem was a guest Thursday at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Eva
Mrs. Kola McClellan of Salem
was a guest this week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Mott of Amity.
Mrs. Bert Torey of Amity Is
employed as nurse at the General
hospital In McMlnnville.
Tbest flags wHI spell
bit NEW for cotcruti
Wmrtcb this utuspmpmr
? j howuch P1EE POTMD)? j 1;
Tkt Jet itluttrmttJ is tht Boica SrtciAt tntJtl 41 or-Jr frnrimg
ttJmn S996 JlnterJ mi Flint, MUh. Wkiu siJaumll tirtj mdJaUmml."
AUTOMOBILE engineers talk a lot
jTjl. about car weight and with
good reason.
They know that riding qualities hefht
with enough road weight to bold you
steady on your course they know
that weight is often another measure
of sixt above all, they know that
weight means substance, strength,
So it's interesting to note
that this trim Buick SPECIAL
gives you mors weight Per
dollar than almost any
other car you can buy.
With all its husky straight
eight power power that's
like velvet because en
gines are balanced after
assembly with all its
room, and style, and com
fort this Buick still has
Htf? Fitmtmf Smftff
Dimt Tmmr Ugkti MTJum Fatting-
f lAficA.l I
T'amfnttim mamd m mil
mm, mam mad Utal MM (1
may), aftmmml ajuipmxnt mai
astturin tatra. Prim
jnt m ttamp milium Pi fix.
one of the lowest costs-per-pound of
any car on the market
And newkers else will yon find
valve-in-head power, all-coil spring
ing, torque-tube steadiness and
Butck's plussage in accessories at
the figures that apply to the SPECIAL.
So if a little extra money is keeping
you out of a Buick, take an
other look at those dollars.
They buy more car to be
gin with. More size and
more substance.
They buy some six dozen
new 1940 features, includ
ing many an "extra."
And you'll get most of
them back in longer life
and higher trade-in value
not to mention your fun
and solid satisfaction!
- 0
430 N. Commercial St.
Phono 3188