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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1939)
PAGE EIGHT The OREGON STATESMAN, jSalem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, July 20, 1939 Salem Market Quotations -" rtort (Baying rrlr I : ' Tk rices bslow sapplieJ fcy local frowar m4 tadicstita f tat daily stirkst priraa paid to KTOwara br Balm borers bo ara di gaaraatee. ay Ta jatatea- asaa.) Apricots. Ina" , , .. Bananas, lb. etalk Haada -,, Grapes, Cslif.. aeadleaa Grapefruit. Calif. Lemons, crata Orangea, crala atoradoa. crata .OS 4 .06 2.15 0.00 , 4.00 1 60 1.50 .2i .02 3.S0 to Kaspberriea Cantalaepea, crata Watermelon, lb. .. VEO STAPLES (Baying Prices) Beans, wax .04 .05. .25 .0114 .25 Ureen , Beets, doi. . Cabbaga, lb. Carreta. locaL do. Cauliflower, Iocs! t 00 Clary, Utah, 2.00; local, erata 1.75 Corn. dot. 35 75 Cucumbers, outdoor Lettuce, local . Onion i. 60 Iba. Orcoa anions, doa. - Radishes, dot. .90 1.00 JZ0 JtO .05 .10 .40 1.10 45 too 1.00 .55 .40 1.33 Peas. locaL lb. Pcppera, green, Calif.. rarsisy Potatoes, local ewt. No. 1. 50 lb. bats Hew Potatnaa Calif, aw.. Spinach, Seattle, boa Turnip. 4oa. Squash, dot. Tomatoes, Dallas log roth (Price paid by Independent Packing plant to grower) Wain ota Pranqaettaa. faary. 12a ma laa, 10c: amall tc: arcbard ran, ta 10c. Walaat meat. 25 U BOe lb. Filberts Barreionaa, largo It Met faa ty 11 Vie: babiee. lie: orchard roa 11a (Co op Prices to Grower) Wtlaota Price range, depending apoa way aota ma la 14 different grades 11 la 12a. Ooehilly 1 cent higher. HOPS (BoyUig Price) Claatera, aominal, 19S7. lb. .05 to .OS Claetera. 193a. lb ,- J to J5 Pegglea. top at , WOOL AVD MOHAIB (Baying Pricai) Wool, median. , Coarse, la. , . , , Jti .20 40 Lambs, lb. Mohair, lb BOOS AND POTfLTBT (Baying Price of Andreeen's) Grade A Urge, do.. .20 trade a large, do. , Grade A medinm Grade B medium .18 .18 .18 .13 44 JI JO .05 Pullet Colored fry White Leghorn, heavy. White Leghorna, llgbt Old- root ten Hear? hen, lb. . .14 MARION CREAJtXBl Bavins Price Butterfat, fint qnality, , .23 Butterfat. aecond qnality .21 Butterfat. premium . Jt Leghorn nana, over S Vfc Iba Jl Leghorn ban. ander-a Vi Iba.- .00 Leghorn frjert. 1 Vfc lb. .10 leghorn fryer, nndrrsiie. market valua. Colored fryer 11 lb. .15 Colored springs. Iba. and op J 2 Colored bam , ... . ... ,,,, . ,, J I Stags , .08 Old Rooster . , .05 lie. 2 gradea 5a per bound less. EGOS Orada A large, dot .20 Grade A medium .18 Grade B Urge .18 Grade B medium . .15 Undergrade and rh .. .16 UVEBTOCA (Baytng price for No 1 stock, bated an condition and aaJea reported op to 4 p.m. Lambs, 1039. tp ...... . . 6.50 to 6.75 Lamb, yearling 4.00 to 4.25 f-ra - - 2 00 to 2 50 Bogs, top 7.75 130-150 Iba. 200-800 Iba. . 7.25 to 7.50 -6.75 to 7.00 1 "There Is CHAPTER XVIII "To what end?" he was thinking ironically. Yes, the probabilities were that she would be included in the haul. No girl as intelligent as she, could be at this club nightly without knowing its true character. Or was she the unsuspecting tool f Niklas? No, that was impossible. But the next day he sent her a " magnificent spray of white orchids, as though to make amends. His card with a line of apology in French, and his .good wishes, lay in the big "square box awaiting her arrival at , the club.1 .. ': After la moment's indecision, she had wodi the orchids. They curled in waxedl beauty under her ear. But before the evening was over, she removed them. It was as though something sinister lurked beneath the flowers. Now, as she sat in the