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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1934)
Cloven: Price Eise inner PULL Statesman Classified Ad$ Call 9101 CUwiried Ad-ertlslng . Single Insertlun per Its l6e Three Insertions per . tin ....-. 20c Six Insertions ' er Hne..30e One month per line,. $1.00 Minimum charge ...... X5c .Copy for this ; page aeu eepted until 3:30 the even ing before publication .- for classification. Cop y - re tired titer this time will be run nnder the heading Too Late to Classify. ; The Statesman assomes no financial responsibility rr . errors which may ap pear tn advertisements pub lished la Its columns, and la esses where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which t h " typographical mitt-he occurs. The Statesman ' reserve Ute right to reject objee tlonal; advertising. It fur titer reserves . the right to classify , all advertising un der the .; proper classifies tlon. i; IIELP WANTED MALE -DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED For a atrletlv Mutual -Life Ins, Co. Just' retting Into action In Oregon In struction' and assistance given by a qualified writer. F. W. W, 1689 State Street. TeL 855. Factory wanta man with car, me chanically Inclined, Sell and Install ; guarantee and commission, write Ha. 839, statesman. HELP WANTED FEM ALE Want woman with car te sell ex clusive article (or women la county. Good comm. Not (em. hygiene. Mrs. Mitchell. SIS Cecum bldg- Portland. "WANTED Middle axed. nnencum- hered lady to work In motherless home. Box 238, Statesman. Will rive room to middle a red wom an for light wot it Kllnger Hotel. SITUATIONS WANTED -12 yr. old girl wishes housework for two old people. Write te Anna Erwert, Me Ancet Ore. WANTED Position, by experienced fTocetyman or Janitor. 432 N. High St; FOR SAI.R Misreflaneoas Bargain offer. The Oregon States man one full year by mall only to any address In Oregon, 13.00 Tor a wrote- time. Old papers. lOe per bundle. States man errice. Bird dogs, 31Q Op- TeL 9870. t " Apples, ISe and up. 14 J Marlon. fli-ii-irn-lorn ---- -i -,-1 " i Shotguns and rifles. Must be sold. Bargain prices. The Swaparee, 474 8. Com'L Sure, -we swap. Hand Picked Doles, rood varieties. ISc and up. Bring boxea Hill Top Grocery, 1 mi. north on Wheatland highway. - Special prices on picked winter ap ples. TeL 100F23, Route $, Box 293, lira Cernlk. - Shot run, double, IX ga. 1511 & Lib. ! Apples, Spies, oth. 231S S. Cottage. - Pointer dog. 2 yrs. old ; a real hunt er. Inquire Ramps Corner, 8 miles aorth on highway. - ' ' TRADE Miscellaneous ; Potato' digger. 1943 Fairground Rd. Experienced mechanic will - swap everbauling for household goods, wood. cash, or what have yon? wont guar anteed. 147 N. Front St. WANTED-aiiscellaneoos OUNS. RIFLES. PISTOLS, musical : matrameots silchtly used. w buy used. . w eld cold. - Star Exchange. 311 N. Com L Walnut and filbert meata Will buy aay Quantity, any time. ? State caie terla. - " - Swaparee ays cash for-furniture, stoves, etc. One piece or a carload. TL $414. U &;ComX . t Wood wanted, 109 8. Cwm'L SU, . Cash (or magasines,' TeL The Swap-! aree. (414. 747 S. Com'L WANTED Kaullng; wood, sawdust. "hog-fuel, or what have you 7 .new tmclf. Tel. 3283 of 1343 N. Capitol. MISCELLANEOUS Urir ini - -- "i i" - i i i i . Subscribe now. renew now, The Ore gon Statesman annual bargain period is now on for limited time. -To mail subscribers only, limited to state of Oregon, $3.00 per year. ; Haircut 2Sc Joe's Barber Shop, Haircuts 15c-20a. 303 S Winter. Saw repairing. - Salem Saw 'Shop. I nnr corners, r'en Krnul. Tel. Z!S. . FOR RENT ROdMS Sleeping rooms, Tek 1307. Sleeping rm. Men. 72S Court. - Nice sleeping room, TeL 449$. - Well f aralsbed room. Steam heated. ses vnemema 8t -.-.. IRmhsthyjrlvejitraj - ROOM AND BOARD Attractive rooms, - with board, b!ka f rom state bouse. TeL 7883. 8H Room-board. --4378.'- 232 N. Church, TeL FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 1 room- furnished - apartment., TeL T((4 33(1 HaseL Furn. 1st floor, 292 N. Summer. SmaU furn. apt, $90 Union. sijvnjTjTjanrivvwsri r i iLnhiM' i"--i-- Mod. t-room furn. corner apt. Frig. garage, doss to capltoL $30. Available Oct. is. xei. siat. FunL, homey, clean, 4 R. apt, gar- are, bath. $15. 1647 8. Com'L tlx -i-.-t-ij ij-inj-La-Lj-Ln.