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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1939)
f ?& tv-v. wit VT A4j Vj'Klt 4Tr -: The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Friday Morning, August 25, 1939 .PAGE NINETEEN Sdem9 MaFket Place for-Eiiivi Livestock .1 Livestock Money to Loan '" Money to Loan For SaleUsed Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars mg9 SelliMg9 Mentiiig! f5 4 l V 1 .1 fl ATTENTION Stockmen and Farmer? PHONG U - All stock men, farmer and dealers If jku happen to have Dead or " Worthies Horses, Cowa, Hogs or Sheep, etc. Just call COLLECT '4411 Salem ana our truck will bo" at yoUr place without delay and w 'win pay you accordingly. , ' " .' ' -' r Montgomery Rendering ; Works Salem. HURSKS fl sale. Also It wka ohi wearier pica. Hayee ' LaMsh .Farm Brooka Oregon . .' ' ' . ., DEAD AND worthless horses, cows Slcked'up free. Ph. collect till 8a let lontgosnory - Road. Wka. . Classified Ads Call 9101 CUavtricd Advettteiag ; Single Insertion per line -10e Three Insertions per tin 20e Six Insertions par tin -.,0: One month per line Jf 1 00 Minim nm charge -See Copy for this pas accepted until f :t the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re ceived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify." The Statesman assumes n flnan slal responsibility for errors which may appear hi advertisement pub lished la Its columns, sod In case .where this paper Is at fault will re print that part of as advertlsemeni In which the typographical mistake occur. The Statesman reserves the right t reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classified lion. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dress la for the protection ef the advertiser and must .therefore be answered by letter: The 81 teaman Is not at liberty to divulge Informa tion as to the Identity of an adver tiser using a "Blind" ad. Auctions COMMUNITY AUCTION at Powell's Furniture, market. . mi. north of un derpass on Portland highway. Satur day. 1:80. We sell anything you have, including all kinds of furniture, tools, livestock and poultry; bring or list what you have. Wm. Powell. clerk Bert Alphln, auctioneer. Phone 3385. Hop : Pickers START PICKING eartjiheas at Wil liams and Thscker Aug. Is. 4 miles west of Salem. TeL 914. Help Wanted 39 WEEKLY. -GROW mushroom cellar. shed, W buy, 80s lb.- World" largest company. FGEB BOOK. Muab rooms,- zsis Serena - ararcievv mmma. IFjTOUare t.1oteJrsteilu:k wll pavfag Job and not afraid of work, can evenings I to I p. m. 244 Marlon St. ' Apt 9. Mr. Rens. Car necessary. Help Wanted Male UNMARRIED MAN about IS yra. for dairy A general farm work. See Jim Bones, Turner, Ore. Salesmen Wanted WANTED: A GOOD reliable man to supply customers with Rawlelgh Products. Sales way up this year. Write Rawlelgh's. Dept. ORH-1S7-127. Oakland. Calif. Sitnatlons Wanted DRKSSMAK. MRS A data Pa . sfsMMsjealss-bs RAUSETER TRUCK munric. Oe rml hiuUii4f. lssormbto) ratt. P. t- 9sWssstssssabs WANT WATCHMAN fob. TS8 & 13th. ' WINTER JOB by young married man on 4atry or wbat-have-youT Go anywhere. Rex AUison. Ph. SS9S. , rnman i.inv-nni nffiM t Hioruiana. upuw ana owucwpins. one year Orogoa 8tate. Small wagea to start. Box 1073. Statesman. For Sale Miseellaneons Bikes A Rep. Ramsden 148 A Lib REBUILT AND guaranteed Jrasb- All makes from 819 up Bpeo. May- UK ISA Hocjr Broa CASH FOR need furn. Ph. 91 ! RAWLETGR GOOD besHb JB. W. Mlller. Stsyton. Ore. TeL IXI BUR, BOOKKPG. nw .'-,41 ott trmn. motor A stand. 859. 4 -drawer le gal steel file, roller usrenslon. auto matic feck. flS. West made dek.-tlk stew.- doroleum ton. 8 pedestals, rec 979 value. SIS. Triner postal orate. 37 Llne-a-ttme copy bolder 34. Electric enecfe writer net-feet rooO szs. uics dunllcste. 815. Nat cash register wt' 1199 capacity.' 825. Tatura posttns trav (. tfur. l eoi. noner. s. nwn 454 Ccurt. - NEW 4-ETEMENT U A H. electric range only 99.40. easy terms, uooo MoMaeaeerawe- inc.. jaciri ox. GOLD. CROSS can. corn. Ph. TIFIi. - PEACHES. CHARITTT1CS A Craw fords are ready at Petteys orchard. letter varieties follow. Wallace R BX L - ' - - BARTUTTT PEARS. 