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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1939)
PAGE, EIGHTEEN Market Quotations " . ' morrs - (Bajlag rrtf) ITaa ariee below (applied by local rewsr sus iadteativ af lbs sail aureet nriree ante U rrewera Lt T , Ml UfUlH4 bii.) ban a am I, Ik aa stalk Usnds limn urn .w..... .. Grapefruit. Tease plass Kegnlar Leasoaa. crata i 1, Oraagea, trait Strawberries, irsl A teredos, crata Carraata .. - Reapbenies Sales Buyers n Slate ' ' ' .05 , - .06 ' 4.00 . 0 00 zmz. .5o 3 60 I 4.00 160 , , , . . 1.00 1.40 Csntalospe. erat WaUraisMas, lb. .1 04 ta 2.00 S.S . .OJfc TEORABLBS - (Baying PUcca) Aaparsgas. laeaU aaa Beet, das. ' , Cabbage, lb. Carrot a. leva I. 4oa. ., . , ,, ., , Caaltflewer, tore I ,., . Calary. Dub. S.00: local, mil. Cscambsrs, botkoMM, bat Letter, local Oaiona, SO lb. , Oraaa anion. 4 as, Kad tehee, don. , ,, ,., Pea. locaL lb. Peppers, greea, Calif. raraicy Potatoes, Local swt. S. 1. 0 lb. bag Kew Petateea, Calif ewl Splaacb, local, boa araips, das. .0 .25 .02 .14 1 UO 1.7$ 2 iO .00 1.0O .20 - JIO JO ; .40 .45 1.00 Tike HU fcy Xtfspsaaeaft racklaf sisal . as groweri -Walantn rranaaeitre. faarr. 12a dines. 10a: amall Sc: erebard r, to 10c. Walnat Meats. 25 ta SO lb. Filberts Barrslonss. largo iiMii fsa ay 11: ksbies. II! airbard mo 11 (Caen Fneaa ta Otaatfl Walaata Prirm rmaga. etepending aa ray ante m la 14 liferent graves 12svDiBilly 1 cant signer. . ; hops (Baying Prices) -s . Ctaatera. nominal. 1937, lb. .05 ta .OS Clnatera. IMS. lb M ta ,25 -Fugglss, top ... .., , - . , , M i wool ciun MOBAjm v ' (Baying Rlcea) , Wool, mediam, lb. Coarse, lb. ,. Lamb, lb. , llebair, ib. 5 .25 40 EGOS AB9 POOXTBT (Baying Fticas of aVadreaaa'a) Grada A large, doa. Orada B larrc. Orada A madiam Orada B aatdiaai rallata Colorad fry a ,.. .. YVbita Laghoraa, bcafj. wnita Ucghorna. iignt Old roeatara .. , Uaary haaa, lb.. .15 to .10 47 .15 f J4 .15 .11 JO .05 J4 MAJUOB OKBABTEBT Baying rxleo Batterfat, firat qnality. A3 BattarfaL aaeoad ouality -, ... .21 BnttertaL pramian ,,, J2 Leghera haaa, over 34 Ib .11 Lcgbora keaa, ander 2 lbj .00 Lacbora frrera. Ihk Iba. .10 lfbora (ryora. aadaraiaa. aaarbot ralaa. Colored, try era, 3-1 Iba. ,, .u Colored (pringt, I lb, aad op .12 Colored baaa , .1 Stage .00 Stocks arid Bonds Jane 20 ; STOCK ATZBAQZS Compiled by The Aaaociated Praia 80 15 Iada Bail Kel Chg. D1.I D .7 Tbaraday 64.0 10.5 Preioaa day 05.8 17.2 Month ago 68.0 18.5 Year age . 07.7 17.7 1030 high 77.0 28.S 1030 low 58.0 , 15.7 15 TJtil D Jt 80.0 80.5 87.0 23.8 40.0 83.7 00 Stock D1.0 44.0 45.0 47.0 40.4 58.4 41.0 Vet Ch. Tbaraday Previous day Month ago Tear aga 1930 high 1930 lew 20 , Bail D .0 65.5 60.1 57.0 64.0 04.0 63.4 Low yield 112.8 10 Indue D J 100.0 100.2 100.0 07.1' 100.7 07.0 10 10 "TJtil Torga 105.0 00.0 r5.0 61.2 '00.2 - 62.4 " 01.7 02.0 00.7 04.0 01.9 58.2 Grade B raw 4 per eeat gailk, Salem Co-op basic pool prlr 91.70. Co-op Grad A batterfat price 1.72. nt-aaaaUly fltllb Distributor price, f2Jt2. Batterfat, No. 1, 23c; Xo. 2, 21c; premium, 84Hc : grade print, Hr D grade 27 He; qnarten 29 He Old Ruoatcra .' . ... Ka. B grades 4 per ooaae waa. svu Orada A large , . Orada A median Orada . B large Grade B aaediaai Uadergrad sad (has. j0 JO , 40 JO 45 45 UVBSTOOm ait.a mrtmm tf Mm f condition and amies reported ap to 4 sua Lamba. I9J. tepo 7-25 Laaaba, jearliaga m i Bwen - 8 00 ta 2 60 Uora. top ; ,,-., f 25 to 7.50 ISO lao lla - T.w cat . 