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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1934)
PAGE TmnTEEIJ V The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Friday Slornln?, DectaBer 21, 1324 f i! 41 'A 1 v it i ,iVli'- Ull ; Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Ad-eitlstng Single Insertion per tin 10c Three Insertions per line ..20c Six Insertions ier line. .eOe One month per line.. f 1.00 Minimum charge ......Ho " Copy for this pfe Ac cepted until S:S0 the even Inc before, ptbllcattoa for. classification. Copy re solved after this Urn will be run nnder. the heading Too Late to Classify. .The Statesman assumes no financial responsibility for errors which may ap pear In advertisements pnb Ushed la Its columns, and la cases where this paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake ocean. The Statesman 'reserved the ; right - to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to classify .all advertising nn der the proper, classifica tion. .-v SITUATIONS WANTED Frmc nurse., boap. train. 919 MUL Cl T?WJMV, Experienced turkey . nicker wants work. Tel. 6273. 267 8. Church. Man wants work of any kind by hour or day. 260 Center. : FOR SALES Miscellaneous Bucscher alto sax, fin Instrument, with case. 1160 N. Church. 600 BOXES Rome BeauCy apples 40o box, S for $1.10: 500 boxes Newtown a. Spits and Jonathans. small sizes. 85c box. 8 for SI. Bring boxes. Fresh apple cider dally. PURITAN CIDER WORKS : West Salem Tel.. S426. .. Xrtise)4 prime turkeys. TeL 7FS Apples 25c, walnuts 12H and 14c Mrs. Wright. 4 mi. WaUace rd. ' Old papers 10o per bundle. 8tats tnan office, Christmas Flowers. Adams, Florist. Fire Brick and Red Brick At your own price. Inquire Light Plant WILLAMETTE LUMBER CO.. Dallas "--"'" -nniirviririirirnri n. All size Xraas. trees, some very largo. Geo. Cree, 2070 N. Com'L For sale, 25c, apples. 738 N. Com'L or SIS Marlon. For Sale Real Estate XMAS GIFT Beautiful 7 room house close to state ! house and business district. Original i cost 18400. Carries mtge. of $1000. Owner will accept S room house near Myrtle and Highland for equity. at AtlLLEK. Ken tors 244 State St. Tel. 6708, j IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Or neat 6 room bungalow only T blocks from State street, south. Has la rye living; room with oak floors, fire- Lplacs. dining- room, nook, built in kit cnea, 3 nice bedrooms with larg bath : between, an extra sleeping room in basement. A-l furnace, . double garage. la tact, ererytning- you could ask for. Price only SJ000. Terms to suit. CHILDS A- MILLER. Rpnltnr- 844 State St. TeL 6702. FOR RENT 4 room, nicely furnished house, rood location. Only $25 per month. TeL own er at 3J40, or see CHILDS MILLER. Realtors I 344 Stat Street TeL 4708. j '- - n ! -i i r" n.r i . i. fstfi j SPECJAtkHOME BARGAINS : $2200.00 will buy this modern 5 room bungalow home, located at 1066 High- lana Avenue, tias lull cement basement, furnace and garage, $350.00 down and Balance Z3.uu per month. $2000.00 will buy this modern S room home, basement, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, located near Parrish junior high school at 745 Stewart street, $300.00 down, balance $30.09 per month. win ouy tnis late bunt room plastered home located at 1845 IS. 12th street on bus line and paved street, $225.00 down, balance easy terms. . - - - See TJs For Bargains TV. H. GRABENHORST CO., REALTORS 124 S. liberty St. ; TeL 468. I rr '''i'inniVnnnn.riAAAfiAAn SUBURBAN HOME New S room bungalow, basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, nicely decorated walla, electric water system. 2 H acres, paved highway. Just what you are looking for. Price only $4750. - CHILDS A MILLER. Realtors 844 Stat 8t. TeL $708 FOR SALE ' Neat I room modern bungalow, T blocks from Stats street, nice residen tial district, beautiful lot with nice shade trees. Priced for few days at only $3000, $800 down. bal. monthly. CH1LIS MILLER, Realtors C44 State St. j TeL $70$ Interesting Facts . . . FOR SALE USED CARS 5 A. tract. 