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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1939)
Hie OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, August 19, 1939 4 PAGE NINF Meotal 'and for Sale :SigEis on This Page Seen By Thomsaiids Daily' .,, j . - ........... - :. .. .... . ...... ,,. J .-.-.......,..... .... : ... ... . ....)'.......,.... ... - -- J. " " . .......... . , ". ' . Statesman . Classified Ads Call 9101 CSaaaifled Advertising Single Insertion per lla 10c Three Insertions per line 20e Six lnsertlona per lia .S0e On month per. lint .fl Minimum charge .... ..'..lit Copy far this pass accepted onM t:29 tbe evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re calved after this ttmewm be ma binder tbe beading "Toe . Late te Claaaify.- Tbe Statesman iMimu ae finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear In advertisements pub lished to fU column, mod in eases arbere tbla paper a at faolt will re prlnt that part of aa advertisement to which tbe typographical aalatafc Tbe Sta teaman teserves the right t reject Questionable adrertlsina, ft further reserres tbe right te place all advertising ader the proper classification. A "RUnd- Ad an ad oatalntaa 8tatasnian box number for aa ad 4ree la for tbe protection ef tbe advertiser and most therefore be asswered by latter. The Stateemaa Is aot at liberty te divulge tafonnev tkto aa to tbe Identity ef an adver Uaar swing a "Blind ad. Li restock HORSES FOR sale. Also ! wka old ereaner pica Hayes Labis Farm Brooks. Orageev . DEAD AND Worthless horses, cows picked op free. Ph. collect 9411 Salens Montgomery Rend. Wke. - S3 WEEKLY. GROW mushrooms, cellar, abed. We buy 15c lb. World's largtst compaay. FREE BOOK. Mush rooms, 2019 Second. Seattle. Wash. - FINE MILCH cow and calf 145. Rt. 7, Bx. 471 Hollywood Drive. Hop Pickers START PICKING early hops at WD- llams and Thacker Ana. IV 4 miles west of Salem. Tel f (14. COMMENCE PICKTNO Aug. . Register bow. Call Phone 49F22. C C. Russell. PICKING STARTS Mlnto yard Mon day. Aug. 2L Registered pickers only. Help Wanted SSS WCCXLT. GROW mumhreoms. cellar, abed. We buy. tee lb. World's largest company. FREE BOOK. Musb rooms. 2919 Second. Seattle. Wash. ATTENTION . HOP-PICKERS REGISTRATION BOOKS are now area for ocr several yards. For furth er information cell at the office f DURBIN a CORNOTER ever J. C N Liberty street. WANTED BEAN Dickers Friday SL2S per cwt Cbemawa Indian School. .Help Wanted Male MAN TO dig weO. Mast hare equip ment Fred Knbln. Ph. 47FZL ' Help Wanted--Female LADT FOR housework. Can tll Fairgrounds Road. 3 NEAT APPEARING salesladies for local firm, nee 21-40. Salary. Com mission If craallfy. See Mrs. Sheppard Apt. 2. Center St. Hours tiU 4. HOUSEKEEPER FOR care of children. Good Home and some wages, Noah's Ark Auto Camp. Cabin C Salesmen Wanted TWO LIVE wire men to sell root hut anel sid log. Hard worker can make Si aer wk. with rood chance-Tor pro- snetinn. Apply 1 P-DX to 4 p.m. Ma this. 1TI B. fTnmtwereiai. Sirnationt Wanted DRESSMAIC MRS AdettL PV ! MAN OF said-ass wttb U years exn. la sand Una; furniture, antiques and electric appliances. Small salary and Box JS cQ. SKSieeman SEW S4C, IRON 2 Sc. Pb. Hit PLASTERING a patching. Ph. 4107 WILL CARE for children In my KB N. Uth. Ph. S42I. 8TENO0L A-l typist. S yra. exp. lilt co Stateemsn. Bo RAMSETEft TRUCK Service, aanlbsx. 