club eating her dinner, it was not the donor of the orchids ' she was hating, but Brock MUbank. . The head waiter, Diaz, came round the corner of the palms. "Madame la Marquise, the door' keeper informs me there is a gentle man to see you. Here is his card. I informed him that you can not be cisturbed, but he still waits." r Before even glancing at the card, j oni sensed that it was Brock. "Send him in, Diaz," she said. -Ill see him." Best to have it out now. A somewhat shamefaced Brock appeared. . t - "It's awfully decent of von receiv. big me, Toni. I know I must have made a nuisance of myself last night, though I don't remember the half of it, honest r "Sit down." Her voieej was tone less. ' ."How did you happen to come here last night?" she demanded. She asked the question, even though she doubted he would tell the truth. . "I've been making the rounds for the past week, ever since I hit the city." He grinned sheepishly. "Had a bit of a smack in the eye out West, 'understand. Jessica leaving me so suddenly, and aiL" . Jessica? Dragginp: her name in was in atrocious taste. He meant that he had really cared for Jessica? But, of course, it was her money I That was what hurt. "We quarreled. She's mighty hard to get along with, Tom. Not half as sweet as you were. Gosh, I've been a cadr ; Toni remained silent. '. ' "Things were too stirred up in San Francisco, the gossip and all. bo i beat It to New York." "Just as I did," Toni thought, ironically. "But ear manner f meeting our humiliations was some what different, th;'s alL Brock gets drunk, while I wear out shoe leather, job hunting. Now when I've landed something good, he comes here to spoil HI. But he shan'tl I wont let 1 Brock was talking araWAs Toni - watched his pallid face, Ms near-set ' eyes that avoided looking directly at her for more than a brief moment at a time, it com to her with com plete wonderment how she had ever been so blind as to think she loved this weakling. ' . ; -"I asked the clerk at my hotel about the liveliest spot in town. You wouldn't blame me, Toni, if you knew what a time la passed a-rnurh. Among others ha told me Grade B raw 4 per eeat milk, Salem Co-op basic pool price f 1.78. v Co-op Grade A bntterfat price $1.72. (llllh ' baaed ea aaml-meatbly bntterfat average.) " Distributor price, S-L32. Butterfat, No. 1, 23c; No. 2, 21c; premlujn, 24 He. A grade print. 28 He; U grade 27 He; quarters 2 He Sowe . Beef cows 6 50 to 5.75 5 M to 65 5 50 to e.oo 5.00 to 5.50 7 50 8.50 to 4.25 Bulla HmUm Top veal . Dairy type eowa ureued veai, id ; 41 ORAIM, BAT AND SEEDS Wheat. ba Mo. I recleanea .. .75 Oat, gray ton . , 28 00 White 25.00 Peed barley, loa 22 00 to 24.00 Clover hay. ton- 12 00 to 18.00 Alfalfa, ton 10 00 to 16.00 Egg maihKo. I grade. 80 lb. bag 1 70 Dairy feed. 80 lb. bag 1-85 Hea acratrh feed 1-75 Craeked corn , ,. .. 1.78 Wheat 1.55 Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore., July 19. (AP) (CSDA) Produce price change: Apple ' Waihingtoa Trampareata, standard boxes, loose, 1.00-1.15; Graven atema. 1.50-165. face and fill; Calif. Graveniteina, 1.65-1.75. Apricot -Oregon, Washington, 15-lb. flat. Blenkins, Moorparks, loose. 4 0-4 5c; faced, 45-50c; less apple boxes; ripe 40c; Yakimat, 80-1.00. Artichoke Calif., 2.00 per box. Asparagus Oregon, Washington, 80 lb. crate, iio. 1 bancbed 2.50-2.75; atriag 1.50. Avocado Calif. Foertei, all alt, L45-1.70; other, 1.05-1.25. Bananas per bunen. 