210 800 Iba. . , 0.75 to 7.00 8o 25 to .7 Beef sows 5.00 to 80 Balls 6-60 to .v Harare S.00 to 0.60 Top ral T.50 Dairy typo cawa 8.50 ta 430 Droaaad veal. la. a . .. aiAn, aat Ajrs sssst Wheat. ba Ka. 1 reeleaacd .75 Oata. grey to , 0 00 wait, v fMi ha.rU. ton 22 00 ta 24.00 Clntt hay, loa - 12 00 to 18.00 Alfalfa. "tan 10 oo to la w Www .k. I. I mtla. SO Ib. baa 1.70 Dairy feed. SO lb. bag I BS Boa scratch feed 1-75 Cracked rora - - 1.75 Whom! ., Ul Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND. Ore., Jena 20. (AP) (0SDA) Predaca pnea change: Apple Ore. Newtowa, ex fey, 1.60 175; fey, 1.25 1.40: Waah Wlaeaapa, as fey, 1.60-1.85: Borne, a fey, 1.65-1,73; Transparent, 24 )b 1.001.15. Aoriceta Cal l.. OU ose flat: i.ow-i.ia royal lug: Or. Wah. 15-lb. fists, 70- 75e; Moorpark. 65c A.u-milu Calif- 1.05-1.70. Aaparagaa Ore Waah SO Iba. KaJ 1, 1.75-1.85: looe, 1.50; aselass looio, 1.25: atriars. 75a 1 00. Beana Ore. green, 4-4 He; wax 8 -4c. Bananaa Hunch t4e; amall lota Blsk Pane I BS-1.75. - Celery Calif., Dub, 1.50 1.60; white. 1.70-1.80: heart, dot.. 1.10. Cabbage Oregon round bead, 75e-1.00; few 1.24; poor 60-70e. Canuloupea Calif, atd. 45a, 2 40 2.50: iumbo. 80 45. 2.25-2.50: atand srds, 45a, 1.75-2.00; Honeydew, 9s, i in.1 an Cberriea Ore., 'Waih., Bings, Lamberts 5-6. Celery Calif, Cteh, 1.75-1.85; 200 2.25; Or,. Ulab 1.50-1.75; 1.75 2.01: hearts. 1.10-1.20. Currant 1.2.V 1.50. Canliflower Local, 0-1 la, 1.00-1.10; No. 2, 60-65c. Citrna fruit Grapefruit, Tezaa marab aedleaa, 2.84 8 00; Arizona fancy, 2.aa 2.50; ria.. 3.25 8.50. Corn Oregon crate, 6 do., 2.50-2.70; poorer 2.25. Garlic Local, b-8a lb.; Calif., sew crop, 10c lb. . GraMa Calif- aeedleaa 8.00 8.23. Lemon Taary, all sixes, 5.00-5.50; choice,. 4 75. . Limes Doa. carton. 20 25e. Lettare I .oca I dry. 65 76c: poor, S5, Oranges Calif, naeela. choice, aa- anoted: Valeneiaa, large 8.73-4; a null ta medium. 2.25 2.70. Lettuce Beit 50 65; poor 85c; Wash topped, 70 75c. ' Moth rooms CnltUated. 1 lb.. 80 85e. Onions Calif wax, 90e-1.00; yellow, 70 75e: red. 7 0-7 sc. Peachea Califs lata, Triomph. 90 e- 4-5e; whit, white Jits OREGON STATESMAN, Saleo, Ore Frldajcn:-, Jo Wheat Advance Quotations at Portland Near Mid-June POXTUUriX Ore, Jam 80 (AP) liry pTodoee pricee : Battert Xxtra 25; atandard SSHl firsU 22 tt: ilrsto Ilk: battarfst 2SH-24. . - - . Eggat Large aactraa Slet largo atand- Rwfw.l nf W.a. Yittetr. Its f."f5 .naeeoana,-rao oa; ws,aM w -'- i nannoaraa xoa.