The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1939, Page 9, Image 9

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    Ureses, liay Icrs-rt :J us I. J, 11
.". ' ,. rN r-a - , i ,i
. ScoaS Canpera Slgn--r lift
! Lentt,Vaeistant scoutmaster - of
.troop 4, .registered .10 bora from
' - hi troop .for .troop camp which
- . opens. Sunday At ; Camp Pioneer,
; At troop juuap. the varions troops
. camp at Pioneer under their own
leadership;: with their ; own pro-
- 'm. and cooks fpr,, the week
. r prceedlnr rfgular camp.' The only
thing. the- council provides is a
. , waterfront .director ho- it Dm
t Putnam.- TbV-boys will be under
' the JeadSfsuip of Mr; Lent; who
' wilt be - assisted by . Oeor. e Me
jtiiniay. Tney pisn toleave- Sat-
plan to: attend troon. earns, next
kiwis .... .tV - V
.Start Radio ProoW-A radio
t Jiraay ia a pickup. Beeidet troop
Tv'M-i tfooirlli dlSleatroop X
r I f- Albajut gad-trooper of Salem
t broadcast i designed ? to cliaer and
- .comiort sick and .shot Is ,be
lug ' planned . by young people
from varioua church societies of
Salem and Ttelnity. The first oro-
mm wilt ha nftt m,Amw . tm I
noon -at ; 1 o'clock orer KSLM -1
It U. . belnsr snonsiM-aA b th
Salem Deaeoneii h 1 mn I
under the direction of the chap- f
Try Re-nu Hat shop, Its N. Lib-
SIlasloBary Speaker Services
Sunday at the . First Baptist
church both morning and at night
will be addressed by Miss Ruth
Teasdale, the church's newly an-1
pointed missionary to Tura, Aa
aam. Tonight there' will be a re
ception for church members and.
friends to meet Mist Teasdale.-
Sttxrts Tomorrow
His namo struck terror
. . . but to the simple
folk'who knew him, he
t.was a Tlctim of injus-
tlce . , . to the girl who
: married, him, a braye
. I and gentle, lover! -His
v life was the epic- of a j
lawless era!
Last Pay cJ :r Any. fieatj
Any Time,
N i Show ;
'i 'and":;
2nd nit
-TtniilerOnistad :
' Capitol Lumber Co.
J.Yr. Uopeiana
U'est Salem Tard.
Citric! Powder &cr;; -IIznsea aieq
Coining EttoIi
Jaly . :'a Legion, celebratkm
t falrgreaads. , :- . -
1 : AUtfuftt O-Aeaaal state Tcn-
: neaace picnic at Dallas city park
! AagV U-1S ATirm Lrglosv
department of Oregon, conven
tion, t 4. k . " " '
; -Hobbe to Band L. E. Hobbs
was Issued a hulldlHg permit jes
ter day to erect a two-story $1024
dwelling and garage at S4t North
4th street.- William A. Rosenthall
pfoenred permit to build a one
story dwelling and. garage at 1815
North: jtth street at an estimated
cost' of 142907 while A. J; Qeorge
took ut a permit te build a, one
story dwelling and garage al 1410
South lltk street, ft see. - r
: ' . ' i v- ' ' v'
High trade furniture auction .to
day, i2ir So; High Sew- "a4f
under auctions. "Russ' "Woodry,
aueuoneer. - - r' :
'-- ..." t ..- . - " .. s : '- : .
'" Legion Bona .Cwests The local
flMdron of the Sons ot the Amer
lean jLegton wur; b inuu at a
welner and marshmallow roast to-
night at 4:3.p.m. at the home of
George. Arerett. west of the Salem
Heights store. This, will Be the
squadron's last meeting until Sep
tember.? Plans for the squadron's
participation - In the Legion's ' 4th
ot July celebration will be formu
lated.. WANTED
'" Boy 18-20 years. The Spa.
Church Youth Party Honor
lag- Dr. James E. , Milligan and
family, who are being transferred
to Bellipgnam, ,Wash the young
people ot the First Methodist
church, are entertaining today at
a beach party at Road's End.