5c per lb.; band ant off or small lots, 6c. Bean Oiegon, jreen 5-6c; wax, 44 5; Kentucky, 6-7c; giants, 6-6 He. Cabbage Oregon, round bead, mostly 75-90e; So. 2, 60- 7 5c Carrot 20-22 He. CantaloupesCalif, crate, Jumbo, 38 45, 2.35-2.65; jumbo 27s, 2.50-2.60; standard 45s, 2.25-2.50; Turlock jumbo, 36-45, 2.25-2.50; standard 45s, 2.25-2.50. Casaba Calif., 24-2Hc per lb. Cauliflower Local, 911. 85e-1.00; NO, 2, 60-65c. Cherries Oregon, Washington Lam berts, 5-6c; pie 3-4c. Celery Oregon Utah, 1.50-1.60; white, 1.65-1.75; hearts, Ctsh, 85e-1.00; white, 1.00 1.25. Citrus Fruit Grapafrnit, Arizona 2.00 2.50; choice, 1.75-1.85; lettuce crates, 2.00-2.25; Florida, 3.25-3.75; Calif, 2.00 2.25. Lemons Fancy, all liies, 5.00-5.50; choice, 4.75. Limes Calif., flats, 150s, 2.50; dis play cartons, 90c, dozens 20-25e. Oranges Valencies, large 8.75-4.00; small to medinm, 2.25-2.75. Corn Oregon, crate, Grand Island, 40-45c; others 30-40c. Cneumbers Oregon hothouse, 50e-1.50 per box of 2 to 4 dot.; Oregon flat. 35-45e. Egg Plant Calif., lugs, 1.15-1.25; 6-7e per lb.; local flats, 1.00-1.25. Figs Calif, flats, 1.00-1.25. Garlic Local, 5-6e per lb.; Calif, new crop, 10c per lb. Grape Calif, seedless, 2.35-2.50 lug. Honejrdew Calif., 9-11. 1.25-1.85. Always Tomorrow" By May Christie of this club, and so last night I dropped in." "How," she inquired Icily, "did you get past the doorman? Only members are admitted." Seme of his old swagger came back to him as he grinned: "Oh, I pushed in with the crowd. There was only one empty table. I headed for it" She thought ironically: "My ta ble!" "I was clean bowled over when I spotted you in that fancy rig-out. You're sure smart, Toni. Don't you think we'd make a good team here in New York? Eh, what?" "I do not." Color flooded her face. Had his effrontery no limit? "Gosh, von look lovelv when vnn're mad. And I like your new blond nair. Your jaunt has improved you. Aoni. h. Jauntf Her ericf. hnmilintinri endless search for work, loneliness a jaunt i "A penny for your thoughts." "I was thinking what an astonish ing cad you are," Toni answered in a level voice. "Oh, come, now. I know I acted in a beastly fashion, but I'd been nagged to death about our engage ment, for you know my dad has been pretty badly pinched finan cially, though not as badly as your father. Still and all, I ; was fond of you, old girl" "You certainly had a ' charming way of showing it." i "You don't think I wanted to marry Jessica, do you ?" in an in jured tone. "And you, can surely understand how I couldn't face you, Toni, to tell you I had to marry her because of our mutual changed fi nances. You and I couldn't live on sentiment, could we?" "You mean you were too cowardly to face me? To tell me that money meant so much more to you than" her lip curled -"what, you call love?" : "Dont rub it in, old girl. I'm not as bad as you imagine. Youll un derstand when I tell you I con sidered it the correct thing to marry Jessica." "What on earth do you mean?" This conversation was pure torture to Toni. Yet, even so, she wanted to know the reasons for his jilting her. "You're not such a child that you dont understand! Come, come. You've been around." ! i She half rose from the table, tremblinsr from beaut ta font. Vnn dare to tell me that you Jessica wnue you were engaged to be mar ried to me " i He said quickly, alarmed at her emotion: "Dont take it so hard, Toni. You know " t "Get outl" I What would have happened be tween them had not Niklas ap peared at that moment, Toni was often to wonder. - It was necessary, of course, to present Brock to the nightclub owner. She thanked Heaven that ho waa sober, and would have the presence of mind to presume to no old friendship in the past. "Your premises are charming," Brock said in his most agreeable manner to Niklaa. who waa twvwfno suavely. "I was just saying that i wouia luce to join wo club. May I tender my subscription ?"