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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1939)
Ttt OHI-GON STATESMAir, , Ortjca, Tuesday Ilcmizi Jc8 2 1S23 Slcm Market Qmotationo . ntoiTi . ' - (imu Frieaai''' w :'fT- yrlcM bole aappiied b teal grower sad ladScatlee ef tha daily market prices peid to ptwtn br Balea bayers bat. ere set . guaranteed by -Taa Stale ma a.) .. ;- 7 ".- Baaaasa, lb, on (talk .., ... .03. ; , 4.oo '. , 1 00 i - 0 " 1.50 te 4.00 ? ',, - -1 M Heads ' Grspe'rnlt, Texas ginks i -- . auwu .Lemons, crata , - Oranges, arala - - Strawberries,? -teal ATeca-oa, arata - Oarraata .1.. J .40 ' Raspberries ajs to a.oo 'Caataloaaea. crata ... 3.35 Watermelons. . .01 VCOSTABUS .. . (Baring Mces) ' AapArsgas. locsi, 'Beets, do ., ,S0 i .as .03 .a l oo K 1.7S , 1.50 .00 1 i.oo ; .to ; JO t .0 r SO i .40 I 1.10 .45 J l.OO 30 r Cabbage, lb. Carrot, local, 4am ' Ceeliflower, local VlililivwfT. wwm . .. Celery, Cub, 8.04; leeaL ereta- vncemsers, mmmaj mi Ulm. total Onloas, SO lb. Green eaioas, tot. . Radieee . . Pfc-a, lecaL lb. .. .. -Peppers, green, Calif. rarswy Potatoes, local ewt, Ka. 1. fttt lb. baca Hew Fetaleea. Calif,- ewL Spinach, local, box - .. lamps, got. JJ : inn 1 (Nat said by t-dapaadeae racking ptajrt - - fee grower) - Waloala -rrsnqeettrs, faacy, ' 11a ' glaa, 10a; tmall $t: srebard ma, to lOe. Walaat Beats. Si to S0 lb. rilberte Berreloaaa, largo 1H4: fas ay 11 Me; bablee, lie: orchard raa 11a. , (Coop rttcoj to Grower) .- ' Walaata Prtte nags, -speeding apoa ' ay aau ma la 14 different grades 11 Ji--12c Dacbilly 1 cant higher. . si-re - CBavtog FrJeae) Claatara, Bomiaal. 17, t to .08 Claittn. last, lb. .33 to .33 A Wo lOOl, AJTD 1COBAZX tBaytag rttoaa) . - - Wool. aM41a, lb. ..,.;, Coaraa, Ibv ., m.:J1 . Uaba, Ib.,,,,,,,. . . Mohair, lb. JO yt. boos Am OTJTCY ?- - fSaylag frtcaa at Aa4raaea'a) . Bnl A larcc-daa.. 10 "9ra4a B Jaica, 4 Of. " 3fa4a. A atoaioa v 3ra4o B Bodiaai 4T .It .14 J4 .15 Jl JO .05 Fallota ?olora4 trya - 45 to -rVbito Lacaoraa, boavy. ' WhiU Lagkoraa, Ugbt- did roaatora Hoa haaa. lb .14 aCABIOM-CBZAJCEBT Baying mea Bartorfat, lat qaality J3l Battarlat, aocond -qaality . .11 Battarfat, praauaai ., .25 Laghar haaa, afar SVfc Iba J3 Lofhora baas, aider $k Iba,... .1 Lagaors tryan. 1 lba JO Logbora (ryora, aadoraisa, aiarkat. valaa. Colortd (ryr. 31 Iba. J 3 Colorod -aprlaga, I Iba. as 4 ap .,- Jlv .. Colored haaa .11 , Suga . ,. .0$ ' Old ' Roaatora . : .05 No. 1 gradaa fa per pond leas. - CUUI . Srsda A Urg '. Qrado A siadiaaa : 1 .14 J .15 45 erede B 'largo ' 6r4 B aaodiaay. Oadargradaa sad ehex. "MR CHAPTER XXIX ; Each day Marie set off in the morning ..with Mr. Wilson, who - didn't try to conceal his pleasure and pride in her. - - "The boy's wife," he said when he introduced her to his cronies of the train and ferry boat, v Os And when they were .beginning their second week of commuting: to- . gether he said shyly, "You might as ' weu say PopF-onnds funny call Inr me Mr. Wflson!" So after that he was Top," and Edward was amused, and his mother set her thin lips tighter, and saia nothing at alk But it didn't matter that she said nothing, nst being independent, knowing that they were paying their own way, was enough for Marie. ne nrst week Edward came , home late, and tired, had little to say. But oa Wednesday he burst in ', like a cyclone yelling, "Moral Pop! Where's Marie? I made a sale! I made200r Two hundred dollars. For a sale! They were half mad with excite ment! We've got to celebrate this!" Ed said. "As soon as I get the dough wsll do like you've been ' wanting to, honey well go to the city and have dinner and dance and hit all the high spots." i Mr. Wilson went down to the basement, came np with a bottle of pre-prohibiuon rye. "We might as . well eeiebrate now " be said. "Claude! We