2 miles N. E. of Salem tn I the Hollywood tracts, rm. house and bam. Price S2000. Terms. , W. Q. KRuEGER. 147 N. Com L TeL 4725. . EXCH A N G E-Real Estate x ? EXCHANGE Good room home on Falrmount HHL Will accent good car for equity above $4000. 5 loan. Ask MRS. ELLIS about It. . CHILDS MILLER, Realtors 244 Stats St TeL 70$ ACREAGE FOR SALE Farm lease and equlp- I meni. Share rent. See Homeseekers Agency SUverton. ; "One of the Best Acreages sold to Salem Woman reads banner line on back page of Thursday's Statesman. This farm was sold through a small classified ran by Chllds & Miller, local real estate dealers. In The Statesman. "When Mr. Clifford Harold, salesman brought the ad tn he stated that he would buy us four dinners if he sold the place. That surely Is an easy way to earn a dinner for we can always count on The Statesman classified ads bringing results. . ; , - .r-v v; v : O- -4 v' Several of the Salem stores hare requested Santa to rlsit their. stores in person before Christmas. Ed Schreder, manager of the Pay'n Takit on South Commercial tells us that he has received word that Santa will be at his place with something for all the kiddles between 11 and 7 Saturday. , j ... r-y. O Only three 'short days left to buy: those Christmas gifts. While some merchants haTe good selec tions left they all expect to be sold out by Christmas eTe. - O 'V. A new kind of hydrogen with an atomic weight of six instead of four has been discovered. : O ' . . By use of the leaf of the trop ical plant, 'aloe . yera," serere burns haTe been cured without a scar. - O l It was accidentally discovered recently that small amounts of an imal blood Injected Into the hu man body appear to cure ulcers of the stomach. . . ; John C Hawkins, condemned to hang for murder in California, has glren permission to Dr. Cornish to apply his reviTification experi ment after the execution. BORREGCrS BETTER BUT3 1122 Chey. Coach ; $215 I 1028 Chrysler Six Coup , . 115 I 1928 Chrysler four Coup , 165 ! 1S27 Etude Sedan 125 ! 12T Bulck Sedan .165 12T Dodge Roadster T5 1926 Dodge Seda. 85 1924 Ford Touring 25 We have several other cars to choose from. BORREGOS CAR MARKET 240 K. Liberty St. r TeL 868$. Salem Automobile Co. 435 N. Commercial St. - Used Cars Tear satisfaction means our success. 1921 Che-. Sedan , ., . , , tit aa . IZ5.B0 . 125.09 . 460.00 . 475.00 . 165.00 . 175.00 . 95.00 $25.00 Business Directory Turkey , s mm mm ss w Mart . Cards ia thia . tflrectory ob a monthly basis only. Rates SIjUO per Una per month. AUTO BRAKES 1929 Chrysler Sedan 1928 Durant Coupe 1931 Chrysler S Sedan 1932 Plymouth Sedan .lizs Cbev. coacn 1926 Bulck Sedan Mike Pa nek, 279 South ComnerctaL BEAUTY SHOP Beginning Monday, the M1UI Gray and Capitol Beauty shops will be lo cated at 471 Court St TeL 40J3. BRUSHES 1928 Willys-Knirtt Sedan 19M Chrysler T7 Sedan Fuller brushes. TeL Proudflt, 7582. Open Evenings and Sundays Teiepnone f7S CATERING ; TRADE Misceltaneous ' isjsvNnroruTjirujx'xi WANTED Wood at $6.50 in x chango for surgery pr obstetrics by R K. GeUlaff. M. D. 815 First Nat. Bank Bide SnWn. Tel.' 4940. Res. 7T71. WANTED MLsceIlanous ' Wanted Walnut meats, any juan tltr any time. Stata Cafeteria. - WANTED GlrVa bicycle. Address Box 201. care Statesman. M)MWMVWWWWVV1 We buy used maga tines. True Story, True Experiences. Modern Romances, Wild West, True Confessions and True Detectives. Magazine Exchange, 150 8. ComT. i . WANTED Dining table, also ward robe to use for clothes closet. Must be cheap. Address Box 803, care States- WANTED REAL ESTATE Want 4 or & room modern house. north of D St and East of 12th St. Socolofsky A Son. TeL 7807. Wanted Heary live hog. TeL S726. MWMWWMWWWMWWVWI . Wanted Horseradish. Will dig for tc r lh. Tel. MM. MISCELLANEOUS Free We pick op dead and .worth- horses, cows, sheen, TeL 4869. ---" i "r"! V'lrrVrvsrsOrkVVtr Halrdnts lto-20& 208 & Winter. 