Those persons who can. go as early
as 2:30 p. m. are asked to call
Gordon Carl and make arrange
ments at the church office,
Wallpaper specials. Elfstrom Co.
Traffic Violators Cited Three
were cited on. the nolica blotter
vesterdav for traffic violations.
Richard C. Boehrincer. 240 West
Wilson street, and Willis Archie
Hill, 1838 Center atreet,, were
both arretted for violation of the
basic rule and J. W. Sischo, 1010
North 17th, for passing on a curve
at excessive speed. . . . ..
Salem's exclusive floor covering
store. Elfstrom-Humphrey Co.
: Old Warrants Call ed The
county court yesterday signed an
order providing for cancellation
ot 25 warrants issued more thorn
seven years ago unless they are
presented for payment within 60
dsys, after July 1. They totaled
$ S8.5e .on the general fund and
$18.91 "on the roads and !. high -
ways fond.
' - - WANTED --
Boy 18-20 years. The Spa. '
-- - - : i ' . - r . -I
Plane Vacation, South Miss
Lillian S. Peterson, deputy in the
Marion county clerk's office, will
leave Saturday on- her annual two-
-AJ1v weaeiA Che tr rfflv.
el to mnclo. .gtiag the
Golden Gatr; exposition there, and
nn ta tis Anreles. San Dieao and
VfVTVav iSAauvu. Ww swasw vw
on to LOSi Angeles, San Diego and
Tijuanar Mexicow ! v - ? -,t
br. - J. O. Mathia. rOlce hours
S-12 ajn. 1:30" .to 5 p.m.. '
Inlnrai In Ar4dnt Violet A.
Pnrdy. of 'Portland, waavcrltical-
IV Iniured in an -automobile acd
dent . Wednesday at Redwood City
en route home from Los An
geles.-'Mlss Pnrdy;'., as "a "-page
In the 1.923. 1925 and 1927 ses
sions of the state ler IMature.
stanh Rename d Governor
Charles A. Spragne Thursday an -
nouneed : the -reappointment or
Dr. Raymond R. SUub, Portland.
as a member-of the Cregonr state
board of aeronautics. His term
will expire in : 1944 j
rabCO KOOIS. tviisiron w. ri
t Colombia Attorney Here John
111 Foote, St. Helens attorney and
itormerrdlstrict attorney of Colum
bia. coantyr Was . a visitor yester
h H.s,MeMahan. - , c 4
fWV iwu cctbiwii i v
.vwapwe T.u.jr , . ..
. t,iii. SZZ'ZvmT3A
0uu,-r err: h m-u
Miller was in the county Jail -yea-
terday starting to serve out a 31
day ?sentence for disorderly -icon-
dact. The penairy rwaa unpqaea in
Stayton justice-coortf:: -i
UC6me Front Corvallta Mr. and
MrsT. WtttTC.-Smlthvsana' sop.
' Clarkl have moved to Salem from
. Corvallis.2 where - they i naveneen
usUesa toaearl
-SriWfr..-iiis K;.
near) , years,.
Townsead Oub The Central
Townsend club' 'meets- tonight at
a o'clock to-the courthouse. The
delegate to the convention at-In
dianapolis will make, his report.
Tnrkev nickers; report Friday
mnrn nr. uarion ureamery .
Poultry Co. v;
Aimlv to Wed M. ' Theodore
Madsea and'JSva; M. Beatty, both
of. Salem, beve made application
tor a marriage license at Fortiana.
Restw J 'kanaa--.Dr. -Bruce
R J3ater president; of .Jryillam-
ette.unlveralty.wUI return from
a week's trip ta Kansas Sunday.;'
: U
. . . . T)
From 12 Soon Satorday,- July 2ndt ;T
Tbroagh Tneeday, July 4th. 7
- JJuUdins; Sapply UK
Friesen MHlwork. Co.'
'"f j:W. Copeland: '
n.: -M2th St. Tard
Are Postp
Press -of Trial ElattePi
Pending .Is Given am
Delay Reason
criminal "cases in ' circuit
hra were continued
through the - July term ' because I
of' the. AHausual ttress'iil trial
matters pending; m - an order I
tesaed' yesterday by Jadge I. H.