got that for me dicinal purposes!" his wife cried. - But he had his way. Even Mrs. Wilson drank, bat gingerly to Ed . ward's success. There was no doubt in anyone's mind but what it was a career. - fli I sell eay only one lot every two weeks," Edward said, ItH be between three hundred or four hun dred a month! Nothing cheap about this subdivision. It's going to be the finest residential district in Oak landor Piedmont or anywhere around the bay." ". . . f Shalimar is handy to the shop ping district both Lakeshore and Grand avenue," , his . mother said, "I've always liked It here.. If the house waa.painted, and we had a few improvements in" ' Afterwards Marie said, "Honey you shouldn't let your mother think that you're going to stay on here. Ton ought to tell her that well be "" moving as soon ss we can catch up en the back rentl" , . . "AH right But there's no rash. I havent got my money yet." "I know but when yon do r .When he did he cashed the check, brought it home in twenty dollar bills. "Look at that for a morning's work. Not so bad, eh?" His - mother? pulled down ? the shades though it was sti3 light. Shhl t. How, do you know how many people know yon have that? ' Someone might have followed you." "For two hundred bocks!" "I used to carry at least a hun dred never less than fifty," Mr. WDsonsaid. "It gives a man a feel ing I dont know makes him feel all right with the world' ? . Ills wifs looked at him.' Es rat tled the loose change in his pocket - After dinner Edward said, "How ranch de I owe yen. Mom?", v the loc!i at him,-liar mouth worted, Irt .e said no thin. "Come ca Ileal jTc!I snslT 'tf't jiff t:' ; la low voice she smU, "Ton na, after she came. .Ton paid t::a fatty iolkrs. And tfteen f :ij U':x I CI Cisi fiat as ? t o Ljs f sis., couldn't sty . :. - rns ca cTcrtwsIJ : 13 t ' t yr-i e t to pay as mue tjx : ":.-si"..: axi trr, ErtwLitavar J"ff3 Vl,...!,Tt a;a-- ; X " X i' ,-Jtlreetc TlatgneansI t re yos ?II3." - Ca crrrtcJ e-t tLs messy. Pet ( tz-zLzz la Us ros. -.' Grade B mw 4 per ceat . . milk, Saloa Co-op basic pool price 91 7o. ' . Co-op tirade 1 A ; batterfat ; price f 1.72. ' (Milk baaad a4 -"aaajl-aioatbly- battarfat svaraga,) a r Distributor prke, $2JS2. Batterfat JJo. 1, 23Kc; -- Jfe. S, 21 He; premtauav 3Mr ' .'JL grade print, 28 He; B v trade 27 He; quarters 29 He urutoam.'? (Baring price far Be. 1 atoes asaad eaaditleaa sad astoa reported ap to 4 P- Laaba. 10S. tone T.5V Ualw, yrsrliags - 4.00 to 4.50 r-n a.oo to a so Hon. top , i. ,, 15 180 l&o Iba. " 6.1b to 1.00 50 to 6.75 6 35 to 5.75 . 5.00 to 5.50 5.00 to 5.7S , 5.oo to a. so 810 300 Iba. 8owi Boef eowa Balla Hoifora Top teal . 7.00 Dairy typo eowi. 1.50 to 6.00 Oreaood al. lb. ... JO OBAXW. BAT AMD SEEDS : Wheat, ba No. 1 recleaard 75 Oats, grey. to. ,. 31.00 White i ....aa.ww Pood barley, tea Ctorar bay. too-. oo to 14.00 is oo to ta.oo 1 0 OO to 16.00 Alfalfa, Egg ataih. re. 1 grade, B0 lb. bag 1.70 Dairy feed. SO lb. bag US He aeratcb feed 1.75 Craekod rare . 1.75 ' Ul General Outbreak Of Onion IVKldew Is Rep)Tted;iww v Onion mildew appeared In aieed onion fields' in the Mission Bot tom Ticlnlty immediately alter the rains which fell the first week: of Jane. Only a few plants were af fected at this time. Testa -were immediately started by the Ore gon experiment station at this time to determine the efficiency of the copper oxide sprays which have - been - developed during the past two years. . The green dye-copper oxide mix ture' seems to hare stopped the mildew yery qnickiy in the test areas. . Since June 16 a seneral outbreak of mildew has appeared. If the present weather continues, spraying will be essential. Experi ments during the past three years have shown that Bordeaux sprays are useless even when applied with excellent' spreaders such as Pene