1SS4. . Gen. For Sale -MiaelTaneotis BIkee A Sep. REBUILT AND rasteed STBSh Aa a lay CASH FOR furs, Pa. U0. ARMT WALL tent. 2Sf & Hta. Dtstned Wbrte vlsegar-for aA sick Bag - auriusis. Keepe yowr Mrkles krtap. Alee pare apple cider vioegar Port tan CHer WXs, west saier- RaWLEIGH GOOD fceaJth products S. W. MQler. Btayton. Ore. Tel. 1X1 GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn. L. H Seiko. Robert Sta. Ph. 17 F2. BUR. BOOKKPO. asaertlne. IT eol umn. meter a stand. SO. 4-drswer ral steel file, roller suspension, anto- aaaOe lock. tit. West asade desk Use sew. wuruienm too, z pedestals, re. S7C vahsa. SSa. Triaer postal scale. I. UaostbsM cosy bolder $. Essctrle check srrtter perfect rood. IIE. Dk dmJicsts. tit. Nat cash register srVB tld capacity. f. Tatass - posting tray IT. Bar. t cel. adder, tU. Reen. 4 Ccvrf. ,:-:a;-:v CANNING SWEET Ph. StU. OR TRADE 11T asodel GMC Wk tjsw 15t S. Liberty. ' AjTERTtSlKO Wewtara AdverUsJas: BUipresaQtatlTea - fisstani Advertlsinc Bcpraseatstlyea Bryant. Grtftltb re. Hew Tors. Boetn. Atiairta mi tse fosfaftos mi Orsoea. tsiwad Class Mmttmr. Waked every era sjreest Jf Bssixsa eveg ta SoutM iCmwtmmtlm ttruL firuscaimos bates; 'JUU Subscription Rates In Ad ranee. Wlthia Oregon ; - Daily ass .wonuay bfa. Kt cents: Ma. ILM: Mo. UN i mi I&.SC : msewbere f cents set lio. or 14J4 for 1 year to advance. Xer copy cents. .Newsstands cents Rt r-l Csrrier: cents a wtoatfe; 17.20 a rear to advance la Marlon For Sale -Miscellaneous 8LAPPT AND Crawford peaches for canning: Elbcrtas, Hales, Muirs and Clings later. Flu 4F22. Jiritt Aspln wall Wsconds, NEW 4-EI.EMENT L. A H. electric range only 949.40, easy terms. Good Housekeeping; Inc. 4SS Court St OWNER HAS sold farm, wishes to U i shares la Producers Can. Frank W. Wlleon rt. 4, box 421. Ph. 68F3 CHIMNEY CLEANED, pipes, fur- aacea. stoves, ratters. Get ready for winter, a rota chimney nres, netter draft. All work guaranteed. No soot or dirt. Ray L Farmer Hardware Co Ph.- 8005. PEACH KS CRAWFORDS ready. Hales, erbertaa IS days. Chaffee. Wnl lace Rd. Rt. 1 Bos lit. Ph. S2F2L ti.TL FRYERS, dressed or alive. Ph. loini. i to s pjn. IRR1G. CANNING Corn at Rhrer Bend Garden. 4 ml. out or del. Few days only. P. 124F2. STOP. LOOK aad listen. If you want to bay a Car see that1 IMS Graham Sedan. Now only SI7&. Win take In wood or furniture fa oart trade. Owner Glenn Woodry. at the Fi N. Woodry Auction aunt. n. sue. iouh ime this car. See It today. MUST" MUST SELL, say new . 'S9 Regis Vacuum Cleaner, dusting; tools, aad floor polisher. Coat Will tana call 1747. so N. tiDerty. PEACHES. CHARLOTTES a C raw- fords are ready at . Petteya orchard. Later varieties follow. Wallace Rd. Rt. 7u PEACHES. TOO pick. Townsend's orchard. Mission Bottom.: BARTLETT TEARS. 25e and up. Stoddard. 1 mi. on Wallace road. STUDIO COUCH, radio chair, occa sional chair. S-pc. bedroom set. Ches terfield chair. Call Friday or Saturday 825 Leslie. CURTIS AIR compressor. 150 lbs., automatic. 1440 Fairgrounds road. COLORED FRYERS, lie lb. 317. PURE BRED cocker ananlel pups. Black and red. J. Vereteeg, 1001 N. 5 th. USED WOOD, electric and gas ranees, hoaestrr priced. See them at TEATKR A RUSH CO. Westlnsbonse Hdqtrs. Next Power Co. THOR IRONER fully reconditioned and gnaranteed. Terms ; Jt.SO down. l.gj per month, with your lfKht DHL I bATEn m ttusrt VAJ 255 N. Liberty Nt to Power Co. LAST CALL for Slaooy peaches. Crawfords and Charlottes now ready. Gra-renstein apples ao worms) 25c a bushel and up. Fresh apple Juice daily. Bring: container. Puritan Cider Works, West Salem. AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE Today Only 1 Phllco Radio. 9 tube, cost $150. Zenith Radio.. S tube, cost $325. 1 Stewart-Warner Radio. : ?tnbe, cost SltS. I 8 part on Radio. 10 tube, cost. 1176. 1 Fada Radio. 9 tube, con 3. Majestic Radio. IS tube, cost -. Tour choice today, if. 15 earn. Hurry, they will a fast. These radios are In fine playing condition. Very beautiful cabinets, sll style, sad at this price you do not bare to be without s radio Beautiful Davennort and Chair rust color coat 117S today. $19.75. i:te Suit Hanrera. all kinds, your choice. lSc dosen. Sewinr Machine. Electric. White Ro tary, round shuttle, runs perfectly. beautiful small console model cost Slav today $27.75. SALEM AUCmON HOUSE 2S0 N. Hisr . Otn. City Han "We do not nave auction sales at any time but we sen at less than auction prices. We pay cash for furniture piece or a carload." GLASS DOORS 12.50. Windows. 