- Europe Is . Factor ia , "W-i'-.h-ijPemo Tri.A I . Portland Prodnee CHICAGO, Jane 2 SWAV Wheat I Ooaatr Mania fcsinu ariea ta re prices registered another adrasee I taibsrat Cwaatrr-kuied hoga. beat batch of about one cent a bushel today TTLrMfr iff g,WK that put market Quotations back I heary, o-ioe; lge; apring iamb, is-ish to around the beat lerel since mid-1 yaarfiag iamba. lo-ita l. ewe. -7 j.iut I eaiier awwn, vc; aanaer oowa, ow "U"- . v-- It., hall. 1 1 tk ., . Sharply hlber prices In foreign u PMirrTBnn.a anaaat Lasnor. ma.rKCLa ua tear m a new Xiuro-i ores tare, iiw-isc ta.; cotoreel sprtnga. a nean crisis' Blared av part In. the I a. is-ie to,; UrWi haaa. t!le.Jr Mmlm riL7JZwt J1Z 'be, 14oih.t ander S lb, lae optnrn nere. The.reriTal or irarl n.. ur4 u,, a ik. is ik talk was accentuated by weakness leoor lbc. Wo IV t Ms. t grsao, U in securities. ZJTerpool Prices closed cent hither and Rotterdam and Winnipeg; were about z cents up. Although domestic prices are well aboe quotations at Winnipeg; and Urerpool, r the spread ' mar. in crease, some market experts be- lleTe, because of smaller prospeo Tarkaya Belliag wrato t Dr eased hens. 17-1 aa 4b. soma, 15-16a lb. Bif 11 t nana, is iso n.i teena. is-is lb. Petaleae Taklmn wants. I I eoaul: haaal. 1.00; Oaachntea Game, 145 cental; Klaatsth fslls Bo. 1. 6emel45.25 awi. Maw PaUaoee CaHfwrnin White. Mo. L 170. per ewt ; Keanewick. 1.40-1.60. Oaiem Calif, wax S0-00e; twd, 70c; yellow, SO-Sfte par 601b. aaek. wool ' W4iiametta eaitay. isst ens. tire US production, the hljher I ,b- rMsnntnt In.n nnrf .nh.Ml.fna- saoaUs flooeo, SI too lb.; ox export. Chicago . wheat also ' deriVed strength from evidence of a brisk domestic demand for what new grain is not being; pat into stor age. Milling interests reported sharply expanded flour business recently and it was assumed this . Hay Selling price to retallerat Alfal fa. Me. 1, 16.06 tea; oat eaten, 12.00 tea; slow, 11.00 too; timothy, eastern Ortw 19 00; da slly, 1400 toa. Portlss. Hope 103S Cine ten, 20-25e lb. Pug- Clea. 2Se lb. Mohair Hoanlnal, 1030 clip, SOo Ib. Caeca ra Bark Bayisg pries, ISSS pool, Bngar Berry and fruit, 100a, S.00; Data a.xa; nee .a, Oomeetie Flewr Selling price, elty da inTolred purchases either ot new Wheat as yet unhedged or lifting I Heary, 1 to SObbl lotas family patent. of hedges in the futures pit. Ac- . tUSl Wheat is quoted, higher: than I blended wheat flonr. 4.70-S.OO; soft wheat future in practically-all markets.; I 4.40-4.45; graham, 48a, 4.50; whole wheat Wheat closed -1 Si tfjrh-i. I . ., oat., -v, ; t , than yesterday, July 71, Sep tember 724. Portland Grain POBTLAKD. Ore Jane SO. f API- Wheats Ooea Hick Low Close (July 72 72 72 72 Cah Grain: Oats. No. 2. 88-lb. white. 87.50; No. 2, 88 lb. gray. , Barley, No. S. 44-lb. 15 W. 24.60. Cora. No. 2. ST shipment, 26.60. Flax. No. 1. 1.65. Cash Wheat Bid: Soft white 74: west- Fumigating Bins Erected, Weevils MONMOUTH The Monmouth Cooperatire creamery has recently constructed two larre hlna for fiolrn whit 73 H; weatera red 72. Hard fumigating of peas and Tetch for JTTi1 llMUT WeeTil. This addition was neces- 14 per cent 79. - Bard white-Baart or- sary due to the increase in the pro- Si"" JJs 11 ?. T" Pe ent ducUon of Austrian field peas 2Ih.5 1 eOTt 8H; U p" Mnt raised in this locality. Today's Csr Xaealpts: "Wkett 82; bar- These bins hare the capacity to 7...05 c2"Hr 24 s ! t s "r i,,.,t. ..A. . .... . . I aumeea a. Bsrraws and gilta. gd-ch. 140-160 Iba. ., f 6.00 T.40 do gd-ch, 100-180 lbs. 7.15 T.75 do gd-ch, 180-200 lbs. M do gd-ch, 200-220 lbs. v: do gd-ch, S30-29O Iba. 4e gd-ch, O-S50 Iba. . do gd-ch, 200-850 Iba. do gd-ch, 250-200 lbs. . do med, 140-160 Iba. Pkg. aowa. gr, 275-850 Iba. eV good. SSO-424 lbs ... , ; do good, 425-650 Iba do med, 275-550 lbs Pigs (f dr. sad stkr.) good-. . - choice. 