8aw repairing. Salem Saw Shop, yowr Comers Vi-n Road. TeL 4SS0. :r FOR RENT ROOMS tMrf front room- SSI N. Church. yarn, rooms, 440 Villi St ROOM AND BOARD ' --iyJvVYy,vriAAA I Tabla board, vary eloaa ta $49, FOR RENT-IaPARTMENTS Turn. S R apt, -bath, 2261 HaseL reL 7664. i r - and S room furnished apartment. s rooms tinrumlened, 446 union. FOR RENT HOUSES : Hcnaea, Idalvta Johnaoru Tet 1721. Hoiusca --Printer1 1S5J ,N. CapitoL jMoj. $ R.gPl,Tl. ; Tin largo home. $91 Union. ; VW(WMMWMWWMMI Cosy furn. bungalow. TeL $940. $55 edisoa st. m w.ew' iMW Furn. bouse, adults. 735 N. Com'L SjWW WWMWVMWMWVI - 5 room furn. modern bouse. 1276 N. pwrrh Ft. TeL 74 7 5. - FOR RENT FOR RENT 120 acre farm T miles j kouth of SUverton. 12 acres of filberts, , (Tooa tana ana ouaidinga xeL sizi. MONEY TO LOAN - Automobile and : Chattel Loans t to St months to repay 'at lowest pos slble ratea ; GENERAL, rTNANCHJ CORP. A local corporation 1st Karl. Bank Bids. Phono $558. Licensed by State mwwwwmvUm"wwvwm CHATTEL LOANS CARS RE-FINANCED . WILLAMETTE LOAN CO. TeL 8? 7 605 Guardian Bldg 8a1em 3-154 State License Noa, M-18JL 5 Farm Loans 5 Plenty of money for well Improved farms If amply secured. Improve or buy now with cheap money. Ask for booklet "Willamette Valley Farms." Hawkins and Roberta. Ias - A COMPLETE SERVICE ON LOANS UP TO 1300 LOOK WHAT YOU GET I , 2. CASH within 48 hours. 3. Choice of 4 Loan Plana . S. Liberal terms, 1 to 20 mo. to repay. ' 4. Promptness. . Courtesy. . Privacy. Beneficial Loan Society of Salem . Member of NRA. Room 119, New Bligh Bldg. 2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 c M 165 by STATE S18 Stats St TeL 3 T I Loans Made in Nearby Towns LOST AND FOUND LOST Wrist watch. Oren mid case. InHlals F. H. H. Reward. Rstara to statesman. . . ... . . . r.innnn o.rxfu''i n njxw LOST Bird dog, age 7 mo. Answers name "Duke.- TeL 672. iirii"iiinanixri.nrvvx ia Lost Pair of men a brown shoes In Sears; Roebuck Deft , Store, Monday p.m. Return to 1819 S. 12th St. Reward. " M " " " ' " t iiirirwinjrijijuLri lXJSi uiack spaniel nun. answers to name, of Alajor. Reward Price tsnoo Co. - - ; , PORTLAND, Dec JO.-i-An advance ot le In the price of egg was made during the late session of the produce exchange. The advance was for all offerings. Re ceipts are showing a slight In crease and continue to Indicate a greater total volume for the year, compared with 1933. Trade In the butter market was being fairly well maintained at current prices although there con tinued Quite a difference of opin ion among distributive Interests. Butterfat values were being held. Market for lire chickens was without quoteable change. Re ceipts were moderate and demand was able to take ap the slach In asmuch as the public Is not taking hold of the large turkeys. Generally steady tone was re flected throughout the country killed meat trade here with re ceipts in all lines moderate except real era and these are in good s ap ply. - ... Considering' the high price. sales ot cranberries were holding ap welL Total offerings of both northwest and eastern berries are of extremely small volume and no more Is reported at the source. There was an extreme scarcity of good quality tomatoes and the small supplies ot hothouse stock were being- quoted at a higher price due to the far greater de mand than offerings. r .roiaioes ana onions were un changed with the former a trifle Slow. " " :' r . i. . ' Lemon market was easier and an early drop was anticipated tn price.. ... ' Hothouse . mushrooms being sold around 35 lb. generally. California green beans ap to 22c lb. as expected. . -'y-r -; Corns chicken tamaliea, TeL E4L. Holbrookes chicken- tamalea TeL $22$. CHIMNEY SWEEP: Telephone 44S0. ft. SB. Northn . ; jCHmbPltACTOllS .: DR. a L SCOTT. PSC, Chlropr-etor, 206 N. High. TeL R . $762. PRICE BATED i MOID 24 CENTS PORTLAND, Ore Dec 20.