- Niklas naturally complied. Toni was thankful that he was imme diately called away. ! But it was disturbing ta know Corn Prospects doming Large Market Falls Upon News of big Incoming Crop, Wheat Follows CHICAGO, July IS.-i-Pros-pects of a large new corn crop plus a iecord-breaking carryover from the previous harvest discouraged support today and prices fell more than a cent to the lowest levels since 1934. Wheat declined In sympathy. Earlier in the session wheat prices advanced cent, aided by Canadian crop deterioration re ports and strength at Liverpool Winnipeg, however, failed to. re flect much concern over the crop damage, prices there declining as much as cent and closing un changed to H off. Wheat on the board of trade closed - lower, July C8H September 66-. The upturn at Liverpool, where opening prices were 1-1 up, was the first in about a week and re flected strength in north American markets yesterday. Canadian weekly summary said deterioration had been caused by a week of high temperatures and little rain, and added that the crop still was threatened by grass hoppers. FROM SOUTHERN OREGON MACLEAY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eckengren have as house guests Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mundt, Mrs. Eckengren parents, from Rose- burg. Lettaee Local, dry pack. 1 or d dot- beat 85e-1.00; poor a low a 60c; Wash ington topped, 1.00-1.10. Mushrooms Cnltirated 1 lb. eartona, 30 35c; -lb. eartona, 17-18c weetannee Ualif., 65-7 5c Onions Calif, reds. 85e-1.00: Wash. yellow. 50-lb. sacks, 60-75c reaches Calif flat. St. John and Elbertas, 75-85c; Oregon Rochester, early Crawford, flat 60-75c Feat Ore con Telephone. 4-Ba Bar lb.; fancy, 6-6 He; coast, 25 lb. boxes, 1.40- l.SU. Peppers Calif, lurs 1.15-1.25: Oret-on flats, 85c-1.00 Flams Calif.. Banta Rosa. 4-basket crates, 1.10-1.15; Washington California Beauties, 13-id boxes, 5 0-7 sc. Potatoes Oregon Kutiets. No. 1. 100- 1b. aack. 2.00-2.25; new ttock Washing ton Cobblers, US No. 1. 100 ib. lacks.; Long vvnites, 1.65-1.75; US No. 2, 50-lb. tack. 60-70c; Calif. Long Whites, US No. 1, 100 lb. aaeki 1.90-2.00. Khubarb Oreeon. atrala box. lUe lb. loose. Spinaclt LocaL oranze boxes. 85a- l.OO. Sqnssh Zucchini. Scallopi. 85-45c: Crooknecka, Danish, large crates, 2.25 2 35; flats, 85c-1.00. Btrawberries Oregon best, 3 4-basket crate, 2.25-2.50; loganberriet, 85a-1.00; raipberriaa 1.40-1.55; blackcapt, 1.75 1.85; enrranta 1.60-1.75; boytenberriea 75-80e; youngberrie 65-?5e. Tomatoes -Oregon hothonse, 7-14e per lb.; field grown 1.00-1.10: Calif, wranned 25-lb. lugs, 1.50-1.75; unwrapped, 1.25- i.oa. Watermelons Calif. 1.75-2.00 per ewt. that Brock was going to be a mem ber of the club. What was his motive? she won dered. She was soon to know. . He leaned over the table toward her, and said ingratiatingly: "I'm hoping, Toni, that you're going to let bygones be bygones, that we're going to be good friends. And why not ? Aren't we more or less up against it in the same boat? Be lieve it or not and I admit I've been a cad I've a mighty soft spot in my heart for you, and I always shall. Don't you think we'd be a good team?" A good team? Was this a re newed marriage offer ? she won- dered. A sick feeling swept over her part of the old pain, and a kind of nausea at his effrontery. She stared