-B-Linr"irir in - I JR. furn, apt., $L50 week. TeL 27- Furn. -apt, 779 & Cpml .r Furn. S room apt 444 & High. Furn. 8 R. apt. TeL 865$. 3 room apt lights and water, fur- ausox. 913.00. ssz s. uiiurcn. FOR. RENT HOUSES - Furn. and unrtirn.- nooses. . R. A. FORKNKR IS5S H. Capttol TU 8031 Houses, Stelrln Johnson. TeL 8722. - ii n"nJii Ti ri.ri.ri.ii 1X1 i.n. to Modem seven TeL- 69 48. yi; Town bouse for rent. Redecorated 7 R, mod. borne, W. Sa lem. 1955. Edgewater. ; Call 1393 , 8. Com'L i-ir'r"'fi-,ijiji.ri.iifiL-. i"xoj"xrxA-njuuun ' FOR RENT IS unfurnished houses. 4 to t rooms each.-Also 7 furnished houses. . ' Call at office for Information. m CHILDS & MILLER. Realtors 244 State Street - . - FOR RENT Good atock and errs in farm for rent. row rental, call 345- Cbemek-ta St. WANTED T7 RENT Wanted equipped farm on highway for gardening, or hay and grain. A Den ham. R. 2. B. 149. Salera. W!NTli'lLSmQll unriirn ruinea err reasonable, and close in. 9 Stt Union. . FOR SALE Real Estate Beautiful wooded, close In home site. with water, ana and electricity. Very man payments. TeL Slat. SPECIAL Fine, well-built Colonial home, close to business district. Owner must have smaller house. Ask tts about It. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 6708. LISTEN Distant owner offers special price on cherry tract. Fine for subdivision. Will make IS fine building sites. Price only $1200. Call to eee this. ALSO 2 acre tract close to city Ifm- tta abundance , of fruit and nut trees, house needs some repairs but priced kw at $1309. part terms. Call to see this. CHILDS MILLER. Realtors 344 State Street TeL 8708. HOW IS THIS HOME Nice modem 4-R. bouse. 2 bedrooms. basement, furnace, paved street. Only 12009 10S down. bal. easy. For home buys, SEE J. D. SEARS. REALTOR 133 South High Street , REAL BARGAIN -room house. Corner Church Jb Market Lot xl22. Price (paving paid) 2000. W. O. KRUEGER 147 N, Com'L TeL 4723. LOTS C good lots in North Salem. Distant owner, must sell. $600.00. W. G. KRUEGER. 147 N. ComX MUST BE SOLO Make an otfr. Tou may get it at your own price, and terms. Bungalow, & rooms, garage, .paved street. Owner wnn-reirMent- For sale only hy LOUIS BECHTEL, 341 State. Shown by ap pointment. -- EXTRA SPECIAL For one week only. Best buy in the city for the mower Choice lot, with a new garage, f 5SS. SEE BECHTEL 141 state. :. .. . t A 1 mile from Salem, good roadU 1 block off rwivement. 20 4 yr, old walnut trees, 1650. $109. terms-. W. a GRANT, I. J. CRITTENDEN, Mon1 Ruildfne EXCHANGE Real Estate EXCHANGE Comfortable room house, S large lots, fruit and shade trees. Will trade for modern house on small lot. ko mortgage. CHILDS 4 MILLER. Realtors S44 State Street Tel. 8708 FOR SALE FARMS 23 A. 3 ni. S. E. ef Wood burn. room clustered house, barn, garage. I chicken houses, electric lichts, 19 A. berries, good soiL $5000. Trade for hous or small tract close to Salem. ICS A. S mi. from Btayton. SS In cul tivation. 10 A. timber, large bldgs. fenced, S wells, spring, stocked and i equipped. $42 per A. MELVO JOHXSOK, 723 Court Bt. - Telephone S72S. REAL VALUES K acre 5 miles E. of Salem on paved lWghwar. Good 4 -room house, electric lights, barn. $100 cash, balance to suit $650.00 S-acre tract one mile from Salem. City water. . electria lights. No buildings. Easy terms. 1 1 4. a era tract 2 miles from BMlem. ! Fair bouse and barn, terms. $3200.00 - - ' W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Com'L TeL 472$. Let ' me , show you these acreage tracts, 3 acres on pavement, new house, fine location, only $2300.00. SK acres cherries, berries, new house, basement, furnace, fireplace, modern plum bmg. S 4000.00,' terms; h. c SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. TeL 8902. RANCHES B-acres. $1000 3-R. house. barn. good son, give terms. IZtt-AUtUSS Nice 7-R. house, barn and poultry house, an in cultivation, $2(50.00 terms. 2S-ACRES $2250 . This place is a bargain, good soil. fair bldg Podding river, only 7-milef east. Give terma . 9 (-ACRES $5000 This is a' repossessed place and Is worth more, has good improvements, running water. 