troV-Copper oxide combinations are far more efficient against by HAZEL LIVINGSTON His mother said, "I hope it's safe. that's alL IH go to the bank first thing in the morning" Marie bad been thinking. "That isnt fair," she said. "I mean S40 isn't fair. We ought to pay more than that maybe not twice, be- Bee had a nice room, and "Bee was the girl of the family! And besides, she bought all her own furniture!" Marie thought of her pink cur tains, still in a suitcase under the bed. "I didnt mean to criticize. I Just meant we ought to pay more than $40." "I'm glad enough to get the 140." "But well be roinsr soon, and I want it all straight!" Edward kicked her under the table, but it was too late. "YouTl be going?" "Edward and I. We're goinr to take a small apartment" " "Yes, mom we thought " "You might have told ME!" she cried. "I let her stay, to keep you satisfied. I let the two of you stay and eat the fat of the land for noth ingand then you pay $40 like it was a fortune, after I've lost my icebox, and been laughed at by every woman on this block. - "You take and take and take, and then when you get a dollar ahead you want to go. Wen, go! Go like your sister! I'm not. making any money on you at $40 and dont think yon are giving me a profit, because you're not! ? - . ' "Forty do II sn! .Where else could you live for forty dollars, the two of you! Just try! Just try and see! Try living on her cooking and see how you like it I can tell you Lean tell yon " They got her quieted down after a while. She lay on the chesterfield, holding her smelling salts, a fresh lUTMkerclnex In her limp hand. Pop had gone for Dr. Shepherd wno uvea around the corner. When Pop opened the front door, and they heard Dr. Shepherd's voice in the halL Mrs. Wilson said, "I dont want yon to blame yourself Eddie whatever happens, remember, dont blame you " . "But if it was only indigestion!" Marie said, "Indigestion and getting exdted right after a heavy meal. tnen I simply dont see any reason xer staying en I" -"It isnt your mother." ' "Honey, my mother doesnt carry on nice tnatr - Edward thought of the night they told Julie about their marriage. There were things he could have said. But why wranrle? "We'll see," he said with tha little dick of the tongue that she had learned to associate with finality n Edward's part , . - So they didnt go dancing, as they naa planned. . But we WILL move, she thought. Just as stubbornly. She had written Julie about her meeting with Walt Carson and the resultinr job in the Jeanne Duval Hat company and that was another reason if another reason needed for deddinrtonaoe with out tether delay." - For eer-sizr llarie's for in new-f svsJL LiicrfTxdenee and mlsin terprt'jjx tt. JtHs nearly worried hex: . J ski, thiiiis that Marie was unhapry la her tnarriage and see rrc-J ta ajmit attest and home. ""'' --'- Only Walt's return te Lea Ctks for a week end with Flo and tie children and a long, detailed teecrrt ef Just how Cm chili locked and fast how much ia love she and t'e ycrs ann seemed te be, saved Ll vLkli Llarle cs&dad mast ef &3cacz?txttJoKtscsed visit from her mother. t -"C'edoina-llne-WalttoUJiA. H B aB - ' aW 'A H H Bsi AT I - alJbbaw II " wM !aci I'm darn 1-xky te have her, net tiat tls's any TtxUc&a rood Stcc!ss;R2a!e -7 SP. Net Income for, Slay Is . up 5 Times Over -Year 'Ago - NEW YORK, June lt.