at him silently. "Ladies must live, you know," he said lightly, "and so must unlucky chaps like me who find themselves minus the needful! I was let out of the fim in San Francisco, you see. Jessica's done the fading-out act My father's lost his money. Here I am. What are we going to do about it?" "You mean," said Toni with dry lips, "that gentlemen must lhre in the style they've been accustomed to?" A bold look came into his brown flecked eyes. V-"A bit crude, aren't you? You wouldn't have said a thing like that three months ago, even though there was some truth to it. Toni, you've well, hardened." . She said swiftly, vehemently: "Thank Heaven for that!" He bit his lip, for the moment nonplused. Then: "I'm afraid I'm responsible for the change. Am I, Toni t EgadI If I'd known how things would turn out the mess they'd be wild horses wouldn't have dragged me to the altar with that woman." "Let's leave her name out of this, please." -.: "I can see where you don't like to hear of it, naturally. Toni, ad mits she made a play for me?" His caddishness was so apparent that the old pain seemed to slip for ever from her at that moment. It was as though she were talking with a stranger. "What with my people's nagging, as I said before, and " She lifted a hand to silence him. "Oh, I know I'm no good, but if you knew what IVe gone throagh, you'd forgive me." A pause. He changed his tack. "You're in far better position than I am, Toni. You've bluffed them beautifully." "How ao?" But aha knew what was coming. "That clever tarradiddle about being a French aristocrat The mar quise line! - The whole town's talk ing about the mysterious beauty. X dropped in at my club to lunch with a fnend and he put me wise." - And did you put him wise, too ?" The extraordinary answer came: "Dyon think I'd cut off my nose to spite ray face? That would be a fool stunt, old girl." ' Before she could put two and two together, be continued: "There isn't any reason, is there, why shouldn't get a cut-in?" "On what?" . . . v Blackmail? ehe wondered.3 His s-enee at a price? : (To Be Continued) v OaarrlfM, SJas Feetans tradlesta, ha, Quotations F0KT?2V Ortw Jaly laW (-F) Dairy prodaeo wtieeat Batter; rxtraa 25; standards S3 ; prias firsts 32Vhi lints 11 t bntterfat Eggs: Large extraa 22; Urge atand arda 20; median extras 20e; medinm atandarda lc Cbeose Triplets Uei lost lde.' Portland Produce PORTLAND, Ore., Jnly 18. (AP) Country Meats Selling price to retail ers: Coon try killed nogs, beat botchers, ander 160 Iba JOfce lb.; Testers, 13c lb.; light and thin, 10-llc lb.; heary, 8-10e lb.; large, spring lambs, 14-15e lb.; yearling lambs, ;10-12e la.; awes, 5-7e lb.; cutter cows, 8 H Be lb.; canner cows, 8-8 He lb.; bulla, 10tt-lic lb. . Lira PoultryBuying prices: Leghorn broiler. 12fe 13 lb.; colored springs, 2 Iba. and aver, 13-14 lb.; Leghorn hens, ow Stt Iba. IS 14c; ander 8tt lbs. 13e lb.; colored hen to S lb., 15e lb.; over S lbs., 15a lb.; Ha. 2 grade, Se lb. las. Turkeys Selling prices: Dressed hen. IMS lb.; ton, 15-16 Ib. Baylaf price: Beat, 15-16 lb.; toms, 14-15e lb Potatoes Tskina Qems, ( ); cental; local, 1.00; Deschutes Gems, 1.85 cental; Klamath Palla, No. 1, Gems, 1.15 1.25 cwt Maw Potato California White, Ne. 1 2.00 per ewt; Kennewick, 1.75; local Whites, 1 5O-1.00 for orange box. Oniona Walla Walla, 75-85e; yellow 80 85e per SO lb. sac Wool Willamette caller. 1989 elip. nominal mad S5 lb.: eoarsa and braids. 