-CfP) --The market for turkeys is fast being made here with some slight Increase in sales to retailers in the past 24 hours. In a small way the resale price to retailers was established at 24 cents for to ma and 25 cents tor hens of extreme top quality. - Toms weighing- more than It pounds average were not sought generally. - The latest purchases by whole salers were around 22 cents straight across tor toms and hens, while up to 23 cents was paid for hens which continued in most de mand. " . - Leading . distributors said to day they, hare ia sight .about all the turkeys they will need, with shipments continuing at least un til Monday. . Salem Markets tirade & raw 4 per cent milk, co-op pool price per hundred. : - OCIk sased ea ss-J-SMataly BBUerUt srerafa-) , .- Distributor price f 2.10. - - UattCT-fat -Top 80e ..and 31c; B grade prints Sltfc: 'A grade prints 82c.' .Foiin WB-e-ssB ' SUES STffilCEB i DOT W FEEBLE Frlees sold giewets by Salea fesywa v . IeeaabM 2 i in-ieee io. s-pPae by a leeal are laateaure et (as aUy foarket. are aet gasrsateed by The Suue- rreee. bat an DENTIST'S Dr. . Davis, 2S1 Oregon Bids. TeL 7192. ELECTRICAL SERVICE BOSLER Electric. 246 State St. Wir ing, motors, appliance, repairs, service. "ATTENDS FUNERAL ' WEST STAYTON, Dec 20. Frank Allen spent several days in Spokane where he attended the funeral of his stepfather. General Markets rauiTa " 7 4B.ytag Prtosl Craaberriea. bbL 1.(0 Orapefrait. ; riorida I.M U 4J(0 . Orapetrait. Arixmts 2.4ft to 2.65 Onages, A'stcL faacy 2.40 to 2.95 Choice 2.00 U 2.50 sp araat-e, s-adle- 1.85 Baaaaai, Uv ea sulk - - ' .04 . Baaaa 7 os Lraons to S.2S uaiea. fresa 1.00 Qnptt- I Koporers I i.s apsles. baaM 05 U 1.00 riO XT AB LIS (Bsrias Prleal : ' i Radlthea. ' doa. Cealiflewe Cabbage. evt local Kraal eabbage " Greea peppers, local, lb. Leeal eoioaa. 50 lbs. LAtnice. California Bauiiy, dncaa FLOIUSTS Brelthaapfa, 657 Court. n- kinds ot floral work. Lots Floo 1st, 1276 N. LJberty. Tel. si , GENERATORS Generator and armtars exchange. 2588 Portland Road. ' HEMSTITCHING Hemstitching. ' etc. N. 16th. Mr Blday, Ull ljlUNDRU- THB MEW BAXJCJe LAUNDRX rtm WaUDJ lUMD5tX 268 B. Utah - T. m CAPITAL CITX LA ONDSZ jrtrat, la W UVy a4 atonrtoe Telephone 8165 1144-Broadway. " v- MATTRESSES 1 CAP1TOJ. LICDDLNU CXX Phone 4069. 8JL fLUFT BUQ and Mattress f actory. HEiYf alATT&UCiia made to order, old remade ; carpet cleaning, sta in-s liull rug wearing. xiui m ttu- tMis, Tel 8441. OT-O a". 5WWU. 1 Kst. 191L, MUSIC STORES PERSONAL GORDON FLEMING. .. REUtOER. 1980 FERRY ST. - FOR SALE USED CARS --- - - i i"nuinjin VALLEY MOTOR CO. p Used Cars and Trucks j ! Wo hava 4 good buys left in . : '34 V-8 Ford Demonstrators. '34 VlctorU - '34 DeLuxa Sedan, air wheela '34 DeLnxe Coach '34 Regular Coach, air wheela MADA Oar price 545 S95 225 125 245 245 65 445 200 100 290 It cost San Joaqlnoanty. Cal ifornia, 2500 to place two minor party candidates on the No-ember ballot and then only' two ot the three registered persons voted. . An albino lark, solid white save for its bright yellow breast, was killed near Charleston. 8. C and presented to the city's mu seum. . . . . UEO. CL WllO- Pianos, nclnea shirt Bualo aad pkuw dtaav Re pair ins radio, pootiocrapbs aad sew las saachln U attato Stfosi. Salem. ' - PHOTO EN GUA VEILS YK0STCB EICHASai POBTLAMD. Ore., Dec. 20. (AP) Batter: Axtne. - SO: stsadards, 29Hl prime firsts, 29tte; firtts, 27 He. rr: U. 8. speeiaU, 2Ser U. S. extras, 26c; U. 8. BMidissi extras. 22a. oasooa am raicss PORTLAND. Ore, Dee. 20. (AP) Waloata Oregon . new crop to jobbera, L cw s. delivery peiatai Kerpae grade Fraaooettes. larce. 20a. faaer 17c at- dism 15H: soft sheU, Urge. 10a. taacy 16a. ssediani 14e; Itsrettec Urge. 20; Cascade grade Fraaqeettes, large, 17c, taacy 16c; soft eaeU. large 16c. faaey IX ; Mcjeuoc large. 1 7c YirUerta Oregon aaw crop to Jobbers. 