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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1939)
The OREGON STATESMAN, Salenv Oregon, Thursday Morning. September 21, 1939 PAGE SIX a; m - j I i !,a '5 i I'M Legion Has Installation Frank Walker Commander oOIt. Angel Posts Auxiliary MeeU MT. ANGEL. Dr. E. J. Cor coran, former1 district command er of district 4 and now a mem ber of the Ml. Angel jKt, acted inataiiinr i officer for local imiM virion installation of npw officers I at the Memorial fiall TnMltlT BlrhL n.. r.Ariorn In a short address rave" some of i the high lights of the state convention and an nftnnced -thati Rev. Jos. Clancy of Portland had been chosen as department Chaplain. Tht is the tim that a Catholic priest .,. as hMn chosen for this . una nnnitlon. 1 I " ti.. nfficera installed are: Commander, Frank Walker; rice .ommander. IWilliam Birtchet; adjutant, Walter K. Cain; finance officer, Al iStupfelf chaplain. Earl Birtchet j sergeant-at-arms. Cletus Butsch; RAimrt Given. minder Webb and - rnmmuder Walker each gave brief report on the convention. ?reinr it was the most suc cessful convention they had ever attended. Walker aiso oaum some of the work he has set as his goal, putting special emphasis on the membership drive. He expects to bei jver the top in October. 1 . At the auxiliary meeting Mrs. Tony Miller and Mrs. Frank Walker gave convention reports, announcing that three citations, the national president's citation, the state department citation, and the Kletier award on American Ism, were awarded to the Mt. Angel unit. Mrs. Cletus Butsch was also given special mention for her work on the question naire. . The Marion county council will be held at Woodburn October 13. All posts and lunlts are asked to be represented. Auxiliary to Install. The auxiliary will install its new officers at the next meeting, October 3. Plans are to have the Silverton unit put on the in stallation with! the district presi dent as installing officer. Named on the committee in charge of refreshments for that night are Miss Elisabeth Unger, Mrs. Cle tus Butsch. Miss Evelyn Birtchet and Miss Theresa Dehler This will be a study In the school as well as a 4H club project. Of fieeri elected were, president, Dorothea Froehlich; vice presi dent. Fred Pfennig; secretary . Charlotte Hain; news reporter, Ronald Nichols. Miss Pauline Riensche will be instructor and leader. Tryphena Rebekahs Have Anniversary SILVERTON Tryphena Rebe- kaa lodge will observe the 88th anniversary of the Rebekahs Thursday night with Odd Fellows as special guests, a special pro gram la being arranged by Myr tle Stewart, Frances Gourlie and Jessie Rains. In charge or re freshments are Elsa Reed. Rugh Ward rip, Clara Helmke and Josie Hartman. Jefferson Woman Leaves for Trip JEFFERSON. Mrs. William Lake left by train early Sun day morning for Plymouth, Neb., called there by the death of her father, Mr. Georga Weichel, 87. who passed away Saturday. Mrs. Lake has two brothers and two ilstert, all Urine la Nebraska. On her return trip horn she will stop at Flagler, CoL, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Elsie Elrick; then going south to Berkeley, Cal.. for a visit with her son. Arthur Lake. She plans to be gone about a month. Cornelius Duvine- of Portland Is visiting at the home of his cousins, Dan Donohue and sister. Mary this week. Mrs. Joe Okrasinskl left last week for White Plains, Pa., for a visit with her brother, Joseph SchaU and other relatives. She will also visit the world's fair In New York city before returning:. Mrs. Margaret Farrington of Long; Beach, Cal., arrived here Saturday for a visit at the home of her sisters, Mrs. Roy Chester and Mrs. Georgia Richardson. She will also visit In Washington and Idaho, before returning home. Mrs. Evelyn Wall accompanied her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wall of Ashland on a trip to San Francisco, Fri day, where they will visit the fair. They will also visit Mrs. Wall's son, Don Wall, who Is .receiving treatment In the Southern Pa cific hospital there. Cloverdale School Has Same Facility CLOVERDALE The Clover dale school will begin. September 25 with the same faculty as last yer, c Chorpening and Gayette Barnett The Illihee school will also open September It with Miss Mildred Rickman as teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Klrkpat rick of Redwood City, Calif., spent last week visiting in this commun ity. Mr. Klrkpatrick formerly lived here on the Ivan Hadley place. This Is his first visit here in 38 years. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schampier celebrated their 25 th wedding an niversary Sunday. ner was served. Joe Morris, an elderly farmer of this community, has been con fined to his bed for ths past sev eral days after becoming over heated while working last Satur day. The Clason family who have lived on the J. W. Schifferer place for several years, moved to Tur ner Monday. GOBS EAST. LEBANON. Dr. Clifford Kuhn, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kuhn, left for New York city Wednesday, where he will take two months training with an ear. eye and nose specialist. Dr. Kuhn has been granted a leave of absence from the Multnomah county hospital. A family dln-1 A Ttf iuveruzer moves To New Quarters SILVERTON. The Advertiser, owned "by Al Schroeder, is mov ing; from its present quarters on Oak street to the former Ford garage building on First and Lewis. Schroeder purchased one of the Intertype machines from the former News-Telegram equip ment at roruana. . He Is also make other improvements to his printing equipment. Be came here four years ago from Mt Angel. Mrs. F. M. Powell received word Tuesday that she had been appointed as a member of the department music committee of the American Legion. The chair man Is Mrs. Erwin Barendrick of McMinnvlIle. The appointment was made by Mrs. William Hors- fall of Marshfield. department president of the Legion auxil iary. ; A business meeting of the Marion county teachers' institute is being announced for the new high; school at Silverton for Oc tober 13. Frank Bennett, superintendent of schools at Salem, will be guest speaker Monday night under the auspices of the builders class of the Methodist church. His sub ject will be "Uncrossed Bridges. IRIS FISHER ILL LIBERTY Little Iris Fisher, older of the two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fisher, has been ill for several days with throat trou ble. She is being cared for at the home of an aunt in Salem. Mrs. Butsch the Question lunches to the also brought up of serving hot children of St. Mary's public Ischool. fane pro- nosed that the auxiliary spon sor the movement,- but engage an mo woman 10 ualified for .the work- to take care of the noon day meals. No definite action was taken on tne maiier. Call Clcan-Up Day. i September 2:9 was set as a clean-up day. iAU members who can possibly come are urged to be at the Memorial hall at 1:30 n m. "i I -- Committee chairmen announced by the new president are as ioi- lows: i Americanism, aiiss mer es Dehler: child welfare. Mrs. Mary i Durschmidt: constitution and by-laws, Mrs. Mary Prosser; membership. Mrs. Katherine Er- wprt ? i legislative. Mrs. Dora Gores:! music. Mrs. Cecyl Lucht; national defense, Miss Theresa Dehler; national news, Mrs. Mary Prosser; community service and employment and relief, Mrs. Rose Butsch; publicity, Miss Loretta Dehler; hospital. Miss Oorela Webb:i fidac. Mrs. Mae Heggie; Junior activities, Mrs. Rose Butach; poppy, Mrs. Tillle Walker: I hoddv poster. Miss Georuia Webb; radio, Mrs. Cecyl Lucht. I :i I Perrydalc Faculty Returns to Duties PERRYDALE. The teachers for the coming year will all be rWiere at the school On Wednes dir nrecedincr the opening of school on Monday the 25th. Haberlv will teach history and . mathematics. ! William Hare, graduate of Albany college and for the nast three years teacher in Tlgard, will be on the teach inr staff here and teach science and vocations. Miss Malsle Burt of Newberg, who has been here the past two years will teach English and commerce. Wayne Jordan of Monmouth, . who has been here the