-The grand J art met agate yes
terday but' postponed . to this
morn in r Its scheduled winduo of
Its atfalrr. Raports arefAae jKSnain7
wr w. iivuh 4iVUU W IV Vvkn Vaa
IS and 20 -cases which the iarf
has , had uadeT lnrestigaUon, - it
is unaerstooo, ;
:The present grand Jum
has; ..served i continuously
manr" Him I
June, -1933. is not to be con
tinned to tbe pew term -of court.
a'reuit C0urt v "
. State f vs. Archie Lee; ' Indict
ment waived, district attorney's
information - charging, con trl but-
TrZTii: 1--.rrr
filed: and defendant ordered :" ex
amined - by state psychlatrisf at
sute. hospital.-rr.,"
' Frank- J. .Sherwood; vs. J Li
Calavln; plain Utrs" memoranduin
In support of Its claim for costs
In case i appealed by defendant
from Justice-court. - -
Mark Skinner vs. J. R. Davis;
demurrer of Emma Morse,, plain
tiff by substitution, to fircJ and
second separate defenses. '
. Credit Bureaus, Inc., vs. G. A.
(Jraham 9 I
John Bunyan Graham, late re-1
sident of Hubbard, Oregon, passed I
away at a local hospital June 27
at the age of 44 years; Survived
by widow, Mrs. Dollie F. Graham
ot Hubbard; : daughters, Mrs.
Olivia Hatcher of Tangent, Ore.;
(Mrs. Pauline Stead, Mrs. Beulah
Lewman, both of Albany; sons.
Vernon and Vance Graham of I
Hubbard; Wythe and uoyd ura-
ham ot Santa Barbara, Calif.;
brothers. Cleo Graham of Nebras-
ka and Lester Graham of Vir
ginia and sister, Mrs. Loula Wat-
kins of . Virginia. , Funeral serv
ices will be held frori the Walk
er A Howell chapel Friday, June
30, at, 2 p.m., with Rev. J. L.
Green " ot Hubbard officiating.
Interment Hubbara -cemetery.
lUVJtniU Alicuui, DVUWHI ynoa-
ed.away at' a lefeat hospital June
2 8 at the age vOt8 years. Sur-
1 rived by parents, Mr. aad Mrs
I Otto Schmld . of . .1405 . Gregson
I avenue; one sister, .Dolores; - one
1 brother, George. Funeral services
Saturday, July 1 at 2 p.m. at the
W. T; Jllgdon chapel with Rev.
Charlea Weston n cbtrra. In -
Charles . Weston 'n . charge. 5 In
terment at Belcrest Memorial
Bobb ' i
In this city. June 28, Agnes M.
Bobb, aged 81 years, late resident
of the - Methodist Old P e o p 1 e's I
I 7 . . .1" " ..-'.VI
I It AM an i KTa I'ontaw siTfar MAfneri
h-w of EigeneT Or
I Mrs. A.iM Adsit of Rochester,
Minn., and ' Howard Bobb . of Co- :
quille,' Ore. Funeral services iwill
be held from the W. T.- Rigdon
company Chapel Saturday, July
1, at 10 a.m. Interment City
View cemetery. Rev. George Hi
Qnlgley will officiate
In this city Wednesday, June
28, Mrs. Rose A. Slattery, at the
eaUbtenMr. ! HsnnVh' sr-Tttery
B?t J hmth.r nr.
I HsrllsU of North J Platte. Nehr. r
1 grandson. Win red Beard of Sa
lam VninT orrli-M -m ha
held from the Walker Howell
Funeral - home at 2 p.m;- Satur
day, July 1, with interment in
Cltyview- cemetery 'Rev. Jj S.
MUligan'willotticiata ,
In this city, June it. Thomas
M. Newberry, aged 7 0 years, late
resident ot 830 -Hood atreet. ;Fa -
ther Of Mrs. Al . Youngblood.
I of Salem. Edna Nebrrybf We-.
I . . A TXT V. . - . " ...
I a c- mM-.t-A - rikiTT 11 I
I inw ta K : t W:Mim. lrB.