10-ltc peoad, C a. k. dalirtry pelsta. Portlcirid Grain POKTLASBl Or.: Tw 2ft. A1M Wkeat Opea Hirk Low Close kUy 8 SSi 89 88 Doceaber 80 80 SO 00 Cask: Big Bead bluesteio, 86 c: dark hard viator, 12 per coat, te; do. 11 per ceat. 0c: -estera vkite. 1 c: sett vaite, sard later, aertaarsi apnag, wenors rea. eovke. Oats Ke. t vkito, $32.50. Cora he. tK yeUev. 041.25. ' MUlrsa Suadard. $24. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Ore. Dee. 20. (AP) Cattle Receipts. 95; eel-es. 21; steely. Steers, good, eoaunoa m nodiaav, 9.15 6.85; heifers, good, eosusoa a aiediaat. S.25 I.Mj cove. good. Masjt SMdiaa. 2.50-6.86: low- cutler m evttor. 1.00 2.25; kaDs. rood 8.00-8.25: -ealcra. good A ckeiee. 4.00-0,00; call. Mean BMdiaat, - 2.00-4.00: aires, good A eheiea. &.00-4I.60 ; cosmos A : Btodisat, l.uo-.a. .00 OS to 1.00 .50s to .65 .18 .90 tMO to S.00 - 4S Soaask. Babbards sad Baaaaa .01 Carrou. ioeaL doc , -'- .so I Local Potatoes . Ke. 1. haadred ffo. 2. bnadred Yaklana. 60 Iba. Street potatoes California peas , California beast -Tomatoes. Calit, lag nisorts Walaata, lb. Tarnipo, doc EadiTca. cos. Italisa broceciL Boot i, doaca birga ,-to ''.80 .42 1.75 , J2 - ., ,. LTS Jit Jl , At to . .20. ; . " js - , ' JS i J0 ' 015 . NEW "YORK, Dee. 20. Wltb ' utility shares still endoc pressure, markets provided little cheer for the financial district to day.;.... ,. . : Aside from ntilitles, the market received better support after its decline -in the preceding: session. But rallying efforts were feeble. - As selling lightened. turnoTer. shrank to 875,276 shares, com pared with 178.2 40 yeeterday. -. x On the arerage, utility shares sagged into pew low ground for the year. Losses of 1 to 3 points were recorded in United Corp., Columbia Gas -it Electric and North American Edison preferred shares. Public Service of New. Jersey ft preferred . broke j 5H points. ' " Elsewhere, leading -shares re verted to a slow drift. Uaited States Steel Common. American Can, Chrysler, General Electric, Montgomery ward and westfng- house Electric showed only frac tional changes up and down at the finish. ' . A transfer of 20 shares of Am erican Radiator Preferred appear ed on the tape at 137, up nearly 13 points.' American Telephone and Western Union each lost a point. ' Mining shares Ignored in flation warnings, based on the as sumption government spending migh get out ot hand. Ralls idled in the face ot estimates of a contra-seasonal gain in traffic last week.' - : . "'!,' aora '(Bcytag Friee) -Clatter. 1984 lb top ' VJ8 toggles, 1914. top lb. Extras Btandarda Modiams . I PcUeU EGOS 4 Baying Price) Wholeaale Sailing pne xxtras Stsadards Uediaau . Pallets at .10 as .21 .29 .8t . at llokalr. btedii WOOL AKU UVBA1B (Bayiag Price) 1984 clip ,ao market wooL 1924 t0 Coarse and tine wooL 1994 . t$ . POOLTUY IBariac Prioal Hoary beat. 4 to S lbs. Orer 5 poaada, lb. Colored atediama, lb. Medium Legberas. Ok. Ugkt, lb. Broilcra. eolorod. ' Legboraa, lb. KUga. Ik lb. Tarkey, keas. IK. top MEAT Jl ai .09 J)T Jt .It JO .04 JO Hogs Boeetpts. SOO; rally steady. Ugfttwelght, good m choice. Oft-4.50; stedicja weighty good choiee. ' i.TS 0.5O; kearywoigbt. good A eaoico. ft.60. O.oo : pacauag so a. modi am m good. .T 4.75 : feeder A stecko pigs, good A ckoiec. S.T5-4.50. Bbaep Receipts 100: steady. Lambs, good A choice, 50-6.25; eemmea A tediaaa, 4.80-5.60; yesruag Salem photo ongravu 141 N. Com- I f , n'"-. a7!"' merciaL TeL 017. . I i,"Vr 7-iT -.. ..i -T.4ta T. (Bayiag rrfool . v Lambs, aador 10 Iba. 6.25 to 8.T8 Orer 90 lbs. AT 6 to (.28 Bora. 190-1 80 lbs. COO 170-219 lbs. 0.26 210 250 Iba. S.TS Steers A n to S.oe Co " to 2.00 Balm to 9.75 Heifers to 4.09 VeaL -r- an to 5.60 Droaaod real, top .OS Dressed bore ,, , ' Jl HAIM AMD HAY (Bariaa Price) ' VTbeat. westcra red White. No. 1 Barley, (cod. Ko. L too - Malting, toa AFTER BUSY Til Hop sales hare slacked this week In comparison with the past four or fire