20-A. good timber, (0 A. cult. Priced very low. give terma K you want to buy or sell it pays to JAR D. SEARS. REALTOR 133 South High Street 21 A. Gates, Ore., lake, running wa ter, summer cabin, fine garden, soil. some . timber, - S300. W. a. J osant, Mwoonle Temple. , MONEY TO LOAN v Automobile and Chattel Loans I te te men the to repay at lowest- pos sible ratea GENERAL FINANCE CORP. A local corporation 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. ' Phone IS51 Licensed by State Any .Kind of Loan You3Vant We arrange Auto. Co-Maker. Furni ture, or Combination loans un tn 3304. hn y m . Reasonable charges. - small monthly payments to suit you income. 1 iirJIilS, CM, . lUDi V UUUIIV ; BENEFICIAL LOAN - SOCIETY OF SALEM Member of NRA Room Itf, New BUgh Bldg; 'I -2nd floor LICENSED NO. S-122 by BTATJs 818 State St. V TeL 8740 Lease Mad la- Nearby Tewoe. S. $. Need . Money ? PTATBS TloAN CO. : 212 Ore. Bldg. Uu No. 6-1 $5. 5 Farm Loans S rtentr ef money for well improved i farms If amply secured, improve or i buy now with cheap money. Ask for ; booklet "Willamette valley Farms.' iiawuns ana Roberts, ado. . Interesting Facts. . . By RALPH XL KLET2LNQ Perhaps the new low telephone rates In Salem, will be claimed as one of the accomplishments of the breakfast club. Harry Collins, manager of the telephone com pany is president. -O- . Scientists gathered at Venice recently learned that the common onion radiates ultra-violet rays and cures many human ills. : - o -Crr It has been learned that some of the vitamins are stored in the body against periods of dietary shortage. - o Sweet corn can be preserved for months by freesing. The change of the sugar Into starch is arrested by the process and the quality preserred. . -o -: German scientists hare perfect ed a method of extracting the cel lulose fibers from wood In such. condition, that they form a satis factory substitute for cotton, wool and silk. " '. MONEY TO LOAN Morton loans on improved Salem houses. A Drama A Ellis. Inc.. Masonic Bid. FOR SALE WOOD- Tj-iJ-xnnxsOisrvyy'T 'II"""""1 Box Just the thing for quick hot fires. A real value in fuel. Telephone U38 Old fir. 2nd growth. TeL 37C1I. sehesassai'asas4ilsSss 4-ft- ash. $4.Tft cS- TeL 7M. rsuru-ujkfr'yr'r'rimi irTt- GUARANTEED tlRT Wood coai fat 300 Salem Fuel Co. Trade Ottsge Dry planer and slab wood. Prompt delivery. TeL 138S. Old fir. It hi, $5.00. TeL 733. Drr old fir. 2nd growth wood. screened hog XueL Fred E. WeUS. IS in. old fir. $5 ed. TeL $93$. Hog fuel and wood. By truck ' or ear lota At mill or delivered. Dave Brown. R. L. Sublimity. TeL Salem 3283. Dry wood, all kinds. Tel. 8088. Wood for sale. $4.35 to $5.60. IS In. 2nd growth. $1.75; 4 ft. $4.35; IS in. old fir, $5.50. TeL 144L Wood All kinds, furnace knots and oak. Tel. 8932. limbs, Special on dry oak and maple while it lasts. TeL 8175. Fir, oak, ash. Reasonable. TeL 3343. WOOD SAWING Wood sawing reasonable. Call 3290. Wood-sawlng. 2980 N. Com'l. 0918. LOST AND FOUND LOST Large bundle laundry on Portland highway Thursday. Shirts initialed WCC. Return Statesman, re ward. LOST White nig Weddle'a garage. Vista, Ore., reward. FOR SALE USED CARS McKay's Used Cars Studebaker Coach 27 Nash Sedan '29 Ford Coupe .; 39 Cbev. Coach t , '29 Chrysler Sedan -'31 Essex Sedan 'it Chev. Coach J2 Ford V-8 Coupe .$ 95.00 125.00 . 185.00 . 245.09 . . 375.00 . 4 5.0 426.00 .4(5.00 475.00 . i. to.oe as t.nev. coupe 33 Chevv cab. 33 Chev. Town 8edaa. 33 Chev. 8edan 33 Pontlae Sedan 33 Ford V-8 Coach - 86.00 Trucks hFord Truck . 295.00 30 Moreland 31 Chev. ... 32 G. M. C. 485.00 425.00 29 Reo, L. W. Terms . Trades Open Evenings and Sundays McKay Chevrolet Co. 333 Center 43$ N. Com'L TeL 2189. --i iii iiiT' ruuiji iuT,uijtriri Valley Motor Co. Used Cars and Trucks 1924 Ford DeLoxe Coupe ;" ts 1933 Ford DeLuxe Couoe 676 1933 Ford DeLuxe Coupe , 4(5 1931 Ford Sport Coupe 300 1933 Ford DeLuxe Sedan (00 1933 Ford Std. Coach . 676 1933 Ford V- Sedan 495 1930 Packard Sedan ,- 850 1928 Packard Sedan 295 1928 Franklin Sedan . S50 193S Continental S Sedan , 425 1928 Hudson Sedan 100 192S Hudson 7-pasa, Sedan 100 Trucks 1922 Ford V-8 dump truck 1933 Ford B4 a W. Base . .2791 - 800 . 460 1938 Ford B4 L. W. Base 1929 Ford A4 Dual tires 186 1931 Ford Gravel dump, as Is 150 192$ Ford with Ruxtell 85 1929 Dodge Gravel dump , 400 193$ Dodge 1-Ton Delivery 85 1926 Dodge -ton Delivery 35 izs rora ranei delivery - s Marlon and Liberty Open Sundays. TeL T919. BARGAINS ON USED CARS 1933 Pontlae 8dn. wh. $745.00 list nasn troupe 6(6.00 646.00 1931 Buick (0 8 Cpe. 1931 Buick $7 Sedan 1927 Packard Sedan . 