110 Cnemeketa. PEACHES Ado prices, Imlah Fruit Farm, Wallace Road. Tel. 52F11. . NICE CANNING near and neaches. Rt. I, Box 1I. Wallace Rd. Nesner. GIRLS JUNIOR size bicycle $10. 210 Pah-riew. PRIVATE SALE Mon.. Toe. Aoc 11-22. Tannan Gas Range. Klectrofax Refrlgerator and Household furniture. 1170 Fairmouat. Just off MHier St. FrjRNTTURE FOR Sale. Can be seen St 914 N. th Rat, Sun. or Tues. ere. Between and a. CANNING FRUITS. Try oar srlces on canning Crawfords. Open Sua. a evenings. 4 biks. N. Viaduct. Portland Hiway. . - Tradt Minrellaneons WILL TRADE wood also woodVard for any kind of young stock. Ph. 4S22. Wantrd Miarellaneons WANTED USED fare Fa. 4I1S OLD WOOL sMttresa, Tel tilt WANTED TO bay : for cash. 1st a d saartraaes real estate eoeitracts merrhandtse discount proffer. STATE FINANCE CO S44 State Street. Salem nregoa CASH FOR mm Movie Camera. F- 1.9 lens. Eastman or Bell Howell. Bos less statesman. Klissrrltaneotu DENTAL PLATES REPAIRED TWO HOUR SERVICE . DR. HARRY SRMLER. DENTIST State m Cssnsaerrtal Fm. sail For Rent Rooms FTJRN. RMSL. good toeatlen. -V. St SIEPINO RMS. near schools end capita L 493 N. sumnier. pn. 44S8. Room and Board TBL. BOARD. feed. tM Marion TBL. BOARD, sxe. food. 450 Marlon RM. and U. 1U A 12 th. FBI. BOMS; excel food. Ph. 4711. LIGHT AIRY roosss wttb or without 149 Coart. Phone SSXO. KICK SLKKPTNO reem. etoseln. In chnUag; board. ttJ N. Liberty. ROOM Mk Board $2. Ph. 4111. HOME-LIKE to. 4M Jt Winter KM. BD. Oar. t2t. 1W0 N. 17th. For neJitApaxtmenU S-R. FTJRN. APT- ststehonse soxcaMe tor womea. 47 K. CalptoL 1 Sit KEWLY fnra. Heat, water iwZrla. bath. adoRs. 991 M. Onttaga, t TO 4-RM, apta. cheap. ttIO anf tp Omdns suesot, ls . ntn. NICELY FTJTRNISHED. dees m, 927 N. Comsaercial St. ' Tj-irn.uxnjqrir.i.-i lonnr n . FURNISHED APTSw 24tH Slate. 1 R. FURN. awfc - tJress. rrm.. pan, fetu Prt. bath. 444 So. umt-er. t BEAUTJTULLT FURNISHED t-rra. corner ant- Leslie Manor. XI ' esue 9-R1L TURN, bath, 144 Waller. FURN. APT and housekeeping rooms isassnabie. 2054 N. Capitol, apt. eaaajajsjssssdbsaisss 2-RM. FURN apt 945 S. 11th. Money to Loan ! We Lend You Money WITH REPAYMENT PLAN ARRANGED TO FIT TOUR INCOME No Endorsees No Comaker Your Signature Only REPAY ANY DAY TO REDUCE COST. BORROW FROM SALEM'S OLDEST AND LARGEST INDEPENDENT COMPANY WHERE YOUR NEEDS Ra CEIVS PERSONAL ATTENTION AFTER AS WELL AS BEFORE A LOAN IS MADE. . , - General Finance Corp. lit So, Commercial St. Lie. First Door Sooth of Ledd a Bank ssasjahjsassjessBSeVbSSBaka OBTAIN TOUR CASH LOAN the first day yon can st PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. FOR BUST people who caa't afford time off from their Jobs, da this: Write for anoHcaUoa blank. Or. phone 444s. and glee lust enough mforsaatioa to establish your credit. Well nave tbe cash ready, waiting, when yon come m. Reasonable credit requirements. People with modest salaries are es pecially Invited te apply. It's the accepted and approved way to borrow. PEOPLE'S FINANCE CO. Rm, SOL First NstX Bsak Bids. Salem. Oregon Phone 4444 S-211 State License M-ZZt AUTO LOANS REFINANCING BORROW MONEY ON YOUR CAR OR REFINANCE YOUR fUBSKNI BALANCE EASY TERMS . NO DELAY TRI-STATB ACCEPTANCE CORP. M-22S MERRILL D. OfflJNG INSURANCE Phone 9494 27 i State Street Salem. tsoa GET SPOT CASH This "PERSONAL" Way WHEN" AT HOMES A "Personar' Loan $24 to $300. Easy Terms WHEN AWAY: USB A "PERSONAL" CREDIT CARD Good at $70 ofTVes, Coast to Oaset SIMPLE TO QUALIFY t Corns