70-140 Iba. Packing sown, gd, 215-860. do gd 850-425 lbs. so go sso-ooo ioa.. t.60 1.75 7.15 T.75 0.85& 10 0.60 7.15 6.85 O 6.35 6.60 T.15 6.75 S 7.35 S.25 S.75 6.23 d 6.75 5.00 & 5.60 4.75 S.25 S.SOfil 7.23 6.25 W 5.75 55 S 6.75 6.00 S S.50 4.75 BM " da asediana, 275-S00 iba Pige (fdr atrkr) gd-ch,. . 70-140 lb. - Cattle: Salable receipts S26; aalabla ealre 50, teUl 85. ateaay. me range: - . . Steers, gd, 000-1100 lbs. f 0.00 0.60 do mediam, 750-1100 lbs. . 7.75 0.00 ' SO eom (pi), 750-000 lbs. heifers, goad, 750-000 Iba.. do mediam, 850-000 lb, do eom (pi) 650-000 lb. Cow, good. aU wts ,,, . do medians. aU wta. do com (pi), all wts. do lew-eet-eet, all wt. Ball (yearlings ex clad) gd (beef), all wta. da medians, all wta. S.50 a TJ5 zoo, total Jtsrket S.25 . 7.75 S.00 S.00 7.009. S.00 6.50 7.00 da est-com (pi), all wta. Y osier, choice, all wu . da good, aU wts. 6.75 6.75 5.00 S.75 4.00 & 5.00 8.25 g 4.85 6.73 6.25 5.60 S.50 e s.oo Q T.50 9 6.00 a 7.oo a 6jo 6.25 6.60 4.76 S.00 T.50 S.00 4.50 S.50 4.50 do mediam. all wts ' do sail eom (pin), all wts CalTea. med. 250-400 Iba da com (oht) S5O-40O lbs Sheep: Balabla receipU 800, total 450. Market steady to wk. Prieo rssge: Spriag lambs, gd 4k ehoie 7.50 7.85 da medinm and rood 0.75 8 7.25 So eonaaon (plain) . S.75 0 6.50 Lambs (shorn) med good 5.00 5.25 do sommoB (plsia) - 4.00 Q S.OO Ewaa (shora). good-cheiee. 2.50(1 8.60 da oommoa (plain) mod. 1.25 & 2.30 Wool in Boston Portland Livestock at a time or the equivalent of tlie or six carloads. rtaVT u, Tt- -.-J JT. PORTLAND. Ore, Jane 20. (AP) Irian peas raised in this part of I (usda) Hogs: BaUbie receipt 400, Oregon are Shipped to the SOUth I toUl 600; market sctirs. steady to strong. where ther are naed aa rorar I range : crops. BOSTON, Jnne 20 (AP) (U8DA) Bales of . moderate rolnme were being closed .in Boston today on graded terri tory wools. Combing quarter blood terri tory wools were bringing 54-56 cent, aeonred baaia, while combing three-eighths blood brought 58-60 cents. Graded French combing length fin territory wool moved at 64-67 cents, aeonred basis. Country packed mixed lota of three eighths end on quarter blood bright fleece wool of fered from the country were selling occa aionally at mostly 29 to 80. cent, in the grease, delivered to users. Exhibit of Playground Activities Is Shown dis- Bummer SILVERTON; An exhibit playing work of the playground activities is being shown in the window of Toney's restaurant. The display will be changed frequently to show each of the new phases of the work being done. yal a4hii OiciTy Ro Pack Near Finale The cannery pack for Royal Ann cherries Is expected to be cleaned up by this Saturday night although a few may dribble In for a week or so. Lamberts arechednled to be started - through -.' next week. Blackcaps," sparsethus far, will be heavy by next week and the lo ganberry pack will run another two .weeks. Just