1928 Dodge Sedan 192S Ford Sedan 1928 Chev. Coach . 525.00 315.00 1(5.00 1(5.00 45.00 86.00 192$ Ford r.oadster 192$ Oldsmobile Codeh ' OTTO J. WILSON Buick. Pontlae Sales and Service 388 N. Com'L TeL 6451 We have an exceptional buy in 29 Ford. 1 14 ton truck. Motor com pletely overhauled, good tires, cab and wood rack. - Ideal for general farm use. BORREOffg CAS MARKET 349 No. Liberty St. TeL 2838. FOR SALE USED CARS 11 Ford CouDe for aale or trade. Want sedan or coach aatne year model or later. Prefer Cher, or Plymouth- TeL- 7553, llii N. CapItoL - Glen Mathls Used Cars are depen dable, la order to make friends In our mw location and to contact our old customers, we art selling ears at err low prices, we enjoy u swaying one, of the largest and moat complete stack of used cars &t the aortnwest. 3 Buick Sport Coupe $295.00 29 Ford Tudor Sedan 29 Ford Coupe R. S. 185.00 186.00 176.00 29 Ford.. Sport Coupe i intr. (uoacn 185.00 148.00 39 Whippet Rdst. It Poetise Coupe 3T Pontlae Sport Coupe 37 ftwtiae Coach 336.00 95.00 !I.H 15.00 65.00 65.00 27 Cher. Coach. 28 Whippet Sport Coupe. zt Fora uoape 1$ Ferd Sport RdsL - 25 Ford Cetme 45.00 $5.00 Ford Touring - .. ;, 24 star Rdst. ... , . .. Com la and took them We trade or pay cash for all cars. Open Kvenmgs and Sundaya , Remember the place. GLEN MATHI3 250 Court Street Salem. Ore. Right Down Town We also do auto-reoairlns- at Terr low prices, an work guaranteed. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. 435 N. Commercial TeL 4(73. USED CARS If the make of car you are interest ed in is Mated here, see these before you buy. open Sundays , 1933 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan 1933 Durant $19 Sedan 1931 Buick R. S. Coupe 1939 Buick. Coach 1930 Durant (0 Sedan 1920 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Roadster 192( Essex Coach 1927 Ford Roadster esArVMrVwNpVeMAAeWAAiWVwVWWVWVt USED CARS 1933 Chevrolet Sedan Master .$515.00 1933 Chevrolet Coupe . . 525.00 1113 Plymouth Coupe ,,. 648.00 1931 Buick Sedan . , 625.00 1929 Hupmoblle Sedan 360.00 1930 Chevrolet Tudor 250.00 1939 Studebaker Coupe 816.00 Savings of $60 to $17$ on new Dod ges ana fiymoutns. . BONESTEELE BROTHERS, INC Visit Our Used Car Lot Corner Liberty te Chemeketa TeL 4444 "C SHROCK to Buy or Sell your ear. m. UMnwcets n Tel. ss Plenty of "Dissr' and "Daffr" Dm tn the SLv Louis line-up defeated De troit is tne world series. Plenty of Das-ltng Values tn our Una up tms week, and you cant bale bat wh it you -piay oair witn ua Here is the batting order : 1929 Nash Sedan, a peach- $29$ 1931 Ford Sport Coupe (perfect)- 325 1930 Ford Cabriolet 283 1929 Chevrolet Coach 345 1920 Chevrolet Coach trunk) 326 192S Chevrolet 4-door Sedan 1S6 1921 Chevrolet Cabriolet $45 193 Essex Coach . $50 1927 Essex Sedan. 4 new tires SS ISIS Overland two-door, runs fin St 193 S Ford f oar-door Sedan , 85 we Fay Cash for Cars MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS "Don't waste your time or money, try us iirst.- - FOR SALES or trade 1910- 3-ton Dodge, Van body, 8-ton capacity. 1928 DON MADISON 64 N. TTIrh MOTORCYCLES -'-- -t - -- ir h n ninruvuxnjxrijri NOW WRECKING '27 Standard Buick 27 Star 'It Ford Delivery '27 Essex 2-Dodge Graham Trucks ACME AUTO A TRUCK WRECKER 4 s. Com'l. Te'. 7722. SCOTTS MILLS, Oct. 12 John Steven Korb, 9. died Thursday morning at his home here. He was born in Marlon, Ohio, la Aug ust, 1865. Mr. Korb was In jured while working on the road three weeks ago, and was Improv ing, being able to be tip and around the house. He had a heart attack while asleep and was found dead by his wife when she awoke. He leaves his wife, Ells, Korb, and three sisters In Los Angeles, He 'was a member of Butte lodge . 0. 0. F., Scotts Mills;. Mr. Korb was married to Miss Ella Scott over 40 years ago, and had lived in this vicinity ever since with the exception of one year, spent in Nevada.; w Funeral services will be h e 1 d Sunday at 2 p. m. at the Eckman chapel In Sllverton with Rev. W. O. Livingstone officiating. Bur ial will be in the LaO. F. ceme tery here. f .' :-- Radio Program Saturday, October IS ' -OCX POKX-A-Tt 1180 Za. 6:30 Concert .-. 7:45 Varieties. 8:80 Cab Call-way's Orebeatr. 