I ersl -serrleea"' will he )i Aid from
I --- , " r "
eiw. ,t togaon copay np
- P naay. June a? p.m.
interment t.iUQF cemetery
Tkrnrsisst J
? tkt nit
. . t
. Wm. '
1 .-NI.X
And Second Fealnre
a Q3iwrm
Also New. Cartoon.' and Final
Chapter of The Lone Hanger
TpyoBir Features,
And Second Feature ;
and Maude Anderton ; transcript
of Calem Juitlct eourt Judgments
for- $ 50.11, - fSt.74.v tXt.SS,
413. S.7t. ,t.7t;. automo
bile ItYied upon. ;
. Credit' Bureaus. lac Vs. RoW
lia South wick; transcript of Sa
lonri faatlMr) ronrt Indrmcnti for
k . execution
sausuea . to extent . oi - o. - .
' Robert Fromm ts. Gay O. and
Frieda Mv Smith: ; moUon to
make. complaint more definite.;
W. E. Savage and Bruce Fox
I vs. Charles H- Martin,' gorernor.
nUk control board; supreme
court mandate alflmtaf decision
ot J na Mweumg upnoia-
f mm control
Probate Court .
William - E. Me Whorter esUteH
appraisal, 1447.74,- by Dave
Eyre. Leo . . P a S e and. E. . .H.
Loulsa'"M. James estate r John
A. James "nasced , admi-istrator
of r real and- '1700 per-
ov.w iui n uuau. i, miu
Beth Hu.i e ui d. appomiea ap-
polnted . appraisers. ' ;
Boyd Eld on Brown- and. Mill
ard Brown gusrd'anshlp; order
for citation oa petition of
Blanche. M. . Brown," guardian," for
authority : to eu real property
Interest, in Lineoln
and' Clack
amas counties, ; . . .
; Ida. M. Babcock estate; estate
tax fixed at 41,34 On estate of
$10,134.24 net-value; no inherit
ance tax payable,
Alex Fayas estate; hearing set
for August t oa final account ot
Ted Fayas, administrator; $442.
42. received and 1455.54 paid out.
Francis W. Ware guardian
ship; closing order, Jennie L.
Trotter, guardian; $1? a month
old age pension only receipt item
Sarah J. Staniger estate; first
semi-annual account of Daisy
Smith, executrix; $528 received
and $480.41 paid out.
Anna State estate; final ac
count of Henry Slute, executor;
$7274.97 received and $1234 07
paid out in addition to $9264.40
r distributed equally among Anna
stute, Frank State, Carrie state
Wilkins, Fred, John, Henry and
Stute; appra a1 by
Keith' Powell. Eugene Courtney
and B. M. Keys values estate at
$2550 in real and "9897.50 In
personal property.
Lulu M. Davenport guardian
ship; closing order, L a d d A
Bush Trust company, guardian;
$228.70 received and $1?8 paid
Hattie McKee estate; appraisal.
$3000, by Charles A. McKee.
Edith B. McCord and G. L.
Lydla H. Bower man estate:
appraisal, $19,954.07, - including
$9500 in real property, by F. H.
Spears, Claire Miller and Ralph
E. Purvine. -
Justice Court
Robert T. Schwlnge; $2.50
fine, faying to slop,
1 m
Peter W. Woelke; to be sen
tenced today .for operating ve
hicle without clearance lights.
Delbert L. Thomas; to be sen
tenced Monday for operating ve
hide with defective muffler.
mjvw narsiiiiB: trim on M BeiQ IT.
9 M..1.1. as . .
neB" OI 8imi
n . . a w a
Governor Starts
Busy two Weeks
r JZZlmZvlrtt t"7" .t nl
rljkwepHAe - asrSkBl am A - P am
executive department most of
I the time between now and the
I miaaie ox J uiy.
The governor will lead a cara-
I B Cer lae new WOII CreCK
1 highway Friday, while on Satur-
day he will go to Tlmberline lodge
to attend tbe State Editorial
soclation convention. Monday af-
raoon he will give an address at
The governor will spend July 4
I in Salem but will leave Julv-7 for
Saa Francisco , to sneak at tbe
- 1 world's fair on "Oreron Dav."