past year will have the upper grades and Miss Arlene Buboli of Klamath Falls the intermediate grades and Miss Florence Jordan who has beep here three year will have the primary grades and super vises music,-- assisted by Mrs. Wayne Jordan.: who will teach health part time. . The school bus will pick ftp the students in two different trips, each loop wfll take about 45 minutes and in that manner I no student will have to ride the entire trip. There will be school only in the morning on Monday, and the bus will return the stu dents home by noon. Petitioning of the. Concord dis trict for consolidation with the Perrydale school will be held in the county school superintendents .office in Dallas, September 28. START HEALTH CLCB. BETHEL. A 4H health club was organised In the school Fri day. The regular health course set of books will be nsed and hc-ath exercises will ' be . given. J Suffer W ki -Any, i WHES OTHTRS riXLI ent Chines remedies. Astasia BCO CESS for 6000 yra la CBISA. H matter itk wast ailncst jom sn- SFcXTCTKO diterdera. t BHiltia. tMrt, Ubc. Uvr. kidney, toBMeh, conitipatiea. uiemn, diabetiv tknwtlo, gU . fm4 : bladder. fTr, skia, faal Cat- Charlie Chan Chinese) Herb Co. S. B..Foac, S rer Srxtie la Chiaa. (ice hews t S J. au, except Boa. y . Md WedM V mm jSj A) Reg-Reg Reg Reg Reg 5c 10-in. Blades l0cBatat Haw die, bUe 25c 10c 6-U. 98c Parts Steel Tape, Tape, CaVinet--- auto mauc reco tlon '4-ox 4c ...OC V ( temov able dr wets- trap. -totge r o Mouse y Reg-0" . ..r. ,9BcBo,r; d ale for el v VfMfi fFrrfr I Ik! 1 rV: ; ' 1 r V' zinciteiM; Mi IPsnninitt FJnw wSitBo Sah Price This Week On Here's proof that you don't -have to pay high prices for fine house paint I .Wards Zincite is first quality in every, way coverage, brilliance, weather resistance and hiding power. Contains white lead and zinc oxide, thoroughly, pulverized in pure Linseed Oil.' Wards will be glad to send a paint expert out to your house to make a free estimate. No obligation to buyl Act NOW price goes up Monday! Reg ReS-.5C?tomeritnlt. 50-10 ,ntoe copper 44C Reg.""- . eoUCle, ftC Reg- Reg Ouaran teed t yr. Reg Reg- Reg- 12c 5Sc 12 steel ade- iclx Re? Reg. Reg pistol Reg Reg-Reg HanA' -fti-.gweep--- 29c o ? Jc.'e fVfcel Roof Coating WARDS Drycj TAIMT 5 gallons for Pries cut! Asbestos fiber coat ing stops . small leaks, re stores life to dried out roofs. Save! GLOSS ENAMEL Price Cat from 92c! $2 Finest Certified quality for walls or woodwork. Save! GALLONS REDUCED to $2.77. Ftvo1! S2.PS Emm's Dryfnst Enamel Sals Special! Makes furniture, woodwork-, and toys bright and colorful! Dries In 4 hrs. No brushmarks! PAINT BRUSH Sato Special! 4-in. wide. 100 pure Chinese flag-end bristles, S, inches long. For in side or outside jobs. Wards Fkfst Quality Flat Wall Paint Vw I I flaL in 5-gaL lots , I I PAINT -..: LMatta fl: i i A jiaaaaaaaaJX Safe Pr ce - Thk Week Onfy I Drilllnnt Rod! 57e Certified quality you can't buy better! The ideal finish for walls and ceilings. Gals. Bow 91.88. TURPENTINE SALE Bulk price per gallon Gal. in 5's Regularly $1.19 ft0 S)(0)c A LINSEED OIL barn paint y equal to costly first quality saints! Look at the saving! PAINT SPRAYER 05 Regularly $25.95 23! 89c 54C T Lowest ever! 100 pure steam distilled turp.. Bring cans. RAW LINSEED OIL. Bulk, gal.. 90c. with motor Piston type like most expen sive models! 30-lb. pressure 2 cu. ft. air per minute; SVtO Reg Reg Reg . Tk01. " ...---90c 1 7i Reg- im. .cela: 0IlkaV1 . .rm W J AZ. Reg- .r.teTPcl 7 m -9 -m a a a w - . a uv-- t29 v - . netea c -. , Qftc tool v- -. vv. soua cov-r; - Keg. m- T 4 . , iA . rIJ (ft u i man t ' -r at - - w a w . b a mAJ aw i 1 s is 1 a - 1 VioIV ii ii nami T- r:i, I 1 I I-" i iuu f X J m1 P1 too ceeta 7;nclttdCtt wrf covet-' . 59 s1 INK,- eiWtO ! 33 Ss-s ..i- Aa tiic it r.da co-'-ti Salec" color T7 saW for ltee rv,oice ' zv nOMTHlY PAYMENT PLAM may bo used on any pgrchaves of : $10ormoreibvyoow.;;paylafec. CATALOG ORDER SERYICE , saves you money on thousands of 'items not carried In our store. lit H. CeI St gelent, Ore. 155 N. LIBERTY 8ALEM PHONE 5194