0:45 Teas Tiaas. -.-. . v B:00 Words sad Masis, NBC. 9:45 Connie BoiwalL 10:15 Ore-eatrs. 10:80 Clasaieal Soloist. 10:45 Woatea's Hsraxiae ef the Air. NEC. 11:45 Weekend Sevea, KBC 130 Band Msaie. ' 13:85 -Waatara AgrieaU-re, KBC. 1:00 Flsia Tea Masis, KBC. 1:35 Operetie ?eaaa. -. 3:40 Werld Beekataa. 3:30 gjsipheay. 4:00 Orehsatra, KEC. - - 4:45 Musical 6att S:1S Caxetree Ceraivst. XTBC. e:SOTerreee fiaeaen Orchestra. NBC 10:00 Olympians. 10:l K4dle Suar. Pianist. 10:30 Brewa Palaee Hotel Orekestrs, NBC 11:00 Danes l"relie. MaaHa -:f' KX4W MX-Xir 020 Ke. - 7:00 Organ. . T:SO Boaald Bock. ' 8:00 Johaay O'Eriaa.UBa .8:15 Genls FoBsrioT-, KBC. 9:00 Cooking School. - 0:19 Sonrf allows, NBC. 0:30 National Fans aad Bea-i Hear. 13:00 Cliff Natarro, KBC. 12:45 Friendly Chat. 1:30 Chiek Webb. - - -&,- .a . aniv.HBi n.m nM trprr ?- 8:15 Mark Daaielt, Baritone. 10:00 Bine Moonlight KBOL -10:80 Club Vietae- reaeetra, KBC 10:55 Press Bedie Haw a, KBC. 11:00 ABtbstaades Hotel Orebestrs. 11:30-13 Dwlaht Jehasea's Orchestra, KODI TOBTXAITD -40 Xs. ' 8:00 Captl raters, CBS. . ' 9 :00 Connie Gates, Sonrf. CBS. 9:80 Abram Chasias' Pisae Poiaatera, .--,..-: CBS. :- - " 10:00 Ceorge HsH's Orekestrs, CBS. jonpffi Business Directory Cmt& la this directory nui oat a monthly basis only. lUtet S1.00 tier line per month. ANNOUNCEMENT t.E.E. GETZLAFF, It 11 . Physician and Burgeon Announces .the - opening of of Ocee la the First National Bask ' BuOdmff. Room 810. Office TeL 494$. Res. T77L AUTO BRAKES , Mike 278 South Commercial BICYCLES Bought, sold. traded and repaired. Harry W. Scott. 147 a Com'l CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4480. ft, B. Norlhnesa CHIROPRACTORS DR. Q. L SCOTT. PSC, Chiropractor. S N. High. Tat. Kes. IHl ' FLORISTS Brelthaupt'a, 657 Court ALL kinds of floral work. Luts Flor ist. lth A Market TeL 0593, INSURANCE BECKS N. High HENDRICKS TeL 119 4947. LAUNDRIES THS NEW SALEM LADNDR1 THE WEIDSR LAUNURT ! 2(3 & High - TeL 9136. CAPITAL C1TI LAUNDRI First la Quail ty aad Service Telephone lilt 12(4 Broadway. MATTRESSES CAPITOL BEDDING (XX does. NEW MATTRESS made te order, old remada: camel cleaning, awing: flutt rug wearies. Salem fluff Rug A Mat Factory. B. ilia 4k tvtiuur. act. 644L OTTO F. tWICKKR. Est. 191L MUSIC STORES UBO. a. WITT. Piaaae. radios, sewin maciilDeB, sheet musts M piaao stu dies, Repairing radloa, phonographs and sewing machluea, 481 Bute street. Balem. PHOTO ENGRAVERS photo engraving. 147 N. Com- fn ere tat Tl SS1T. PRINTING y STATIONER!, earda, Damph- ists, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Printing DeDartmena 316 8. ComsaerciaL Tele- RADIO SERVICE Moore's. TeL 7992898 N. High. REAL ESTATE BECKE tt HENDRICKS. TeL 4947. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebulit and repaired. An kinds of woven wire fence, fancy' and plain, hop baskets, hooka, sogan hooka satea Fence and Steve Works, 8SS Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. R, Fleming, repair stoves, ranges, circulators.! Sell new and rebuilt stoves, ranges and circulator-, atoc-t fence, posts, chicken wire. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 282 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TRANSFER FOR local or distant transfer ateraae. call 813 L Lermer Transfer Co. Trecas j te roruaso oauy. CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 221 State St. TeL TIT 3. Distributing for warding aad . storage oor specialty. HAND WEAVING Krcliisrve head woven bags, carta, ptUowe aad ruga. Ugohe Hand Wtvt' ers. See IS. loth St TeL 6830. WEIX DRILLING R. A. West. 29 years expexieeoa, RTU 7. ho- sea Tet, iters. 10:45 Esther VaUa' Orekestrs, CBS. 12 :15 Chanaonetta, CBS. - 12:45 Satardsy Sya-epatora, CBS. 1:45 Suaferd vs. ' -terfhwastern TJai- varaity. 4:45 The Lawyer and the PebHe, CBS. i:v 4ie oi -teajamta Jrraiutna. 8:45 Hedge Pedge Lodge, CB. 9:00 Melrey's Palm Garden Bead. 9:80 Jos Haymea' Orehaatrs. CBB. 10:45 Viaeeat Lopes' Orehsatra, CBS. ll:0o Dwisht .ehaaea's Orekestra, rOAO COBVALLIS 659 Xs. 9 :00 Horn. Eceaomies Observer. S:80 What U 1m Good Taste I Betty Steel, presideat Ataocisted Wonr ea Students. O.B.U i 11:00 Spade. Picks and Are-aeolegy ' Aataoay J-awer. 12:00 Neoa Turn Hosr. 4 i ) 2:00 Football Game: . TJalvsralty ef , Oregon vs. Univsraity ef Waab ' ' ' inrton. . -.