I whfla In California Rarerno
,,0 rew daya;vlsiting with
I - . .
III', l ri v- -J-
II .11., I v . I i -. h ys
i I.I I, ' ' - 1 ' ' s
niUI5 I .f.L. 1 - I I U ,' -is i I i
i UMximieaMM : ? ' f '- '
r B . j SV I 1 - J- at 1 I I 11
.t.-i.. t s
' i
f r
,?WiA lnll::iin3 Da Cilla:s- ; 1
r i i - i
Giolwencc FSfejl
G)iirscs, Fccdty
Preabyterian Leaders . to
Cover T7ide Rdd ia
T - Angnat CSaisses
Courses tad- faculty for tilt
Presbyterian- summer conference
to be held at Silver eeek recrea
tion area August to TS have
been, selected, sad r RristraUoss
are' now being . accepted at the
church office, 1-1, -' "
Rev. W. Irvln Williams, pastor
of the Jlnt Preabrteriaa. churcn,
wltt ait as dean. Other leaders in
clude Dr. Daniel H. Schalie dean
Of men at Willamette- university ;
Dr. John 8, Burns; pastor of the
Federated ? churches, Corvallis;
Dr. James Arkln Smith, .a t at e d
hlerk of the Brnod ,'ot - Oregon;:
WlUla H.-5rright,r minuter f
music; Miss Elizabeth. Kells, voice
teacher; Miss EditbS C. Brookmil
ler. director ,ot: rellgleus educa
tion Mrs. Bert ulat and Mrs. John
8. Burns win assist' as group lead
ers for the girls dormitory sec
tions. :t-!2;' ' i- ' .'
: Course 'to be offered : are:
"World Problems,' '"Christian Be
liefs," "Young People In ; the
Church.- An Appreciation of Je
sus.'' "Drama and the Chureb,"
and a seminar on foreign and na
tional missions. -
Dr. Monroe Everett ot the Uni
versity ot Pennsylvania, who Is to
be on . the coast in August, has
been Invited to conduct a class on
"Problems of Personal Religious
Genvin Purchases
Ramage Business
Weil-Known Businessman
Takes Distributorship
of Beverages Here
Adolph Gerwln, prominent
civic and. fraternal activities
Oregon, has purchased the whole
sale wint and beer business of L.
M. Ramage, Involving a distribu?
torship in Marlon and Polk coun
ties, and will take it over on July
1, it was announced Thursday.
Ramage, In business In Salem
for 17 years, will continue tbe
manufacture and distribution of
soft drinks at his present location.
Gerwra has leased the Parker
building at 444 North Commer
cial street and is Installing refri
gerating and other equipment to
convert it into a warehouse for
his new business. Pending comple
tion of this work, he will operate
from the Ramage location.
A resident of Oregon for : 2S
years, Gerwln was In the furni
ture business in - Portland for a
considerable period. The last four
years he baa been - district . mana
ger ' for -the Woodmen of - the
World, in Portland he was active
In civic affairs, being a member of
the city planning commission and
the Multnomah' county-civil serv
ice commission. He was president
oftthe East Side Commercial club
In 19 34 He will make his home
in Salem.
Coordinate Units
Of Presbyterians
'.Various women's organisations
ot the First Presbyterian church
met at the country home of Mrs.
Glenn L. Adams tor the annual
picnic sponsored by tbe Ladies'
Aid society. Dr. and Mrs. Henry
Marcotte and. daughters of Port
land, and Rev. and Mrs. W. Irvln
Williams were guests ot honor.
. It was voted to coordinate the
various women's activities In one
association known as the Women's
association. This new plan of or
ganization permits administration
from a eentral cabinet consisting
of 23 officers, representing: ail so
cieties. The major change will be
that Instead of the present three
sections, the community will be di
vided into four areas, and each
area Into - two or three smaller
group, creating a total of 11 cir
cles for. the city. .
?0D AY and S AT
(2 J)ajrs Only)
- V 1. .(
1 ' s
r vc-f.