25c and UO. Stoddard. tH'iL on Wallace road. rrsirn wrrvm wewo and na ranges, tvooeMIy priced. See them at lUTEn nUnn - . Westtnghouse Hdqtrs. Next Power Co. AMAMAAAMAa4ee CANNING SWEET corn. Ph. 1113. cj (fidnC0bitesnai ; ADYCRTIS1N0 Western AdTerUtiag - SepreeentAtlTee . Georg IX Close. lae. tfsfectecOb Los) Angelssk . Astera Ad?ertiAlsf BtpresaatJitJrea Bryant. GrtffTU A Branson. 'lae.' Chicago, New York. Detroit. - Brwtory Atlsnts Eatersd mt (As Pest aMe ff Ssiesi Oreo, as- Sssoad Class If otter. Ps- Nsaed seer sxerMno eawevt Moadua. Bsstass evVfee Sit otA Comsareia . SUBSCRIPTION xXATES: IfaU Subscription Rata) ta Advaaea Within Oragoa : ' uauy ao sjuooay ACo. B4 cents: f Mo. 31.59: C Mo. 33.59 1 year . Elsewbere-59 nU po ke, or flee for 1 year te advaaoa Par eenv 1 eesta. NewsstsndS f coats By City Carrier: 99 cents a moath f 79 a year te advaaee te Martaa and adjacent eousUos, PHONE 6411 For Sale Miscellaneoos GLASS DOORS ft.60. Windows. Ill Chemeketa. NICE CANNINU pears and peaebea Rt 1. Bos IS I. Wallace Rd. Keener. CANNINCT FRUITS. Try our Hees on canning- Crawfords. open Sun. evening. 4 blk. N. Viaduct. Port bind Hiway. BRAND NEW 1929 model Stewart Warner tefrijeerator 1 only. 97 dis count. Knl. per month. NELHHI BROS. APPL, CO. 361 Chemeketa. PEACHES 60e BU. us. Friendly Perm. Tet JIMS. Pnrlflc Hiway North PEAPHTCS T-BAtrVTlBn Tmn PI. berta. Hale. Clin. Britt Asplnwall. f n. tirzx waconna. HOUSE TRAILER 826. Din Ins ta hie, ( chairs, radio. King, R19 N. Front CHIMNET CLEANED Pipes, furnaces, stoves, gutters. Get ready for winter, avoid chimney fires. Better draft. All work guaranteed. No soot or dirt. Rav L. Farmer Hard ware CO. Ph. soes. 38 aE. Radio, ex. cond.. $30. Ph. 9591. MONTAG WOOD range, used 30 days. Very special. 979.90. Trad In your old weed range as down pavmenk NELSON BROS. APPL. CO., 3(1 Cbe meketa. START PICKING Elbertas Friday. Townaend'a. Mission Bottom. mm m - - --,---orirUrtfVVVCA.fuKAJ-tfl NICE CRAWFORD peaches. (0c. SOc bu. Brine boxes. 1 ml. west of Kelxer acnooi. Rt. Z. box 14C, COMPLETE BEDROOM SET. 139. 5. Includes wnl. bed. dresser, chiffon ier, coil sprint: mattress, bed lamp A throw rug. COHN BROS.. SOS N. Lib erty. BALED WHEAT or oat straw. 84.50 in field. 85 delivered ,a reasonable dis tance. Pnul Taylor, 7 ml. south of Salem at Sunnyslde. sWjsn si sfcsBtaetsa. an aa VVVVVVfVVvvvvf)iji 350. TRADE IN allowance on 1949 Voss kitchen table washlns; machine. Bal. very eesy' terms. NETON BROS. APPL. CO.. SCI Chemeketa. 'essssWWNws VTCT. RADIO con $15. 805 & 12th. AUGUST SALE mattress, 82.95 and bp. Save to . Buy now. Big reduc tion throughout our large stock.. Get our prlcea. Nash Furniture Co. "Eat I9JS. The at ore of friendly service and low prices. 3 FLOORS 3 new, nsed furniture Rugs, ranges, stoves. We buy. selL trade. "Shop around." "It pars. Get our prices. Cash, terms or trade. Nash Furniture Co. Rnss" ' Woodry. sue- mmm - -- -- -- -- - - - n ri ri n.n ji.n ruin ...good rrtjvcn h iii cm tin Cherry. Ave. Phone SS32 or' MB., V" TMPRAVirn vi.npoTi - . v. . - Crawfords and Charlottes now ready. Gravenstein apples (no worms) 15c a bushel and up. Fresh apple Juice dally. Bring container. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. irwwwinnnrui 2I9.9C OTT. TT-OVTVn rimniaiw Can boat up 'to five rooms 349.95. NELSON BROS. APPL. CO, 3(1 Chemeketa. AllwWWMWW OBiVrvsnrv i vn reasonable. Bring boxes. 825 N. 15th. WWWWMWWWMW BUT A PIANO throurh Tallman'a deferred rental sales plan mvestbrate. See Talhnan's and save. 4(9 8Ut SL ------- - ---irn-irwio.tvxjo.ri nji x dot arvnr v luuj . short time. Ph. 4954. See me at 8155 Mill St. city. NEW EI-Ef! waahlna machine atlaittly damaged, at eoat. Also 2 flat truck beds, with sides 12 ft. long. T. S.. 295 s. Cottage. AWiWWWWIiWMM TAKE OVER the balance of a re- no tsstd ABC washer new. modeL 95.09 per mo. NELSON BROS. APPU CO 3(1 Chetaeketa. WMWMWWwyMW' ALMOST NEW THIedre aewlna- ma. cnine. cneap. zoe ft. Church. WiWAMWWWWWWWWWWWWWMMWM ELECTRIC WASHFR tambi at 917.54. . Walter Anderson. 