how much larger the IS SI cherry pack is than last year's is not known yet by .the canneries because .the ' heavy eullage re quired makes it difficult to tell how the pack wit Kara out based on the tonnage delivered. There is no doubt, cannersssar. tBlt tD pack will ; exceed that of 113 8. - Peacfei Pessimism ffite Stock Mart :NEW YORlCJune 2l-(r1VRe newed - pessimism- over the Euro-' pean - war outlook and the tense monetary battle in congress helped bring another relapse in . today's stock market.- . Although the' ticker tape was never pressed, the day's volume was the largest since Hay 25. Transfers totaled 822,580 shares against 641.Y80 yesterday. The Associated Press average ot SO is sues was oft 1 point at 44.9. Virtually all departments par ticipated in the retreat and one or two "Blue Chips" dropped around 5 to 8 points on a few sales. Among principal sufferers were US Steel, Bethlehem, Chrysler, General Motors, American Tele phone, Santa Fe, Standard Oil of NJ, US Rubber, Montgomery Ward, United Aircraft, Du Pont, Ingersoll-Rand, American Can. Anaconda, Cerro de Pasco, Allied Chemical, Johns Manrllle, Penney and Westinghouse. Raspberries Hauled To Bend Area Daily MONMOUTH Sheldon Cody is transporting his red raspberry crop to Bend as he did last year. He hauls 80 crates at a load in a light truck. Leaving here at night he travels the North Santiam highway and returns home before noon next day. t9 Natl Power e Lt .7 Northern Pacific 2Vt Packard Motors 4 7e J C Penney '; 4 m 88 32 Am Water Wka. Anaconda . . . . . Armour 111 Atchison Barnsdall . . Bait ft Ohio . Bendix Aria 43 Sears Roebuck' . 73 41 Shell Union ' . . . Is ij Z44 Sou CS1 Edison. ZS Closing 3ubtationg NEW TORE; June 2 M)-Today's closing- prices: : . .v av tv HI Com with dc sou. 44 au Ai:)d Stores ... 7 Consol Edison American Can . 9.0K Consol Oil . . . Am For Power jT-w t.. s. i f- iu i nrusi must c,7 1 1 U nonslas Aircraft IS H Phillips Petrol am nu .. . ...,, r. i . n, m.tii- - tiu tm pan aa r . . i.a-m ricoa aim ui. JLm OJS JUU. . - T . Ill O..K C.l. VI l Am Smelt Ret is- iciec rw - - l;,., at t.i A Tel.. 158 A Erie RR 1 Pullman, 24 TeI TC.V o!l7 rT"' witrlr. SI. Safewav Stores . 38iV Ameriooacco . ) 8 uenerai r awa 81 Vk General Motors. Qoodrear Tire . 24 Great Northern. 19 Southern Pacific 11 V IS - Hudson 'Motors. 4 Standard Brands ,4H Illinois Central . 19 Insp Copper ' . Bethlehem - Steel 81 . Int Harvester a i-: - ITU Int Nickel Can . loriVWarner : IntPtperftPPf 27 Timk Roll Bear - mm a mWm W . m . Sj aw mf SSBiamjti enh an U mnHaAaamAdh Budd Mf ST . ... Wt TBI dB V ei . . 7S raue-wencs 7s-ii p.- - - . 17 U Johns Manville .88 Union Carbide Calumet Hee;.. ii.ennecow -. . . . aw cbi ahusu. r.nai.n Paflflc 4 LlbbcT-O-Ford . 43 United Airlines. 104 j I case ...... 73 LI ft Myers R.107 . US Rubber .... Caterpll Tractor Al U LoeWs ..... , . ,41 . US teeT . . . . . . Celanese . ; . . .' . 20 Monty. Ward ... 47 X Walworth . . . . . ff Nash Kemnator d wesiern union . 30 'Natl Biscuit ... 2 5 White Motors . . 81 Natl Cash ..... 18 Wool worth X... J NaU Dairy Prod 14 ' - 10 Stand Oil Calif. 8 Stand Oil NJ 84 Studebaker . 