Stepln Fctcbit the negro master
. of Inertia, la making a personal
appearance at the Grand theatre
'- today and Satwrday, Tbe come
dian who has made a living br
sunmbllng fai a torpor, is prob
- ably .. best remembered for bis
--. many appearances tn the late
"Will Rogers pfctares. ;. s -
Methodist Pastor'
Is Due Next Week
Rev. Milligan to Depart
Monday for new Post
in Bellingham
Rev. J. C. Harrison, who will
replace Rev. James E. Milligan
as pastor ot the First Methodist
church here,, will- move- to Salem
Wednesday or Thursday of next
week from Portland Where he has
resided the past 12 years.
Rev. Harrison has been super
intendent or the Portland district
for the past seven years and pre
vious to that was pastor of the
Centenary Wilbur Methodist
church In Portland for fire years.
Originally from the south. Rev.
Harrison has been in the west over
20 years. During that time he and
Rev. Milligan have been personal
friends. A good builder? Is the
way Rev. Milligan characterise
his successor. While pastor ot the
Centenary -Wilbur church, he was
responsible for the erection of the
educational temple there.
Before coming to Oregon Rev,
Harrison was -pastor at the Gar
den Street Methodist church In
Bellingham,, Wash., the church
to which Rev. Milligan goes. He
was also at one time district su
perlntendent of the Olympic dis
trict in .Washington. .: .- .
Rev. Milligan. who has been
pastor here for over tour years.
will leave Monday for Bellingham.
Autoists Lagging
A total ot 146.447 motor ve
hicle drivers' licenses, for the per
iod beginning July l, 1931, and
endlng: June Id. 1941. had been
mailed at - noon Thursday; Secre
tary ef State- Earl Snell announc
ed. There are 458,900 operators" in
the state, - - - -
Only , persona over. 70 years of
age and 'beginners are. required to
submit to an examination.
Snell said the two Portland of
fices of the motor vehicle opera
tors dlTision would remain open
until g p.m., up to Jnly S.
i iffis Q niliriS1 Ann Sothera - Robert Yoons;
' ' '"'eJjlL "1 "' "r"T ' I 'jr la f 1 i''lf ij
i J
Thta Man"
'A'V ; unusual.
UVV1 -
State Fish Commission.-
Stirs CcUcgd to Aid
Beds RehabiliUtion ' . -
' -
Governor r Charles , A. Spraiut
yesterday announced a Joint re
search project tor the rehablUta
tioa of the Yaqulna bay oyster in
dustry. ." - ; --.v: -:-
The Oregon state; "fish commis
sion and Oregon Statexollefce will
cooperate la the proJecC The Lin
coln., county . court 'also -will :be
asked to assist, - ;
Purposes bf the project will be
to study conditions inthe Taeutna
oyster area ot jUnceln iconntyj con
sider scientific factors; and glve'at-
tentlon J to- the1 practical nethodi
In the growing Of native oysters.-
:-;V- Prof. Dimkk In ChVnce
Professor; IU E. Dlmrnick.! head
of the r department- of fish and
game management, rvril be in
charge. A graduate assistant will
be stationed at Yaquina bay who
win be supplied with the' men and
equipment needed to conduct the
survey.." The 'cost Ot the project
will be 13000, for the year begin
ning July 1, to be shared by the
participating agencies.
Governor Sprague Initiated the
plan after vetoing a bill of tbe
last legislature which would.' have
turned the state Owned Y equina
oyster beds over to the Lincoln
county court for' administration.'
Ships Engineer
A .
SEATTLE, June 29.-CTV-Sec-
ond Assistant Engineer J. o. Hy-
ers reported to police tonight he
was severely beaten by six men as
he was passing a picket line to re
turn to the freighter Coldbrook
after getting a haircut.
The Coldbrook has been picket
ed tor several weeks during a hir
lng dispute between the sailors
union of the Pacific and the US
maritime commission, which
brought the ship and the one oth
er here to open the projected Ta-
cine northwest-oriental service.
Governor Refuses
: July 3 Holiday
Governor ' Charles A. Sprague
will not proclaim -Monday, July
3. a legal holiday-in Oregon; as
suggested In a telegram received
at ' the - executive department
Thursday from County Judge
David Graham of Malheur
: Graham's telegram said the
governor of Idaho Had; pro
claimed July 8 a-Je gar "holiday
and; that similar -ictten -on the
part of Oregon's governor .would
be appreciated. -
Reports received here Indi
cated that Governor Culbert Ol
son of California also had 'pro-.
claimed Jaly S a legal holiday.