-(FV-The stock market plodded up hill to day on its second 'recovery trip In about a week. - - Gains "ran to around S points at .the best.. Top- marks .were chopped down, in many cases be fore the closed ' Brokers found nothing to cheer for In the . volume of dealings". Transfers of 944,820 shares were among the smallest for a full ses sion In the put year. They com pared with s.40 last Friday. The Assoc is ted Press averasre of CQ issues was up .4 of a point at 47.2. . ;." SP Report Good. While rails were not particular ly responsive, carrier earnings for May provided pleasant reading for the financial sector. Southern Pa cific's net operating income for the month, for instance, was near ly five times that of the 1I3S month. . Shares prominent on the upside the greater part of the day in cluded : U. S. Steel. Bethlehem, Chrysler. General Motors, West inghouse, American Telephone, Allied Chemical, Santa Fe, Union Pacific, -Consolidated -Edison, Sperry, American Smelting. U. 8. Rubber Electric Auto-Lite, Mont gomery .Ward, Standard Oil ot N. J J, L Case, Da Pont and Allis-Chalmers. -, : . Recently - advancing I. trends In industrial staples were, reflected in a further boost in the price of lead, the second in a week. GOAT CAUSES FALL NORTH HO WELL A pet goat butting against the ladder on which Mrs. L. A. Esson was standing to pick cherries Fri day, caused her to fall and break her right arm. About a year ago Mrs. Esson broke her left arm in a fall. -: v . - . onion mildew and are recom mended. Interested growers are advised to get in' touch with Assistant County Agent Robert Rieder at once Gains i Slowly BRIDE" as far as assisting with the books goes. But, you'd die, Julie, the girl is a natural salesman. She sells without trying. She puts a number on and looks up at the buyer and, . by gosh, it looks like a million dol lars and I get an order. "Even sum mer goods I was going to get rid of. There was a pique sailor we were stuck with. Well, I should bore yon with the business, you have a bust-' ness of your own. How's it going?" "Pretty well." Julie said. "But I am going to sell the equipment and get out I havent told Marie yet, but that's the idea. Her library, too. I just kept on for a while, thinking she might come back and want tt, but I dont think she will, now, after what you say. I stopped all the nego tiations when I got that first letter of hers, saying she was going to work, but I mess X can be wrong. You wouldnt f ool me, would you, Walt?" "No, I wouldnt fool you, Julie." "Well, thanks for that Maybe if s all right for her to have a job. though I dont know. I only did it myself on account of not waiitina" Charlie to have to support Marie, not that he would have said any thing. But I'm not getting any younger now, and some of Charlie's investments are picking op pretty wen. But do you really think that Mariell make good in the hat busi ness?" "I know she's the girl for our place. Besides that, I had some photographs made and they're amazing. She's got what it takes to , be a hat model, Julie. She'd be a sen sation in a week in New York. Tou'd see your daughter's face advertising everything from toothpaste to breakfast food. Funny she never went into pictures. Did she ever have a screen test?" "No, she never got around to it Don't push the kid, Walt! You and I got out of the show business and so did Flo. Why do you want to push my girl in? Let her ALONE!" So he laughed and he promised and next week he was back in Saa Frandsco, finding it harder than he had anticipated to keep the promise. "Now that the ' girl was finding herself, getting the right haircuts and coiffures, experimenting with new - and expensive makeup, the beauty that he had missed at first, , began to haunt him.' He grew morbidly critical of the proofs for which she had posed. Tag general effect might be what they wanted, but if it seemed to him that it had caught Marie Therese at an unflat tering angle, he would have none of it The first ef July he gave her a raise. .;. "A hundred and fifty a month I But I cant be worth that much!" she cried, excited and incredulous "Listen, little one," Walt said, "I am a kind-hearted guy and I give nickels, sometimes even dimes to old men that sell shoestrings. Some times I