to. GUARANTEED BY GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MAOAZINB CAs advertbwd tbereta. PERSONAL . Finance Co. Second Floor. New Bllgh Bldg. til Stats Street. Salem. Oregon State License Numbers S-122 M-lfl LOW RATE AUTO LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED MONEY TO buy new or used cars. Private money at new low rates. Immediate action. No red tape, ITftfl MONTHS TO PAT . Roy H. Simmons 1S Smith Commerratl Street Phone 0141 Lie. No. M-IM FHA LOANS 8. also private loans Abrams A Ellis Inc. Masonic uiag AUTO LOANS Willamette Credit Co. 4th FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. at-159 MONET TO LOAN AT 4 PER CENT TO REFINANCE your rcesent ban ' tor new construction. This applies to homes to Salem only. P. H. BELL . 429 Oregon Building 8alem. Oregon sill or saes BUILD REMODEL REFINANCE REMODELING 7 Secure full Infor mation covering our remodeling plan. MORTGAGE LOANS f Monthly pay meet, semi-annual or straight loans LOW INTEREST RATES. QUICK SERVICE. REX 8ANFORD Ladd A Bash Bsak Bide, Financial wa HAVE acver said lost than this rsts aa savings Insured te ISftML Mtrtna Federal 8a rings a Leas Ass's 4944 141 a Liberty Bt Loans Wanted LOANS WANTED ea farm sad city onerty. Before borrowing . taontre st Hawkins a Roberta. WANTED FRIT ATE MONEY TO LOAN oa rood Salem real es tate. Win pay 4 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST a GDI . REALTORS 124 B. Ltberty Street I Phono 4441 For Rent Apartment! ON FATRMOTJNT HDI to responsible party. Modem apt in private home. Heat furnished, 1C7 eagmaw. t A 9 R APTA. ftm. a smrnra. t to 44A Royal Coort Pb SSiA FISHER spta llonerslxed aewty decora ted and roomy YesTU be osUghted. oak aad 9L rjesssssresai. COOL 1ST t-rss. 4i Ferry AC, HAW. C, ISM No. Capitol PATTON APTS, t22 SUtsV sisbed. Adults only. Ph. 244. Fnr- g-a. APT, art. bath, lias K Fourth. bjbssbsaaj9jsenjam S RM. FTJRN. Apt. S2t Soatk 14th. FURNISHED 9 ROOM Apt, WSter. t RM. APT. private bstb. 111 S. 4 th. SM. FURN. apt, washer, adults, ga- $s.ts par aw. S2 w. oanttoi m. OLYMPIC APTS. S twta bads. Ph. T74A fnrnlsbed. FIRST FLOOR Apt, 1Z2S Stats. i. S S RM. APTS. 259 & Cottage. VERT LOVELY forsished asedeca t no. apt, aw. beat, tonadry. cars re. Iiui. now iui. S KM. APT. 444 S. High. X R. FTJRN. Hot W. Oar. Elefi. wash. sr. Ill 2519 Lee. : - 1 R. Fnrsu. Ugnta. water. 7.0. 4194 N. 4th. 1 RM. APT. to Attn home 6L porch Prir. Bus. woman. IUI court St. - FURN. AFT- sri. bath. 544 Court St. HAZELDORF furnished apts, snd 115. 171 8. Cottage. rT.tcav a ru fnm rrtrlm nr. Adults 275 73. 20th, Pa. 4721 Money to Loan Ne. 8-111 Phone fit! Convenient Ground FJoor Location. For Rent Apartments STRICTLY MODERN Ants. The Dsviereaax. t R. APT. 1010 Oak. sjanasBjeesaasjesaSBsssjsssaSk 1! ROOM APARTMENT. Pullman kitchen. Nicely furnished. Women or Strip only. 111! Oak St For Rent Houses MODERN 4 RM. house, doss in. Ia- q.uire-495 N. Liberty. 4 RMS tit. 2245 Broadway. Tttt. MoasbssseiiBSStsesaSsb 4-RM. HOUSE. Inq. 404 N. Cottars. 1-ROOM HOUSE, suitable for couple 275 Uadrona AveM Salem Heights. RM. FURN. Inq, 9tt N. 29th. ssskasssssssjoxxasassapssss FURN. MODERN country Liberty Disc, garage, barn, ehickeo house, electric water system, garden tract. It am Mrs. E. Dougherty, Rt. tsox sri. m. sue. R. XNa Kit & 22nd. BOARD a roomlnr house, close la. Modern furnished t rm. bungalow. Melvln Johnson, 725 Court St g room norrms ta n v T?.a 14iS N. Cottage, Ph. 4741. S ROOM HOUSE 144 Jefferson St t TO T RMS. $lt to 145. Ph. 7112. ROOM HOUSE. Inq, 9 S. Zlst. FURNISHED COTTAGE. Close In. Sit N. CommerciaL Ph. 6160. Attractive 2 room house, electric kitchen, fireplace, garage. Not for sale. 127 N. 23rd. Ph. 2000. 