-.- ' 5:45 The Vespers Spooaore by the Stadeat T.M.CLA. aad T.W.OA. 8:30 Fmrm Hour. . 7:45 Science News ef the Week, v NOTICE OF FINAL KENT SETTLE- Notice Is hereby glren that the undersigned has filed In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Marlon, his dniv verified Final Account, as Administrator of the ! estate i of Annie B. Bolter deceased, ' and that said Court has fixed Tues day, the 16th daf of October. 1934. at the hour of ten o'clock A. VL of said day. as the time, and the County Court Room in - the County Court house at Salem, in Marion County; Oregon, as the, place tor ' tteariag said : final ac count and all objections thereto; Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 15th day of September, 1934. f . m C, A. KURRE, Administrator of th Estate of Annie B. Bolter, Deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER, " Attorney for Administrator, " Salem. Oregon. , 6.1S-33-230--13. raticE S OBSERVED HERE Clover seed prices, on both red and alslke, advanced a cent a pound yesterday, with 1.7 cents offered on . red and - three . cents higher on alslke. . Pullets were up to 14 and 16 cents per pound. : Wheat increased a cent a bushr el and malting barley was up a dollar a ton. " Extra eggs were also up, to 30 cents a dosen to the producer.. BOSTON, Oct. 12. - (P) - The Commercial Bulletin will say to morrow:' ; " -- "The 'movement of woll has slackened again in the country, where some relatively low priced wools were moved ever the past fortnight, as prices on these wools have strengthened, r In the eastern-seaboard' markets, there has been little change. Bright fleeces are easier. - "Reports from retail centers in dicate a better movement of goods but apparently the tremen dous carryover in goods of the past year has prevented much re placement as yet from the mills. "Foreign markets have been a bit Irregular but in the main steady England and Japan con- tinned ehiet buyers In the-primary markets. "Mohair continues slow and prices little more than nominaL' The Bulletin "will publish the following quotations: Domestic, scoured basis: Oregon: Fine and F. M. sta ple, 73-74; fine and F. M. Fr. combing, 70-72: fine and F. M. clothing 2-f5. Mohair: Oregon 40-43; third combing 45-50; fourth combing 40-45; good carding 40-45; first kid 75-73; second kid 65-68. NOTICE Call for Warrants . All warrants of School- District No. 24, Marlon County, Oregon, to and including No. 931S hare been called. Please present at Ladd and Bush, Salem, Oregon, for payment. W. H. BURGHARDT, Cleric 013-17-21 novum TJCCHAHQZ POETLAXD. Oro., Oct. 12. (API Predaee exehsag., net priest Botter xtraa, 27 He; ktaadards, 27e; pnras firsts, tSHe; firsts, 24e. gga: V. specials, S3e; U. 8. sxtrsi, (lc; C. medium extras, aae. Portland Grain PORTIiAXD. Ore Oct. 12. (AP) Wheit Opea May 88 Uigb Low Class 88H 80 88H December 85 86 SS 8S Cash: Big See; dark bard winter, 13 per cent, 98 He; do, 11 per cent, 91 e; soft white, northern i spring sad westers red, 84 He; veatera white, Bltte; aara winter, STe. Oste No. 2 white $33. Corn Xs. 21 yellow $ 34.50. HiUrnn Stsadsrd S2LS0. Portland Produce POSTLJUSD. Ore- Oe. IS. AP Better Prist, A grade, TStte; parcb- inent wrapped carteas, 80 He lb.; qsaa- tity parchsaes. Ha leaa; B grade, parch ment wrapped, 30e lb.; do, carton, SOe lb. Batterfst Portland delivery: A grade delivery at least twice weekly, 28-39e lb.; country routes, 25-25e lb.; B grade r delivery fewer than twice wsekly Portlaad. ST-S8e Ihwr eeaatry coutem, se ts, lb.; C grade at market. -ret Sales to retailers ; specials, S4c; sxins, 83c; fresh extra brews, 8 Se; ataadatda, 27e; trash asadisaaa, 26c; Bte dhoa firsta, 23c: vUsL le: d. firat-. 1T; ekecka, 25c; bakers, 80s dosea. . Xggs Buying pries ef -wholesalers: freak specials, 80s; extrss, 3 8-3 9e; freak extra brews, 28-29e; sxtrs' firsts, 21ej extra aaedism, 24o; mediani firsts, 20- 21c: IUt. 11-18.: de. firsts, lee; - dsrsd 15-16. deseav . Cheese es seere, Oregon triplet a, iser loaf. t4e. brokers will par He below qaotstieaa. .. s atilk ceatrset enee per an; Portland delivery. 83.20 ewt: B grade cream, 87 He Ib. -. Ceaatrr meats -aeiusg price te re- Uilers: Ceaatry killed hoga, beet bntek- . aadar ue ids. lo-ue id.: vesf . faacy. 