weeks-. For the' first four days, only 1000 bales were reported sold in Oregon, at prices ranging from 10 to 10 cents. Hopmen hare- recelyed reports of a conference in Washington, D. C earlier in the month on the proposed hop code. Prominent men in the brewing and hop in-.: das try attended the conference, at which R. H. McDrew ot the AAA explained the code. Advises her are that the government hopes to put the marketing agreement ia tores at 'as early a date as possi ble, probably February 1. -According to the word here, the minimum price wonld probably be around 25 cents a pound, or tha cost of production, though this Is in hands ot the board ot control. .Tt - .80 .28.00 12.25. .$554 3t Ford Coach 32 Ford Del. Coupe 649 '22 Ford Coupe - 439 -32 Chevrolet Coupe 438 '28 Hudson Sedan 145 '28 Franklin Sedan 288 '28 Packard Sedan 846 26 Hudson Sedan 73 22 Chevrolet Coach 29 Ford Sedan '27 Chevrolet Coach '30 Ford Coach -. TRUCKS '21 Ford long wheel fcase dio Ra Program PRINTING VOVL STATION EH I. cards, pampo tata, program-, books or any kind printing, call The Btstaa man PrtnUns Uoparunent, 215 S. CoauucrcUL Tfta nhono 910L RADIO SERVICE MoorCa TeL T992 696 W. High. .300 .200 495 UVESTOCK and POULTRY 1 MMMMWMwWMWMWWMi 10 head good work horses and marec ranging 2125.00. team and up.-Also 1 good team mules. 1909 N. Commercial i between Front and Liberty on River Street ' - - - FOR SALEWOOD 16 In. old fir. $5. 4 ft. dry 2nd growth 2 ed. loU 14 cd. 4 ft. ash 64.76. TeL 9785. - . - - Dry planer and slab deUvery. TeL 8986. wood. Prompt FOB RENT Small tana of 26 acres .f bout mile and ball from Salem. TeL . 412L .,- -- - , v ;.v OUARAMTEED ORV wood coal TeL 5000 Salem Fuel Co, Trad A CotUga, . . Dry old fir. 2nd growth wood, screened hog f ueL Fred EL Wells. Good dry 2nd growth. TeL 9769. m wwwYwwMUy Dry wood, aa kinda Tol. T724. . Dry wood, all kinds. TeL S08S Trr woM for f 4. tHal 404, t WOOD SAWING, Wood sawing raasonable. Call 8290. '22 Ford, long wheel base '33 Ford, short wheel base '28 Chevrolet. Ions wheel base 200 '29 Dodge 2-yard gravel dump 400 '21 Ford 2 yard gravel dump , 250 'z jrora wooo truck . l&e TERMS - - TRADES : Marion and Liberty Open Sundays. - - TeL T810. V WWVWWWWMWWW McKay's Used Cars 1935 Licence Wlthi Every Car Over 350 26 Ford Coupe . . 25.00 '20 Ford Roadster, a good one 45.00 29 Ford Couoo 145.00 27 Olds Coach a. good buy 145.00 '29 Durant Coach - 185.00 '20 Ford Sport Roadster 235.00 31 Ford Sport Rda, airwheels 285.00 UuicK ieuvery 16.00 '29 Bodge Victory 6 Sedan 195.00 '29 Chrysler 75. Sedan 245.00 '22 Ford V-8 Coupe airwheels 296.00 rsu jua&aiift coupe, jz.uuo muea etft.oo 33 Pontiao Sedan , 696.00 Chevrolets 26 Chev. Coach, new rubber 91.00 28 Chev. Coupe 145.00 31 Chev. Coach , 346.00 S3 Chev. Coupe DeLuxo 445.00 zj cnev. coach is. it. trunk 44.oo '33 Chev. Coupo 665.00 '33 Cbev. Coach 666.00 '33 Chev. Town Sedan , - 176.00 A - line selection of trucks from $45.00 up. Long and short W. EL, sin gle and dual Urea. - Kasy Terma, uoerai Trades . Open Evening and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. 338 Center TeL 2189 '' 430 N. Com'L Jfrlday Bccember II row POBTLAirD 020 xa T:00 Harvest e( Sosg, NBC. 7:15 HascI Arth. NB& 7:45 Torn HitckaU, biBa 9:80 Gloa Skollay. Orraaist. 10:05 Organ Concert, KBO, 11:80 8 cckout. KBO. . 19:00 Xc aad My Shadow. 12:45 Eddie Kiag. Piaaiit. 8:05 Concert Trio. S:30 Mickey Gillette's Orchestra, KBO e:ou win Aaarey, nuu, . 4:50 Coagress Hotel Orcbsitra, HBGL :uv rnnaiioas, bu, 5:45 Rieardo aad His TioUa, KBO. 8:00 Amoa a Aady, KBOL 10:15 Orehcitra, HBO. 10:95 Tom Coakley'a Orekottra, KBO. 10:55 Press Radio News. NBC 11:00 DcHoacy's Orchestra, 11:15 Ambassador Hotel Orehcitra, Kx POBTiourn nso.Xs. - :so uoaeen. T:45--Hill BilHec. S:90 Wyoming Nigktkawka. 10:10 Daaeo Aatiquec 10:80 Salon Orehcitra. 10:50 Bead Matic -11:45 YodeliBg Roper. 12:00 Edaa PUehar. KBOL 13:15 Farm and Home Hoar, KBO. 1:00 O. M. Pioauncr. 