46 Sup Oil CertainlTeed '. Ches ft Ohio f . . Chrysler Com! Solvent 25 H 40 ' -2 72U 38 43 4 17 7 41 n Jamboree Aug. 9 JEFFERSON The Jefferson Community Booster club has de cided to change the date of the Onion Jamboree to August 9. The possibility of a Southern Pacific stage being named for Jefferson, w'as mentioned. A committee, W. I Jones, Mrs. Paul McKee and L. L. Shields were appointed to take up the matter with the stage company. It was - voted that all concessions of the celebration be held out side of buildings. - Members . and frie: Is of the Evangelical church will motor to Greens Bridge Sunday morn ing for Sunday school and wor ship services at 10 a. m. A pic nic dinner will be enjryid later. Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Layton attended a picnic at Dallr.s Mon day, for ministers and their families of the Salem district, of the Evangelical church. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Smith left Thursday for Cape Horn, Wash., to visit their son Walter Smith, and family. "MCIDMIEY In A Hniry" STATE FHIAIICE CO. A Dome-Owned Institution (Childs ft MUler's Office) S44 SUte St., Salem, Ore. Phone 0201 Lie No. S-210 M-22S POLLY AND HER PALS The Line Forms to the Right, Boys! By CUFF STERKETT 100; Calif. Bedbird 65-75e; Ore. 65-75. I rea uregon, 8-Z lb. Pepper Calif, legs, 1.40-1.80. Plums Calif.. 1.10-1.20. Pctatoee Ore. Deschutes Ross eta, ' STo. 1. 100 Iba.. 1.00 1.20 : 08 No. 8. 60 lb. I 45-50e; Calif. Long Whites. US No. 1. 100 lb., 1.79 I Ihi; wssb., Cobblas No. 1,1 I Q l.OO. Rhubarb Ore Sppl box, 40-4 5e loose; lettnee crates, 95c-1.10 ewt.; loo, 2 lb. Sqaasb Ore. Zucchini, 70-80e, flats; Bcsnops, o-vo: urookaack. 70-SOe. Strawberries Oregon, beat, Sd basket crates. 1.60-1.75. -Spinach Ore- 40-50e orange gox. Toasatoee Ore. hothouse, 9-lds; Ualll 24 ID., 1.B3-S.00. Bnnebed Vegetable: Local per doa baaebes anions 20-25: radishes. HU SO; parsler. 17U 20; turnips, 4S-5es aarroia, zo aae Root VegeUbtea: Rntabagaa 1.1MJ0. Tonngberriee 1.20-1.80 crata. Watermelons Calif. 2.25 ewt, crate extra. see Mjm cot a right SMART- LOOKIN NEW MAID, SAM. "There Is Always Tomorrow" Bv Mav Christie s V. A W I I I'M SfPRlSED "THAT . -SSLl 1 -ssssga--- l:. . JlT-S&iT JbJ SUSIE WOULD HIRE 'Cw WAL.VUM 4 f7V s.avx, Aa-ftfT ) . As. a. Vi'M. ill r AJWV 1 SECH A GOOD-1 a. 'VA CEe.rrs utc I b M Yt r .dpi rvT ,r-t 1 ' rTCV J Wg MICKEY MOUSE It's a Small World, After Ant SYNOPSIS On her 25th birthday, Antoinette Coddard, a lovely San Francisco debutante, awakens with a feeling ' of great happiness. The cause of 1t was her fiance, Brock Milbank, scion of the prominent west coast Milbanks. Toni felt flattered that the eligible Brock loved her when be could have had the pick of Soci ety's debutantes. Jessica Payne, an unscrupulous blond, made no secret of his attraction for ber. . Even though Brock did not enconr . age Jessica, Ton! was jealous of her. CHAPTER n There had been no Brock yesteT , day a Sunday and no word from him. Bat then, independent and a "man's man" as be was or had been tin he met her he was occa sionally given to a sodden disap pearing act! .She had a definite luncheon date with him today. As she brushed