10-10 Us lb,: Ugkt sad this.; 140-170 lbs- 5-Ta lb. heavy. 4-6e lb.; fsaey Umka, 10 H -lie; ewi 8-5e lb.: eatter sews, 4-6e lb.; eaanars. mm lb.: aajia. snv-ee m. Jtshalr 1984 baying price, ise la. Casesrs bark Esjiag pHec, 1984 neeL Se lb. - iiooe -ise raxriea. see m.i smstsn ii-zoe eissters. ase is. -t Lira sea iter --Portland, dsn very bay ing price: Colored heae eader 6H Ibs ISe; do ever ' iba., IS. lb.; Leg horn fowls, ever 8H lbs--10e; do.aa def 8H Iba.. -10e lb. 1 colored broil ers, 1H tt S lbs, 13e: broilers, sader 3 lbs 13a; roosters, 5a lb.; pekia docks. 10-Ila Tb.1 do colored. S-S lb. Oaioss oreres, Ta-sos per so-id. sag; CT! Wall-. 65-70. Peaateee Oregon Bareaass, soe-ft per eanUl; Taklma genu, Ne. 1, $1.00-1.05 per eeatal; Desebates trems. He. 1. $1.15- .ZO ; wrefon trsnu. ish misi. (Jantaie-ees Btasaarss, u-t.u vur erates Besebarg. tl.4S-l.oB pee erste. cms.: B-aebarc. SL1S-3.50 eer erataw Wool 1 4 enp, aenunai; wiium-t vaUey. stediom. 0e is.: flea or hsU- bioed. sos lb.: isma ise w.r eastera Oregee. 1T-20 lb.; seatbern Idaho, ( ) tb. Hay Bariag price from prodscera: US HIT General Markets alfalfa. Ke. L aew crop, 818; east- era Orecea timetbv. $17: oata. 818 teat vetch, $18; Willamette valley timothy, $13.50 toa; clover, $13 tea, PorUsad. Portland Livestock4 POSO-ASD. Ore- Oct. 13. (AT) Cattle Beeeipts, ee s salves, 40, stescy. Steers, good, eommoa aad ateanus. I $3,00 0.35: hoifera, Sgoed, eemmen aad audio--. S3.0O-4.50: cows. good, eemmen and mediant ss.2s-B.Ta: tew eatter ratter, 91.25-3.25; balls, goad sad choice. 88.00-S.60; eatter, eommoa-and maoism, 2. 25-3. 00; vaalera, geod end eheiee, 35 7; eali. eommoa sad mediam, $-.60-5.00; ealve good, common sad SMdism, $3.50- S.aO. - ' - : -: " - -' - - . - Hers Beeeiota. 800 steady. - Licktweigbt. good aad eheiee, $5.00- I 6.09 ; mediem weight, good aad choice. $5.90-6.00; heavyeeirht good sad eaoiee. $3J05.75 ; packing sews, aaedism good, fS.OO-4.00; feeder and atoek.r aad pigs. geod and reoiee, f 4-475. Bneei ueeetDta. 100: stesay. Lambs, good aad choice. S5.0O-6.50 I yaarUag wethers. 83.25-4.00 j ewes, sod eteiee.; eaU, sammoa good end i me-i tun, .75-z.OO. Salem Markets 1 EM); tirade 15 raw 4 per rent, milk, co-op pool price $1JI1 per Jiundrrd. tMUk. Used as sead-meatary ' battertat averagai V Distributor price $32.10. f Batterfat Top 28c aad 27c; B 'grade prints, 28 He; A. grade prints, 29 He - Prias paid te .iwert t. Sales Ssreta October II (Tfee prices beie. .ppii4 by 'a local grocer, are iadleatiTS ef the daily market. bat ere cm gnsreateed by Te btstee- sisa.) ; ' FHL'ITS (Buytni Price) " Craaoerriea, "4 bbL 2.73 Grapetrait, crate 3.50 to 4.50 CaMbat. lb. .02 H Oraares, Valendas, fancy 8.50 te 4.5o nassaav in ea stalk .os Haass - oo ' ltaon " M t 6.23 I .Imea frets, . l.oe Cantaloupe, local 1.25 2.00 .58 , 1.85 1.7 t.75 -15- .03 l.oe .60 I'iBcsppleS. doc. Urn pit Local Concord, lag Seedless ,. Lady r inters Red Malagas "lexer Is. Apples, baaks' Oe te Pears, leeil, bit . :-. . 4e aad (Bsviog Pries) Pickling eaenrabers. lb. 03 te .OS .05, .75 V 1.00 1.00 .OS S.60 3.60 .03 f.oo t.oe .90 .17 tj .01 .OS -25.- - .80 .42 y, 8.00 .08 .75 Beset, lb. ' . , BadiSBes,- , . Seatsser seaesb, crate .60s te Local celery, dea. 75 to Caaliflewer -. Egg Plant, local, lb. Cabbaga. twt. local ... ., Wssaincten. ewt. Greea peppers, local, lb. , Oniona, Waahiagtea. SO lbs. lwsl eaioas, fiv iba. Lettoce. IseaL erate -7Se te Onions, GaUf. 80 Iba Beets, leeal dea. . Sqoash. Babbards sad Baaaaa Feaa. BsatUo. lb. - Carre ta, loeal. dot, 20e te Kew Petateea - Kk a. aaadred , " No. 8, haadred , " Takfaaa. SO lbs. ,. Sweat eetateee j Coaat Peaa Is. ,. - Quiaea, ba. ', . , , , nura IBanae Prlee) aaster. 1934,. Ib top, IS .18 .33 legfies, 1S34, top, Ik. EQvo t Baring Price) Extrss JO .37 .25 .82 J29 .27 .15 Standards Medinms Wholeaale Sailing pries xtras ,, . Staadsrds ,. - , stsdinms Pallet err .14 WOOL AND HOB A IK (Baying Pries) lfehala 1924 die no narket ktiaat ereeL 10S4k. .23 Coeiae sad tin. vmI, 104 .10 roui.TKr tBirlnt Pries) Beavy leal. 4i to 5 lbs. .10 .10 .10 .08 .09 .15 J4 .o Over S sennda. Is. Clerad w-diaa, Ik. Medium Leghorns, lb. Light, lb. Broilers, colored. Ik. liexaera. Is. stags, lb. UK AT (Bariag Priest Bpriag lasiH 4,50 to 8.00 Tsarllags " Ewes Hoga. ISO-ISO ,08 sad .03 H .01 Mi iba. 4 5.75 170210 lbs. lbs. 5.75 5.50 .03 H to .05 .01 H te .08 02 to .03 210-250 StearS Cows Balls Heifers 02 te .08 VseL tep Dreaaed vead. 4.50 to- 5.0O top .08 Lhrested sen 48 GRAIN AND HAT I Buying Price) westers red - Whest, .81 Cross-Word Puzzle By EUGENE SHEFFER 1 WL iL--- ij 7ff h n m id R 53" i:f"-!!"L-:i l.Il- i i" n. . 