1:80 Financial and Grata Beport. ' 1 :80 Operatic Gems. 2:00 World Bookmaa. 8:15 Mickey Gillette's Orchestra. KBO S:45 Lesga el Nations AsaeetaUoa, 8:15 Eddie Kiag. Ptaalst. 8:95 Btadio. 0:80 Book Chat. 0:45 Tod Fie Bite's Orekeatra, KBO. 10:80 Tom CoaklTs Orckoatra, KBO. 10 : 50 Archie Levcland'S Orekeatra. 11:00 smhaeoodov Hotel Orcaostra, 11:30-12:00 Daacft Frolic - J0A0 OOXVALLIS 650 Xa, 10:15 World Aflalrs ia BriaL 12:00 Noon Farm Hoar. 1:15 KOAO Sckoel of the Air. 2:15 Guarding Tear Hoaltk. t :00 HomemaVerc Halt Hoar. 4:90 8torioa for Boys aad Girls. 5:00 Opera Stories "Tkais. 8:15 Press Radio News. SHINGLES Cedar shingles, shakes, posts, graveL for sale. M. P. Maytleld. Koia. T. 9703. STOVES t repair stoves, ranges, circulator. Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulators, stock- fence, post. chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Work. 262 Chsfncketa. TeL 4774. R.& Fleming. - . - TRANSFER Portland Produce. 1 POaTLAKD, Ore- Dee. 20. (AP) Priata. A grade. 22c lb. la parehmcat wrappers, 93c ia cartoac; B grade, parca moot wrappers, 91 VC lh.; car teas W tie Ik. Battorlat Pcrtlaad dcUrary. A grade deliveries at least twice weekly, 8i-84 lk.: eoaatry root as. 90-1 9c Ih.l B grade. or dchcery less than twice weekly. Pest land delivery. 81-93 lh.; O grade at BBsrkat, Eggs Sales to retailers: specials, 26c; extras 20 i freak extras, brown, 20s; staadarda 24c: freak steidsm X4c; mo dtoia firaU 22e; frock palleU Sic; ckecka. 24c: kcrs, 21 dose. Eggs Bayiag price of -holcaalera: frock soeciam, 24e: oxtraa, 21c; freak extra, krowa. 91s;. extra first. 20c; extra aaediama, 20c: mediaaa first. 10c; paDcta, lft-17e; ckeek. lc; bakers, 10 17e doses, ''-. Cheeee 83 score, Orego triplet, 15c: loaf. 16 a. Brokers viU pay below notations. - , , Milk Contract price 4 per cent: Part land doll Tory, 82.20 ewt.; B grad cream. STCaWy mU S.lUng"-Tie to rc tallors: country killed kofs, beck baUk era. aadev 150 lbs- 11-11 c Ik,: vealcrs. Oata. mUUag, to rood, coa I Hsy. bayiag sci Clovsr ksv .14.0 .S8.00 20.00 Oats sad retch, tea . Alfalfa valley Clo-ov Seed Red, lb. Akuka. Ih. Vetck seed, toa .10.00 .10.09 -.12.00 . J9 . .18 .80.08 OOXDITIOX IS CRITICAL . ; ZEN A, Dee. 20. Mrs. James A, French . returned homo Tuesday from an extended visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Airs. Clarence Morrow of Corona Calif. Mrs. French went almost Immediately to Broadmead to tha home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert lad- son as her mother. Mrs. S. A. Jnd- son of Salem, who has been resjd- mr tners sines Mrs. French left, lis not expected to lire. PUB OF FAIL II g HT IB I t I araeners and Ranchers9 Mart IUsMw BIta iv flU mmMl - f "i sr lb.; heavy. e lb.: entur eewa, 4-6 IV; call 8131, Larmex .ranaXox Co. Trucai to Portland cany. CAPITAL, CTTX Traasfe , Co. 319 I Stat St. TeL 11 7k. iJistnouung ioc wardins and tocg ear spoetalty. Uet our rat. WuhUMtt Valley Tranafer. Portland hauling. TeL 111, Anywhere for hire truck. Special rata on town hauling. TeL 6178. 1 HAND WEAVING Excloslv hand woven bag, cart. pillow aa4 rug. IXagoho liaad Weav era, 840 N. 20th St. TeL 8910. WELL DRIIXING lamb. awes. COOOOIO, . i , . Tw faacy. 10-llc 1.; poor -i . Mokalr 1924 'bayiag price. 19c lb. bark Bsytag aacara i la IK Hope 1914 J raggtcs. tors. S-19 lb. Live Ooaltry Pertlaa pcie. f ra.: 1994 dae dal! varr bar- bans, eror ioa, lag prieoa: eoUrod boa. ver lc lb.j do aadcr I lhc 19c: lr bora fowls, over 8 lb 11 !: do nav -tMca-i atw)BaTL lb.; broilers aadcr Liiu.; reai do colored, 10c; gee, 10- at Iba.. 10-11 lb. 14c 8 Iba, l-17c IK 5 rcoatorc. 6 lb. dar S Iba.. II 1U to 3 lbc 19-1 docks. 12c; ; 11 !b' - - i Dr4 tark evft Baying srie Portland kaa 22. torn He, . Onloae Uracoa. a oonuu, iuw SI 25-1 50. ' " Potato Orego Barbaak. 50e-61 eeatol; Xesckata Oema, 8 L0 5-1,10 ooav R. f. A. Wotn. 20 years ex pert bc. bD Ros 203. TeL HOST. Wsol 1994 lip, aomlasl: valley, madlam. 