25-26 lb.; months fleece, 22 24 lb.; altera ure., zo zs id. Hay Selling price ta retailer: Alfal fa. Me. 1, 16.00 sob; eat vetch, 12.00 ton; elever, 11.00 toa; timothy, eastern Ore 19.00; do ralley, 14.00 ton. Portland. ' Hop 1938 Costers, 25a lb. Fuggles. 28 lb. Mohair Nominal. 1939 dip. 80e lb. Cascara Bark Buyins orice 1989 Deal. dt lb. ' Sarar Berrr and trait. 100. S.00: bale 6 IS; beet 4.95. Domestle Floor SelHag price, city de- 49a, 5.70-6.85: baker' bard wheat, act. 4.00 0.43; Baker' bluesUm, 4.70-5.00; Stocks and Bonds July 19 STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by Tha Associated Press SO 15 15 60 Indns Salle TJtil D .4 88.9 89.8 87.5 85.1 40.0 83.7 Stocks D .5 49.6 60.1 47.6 49.9 63.4 41.6 Nat Chf. I .7 D .5 Wednesday 70.S 19.4 Prerions day 71.0 19.9 Month age 67.6 18.5 Tear ago 72.4 20.8 1939 high 77.0 23.8 1939 low 58.8 15.7 BOND AVERAGES 20 10 10 10 Forgn D 2 60.9 61.1 61.8 62.7 64.0 58.2 Rails D .3 57.9 58.2 67.3 59.7 64.9 53.4 Indus D .1 100.5 100.6 100.4 99.1 100.7 97.0 TJtil TJnch 96.9 98.9 96.1 93.2 97.1 91.9 !fet Cbg. Wednesday Previous day Month ago Year ago 1939 high 1939 low Low yield 112.3 FOLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE IX THAT r MVSTERIOUS CRIME WAS REPORTED THE SAME DAcy THE FIRST SHI PMENT OP LITTLE KORKER" CAMERAS ARRIVED, MICKEY NOW FEELS THAT HE IS GETTING SOMEWHERE HE RUSHES BACK TO THE POLICE DEPT.' PI ( 1J'2FP&V' OH, HUSH, j fMfafVT LOOKS PLENTY BAD 17- THEV ) I SSISP . . 1 J sMi mf&&& ikU s life SsP) jpp . LITTLE ANNIE R00NEY VOU OOVT T WANT THE WAF?DS ANNIE. ROONV,0 VOU ? WELL, U6TM To ME OOVWAT I TELCVOUTDDO AND WE'LL BOTH MAKE SOME AVJEV AND LATGP? ON VOU CAN THE KID POT HER BACK IN eUSiMESS AND TOOTS AND CASPER PON AND HIS 6IRL VERE MARRIED "THI5 MORNlNtr TOOTS DIDN'T HAVE TO ACT A PROXY- C VfcK T IMIrdtT y IS HUNKt r DORYJJ.JJJ i-i ---- -L-! -'r. 1 --l. L, f. fiOcy, W L inw. y.oHa r- THIA1BLE THEATRE Starrin. Popey x ' A Voice From Below V3JC55i 2!) I rl feml iii I iw5 -J I fk IfeS '5j f at Portland leaded wiaat Cor. 4.7M.00; soft wheat 4.40 4.41 graham. 49a. 4.50; wholewheat 49a. ASS bat Portland Grain PORTLAND, Ore., Jnly 19. (AP) Wheat: Opea High Low Close Jnly 70 70 70 , 70 Sept. 9 69 60 69 Cash Grain: Oats, No. 2-88 Ib white, 24.00. Barley, Mo. 2-45 lb. BW, 21.00. Corn, No. 2, 7 shipments, 25.00. Ko. 1 flax 1.67.. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 70; west era white 69; . western red 68. Bard red winter ordinary 67 ; 11 per cent 67; 12 per eent 69; 13 per cent 70; 14 per cent 71; hard white-Baart ordin ary 70; 12 peT cent 71; 13 per cent 74; 14 per cent 75. Today 'a Car Receipts: Wheat 26; flour 16; corn 4; bay 3; illfeed 3. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore.,' Jnly 19. (AP) (CSDA) Hogs: Receipts, salable 800. Price range: Barrows and gilfta, gd-eh 120-140 lbs. 8 7.35 7.25 do gd-ch 140-160 lbs 7.60 & 7.85 do gd-ch 160-180 lbs 7.2 5 (q) 7.85 dj gd-eh 180-200 lbs- 7.15m 7.50 do gd-eh 200-220 lbs 7.00 7.35 do gd-ch 220-240 lb 6.85 7.25 do gd-ch 240-270 lb 6.60 7.00 do gd-ch 270-300 lbs. 6.b0(y 6.75 do gd-ch 800-830 lbs 7.25ji 7.60 do gd-eh 830-360 lbs., 6.60 (of 6.85 do medium 160-320 lb 7.S5& 7.75 Feeder pigs, gd-ch 700 lbs 7.00 7.75 Cattle: Receipt salable 75, ealiea 25; scattered sales steady. Price raage: Steer, good, 900-1100 lbsS do medium 750-1100 lb do med 1100-1300 lb do com 750-1100 th , , do good 900-1100 lb do medium 1100-1300 lbs Heifer, med, 500-900 lbs 8.25 7.00 to) 9.35 8.50 8.25 7.25 9.00 8.75 7.75 7.25 5.75 5.25 4.50 3.50 6.50 6.25 6.00 5.50 8.50 7.50 5.00 7.00 6.50 ffji 6.00(a) 8.50 ((J 7.00 6.75 6.00 6.2 5 j) 4.60 3.60 8.00 6.00 6.00 5.50 4.75 7.50 6.00 4.00 6.00 0 4.00 do med 500-900 lbs. Cows, good, all weights do med. all wta do cut-corn, all weights. do canner (low cut) all wt Bulla (ydrs. exe.) beef, gd do aausag gd, all wts do sausage med, all wta.. do cut-corn, all wt, , Vealers, gd-ch, all wt, do com-med, all wta. do cull, all weights CaWes, com-med, 400 down do cull, 400 lb down Sheep : Receipt salable W s.oo market 850 steady. Price range: Spring lambs, good-choice $ do good and choiee do med and good . Common 1 Yearling wethers, medium Ewe, good-choice Common-medium 7. 