35 h , 7ff 26 777 37 lcT -J&'-JZa- . j, 2z -. - 422. ---- 41 1 y-l 1 y-l n HORIZONTAL 1 percentage paid for exchange of currency 5 mineral spring 8 paces 13 luxuriant 13 somber 14-rrrbal 15- erdef whsJee 16 crowd 18 Greek letter IP sufflx: per taining to 20 one of a tribe of Pueblo ' Indians 21 Greek letter 23 pronoun 24 poplar '25 enatch - i away IS grumble 2P defile be- tween hills W beinf in the most ab ' .- stract sense 12 tnasculine - - nutme : 83 laborioca -. pullinjr 24 club used as a weapon . 85 coloring . matter 1 8 rotatLn : . piece on a wheel 37 -mall wax - candle 38 ne of a -htric tribe 40 male children 41 by 43 Chinese measure 44 constant . succession ' 45 lUlian river -, 47 pull with force 49 small twig 61 possessire -l ' pronoun 52 blameless 5 heavy hair on the neck of some animals W imiUU 57 hastens VXRT1CAL 1 seaweed - - HerewiUi Is the eotution to terdays p-xxle. ass C-rrrUM. utt, ffiife 60 STILL I1B PORTLAND, OCT. 12. - (P) - Fnrther advance in the price on top grade eggs here saggeeted the ; general betterment la the fresh ; market throughout the country.. The latest adyance of lc for spe cials, ' extras and pullets, w a s named by Oregon Laid Eggs ft. Poultry, and quickly followed a Imllar movement of values in the New York trade. ; 1 Storage egg market was weak ening bat mixing of these with fresh goods and sale as the latter was still reported by some inter--ests who-shade prices. ; Quality butter was holding at least steady locally but there was ' more or less weakness in the un derscores on account of liberal stocks retained in store. No change in general prices for the day. - The expected slam in chicken price was shown. At least t n e -buying value- was down. Bids are now down to 9 c lb. which is a near all-time low for the trade here. : - ! - . Owing to the congestion"? shown : here at the moment, some' of the ' leading receivers are asklig that j the country (withhold its turkeys ' from the market and advife that better returns would probably be -available later. With some interests Quoting resales of Deschutes No. 1 po- - - tatoes to 31.15 cental, the market reflected a generally weak and - dull tone. Scappoose Gems were finding favor at the late low, price. Zimmerman Sale To Be Saturday A Zimmerman sale will be held ' at Jefferson Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with an address to be given there at the same time by Alvin Esson, Zimmerman chair man for Linn county. Jake Gil- more will be chairman of the sal'). an event similar to others being held oyer the county to add shek- els to the campaign coffers of this independent candidate. LOUSE PIXCTJ8 SCED DALLAS, Oct. 12. The Meier & Frank company filed a com plaint here today against Louise Pineus In which the plaintiff seeks to collect for goods sold and de lirered to the defendant The com plaint asks for a Judgment tor $438.45 with interest, and the plaintiff's costs and disburse ments. White, X. l Birlay. feed. Ka, L. toa Melting, toa Feed, ton - . .83 . .58.00 .88.00 .20.00 Hay. buying ptu Clover aay . 9.00 . e.oo -11.00 Oata sad vetch, tea Alfalfa, -alley, i rat eat Clover Seed- Bed, lb. .17 J20 .80.00 .27.00 AUiks. lb. I Vetch seed, teat Oats, milling, toa 2 security ; : 2 doctrine . d exclamation 6 small piece of rock Persian fairy 7 also ' 8 -depart 9 part of "to be" 10 uncom plaining endurance 11 thin narrow bar of wood IS enter eover f in of aay fruit 17 departure 20 cipher 25 beats the wings with . Impatience 26 cerering for the floor 27 springs 28 turf 29 substance exuded by plants tl weight ef India 33 email flap ' 34 pertaininsr to the Isle of Man Sobrittle 87 strong 29 Hebrew , name lcr 40 cut into " ' .. parts 41 eulphate of 'potassium . .j A and' - - t ahnzdnon ' 42 Ash of tfaa . snackerel-- fanuly t 44 draw or. ' bind tiR-htly together- , 45 whimper , 48 native componnda '48 alcoholic bevenute ' E 3 -seed of a U-rio n "vine -H Japanese ash 53 aays elf 'u? Mxdamatlojj" 22 provided that Kb rettstai Srsdhata ba