buy meals for fellows that are hungry. I buy my wife fur coats and diamonds. But business is busi Jbtsa. When I pay somebody a salary it ia on. the short side. -Ton earn more than I'm paying you, if you get the idea. But dont think anybody else would pay you more and leave me, because we're all the same.1 f She laughed and put her . two hands in his. "Oh, Waft yowre fun ny! But If yo do think rm worth it, rm goini.te take it, because I can Bsa the money. Were going to : have a place ef cur own, Edward and L rve got it picked out It's three blocks from the lake, with a view and it has three rooms and It's ador atle and it only costs S49 furnished. bcesBsa it's an oil buSdixj txu over and there are no garages. But. e we havent a eaTr&Lt now, it's' aU riht with ns!"- ' ... . - (Te Ce Continned) Quotations POSTLAMOw.Ore Jaae A? Dairy gretace g-neest , Batter t , Kstrss S5 He; ataadarda 34e; prim firsts SSe; Urate Sic; batterfat 34-34 He. ' Exta: Urn extras' 81a: lam rtaad- erda ISc; madias extras ISa; . siediasi stasdArds Mev ?"-"; . Cbeaaa Triplets ISc ; leaf, 14a. . Portland Produce t POBTtAKD. Or jaae la(AP) erica to . re Uoaatry .Moate Boluag tailors: Ceeatrr-sllleA ham boat batch er, sndcr 160 lbs, 10e lb; veeler a, utk'iH ia.; iigst aae tsia, 10-iia id.; besTy, aA10e Ig.; sprlar lambs, 16 lb.; yearling laaba. 10-13e lb.; -oarea, S-7a lb.: eotter oeva. Set cesser cows. SA c; baUe-lle lb.' - U?e Poultry Barlag prtreat Legbers broilers, 134'lc lb.; colored springs, 3 Ibv sad eTer, 1114a lb.; Legbors boas, ever IH IbA, 14c lb.; aader Sis lbs. llt lb.: colored boss to 5 lbs- lae Ib. ever S lb, lae lb.: Me. S crada. be lb. Icaa. Tarkeye SelHag price: Dreased boss, 17-iaa lb.; toms, 1S-164 lb. Bar is grieear Haaa, 15 16e lb.; teas, 14-15c lb. Potetoco Vablase Om, ( eeotol; loeat. l.OO; Doacbotoa Ooasa. l.SS enul ; Klaautb rails New 1. 6 cats 1.15-1.35 cvt. lltw PoUtea Califorsis Wbitea. Re, t 1.70-1.80 per cwt; KeaBcwlck, 1.75. OniaasOrcfoa Mo. 1. IJHt aw oootaJs Calif eraie wax, 70e; red, 70c; yaUow, 70 per 60 lb. tack. - -, , - Wool Willamette ralley, 198 dtp, aeninal ased, S5e lb.: coarse aad braids, la toe lb.; aMotbe fleece. SS-Sce lb.; aaaters Ore, IS Sle lb. t Bay Selliag price to retailers: Alfal fa. He. 1. 16.00 tos; est ttcb, 13.00 too; aleeer, 11.00 tos; timothy, east era Ota, tS.OOl do all7. I4.0O tea, Portlaad. Hope 1SJS Claatara, 33-35e lb. rag gleA 8S lb. - . i. - - - Mohair Kominal, 1939 clip, 0e lb. Csaesrs Bark Baying pries, 19S9 peel. - 8agar Berry airl trait, 100a. S.10; bale 5.85; beet S:05. Demeatie floor SalUag pries, sir de Hvery, 1 to 85 bbl lotos l"aily pstrat, 4Sa. 6.70 6.85: bakers' Sard wheat, set. 4.0O 6.41; bekers' braeotem, 4.70-6.00: b leaded wheat floar, 4.70-5.00; soft wheat Stocks and Jane 19 STOCK AVrJtAOBS Compiled by The Associated Frees 80 15 15 SO . Isdas Bails Otll Stocks Net Cbg. A .6 Uncb A .8 A .4 bfoa day S7.8 17.8 S7.0 47.3 Prerions day 66.6 17.8 S6.S 46.8 Month ago 64.5 17.8 84.5 45.7 Tear sge 69.4 18.9 SO.S 40.6 1939 kigb T7.0 38.8 40.0 63.4 1089 low 58.8 15.7 88.7 41.6 SOXS ATZBAQIS . 1 80 10 Bella ladaa Vat Cbg. A J A .3 Monday . - 66.9 100.3 Prerioas day 64.7 100.1 Month are 54.8 , 99.5 Tear age . 47.6 95.7 1939 blgb 64.9 100.7 1989 low 68.4 97.0 10 ' 19 TJtil TorgD J j . Unck 96.0 61.8 96.8 61.S 95.5 61.8 89.5 63.1 96.7 64.0 91.9 58.3 POLLY AND HER PALS MICKEY MOUSE lsUSHIN3 MINNIE AND CASEY OUT. CHIEF CHARA LOCKS WMSELP IN AMD GOES TO WORK ON THE CODE IN THE MICKEY-KIDNAP NOTE. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ( JABBER. HURTS HERS lfw - Y J Y ' CHATTER-5f7 PORE CRITTER WETVE ALRCADV ' iT. "l&g'Ajd J&UHT IThE - CHATTE R,CH ATTE f-yC o A JABBER i A GO DOWN T TH yROt HErR-BLfT f Zrimf IMPORTS A (-SWEETS ARB RAIN- fSl) H OA BE P.