4 RM. MODERN house, near Leslie scnooi fZii. Inquire 1620 jv. capitoL For Rent OFP1CB ROOMS. Ill State Street. Inquire room 2 vs. TeL 271A Wanted to Rent ELDERLT LADT desires downstair room A board. Box 1044 co Statesman. WANT MOD. Sub. home, fruit a garden. Rt. 2 Bx 144. For Salt; Real Estate t R MOD. HODSE. basement, ear. blk. from Safeway St. 147 Saslnaw 1 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF TOO want to sell exchanm lease, rent see Mr. Lsrsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins A Roberts. TRADE CITa property for farm Opportunities In-exchancea . HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC eeee - --gjjjjj. HOUSES FOR sale, rent and trade. also acreage, and lots close In. See E. ! M. Larsen Real Estate, U. S. Na tional Bank Bide Ph. 2711. eve. 4749. HOUSES FOR sale, rent and trade. also screase and lots close la. See XL U. LARSEN REAL ESTATE i U. & National Bank Bulldlns Ph. 1711. eveninss S749. SACRIFICE GOOD house. 2 lots r paved streets, plenty shade, close . 12se down, tit mo. tncludee taxes. ht 21 Court Plume tilt. DONT OVERLOOK this Owner lea ring; rast sell Hoose has 7 rooms backed by shrubs snd trees, only 12100.00. New bouse, suburban ideal location easy down easy terms Refialebed boose eoly 220.00 per month. New brick house close In like rent ABRAMS a ELLIS. Inc. 411 Masonic Bids. Phone 4145 Insurance Money to Loan. FOR SALE by downer st bis; sacri fice. New. 4 bedrooms, double plumb- ins, fine fruit One of Salem's finest soborban homes In every respect $500 wiu naaoie. snowa or aooomtment only. Phone 94F1L CRM. HOME near state hide. Larre tot a tractive shade. Priced 42000. O. E Rae. 14SS N. Cottase. Ph. 741. BUILDING LOTS mat outside cltv limits, trade for dty property. Owner. n less, care statesman, NEW NEAT t Rm. Home. Er. Loca. N. Hrw. floors. Ldy. tears, Ven. blinds -or quicK sale 1Z400. 1200 cash. BUDROW-KASMIR REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd A Buah Bide Ph. 4965 92599.00 A new cottage with sn sere na nsir set to xroit sad ants. -94500.00 A modern borne on Falr - mount HIT! which must he sold. ' Several vacant lots principal! r north mna .ease Money to loan snd 4H per cent, it SELU 429 Oregon Bids. Phone till FINE BUILDrNO La em Grant St tost off N. ltlh In new buildiac dis trict. All clear and free of debt Only I29S.0S. Call owner. 4211 or 94F22 on waaoay. t ROOM ALL hardwood floors. Ve netian annas, nice lawn. Nearly new. S4uu. stuu a own, balance lis s B. A. FORKNER H. T. TJEBER I 1152 N. CapUol t ROOM. HOUSE Salem. Fruit and aSroha. A ajaod bay at tSSSS. M. rutULMKH U. T. UKB8 1142 24. Capttol If yva are la need of a lob ask sbsat n t room heusa that ran eoosht for 91975. Wia stye credit far some needed repairs. . Call Mrs. Oils smn , 1 CHXLDS a "MILLER, REALTORS 144 State St Phone 9211 SPECIAL tor V aersa wttb trass ystmaj onu trees ea aboat 1 reem nones sacs and clean. WUl trade Car smad a mm tm Price snea. Can Mrs. Knte wMh CHTLDS MXLLEB. REALTORS 24 Stats 8C Phone 9241 ' V.Tchm-r tt Estate XXCHANGX 25ni?aa1 part ffffM for bensa, least bs'oi "state BL CaH Mrs. EHis with - I CHTLDS A MILLER. REALTOR 944 State St Fbooe S241 For Sjde-arxis St ACRES river bottom, all culti vated, family orthard. s-rm. boa amrebonae. bsra. t weJls. electricity, Close to schooL Priced to sell. Owner pbone 4214. Wanted Real Estate BITTER WITH - 220S cash wants nartly imn. acrease within mi. Salem. t Q. & Rae, 145S N. Cottage. Pb, 9741. "For Salt Used Cart HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF NEW 1919 CHRYSLER AND PLYM OUTH AUTOMOBILES WE ARE OFFERING FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. YOU'LL HATE TO HURRY AS THIS OPPORTUNITT HAPPENS BUT ONCE A TEAR. WE ALSO NEED USED CARS. ACT NOW WHILE THEYLAST Beautiful 1936 Dodge Tdor......i..v...i....$445.00 Loads of extras. Must be seen to be sppreclated 35 Studebaker 4-Door Touring Sedan...L..