20 lb.: 8:80 Eroaiag Parm Hoar. T:S0 Moder Composers Pal Da- 8:45-8:00 Physics la Xvrydy Life WaUmott , blood. . 20 to.: lamb, 19 IK: etor Oregon. 17-20 lb.: soatkera Idaho ( ) :1b. - - ' . ' . -" Hay Bayiag ne rraat orooaeorc: alfalfa, N. 1, w erep. 916.40-17.6o: eactor OregOB timetky. 91T.40; oat. Ill to: Vote. IB toa. wum ao TM-y timetky. 819.60 . toa; clover, six Portlcad. f CHICAGO, Dec SO.-CJP-Fors-bodings which proved correct that tha government crop report this afternoon wonld result in a bear ish exhibit tended today to xnaka train prices average lower.' , .The, official estimate ot domes tie winter wheat acreage seeded for the till crop showed 1,001, 0063 to 1,5 00,0 00 acres Increase as compared with latest authori tative p r 1 t a t e . predictions. A steadjlnj Influence as to wheat, however, was considerable buy ing of wheat futures for traders who were simultaneously, sellers la the corn market. Wheat closed Irregular, U low er to higher, compared with yesterday, finish. May corn S-lVi down. May Sltt-tt. oata H - off. and prorlslons varying from 2 cents decline to a rise of T cents. -'- . - . Today's closing Quotations: Wheat December aid new 7; May Uk - J;-July Corn December old 114- new May July Oats December old SIS, new S4H; May 1 14-: July 44 f mm lift a. l f BICYCLES Give bicycle this Christmas. Terma. Barry W. Bcott, 147 S. Com'L JEWELRY " Diamonds, watch, rings, founUin pen, ellverwar, dock The Jewel Box. "The store tht sells for less." Befor you buy coin pa re our price; 173 N. Liberty. rWACBCXOr. VSMiP WD K 'C12VV "TO. THE EINTOEE'R SANTTAv AMD VriMB- " " MEQt5Vi'PAT?TV ARE ' Ar40vTHS,NCW pfT$-ACTlOi AiMD lirccrPoT rC vyC-L timA- 9 ttfi Qoup.AsrD so l&seJw&sr U - :' . v- fi must TJQme - PORTLAND, Ore.. Dec 20.-a Prices remained steady at to day's session ot the gardeners' and ranchers' market. Cauliflower continued at S5 and 75 cents per crate and lettuce was offered at 11 and 1.10 per crate for northern staff. Brunei sprouts were being of-, fered at 65 and CO cents per crate with broccoli holding np well aC 3 S and 40 cents per lug. ; . " , Tomatoes Per crate. 40-75. Bpisaek Per orange box, 75c; Tk Dallca. 9L4O-1.00. - i Carrot K tw. pes dote beaches, 10 20c , - - . t - Beet Per dote baaeke. 25-20. Parsley Per doxea knack ac. 15c Groan Oaiea Per doae knachos. 25. Dry oaio Orego. 81 75-1.00 per 100 penada. v Taralpe Per dosoa bnacka, 15-20. . " Batabaga Pr era to. 40-50. Pnnaipo 40c per crate. Radiahoc Per dose baackoa. 20c . Pece Local. 099. , lotto Pec crate -ertkwest, U L10. - Cabbar Pr erst. 00-70. Caaliflever Local. Xc L. 54-70 per crate; Mc 2, Cft25c por crate Broccoli 30 pet lag. Celery hearts Per doaca beaches. 85 -90c - . Celery Per crate, 91-1.96. - - . . Groo Boaas Pr lb. 0O7ft : t Soaaan rmlk, 61-4ft per eat1sp! rat; Bekemiaa. 91 pe crate, i Cacambore Pick ting. 90Qcj sfldagX 40c , ; Brrplaat DalUa. 60840, , Pianos Pee pond. It. - - Apples Jambl pack, pes bos. B 60; Potielo s fipiucabcrga. extra faacy.' 4 1-50. - - Pampkiat Per eantaWap Crate. 40. Brnoaot Sproate Por crate 6S-0e. Potetoe Per train box. 0-7e. BroceoU Pe crat 95c; Boeebsrg. 79 Stoclcs end Bond (Cepyrlgks, 1934. ' Steadard BtatUUc Co.) . f - P.fih-f 90 - stock -avu-Ma 60 90 ' 20 ' 99 .' - - . Indik Bit' Cte. Total Today 95.8 90 9 4A7 11.8 Prcvte day ss a. ,v.s u.i Week sg 8 97.4 6 US 73.9 Tear ag 97.4 41.1 0.S 78.0 years are . - . iw.o oc - I4T.S III a 117.1 134 10S.O , 44.S -. OOJ -61.S 70.8 9A1 44.7 64.4 I rears 1 iiiga ii Lw 1S14 . i irw 194 lew. 1 Today bojtd arotg - -..90 20 "20 08 . . Ind ftH'ft. ftc Total 95.7. 910, 94.9 6VT Previos dar 95.9 93.9 M.8 4 0 Ml 9 9 710 74.4 Week ar -, 85 81.8. 99.0 Tear ag T1.8 72.1 , V0.T 9 years ar . 05J 0 5 92.6 Hick 19S4 - ax 0.0 . 00.8 Low 1934 72.0 74 1 77.2 WHEEL GOODS Velocipede only tt.25. Scooters, w- If . r t r (ia v la lOOt liarry w. tcott, i-Q vywo