- I DENTIST AW IT "Ir DENTIST SEZ CHATTER W fi Flf I - RAV MACHINE , eju-x X FUL -BLAH -THEN J J . - if V. EXAMINEDVfER j HE WONT BE v CHATTER it U f 'V VvOT TAKES J X?T-?OMETlMBS'. ,VS5" r. Xnn5 SAkeT? able r 6rvE K yCtt?TTrf ,7 gS. f7 moving . ok rk!7 Bld8H-!A) - - J&u a jSiTpri my iiER anv j t1 l i (pictures j T .at ' DURNED OL' r- , 4 OOW HE CANT ) A?L y NOTMIM1 v I POLICE ME BHTHERE!) rjL, I, KO2-?'?tO 'v-'vvrrf' rihWyr DOESN'T rCJZ; MS&l' MURfTT ' naalfalilagi ill j" g m-anan-wawaukenuu M4 AV UFl 1 PEMEMBER A MUMBER CV'T-TUCrAAACCMESPREMeXV HAY.Bin'ICMs7rMOPAM CSJE THS46 THAT 3DY THAU TO HEAR TOOTS AND CASPER I IMAZrIKll? VOIJR COLrSlM HECTOR WILL. ARRIVE TODAX CASPER, BUT X CAN'T WAIT TO 16REBT HIM. in -r I aa- -v an .m - air m mr rn wmm nan be : ars -.a m as . . mma n - '-aar bbbbi-- a iv at-bbv wbav snriaAj i - w -w - - n a -ams s-va . 4 SttTiB: mTO WEU.OMB r-e-, eepr PYNAMrrE. r J 1 RiN-vW-,--- i atji it w- " , ass a - - aa srw amsa - r' A-' a - -w ne mav m w . - maw IN --TL-a-- v IWM -TO -Tint; W&3' f II i sTanT i ?a uAite-r- 'Xe?.! i yrfjjt i itupm i -T3.v sv 1 iitkrW'mi i I - . lX1J i I II tjc x "WW-I -"-!; I I rfiefW-L :: A I 1 i -7-! I , r vLi Jl I U li j . ,3f. I Ul ,.V?lMk -i-rij - A-if I. . . TniMBLE TJEATOI--tJTte2 Vc-zj s YonVe Got Something- There, Popeye! ' " " ' ' '- - ;'Wy--' v.-.; i::f'-r',:::;; ''-. ' 1 . ' neyygv-arvA;ivAktT .-Aunt .rAii-i il . r51 1 ' : '. IiiliiI fun trL l - jjt... I 1, t . -ri THIKIKOF- CLADAUKS WSAR1N3 THE MAGIC . f fWr i-r'jf&t'jfJ5b83!l fltoiAt' faUC A tfZS? T 4 fj v C 'j at Portland 4.40-4.45; grabasv 49s. 4.50; whole wbest 4s. 4.SS. ssu Portland Grain PORTLAKO, Ota, Jane 19. (AP) Wkeat: Open' High- Low Close Jsly 78! 78 ' Mtt 73 H Cash Orala: Osta, Se. 3, 88-lb., Wblte, 39.00; Ka S. 88 lb. gray v Barley, Ma 3. 45-Ib, BW, 36.00. Cora, Ma 8, XT shipssest,' 37.00. ITax, Ha 1, 1.73. .: ; f Caab Wbeet Bid:" Soft wblte 73; woat era wbite 72; weeters red 71.- Hard red winter ordinary 70; 11 per cent 70; 13 par cent 73; 18 per coat 74; 14 per coat . 77. Hard white-Baart erdlaary ; 11 per cent ; 13 per cent 78; 18 per cent 61; 14 per cent 83. Today 'a Car ReeelpU: Wbeat TO; bar ley ; floor 33; corn 6; eats 8; hay 0; atUfeed 13. . : Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Jaae 19. (AP) (USDA) Hogs: Receipts salable 1600; total 3550. . Market sctife, ' itroag . or aroend 35e above week ago. Price range: Benrewa aad silSs. secb, - . 140-16O lbs 6 . -S .85 7.10 7.50 7.10 6.50 W 7.50 7.80 7.80 7.80 7.50 do gd-ch. 160-180 lbs. de gd-ch, 180-200 lbs do cd-ch 300-220 lb, do fd-cb, 320-250 Iba de gd-ch, 850-390 Iba ' de gd-ch 390-850 lbs, do modiani 140-160 lbs Packinr sows, d, 175-S50 de d 850-425 Iba 7.10 6.15 6.75 6.50 & 7.10 5.250 5.254g 6.000 4.75 6.75 6.50 de gd 425-500 lbs- 5.50 6.35 do nudism, 375-500 lba Pigs (fdr strkr) gd-ch, 70-140 lbs. 6.50 7.75 Cattle: Receipts, salable 3500 total 3700. Cslres 200. Slow, early sales fed cattle weak to 33 lower, many bids down 60e is ia-between grade cows. - Price tango: Steers, gd, 900-1100 Iba 8 de median, 750-1100 lbs de eota (pi) 750-1100 Ibs- Helfera. good, 750-900 IbA. ' do ased. 550-000 lbs. do eoas (pin) 5 5O-9O0 Iba Cows, goooY Alls wts I. I, i... 9.10 7.73 6.25 8.15 7.25 5.50 6.359 . dO BMd, SU WtS 5.35 4.75 8.75 do com (plain), sll wts : de low eet-cAt,' all wts Balls (yearling exelnd), gd (beef), sll wts - de ntcd, sll wU de eat-eom (pis), sll wts - Vealers, choice, all wts de good, all wta de medinm, all wta d csll-eoa (pin), all wta Calres, ased. 350-400 Iba de com (pin) 350-400 lbs. Sheep: Tor week, - salable 1170, total 1750; - compared week sge spring lambs steady wtth Friday. Spring Iambs, fd A cbolee-f do sadism sad good common (plain) Lambs (shorn-) ased good . de oommoa (plain) , ,, -was (shorn), good-cboice-' de common (plsis) med Wool in Boston BOSTOX. Jnne 19 (AP) (U8DA) Very few