her-hair. before the mirror, she decided she would set the date today for their wedding. Thanksgiving would be appropriate. There was a tap at the door and then in walked Nora, Irish maid of the Goddards who had worked in the old house on Nob Hill for a num ber of years. Nora had instituted the prebreakfast cud of tea an Irish custom for each member of the family. She set down the tiny tray in front of Toni without speak ing. Drew her bath. As she moved to adjust a shade in the bedroom, ; Toni noticed that Nora's eyes were red -rimmed, as though she had been ' Crying. . .. . "Not quarreled with Pat OUara again?" she inquired hffhtly. know : ing full well that courtship was dot ted with partings, quarrels and reconciliations. ' t o "That wanl Why wnddent It He's a hea'rt-ecald. vet he's that fonny, he'd get a laugh out of ye if ye was cyin ." Nora added darklv: "Shore the way things is turnin'. us small enoice I have bnt be mer- rid to Pat O'Hara. I wonder Mis tress Goddard wuddent let me stay on wit her ennyway." And to Toni's . ; amazement, the . usuailv cheerful Nora, bolting for the . door, burst into tears. WeU. that was love! They were sisters ander the skin. As Toni dressed, fog crept ever Alcstraz, and the ship's sirens in the Bar seemed to take on a warning note. Thanksgiving! Tway ib would set her wedding date for then. Brock would fall in with it, naturally. When she entered the breakfast room, it struck her as extraordinary that neither of her parents remem bered to give her a birthday greet- . ISg. - . : - "The bird in the nest too longf she ; thought whimsically. She'd remedy that. Brock and she - "Sit down, Antoinette, said her father heavily. - a --.- -- She ccticed then how. gray lie looked, tz.1 that his face was curi ously draws, and a wave of com punction swept her that in her ab t oration with Brock and the crowd she had given little time to the quiet provider who had, since she first saw the light of day, made all good things possible. Her anxious -gaze flew to her mother. Her mother's food lay untouched on her plate. The hand that raised the coffee cup shook. Her mothers eyes were red, just as Nora's had been, and there were circles about them that betokened a sleepless night.' Toni's compunction "deepened. But. outwardly flippant, in the manner of her generation and her class, she contrived to say, as she It was the plane, then! He was dead! Dying! Her hands gripped the edge of her chair to keep herself from falling. "Brock!" It came In a breathless gasp, faintly, half smothered. Then her mother's voice, a note of triumph, of reassurance in itt "Ton still have Brock, my darling!" Her own voice was so queer that it seemed like some one else's. "He isn't hurt? Ton said crash?" "Our money, Toni the mills the bank foreclosed on dad's mills." Often afterward, she was to re member how the relief had been so sudden, so overwhelming, that it rVAlTINO FOR X REPLY CABLE FROM THE CAMERA MANUFACTURERS 'DECIDES TO INVESTIGATE THE WAREHOUSE WHERE THE SHIPMENTS . ARE LANDED! mi, x'HL q ftBlnQarp h om- m. vl n iW I i lit ldui a. rcr.u .RJNNV--UKII . r .1 1 V 1 By WALT DISNEY 1 - MISTER7 J f ER S-BEO . ... .. f' p'ik