19 Ratdtffe unn. JMMWWWWWWMWMWWWWM ' TIATtT RVTTT.'E! (rfllur UVm. 33.90. Ph. 4799. PEACHES. EI.B7RT1S. Hales. Moire e-Crawfords at Patternon orch ard. 7 ml. west of Gervsis, Wheatland no. Ph. 1F3. Sirv 19A an rvr TA. Therm oil burning circulator. -9 to 4 room capacity, only 8k9.5r. Easr terms. Goofl-Tfousekeeplng Inc.. 458 Court St. i s"sesses"aSass,sSsaes CRAWFORDS. IMPROVED . Elbert tea, - Hales- A- CHmrs. - Tow nsend orcn- aroa. Hiaaian Bottom. MAMAMAMVWMWWMWWMAA FI.iT Tft m.ttlm I..V ' rmm km . . . . . . . till. m . Hem. mmm m vw aiove. oea. miz water St. T-ITIWIT roATTPO .in -.1. ..I. SKaa. nisneo. Must sell. Real bargama. 919 rronc. USED FURNITURE SPECIAtA Walnut bedroom set -9JS.99 Studio couch, makes twin beds . 910.99 Occaslrtnal rs '. 8 8.95 Hlbaxk rockers 3 J.95 Innersprtng mattresses 4. SO Davenport and chair 929.9S Tap. Bed-Dttveno ;. 928.75 COHN BROSH 895 N. Liberty Trade -!iTis4enari4?ons WILL, TRADE wood also woodyard for any kind of young stock. Ph. 4(82 Wanted -Miseellaneorw - WANTKn IIED rara Pa file nu WOOI ma tire Tsf 8tte WANTED TO-boy, tor each, tst Sad snortgasjaa real, estate tmm tracts A saerehsadtoe discount proper. STATE FINANCE CO. ' At State Street. Salem Oregaa Wanted F nrnitnre . WANTED. TORN. R. Forgey, Tit Kliseellaneona '. DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED " TWO HOUR SERVICE nst RARRT . fif-MLER. DENTIST Sosto A. Commercial jr ssn For Rent -Rooms SLEEPING RMa, bear scboota i ed capital. 4z r. summer, ro. SL ROOM close tai 435 N Winter. ssasbsai-sSBsaPsjsisJssjuaJsesEssesese RMS. 819-313. PH. 8172. l(t a 14th. eyNssss4eyBBpejMBa-B9B) NICELY FURN. , rsa-, - 4(9 N. 'Cot- t-Kk. MMWwie)WMMMweeea r ROOMS A HSKPO, 459 Oak. S53L nira nnrtsr ninr eabte. Me. a prezerrse. ute Jiairmomn. ; , We Lend You Money WITH' REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO JTT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees-No Comaker Your Signature Only RE PAT ANT DAT TOSEDCCI COST: BORROW PROaf 8AUOTS OCDKST AND LARUEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE TOUR NEEDS RE CEIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE.. - ' . - ,;- Rriance ten 1S 8a Commercial St.. . . . LIcNe. 8-tSS . Phone 91(1 First Door South fit Ladd Bask Bank .Convenient Ground Floor Leeatioa. OBTAIN TOUR CASH LOAN - the first day you call at PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUST people who cant afford time ott from their Jobs, da this: Write for application blank. Or, phone 44C and give lust enough Information to establish your credit We'll bar the cash ready, waiting, when yea corns ta. L Reasonable' credit requirements. -Z. People with modest salaries are es pecially invited te apply. It's the accepted and approved war to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rot. Stl. First NatX Bank Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phone 444( S-ill State License M-229 AUTO LP AN S REFINANCING BORROW MONEY ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR PRESENT BALANCE EASY TERMS NO DELAY , TRI-STATB ACCEPTANCE CORP. Mt225 MERRILL D. OHUNG.. INSURANCE Phone 994 271 State Street Salem. Oegoa GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL- Way WHEN AT HOMEl A "Personal Loan 829 to 9309. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USB A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at STf offices. Coast te Coast SIMPLK TO QUALIFY t Coma tab GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAGAZINE (As advertised therein.) PERSONAL Finance Co. A-tii at.i. nil 1 Oimm Estate License Numbers 8-131 M-180 &0WWW0&000l0m000tkmk. LOW RATE. AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy now or used ears. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red taps. - .1 TO XB MONTHS TO PAY. - Roy H. Simmons 139 South Commerce!! Street Phone 91(8 Lie. No. M-1IJ mmfmfmtmtm00mpmi0mmmml0im FHA LeOANS B ftlsM Dtiratw kMB Abrarr.. taito Inc. If sonic Bids 4s9sagSysesga AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 5th FLOOR GUARDIAN RUfl-DING LICENSE NO. M-159 MONEY TO LOAN AT 4H PER CENT TO REFINANCE rour nreeeat baft or for new construction. This applies to homes In Salem only. P. H. BELL 429 Oregon Buildtng Salem. Oregon Phoae S1S1 or 8392 . financial 1 frf wa HAVE never paid lees S V than this rate aavlngs saasfla and Inveetossit. Insured ta 89909. s Mutual Federal Savings A Lose Ass's Phone 4944 148 a. UDortr at. .Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED en farm and city oasity. Before amiowtasi lasjiilrs at Hawkins A Roberta, MMMMMMMMMMM WANTED 9KITATE 4MONXY to txian m -mod Salem real es tata WW pay 4 ta teres. - . W. H. ,uRA BEN HORSr 41 VUk REALTORS 134. & Liberty Street. Phone. 8488 Room and Board TBU BOARD, axe food. H4 Marion MWMVMMMWMMV)MWMeMA EX. RM. and bd- 1(8 N 18th ' FHL HOJflC. eixrcL food. Ph. t BOARD A Room 325. 430 N. Liberty. 0sasT9bjioitejsssi0Ba ROOM A Board Cor mother A child, Case for child. Ph. 1814. For Rent Apartment X.R. FURM. APT- aoar atstohonso suitable for women. 479 ri. catpvoi. MMMWMWVWMWWWWMWWAMMWMAMk 1 TO 4-RM. apta, cheap. 1 an s ChUdrs-i weteosne. 1910 IStb. sjsaassssa-assssejssae NICELY FURNISHED, close to. 191 N Commercial St. 3-RM. FURN. bath. 1449. Waller. FURN. APT and .tousekeeplng rooms reasonable. 3054 N. Capitol, apt. - . KIR. APTA Furn. A smfura. 8 is) 940 Royal Court Ph 9B4L lWWWMW COOL 1ST Ooot 1 rm S44 Ferry -VAC. HAW CU. I9M-NO. Captrol jPATTON APTTS-, 838 State. Fur otabed. Adnlta only Ph. 9344. OLYMPIC APTH 3 twin beds. Ph. 774L room furnished. U 4 t RM. APTS. 254 H. Cottage. FURN. APT. pri. bath. 545 Court St. STRICTLY MOD. The Devereaux. S R. APT. 1010 Oak. , LARGE 4 KM. furn. apt. Pri.-en t and bath, Om to. Adults. Jotj. 9i N. mgo. 1JWMMMMMIMMMMMMMM . ROOM FURNISHED apartments reasonable,-141 ti. Liberty SU . SES THE Fisher Ants, before You decide. , Large A Airy.' Rockwool la sulsted against beat A cold. Venetian BHnds throughout. & ComL A Oak St a S OR 3 RM. rara. apt, J89 N. Cottage NICE FURN. apt. bath.' 594 Union. NEW A RM. tern. Apt. Rea. 1715. S R. FURN. apt, pri. bath. 112 Union FURN. PR1Y. bath 188 N. 121X Com . v a. ' For Rrat Apartments .. MODERN COME. I ymg veil forn. Close. Heat, gs rage, phone, water. Reasonable to right party. Ph. 1(29. llllWWM'1 S-RM. TORN. apt. 919 Marlon. . NICE FURN. apt. Pri. cut. Garage. Adults. 949 Leslie. FIRST FIOOR apt. ISSft $Ut. sessssMs9s4Meste FURN. SINGLE apt 832 Water 81 ssasbessjssasasssasbaesissssjssaisj ROOM AND apu -S Ferry. sesssatasaiaskBeasPesjsgaa 3 RM. FUKN. apt, 1159 Center. MMMWMMMMIMMMM APT. 910 MO. 245 & Commercial St. 3 R, FIRST 'FLOOR. 432 Marlon. 8 ROOM MODERN furn. soL. 825. Husn. TeL 37. WWWWMWWWWW t R. LT. HAG W gar 814.54. 7113. For Rent -Houses 8 ROOM HOUSE 844 Jefferson St. 9 ROOM HOUSE. Inq. 928 8. 3 1st. FURNISHED COTTAGE. Close ta. 818 N. Commercial. Ph. 58(0. 4 RM. MODERN house, near Leslie school 925. Inquire 1629 N. CapitoL lMMAAAWMMWMWWMWMVMMMM FURNISHED and unfnrn. house. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court. Ph. 8744 ssfkUepsjslbsssysjasga, 7 R. HOOD St 539. P. 5222. "srss'ss-! r i ii nab r 7 R. CLOSE In 845. P. 5222. MODERN 8 ROOM house. 3 bed rooms. 4 blks. from State Office Bldg. Tel. 3370. MOD. FURN. Cottaares. Low Rates. Shoen'a Cottages. 12th A Pae Hgw. 8. - -- vysu-ynjirij"ruxrxJXOjj'i 4-R. HSE.. nr school 925. Ph. 4449 AWWMWWWWWWI NEW 3 RM. cottaa-e, furn. or un furn. 1SIP Court St. Ph. 4S19. THREE ROOM honmm 4 OS VsiVrAna avc. oaiem neiRnts. 9SmmJm1m&mpm0mJmfmfmt 4 RMS. A bath. S1A I rma. remod "led, 915. Mod. 8 rma. $26. T rma. oaae.. m 711s. DESIRABLE MOD. S rm aouth. Pb. 30F1L References. .. ni in n n 1ru1i-LrLrU 3 RM. HSE.. 327 N. 23rd St KOOaf FVRNI8HED cottage. 2 room furnished apartment 7 room modern house. 275 State Street Phone 9494. FURN. 5 ROOM hniinn hedrnnm. piano, radio, 407 S. 18th. 'l' - ' - - - - - -- -I-, 1 rnorwi n iifimx C-RM. M(in Y,mm tlfl m.mrm, mmmjl hae.. 840. Ph. Xtlt Knninn ttl . mi. apt., eiecx. rerrig., automatic heat 320. 355 8. 14th street RICH L. REIMANN 167 a High Street Phone 8(22 "--' - - - i-i't-ivrirtnnriAn.n NRini.v ttrsror u Church. Open Sua. A eve. tboreaftsr. For Rent Farms WEIX TlfPnnVRn 9A mr-rm an a reliable, tarty with equip. . Box 1974. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 881 State Btreet iBQuIre room 200 Tel 8718. ewjMwMWiWee OFFICE SPACE for rent In -mod business location. Write Box 1973. Mta teaman. ROOMS FOR girls, 896 N. Cottage. Wanted to Rent Rentals. Willamette Real Est 7118. ..For Sale Real Estate S ft MOD. HOUSE, swserne-rt. gar. 1 btk. from Safeway St 947 Saginaw - - -- irriiriiririni-u-i WR HAVR THE PHrtSPElTr lease, rent see Mr. Lsrsev or Mr. Col- iin witn na wains a Koaerta. AlJMWAMljWWMW TRADE CTT1 cHOperty for Cam homes. Opportunities la eschaagea HAWKINS. A ROBERTS. INC 9Lm0mkmmn000&0&&&&mw& SALEM PROP. Box 1971 Stateamaa. i'iiMMMrfeieeit LOTS Choice build ins? lot on Falrmount HUt For quick sale only 9850. See Mrs. Kills with ' CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street Phone 9261 aMjAMMeMeii NEW S-RM. bans wKh U. sum at ground. 93200: 9200 down, balance easy monthly payments. New, modern 4-rm. house. Jfarth Sa lem, t320; 8100 down, 82 per anontb. - RICH L. RETMANN 147 S. High Street Pbono MSA sSsssSss-sSaSbats A HOME AND AN INCOME Located In fast erewinar dtst m a Salem, a good 6-room house and a small service station, lot 74x169. with lots ef room for mere bldga. price 53759 with 8599 down, balance 886 per mo. Can Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS a MILLER. Realtors 344 Slate Btreet Phone 9291 I RMS, BASE terse, gar. fruit paved at. walka, steps, cement good location. 8274. sotn eaab. baL ana. r. tinrpentrog. Zl auu at. Ph. 494 M - -- - - - -1 11 1 ii ii 1 ni riii rLr.iLi--ruij-i.nji 815 MO. NO down nav. 4-rm. nrin. hse. Paved rd. NE city limits. Price 4 izao. K H. STAMBAUGB Phone 9411. 218 Oregoa Bldg. ONE OF SALEM'S FINEST HOMES 2 BLKS FROM state bouse cm Bum mer. 14 beautiful rooms, 3 tile baths. 3 fireplaces, representing a value of 41e.oee.eo. mow eaertneed for (is.0e 8260 cash or wfU take assail beano an down mmciit - fcSUDKWW-KAHMIK RXAI ESTATE 12 Load a Bush Bide- - Phone 6946. WIMMWMMMMAMWAA NEW HOME, 9300 DOWN BRAND NEW modern 6 room borne with H acre fust off highway abort way. north ef Salem. 32404. 8259.40 does 17 acres apples, cber rles. prunes A smt. socne pasture, 6 mile south of Salem, 8175s $16.04 montnry. 3 six room modern homes oa V. Fourth St- one without basement. $3900 one wHh -bas-miat. - $9600 gooo Terms. For gooo Buys la call Arthur Madsen. Ph. 5590. MAMMMIeMtMMM 8200 DOWN WILL bnr a 6 room moo. ragusb type besoe ss salens. Basement, furnace. . j Nw 4 room houae, mod. conven iences, with 1 A. of ground on Pa- cuic mguwav. souuv Priced at 52. OA Aerma. - P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oregoa Bldg. - Phone 9121 -: FINE BUILDING lot, la new dis trict.: Jst on ith, an dear, ma price, oxsa-ee. none 4I1L - BT OWNEB Nearly new 4 R. house, some hardwood floors. Inlaid linoleum. Uar, woodshed. Capitol. grtrve. I Z (St,. Terr moderat terms. Call 64IL FORD DEALERS USED CAR CLEARANCE SALE HERE'S. TOUR OPPORTUNITY PROUD TO OWN. ' i' . 1939 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan...... $775 1938. ford TSeila 56 1937 Ford Coupe ....i.,.-....-......;. 435 1936 Hudson DeLue 4-Dr. Sedan, radio and ' " ebCfltCf eeeeeaee..-e-a-sseoeeeeeeeeeeaeeeees 4S3 1936 Nash 4-Door Sedan.............. 465 1937 WiUys "77" 4-Door Sedan.....-...... 365 1936 WUlys "77" 4-Door Sedan..... 225 Several Vsed Trucks and Panels to Choose From VALLEY MOTOR CO. USED CAR LOT MARION AND LIBERTY "20 Years of Friendship" HerbMisson - BenDrager - Art Hanson For Sale Real Estate 5 RMS.. 1 A. berries, fruit. $969. $450 down. a mi tiatH. nluLi navad. 81400. $100 dn. new rms. ac ok., fiiev, un. 173 S.-LIberty Phone 7113 5 ROOM HOUSE for $1500.00. $300 cash will handle. T room modern house, double plumb Ins, want smaller house. 86 acres about six miles out, modern 7 room house, excellent location, and will trade for property In Sa lem. 26 acres closs In on paved road, price reduced for quick sale. East of Salem. CHAS. HUDKTNS. Phone 9494 275 State Street LEAVING TOWN, must sell at once. Property 100x200, 5 room house, dou ble garage, fine view, shade, fruit and nut trees, shrubbery. Phone 8724. InsuUted. 6 cheerful rooms, streamline am my m, m fireplace, oak floors, basement, fur nace, air conditioned. $4250, terms. Ph. 3707, owner and builder. 4 ROOM HOUSE, paved street. 81 099, 8104 down. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 E dire water St. Phone 6422 STRICTLY MODERN new 4-rm. bungalow with breakfast nook and laundry rm. 1 A., close to school, north of town. 8100 down, balance 825 per month including taxes and interest. RICH L. REIMANN 147 & High Street Phone 8618 NEW HOUSE, modern. K A. ground. good . location. Evergreen Ave. Terms like rent Move In now. Good house, barn A ch. house. 2 Vi A trade Xor unimproved acreage or sell. Easy terms. New house. N. Salem, owner win sacrifice. Immediate possession. Now is the time to get that farm. I have some good one that you can han dle. Why rent! - H. C Shields. Oreg. Bldg. rn. bioz. FOR SALE , , Lots owned by City $126. to $100. See any real estate maa or call 6632 167 8. High Street $2659 GOOD HOME at 1620 Madison Bt. ran, nasesnent. rurnace. nice lawn and shrubbery, large lot. $3199 Nice home 1 ML from Grant school a rata, narowooa noora. basement, furnace, fireplace, unfinished upstalra $599 down. MONET TO LOAN AT 9 PER CENT MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 726 Court St Phoae 3728. 2 HOUSES. NEARLY new. to be sold at sacrifice, I and 4 rooms. R. A. FORKNEK A H. T. UEBER 1858 N. Capitol For Sale Farms - MR. FARMER Hero Is one of the finest valley farms sensibly priced. It contains 116 acres good soil, a fme set -of modern buildings. Beautifully located on !. PadOo highway. 'Deep wen. of crystal dear water. This Is a splendid all purpose rarm priced at ois.ooe a no $4,000 cash wUl handle. To see this can Mr. Bartlett wtth CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street - Phone 9241 - - ---i-i-i- i(i-.-irir"n-iiimi nncui 8 ACRES. FULLY modern house. hardwood fkn.. fireplace, electric wa ter system, 95900. 40 acres. 4 rm. hse- cood barn. weTL T acres strawberries, near Salem, house and barn 6 yrs. old. Cut from $3000 to szzte tor -quick sale. Terms. R.JL FORKNER.A H. T, UEBER 185 J X. Capitol Street j Biisiness Cards ta caie tnittiwj a a isMmtbjy txttla eotfy Kate i 11 per Uue per Auctioneers RAT HISEL, 1219 Sixth St Ph. 722L Auto Brakes Ifrk Panek. 378 South rclal BICYCLES, NEW and reconditioned Harry W. BootL 147 & CbmX P. 6118 Carpenters OarpeaUra, L. L Mickey A 1T9 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 446A 8t Chiropractors Ott O. L. aorrrT. PSC Clilroprsctoe, 869 M Hlghv TeL Rea 967A Excavating EXCAvATINO OF aB alnda, Pase raents dust Dtrt hauled or mevest. Dtrt fee -aals. Smlesa ,Sand bad Oravet Co Florists Brelthaupra, 441 Ossjrt 1994 kUtnn dries ' THB NEW SALEM LAUNDRt THE WXIDlUt LAUNDRt 868 8. HKA . XaL 9U6 NATION-WIDE TO GET A'tTSED CAR YOU'LL BE , McKAY FOR Better Ydues 1937 Chev. DeLuxe Town Sedan $575 Dark brown color low mileage dual equipment deluxe steering wheel A electric clock This car is a beauty. 1938 Chev. DeLuxe Town Sedan $665 Dark green color. Radio, heater, de froster fan. dual equipment. 1934 Packard 7.P QJn ftCTQS; Color black. This ear is one of the 9 41 (-lAw Meukjl sei-e wa Ketvsb shVaita rei I a swi eV9AA4P4 sePC-l MUS W - w saw you know the slogan "Ask the man who own, one." - As Isers - 1927 Buick Sedan....$ 65 1930 Graham Sedan 95 1928 Ford Coupe.... 45 1934 Chev. Long Truck 295 Tires almost new. McKAY Qievrolet Co. Walt Holman, Jimmy Davis, Laurence Flathere 333 Center Phone 8188 Open Evenings Business Opportunities RENT, STORE bldg. with living quarter, suitable xor oaroer or ux- shop. Phone 4Jt. ON THE GROUND FLOOR It Is estimated that four years wlB be required to complete the N. Saarlam dam. Be wise and buy this- location now. Nearly new building in fine con ditloB. domg a lunch and grocery busi ness, good volume with opportunity to expand. Price for an Including stock and fixtures sseo. cau sir. aruett witii CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 844 Stats StreeT Phone 9261 CONF. AND lunch fine location. 81900, terms. West Salem Real Es tate. 059 Edewater; Phone 9422. aweiWM FOR SALE Three pump service station and repair shop. This place Is stocked and equipped aad there Is i acres of ground included on 99 north of Salem and also 5 alee rooms for liv mg Quarters, furnished. AIL goes for .. see uersea wrcn HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC MWWNMMAMMM SERVICE 8TATION with camp- grounu t unitsi,. sit ijb casn. KICM Lm KJ&IMANN 167 & High Street Phone 868L INVENTIONS WANTED .r Patented or Unpatented J. T. Anderson. 