$425.00 - " This Car looks and runs like new la every detail 36 Ford DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan.r ......;....$425.00 Low mileage, immaculate Interior. It's a BeaHty ' - : 37 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Tour. Sedan.. ..$565 .00 Original Brows Color. Radio, Heater other equipment 37 Chrysler Royal Tour. Sedan...........$725.00 You'll think If s sew snd too wouldn't be far wrong 35 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe...... .......$325.00 - Interior like sew. New tires and runs like sNratch 34 Ford! DeLuxe Coupe Thoroughly Reconditioned sad Ifs simply top value. 31 Chevrolet DeLuxe Coach. . $125.00 Runs and handles exceptionally nice. Original paint We nave several old model Dodges. Cbevs., Durante, etc, at Bargain Prices. See them now at Sidem Auto Co.'s Super Used Car Mkt. OPEN KVKNING3 000n Courtesy Gar For Sale at Big Dlsa)unt--New Car Gutariantee 1939 Nash LaFayette 4-Door Sedan, overdrive, air condition. The car with a bed in it. The last 1939 series to be sold. Ctarter Motor Co. 245 NORTH COM, ST Acreage IS A. CLOSE to Selser school, 4 rm. house, small barn, some fruit, creek, irrigation risbt. excellent soil. t000. SSOS down. 10 A. dose In on SOverton Road, 2 A. black caps, all cutL I1TS0. 1 A. 1 raL from Salem on paved road, all in frclt and nuts. 7 rm. house, bath, llghta, electric water system, 22se. Money to loan at 4 per cent. MELYIN JOHNSON, REALTOR 715 Court St Phone 2722 250 DWN. tit MO. 4 rm. nnfln. hse. IigfaU snd water. Livable. N.E. City limits. SIS mo. No down nay. A rm. unnn. hse. Paved Rd. N.E. City limits E. H. STAMBAUGH Ph. 9411 212 Oregon Bldg. S ACRES 1M ML of City. Barsaln if sold soon. Owner. R. 2, Box IS. Z ml. north of city limits. Suburban IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of a nice country borne of SH acres with a 4 room plastered home. barn. electric water system, fine sandy soil f miles N. of Salem. Price ieu. For further particulars call Mr. Bart- lett wits CHILDS A MTT.T.KR. REALTORS 214 SUte St Phone 9241 Business Opportunities FOR SALE OR TRADE Fully Eaulfmed restaurant and con fectionery doing: good business. See Lsrsen with HAWKINS A ROBERTS. Inc. OWNER RETIRING offers bis fully equipped luncheon snd Confectionery st low price of 11009. A good paying noisiness, invesnsate. WEST SALEM REAL ESTATE 959 Edsewater TeL 5S22 sssjeaiaaaesjenjssjesbssass INVENTIONS WANTED, patented or unpatented, j. x. Anderson. iti t vv. aMWTtaoa. 1 wi tlancL STOCK AND fixtures ef service sta tion and STocery stock for sale at in ventoty. South Commercial aad Ltber ty noma. WHY DONT TOU BUT A JOB umntry store la nrosnerous ruunity. Groceries, aasolme. A Pkar. seer. JSxeeUent lt-rtaa; quart era. Build. ms fixtures A stock. Total price 41250. MUUKK-KUSES ZZ1K StSU St TOUR OPPORTUNITT. Oroeerv stock A fixtures wttb alee lirins; sjnarw B. A. FORKNER H. T. CEBER ItSt N. Capitol For Sale Wood SUMMER PRICES, eld fir If" at only I C.7S par cord. Order for new a eater OeL Phone 4194. Oreawa Fuel Co 9747. DRT 14-ln. eld fir. 44.19. SPEC OAK 14.75. aab ff.24. P. 9701 aAenJeaJaaJaaasa)asa9sa INTESTIOATE BUDGET plaa et Ph. 9279. W. L, Grsea. 412 N. 21 '1sssssasBnsijasa 14-IN. OLD fir. tt; knots. fl.5: s-n. oa, sA.3s. mone S4. - i i-i-inririrn.-i ni.ixr UKI.1MJ1. k., nr B 7S e. 2 cds, 2d gwth. 405. J eda. PA, 4 120. Business Cards In this directory' on s monthly basts only. Bate: SI per line per month. Auto Drakes atfke Paaek. 