7.15 6.75 6.75 5.75 4.50 8.25. 2.25 6.00 6.00 6.25 4.00 2.25 1.00(1 Wool in Boston BOSTON, July 19. (AP) (TJSDA) Boston Wool houses were receiving a fairly. . active demand today for several kinds of domestic wools at strong prices. Fine territory wools in original bag were bringing mostly around 68 cents, scoured basis, for good French combing lengths; 64-66 cents for average to short French combing length and round 70 eentt scoured basis for lots comprising bulk staple and good French combing lengtns. country packed mixed i and A TO ADOPT BUT THE 1 HAVE TO PI TL5T ( hi. case )I k..-. A ri. m- eu. --I f ---to date. roxT I K i 1 wn k .-- -- u i wniuin if air. . nuav a f i iswi - m - vm i AW?TH CTUSTTELLWAPDei AM CASV WAROeSAR-T 1 AFRAID TO VISIT HIM ADOPT rl tii- n. iDljiw currT UAie- SHOW . . . . r-M-ww PCJ&?FUt--" J PROOF THAT THE KIDS FOLKS C CASPER, SLIP J" VJI"JS -. j 1 if I BORROWED THE HOLD AfTms WIUU ) YOU5EE.WE S ON JHE SUIT SUIT, TOOTS ? 1 I BRIDE'S WEDDING A THAT ADD CLASS K I NEVER HAD A SV rarPH. vawr srHms - MM XsK iTvV II " L. -raVI rill WKKrnCKm I I V I E3C Vfl 1 IMI YV2X J 'L . K9 I -X. - - - 11 ' fM I - WA 1 1 M aa -a I - I f 1. M a-aT t t 1 h i iai I 01 f I I TT7 W If r I me7JLSW W 1 A " . ' 1 1 s- --0-r . I .r w f 11 1 p JT If tS T is,l ML. M . Aircraf ts Rise Above Market Leaders Fail to Rally Rest of lsgues m Recovery Effort NEW YORK, July 19-(P)-Air-craft shares pushed ahead in the last few minutes In the stock mar ket today but they failed to rally the rest of the list to any extent and other pivotal Issues finished down fractions to around a point or more. While offerings were at no time persistent there was much cashing of profits won in the sharp rises of Monday and Tuesday and vol ume for the third straight day was higher than Wall street's theoret ical break even point of 1,000,000 shares, reaching 1.022,300. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks fell .5 of a point at 49.6. European Markets Dip Declines in London, Paris and Amsterdam before the New York session started foreshadowed the opening dip here which was fair ly wide in reasonably fast trading which soon slackened. In the meantime, however, some commis sion houses reported buying or ders from abroad especially Lon don. No specific news events were as signed as the reason for the drop, but it was said reports of the ad ministration's attitude that war in Europe had not been yet avoided with certainty was an excuse for some traders to avoid fresh com mitments. Business news, in the opinion ot many Wall streeters, continued more favorable than otherwise, with June quarter corporation earnings statements continuing to show fair gains over the 193S per iod. Start Spud Digging UNIONVALE Potato diirelntr for market with a full crew of local people employed waa started at the U.S. Alderman farm Mon day morning, Irvin Sion reports. Mr. Alderman Is the largest ptato grower In this locality. M blood lots of brleht fleeces were bring ing mostly 81 to 32 cents, in the grease, delivered to users, while a few of the heavier bright fleeces were available at 80 to 80 H cents, delivered. I Girls Will Be Girls An Unlucky Number "Gentleman'' Peddles His AND I WANT BREAK ANY LAW. Wares MY INFORMATION -VEAH I kmow he'llyTlreut wACDer IS WORTH VMLLIOM5 IK HET , LOVES THE KfO 1, . rtr wh SAV HE DOES ARE; AUVE. WILLING TO HER SOME . GOOD Mews. IT Class for the Family Album Closing Quotations NEW YORK, Jnly M-iffhTodays closing prices: Al Chem & Dye. Allied Stores .. American Can . Am For Power. Am Power Lt. Am Rad Std San Am Roll Mills. . 