1015 S. W. Morrlsoa. Portland Directory Rlattrases SALEM FLUFF RUQ and AtAt-- hMn MICW MlTTBraS mmrndtm. m. erder. eld remade; carpet (seaBtng. naingi iiuii rug weeTing. a in ER. Est 191L .rr' - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. te9 Naturopathic Pbrsielaa OK-J--H. ROCXWELU Naturepath Tat 4898. Offtoe Bear II a. as. teliSd m. rara exam, a consulta TIOJ in. PHntins FOR STATION ERT earda aamphleta C!tT-!," m "sTsjf aris-a- caS The atessnas Prtattag Da pertmewt .All 8V Cossbisi tbU. Tele retoo 919L - - Transfer FOR LOCAL or enstawt vranefer. ater ega burners Q, eal-SUL fArmet Tranafer Co. Trucks ta Ftortlaad dairy CITY TRANSFER. Pa." 661 A BUi Varuuiu Cleaner Service MR. WALL. Ph. 62F2. Free ost prices, .-Rebaflt fMnee aad reutaJa ennrinins a. A. WEST, it 9. bos 448. P. 119F8 J. rush. 8186 Myrtle, Ph. 9839. .. WILSON'S Used Car Clean-Up . ... . - ' - . . - . . . . v Our Used GaiStock xnnst be cleaned up in the next i 10 days! Bring XQUf present car in and we'll give. you a marvelous 19Jl:BUICK.SportHSeaa--rSpal Series 'i. lJjBUICKoeclat, Jo-kSedan . 1937 BUICK. Roadmastet; Touring Sedan 137 TJUICK Century Touring Seda'if . 19X7 BUiCK. century upon oaan 1927 BUICK Special import Sedaa hit buick soeciai Cosmo till BUICK Special Touring Sedan lZf BUICK Special Coupe 1938 .OLDSMOBILE Six Touring Sedan 1937 OLDSMOBILE Eight Touring Sedan 1936 PONTIAC Eight Sedan 1936 OLDSMOBILE Sedan : 1936 RKO Flying Cloud Sedan ' 1934 graham Sedan 1933 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe 1-door 1931 STUDEBAKER Coupe 1927 BUICK Sedan ; - 129 OAKLAND Sedan 1929 CHEVROLET Coach : Come In and See Us . . . Big Trades . . . Easy Terms OTTO J. WILSON Used Car Dept. 3S8 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 5451. EXTRA! We have a limited number Plymouth Cars we are closing out at reduced prices. Hurry while they last. Also a choice assortment of Used Cars. ACT NOW! '36 Dodge Coach. Beautiful exterior '36 Dodge Tour. Sedan. Reconditioned '26 Dodge Sedan. Very good motor, etc A good buy '37 DeSoto Sedan. Tan finish, like new ; radio, heater, overdrive, etc i 32 Studebaker Sedan ; radio, heater, very clean, motor thoroughly reconditioned. A bargain at '37 Buick Special (49) Tr. Sedan; radio, beater, dual-equipped. This car Is exceptionally clean . '36 Ford DeLuxe Coupe, very clean Interior ; smooth motor . '35 Ford DeLuxe Tudor, looks A runs like new ; it's simply '36 FoDeLuTr!. Sedaa. ThFs"car la outstanding in jevery detail 37 Chev. Mast DeLuxe Sedan radio, heater, etc Runs like a watch . ' - - - '35 Studebaker Tr. Sedan. Original finish like new; upholstering like new. It's a steal at 31 Ford Tudor Sedan you'll like this as it runs fine SEE THESE MANY BUYS AT SALEM AUTO CO, USED CAR SUPER MARKET CHRYSLER 435 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET PLYMOUTH OPEN EVENINGS VMWWWWWNMWMMWWWW ii r'wwvRT.isi nmtv. Couoe. dual equipped, sidemounta. Cheap. 2305 N. Fourth St. 1931 DeSOTO SED. $100 or wUl take cheaper car for equity. Ph. $885. 418 Evergreen Ave. 32 FORD V-8. A-l condition. Call evening. 2215 N. Liberty. '28 CHEV. COACH. A-l shape. Good price. Ph. 4289. 1937 FORD DeLUXE 85 Sedan, only 18 799 exact miles. Runs and looks like new. Price 9475.00. Easy terms will take older modeL Dial 115 then 94F29. '28 CHEV.. FAIR shape, 1199 Col onial Ave. Call evenings. Exehanjrf---Rea Estate " EXCHANGE Modern T-room bouse In Engiewood diet Price 85600. Will take income property closs In or. small clear prop erty as part payment Call Mrs. Ellis with - CHILDS A MILLER, Realtors 844 8tate Street Phone 0241 T Aereage 8 ACRES 1 MI. of City.' Bargain if sold soon. Owner, R. 2, Bos 86. 8 ml north of city limits. . Lost and Found ' LOST ENVELOPE containing le gal papers. Finder call 43F6. reward. For Sal--Wood' SUMMER PTtlCKS. old Hr 19" at only $4.76 per card. Order for now or later deL Phone 41 SL Owi) Feel Co 9747. PRY 1 4-In.? old ftr. $4 60. SPEC OAK $5.75. ash $5.25. P. 9709 INVESmOATst .BUDGET Paa on wood. Ph. 6379. W. L Oraeu. 