inquiries were being received for' wool oa the Boston market today. The market was . qaoted nominally around 66 WHOeVEt? WROTE THIS HAS USED SEE 'SASSAFRAS UAMSCHOfS-" TfeS-- THTS ' RIGHT BROUGHT AAE 6HEATEJ? JrMAJuJMftS; , AO RlMTT AUEAL- 9.60 id 9.10 & a.oo 9.00 W S.35 & 7.35 7.00 a 6.35 & 6.90 Q 4,75 4.50 7.00 5.75 6.50 9.00 8.75 8.00 M 8.50 7.50 8.00 6.00 O 7.50 4.50 S.00 5.50(1 7.00 4.50 S 6.60 8.000 8.15 7.00(9 7.76 6.000 6.75 6.00 5.50 4.00(1 8.00 3.85 8.50 1.35 Q 3.50 1 F'eV-T ARC GOING TO ADOPT" l 1 . fZ5& I HOMCSrCAtR. EWSCMES. NOlfRE Tl I OR A4AVBE IT WAS Mte4:Tle-Cl&Airt 1 1IP..1III I-a 41. ,1 I --w WAW AMD At tl to&J V FS- Be,CAgsejajC J QM v r BOSJT I I 1 al Oa-sW J 1 I 111 I ll In-... I . ' -ET- iVS' r r V Wt W - J 1 1 U "J -MI a-bJlari gTTl VI if I JZ9 S J I HCCTOR vVONT . dVBT IN HERB IF I KMOW IT I'LL NOT ANSWER THE DOW-HS v" TO roUR BRIDGE CXU3,noOTS. WE DOESMT NEED A RECEPTlOK CAN HOTEL-. Kirk of St Paul Heads CMcEUnit , .t v . v i r Lloyd A. . Lec, Salem, Is ii on Program of -State ! -I . Association Mcet V. rA' Marlon county, man, TJ. J. Kirk: ot ;the: Twin Oakx Poultry farm at St.' Panl, was elected presi dent of the Oregon Baby Chick as sociation at' the annual meeting held Monday on the gtate college campus In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk .left Immediately after ad journment for a trip to San Fran cisco. . ' ; . . C . Gregerson, president of the international association, and Mrs. Gregerson were ' present, He was one of the principal speakers,, his t h e in e being "Hatchery Prob lems. Other speak o r s' were Fred Cockell of Milwaukee, Dr. Dickson of the sUte college, Floyd Long of Portland, LJoyd A. Lee of Sa lem, Prof. H. B. Cosby of the state college. - New officers, besides Kirk, are: Floyd Long, Portland, vice-president; L. E. Cabe,McMinnville, secretary; Lloyd A. Lee, Merle Moore, Joe Russell, Ambrose Brownell and J. A. Hanson, directors. Gardeners' Mart PORTLAND, Ore- Jess 19. (AP) (USDA) Produce price chances: ' ' Apples Ota Kewtowas,- mod te - lea ex fey,. 1.50-1.75; fey, 1,25-1.40; Wash. Wiaeasps, ex fey, 1.60-15; faacy, 1.35 1.35; Romes, loess orchard ran, 6O-90e; sew crop Calif.. AsstralianA. 1.40-1.49. AprieoU CaHf- 70-75e flat. - Avoeadoa Calif. 1.0V1.70. Asparagna Ore.. Wash., 80 lbs. Ma 1, 1.90-3.10; loose, 1.75-1.80. Beans Ore. green, 4-7e; wax, 64 6a Baaansi Bunch 6 He; small lota 6c Black caps 3.15-3.25. Celery Calif , Utah, 1.75-1.95; white, 1.75-1.00; hearts, dot., 1.35. Cabbage Round, 75c-1.10; pt., 75-90e. Castsloupea Calif., stda, 45s, 3.50 3.65; Jumbo. 86-45s, 3.85-8.15. Cherries Ota. Wash- Binge, S-8c; Royal Annas, 6-7c; pie SH-4c. te 66 coats., scoured basis, for good French . combing length fine . territory 'wools ia riginal baga and around 31 to 81 coats, ia the crease, delivered, for cess try. packed mixed lots of sad 4 blood bright fleeces. Some solders eon tinned to aear prion above these eue tatioa Teases despite the slow demand. With Sound Effect! A Man of Action WELL, I'LL BE TcUv LITTLE RASCAL, rr FKtjtvi MICKEY, He SATS ?icxf SO I CAN WORK UNlTcK COVER! e.v-. a Said Lassie to a "Lad" A WoziHiat Wdcome UAwg gooyey-. i mxjlo I Vtyi NOT vlY 04:0 -vacm U I VCARS ou-x doxt remember J BEABPROlOASAIflNGIP 11 I Ief?T?CA WEMT TO A REGTAR SCHCXDL. 1 P-i . BUT I "KNOW HE WAS LOTS XI r W4WBAUMTCt?-- 1 K2-7MJMTrT17CrB . THAN MXI ARE. SO OU ) I n however-rr aAoroRTHC I l mah-mo wame waajstcr I I A ?3EE sou awt got l r8r.iWAKTiB 8 IIVUsTTiaJa-AU4-AlHELrVEOTOl I V leOTrUr4'TO VvORRV 1 I I rOOW RELATIVES. WHEN THEV PROP IN FOR TEA THCt BRiKl-r TUClCr TT?UWWe; vajitU r- - e obbv f e e EM AND WCETMSrfRE bO TO A IN TOLT VS tfOTTA USB w i rsrni it- TO faET THEM OUT, Closing NEW YORK, June Ai Chem dk Dye. 114 Allied -St ores..; M. American Can ? . 11 Am For Powerr S: Am Power Lt .' 