hnaaaaaaaataaanasaaaaaasaaaa 1 : ; t 1 LITTLE ANNIE ROONET "Sinaslt Your Baggage, Lady? By BRANDON WALSH SUP&aUr n9 MVSttL7 Tverj ASTerQ THUK&Te lOOKSAaORC UKZAOOS- H0U5C vjRzenoTHAM ATesvextws &AS POP A PIKOC LADV STARTING OM MER f VACATIOM rfm I W 1TASHT RSMCV LaTATMsSR WITH ; I rfr3 I I A LOT Of SHINY OO-OAOS ON IT J HSC i PJ TO CrUSTTHEWrJDOF BAO t. K 'iSi i ana saaw r sv m w a a a a a annsr a va-. a - m s vsk. -v vi NOME CSa- MOUR BLARNCVu. IT RCMaVSQS AAC yng OVERNhSHT CASS r4QAH THRCWSaSV AFTER HISNaACATIOn THAMKHeAARLAIAA03.V4AHOC wwcn thev avrvmtONOU WERE NOT THCQuCEsj OFSHEBAJ- - TOOTS AND CASPER A drawing Idea ON THE ARK BUT -J I KNEW T I I THAT VDU J I ! ' I j A I mmmm l J I aagATTQM x' T A.5?aI -v-3 lI X r ITOGETMEH J VJ1 I M. 'M 2 V&r. aV. ' a ar T-aaaannaJ, , T.I IB-a- 1 mm a a BV V : a , . . . ., a a w jifjrm t, rf.-----.-.-. 1 J : ,, 1 IT as STassr a ea ansSl Be v.:: S. k " u ... . t y m 1T9 7UST RaSHTCAUSC 1 Dorr wamna BAG SO FAMCV THAT AAV CLOTHES WOULD FEEL ASHAMED CAUSETMKY WKRtKf ALL NCW AN RSNCV UKE THE 8AaS BAG KIN ALL HAEASWELU j -1 By JIMMY MURPHY HMA4-M- THE FORTUNE- rVTSULER AlffT INTUB rf SIN SAYS:" ON A To Toni's amazement, the vsosHy cheerfol Nora burst into tears and . bolted for the door. EALOOMP Tr-pCSa THATS "TOtlfcH ! NOW rVE. 60TTA WAIT TO HEAR IF MY SECOND WIFE IS aVONNA BE AN HEIRESS. 'A BvV YOU HOME, SOPHIE z WHAT'S NEW? OH, rM PERPLEXED ABOUT l CERTAIN MATTERS WHICH ARE NONE OP VOUR AFFAIRS. 1 SHALL. SEEK RAJAH OOMF BALOOMfS ADVICE EARLY NEXT WEEK. I 47'anOS. Safet , .WerUi lit SOPHIE EVIDENTLY OOESNPT KNOW THAT HPS AWAY ON A VACATION. SAY, VO LOVE TO DISGUISE MYSELF AS RAJAH OOMF - BALOOMF AND HEAR WHAT'S ON SOPHIE'S MIND! HMN-M I COULD 6ET INTO HIS OFFICE WITH A PASS KEX DON HIS ROBES ZFE. iHts I06A is sROWlNCr Or M&.tSUT HAVE 1 THI NERVE? 5 I Jl a. ' " t I THIMBLE THEATRE Staxains Popcy seated herself: ntecolar bine lien-! day. isnt itt" , - "Tour father has somethinsr to tall yon. Anthony, please, as gently as yon can. loor Toni " Toni's dark eves widened aa aha looked from one" to the -other. Brock? Had anything happened to Brock? The day before, he'd flown to Santa Barbara, and had the plane crashed? Or his polo pony, the new gelding of uncertain tem per? Oh, she conldnt bear it if anything had happened to BrorX Why, it would kill hert The whole room seemed to be whirling. From 'far away she heard her father's voice. So far away that only the one werdr "Crash P waa all she could de"io keep from laughing hysterically in sheer reac tion. : - What was money in eomcarlson with love? Why, when Brock and she wen married, they would, if necessary, help out her mother and dadl What matter which of them bad the money so Ions as they had each other? Brook was generous, -an easy spender. Anyway, besides, the old mills there was an overflow ing stream of cash in the family bank. Ever since her coming of age, four years ago, instead of a stuffy allowance, she'd had her own check book. They had trusted her not to be too extravagant. (To Be Continued) Families Are so Inquisilire! m SES.BUTI WATCHING U W- 1 IaLL VA HAFTA DO IS KEEP) lYlYESXS) ja) fSNVx I OKAV, U iSaaaaaa . mmwmmmmm '