170 9 97H 4 12 IStt Coml Solvent Com with ft Sou. Consol Edison . Consolidated Oil Corn Products.. Curtiss Wright . Am Smelt & Ret 47 Am Tel ft Tel 1651 Am Tobacco . . . Am Water Wks. Anaconda Armour 111 . . Atchison Barnsdall ..... Bait & Ohio . . . Bendix Avla . . Bethlehem Steel Boeing Air .... Borge Warner . Budd Mfg Calif Pack .... Callahan Z-L . . Calumet Hec . . . Canadian Pacific J I Case ....... Caterpil Tractor Celanese Certain-Teed . . Ches & Ohio . . . Chrysler 84U 10 26 4 29 14 5 25 eo 24 26 5 19 1 5 4 77 45 24 7 General Foods . General Motors. Goodyear Tire . Great Northern. Hudson Motors . Illinois Central . Insp Copper ... Int Harvester . . Int Nickel Can . . Int Paper & P Pf Int Tel ft Tel. . . Johns Manville . Kennecott Libbey - Lig ft 35 81 National Spiders, Weather Hurt Valley Hops PORTLAND, July 19-(i!P)-An agricultural survey reported to day red spiders and dry weather damaged the Willamette valley hop prospects last month. A slight decrease was also predicted for the Yakima country. "MONEY STATE FINANCE CO. A Home-Owned institution (Childs & Miller's Office) 344 State St., Salem. Ore. Phone 0261 Lie. Xo. i-216 M-222 goV 2fir.000.oo FDR LIKE VOU ME Xi. E " BUY 10 Natl Dairy Prod 1 National Dist . . 32 Natl Power ft Lt 7 Northern Pacific 60 Packard Motors. 5 J C Penney .... 17 26 Douglas Aircraft 72 Phillips Petrol . Du Pont de N. .157 Press Steel Car. Elec Power ft Lt 8 Pub Service NJ. Erie RR 1 Pullmau General Electric 37? Safeway Stores . 47 Sears Roebuck . 47 Shell Union .... 30 Sou Cal Edison . 26 Southern Pacific 6 Standard Brands 13 Stand Oil Calif . 12 Stand Oil NJ... 57 Studebaker .... 49 Sup Oil 34 Timk Roll Bear 6 Trans-America . 79 Union Carbide . 36 United Aircraft. 53 United Airlines . O - Ford Myers B. .108 US Rubber .... Loew's 45 US Steel Monty Ward ... 54 Walworth Nash Kelvinator 6 Western Union . National Biscuit 27 White Motors . Cash . 20 Woolworth Prices for some September ccn tracts were reported 20 and 22 cents a pound but there will be little spot turnover because pro duction in large yards has al ready been committeed. Preliminary estimates placed Oregon, California and Washing ton output at 190.000 bales. Some growers, who will receive acreage harvest limitations in a few dajs. predicted the hop control board might set the marketable quan tity at 150,000 bales. In A Hurry" Personal Loans For All Needs There Is no red tape, no em barrassing investigation, no delay, when you come to us for a personal loan and we make It so easy for you to pay It back in convenient amounts. By CLIFF STERKETT By WALT DISNEY. ACK IN MlCKEVS LA& AGAIN. THAT SETTLES IT PROM d NOW ON IT'S - A RACE WITH 1 i f OLUI ( P0R THOSE -,( CAMERAS.' By BRANDON WALSH HONEST. ZEfaO-I GOT THE WIM-WAMS SOMETH IN 'AWFUL. CAUSe MfZ AM' MRS WARDe LOVE" ME AN THEY WORRY "CAUSE THEY KNOW I'N VNQRRYIM' AM I eOTTHETWlM-WAMS'CAUSEI wJT tAMT 5TDP WORRYIN' N BOUT MRS. FLOWEJ?S By J1M3IY MURPHY 8 9 3 94 36 S 3fc 2S", 44 79 II 27 14 6- 26 43 a- ' 4 2 46 5 S37, 3 . 12 46 50 5 25 S 48