413 N..21 16-IN. OLD fir. $5: kaoti $4.69: 4-n,;Ya4, $LTL Phone 9466. Personal LONELY T "WORTHWHILE- sweet, beart, bosband. wife for. you. Bos Ti Los Aagelea, LEGAL NOTICE SHEIUFF'S XOTICK OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN taAt I wlo, oa SAUrdAy. ScpteiB W SS, ItSt, at le:M o'elock fa the forenoon of said day, at the west door of the Marioa County Court House.-ln Salem, 'Oretoa. sell at pnlle aaeUoa la the inaa aer sroYlded by law for the sale of real property oa execution, the fouowiat; described real preia SeeeV to-wlt: ? . - - " - Lots S aad 1; Block t. Now . Cherry Additloa to the City of ' galea, Varloa County, Oreroa. - Said sale wm bo by virtue of am oxocatloa Issued out of the Circuit Comrt f ot the state ' of Oreron for Marlon Cbanty ta that mlt heretofore ' iendIn$T therein la which City of Salem, a taaakt pal eorpofaUon. le plalaUff aad Nelne ,C. WlUlama.' aamarrlod; Marion County, a body politic, ad State Finance Company, a eor poratloa, are defendaata the aaine belnj 'Clerk's Register No. X81$. Dated and tiret pnbllihed Aa rnut 25, ust , . f , . -r.Zs. , : - Afc,TjRir; Sheriff of Marion. Conn ty. . " : - .. Orecoa. By Kenneth L. Bandall, Deputy. A.J5-S.1-8-15-2J 14869 U J UU788 -l9T9S 877 8785 J4I5 3485''- 8545 9545. 8795 $695 $465 9546 -$J16 8S65' SITS tits 9 46 9 45 . 8 $5 EXTRA! of new '39 Chrysler and it's tops $445.00 $495.00 $ 35.00 $645.00 $185.00 $695.00 $345.00 $325.00 $395.00 $565.00 $425.00 $145.00 thtoughout New rubber LEGAL NOTICE SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will, on Saturday, Septem ber S3, 1929, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the west door ot the Marioa County Court House, in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction In the man ner prorlded by law for the sale ot real property on execution, the following described real prem ises, to-wit: Lot 10, Block S; Lota X and -fl. Block 4; and Lot fl. Block 5, Oak Lodse Addition to the City ot Salem, Marion County, Oregon. ' Said aale will be by virtue ot an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the ' State ot Oregon for Marioa County In that suit heretofore pending there in which City of Salem, a municipal corporation, la plaintiff and Geo. . W. Jousnon. Jr., and Verda B. Johnson, his wife, Marlon County, a body politic, and Blanche A. Rodsers. are defendants the same betas; Clerk's Register No. 28187. Dated and first published Au gust 25, l2fl. - A ; - A. C BCRK, Sheriff ef Marion County, ' 'v,:'- X)regon.' By Kenneth L. Randall, t Deputy. A.25-S.l--l-Tr " SHERIFF'S NOTICE OF SALE : v Notice is hereby glren that I will, 'oa Saturday,' September 23, lflSfl, at It o'clock in the fore- . noon ot aald day, at the v west door f the Marioa County Court House in Salem, Oregon, sell at public auction la Ute manner pro-' Tided by law for the aale of real , property oa executllon, the for lowing described real premise;', to-wlt: - j . : - The North SS.1S feet of Lot 5. Block 1 of Good Addluoa to , 'the City - of Salem, Marioa County, Oregon; and Beginning at tbe northwest comer of Lot I la Block 1 of Good Additloa; . thence westerly paraiel with, the south line of Howard Street, SS.S feet; , thence , , southerly parallel wlta the west line of aald block 41.S .feet; Ueaee . easterly parallel with the eoueh -line of Howard Street to tbe P west line of said block; thence northerly along the west Una . of; block to the place of be- ( ginning, aU ta the City, ef Sa-. tern, Marioa County,, Oregoa. r Said sale wll be by yfrttte of an executloa issued out' of "the Clr- ; emit Court of tbe SUto t, Ore- goaor Marioa County in that' suit heretofore pending therein la ' which City of Salem, ; a municipal . eorporatloav Is plaintiff and O. M. Edward and B. E. - Edn ards.- ' her husband, and" Marion County, ' -a 'body - politic, - are defendants. : . The same being Clerk's Reis f ter No.. 21 132. . - - Dated and -first'' published ? Aagust 2S. If3fl ft - ' . , A. C. BCRK, - ? t Sheriff .. of. Marioa - County, , , .Oregon By Kenneth L. Randall, t Deputy. A 2S, S 1-8-16-22 "