174 Soatb rclal CicTcIe. MCTCLES.' NEW aad Harry W. Sostt 147 a CesaX P. 4414 U L Mvkey a 1F9 Genesis Contractors S1UB nsSrt-SST gJ I'lt CSiinmey Sweep TaXatPHfiaa 44ta tt at Chiro praet on DR. O. t sKJOTT. SM St. tflsb. TsL 1 PSC ChUsaractor tea. SS7A , Exearailc KXCAraTINa OF- S - Wnde, Psse ssssts shag. Dirt healed or moved. Din for sals, salens Sand and Gravel Co 94SS. ... Florists RrsUbanot'a. 441 Court.! Phone 4904 JLarindries THE? HEW SALEM LAUNDRY THE W EIDER LAUNDRY 242 a High . Tel. 9124 For Sale Used Cars 1 . .......$2 'TS.OO PHONE 4473 esteasasasfceasasssi SALEM, ORE. LOOK THESE OVER Before You Buy 1914 Ford DeLuxe Four Door Se dan. New Motor : 1395 1924 Ford Two Door Sedan 325 1913 Chev. Coach . 215 1911 Ford Four Door Sedan 155 1SJ0 OldsmobUe Coupe 65 CS. PRATT 444 N. Liberty Phone 4762 1910 DURANT SEDAN: good cond, See evenings. 122T Court Ph. 5984. 1921 mnn TW. T.1IV TV (U.n tCAA equity. Take older car. lot in Salem or ciose in acrease. nuance monthly. jmi i. u orn mere ia l AeSaAsatMSkasasasarfsaafSkA 1011 MASTER De Lux 2 door. GAIN. TeL SS15. BAR 1129 model A four-door aedan 173.00. uooa rubber. 109 lows Ave. Ph. 65F11 1937 DeLUXE Ford sedan. Runs and looks like new. Only 18.500 exact miles. Has original tires, big: heater. Price ? 7. uw lis then call 94F22 or 4311 week nays ' --- - -i-'i-ini'iiii-ii-i-i.itn.rLi'i. '37 CHEV. master de luxe. Original owner, 24,000 miles. Looks and runs like new. K45. ll Smith St, near faireTOunds. Lost and Found WILL PERSON who picked up par cel of bedding- between State Hosp. and 24th and Chemekets Sta. please re. turn to 1050 Hunt St or phone 4427. Reward. Personal LONELTT -WORTHWHILE- sweet heart husband, wife for yea. Bos 74 Los Anseles, Transportation GOING TO Topeka, Kansas. Sat Room fcr 2 passengers. 1939 Plymouth. TeL 44S7. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned Lloyd T. Rkhes has been appointed Administrator of the Estate ot Mary E. Riches, de ceased, now in probate in the County Court of the SUte of Oregon for Marlon County, and that Lettera of Administration hare been issued to him. All per sons having- claims against the said estate are hereby- notified to present the same duly verified and with proper vouchers to the ndersigned at 251 No. Simmer street, Salem, Oregon, on or be fore six months from the date ot the first publication of this notice, said first publication be ing made the 12th day ot August, 1939. LLOYD T. RICHES. Administrator ef the Estate ox Mary E. Riches, Deceased. , A 12-19-29 8 2-9. Directory Mattresses SALEM factory. FLUFF1 RUG and MEW MATTRESS Matt made te eaaanbia. at-ring; flufl rug wesvtng, a 11th a Wilbur. Tat 9441. OTTO F. ZW1CK ER. Est 191 L . CAPTTOL REDDING OTA 4049 NatiTrorjaUile frtielan DR. WH. ROCKWELL, Natarepatb le r-eyetelaa, 179S rshsiseali RA Tel ties. Ofhee Bonrs 11 aoTto 1 :14 fl FRKS EXAM. A CONgULTA Printins FOR RATION EST Tranafer FOR LOCAL er diets at trsserar. stor aga. barser oQ. eaO I12L levmev Transfer-Os. Tracks te Portland AaHv CiTT TRAKSFEK. Pb. 4414.. R Vactram Cleaner Serrice. MR, WALL, Ph. f 2F2. Free est, tali prices. Reboot ntschhses ant rentals Well Drilling R. A. WEST, rt . bos Stt. Ph. IIOFt Chester J. Pugb, 2125 Myrtle, Ph. 9239. earde. aaaspbUu fnsjnwsjean) ar any kmd ad srtm aac. eatt The snalasaiea trtatlssT Do grtnw 9U OmnnsweaU. T.h LEGAL NOTICE STATEMENT of the LADD & BUSH. BANKERS, of Salem, County of Marion, Stata of Oregon, s ho wink; the amoant standing, to tb credit of ereir de positor Auiuit 1. 