4 H ' Am Had Std San 1194 Am Roll Mills.'. 11 H Am Rmelt A Ref 41- Comr, Solvent riv Comwlth &TS6U . Consol Edison.-. Consol Oil viV; Corn Products . CnrtJss Wricht ; DauglasAircraft Am Tel Tel.. 111 Amer Tobacco . 83 -Am Water Wks . t U Anaconda 23 H Armour 111 '' 3 Atchison 17 Barnsdall 11 Bait Ohio..'.; ' Bendix AviaUon 11 Eaec power Kris RR - General Electric General Foods'.' General Motors. Goodyear Tire . Great Northern; Hndson Beth Steel .. ... 654 Boeing Air ...I 22 Borge Warner Z3 Budd Mfg 4 Calif Pack 20 . Callahan Z-L .. 1 CaJamet Hee ... S 4 Canadian Pacific 4 J I Cass ...... 77 , Caterpii: Tractor 43 Celaneee ......19-, Certain-Teed -.. 7 Ches Ohio . . . 32 Int Paper Int Tele. Tel... Johns . MAATllle. Kennecott . ; .. Libbey-O-Ford - Caaliflewer Local, 9-lla, ' 85-1.00 ; Ka 3, 69-75e. " - ' - Celery CsUf. Ctsh, 1.25-1.50; white 8.00-2.25. - Cnrraata 1.5O-1.60. - Citres Fruit Orapefr-it, Texas marsh seedless, 3.85-8 00; Arixeas fancy, 3.25 30; rhv, tJIS tM. - GsrUe Lees), 6-Se IK LeasMs Fancy, sll sixes. 6.50-5.75; choice, 4.TS. Limes Dos. carton, 2015c Letteea Iks1 dry, 65-75c; peer, 85c. Oraa res California naTels, choice- 3.25 3.50; -ValemeUs, large A75-4; email to akediaas, 2.25-2.70. Cejenmbera ijotheaee, dos., 1.60-1.75; bA 3t4-4 do.; Or. fUts, 8S-90e. LeUues Local dry. 8-4 dos, 85-75a LegaAberries 160-1.75. -: Knshreoasa C-ltiTatod. 1 Ib 0-85e. k-.'. Onioes Ore. yellows, SO lb. sacks. US medisea, unquoted; Cslif. -vrsx, 88-SOe; yslletrr 80-90& -? - Peaches CaliL, flats, Triamphs, 1.00 3.10. . - ! 4 4 SH-H-1 HEAR RiOTSTEPS SLs?-l ENOUsHA TAXI IS OUT THERE-. AND NOW THE DOORBELL, IS RbN-rUM-g- 3 trjl .YES. I'VE D-OPHEftEO IT 7 rpB Til " -T P - - - -i . Quotations lt,aPbin"aj quotations: ' ,r . f . Chrysler . . National- Biscuit; 27 10 wan , uairy rToa io?e 1'Natir-rust 4:-.v.v"2sw 2 1 Nat! Power . A Lt ; 7 l 7 ? Northern' Pacific 1 4H Packard 'Motors; 314' S J C Penney.'. . . . ' 6 Ph illins Petrol 1 a 5 Da N;l47.Ts Press Steel Car; S4 e a vtvt tio service rj. -1 Pullman, s4 3S Safeway Stores '41' 45 Sears Roebuck .'7 44 Shell! Union :.. 11 27 Son Cal Edison . 2 C 21 Southern Pacific 12 Motors. '4 Standard Brands' Illinois Central . 11 Stand OU Calif .,2 Insp Copper.; .r. 10 Standard Oil.NJ 43 Int Harvester S3 Studebaker .... Int Nickel Can . .48 Sup Oil .. . .'. . . 2 A P Pf 11 Timk Roll Bear. : 40 - g Trans-America . . ' s 7S- H Union Carbide 7 9 4 S2 Unfted Aircraft, 35 45 United Airlines. 10 . Llr Mrers B. 105. US Rubber 41 Loew's 44 US Steel ...... 47 Monty Ward ... 51 Walworth ...Y. " 5 Nash Kelvlnator White Motors '. . 8 Peas Oregon, , 4 H -5c ; . Telephones, 5 8)e. ' - Peppers Florida, 23 27 He lb.; lug, 1.50. Ptoma Calif- 1.54-1.60. Petstees Ore. Deschutes Russets. Ve. 1, 100 IbA. 1.00 1.20; US No. 3. 50 lb. 88-43 He; Calif. Long WhiteA VH No, 1. 100 lb, 1.65-1.75; Wash. Cobbles, V: l, 65. Raspberries 2.15-1.25. Rhubarb Ore., spple box, 40 43c. - Saaaah Ore. Zoechini. 60-70r: Scal lop, SO-1.00 r Creokaeeks, SSe-l.OO. Strawberries Orecon. best. 24 bathet eratev.3.36-2.50; poof as low aa 82.00. 8piaach Ore., 40-45e erangs box. Tomatoes Ore- hothouse, 9-12'ir; Tax. rag, 300-3.15; Calif- IS lb. 1.60 1.7 S. , . i ' - Bunched Vegetables r Local per dos. baseaes e-ieat 30-25e; radishes, 114 20c; psrsler, l7H-29e; turnipi, 45-55e; carrota, 30 25c. . ... Roes Tesetablea: Rutabagaa 1.25-1 60. it Unity STATE FEIAIJCE Ga I A Home-Otcned institution " . . (Childs dk MUlers Office) 3)44 State 8L, Saleni, Ore. Phome 0261 Lie, No. 8-21 M-22-1 By CLIFF STERHETT By WALT DISNEY By BRANDON WALSQ By J1BIMY BIURPUT PrLL BET ITS COUSIKl HECTOR-- HE CAN R1N4 UNTIL DOOMSDAY, BLTT t .WON'T Answer.-. THE L AST RELATIVE WHO CAME FOR A THREE-DAY VISIT STArED here. A . FOR THRcK - vlV MONTHS: AND T f 1 4 -' V ii t t i ssszrJ tis Zz Hasss tin Int