IIolHcg Doot
,- i CREDIT ,
Jewelers Opticians
i I
i a
sy CTXO. KU'g titb4
thrills 1 1 laagha V, . romance '
e e i e ; .
- - e
Today Doable bill. ; . '
,"Herttage of the Desert:' ? . .
; with Evelyn Tenable and
Donald Woods and "On & r
Trial- with John Lite! and i
Saturday Double bill, "Kan .
of Conquest" with Rich-
.- L ,
: iiiv mwkt viifmv m . :
x.. u iiiupm
-Mystery -Plane.'
-l .BOLLrWOOD , ,.: '
.Todar Doable . hill. Victor
jsACAvsAieai uia viieier tor- rt,,,t
ris la Pacific Liner"rand-! , "
5 i setTr a J I with Wtiaam t- I ' ;
5 ,1 Boydv; ;r rftr. ,,:-..--,rl i
Vf w-w nn - m v- amaa ,
f -.t- CiRAND "I , - ff '.- :
.Today-On the stage la per- "V
! eon SUpta Fetchit and von f -W
the, .screen, -Jaek Holt gnJt' vt
T o d a y Double' bull.-. Flo- f 1
: rence . Rice, TJha .' MarkeU'vafr :;
Mar Un,4'. mJt " Ann , '
Rutherford in -4 Girls, in ?
. Whit) Si 'ffllr.'- Ini --
Honolulu. -; :"4
Saturday "Jessie a e a ; I i
with Tyrone Power. - Nan- V :
f. ey Kelly, Henry Fonda; r' ; -and
Randolph :Scott.ny.; ;, r-c
- ' i.i . 'f-rrt-'.'
' " EXS1XORB ; - ; T - ' -
"Maisle r with Ann' Sou- A T -
thorn and ' "Mickey jthe A i '
Kid" "with Bru-e Cabot ,i )?
and Zasn Pitts. . .1 -,v-
Saturday Double - bill and : v- .
Mickey - Mouse matinee. ; -.-. '
Tanan Fi;.ds a Son '
with Johnnie Weissmuller "-vt-.
and Maureen O'Sulllvaa u ft
; and "Tell No Tales" with; ...?-
Melryn Douglas. ; .'-
Saturday Midnight matinee .
"Tarxan Finda a - Son". P'l
. with Johnnie . Weissmuller
and Maureen O'Sullivan. " . iw;
e .. .. e m
PUD Vote Costs
Expenses incurred la campaigns'
for and against the formation of
people's utility districts most be
reported the same as other cam
paign expenses. Attorney General
VanWinkle held here Thursday.
In. cases where the campaigns
Involve a proposed district within
one county, the expenditures must
be reported, to the county clerk.
When more, than one county are
involved the expenditures must be - -
reported to the secretary of state.
The opinion was requested by S
C. E. Strlcklin, secretary of the
State hydroelectric commission. ; -
. Spend the Weekend ;
-. -at , -. - :-, "
: Silrer Creek Falls
Gyllle's Gulch, half mile
from main entrance to Sil
ver CTeek Falls state park.!
8-acre playground -offering
overnight camping, modern
eablna by day or week, sad
f die horses, pack trips, flsh
- inf , hiking. An Ideal place
to spend a weekend or long-
r.' J. L. OyUenberr, Silver-.
.wu, proprietor. -----
Starts Satnrfay
The Two - Fisted life
Drama of Sam Houston l
Adveatarer . . Fighter . .'
Patriot . . . and -Many of
Many Loves! X - f'-v : i
No ,; :-
In -Prices
. PLCS HIT 3fOw,2--
,Tailspin Tommy Was :
' Born to Fly I w y
Follow bis exciting, dramat
le sky trail . thrill by
Last Times Tonlit ,
1 ' Zarie' Grey's r
t HcriUsc cf the -!
. . .Desert!
V - ris " -
r ilargarct Uzizzy