1935 who hat not made a deposit, nor withdraws any part of his deposit (commer cial deposits), principal. or inter est, for a' period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to paid .:dAteiSirta name, ; last known place of residence or post office address ot such depositor: and the fact ot alt death. If known. ' Residence or Name ot Postoffke Depositor Address Amount John Boyer Unknown fit 2.2 1 Rosella Crosssn Unknown 70 JO H. D. Hobson Unknown 7.44 Mary M. Hofer Uaknowf IS4t Walter ' ' Johnston Unknown 72.74 Mrs. N.'H.. ; Zercher 1Unknowa it. IS STATE OF OREGON. County of Marion si. I, George It Rkhes, belnc first duly sworn, depose and say noon oath, that I am the Cashier of LADD 4 BUSH. BANKERS, of Salem, County of Marion. State of Oregon; that the foregoing is a tall, true, correct and complete statement, aa required by Sec tions 11-121$ to 11-1217,, Oregon Code 1930. GEO. H. RICHES, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of August, A. D. 1939. HOWARD J. GRIMM, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires Feb. 12, 1149. Aug. 6, 12, XI. No. B2S81T NOTICE OP ORDER FIXING TIME FOR FILING OP OB JECTIONS TO BANKRUPT'S DISCHARGE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON In Bankruptcy. In the Matter ot Peter Gellos, Bankrupt. TO ALL PARTIES IN INTEREST: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 10th day of January. 1939, the said . Peter Gellos was adjudicated a bankrupt; that under Section 14a of the Bank ruptcy Act an adjudication oper ates as an application tor dis charge; that said bankrupt was duly examined, as required by said Act, concerning his acts, con duct and property at a meeting ot creditors held on the 30th day of January, 1939; and that pur suant to the provisions of Section 14b of tbe said Bankruptcy Act. an order was thereupon entered fizing tbe 19th. day ot September, 1939. as the last day for the filing of objections, if any. to the discharge of -said bankrupt. Any such objection shall be filed In the office ot the Referee in Bankruptcy. First National Bank Building. Albany, Oregon, on or before the last day herein fixed for the filing thereof, If no objections are filed with in the time fixed, or as it may be extended by the Court, the discharge of the Bankrupt will be granted. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 17th day of August, 1939. WILLARD L. MARKS. Referee in Bankruptcy. Address; Albany, Oregon, A 19-29 S 2-9-1C Cross Word Puzzle & 1: il . o HO Ht ZZ142 1 1 flL 1 TT ttOUZOttTAL i-halrFcsat 43-thia iJ-iibl9lIk ef tbeLTj family r to the left It mirtsVs Indiaa It ssUflmtlon 17 black bird of the Great Lakes vi-arncAiv alsntet tbaaru tastily B rsmtfo tret i staiiMiTTrj HexcwUh is , Tt htnghty aVft ' -l-rlo ?tTr Av'D' riaenlstion O ' arrive for tl-e ta deit tt--Hebrew name for . God - tJfArinAceout , mesX 24bove ; Zi one whe treats teeta TT each SS fscUe tl llryt 11 111 -ij 111 ' QUI V 1H 1 Tfjjw It's You, Errol Errol Ftrnn, aASdsoma moria star.' takes tefugs behind a pair of "cheaters'' span 4trrisal East, a Newark airport. Don't worry girls, this is his sister Satsmiarj with him, nnd, besides, bait inarrisd to UHDmmita, Heads Relief S A P V Walter fJhasubcrs (above), has neest appolmtexl by Governor CWbert L. Ossosi acttaa; state re lief aimtaiwtrntioa bead to snc eeed H. Dewey Aadcasoa, who has resigned. Chambers has beesi oat the Bast Fraaclsce) staff im charge of persoausel. Gates Has Many August Visitors GATES Among those spend ing the week ' with relatives at Gates are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sager from Chicago with her bro ther, Gordon Ward. Mrs. Clifford Case and children from Klamath Falls are with her sister, Mrs. Mere Devlne. Mrs. Birdie Osterhautirom Spo kane Is Tfsitinjr several days with her sister. Ruby Winters. Mr. aad Mrs. Cecil Schaer and Salmon, Wash., alter several days .star with Mrs. Schaer's parents, t Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson. 10 in nr III 35T 0-feebIs- eWt!sUcd spirit tncitd t-HrTi&tssrV ls-4raits4tf TI--e2ininent zaedyaf aoldiers -hody li-UVhrg the solBtisn t t-ia want H genasef -Old World plants ct Kjlainilj.- 41 high note tf thsGBido 2 title of respect - ' J-4ettercf - 'the Greek - alphabet. ".. 44 steeper . .r soak 47 symbol for : r odium. and adjacent cou&Ues.